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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mediální obraz československé účasti na Světové výstavě v Montrealu 1967 v dobovém tisku / The Media Portrayl of Czech attendance at International Exhibition in Montreal 1967 in contemporary press

Dražilová, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
Master diploma thesis "The Media Portrayal of Czechoslovak attendance at International Exhibition in Montreal 1967 in contemporary press" intends to show media picture of Czechoslovak attendance at Expo 1967, through the use of analysis of selected daily press and social and cultural journals. It sets Czechoslovak attendance into political, cultural, ideological and media context and outline history and development of International Exhibition. Thesis also introduces Montreal exhibition and present information about attendance of Czechoslovakia. On this foundations arise the second part of the thesis, which propounds the media picture of this event in selected contemporary press and using analysis of self-mindedness that refers to rate of statement of facts and objectivity. Selected press and journals were monitored for a period of eight months and by researching there was considered form o reporting, ideological affection and general focus of selected press about this event. Important considered elements were also influence of freeing atmosphere of second half of sixties and fact, that exhibition took place in capitalistic state. Outcome of all these circumstances is media picture of this event, which is shown in conclusion of thesis.

Srovnání Montrealského kognitivního testu a Krátkého testu kognitivních funkcí pro screeningovou diagnostiku Alzheimerovy choroby / Comparison of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment and the Mini-Mental State Examination in screening diagnostics of Alzheimer's disease

Orlíková, Hana January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the neuropsychological diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. The aim is to evaluate the psychometric characteristics ofthe new Czech translation of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) by comparison with the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), a method widely used by doctors inscreening diagnostics of Alzheimer's disease. The theoretical part deals with the diagnostics of Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment. We describe international diagnostic criteria of cognitive disorders and provide an overview of the screening neuropsychological methods most commonly used by Czech specialists. We summarize the current psychometric and psychodiagnostic findings on these methods and focuse on description of MMSE and MoCA. In the empirical part we compare Czech version of MMSE and MoCA-CZ (the new Czech translation of the test). We examined 38 patients with Alzheimer's disease and 70 cognitively healthy seniors. The results show that MoCA-CZ is sufficiently valid and reliable screening method that accurately distinguishbetween healthy subjects and patiens with Alzheimer's disease. We believe that it can enrich screening tools that are available to Czech experts. Key words: Montreal Cognitive Assessment, Mini-Mental State Examination, Alzheimer's disease, psychodiagnostics,...

Ochrana ozónové vrstvy Země z pohledu práva / Protection of the Earth ozone layer from the legal point of view

Bergerová, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
Resumé: Protection of the ozone layer of the Earth from the perspective of law This thesis is dealing with protection of the ozone layer. I chose this topic because I consider ozone layer as a very important folder of the environment and its weakening is of global nature and for its protection it was necessary to involve as many countries as possible. This work is focused mainly on the development of ozone layer protection at the international level and on current legislativ. It also includes the European Union's approach to this problem. In the beginning of my thesis I'm trying to explain what is ozone, which substances deplete the ozone layer and which principles and tools are used for its protection. Chapter two is dedicated to the development of ozone layer protection. It includes the beginnings of the international cooperation which began to take shape in the middle of the 70s when was published the first scientific work, which pointed to damage of ozone layer by halogenated hydrocarbons. International cooperation resulted to the adoption of the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and later to its implementation protocol - Montreal protocol, in September of 1987. The Montreal Protocol was considered an exceptional success of diplomacy in the sphere of environmental protection but in...

Srovnání alternativní verze Montrealského kognitivního testu (MoCA-CZ 2) s jeho verzí základní (MoCA-CZ 1). / Comparison of alternative version of The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA-CZ 2) with its basic version (MoCA-CZ 1).

Fayette, Dan January 2016 (has links)
The thesis discusses screening psychodiagnostics with special attention given to amnestic mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease. The theoretical part describes the concepts of healthy aging and the disorders of cognitive functions. It provides an overview of the screening methods most frequently used in the Czech Republic and the description of MoCA test. It also briefly outlines the issues of retesting in psychodiagnostics. The objective of the empirical part of the work was to verify the psychometric characteristics of the Czech alternative version MoCA-CZ and to evaluate whether it is possible to use this test in practice. The evaluation also includes a comparison of the new version with the already established standard version of MoCA-CZ test. We assigned standard and alternative versions of MoCA-CZ in a 2-month interval to 59 healthy volunteers, 35 patients with mild cognitive impairment and 41 patients with dementia resulting from Alzheimer's disease. We found a strong correlation between alternative and standard version of MoCA-CZ test. We confirmed statistically significant differences in the average scores between individual research groups in both versions of the test. We proved that the alternative version MoCA-CZ 2 is reliable. And we demonstrated that the administration and...

Évolution des pratiques du sevrage à Montréal (XVIIe – XIXe siècles) : analyse isotopique des concentrations en azote 15 par micro-échantillonnage de la dentine

Gutierrez, Eléa 11 1900 (has links)
No description available.

L’attitude des mangeurs à l’égard de l’entomophagie

Bourgault, Camille 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

« Gagne-t-on vraiment à mieux connaître? » : autoethnographie queer de mon expérience d'intervention antihomophobie avec le GRIS-Montréal

Poirier-Saumure, Alexis 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

De l’étranger à l’étrangeté : cosmopolitisme et altérité dans « Alexandre Chenevert » de Gabrielle Roy, « Rue Saint-Urbain » de Mordecai Richler et « L’Hiver de force » de Réjean Ducharme

Lamer, Marilyne 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

El habla de la comunidad cubana en Montreal

Cruz Enríquez, Maura 07 1900 (has links)
Ce travail contient une première caractérisation générale du discours de la communauté cubaine à Montréal, avec une attention particulière sur deux aspects: le comportement de certains traits qui caractérisent l'espagnol de Cuba chez les locuteurs migrants, et les possibles variations produites par le contact linguistique. Pour ce faire, nous utilisons les données d'un corpus élaboré par la chercheuse à partir de conversations semi-dirigées enregistrées (registre colloquial) avec 19 Cubains: dix hommes et neuf femmes vivant à Montréal. L'analyse des données nous permet de vérifier que les traits caractéristiques étudiés se sont conservés dans le discours des Cubains résidants dans la ville, mais quelques variations se sont produites, provoquées par le contact avec les langues dominantes (français-espagnol, et moins en anglais-espagnol) et d'autres variétés de l'espagnol, ainsi qu’avec une réalité socio-économique, politique et culturelle très différente de celle d’origine. Les variations morphosyntaxiques ont été détectées principalement dans les mots invariables (prépositions). Au niveau lexico-sémantique, nous avons trouvé essentiellement des emprunts lexicaux. Il existe également des prêts sémantiques, des calques et des changements de fréquence de certains mots. Concernant le niveau pragmatique, nous avons remarqué un ralentissement du rythme dans les conversations de l'échantillon qui pourrait être dû à la situation du bilinguisme fonctionnel. En résumé, le discours des Cubains participants dans cette étude montre quelques-uns des traits caractéristiques à toute situation de contact de langues, mais aussi des particularités relatives aux caractéristiques de la communauté étudiée (les attitudes linguistiques, par exemple), à la distance typologique entre les langues impliquées (espagnol et français) et au contraste entre les sociétés d’origine et d’accueil, entre autres. / This paper presents a first general characterization of the speech of the Cuban community in Montreal, with special attention to two aspects: the behavior of some of the characterizing features of Cuban Spanish in migrant speakers, and the possible contact-induced variations. To do this, we use data from a corpus collected by the researcher through recorded conversations (colloquial speech) with 19 Cubans: ten men and nine women currently living in Montreal. After analyzing the data, we have found that the characterizing features are preserved in the speech of Cuban residents in the city. The data also show some variations induced by the contact with the dominant languages (French-Spanish and, to a lesser extent, English-Spanish) band other varieties of Spanish, as well as with a new reality that is socio-economically, politically and culturally very different from the Cuban one. The detected variations at the morphosyntactic level are mainly in invariable words (prepositions).At the lexical-semantic level, we have found predominantly loanwords. There are also semantic loans, calques and frequency changes of some words. Concerning the pragmatic level, a slower rhythm of speech, possibly due to the condition of functional bilingualism, has been observed. In sum, the speech of the Cuban participants in this study shows some of the characteristic features of any language contact situation, but also has peculiarities relating to the characteristics of the community under study (language attitudes, for example), the typological distance between the languages involved (Spanish-French) and the contrast between the societies, among other factors. / El presente trabajo contiene una primera caracterización general del habla de la comunidad cubana en Montreal, atendiendo especialmente a dos aspectos fundamentales: el comportamiento de algunos de los rasgos tipificantes del español de Cuba en hablantes migrantes, y las posibles variaciones sufridas producto del contacto lingüístico (francés-español, y en menor medida inglés-español). Para ello, empleamos los datos de un corpus confeccionado por la propia investigadora gracias a las conversaciones semidirigidas grabadas (habla coloquial) con 19 cubanos: diez hombres y nueve mujeres residentes en Montreal. El análisis de los datos nos permite comprobar que los rasgos tipificantes objeto de estudio se conservan en el habla de los cubanos residentes en la ciudad, pero esta ha sufrido algunos cambios provocados por el contacto con las lenguas dominantes y con otras variedades del español, así como con una realidad muy diferente a la de origen desde el punto de vista socioeconómico, político y cultural. Las variaciones se han detectado tanto en el nivel morfosintáctico, principalmente en las palabras invariables (preposiciones), como en el nivel léxico-semántico. En este último, predominan los préstamos léxicos. También se observan préstamos semánticos, calcos y cambios de frecuencia de algunas palabras. Desde el punto de vista pragmático, es posible observar una mayor lentitud en el ritmo de habla de los informantes, que podría deberse a la condición de bilingüismo funcional. Con todo, el habla de los cubanos participantes en este estudio presenta algunos de los rasgos característicos de cualquier situación de contacto lingüístico, pero posee también peculiaridades debidas a las características propias de la comunidad objeto de estudio (actitudes lingüísticas, por ejemplo), a la distancia tipológica de las lenguas implicadas (español-francés) y al contraste entre las sociedades de origen y de acogida, entre otros factores.

Un aspect méconnu de l’île de Montréal : les occupations amérindiennes du Sylvicole supérieur à la fin du XVIIe siècle

Renault, Laurence 04 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire a pour objectif général de définir et de caractériser les présences amérindiennes sur l’île de Montréal au cours de la période s’échelonnant du Sylvicole supérieur à la fin du XVIIe siècle ainsi que de tenter de comprendre le rôle qu’exerça le mont Royal dans ce contexte. En nous appuyant sur des théories de l’archéologie du paysage, nous avons étudié la création consciente et inconsciente de paysages et la manière par laquelle ces lieux ont façonné les comportements et les identités de leurs occupants. Grâce à la continuité d’activités répétitives, liées au concept de taskscape, nous avons tenté d’y établir un modèle de trame d’occupation reflétant une utilisation dynamique et stratégique du paysage face aux politiques coloniales. La démarche adoptée est celle d’une approche holistique s’appuyant à la fois sur des données archéologiques, historiques, ethnohistoriques et ethnographiques émanant des rapports de fouilles archéologiques, des traditions orales et des différents documents coloniaux datant des XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Cette étude a permis de déterminer différentes zones associées à des perceptions différentes du paysage reflétant une stratégie de continuité dans la conceptualisation, l’organisation et la manipulation de l’espace à la suite de l’appropriation des terres par le gouvernement colonial. / The main aim of this thesis is to define and characterize the native presence on the island of Montreal during the period extending from the Late Woodland to the end of the 17th century, and to attempt to understand the role of the Mount Royal within this context. On the basis of landscape archeology theories, we study the human landscape’s creation and the way by which these places affect the behavior and identity of their occupants. Using the continuity of repetitive tasks associated with the concept of taskscape, we have tried to establish a model of occupation reflecting the dynamic and strategic use of the landscape with regard to colonial policies. The method adopted is a holistic approach based on archeological, historical, ethnohistorical and ethnographic data from archeological excavation reports, oral traditions and various colonial documents dating from the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. This study has made it possible to determine various areas associated with different perceptions of landscape reflecting a continuity strategy regarding the conceptualization, organization and manipulation of space following land appropriation by the colonial government.

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