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Salmonella enterica 4, [5], 12: i- = estabilidade do operon fljBA e discriminação por PCR duplex / Salmonella enterica 4, [5], 12: i- : operon fljBA stability and duplex PCR discriminationOta, Meire Priscilla, 1984- 23 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Marcelo Brocchi / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-23T20:40:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: S. enterica provoca desde enterocolítes até infecções sistêmicas sendo S. enterica I 4,5,12:i:- (flagelar monofásica) responsável por diversos surtos de salmonelose em diversas partes do mundo. Sua incidência tem aumentado consideravelmente nas últimas décadas e ela é caracterizada pela ausência da variação de fase flagelar, processo no qual dois tipos de flagelinas são expressos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a estabilidade do operon fljBA, responsável pela variação de fase flagelar, sob diferentes condições de cultivo. Para isso, o gene cat (resistência ao cloranfenicol) foi inserido próximo ao operon fljBA em linhagens de S. enterica Typhimurium uma vez que este sorovar deu origem a S. enterica I 4,5,12:i:- por deleção de fljBA. A estabilidade do operon foi verificada in vitro e in vivo e após tratamento da cultura com mitomicina C, antibiótico indutor de profagos. Este último tratamento foi utilizado em virtude da presença do fago Fels-2 próximo ao operon fljBA, uma vez que dados da literatura sugerem que a deleção do operon foi em decorrência da excisão/recombinação imprecisa de profagos. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que a deleção do operon parece ser um evento raro, dado que em nenhuma condição testada houve a reversão da resistência frente ao cloranfenicol. Essas observações abrem discussões sobre a essencialidade da variação de fase flagelar na patogenicidade de S. enterica. É possível que os clones que deram origem a S. enterica I 4,5,12:i:- apresentem características genotípicas e fenotípicas compensatórias a perda de variação de fase. Ainda neste trabalho a ausência dos genes fljA e fljB foram confirmadas em amostras clínicas de S. enterica I 4,5,12:i:- isoladas no Brasil, mas a análise de isolados provenientes de granjas sugerem a existência de um novo padrão de deleção do operon fljBA, dados estes que precisam ser melhor investigados. Além disso, foi desenvolvida uma reação de PCR-Duplex para detecção de S. enterica I 4,5,12:i:- (Clone Americano) e diferenciação deste de outros sorovares, particularmente Typhimurium. Este PCR se mostrou eficiente na identificação e diferenciação de S. enterica I 4,5,12:i:- (clone Americano) podendo ser utilizado como técnica complementar as técnicas tradicionais de sorotipagem, visto ser um método rápido, preciso e acurado. Os testes sorológicos são laboriosos e devido ao fato do flagelo de fase II nem sempre ser expresso, amostras do sorovar Typhimurium podem ser erroneamente identificadas como S. enterica I 4,5,12:i: / Abstract: S. enterica causes from enterocolitis to systemic infections with S. enterica serovar I 4,5,12:i:- (monophasic flagelar) responsible for multiple salmonellosis outbreaks worldwide. Its incidence increased considerable in recent years and it is characterized by absence of flagellar phase variation, a process in which normally two flagellins are expressed. This work aimed to study the instability of fljBA operon, responsible for flagellar phase variation under different conditions growth. For this goal, cat gene (resistant for chloramphenicol) was inserted next to fljBA operon in S. enterica Typhimurium strains once this serovar originated S. enterica I 4,5,12:i:- by fljBA deletion. Stability of operon was verified "in vitro", "in vivo" and culture treatment with Mitomycin C, prophages antibiotic inductor. This last treatment was used due the presence of Fels-2 prophage next to fljBA operon since previous works suggest that the deletion of operon is a result of imprecise excision/recombination of prophages. Results from this work suggest that the deletion of operon appear to be a rare event, since in none of condition tested were observed reversion of resistance mark to chloramphenicol. This observation leads to discussions about the essentiality of flagellar phase variation in pathogenicity of S. enterica. It is possible that clones whom originated S. enterica I 4,5,12:i:- presented compensatory genotypic and phenotypic features to the loss of phase variation. Absence of fljA and fljB genes was confirmed in clinic samples of S. enterica serovar I 4,5,12:i:- isolated in Brazil, but poultry samples suggest the presence of a new deletion pattern of fljBA operon, data that needs to be better investigated. Furthermore a Duplex-PCR were designed aiming S. enterica I 4,5,12:i:- (American Clone) and differentiation of it along others serovars, specially Typhimurium. This PCR showed efficient to identification and differentiation of S. enterica I 4,5,12:i:- (American Clone) technique that can be used as a complementary assay to traditional serotyping, since it is a fast, precise and accurate test. Serological tests are laborious and due phase flagellar II not always be expressed, samples of serovar Typhimurium can be misidentified as S. enterica I 4,5,12:i:- / Mestrado / Clinica Medica / Mestra em Clínica Médica
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Analyses of kidney organogenesis through <em>in vitro</em> and <em>in vivo</em> approaches:generation of conditional Wnt4 mouse models and a method for applying inducible Cre-recombination for kidney organ cultureJokela, T. (Tiina) 07 May 2013 (has links)
In mice, gene targeting has become a useful tool for resolving the functions of proteins and for creating new animal models. Cre/loxP technology has been used broadly for generation of genetically modified mice. The Cre recombinase recognizes a specific DNA sequence, called loxP, and removes any DNA fragment between two loxP-sites. The activity of the Cre recombinase can be controlled spatially and temporally with cell- or tissue-specific promoters and synthetic inducing agents, such as tamoxifen or tetracycline.
In this thesis, we employed tamoxifen-induced Cre recombination in vitro. Cre-ERTM mice were crossed to ROSA26LacZ reporters and Cre-recombination induced by 4OH-TM was monitored by LacZ staining. 0.5 μM 4OH-TM treatment was competent for tamoxifen-induced Cre-mediated activation of LacZ both in kidney cultures and in experimentally induced kidney mesenchymes.
Wnt4 is a secreted signaling molecule, which is necessary for the development of several organs including kidney, ovary, adrenal gland, mammary and pituitary glands. Wnt4 is crucial for kidney development and conventional Wnt4-/- mice die soon after birth, likely due to renal failure.
In this thesis, two different Wnt4 alleles, Wnt4EGFPCre and floxed Wnt4, were generated and analyzed to learn more about the Wnt4 functions and to apply these mouse lines to renal functional genomics. In the Wnt4EGFPCre, the EGFPCre fusion cDNA was targeted into exon I of the Wnt4 locus. EGFP-derived fluorescence was observed in the pretubular aggregates from E12.5 embryonic kidney onwards. Further characterization by crossing with the floxed ROSA26LacZ and yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) reporter lines demonstrated that in addition to the kidney, reporter expression was observed in the gonad, spinal cord, lung and the adrenal gland. The expression pattern of the Cre activity recapitulates well the known pattern of the Wnt4 gene. Time-lapse analysis in organ culture settings showed that the Wnt4 expressing cells contributed to the nephrons, some cells near the stalk of the developing ureter, as well as a number of positive supposed medullary stromal cells.
In the conditional Wnt4 knock-out, loxP sites were placed to flank exons 3 to 5. The Wnt4 gene was specifically inactivated with CAGCre and Wnt4EGFPCre lines. In both of these crosses deletion of Wnt4 gene function led to impaired kidney development.
In conclusion, we identified the culture conditions that can be used for the tamoxifen-induced conditional mutagenesis in tissue cultures. In addition, the created Wnt4 mouse lines serve as new useful tools for addressing the roles of Wnt4 function in diverse tissues and in different stages of development. / Tiivistelmä
Hiirillä geenikohdennuksesta on muodostunut hyödyllinen väline proteiinien tehtävien selvittämisessä ja uusien eläinmallien luomisessa. Cre/loxP -tekniikkaa on käytetty laajasti muuntogeenisten hiirien tuottamisessa. Cre-rekombinaasi tunnistaa spesifisen DNA-jakson, niin kutsutun loxP:n, ja poistaa kaikki DNA-jaksot kahden loxP-sekvenssin väliltä. Cre-rekombinaasin aktiivisuutta voidaan säädellä paikallisesti ja ajallisesti solu- tai kudosspesifisillä promoottoreilla ja synteettisillä indusoivilla kemikaaleilla, kuten tamoksifeenillä tai tetrasykliinillä.
Tässä väitöskirjassa hyödynsimme tamoksifeenin aiheuttamaa Cre-rekombinaatiota in vitro -kudosviljelmissä. Cre-ERTM-hiirilinja risteytettiin ROSA26LacZ-reportterilinjan kanssa, ja 4-hydroksitamoksifeenin indusoima Cre-rekombinaasin aktiivisuutta monitoroitiin LacZ–värjäyksellä. 0.5 µM:n 4OH-TM konsentraatiolla LacZ-reportterigeeni saatiin aktivoitua tehokkaasti Cre-rekombinaasin avulla sekä munuaisviljelmissä että munuaismesenkyymiviljelmissä.
Wnt4 on erittyvä signalointimolekyyli, jolla on keskeinen rooli useiden elinten, kuten munuaisen, munasarjan, lisämunuaisen, rintarauhasen ja aivolisäkkeen kehittymisessä. Wnt4-geenillä on ratkaisevan tärkeä rooli munuaisen kehityksessä, ja poistogeeninen Wnt4-/-hiiri kuolee pian syntymän jälkeen, todennäköisesti munuaisen vajaatoimintaan.
Tässä väitöskirjatyössä tuotettiin kaksi eri Wnt4 alleelia, Wnt4EGFPCre ja konditionaalinen Wnt4. Nämä hiirilinjat analysoitiin, jotta saisimme lisää tietoa Wnt4-geenin toiminnasta ja pystyisimme soveltamaan kyseisiä hiirikantoja munuaisten toiminnan selvittämisessä. Wnt4EGFPCre-alleelissa EGFPCre-fuusio -cDNA kohdennettiin osaksi endogeenisen Wnt4-geenin ykköseksonia. Vihreän fluoresoivan proteiinin (EGFP) aktiivisuus havaittiin varhaisen munuaisen kehityksen aikana. Wnt4EGFPCre-alleelin lisäkarakterisointi reportterilinjoilla (Rosa26LacZ ja Rosa26YFP) osoitti, että Wnt4-geenin ilmentyminen havaittiin munuaisen lisäksi sukurauhasissa, selkäytimessä, keuhkoissa sekä lisämunuaisessa. Wnt4EGFPCre-alleeli ilmentyi niissä kudoksissa, joissa endogeenisen Wnt4-geenin tiedetään olevan aktiivinen. Time-lapse -analyysin avulla osoitettiin, että Wnt4-geeniä ilmentävät solut muodostavat tiettyjä rakenteita munuaisen kehityksen aikana. Wnt4-geeni ilmentyi nefroneissa, kehittyvän virtsajohtimen soluissa sekä useissa medullaarisissa stroomasoluissa.
Konditionaalisessa (ehdollisessa) Wnt4 knock-out-hiirilinjassa loxP-sekvenssit sijoitettiin eksonien kolme sekä viisi ympärille. Wnt4-geenin toiminta inaktivoitiin CAGCre- ja Wnt4EGFPCre-hiirilinjojen avulla. Näissä molemmissa tapauksissa Wnt4-geenin toiminnan poistaminen johti munuaisen kehityshäiriöön.
Yhteenvetona voimme todeta, että olemme tunnistaneet ne kasvatusolosuhteet, joita voidaan hyödyntää, kun halutaan aktivoida reportterigeenejä tai kehityksen kannalta tärkeitä geenejä tamoksifeenin aiheuttamaa Cre/loxP -rekombinaatiota hyväksikäyttäen kudosviljelmissä. Samoja olosuhteita ja menetelmää käyttäen voidaan myös poistaa jonkun kehityksen kannalta tärkeän geenin toiminta ja tutkia sitä kudosviljelmässä. Tuotetut Wnt4-hiirikannat ovat lisäksi uusia hyödyllisiä työkaluja, kun halutaan tutkia Wnt4-geenin toimintaa erilaisissa kudoksissa ja eri kehitysvaiheiden aikana.
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DNA Repair Proteins in Mycobacteria and their Physiological ImportanceSang, Pau Biak January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
DNA repair proteins in mycobacteria and their physiological importance
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative organism of tuberculosis, resides in the host macrophages where it is subjected to a plethora of stresses like reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen intermediate(RNI) which are generated as a part of the host’s primary immune response. These stresses can damage the cellular components of the pathogen including DNA and its precursors. Two common damages to DNA and its precursors caused by ROS and RNI are oxidation of guanine to 8-oxo-guanine and deamination of cytosine to uracil. Mycobacteria, which are known to have high G+C content, must be more susceptible to such damages, and are thus equipped with the mechanisms to counteract these damages. One such mechanism is to hydrolyse the 8-oxo-dGTP into 8-oxo-dGMP to avoid its incorporation in the DNA during its synthesis. This job is done by a protein called MutT.In mycobacteria four homologs of MutT, namely MutT1, MutT2, MutT3 and MutT4 have been annotated. The second mechanism deals with the repair of uracil residues present in DNA which are generated by deamination of cytosines or incorporation of dUTP during DNA synthesis. This is taken care of by a protein called uracil DNA glycosylase (UDG) which excises uracil by cleaving the N-C1’ glycosidic bond between the uracil and the deoxyribose sugar in a DNA repair pathway called the base excision repair (BER). In this study, the biochemical properties and physiological role of mycobacterial MutT2 and, MSMEG_0265 (MsmUdgX), a novel uracil DNA glycosylase superfamily protein, have been investigated.
I.Biochemical characterization of MutT2 from mycobacteria and its antimutator role.
Nucleotide pool, the substrate for DNA synthesis is one of the targets of ROS which is generated in the macrophage upon Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Thus, the pathogen is at increased risk of accumulating oxidised guanine nucleotides such as 8-oxo-dGTP and 8-oxo-GTP. By hydrolysing the damaged guanine nucleotides before their incorporation into nucleic acids, MutT proteins play a critical role inallowing organisms to avoid their deleterious effects. Mycobacteria possess several MutT proteins. Here, we have purified recombinantM. tuberculosisMutT2 (MtuMutT2) andM. smegmatisMutT2 (MsmMutT2) proteins as representative of slow and fast growing mycobacteria, for the purpose of biochemical characterization. UnlikeEscherichia coliMutT, which hydrolyzes 8-oxo-dGTP and 8-oxo-GTP, the mycobacterial proteins hydrolyze not only 8-oxo-dGTP and 8-oxo-GTP but also dCTP and 5-methyl-dCTP. Determination of kinetic parameters (KmandVmax) revealed thatwhileMtuMutT2 hydrolyzes dCTP nearly four times better than it does 8-oxo-dGTP,MsmMutT2 hydrolyzes them almost equally well. Also,MsmMutT2 is about 14 times more efficient thanMtuMutT2 in its catalytic activity of hydrolyzing 8-oxo-dGTP.Consistent with these observations,MsmMutT2 but notMtuMutT2 rescuesE. colifor MutT deficiency by decreasing both themutation frequency and A to C mutations (a hallmark of MutT deficiency). We discuss these findings in the context of the physiological significance of MutT proteins.
II.Understanding the biochemical properties of MSMEG_0265 (MsmUdgX), a novel uracil DNA glycosylase superfamily protein
Uracil DNA glycosylases (UDGs) are base excision repair enzymes which excise uracil from DNA by cleaving the N-glycosidic bond. UDGs are classified into 6 different families based on their two functional motifs, i. e.,motif A and motif B. In mycobacteria, there are two uracil DNA glycosylases, Ung and UdgB which belong to Family 1 and Family 5, respectively. In this study, based on the presence of the two functional motifs, we have discovered yet another uracil DNA glycosylase in M. smegmatis, which we have called MsmUdgX.The motif A and motif B of this protein indicate that it does not belong to any of the UDG families already classified but has highest similarity with Family 4 UDGs. Homologs of this protein are also present in several other organisms like M. avium, Streptomyces ceolicolor, Rhodococcus etc., but absent in M. tuberculosis, archaea and eukaryotes. Activity assays of this protein show that unlike other UDGs, MsmUdgX does not excise uracil, but forms a tight complex with uracil containing single stranded (ss) and double stranded (ds) DNAs, as observed by a shifted band in 8M urea-PAGE as well as SDS-PAGE. It also does not recognize other modified nucleotides that we investigated, in DNA. The protein binds to uracil-DNA in a wide range of pH and the minimum substrate required for its binding is pNUNN. Like Family 4 UDG, the protein has Fe-S cluster but it is not as thermostable as the Family 4 UDGs. Addition of different metal ions does not affect its binding property, and even the presence of M. smegmatis cell free extract does not diminish its binding activity. Since this protein binds specifically to uracil in DNA, an application of the protein for detection of uracil in the genomic DNA is proposed.
III. Elucidation of the role of KRRIH loop in MsmUdgX by mutational analysis
MsmUdgX is a novel uracil DNA glycosylase superfamily protein which has the highest homology to Family 4 UDGs. However, alignment of MsmUdgX amino acid sequence with that of Family 4 UDGs shows that there is an extra stretch of amino acids which is unique to this group of proteins. This stretch, defined by AGGKRRIH is absent in all Family 4 UDGs and the region KRRIH of the strtch is quite conserved amongst all UdgX proteins. Homology modelling of MsmUdgX, using a Family 4 UDG (TthUdgA) shows that this extra stretch of amino acids forms an outloop near the enzyme active site. Another unique difference between MsmUdgX and Family 4 UDGs is in the motif A where MsmUdgX has GEQPG and the Family 4 UDGs haveGE(A/G)PG. Our work on MsmUdgX has shown that, unlike other UDGs, this protein does not excise uracils, but forms a tight complex with the uracil containing DNA. This unique tight uracil binding property as well as KRRIH amino acid stretch has not been observed for any uracil DNA glycosylase superfamily proteins. So, to gain insight into the role of KRRIH and glutamine (Q) of motif A in MsmUdgX family of proteins, site directed mutagenesis was done in this region and we observed that mutation of His109 of the KRRIH loop to serine (S) leads to a gain of uracil excision activity, whereas changing the R107 to S, ‘RRIH’ to ‘SSAS’ or deleting the loop altogether leads to loss of its complex formation activity. Further, mutation of H109 to other amino acids like G, Q and A also shows uracil excision activity. Mutation of the glutamine in the motif A to alanine so that it is exactly similar to that of Family 4 UDGs, does not affect its uracil binding activity. This observation indicates that the KRRIH loop has an important role in the tight binding and/or uracil excision activity of MsmUdgX. Crystal structure of MsmUdgX in complex with uracil-DNA oligo and MsmUdgX H109S mutants are being studied.IV.
Physiological importance of MsmUdgX in M. smegmatis
MsmUdgX is a uracil DNA glycosylase superfamily protein which binds tightly to uracil (in DNA) without excising it. To elucidate its role in M. smegmatis, knockout of udgX was generated. Growth comparison of the wild type and the ΔudgX strains does not show any growth differences under the conditions tested. However, overexpression of MsmUdgX in recA deficient strains of E. coli as well as M. smegmatis leads to their retarded growth. Retarded grown is also observed in strains deficient in other DNA repair proteins that work in conjunction with RecA. These observations indicate that repair/release of MsmUdgX-uracil DNA complex might be a RecA dependent process.
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Structural analysis of yeast amino acid transporters: substrate binding and substrate-induced endocytosisGhaddar, Kassem 03 April 2014 (has links)
Plasma membrane transport proteins play a crucial role in all cells by conferring to the cell surface a selective permeability to a wide range of ions and small molecules. The activity of these transporters is often regulated by controlling their amount at the plasma membrane, via intracellular trafficking. The recent boom in the numbers of crystallized transporters shows that many of them that belong to different functional families with little sequence similarity adopt the same structural fold implying a conserved transport mechanism. These proteins belong to the APC (Amino acid-Polyamine-organoCation) superfamily and their fold is typified by the bacterial leucine transporter LeuT. This LeuT fold is characterized by inverted structural repeats of 5 transmembrane domains that harbor the central substrate-binding site and a pseudo-symmetry axis parallel to the membrane. The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae possesses about 16 amino acid permeases (yAAPs) that belong to the APC superfamily and that display various substrate specificity ranges and affinities. Topological, mutational analysis and in silico data indicate that yAAPS adopt the LeuT fold.<p><p>In this work we combined computational modeling and yeast genetics to study substrate binding by yAAPs and the endocytosis of these transporters in response to substrate transport. In the first part of this work, we analyzed the selective recognition of arginine by the yeast specific arginine permease, Can1. We constructed three-dimensional models of Can1 using as a template the recently resolved structure of AdiC, the bacterial arginine:agmatine antiporter, which is also a member of the APC superfamily. By comparison of the binding pockets of Can1 and Lyp1, the yeast specific lysine permease, we identified key residues that are involved in the recognition of the main and side chains of arginine. We first showed that the network of interactions of arginine in Can1 is similar to that of AdiC, and that the selective recognition of arginine is mediated by two residues: Asn 176 and Thr 456. Substituting these residues by their corresponding residues in Lyp1 converted Can1 into a specific lysine permease. In the second part of this work, we studied the regulation of two permeases, Can1 and the yeast general amino acid permease, Gap1. In the presence of their substrates, Gap1 and Can1 undergo ubiquitin-dependent endocytosis and targeting to the vacuolar lumen for degradation. We showed that this downregulation is not due to intracellular accumulation of the transported amino acids but to transport catalysis itself. By permease structural modeling, mutagenesis, and kinetic parameter analysis, we showed that Gap1 and Can1 need to switch to an intermediary conformational state and persist a minimal time in this state after binding the substrate to trigger their endocytosis. This down-regulation depends on the Rsp5 ubiquitin ligase and involves the recruitment of arrestin-like adaptors, resulting in the ubiquitylation and endocytosis of the permease.<p><p>Our work shows the importance of the structural analysis of yAAPs to get further insight into the different aspects of their function and regulation. We validate the use of a bacterial APC transporter, AdiC, to construct three-dimensional models of yAAPs that can be used to guide experimental analyses and to provide a molecular framework for data interpretation. Our results contribute to a better understating of the recognition mode of amino acids by their permeases, and the regulation of this transport in response to substrate binding. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Funkční analýza populačně specifických sekvenčních variant genu pro kinázu kontrolního bodu buněčného cyklu CHEK2 / Functional analysis of the population-specific checkpoint kinase gene CHEK2 sequence variantsStolařová, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
CHEK2 gene codes for serin/threonine kinase Chk2 (Checkpoint kinase 2). In response to genomic DNA damage, Chk2 phosphorylates its substrates (proteins Cdc25C, BRCA1 or p53), whose activation leads either to cell cycle arrest, DNA damage repair or induction of apoptosis. Germline mutations in CHEK2 gene increase risk of cancer development. Analysis of high risk breast cancer patients in Czech Republic reveals rare CHEK2 mutations (mainly missense) with yet unknown clinical significance. This work focuses on functional impact of these variants and analysis of kinase activity of variant isoforms of Chk2 kinase. For this purpose, recombinant constructs were expressed in bacterial cells of E. coli. Enzymatic activity of Chk2 kinase isoforms in crude cell lysates was measured by the phosphorylation of Chk2 arteficial substrate spectrophotometrically. Results of in vitro kinase assay were correlated to the results of in silico prediction software. The results show that from 15 analyzed mutations (together with one in frame deletion), kinase activity was abrogated in all variants affecting the kinase domain of Chk2, in concordance with in silico predictions. The same result has been found for a FHA domain variant p.R145Q. No significant changes in kinase activity were observed in case of two FHA domain variants...
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Exploring The Role Of The Highly Conserved Residues In Triosephosphate IsomeraseSamanta, Moumita 05 1900 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis discusses the structure-function studies on triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) from Plasmodium falciparum (Pf), directed towards understanding the roles of highly conserved residues by site derected mutagenesis. Chapter 1 provides an introductory overview to the relevant literature on triosephosphate isomerase. In addition, this Chapter provides an analysis of conserved residues in TIM, and amino acid diversity at specific positions in the structure using a dataset of 503 TIM sequences. Chapter 2 reports the work on the completely conserved residue, C126 in TIM, which is proximal to the active site. Five mutants, C126S, C126A, C126V, C126M and C126T have been characterized. Crystal structures of 3-phosphoglycolate (PGA) bound C126S mutant and the unliganded forms of the C126S and C126A mutants have been determined at a resolution of 1.7 Å to 2.1 Å. Kinetic studies reveal a ~5 fold drop in kcat for the C126S and C126A mutants, while a ~ 10 fold drop is observed for the other three mutants. All the mutants show reduced stability at lower concentration and higher temperature. Chapter 3 presents the kinetic and structural characterization for the E97Q and E97D mutants of Pf TIM. A 4000 fold reduction in kcat is observed for E97Q, 100 fold reduction for the E97D mutant, while a ~ 9000 fold drop in activity for the control mutant, E165A. A large conformational change for the critical K12 side chain is observed in the crystal structure of the E97Q mutant, while it remains unchanged in the E97D structure. The results are interpreted to invoke a direct role for E97 in the catalytic proton transfer cycle, eliminating the need to invoke the formation of the energetically unfavorable imidazolate anion at H95. Chapter 4 reports investigations with position 96 by the biochemical and structural characterization of single mutants, F96Y, F96A and the double mutants, F96S/S73A and F96S/L167V. F96Y showed ~100 fold drop in activity, F96A revealed ~10 fold drop in activity, while F96S/S73A showed 100 fold lower activity than that of the wild type enzyme. Interestingly, the double mutant F96S/L167V proved to be a partial pseudorevertant, showing 10 fold higher activity than the single mutant, F96S. Chapter 5 describes the cloning, and preliminary kinetic and biophysical characterization of the enzyme, Dm TIM. A survey of disease causing mutations in TIM and the relationship of these sites of mutation to the active site and the dimer interface of TIM is presented in this Chapter.
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Characterisation of critical interactions between translation factors eIF2 and eIF2BMurphy, Patrick January 2013 (has links)
Eukaryotic translation initiation is a complex and highly regulated process involving the ribosome, mRNA and proteins called eukaryotic initiation factors (eIFs). The overall aim of translation initiation is to position the ribosome at the initiation codon of the mRNA. eIF2, in its GTP-bound conformation, binds the initiator tRNA (Met-tRNAiMet) and delivers it to the 40S ribosomal subunit. When the anticodon of the tRNA is bound to the initiation codon, the GTP on eIF2 is hydrolysed to GDP. The guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) eIF2B regenerates eIF2-GTP. eIF2 and eIF2B are multisubunit/multidomain protein complexes. Because information regarding the interface between each complex is limited, particularly the interface on the eIF2γ subunit, which binds the guanine-nucleotides and Met-tRNAiMet, interactions between the minimal GEF domain of eIF2Bε, εGEF, and eIF2 were mapped using mutagenesis and an in vitro cysteine cross-linking approach, with the cross-linker Mts-Atf-Biotin. Site-directed mutagenesis (SDM) was used to mutate five N-terminal and five C-terminal surface-exposed εGEF residues to cysteines. The mutant alleles were analysed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and it was found that the gcd6-R574C allele was lethal and the gcd6-T572C was Gcd-. Further gcd6-R574 mutant alleles were also found to be lethal in yeast but expressed in vivo.εGEF-R574C has dramatically reduced GEF activity in vitro and binding assays showed that this mutant has significantly reduced affinity for eIF2. The εGEF-T572C and εGEF-S576C mutants also have severe and minor eIF2-binding defects respectively, while the C-terminal εGEF-Cys mutants have slightly reduced affinity for eIF2. The N-terminal εGEF-Cys mutants cross-link specifically to eIF2γ, while the C-terminal εGEF-Cys mutants interact predominantly with eIF2β. From the data obtained in this study, we propose a new model for eIF2B-mediated guanine-nucleotide exchange that reduces the importance of eIF2β and suggests εGEF resembles other GEFs in binding primarily to its G protein partner eIF2γ.
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Estudo da atividade inibitória da troponina I através de mutações sítio-dirigidas / Study of the inhibitory activity of troponin I by site-directed mutagenesisRonaldo Bento Quaggio 06 October 1994 (has links)
A troponina I (TnI) é a sub-unidade inibitória do complexo troponina, responsável pela regulação da contração do músculo esquelético. Foi demonstrado que sua ação inibitória sobre a Mg2+ATPase da actomiosina, deve-se principalmente à região entre os resíduos 96 e 116 (região do peptídeo inibitório). Para estudar o mecanismo de inibição a nível molecular, produzimos três mutantes na região do peptídeo inibitório através de mutações sítio-dirigidas. Substituímos os resíduos lisina 105 por ácido glutâmico (K105E), fenilalanina 106 por tirosina (F106Y) e arginina 113 por ácido glutâmico (R113E). As troponinas I mutantes foram expressas em E.coli, purificadas e ensaiadas em sua atividade inibitória, interações com os outros componentes do complexo regulatório e sua capacidade regulatória. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a mutação na posição 105 alterou a interação da proteína com a tropomiosina, diminuindo sua atividade inibitória e afinidade pela actina-tropomiosina. A substituição na posição 113 alterou a interação da proteína com a actina e com a actina-tropomiosina, também diminuindo a atividade inibitória na presença de tropomiosina e inviabilizando a inibição na ausência de tropomiosina. Já a substituição na posição 106 não produziu alteração detectável. Concluímos que o resíduo 105 faz parte do sítio de ligação da troponina I ao complexo actina-tropomiosina e que o resíduo 113 participa diretamente do mecanismo de inibição. Desta forma, definimos duas interfaces de interação da troponina I com o filamento de actina-tropomiosina, necessárias a ligação da troponina I ao filamento e inibição da ATPase. / Troponin I (TnI) is the inhibitory subunit of the troponin complex, responsible for the regulation of skeletal muscle contraction. It has been demonstrated that TnI\'s inhibitory action on Mg2+ATPase of actomyosin is due principally to the region between residues 96 and 116 (the inhibitory region). To study the inhibitory mechanism at the molecular level, we produced three mutants of the inhibitory region by site-directed mutagenesis. We substituted lysine 105 for glutamic acid (K105E), phenylalanine 106 for tyrosine (F106Y) and arginine 113 for glutamic acid (R113E). The TnI mutants were expressed in E. coli, purified and analyzed for their inhibitory activity, interaction with other components of the regulatory complex and regulatory capacity. The results indicate that the mutation in K105E modified the interaction of TnI with tropomyosin, reduced its inhibitory activity and actin-tropomyosin affinity. The mutant R113E displayed modified interaction with actin and actin-tropomyosin, reduced inhibitory activity in the presence of tropomyosin and essentially no inhibitory activity in the absence of tropomyosin. The mutant F106Y behaved essentially like wild-type TnI. We conclude that residue 105 is part of the site by which troponin I binds to the actin-tropomyosin and that residue 113 participates directly in the inhibitory mechanism. In this way, we have defined two interfaces between troponin I and the actin-tropomyosin which are necessary for binding TnI to the filament and to inhibit the actomyosin ATPase.
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Caracterização da família de reguladores de absorção de metais e resposta a estresse em Leptospira interrogans sorovar Copenhageni. / Characterization of the metal absorption regulator family and stress response in Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni.Leonardo Hiroyuki Santos Momo 27 April 2015 (has links)
A leptospirose é uma zoonose de importância mundial, e é causada por bactérias patogênicas do gênero Leptospira, pertencente à ordem Spirochaetales. Os seres humanos são hospedeiros acidentais e os surtos de leptospirose ocorrem em grandes centros urbanos após enchentes contaminadas por urina de ratos. Existem poucas informações a respeito de como Leptospira spp lida com situações de estresse induzidas pelo hospedeiro e pelo ambiente. O ferro é um íon essencial para a maioria dos seres vivos. A regulação de genes envolvidos por seu aporte e estoque na célula bacteriana é mediada por proteínas da família de reguladores transcricionais, Fur (ferric uptake regulator). L. interrogans sorovar Copenhageni possui quatro ortólogos para Fur, que foram alvo de estudo deste trabalho. A caracterização destes genes foi realizada através de estudos evolutivos, determinação do seu padrão de expressão em modelo animal e análise de modelagem estrutural. Durante o andamento do mestrado, ensaios paralelos revelaram resultados promissores na análise de expressão de genes relacionados ao sistema SOS, um mecanismo de resposta bacteriano a danos no material genético. Assim sendo, o estudo de caracterização de expressão em modelo animal suscetível e resistente à doença foi ampliado. Ensaios de qRT-PCR de cDNAs provenientes de pulmão, rim e fígado permitiram a identificação de dois genes que foram expressos quase que constitutivamente ao longo de toda a infecção em todos os órgãos e organismos estudados: fur979 e recA. Os demais foram requeridos em dias específicos da infecção. Quanto aos componentes do sistema SOS, observamos padrão de expressão específico para o rim, no quinto dia após a infecção. Para os estudos evolutivos de Fur foi gerada uma árvore filogenética que revelou o agrupamento de duas sequências da família Fur de Leptospira interrogans sorovar Copenhageni em ramos fechados com sequências muito similares a proteína Fur e Zur de Escherichia coli. Os outros dois ortólogos agruparam com as proteínas correspondentes nas demais espécies de Leptospira. Uma destas sequências apresentou padrão evolutivo específico dentre as espécies patogênicas. A modelagem da estrutura terciária, confirmou o padrão evolutivo obtido em nossa inferência filogenética. / Leptospirosis is a worldwide zoonosis caused by pathogenic bacteria from the genus Leptospira, order Spirochetales. Human beings are accidental hosts, and leptospirosis outbreaks occur in large urban centers after contact with contaminated waterby rodent urine. There are few informations concerning the mechanisms employed by Leptospira sppto deal with the stress induced by the host and the environment Iron is an essential ion to most of living beings. The regulation of genes involved in its uptake and maintenance in the bacterial cell is mediated by the transcriptional regulator family proteins, Fur (ferric uptake regulators). L. interrogans serovar Copenhageni possesses four orthologues for Fur, which were the focus of this work. The characterization of Leptospira Fur genes was done through evolutive studies, determination of their expression pattern on animal model and structural modeling analysis. In parallel, some experiments presented promising results for the expression analysis of genes related to the SOS system, a bacterial response mechanism to DNA damage. Therefore, the gene expression characterization on susceptible and resistant animal model was amplified. qRT-PCR experiments of cDNA from lung, kidney and liver allowed the identification of two genes expressed almost constitutively during the infection in all organs and organisms : fur979 and recA. The others were required in specific days of the infection. Curiously, the SOS system components showed specific expression pattern in the fifth day after inoculation, in kidney. For the Fur evolutive studies, a phylogenetic tree was inferred, revealing the clustering of two Fur family sequences from Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni in closed branches with very similar sequences to Fur and Zur proteins from Escherichia coli. The other two orthologues clustered with corresponding proteins in the other Leptospira species. One of these sequences presented a specific evolutive pattern among pathogenic species. The tertiary structure modeling confirmed the evolutive pattern obtained in our phylogenetic inference.
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Sequenciamento de um código de barras como ferramenta para quantificação de alterações na dinâmica de populações celulares transduzidas com vetores lentivirais. / Sequencing of a barcode as a tool for the quantification of changes in the dynamics of cell populations transduced with lentiviral vectors.Daniela Bertolini Zanatta 28 June 2012 (has links)
Os vetores retrovirais representam uma das melhores opções para transferência e terapia gênica, pois fornecem expressão do transgene em longo prazo. Entretanto, a inserção do provírus pode causar mutagênese insercional, induzindo proto-oncogenes. Eventos deste tipo têm sido descritos em protocolos clínicos para o tratamento de SCID-X1, doença granulomatosa crônica e talessemia beta, quando vetores retrovirais (oncorretrovirus) foram utilizados. Atualmente, existem poucos métodos simples e rápidos para revelar e quantificar a expansão clonal. Assim, descrevemos a construção uma biblioteca de vetores contendo uma marcação aleatória, denominada código de barras. O sequenciamento do código de barras permitirá revelar, caracterizar e até quantificar a expansão clonal de uma população de células transduzidas. Esta metodologia ajudará a testar novos arranjos de promotores e genes terapêuticos, para o desenvolvimento de vetores mais seguros contribuindo para a redução da probabilidade de um evento de proliferação clonal desencadeado pela mutagênese insercional. / Retroviral vectors represent one of the best options for gene transfer and therapy, where long-term transgene expression is required. However, insertion of the provirus can cause insertional mutagenesis, which may have adverse consequences, such as induction of proto-oncogenes. Such events have been described in clinical trials for the treatment of SCID-X1, chronic granulomatous disease and beta thalessemia with some retroviral vectors. Currently, there are few simple and quick methods that can reveal and quantify clonal expansion. Thus, we describe the construction of a vector library containing random markers, called \"barcodes\". The sequencing of the barcode could reveal, characterize and quantify the clonal expansion of a transduced cells population. This methodology will be valuable to test new arrangements of promoters and therapeutic genes, allowing the development of safer vectors, helping to reduce the probability of clonal proliferation events triggered by insertional mutagenesis.
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