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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Student-teachers' instructional communication skills and their development / Būsimųjų mokytojų pedagoginio bendravimo gebėjimai ir jų ugdymas(is)

Viršulienė, Kristina 22 December 2014 (has links)
The research by Lithuanian and foreign scientists justify the fact that instructional communication becomes a topical objective in the teacher-students’ professional self-development. Instructional communication is defined as a complex integral phenomenon, the most significant part of teacher’s activity, joining together all other activities into the whole and having an impact on pupil’s and teacher’s interaction, success of the self-developmental process. Teacher’s informative-communicative, perceptive, interactive skills of instructional communication perform a multifunctional role in pupils’ self-developmental process, while designing their world of values, motivating them to learn all life long, embed the attitudes of humanism, democracy, etc. Scientific literature data and legal documents‘ analysis substantiate theoretically the development of student-teachers’ instructional communication topical and points out the problem of its insufficient research. The aim of the research is to reveal peculiarities and dynamics of student‘s and teachers‘ instructional communication in the study process. The data of the empirical research revealed and substantiated prerequisites for student-teachers’ self-development of instructional communication skills: one’s self-determination to become a teacher, interpersonal relationship in a study group, carrying out practical tasks under the guidance of competent supervisors in particular. The integration of theoretical knowledge on... [to full text] / Lietuvos ir užsienio mokslininkų darbai pagrindžia, kad pedagoginis bendravimas – aktualus siekinys būsimųjų mokytojų profesiniame ugdyme(si). Pedagoginis bendravimas apibrėžiamas kaip sudėtingas integruotas reiškinys, svarbiausia mokytojo veiklos dalis, jungianti į visumą visas kitas veiklas bei lemianti mokinio ir mokytojo sąveiką, ugdymo(si) proceso sėkmingumą. Mokytojo pedagoginio bendravimo informaciniai-komunikaciniai, percepciniai, interakciniai gebėjimai atlieka polifunkcinį vaidmenį mokinių ugdymo(si) procese, kuriant vertybinį pasaulį, motyvuojant mokymąsi visą gyvenimą, įtvirtina humaniškumo, demokratiškumo nuostatas ir kt. Darbe mokslinės literatūros analize aktualizuota būsimųjų mokytojų pedagoginio bendravimo ugdymo(si) aukštojoje mokykloje nepakankamo mokslinio ištyrimo problema, todėl išsikeltas tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti būsimųjų mokytojų pedagoginio bendravimo ypatumus ir dinamiką studijų procese. Remiantis empirinio tyrimo rezultatais atskleistos ir pagrįstos būsimųjų mokytojų pedagoginio bendravimo gebėjimų ugdymo(si) prielaidos: pasiryžimas dirbti mokytoju, tarpasmeniniai santykiai studijų grupėje, savarankiškos praktinės užduotys konsultuojant kompetentingiems vadovams. Taip pat pagrįstas integruoto pedagoginio bendravimo ugdymo pozityvus poveikis studentams: jų profesiniam (stiprėjantis apsisprendimas būti mokytoju), dalykiniam (sąmoningas siekis gilesnio dalykinio išprusimo) apsisprendimui, tarpasmeninių santykių grupėje dinamikai ir kt.

Mokytojų darbe patiriamo streso sąsaja su fiziniu aktyvumu ir nutukimu / The interrelationship between physical activity and obesity in a teacher‘s work

Kruoliūtė, Vitalija 19 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo objektas: mokytojų darbe patiriamo streso sąsaja su nutukimu ir fiziniu aktyvumu. Tikslas:ištirti mokytojų darbe patiriamo streso, nutukimo ir fizinio aktyvumo sąsajas. Uždaviniai: 1. Palyginti kūno masės indeksą jaunesnių ir vyresnių mokytojų bei vyrų ir moterų grupėse. 2. Palyginti mokytojų fizinį aktyvumą turinčių ir neturinčių antsvorio grupėse. 3. Įvertinti mokytojų darbe patiriamo streso, nutukimo ir fizinio aktyvumo sąsajas. Tyrimo metodai: 1. Literatūros apžvalga. 2. Anketinė apklausa. Karasek ir kt. (1985) darbo klausimynu (angl. The job content Questionnaire (JCQ)) stresui įvertinti ir Godin, G. ir R. J. Shephard (1985) laisvalaikio klausimynu (Angl. Godin Leisure – Time exercise Questionnaire) fizinio aktyvumo įvertinimui. 3. Tyrimo duomenims apdoroti buvo taikoma statistinė duomenų analizė naudojant programų paketą SPSS 20.0 for Windows. Tyrimo organizavimas: Anketinė apklausa atlikta 2014 metų sausio mėnesį. Buvo apklausta 125 Plungės miesto mokytojų (moterų 101, vyrų 24) iš Plungės Senamiesčio mokyklos, Plungės Ryto pagrindinės mokyklos ir Plungės Saulės gimnazijos. Anonimines anketas mokytojai gavo elektroniniu paštu. Išvados: 1. Vyresnių mokytojų grupėje kūno masės indeksas yra didesnis nei jaunesnių, vyrų kūno masės indeksas yra šiek tiek didesnis nei moterų. 2. Didesnis kūno masės indeksas vyresniame amžiuje siejasi su mažesniu fiziniu aktyvumu. 3. Tarpmokytojų darbe patiriamo streso, fizinio aktyvumo ir nutukimo reikšmingų sąsajų nėra. Pasiūlymai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The main objective: the interrelation between obesity and physical activity in a teacher‘s work. Aim: to research how the stress teachers experience at work, obesity and physical activity are interrelated. Tasks: 1. To compare the body weight index in groups of junior and senior, male and female teachers. 2. To compare physical activity in groups of overweight teachers and those having normal weight. 3. To investigate how stress, physical activity and obesity are interrelated. Methods of interview: 1. Literature review. 2. Questionare review. Karasek and other, the job content questionaire to value the stress (JCQ)) and Godin, Leisure – Time exercise Questionnaire to value pshysical active. Research organisaton The questionaire review was accomplished on January , 2014. Were interviewed 125 teachers of Plungė (womens 101, mens 24) from Plungės Senamiesčio school, Plungės Ryto basic school and Plungės Solar gymnasium. The questionaire was anonymous. Conclusions: 1. The body weight index in groups of older teachers is higher than that of younger male teachers and a little bigger than the body weight index among females. 2. A bigger body weight index in older age associates with less physical activity. 3. Stress that teachers experience at work, physical activity and obesity are not interrelated. Suggestions and recommendations: 1. Leaflets describing positive effects of physical activity could be distributed in schools. They could also offer information about interrelation... [to full text]

Sportinių renginių organizavimas mokyklose / Organization of sporting events at school

Mankus, Egidijus 20 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo problema: ar sporto renginiai yra populiarūs ir reikalingi mokyklose? Tyrimo objektas: mokinių ir mokytojų nuomonė apie mokykloje organizuojamus sporto renginius. Tyrimo tikslas: nustatyti ir palyginti mokinių ir mokytojų nuomonę apie mokykloje organizuojamus sportinius renginius. Baigiamojo darbo uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti mokykloje organizuojamų sportinių renginių dažnį, rūšis ir požiūrį į juos mokytojų ir mokinių nuomone. 2. Nustatyti sportinių renginių lankomumą mokytojų ir mokinių nuomone. 3. Nustatyti veiksnius, skatinančius dalyvauti sportiniuose renginiuose mokytojų ir mokinių nuomone. 4. Nustatyti sportinių renginių poreikį ir jų poveikį kitiems dėstomiems dalykams mokytojų ir mokinių nuomone. Išvados: 1. Mokytojų ir mokinių nuomone sporto renginiai mokyklose yra organizuojami kas 3 – 6 mėnesius. Dažniausiai mokyklose yra organizuojami sporto renginiai susieti su krepšiniu. Mokiniams yra suteikiamos tinkamos sąlygos lankytis sportiniuose renginiuose, kurių laikas yra suderinamas su pamokų laiku ir renginiuose gali dalyvauti visi norintieji. Mokytojai dažniau nei mokiniai teigiamai vertina mokyklose organizuojamus sportinius renginius. 2. Mokiniai dažniau nei mokytojai mano, jog sportiniais renginiais labiau domisi berniukai. Mokiniai dažniau nei mokytojai mano, kad aktyviausi sporto renginiuose yra 8-10 klasių moksleiviai. Mokiniai dažniau nei mokytojai nurodė, kad moksleiviai dažniausiai lankosi tik tam tikro pobūdžio renginiuose. 3. Vyksiančiais sporto... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Problem: are sporting events popular and required at school? Object: teachers and students opinion about sporting events organized at school Purpose: to determine and to compare students' teachers' opinions about sports events organized at school. Tasks: 1. To set frequency, type, teachers and students approach to sporting events organized at school. 2. To set attendance of sporting events by students' and teachers' opinions. 3. To identify factors that encourage participation in sporting events by students' and teachers' opinions. 4. To identify need of sporting events and their effect to other taught school subject. Conclusions. 1. Teachers` and students` consider that school sporting events are held every 3-6 months (p = 0.209). More often at schools are organized sports activities related to basketball (p = 0.432). Students have right conditions to visit sporting events, which are consistent with their school time and open to all who want to participate in them (p = 0.251). Teachers more often than students assess sporting events at schools better (p = 0.000). 2. Students more often than teachers believe that boys are more interested in sporting events (p = 0.043). Students more often than teachers believe that the most active in sporting events are students of grade 8-10 (p = 0.041). Students more often than teachers indicate that students usually visit only certain types of events (p = 0.004). 3. Students are interested of ongoing sporting events presenting them... [to full text]

Mokyklų vidaus auditas kaip mokytojų bendruomenės mokymasis / The internal school audit as teachers’ learning.Master’s work

Kirilova, Galina 16 August 2007 (has links)
Lietuva rūpinasi švietimo kokybe. Valdyti kokybę, žinoti, kur mes esame tarp kitų Europos šalių padeda švietimo monitoringas, kurio dalis yra mokyklų vidaus auditas. Vykdydami mokyklų vidaus auditą, mokytojai išmoksta daug naujų dalykų. Šio magistrinio darbo tikslas – ištirti vidaus audito įtaką mokytojų mokymuisi. Uždaviniai: išanalizuoti literatūrą šiuo klausimu; ištirti mokytojų požiūrį į auditą; aptarti vidaus audito įtaką mokytojų mokymuisi. Darbe taikyti šie metodai: teoriniai – literatūros ir auditą reglamentuojančių dokumentų studijavimas, empiriniai – respondentų (mokytojų) nuomonių išsiaiškinimas anketavimu. Tyrimai parodė, kad mokytojai patys imasi stebėti, apmąstyti ir, remdamiesi išvadomis, gerinti savo veiklą. Auditas skatina mokytojus mokytis, nuolat tobulėti. Dalyvaudami audite mokytojai išmoko analizuoti visos mokyklos veiklą, išskirti privalumus ir trūkumus, nustatyti mokyklos plėtros prioritetus. Auditas tapo geru mokytoju. Mokytojai išmoko dirbti komandoje, priimti kito žmogaus nuomonę, siekti bendro tikslo, įsivertinti savo darbą ����� tai padeda gerinti ugdymo kokybę. Šis magistrinis darbas gali būti tolesnių tyrimų apie mokyklos vidaus audito įtaką mokytojų mokymuisi, apie mokyklą kaip besimokančią organizaciją pagrindas. / Lithuania cares for education quality. The internal school audit is a part of education monitoring, which helps to increase quality and to know the level which Lithuania takes among the others European countries. Performing the internal school audit, the teachers learn a lot of new things. The aim of this magistrate work is to research the audit influence on the teachers’ learning. The objectives of this work are to analyze the publications related this question, to investigate the teachers’ attitude to audit, to describe the audit influence to the teachers’ learning. In this work the following methods are used: theoretical methods – investigation of publications and documents regulating the audit; empirical methods –identification of the teachers’ attitude by means of questioning. The investigations showed that the teachers begin to observe, consider, and relying on the conclusions, improve their work. Audit makes the teachers to learn and perfect themselves constantly. Taking part in audit, teachers acquired to analyze the whole school work, to see the advantages and disadvantages, to define the priorities of school development. Audit became a good teacher for teachers. The teachers learned work as a team, to accept the others people opinion, to aspire to the common purpose, to evaluate their work that helps to improve quality of education. Present magistrate work can become the base for the further investigations in the sphere of audit influence to the teachers’ work... [to full text]

Lietuvos mokytojų profesinių grupių įtaka švietimo kaitai / Lithuania teachers unions influence on the education changes process

Kuzmickienė, Paulė 17 June 2005 (has links)
Theme of the Master degree – Lithuania teachers‘ unions influence on the education changes process. The theme is relevant, as it seeks to value teachers‘ unions influence on the education changes process. Teachers‘ unions activities in Lithuania have not been researched. In this paper is analysed how education changes process, education policy‘s usefulness depends on social organizations‘ involvement into this process. Namely teachers‘units, unifying teachers, who directly participate in education process, can help education politics to make rational decisions and to prompt teachers to improve, play up public not only in the direct work, but also creating education policy. Problem of the research. Education is related with permanent changes process, therefore Lithuania‘s general training marks, quality characteristics, activity‘s usefulness, teachers‘ improvement and certification are revised. In this plane also centralization/decentralization process, functions‘ distribution among separate education links questions and another group of the questions – teachers‘ work conditions, payments and etc. It is necessary to involve as many participants as possible into education policy‘s creation, to develop social dialogue. Teachers, united into unions, seek to participate into education changes process and to represent their interests. Here arise the problem do teachers‘ unions have opportunity to influence education changes process determining decisions at the national and... [to full text]

Utenos rajono pradinių klasių mokytojų saviugdos edukologinės dimensijos / Educational dimensions of self-help of primary teachers in Utena region

Vaičiūnienė, Stanislava 07 June 2006 (has links)
The actuality of the problem. The subject on educational dimensions of self-help of primary teachers in Utena region is topical in social, scientific theoretical and practical regard. As it is noted in the guideline of education of Lithuania, Lithuania like all the Europe is taking a step to the age of Knowledge full of new challenges. “The globalization, burst of information. The fast change, the solution of society – are the challenges, which raise a claim for the individual, society and the system that develops them” (Guideline of education. 2003–2012 m. project). The authoress does the survey of educational dimensions of self-development (methods, forms, motives, sources, means, levels and trends, role) of primary teachers of Utena region in this work trying to clear what are the dimensions of self-help of primary teachers in Utena region. 204 primary teachers participated in the survey. The survey was done in December 2005, in January – February 2006. The questionnaire was filled in all schools of Utena region, where are primary classes by the teachers who worked the last 5 years in primary forms. The most important methods of self-development of primary teachers of Utena region are the following: self-education, self-estimation and self-control. Many see these most important motives of self-help: sense of duty, search of purpose of life and improving the professional activity. As the most acceptable form of self-help... [to full text]

Ugdymo organizavimo tobulinimas muzikos mokyklose / The Development of Education at Music Schools

Mateikienė, Nijolė 25 May 2005 (has links)
The opportunity of development of education at Music Schools is analyzed in the Master’s Paper. The main purpose is to achieve the improved education programs. The key questions and answers are presented in this paper: why do the students attend the music school, does the education organized by the music school reflect the requirements, interests of the students and a question of expressiveness. To solve this pedagogical problem, the hypothesis has been presented- the musical education of music school students is more effective if the offered programs and the achievements of the students are combined. Also the requests of the students are important and as a result, different types of learning and teaching methods have been chosen to improve the education process. The research subject- the means to organize the education process at music schools. The aim of the research work- to investigate and evaluate the possibility to develop the education process at music schools. To achieve the goal, the following research tasks have been presented: 1) to investigate the problems while organizing the education of music schools; 2) to clear out the efficiency of the proposed programs while meeting the needs and interests of the students; 3) to examine the position of the parents, teachers and students’ about the possibilities to organize the education of the music schools. The questionnaires and pedagogical observation, used during the research work, enabled to affect the analysis of... [to full text]

Skambinimo fortepijonu įgūdžių vaidmuo rengiant kompetentingus bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos muzikos mokytojus / The role of skills playing the grand piano, preparing competent, general education school, music teachers

Masiukova, Liudmila 25 May 2005 (has links)
In this postgraduate conclusive work there is analyzed the role of skills playing the grand piano, preparing competent music teachers in the general education schools. The music teacher is not only the educator elucidating the secrets of music matters, but also a musician-performer, so his musical experience is very essential. The education reform obliges the latter-day educator to renew constantly, and today’s of today education process is polarized towards new content, methods and tenets. Therefore the training requirements for music teacher are particularly high and diverse. Performative skills are extremely important. And capability to readjust these skills for artistic educational purposes during lesson and out-of-school musical activity is necessary. Against all strides there is a set of unsolved problems musical education is still clashing with. Accordingly, not only theoretical but also practical readiness is very essential preparing forthcoming educators. It is seeking to analyze the level of skills playing the grand piano and using them in practice. Using method of literary analyze there are investigating the formation aspects of theoretical skills and using them in different conditions. As educational-psychological literary analyze had shown, moving the skill to other conditions is very complicated process of human being psychological activity, requesting disciplined training, long and thorough work and is directly dependent on activity, interest and more other... [to full text]

Mokytojų kompiuterinio raštingumo vystymo strategija / The development of teachers‘ computer literacy strategy

Kantauskaitė, Gabija 01 June 2005 (has links)
The master‘s final paper analyzes the concept of computer literacy and it‘s change. The paper characterizes the obligatory content of computer literacy for teachers described in the standart of teacher computer literacy. The thorough analysis of teachers’ computer literacy strategy is made while analyzing the documents of Lithuanian Republic. The paper presents the analyzed strategy based on the K. Andrews conceptual strategy model. The teachers’ opinion about the integration of IT in educational process, computer literacy and its perception, development strategy is discussed on the grounds of the results of the carried out research. The master‘s final paper proves the hypothesis that computer literacy strategy is optimally carried out in Lithuania, therefore every teacher has an opportunity to achieve computer literacy and to master the knowledge gained.

Mokyklos vadovo vadovavimas kaip prielaida mokytojų naujų kompetencijų įgijimo ir tobulinimo procese / The importance of the schoolmaster’s superintendence in the process of acquirement and perfection of the teacher’s new expertise

Jusionis, Jelena 23 January 2008 (has links)
Pagrindinis darbo tikslas- ištirti mokyklos vadovo vadovavimo reikšmę pedagogų naujų kompetencijų įgijimo ir tobulinimo procese. Tikslui pasiekti keliami šie uždaviniai: analizuojant mokslinę literatūrą išsiaiškinti vadovo vadovavimo, bei mokytojų kompetencijų sampratas; apibrėžti mokyklos vadovo vadovavimo reikšmę pedagogų naujų kompetencijų ugdymo aspektu; išanalizuoti pedagogų kompetencijų tobulinimo tendencijas, bei jų požiūrį į vadovo sukuriamus veiksnius tobulinimosi procese; ištirti įstaigos vadovo požiūrį į pedagogų naujų kompetencijų plėtojimo galimybes. Darbą sudaro 3 dalys. Pirmoje darbo dalyje yra nagrinėjamos vadovo samprata ir aplinka, įvairiais aspektais aptariamas sėkmingas vadovavimas mokytojų tobulinimo procesui, jį veikiančios socialinės sąveikos, pedagogų kompetencijų sampratos bei jų tobulinimo galimybės. Antroje dalyje yra pateikta tyrimo metodika, bei tyrimo algoritmas. Trečioje darbo dalyje apžvelgiami atlikto tyrimo rezultatai. Darbo apimtis 81 puslapiai. Darbas iliustruotas 33 paveikslais, 7 lentelėmis, 1 schema. Darbe panaudota 66 šaltinių. / The main aim of the work is to investigate the importance of the director’s superintendence in the process of acquirement and perfection of the educationalists’ new expertise. To meet the aim these tasks have to be considered: to ascertain the conceptions of the schoolmaster’s superintendence and the teachers’ expertise while analyzing the scientific literature; to define the importance of the schoolmaster’s superintendence in the education of the educationalists’ new expertise; to analyze the tendencies of the educationalists’ expertise perfection and their opinion towards the factors that the schoolmaster creates in the process of perfection; to explore the opinion of the institution’s director towards the educationalists’ new expertise development. The final master’s work consists of three main parts, 81 pages, 33 pictures, 7 frames, 1 schema.

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