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Darbo autorius Egidijus Urbutis Magistrinio darbo tema "Besimokančiųjų savo lėšomis studentų mokymosi motyvacija" Darbo vadovas:dr. doc Pranas Gudynas Vilnius, 2005 / Egidijus Urbutis Scientific supervisor Dr. Pranas Gudynas The Motivation of the Students Studying at Their Own ExpenseUrbutis, Egidijus 15 June 2005 (has links)
The paper explores the motivation of the VPU (Vilnius Pedagogical University) students studying at their own expense. The subject is relevant, because the overall causes determining a person’s decision to acquire a higher education are chiefly analyzed in the area of learning motivation researches, however, there is a lack of more detailed investigations of the motivation of the students studying at their own expense.
In the provided overview of literature sources, various learning motivation theories are examined. Based on these, a survey questionnaire has been worked out and a survey has been carried out in order to find out what kind of motivation groups (social, cognitive, practical, professional, educational, self-educational or other motives) pointed out in the works concerning the motivation topic are most important in choosing the studies at one’s own expense.
The dynamics of the number of students studying at their own expense at Lithuanian higher education institutions is analyzed in order to evaluate actuality of the subject. On the basis of statistical data it is shown that the number of the students paying for their education and their per cent ratio in the overall number of students is growing, which confirms the demand and need of this study form.
The results of the VPU students’ survey are provided which were obtained after analysis of the answers of the students of II and IV courses of Bachelor studies studying at their own expense and occupying the places... [to full text]
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Augalų pavadinimų etimologinė motyvacija / Etymologic motivation of denominating plantsBarščauskaitė, Jolanta 31 July 2013 (has links)
Magistro baigiamojo darbo „Augalų pavadinimų etimologinė motyvacija“. Darbo tikslas –augalų pavadinimus iš „Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos žodyno“ suskirstyti pagal etimologinę motyvaciją. „Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos žodynas“– lobynas, kuriame gausu plačios vartosenos lietuvių kalbos leksikos, tarp jų ir fitonimų terminų reikšmės. Norint pasiekti darbo tikslą, įgyvendinti šie uždaviniai: išrinkti ,,Dabartinės Lietuvių kalbos žodyne“ esantys augalų pavadinimai ir jų reikšmės; parengtas augalų pavadinimų etimologijos sąvadas; procentais apskaičiuoti augalų kilmės šaltiniai; remiantis literatūra, aptartos augalų pavadinimų kilmės hipotezės. Išvadose pateikti statistiniai duomenys rodo, kad iš ,,Dabartinės Lietuvių kalbos žodyno“ esančių 800 augalų pavadinimų yra: a) ~12 % senosios indoeuropiečių prokalbės žodžių; b) ~ (9%) tik baltų kalboms būdinga leksika; c) ~6% tik lietuvių kalbos leksikai būdingų žodžių; d) ~5 % baltų ir slavų kalbų bendrybių; e) ~ 49% dūrinių; f) ~ 68% Skolintinė leksika, kurios didžiąją dalį sudaro tarptautiniai žodžiai, arba internacionalizmai ir slavizmai. Išnagrinėjus augalų pavadinimų etimologinę motyvaciją pastebėta, kad kalbininkams, įdomi ne tik augalų reikšmė, paskirtis, bet ir kilmė, leidžianti iš arčiau pažinti įvairovės pilną augalų pasaulį. Darbas gali būti naudingas leksikologijos, kalbos istorijos, terminologijos ir botanikos specialistams. / The aim of the master‘s work the main purpose of this work is to fractionate plants' names from the current Lithuanian dictionary by etymological motivation. The current Lithuanian Dictionary is a treasury rich in wide usage of Lithuanian language lexicon, including the meaning of terms as plants. In order to achieve this purpose the following tasks were implemented: some names of plants and their meanings were selected from the "current Lithuanian language dictionary"; the collection of plants' names was prepared; the percentage of origin sources of plants was calculated; the hypothesis of the plants names origin were discussed according to the literature. In conclusion, statistics says, that from 800 names of plants: a) ~12 % words are from old Indo-European parent language; b) ~ 9 % words are from Balts; c) ~ 6 % words are from Lithuanian lexic; d) ~ 5 % are from generalities of Balts and Slavs; e) ~ 49 % complex words; f) ~ 68% the lent lexicon which is consisting mainly of international words or internationalisms and slavisms. After the examination of plant names etymological motivation, it was noticed that linguists were intrested not only in the meaning of plant names, but also in the origin, allowing to acknowledge the full diversity of the plant world. This work might be useful for lexicology, the history of the language, terminology and botanical experts.
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Motyvacijos slėpti stigmą tyrimo ypatumai / Research on motivation to hide stigmaKratulytė, Edita 23 June 2014 (has links)
Motyvacijos slėpti stigmą tyrimo ypatumai Sveikatos arba susijusi su liga stigma – labai pavojinga, nes sukelia stresą jau dėl turimos ligos ir dėl galimos, jei pradėtų gydytis, stigmos, pablogina darbo ir socialinę situaciją, dėl baimės, kad netapti stigmatizuotu, žmogus gali nepradėti gydymo ar jį nutraukti. Priklausomai nuo ligos sunkumo išeitis gali būti mirtina. Priklausomai nuo ligos, kartais išeitis gali būti mirtina. Inkontinencija yra plačiai paplitęs stigmatizuojantis susirgimas, labiau paplitęs tarp moterų. Kad išvengti diskreditacijos kitų akyse, šios moterys vengia sekso, nedirba, jų fizinis aktyvumas limituotas, joms atsiranda depresija, sumažėja jų savigarba. Jos gyvena su baime būti pastebėtos šlapios, kad kas nors pajus kvapą ir kenčia nuo žinojimo, kad negali sukontroliuoti savo šlapimo pūslės veiklos, tačiau nesigydo ir slepia tai net nuo savo šeimos narių. Šio kokybinio tyrimo tikslas buvo ištirti motyvus, kurie verčia Lietuvos moteris slėpti inkontinenciją. Buvo apklausta 12 moterų. Amžiaus vidurkis – 50,5 metai. Apklausai naudotas pusiau struktūruotą interviu. Rezultatai buvo analizuojami naudojant kontent – analizės metodo principus. Atlikus tyrimą buvo gauta, kad inkontinencijos stigmą slepiama siekiant išlaikyti savo vertę, garbę, pasiekimus, savo turimus santykius bei priklausymą savo grupei ir išvengti atstūmimo. Dažniausia tiriamosios turėjo keletą vieną su kitu susijusius motyvus. Nesigydoma ir dėl nepasitikėjimo Lietuvoje esančia medicinos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Research on stigma hiding motivation The disease- associated stigma can be particularly difficult. Not only are they at risk to develop other stress- related illnesses, but the clinical course of the stigmatised illness itself may be worsened. Other outcomes also affected, such as the ability to work or lead a normal social life. The fear of being labelled with the disease may cause individuals to delay or avoid seeking treatment. The outcome might be tragical, depending on the disease. Incontinence is wide spread stigmatising disease, which affects women more than men. To avoid disclosure, they are limiting their activities, stop working, refusing to have sex, getting depressed and lowered self –esteem. They are suffering from fear to be noticed wet, that somebody will smell, suffer that cannot control their blader, but they refuse to visit doctor and keep all that in secrecy even from own family. The aim of this quality research was to find out the motives to hide incontinence stigma. Quality semi- structured interviu was made with 12 women. Age mean – 50,5 years. Findings: the motives to hide incontinence stigma mainly are to keep up self – esteem, status and authority, to avoid shame; keep relationship with their family and group and to avoid rejection. In most cases, was found few related motives for stigma hiding. The results shows, that in the peoples mind incontinence is related with getting old. The women hide their stigma and do not seek the treatment also because... [to full text]
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Darbuotojų motyvavimo sistemos sūkurimas AB PB „URMAS“ / The Establishing of Motivation System in AB PB „Urmas“Grinius, Rokas 07 January 2013 (has links)
Santrauka Baigiamojo darbo autorius: Rokas Grinius Pilnas baigiamojo darbo pavadinimas: Darbuotojų motyvavimo sistemos sukūrimas AB PB „Urmas“ Baigiamojo darbo vadovas: Prof., dr., Irena Bakanauskienė Baigiamojo darbo atlikimo vieta ir metai: Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, Ekonomikos ir vadybos fakultetas, Kaunas, 2012 Puslapių skaičius: 61 Lentelių skaičius: 7 Paveikslų skaičius: 16 Priedų skaičius: 1 Baigiamojo darbo tikslas – sukurti efektyvią AB PB „Urmas“ darbuotojų motyvavimo sistemą. Teorinėje darbo dalyje analizuojama darbuotojų motyvavimo svarba sėkmingai įmonės veiklai, apžvelgiamos skirtingos motyvavimo teorijos, apibrėžiamos skirtingos darbuotojų motyvavimo priemonės, jų apjungimas į kompleksinę motyvavimo sistemą. Analitinėje dalyje tiriamas AB PB „Urmas“ darbuotojų motyvavimas,trumpai pristatoma pati įmonė, jos veikla, darbuotojų motyvavimo priemonės, taip pat šioje dalyje pristatomi ir analizuojami įmonėje atlikti darbuotojų motyvavimo tyrimai ir jų rezultatai. Projektinėje darbo dalyje suformuluoti tokie sprendimai, kurie yra apjungti į kompleksinę darbuotojų motyvavimo sistemą: darbo apmokėjimo sistemos tobulinimo sprendimai, vadovų ir darbuotojų komunikavimo gerinimosprendimai, materialinių motyvavimo priemonių taikymo sprendimai, nematerialinių motyvavimo priemonių taikymo sprendimai. / Abstract Author of diploma paper: Rokas Grinius Full title of diploma paper: The Establishing of Motivavtion System in AB PB „Urmas“ Diploma paper advisor: Prof., dr., Irena Bakanauskienė Presented at: Vytautas Magnus University, Faculty of Economics and Management, Kaunas, 2012 Number of pages: 61 Number of tables: 7 Number of figures: 16 Number of appendixes: 1 The main goal of this master paper is to create the effective personnel motivation system for the company AB PB „Urmas“. In the theory analysis part of this paper the theory of personnel motivation is analyzed, different attitudes towardsmotivation theories are presented, also different motivation tools and their integration into the complex system are presented. In the situation analysis part the research of AB PB „Urmas“ personnel motivation is conducted, and on the basis of this research the weak points of AB PB „Urmas“ personnel motivation are presented. In the project part of this papers main conclusions and solutions, how to improve the personnel motivation in the company are provided: the salary improvement solutions, solutions of the improvement of the communication between employees and their managers, material and non-material motivation tools implementation solutions.
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Profesinės motyvacijos ypatumai profesinėje mokykloje / The peculiarity of professional motivation in the vocation schoolLukšienė, Asta 04 July 2006 (has links)
The aim of Asta Luksiene master’s paper “The peculiarity of professional motivation in the vocational school” is to analyse the peculiarity of professional motivation in vocational school. In order to reach this aim these tasks were set: 1) To study scientific, juridical, pedagogical psychological literature, which explores professional education and professional motivation; 2) To set the peculiarity of motivation of professional choice; 3) To highlight the tendencies of professional motivation.
The master paper consists of 3 parts. In the first part there is analysed juridical base of professional education. In the second part there is revealed the essence of professional motivation. In the third part there are presented the results of made empirical research.
After the work was done these conclusions were made: the main reasons, which determined the choice of profession, are the requestableness of speciality in the work market, personal skills, hobby, and the prestige of speciality. Coincidence and small prices for education influenced speciality choice least. Respondents gave the highest evaluation to the competence of accomplishing the job till the end; the lowest evaluation was given to the general educational knowledge baggage.
Guys are more tended than girls to choose the speciality for its prestige. Guys more often choose speciality incidentally. Girls more often choose the speciality according to individual skills and prices for the education. Guys more tend to think... [to full text]
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Moterų fizinės saviugdos raiškos ir plėtojimo ypatumai / Peculiarities of expression and development of a woman’s physical self-educationKrasauskaitė, Aušra 03 August 2011 (has links)
Tyrimo aktualumas Pastaraisiais metais pastebimas vis didesnis moterų susidomėjimas įvairiomis fizinio aktyvumo formomis, jų poveikiu sveikatai, kūno įvaizdžiui. Moterų nepasitenkinimas savo fiziniu aktyvumu, kūnu, kūno įvaizdžiu didėja Todėl labai svarbu yra išanalizuoti skirtingoms fizinio aktyvumo formoms prioritetą teikiančių moterų lavinimosi siekius, motyvus, galimybes. Tyrimo objektas. Moterų organizuotos ir savarankiškos fizinės saviugdos raiška bei jos plėtojimo ypatumai. Tyrimo tikslas. Išanalizuoti laisvalaikiu organizuotai ir savarankiškai sportuojančių moterų fizinės saviugdos raišką bei plėtojimo galimybes. Tyrimo metodologinį pagrindas: humanistinės psichologijos nuostatos, sveikatos ugdymo, .judesių išmokimo, adaptacijos bei raidos teorijų esminiai teiginiai. Tyrime dalyvavo moterys (n=152), realizavusios švelniojo fitneso (n=58). kultūrizmo (n=36), aerobikos (n=58) organizuotos ir savarankiškos fizinės saviugdos kryptis. / The relevance of the research. A growing interest of women in various forms of physical activity, their influence on health and body image has been noticed recently. Women’s discontent with their physical activity, body and its image is constantly growing. That is why it is important to analyze the exercise objectives, motives, opportunities of women who prefer different forms of physical activity. The subject of the research. The expression of women’s organized and independent physical self-education and the peculiarities of its development. The aim of the research. To analyze the expression of physical self-education and opportunities of its development peculiar to women who go in for sports voluntarily and constantly during their free time. The methodological base of the research: attitudes of humanistic psychology, essential propositions of health, movements, learning, adaptation and development theories. The participants of the research: women (n=152) who have realized directions of gentle fitness (n=58), bodybuilding (n=36), aerobics (n=58), organized and independent physical self-education.
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Bendrosios praktikos slaugytojų, dirbančių terapiniuose skyriuose profesiniai interesai ir karjeros galimybės / Medical wards’ nurses professional interests and career opportunitiesLukoševičiūtė, Eglė 21 June 2010 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Įvertinti bendrosios praktikos slaugytojų nuomonę apie jų profesinius interesus ir karjeros galimybes.
Darbo uždaviniai.
1. Nustatyti slaugytojų nuomonę apie jų profesinius interesus ir darbo vertybes;
2. Išaiškinti slaugytojų nuomonę apie jų motyvaciją dirbti;
3. Įvertinti slaugytojų nuomonę apie karjeros galimybes;
4. Palyginti slaugytojų nuomonę apie jų profesinius interesus ir karjeros galimybes tarp skirtingo amžiaus slaugytojų.
Tyrimo metodika. Tyrimo objektas – slaugytojai, dirbantys Klaipėdos universitetinėje ligoninėje terapiniuose skyriuose. Tyrimo metodai – slaugytojų anketinė apklausa, kurios duomenys apdoroti kompiuterine programa SPSS for Windows 17.0 versija.
Tyrimo rezultatai ir išvados.
1.Slaugytojų nuomone, didžiausią reikšmę profesiniam apsisprendimui pasirinkti slaugytojo profesiją turėjo polinkiai ir interesai - 60,1 proc. Daugelio respondentų manymu, mediko profesijoje svarbiausia darymas gera žmonėms (100 proc.), naudingumas visuomenei (89,9 proc.) bei bendravimo galimybė (79,9 proc).
2. Labiausiai slaugytojas darbui motyvuotų didesnis darbo užmokestis (79,9 proc.), geresnės darbo sąlygos (70,3 proc.) bei pagyrimai iš vadovų bei kolegų (60,1 proc.).
3. Svarbiausi profesinės kvalifikacijos kėlimo motyvai tarp slaugytojų yra licencijos pratęsimas (100,0 proc.), siekis būti paaukštintai (60,1 proc.) bei siekis būti kompetentinga (50,2 proc.).
4.a)Vertinant profesinius interesus, įvairaus amžiaus slaugytojų nuomone, mediko profesijoje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study. To evaluate nurses’ opinion about their professional interests and career opportunities.
1. To find out nurses’ opinion about their professional interests and work values.
2. To find out nurses’ opinion about their motivation to work.
3. To evaluate nurses’ opinion about their career opportunities.
4. To compare nurses’ opinion about their professional interests and career opportunities between different age nurses.
Investigative – nurses, which are working in Klaipėda University hospital medical wards.
Investigation method – quantitative questionnaire.
Statistical analysis has been made by using SPSS for Windows 17.0 statistical software package.
The results and conclusions of the study:
1.In nurses opinion, the biggest meaning for their professional choice of choosing nurses profession has person‘s likes and interests - 60,1 %. Most of the nurses think, that in nursing profession the main things are: doing good things for people (100 %.), utility for society (89,9%.) and communication opportunity (79,9%.)
2. The nurses would work better if they had bigger salary (79,9%.), better working conditions (70,3 %.) and compliments from leaders and colleagues (60,1%).
3. The main reasons why nurses rise their qualifications are: an extension of licence (100,0%), a wish to be promoted (60,1%) and a wish to be a competent in nursing field (50,2%).
4. a) The nurses of different age think, that in nursing profession is very important... [to full text]
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Vyresniųjų klasių (9 - 12 kl.) mokinių mokymosi motyvacija, pasiekimų motyvacija, savęs vertinimas ir mokymosi sėkmė / The higher forms pupils‘ study motivation, self-assessment and study successČemeškaitė, Jurgita 23 May 2005 (has links)
In this paper was reached to examine the higher forms pupils‘ study motivation, self-assessment and study success; to set down pupils‘ study and march motivation, self-assessment and progress interconnections in this work. It was set down that the connection between motivation and study progress is statistically important. It means, that pupils who have higher study motivation get better assessment of their study results. Study progress correlate with study motivation statistically importantly and positively. It is why, when it is strong study motivation, there are high marks of the study progress. It was also set down the older students are in the higher forms, the better academic results they reach. Researching the connection of cognitive self-assessment with emotionalself-assessment it was noticed the statistically important and positive correlation. Consequently, if one assesses himself logically, rationally well, his positive, warm, kindly emotional assessment is getting higher.
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Visuomenės sveikatos centro darbuotojų pasitenkinimas darbu / Satisfaction with work of the public health centre employeesLabašauskaitė, Milda 15 June 2006 (has links)
Aim of the study: – investigate and compare the satisfaction of work of the personnel working in the Kaunas Centre of Public Health (KCPH) and its subsidiaries.
Methods: - The personnel of KCPH and its subsidiaries took part in the inquiry. There were 193 questionnaires distributed, 150 of them were completed and returned. The response rate was 77.7%. The 7 – point Likert scale was used in the survey where 1 point stood for “totally disagree”, and 7 points for “totally agree”. The acquired inquiry results data were then processed and analyzed using SPSS version 9.0 Statistical software package. Hypothesis about the absence of interdependence between the two indicators were verified using the chi-square (χ2) criterion. Results differences at p < 0.05 level were considered as statistically significant. Means, standard deviations (SD) and confidence intervals (CI) were also calculated. The strength of relation among the rating variables was verified using Spirmen coefficient of correlation.
Results: - In the KCPH subsidiaries 50% of the personnel are elder than 50 years of age. 49.1% of the KCPH subsidiaries employees have secondary education. General satisfaction with the work, independently of working place, is higher than average (4.98). The most satisfied with the work are the ones who have secondary education (5.33), elder than 50 years of age (5.31) and the ones who have 26 or more years of previous experience in the field (5.52). The motivation actions were identified... [to full text]
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Paauglių (7 ir 9 kl.) mokymosi motyvacijos, savęs vertinimo ir mokymosi sėkmės ypatumai ir dermė / Juvenile of learning motivation, self – evaluation and success achieved in learning of younger teenagersŽuravliovienė, Jūratė 23 May 2005 (has links)
In this master‘s of psychology final work peculiarities and connections between motivation of learning, self-evaluation and success in learning of younger teenagers are discussed.
The research work was carried out at Kėdainiai „Ryto“ Secondary School. 161 students took part in the research work, 95 of them the seventh and 66 - the ninth formers. Methodics used in this final work is: subjective self-evaluation scale (A.Petrulytė, 1995). and the test of motivation of teenagers‘ learning (Entwistle N.J.1979,1981,1983 ).
To achieve the final goal the following aims were to be carried out: to find the arithmetical mean of motivation of learning and self-evaluation of the whole group of students; to investigate peculiarities of motivation of learning and self-evaluation between boys and girls; to compare the indices of motivation of learning and self-evaluation of the seventh and ninth formers; to define connection between studets‘ self-evaluation, motivation of learning and academical success.
With the help of statistical analyses it was established that more students evaluate themselves better than do not evaluate, there is no difference between girls and boys nor the seventh and ninth formers according to self-evaluation and motivation of learning indices. Statistical reliable relation between academical success and motivation of learning and self-evaluation are found. Statistically reliable relation is not observed between self-evaluation and motivation of learning. The... [to full text]
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