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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise proteômica de proteínas citoplasmáticas de Mycoplasma synoviae

Menegatti, Angela Camila Orbem 25 October 2012 (has links)
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia, Florianópolis, 2010 / Made available in DSpace on 2012-10-25T09:44:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 276928.pdf: 2942660 bytes, checksum: 0297aa2abae4ad6d7d216d59c57415d2 (MD5) / O Mycoplasma synoviae é um dos mais importantes patógenos de aves domésticas em todo o mundo, sendo o agente causador de doenças respiratórias, sinovites e doenças sistêmicas, e, por consequência, torna-se responsável por grandes perdas econômicas na produção avícola. Com a recente conclusão do sequenciamento do genoma do M. synoviae, deu-se novo impulso na realização de estudos pós-genômicos. O presente trabalho apresenta o mapa proteômico preliminar das proteínas citoplasmáticas do M. synoviae, desenvolvido utilizando a eletroforese bidimensional associada à espectrometria de massa. Os mapas proteômicos foram realizados em duas faixas de pH (pH 4 a 7 e pH 3 a 10), e em dois tamanhos de tiras de IPG (7 cm e 13 cm). As proteínas foram identificadas utilizando espectrometria de massa MALDI/TOF e a ferramenta de busca MASCOT. Baseado na sequência genômica um total de 42 sequências codificantes de DNA (CDSs) foram identificadas, sendo que as proteínas mais abundantes foram a chaperona DnaK, o fator de elongação Tu e a tiol peroxidase. De acordo com a classificação funcional, a maioria das proteínas identificadas pertence à classe de metabolismo (39%) e à classe de armazenamento e processamento de informação (29%). Finalmente, foi realizada uma análise imunológica, na qual identificamos duas proteínas antigênicas de M. synoviae reconhecidas pelo soro de animais imunizados com esse patógeno, sendo elas a frutose-bifosfato aldolase e a proteína hipotética MS53_0025. O mapa proteômico obtido será útil como referência para outras análises de expressão protéica em M. synoviae. / Mycoplasma synoviae is a major pathogen of poultry throughout the world, being the causative agent of respiratory diseases, synovitis and systemic diseases, and consequently, it is responsible for great economic losses in poultry production. Recently the sequencing of M. synoviae genome was concluded and this accomplishment has stimulated pos-genomic studies This study presents the preliminary proteomic map of citoplasmatic proteins of M. synoviae, constructed using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis in combination with mass spectrometry. The proteomic maps were produced in two pH ranges (pH 3-10 and pH 4-7), and using two different IPG strips lengths (7 cm and 13 cm). Proteins were identified using MALDI/TOF mass spectrometry and the search engine MASCOT. Based on the genome sequence of M. synoviae, a total of 42 different coding DNA sequences (CDSs) were identified. The most prominent proteins were the molecular chaperone DnaK, the elongation factor Tu and thiol peroxidase. According to the functional classification, the majority of the identified proteins belong to the class of metabolism (39%) and the class of information storage and processing (29%). Finally, we performed an immunological analysis which identified two antigenic proteins from M. synoviae recognized by sera from animals immunized with this pathogen. The proteome map obtained will be useful as reference for further analysis of protein expression in M. synoviae.

Determinación de la Seroprevalencia de Mycoplasma gallisepticum y Mycoplasma synoviae en una empresa de aves de postura de múltiples edades

Castillo Vera, Felipe Ignacio January 2014 (has links)
Memoria para optar al Título Profesional de Médico Veterinario. / Se recolectaron 453 muestras de suero de gallinas ponedoras pertenecientes a una empresa productora de huevos ubicada en la Región de Valparaíso, y se determinó la seroprevalencia de Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) y Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) a través de la detección de anticuerpos utilizando la prueba de ensayo por inmunoabsorción ligado a enzimas (ELISA). Las muestras se obtuvieron desde los 10 sectores con aves de diferentes edades pertenecientes a las 4 granjas que componen la empresa, y se evidenció que todos éstos presentaron individuos positivos a MG y/o MS. Del total de las 453 muestras de sueros, se observó que 239 (52,8%) eran positivas a MG, mientras que 322 (71,1%) eran positivas a MS. Los rangos de positividad fluctuaron entre un 6,7% y un 100% tanto para MG como para MS en los distintos sectores evaluados. Para ambos agentes se evaluaron diferencias en los factores grupo etario, tipo de galpón, granja y sector productivo. En el caso de MG, la granja Los Ceibos, los sectores Ceibo 1, Ceibo 2 y Ceibo 3, y los galpones abiertos, fueron los que mostraron una mayor cantidad de muestras positivas. Mientras que para MS, la granja Los Ceibos, los sectores Ceibo 1, Ceibo 3, Los Boldos y Los Espinos, los galpones abiertos y los grupos etarios de mediana y avanzada edad fueron los que mostraron una mayor cantidad de muestras positivas. / 453 serum samples from laying hens belonging to an egg producer located in the Valparaíso region were collected to determine the seroprevalence of Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) and Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) by using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The samples were obtained from 10 sectors of the company, which had birds of different ages belonging to the company 4 farms. It was shown that all these sectors have positive MG and / or MS birds. Of the total of 453 serum samples 239 (52.8%) were positive to MG, while 322 (71.1%) were positive to MS. The ranges of positivity ranged between 6.7% and 100% for both MG and MS in the different sectors evaluated. Differences in certain factors were evaluated for both agents: age, type of barn, farm and production sector. For MG, the farm Los Ceibos, the Ceibo 1 sector, Ceibo 2 sector, Ceibo 3 sector and open sheds showed a greater number of positive samples. For MS, the farm Los Ceibos, the Ceibo 1 sector, Ceibo 3 sector, Los Boldos sector, Los Espinos sector, open sheds and the age groups of middle and old age were those who had a higher number of positive samples.

Molecular characterization of Mycoplasma synoviae in chickens in South Africa using single-stranded conformation polymorphism and high-resolution melting curve analysis of the vlhA gene

Raphela, Mashikoane Pinky Jane 10 July 2013 (has links)
Mycoplasma synoviae (Ms) causes respiratory infection and synovitis in chickens and turkeys and is an economically important pathogen of poultry worldwide. It is critically important to characterize Ms strains, especially in countries in which poultry flocks are vaccinated with the live attenuated Ms strain MS-H. Vaccination with this vaccine may cause sero-conversion and persistence of the vaccine strain in the respiratory tract and will frequently result in positive Ms cultures and PCR results. Vaccination of flocks therefore complicates the diagnosis of Ms by the presence of detectable antibodies in the blood. Many diagnostic techniques cannot distinguish between the vaccine strain and wild type strain. Single stranded conformation polymorphism (SSCP) and real-time PCR with high melting curve (HRM) analysis can discriminate between the different Ms strains obtained from the field and also distinguish them from the live vaccinestrains. These techniques provide effective tools for the further study of the epidemiology and spread of Ms strains in chickens in South Africa. This project was undertaken to establish whether SSCP and HRM analyses can be used effectively to discriminate between Ms field isolates and the vaccine strain. Mycoplasma synoviae DNA was extracted from samples and conventional PCR was performed using oligonucleotide primers complementary to the single-copy conserved 5’ end of the variable lipoprotein and haemagglutinin encoding gene (vlhA). Twenty six samples were separated by agarose gel electrophoresis and prepared for SSCP and real-time PCR and HRM curve analysis. Results obtained from SSCP were compared to real-time PCR/HRM. Differences obtained by SSCP and melting curve analysis between different isolates were confirmed by sequencing. Results obtained from the different techniques differentiated the strains from the vaccine strain (isolate Ms10), which had a different melting temperature to the others and a different band pattern on the SSCP gel. These results confirmed that HRM and SSCP methods can be used to detect and discriminate between Mycoplasma synoviae field isolates and the vaccine strain. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Veterinary Tropical Diseases / unrestricted

Mycoplasma synoviae assoziierte Eischalenpoldefekte bei Legehennen

Ranck, Frederik 20 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In einer klinisch-prospektiven Feldstudie wurden Legehennenherden untersucht, in denen poldefekte Eier auftraten. Aus 3 betroffenen Herden wurden hierzu gezielt 86 Hühner, die poldefekte Eier legten, sowie willkürlich 72 Hühner, die normale Eier legten, untersucht. Alle Herden zeigten eine gute Legeleistung und eine hohen Sekundaanteil von über 5% an der Legeleistung, wobei die verschmutzten Eier die größte Fraktion ausmachten. Je mehr poldefekte Eier auftraten, umso höher waren der Schmutzeianteil sowie der Anteil an Bruch- und Fließeiern. Dieses Phänomen lässt sich durch die verringerte Schalenstabilität der poldefekten Eier erklären. Bei den auf poldefekte Eier selektierten Hühnern machten die poldefekten Eier den Hauptanteil der absoluten Legeleistung mit 46 bis 64% aus, sie hatten zudem einen Bruch- und Fließeianteil zwischen 27 und 38%. Der Bruch –und Fließeianteil hat die absolute Legeleistung gesenkt, aufgrund ihrer Instabilität gingen viele dieser Eier auf dem Weg vom Huhn zur Packstelle verloren. Hatte ein Huhn einmal begonnen poldefekte Eier zu legen, legte es fast keine normalen Eier mehr. In der serologischen Untersuchung mittels ELISA hatten die Hühner aller drei Herden, welche poldefekte Eier legten, einen signifikant höheren Antikörpertiter (p<0,05) gegen Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) im Vergleich zu der Kontrollgruppe. Bei allen Hühnern konnte MS-spezifische DNA in Trachealabstrichen mittels PCR amplifiziert werden. Kloakenabstriche erwiesen sich mittels MS-PCR bei den Hühnern mit poldefekten Eiern zu 87% (n=72), bei den Kontrollhühner dagegen nur zu 18% (n=13) als MS positiv. MS war darüber hinaus aus Legedarmabstrichen von fünf Hühnern, welche poldefekte Eier legten, kultivierbar. Darüber hinaus wurden 49 poldefekte Eier und 43 Eier ohne Poldefekte im Eiklar auf MS untersucht. Bei fast allen poldefekten Eiern konnte im Eiklar MS-spezifische DNA nachgewiesen werden (n=48; 98%), im Unterschied zu den Kontrolleiern (n=11; 26%). Ein kausal-pathogenetischer Zusammenhang zwischen einer Infektion des Legedarms mit MS und dem Legen von Eiern mit Poldefekten ist den Ergebnissen folgend wahrscheinlich, wobei verschiedene Faktoren für die Infektion des Legedarms verantwortlich zu sein scheinen. Bei der qualitativen Untersuchung hatten die poldefekten Eier eine signifikant (p<0.05) geringere Schalenstabilität im Vergleich zu den Kontrolleiern. Die Eischalenspitzen der Gruppe „Pol A“ hielten mit 11,4N fast nur ein Viertel der Belastung der Referenzherde aus. Die hohe Schalenstabilität der Kontrolleier von über 40N zeigte, dass die Legehennen, die keine poldefekten Eier legten, keine Schalenstabilitätsprobleme hatten. Die Farbe der braunen poldefekten Eier war oft signifikant heller als die der Kontrolleier, auch waren die Farbpigmente (a- und b-Wert) signifikant (p<0,05) verändert. Das trockene Schalengewicht war bei den poldefekten Eiern mit bis zu einem Gramm Unterschied pro Ei signifikant (p<0,05) niedriger als bei den Kontrolleiern. Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen der Eischale wurden an 2 poldefekten Eiern und 2 Eiern ohne Poldefekte durchgeführt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich die poldefekten Eier sowohl in Struktur als auch im Durchmesser der Eischale erheblich von den Kontrolleiern unterschieden. Es ist fraglich, ob die veränderte Schale der poldefekten Eier in ihrer mikrobiologischen Barrierefunktion beeinträchtigt ist. Die für die Eifrische relevanten Größen wichen bei den poldefekten Eiern teilweise signifikant von den Kontrolleiern ab. In den braunen poldefekten Eiern traten vermehrt Fleischflecken auf. Aus den poldefekten Eiern ließ sich der Erreger MS jedoch nicht isolieren und anzüchten. Die untersuchten poldefekten Eier erfüllten damit - soweit ihre Schale intakt war - die formalen Anforderungen an frische Eier der Güteklasse A nach VO (EG) Nr. 1234/2007 und 598/2008. In der gelelektrophoretischen Analyse der organischen Matrix der Eischalen war in den poldefekten Eiern die Intensität der Lysozym zugeordneten Bande jeweils höher als in den Kontrolleiern, dies ließ sich jedoch statistisch nicht untermauern. Ätiologisch ist denkbar, dass eine subklinische bakterielle Besiedlung des Legedarms mit MS und die daraus resultierende Immunantwort den Lysozymspiegel des Uterussekrets erhöht. Die Verschiebung des Lysozymspiegels wirkt sich sowohl qualitativ als auch quantitativ negativ auf die Eischalenbildung aus. Das Resultat ist eine verringerte Schalenstabilität, das morphologische Korrelat der im Eischalenspitzenbereich sichtbare Defekt. / Hens laying eggs with egg-pole shell defects (EPS) were examined in a clinical prospective study. 86 hens with EPS and 72 hens without EPS from 3 flocks were selected for this study. All examined flocks showed a good laying performance, although laying many eggs off quality class B. The rate was over 5 percent of all laid eggs, most of them were dirty eggs. There was a significant correlation between EPS-eggs and dirty eggs, although between EPS-eggs and broken- and thin shelled eggs. This phenomenon could be explained by the decreased eggshell strength of the EPS-eggs. The selected hens with EPS showed a rate between 46 and 64 percent EPS-eggs of all laid eggs, the rate of broken- and thin shelled eggs was between 27 and 38 percent. Those broken- and thin shelled eggs increased absolute laying performance, because of their instability many of them were lost on the way from the cage to the packing station. The selected hens with EPS produced almost no normal eggs. It could be shown that if a hen starts laying EPS-eggs, she is almost unable to lay normal eggs any more. It could be proven serologically that hens with EPS had significant (p<0.05) higher titers against Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) then hens without EPS. MS-DNA was detectable from the tracheal swab in all tested hens. PCR tested cloacal swabs for MS were more frequently positive from hens with EPS (n=72; 87%) then from hens without EPS (n=13; 18%). Furthermore MS could be cultivated from the oviduct of 5 hens with EPS. Additionally 49 Eggs with EPS and 43 Eggs without EPS were examined microbiologically. MS-DNA was detectable in the albumen of nearly all eggs with EPS (n = 48; 98 %), contrary to the eggs without EPS (n = 11; 26%). Due to the findings it is very likely that an infection of the oviduct with MS results in eggs with EPS, whereas different factors may play an important role for the infection of the oviduct. In the qualitative investigation EPS-eggs had a significant (p<0.05) decreased pole eggshell strength than the eggs without EPS. The pole eggshell strength of the EPS-eggs of flock A (group “Pol A”) was with 11,4N just about a quarter of the pole eggshell strength of the reference flock. Nearly all eggs without EPS had a pole eggshell strength over 40N. It could be shown that hens without EPS had no decreased eggshell strength. The color of the brown EPS-eggs was often significant brighter than color of brown eggs without EPS. Furthermore the color pigments of the EPS-eggs were significant (p<0.05) changed. Dry eggshell weight was in EPS-eggs up until 1 gram difference significant (p<0.05) lower compared to eggs without EPS. Scanning electron microscopy was performed in 2 eggs with EPS and 2 eggs without EPS. This investigation revealed that eggs with EPS showed considerable differences of the eggshell structure as well as the cross section dimension according to eggs without EPS. It is doubtful whether the changed eggshell of EPS-eggs is impaired in its microbiological barrier function. The relevant variables for the freshness of the egg varied in the EPS-eggs in some cases significantly (p<0.05) compared to the control eggs. In Brown EPS-eggs increased Meat-spots occurred. However, MS could not be cultivated from EPS-eggs. Therewith fulfilled the investigated EPS-eggs - if their shell was intact - the formal requirements for fresh eggs of grade A eggs under regulation VO (EG) No. 1234/2007 and 598/2008. A gel electrophoretic analysis of the organic matrix of the eggshells of EPS-eggs and normal eggs was made. Intensity of the lysozyme-associated band was in the EPS eggs respectively higher than in the control eggs. However, this could not be proven statistically. Etiologically is conceivable that subclinical bacterial colonization of the hens oviduct with MS and the resulting immune response increases the lysozyme level in the uterine secretions. The shift of the lysozyme level affects both quantitatively and qualitatively negative on the eggshell formation. The result is a decrease in shell strength. The morphological correlate is the visible eggshell pole defect.

Detecção do vírus da Influenza Aviária, Paramyxovirus tipo 1 (vírus da Doença de Newcastle), Mycoplasma gallisepticum e Mycoplasma synoviae em aves silvestres e domésticas próximas às granjas avícolas comerciais nas regiões de Mogi das Cruzes e Louveira do Estado de São Paulo / Detection of Influenzavirus, Paramyxovirus I, Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synoviae in free-ranging birds and backyard chicken around poultry farms in Mogi das Cruzes and Louveira, São Paulo state

Guimarães, Marta Brito 19 December 2012 (has links)
Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, detectar o vírus da Influenza aviária, Paramyxovirus tipo 1 (doença de Newcastle), Mycoplasma gallisepticum e Mycoplasma synoviae, respectivamente pelas técnicas de RT-PCR e PCR, em aves domésticas e aves em vida livre próximas às granjas avícolas nas cidades de Mogi das Cruzes e Louveira do Estado de São Paulo. As aves silvestres foram capturadas, anilhadas, submetidas à avaliação de estado geral e à coleta de suabes de orofaringe e cloaca. As aves de subsistência ou fundo de quintal seguiram o mesmo protocolo com a exceção do anilhamento, e tiveram amostras de sangue coletadas para a pesquisa de anticorpos contra o vírus da Doença de Newcastle, Mycoplasma gallisepticum e Mycoplasma synoviae pela técnica de ELISA indireto. Foram considerados os aspectos da biodiversidade entre as espécies silvestres capturadas e a biossegurança nas granjas. As aves silvestres apresentaram resultados negativos nesta pesquisa, no entanto, Mycoplasma gallisepticum e Mycoplasma synoviae foram detectados pela técnica da PCR nas aves de subsistência, assim como apresentaram títulos de anticorpos para os agentes acima citados e para o Paramyxovirus tipo I. Duas granjas não possuíam medidas de biosseguridade adequadas permitindo o contato de animais de vida livre com as aves de fundo de quintal e com as aves de produção, o que pode facilitar a disseminação de patógenos de interesse para a saúde pública e para a avicultura comercial. / The aim of this study is to detect avian influenza virus, Newcastle disease virus (Paramyxovirus I), Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synoviae in backyard chicken and wildlife birds around commercial poultry farms using RT-PCR and PCR. The birds were captured with mist nets, identified with alluminium leg rings, subjected to the assessment of clinical conditions and samples were collected by oral and cloacal swabs. The same was done with backyard chicken without the identification with leg rings. Blood samples were collected from backyard chicken and tested for antibodies against Mycoplasma gallisepticum, Mycoplasma synoviae and Paramyxovirus I by indirect ELISA test. This study was conducted in Mogi das Cruzes and Louveira, São Paulo state, where the commercial poultry is considered an activity of great importance. The results were negative to wild birds, but we could detect Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synoviae by PCR and antibodies titles for Mycoplasma gallisepticum, Mycoplasma synoviae and Newcastle disease in backyard chickens.Two farms didn´t have appropriate biosecurity measures, allowing intense contact with free-living birds, backyard chicken and poultry facilitating spread of pathogens with concern to human health and poultry farms.

Detecção do vírus da Influenza Aviária, Paramyxovirus tipo 1 (vírus da Doença de Newcastle), Mycoplasma gallisepticum e Mycoplasma synoviae em aves silvestres e domésticas próximas às granjas avícolas comerciais nas regiões de Mogi das Cruzes e Louveira do Estado de São Paulo / Detection of Influenzavirus, Paramyxovirus I, Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synoviae in free-ranging birds and backyard chicken around poultry farms in Mogi das Cruzes and Louveira, São Paulo state

Marta Brito Guimarães 19 December 2012 (has links)
Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, detectar o vírus da Influenza aviária, Paramyxovirus tipo 1 (doença de Newcastle), Mycoplasma gallisepticum e Mycoplasma synoviae, respectivamente pelas técnicas de RT-PCR e PCR, em aves domésticas e aves em vida livre próximas às granjas avícolas nas cidades de Mogi das Cruzes e Louveira do Estado de São Paulo. As aves silvestres foram capturadas, anilhadas, submetidas à avaliação de estado geral e à coleta de suabes de orofaringe e cloaca. As aves de subsistência ou fundo de quintal seguiram o mesmo protocolo com a exceção do anilhamento, e tiveram amostras de sangue coletadas para a pesquisa de anticorpos contra o vírus da Doença de Newcastle, Mycoplasma gallisepticum e Mycoplasma synoviae pela técnica de ELISA indireto. Foram considerados os aspectos da biodiversidade entre as espécies silvestres capturadas e a biossegurança nas granjas. As aves silvestres apresentaram resultados negativos nesta pesquisa, no entanto, Mycoplasma gallisepticum e Mycoplasma synoviae foram detectados pela técnica da PCR nas aves de subsistência, assim como apresentaram títulos de anticorpos para os agentes acima citados e para o Paramyxovirus tipo I. Duas granjas não possuíam medidas de biosseguridade adequadas permitindo o contato de animais de vida livre com as aves de fundo de quintal e com as aves de produção, o que pode facilitar a disseminação de patógenos de interesse para a saúde pública e para a avicultura comercial. / The aim of this study is to detect avian influenza virus, Newcastle disease virus (Paramyxovirus I), Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synoviae in backyard chicken and wildlife birds around commercial poultry farms using RT-PCR and PCR. The birds were captured with mist nets, identified with alluminium leg rings, subjected to the assessment of clinical conditions and samples were collected by oral and cloacal swabs. The same was done with backyard chicken without the identification with leg rings. Blood samples were collected from backyard chicken and tested for antibodies against Mycoplasma gallisepticum, Mycoplasma synoviae and Paramyxovirus I by indirect ELISA test. This study was conducted in Mogi das Cruzes and Louveira, São Paulo state, where the commercial poultry is considered an activity of great importance. The results were negative to wild birds, but we could detect Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synoviae by PCR and antibodies titles for Mycoplasma gallisepticum, Mycoplasma synoviae and Newcastle disease in backyard chickens.Two farms didn´t have appropriate biosecurity measures, allowing intense contact with free-living birds, backyard chicken and poultry facilitating spread of pathogens with concern to human health and poultry farms.

Detecção de Mycoplasma synoviae e Orthoreovirus aviario em lesões de artrites em frangos e matrizes de corte / Detection of mycoplasma synoviae and avian orthoreovirus in arthrits of breeds and broilers

Reck, Carolina 25 February 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-08T16:24:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PGCA11MA073.pdf: 3247783 bytes, checksum: 9d9513e50310db5c49782c22e75cc129 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-25 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Infectious arthritis in broiler and breeders represents an economic and health problem resulting in severe losses due to retarded growth and down grading at slaughterhouse . The most commom agents associated with cases of infectious arthritis in avian are Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) and Orthoreovirus avian (ARV). The objective of this study was to evaluate the occurence of MS and ARV in infectious arthritis through molecular techniques, such as PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) and RT-PCR (Reverse Transcription - Polymerase Chain Reaction). In addition, we carried out histopathological studies of joints with arthritis and development of a multiplex PCR. For the study 150 samples were collected from lesions of broilers and 180 samples of breeders. MS were detected in 82.6% and ARV 20% of the simple analysis in breeders. The analysis of samples from broilers showed positivity to MS (58.9%) and ARV (33.9%). The histopathology analysis of joints demonstrated the presence of infiltrate of heterophils in the synovial capsule and the digital flexor tendon. The inflammatory process has also been found in samples from joints that were negative by PCR for both agents.The developed multiplex, with satisfactory results, amplifying genes from MS and ARV simultaneamente. In conclusions that molecular techniques, PCR and PCR-M, were effective for detecting MS and ARV in lesions of arthritis from breeders and broiler / A artrite infecciosa em frangos e matrizes de corte representa um problema sanitário e econômico de grande impacto, provocando elevadas perdas de produtividade e nos processos de produção e industrialização. O impacto econômico relacionado às perdas por problemas no aparelho locomotor normalmente são subestimados, pois geralmente são consideradas apenas as perdas no abatedouro, não contabilizando os descartes que ocorrem durante o período de alojamento.Os principais agentes etiológicos associados aos casos de artrites infecciosas em aves são o Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) e o Orthoreovirus aviario (ARV). O presente trabalho teve por objetivo detectar a presença de MS e ARV através de técnicas moleculares, PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) e RT-PCR (Reverse Transcription - Polymerase Chain Reaction), respectivamente, em casos de artrites em frangos e matrizes de corte. Além disso, realizou-se estudos histopatológicos das articulações com artrites e desenvolvimento de um multiplex PCR. Para o estudo foram coletadas 150 amostras de lesões artritícas de matrizes de corte e 180 amostras de frango de corte, durante o período de 2009 e 2010. Do total das 150 amostras de matriz de corte submetidas a PCR , sendo que 82,6% (124/150) foram positivas para MS e 20%(30/150) foram positivas para ARV. Em 83,3% (25/30) foi possível detectar a presença de ARV e MS na mesma articulação . A análise das amostras de frango de corte demonstrou positividade para o MS em 58,9% (106/180) das amostras e 33,9% (61/180) foram positivas para o ARV. A análise histopatológica das lesões demonstrou a presença de processo inflamatório crônico na cápsula sinovial e no tendão flexor digital. O processo inflamatório foi encontrado também nas amostras de articulações que foram negativas na PCR para ambos os agentes. A multiplex desenvolvida, apresentou resultados satisfatórios, amplificando genes do MS e ARV simultaneamente. Conclui-se que as técnicas moleculares, PCR, RT-PCR e M-PCR, mostraram-se eficientes para detecção de MS e ARV em lesões de artrite de matrizes e frango de corte, podendo ser incorporadas na rotina de diagnóstico para os respectivos agentes a partir de material articular

Mycoplasma synoviae assoziierte Eischalenpoldefekte bei Legehennen

Ranck, Frederik 31 May 2011 (has links)
In einer klinisch-prospektiven Feldstudie wurden Legehennenherden untersucht, in denen poldefekte Eier auftraten. Aus 3 betroffenen Herden wurden hierzu gezielt 86 Hühner, die poldefekte Eier legten, sowie willkürlich 72 Hühner, die normale Eier legten, untersucht. Alle Herden zeigten eine gute Legeleistung und eine hohen Sekundaanteil von über 5% an der Legeleistung, wobei die verschmutzten Eier die größte Fraktion ausmachten. Je mehr poldefekte Eier auftraten, umso höher waren der Schmutzeianteil sowie der Anteil an Bruch- und Fließeiern. Dieses Phänomen lässt sich durch die verringerte Schalenstabilität der poldefekten Eier erklären. Bei den auf poldefekte Eier selektierten Hühnern machten die poldefekten Eier den Hauptanteil der absoluten Legeleistung mit 46 bis 64% aus, sie hatten zudem einen Bruch- und Fließeianteil zwischen 27 und 38%. Der Bruch –und Fließeianteil hat die absolute Legeleistung gesenkt, aufgrund ihrer Instabilität gingen viele dieser Eier auf dem Weg vom Huhn zur Packstelle verloren. Hatte ein Huhn einmal begonnen poldefekte Eier zu legen, legte es fast keine normalen Eier mehr. In der serologischen Untersuchung mittels ELISA hatten die Hühner aller drei Herden, welche poldefekte Eier legten, einen signifikant höheren Antikörpertiter (p<0,05) gegen Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) im Vergleich zu der Kontrollgruppe. Bei allen Hühnern konnte MS-spezifische DNA in Trachealabstrichen mittels PCR amplifiziert werden. Kloakenabstriche erwiesen sich mittels MS-PCR bei den Hühnern mit poldefekten Eiern zu 87% (n=72), bei den Kontrollhühner dagegen nur zu 18% (n=13) als MS positiv. MS war darüber hinaus aus Legedarmabstrichen von fünf Hühnern, welche poldefekte Eier legten, kultivierbar. Darüber hinaus wurden 49 poldefekte Eier und 43 Eier ohne Poldefekte im Eiklar auf MS untersucht. Bei fast allen poldefekten Eiern konnte im Eiklar MS-spezifische DNA nachgewiesen werden (n=48; 98%), im Unterschied zu den Kontrolleiern (n=11; 26%). Ein kausal-pathogenetischer Zusammenhang zwischen einer Infektion des Legedarms mit MS und dem Legen von Eiern mit Poldefekten ist den Ergebnissen folgend wahrscheinlich, wobei verschiedene Faktoren für die Infektion des Legedarms verantwortlich zu sein scheinen. Bei der qualitativen Untersuchung hatten die poldefekten Eier eine signifikant (p<0.05) geringere Schalenstabilität im Vergleich zu den Kontrolleiern. Die Eischalenspitzen der Gruppe „Pol A“ hielten mit 11,4N fast nur ein Viertel der Belastung der Referenzherde aus. Die hohe Schalenstabilität der Kontrolleier von über 40N zeigte, dass die Legehennen, die keine poldefekten Eier legten, keine Schalenstabilitätsprobleme hatten. Die Farbe der braunen poldefekten Eier war oft signifikant heller als die der Kontrolleier, auch waren die Farbpigmente (a- und b-Wert) signifikant (p<0,05) verändert. Das trockene Schalengewicht war bei den poldefekten Eiern mit bis zu einem Gramm Unterschied pro Ei signifikant (p<0,05) niedriger als bei den Kontrolleiern. Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen der Eischale wurden an 2 poldefekten Eiern und 2 Eiern ohne Poldefekte durchgeführt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich die poldefekten Eier sowohl in Struktur als auch im Durchmesser der Eischale erheblich von den Kontrolleiern unterschieden. Es ist fraglich, ob die veränderte Schale der poldefekten Eier in ihrer mikrobiologischen Barrierefunktion beeinträchtigt ist. Die für die Eifrische relevanten Größen wichen bei den poldefekten Eiern teilweise signifikant von den Kontrolleiern ab. In den braunen poldefekten Eiern traten vermehrt Fleischflecken auf. Aus den poldefekten Eiern ließ sich der Erreger MS jedoch nicht isolieren und anzüchten. Die untersuchten poldefekten Eier erfüllten damit - soweit ihre Schale intakt war - die formalen Anforderungen an frische Eier der Güteklasse A nach VO (EG) Nr. 1234/2007 und 598/2008. In der gelelektrophoretischen Analyse der organischen Matrix der Eischalen war in den poldefekten Eiern die Intensität der Lysozym zugeordneten Bande jeweils höher als in den Kontrolleiern, dies ließ sich jedoch statistisch nicht untermauern. Ätiologisch ist denkbar, dass eine subklinische bakterielle Besiedlung des Legedarms mit MS und die daraus resultierende Immunantwort den Lysozymspiegel des Uterussekrets erhöht. Die Verschiebung des Lysozymspiegels wirkt sich sowohl qualitativ als auch quantitativ negativ auf die Eischalenbildung aus. Das Resultat ist eine verringerte Schalenstabilität, das morphologische Korrelat der im Eischalenspitzenbereich sichtbare Defekt.:INHALTSVERZEICHNIS 1 EINLEITUNG 1 2 LITERATURÜBERSICHT 4 2.1 Eibildung und Eischalenbildung 4 2.1.1 Am Anfang war das Ei 4 2.1.2 Aufbau des Hühnereies 4 2.1.3 Eibildung 5 2.1.4 Das Grundmuster der Mineralisation der Eischale 7 2.1.5 Rolle der organischen Anteile der Eischalenmatrix, Lysozym 12 2.2 Qualitätsanforderungen an Eier 13 2.2.1 Bedeutung der Schalenstabilität 13 2.2.2 Anforderungen an die Lagerung von Eiern 13 2.2.3 Gütemerkmale 14 Äußere Merkmale 14 Innere Merkmale 15 2.2.4 Zusammensetzung des Eies 17 2.3 Legeleistung von LSL-Hybriden 18 2.4 Ursachen für Qualitätsmängel der Eischale 18 2.4.1 Infektiöse Ursachen für eine verminderte Eischalenqualität 18 Mykoplasmosen 19 Egg-Drop-Syndrom (Aviäre Adenovirus-Salpingitis), andere Adenoviren 25 Infektiöse Bronchitis des Huhnes 27 Newcastle Disease 28 Eileiter-Bauchfell-Entzündung 29 2.4.2 Nicht infektiöse Ursachen für eine verminderte Eischalenqualität 30 Nutritive und metabolische Faktoren 30 Mykotoxikosen 31 3 TIERE, MATERIAL UND METHODEN 33 3.1 Anamnese 33 3.2 Grunddaten zu den Legehennen 33 3.2.1 Aufzucht und Impfschema 33 3.2.2 Legephase und Impfschema 34 3.2.3 Farmgesundheit 34 3.3 Definition der Selektionskriterien „poldefektes Ei“ und „Polhenne/Polhühner“ 35 3.4 Eiabnahme, Untersuchung der Herden und Selektionstiere 35 3.4.1 Eiabnahme und Legeleistung der Herden 35 3.4.2 Eiabnahme und Legeleistung der Selektionstiere 36 3.4.3 Einzeltierauswahl, klinische Untersuchung und Probenentnahme 36 Serologische Untersuchung der Selektionstiere 37 PCR-Untersuchung auf Mycoplasma synoviae und Mycoplasma gallisepticum 37 Sektion von Selektionstieren 38 Probenlagerung und Probenversand 38 3.5 Gütemerkmale der Eier 39 3.5.1 Äußere Qualität 39 Gruppenauswahl und Analysekriterien 39 Schalenfarbe 39 Beschreibung der Messgeräte zur Bestimmung der äußeren Qualität der Eier 39 3.5.2 Innere Qualität 40 Gruppenauswahl und Analysekriterien 40 Beschreibung der Messgeräte zur Bestimmung der inneren Qualität der Eier 40 3.5.3 Spezielle Untersuchungen 41 Rohnährstoffanalysen 41 Differenzierung von Fettsäuren im Eidotter 41 Gelelektrophorese der Eischalenmatrixproteine 43 3.6 Ultrastrukturelle Untersuchung der Eischalen mittels REM 44 3.6.1 Gruppenauswahl und Analysekriterien 44 3.6.2 Präparation der Proben 44 3.7 Statistische Auswertung 45 4 ERGEBNISSE 46 4.1.1 Allgemeine Sektionsergebnisse 46 4.1.2 Spezielle Sektionsergebnisse 46 4.2 Legeleistung 47 4.2.1 Legeleistung, Sekunda und poldefekte Eier der untersuchten Herden 47 4.2.2 Korrelationen der Legeleistungsfraktionen 51 4.3 Legeleistung der selektierten Polhennen 52 4.4 Serologische Untersuchungen 53 4.4.1 Serologische Untersuchung der Selektionstiere 53 4.4.2 Korrelationen zwischen den signifikant verschiedenen Antikörpertitern 54 4.4.3 MS-Antikörpertiter in Abhängigkeit zur Lokalisation der Hühner in der Halle 54 4.5 Nachweis des MS- und MG-Antigens mittels PCR 55 4.5.1 Nachweis des MS- und MG-Antigens in Tracheal- und Kloakentupfern 55 4.5.2 Nachweis des MS-Antigens in Abhängigkeit von der Lokalisation der Hühner 55 4.5.3 Nachweis des MS-Antigens in Eiern 56 4.6 Gütemerkmale der poldefekten Eier 56 4.6.1 Äußere Qualität 56 Helligkeit und Farbe 56 Schalenstabilität und Deformation 60 Eigewicht, Eiklarhöhe und Haugh-Unit 60 Fleischflecken 63 4.6.2 Innere Qualität 63 Eigewicht und Eischalengewicht 63 Eiklarhöhe, Haugh-Unit und Luftkammerhöhe 65 Korrelationen der Ergebnisse aus der Untersuchung der inneren Qualität 67 pH-Wert des Eiklars 68 Dotterfarbe, Dotterbreite, Dotterhöhe und Dotterindex 68 4.6.3 Spezielle Untersuchungen 71 Rohfettgehalt im Dotter und Rohproteingehalt im Eiklar der untersuchten Eier 71 Fettsäuremuster des Eidotters 72 Eischalenmatrixproteine 73 Ultrastrukturelle Analyse der Eischalen mittels Rasterelektronemikroskopie 75 5 DISKUSSION 81 5.1 Auftreten poldefekter Eier in dem untersuchten Bestand 81 5.2 Nachweis von MS und MG in Legehennen und poldefekten Eiern 83 5.2.1 Weitere prädisponierende Faktoren für das Legen von poldefekten Eiern 85 5.2.2 Bedeutung der poldefekten Eier für den Produzenten 86 5.3 Gütemerkmale der poldefekten Eier 88 5.3.1 Äußere Qualität 88 5.3.2 Innere Qualität 90 5.3.3 Spezielle Untersuchungen 91 5.3.4 Ultrastrukturelle Untersuchung der Eischalen mittels REM 92 5.3.5 Bedeutung der poldefekten Eier für den Verbraucher 92 5.4 These zur formalen Pathogenese des Poldefektes 94 6 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG / SUMMARY 96 6.1 Zusammenfassung 96 6.2 Summary 98 7 LITERATURVERZEICHNIS C / Hens laying eggs with egg-pole shell defects (EPS) were examined in a clinical prospective study. 86 hens with EPS and 72 hens without EPS from 3 flocks were selected for this study. All examined flocks showed a good laying performance, although laying many eggs off quality class B. The rate was over 5 percent of all laid eggs, most of them were dirty eggs. There was a significant correlation between EPS-eggs and dirty eggs, although between EPS-eggs and broken- and thin shelled eggs. This phenomenon could be explained by the decreased eggshell strength of the EPS-eggs. The selected hens with EPS showed a rate between 46 and 64 percent EPS-eggs of all laid eggs, the rate of broken- and thin shelled eggs was between 27 and 38 percent. Those broken- and thin shelled eggs increased absolute laying performance, because of their instability many of them were lost on the way from the cage to the packing station. The selected hens with EPS produced almost no normal eggs. It could be shown that if a hen starts laying EPS-eggs, she is almost unable to lay normal eggs any more. It could be proven serologically that hens with EPS had significant (p<0.05) higher titers against Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) then hens without EPS. MS-DNA was detectable from the tracheal swab in all tested hens. PCR tested cloacal swabs for MS were more frequently positive from hens with EPS (n=72; 87%) then from hens without EPS (n=13; 18%). Furthermore MS could be cultivated from the oviduct of 5 hens with EPS. Additionally 49 Eggs with EPS and 43 Eggs without EPS were examined microbiologically. MS-DNA was detectable in the albumen of nearly all eggs with EPS (n = 48; 98 %), contrary to the eggs without EPS (n = 11; 26%). Due to the findings it is very likely that an infection of the oviduct with MS results in eggs with EPS, whereas different factors may play an important role for the infection of the oviduct. In the qualitative investigation EPS-eggs had a significant (p<0.05) decreased pole eggshell strength than the eggs without EPS. The pole eggshell strength of the EPS-eggs of flock A (group “Pol A”) was with 11,4N just about a quarter of the pole eggshell strength of the reference flock. Nearly all eggs without EPS had a pole eggshell strength over 40N. It could be shown that hens without EPS had no decreased eggshell strength. The color of the brown EPS-eggs was often significant brighter than color of brown eggs without EPS. Furthermore the color pigments of the EPS-eggs were significant (p<0.05) changed. Dry eggshell weight was in EPS-eggs up until 1 gram difference significant (p<0.05) lower compared to eggs without EPS. Scanning electron microscopy was performed in 2 eggs with EPS and 2 eggs without EPS. This investigation revealed that eggs with EPS showed considerable differences of the eggshell structure as well as the cross section dimension according to eggs without EPS. It is doubtful whether the changed eggshell of EPS-eggs is impaired in its microbiological barrier function. The relevant variables for the freshness of the egg varied in the EPS-eggs in some cases significantly (p<0.05) compared to the control eggs. In Brown EPS-eggs increased Meat-spots occurred. However, MS could not be cultivated from EPS-eggs. Therewith fulfilled the investigated EPS-eggs - if their shell was intact - the formal requirements for fresh eggs of grade A eggs under regulation VO (EG) No. 1234/2007 and 598/2008. A gel electrophoretic analysis of the organic matrix of the eggshells of EPS-eggs and normal eggs was made. Intensity of the lysozyme-associated band was in the EPS eggs respectively higher than in the control eggs. However, this could not be proven statistically. Etiologically is conceivable that subclinical bacterial colonization of the hens oviduct with MS and the resulting immune response increases the lysozyme level in the uterine secretions. The shift of the lysozyme level affects both quantitatively and qualitatively negative on the eggshell formation. The result is a decrease in shell strength. The morphological correlate is the visible eggshell pole defect.:INHALTSVERZEICHNIS 1 EINLEITUNG 1 2 LITERATURÜBERSICHT 4 2.1 Eibildung und Eischalenbildung 4 2.1.1 Am Anfang war das Ei 4 2.1.2 Aufbau des Hühnereies 4 2.1.3 Eibildung 5 2.1.4 Das Grundmuster der Mineralisation der Eischale 7 2.1.5 Rolle der organischen Anteile der Eischalenmatrix, Lysozym 12 2.2 Qualitätsanforderungen an Eier 13 2.2.1 Bedeutung der Schalenstabilität 13 2.2.2 Anforderungen an die Lagerung von Eiern 13 2.2.3 Gütemerkmale 14 Äußere Merkmale 14 Innere Merkmale 15 2.2.4 Zusammensetzung des Eies 17 2.3 Legeleistung von LSL-Hybriden 18 2.4 Ursachen für Qualitätsmängel der Eischale 18 2.4.1 Infektiöse Ursachen für eine verminderte Eischalenqualität 18 Mykoplasmosen 19 Egg-Drop-Syndrom (Aviäre Adenovirus-Salpingitis), andere Adenoviren 25 Infektiöse Bronchitis des Huhnes 27 Newcastle Disease 28 Eileiter-Bauchfell-Entzündung 29 2.4.2 Nicht infektiöse Ursachen für eine verminderte Eischalenqualität 30 Nutritive und metabolische Faktoren 30 Mykotoxikosen 31 3 TIERE, MATERIAL UND METHODEN 33 3.1 Anamnese 33 3.2 Grunddaten zu den Legehennen 33 3.2.1 Aufzucht und Impfschema 33 3.2.2 Legephase und Impfschema 34 3.2.3 Farmgesundheit 34 3.3 Definition der Selektionskriterien „poldefektes Ei“ und „Polhenne/Polhühner“ 35 3.4 Eiabnahme, Untersuchung der Herden und Selektionstiere 35 3.4.1 Eiabnahme und Legeleistung der Herden 35 3.4.2 Eiabnahme und Legeleistung der Selektionstiere 36 3.4.3 Einzeltierauswahl, klinische Untersuchung und Probenentnahme 36 Serologische Untersuchung der Selektionstiere 37 PCR-Untersuchung auf Mycoplasma synoviae und Mycoplasma gallisepticum 37 Sektion von Selektionstieren 38 Probenlagerung und Probenversand 38 3.5 Gütemerkmale der Eier 39 3.5.1 Äußere Qualität 39 Gruppenauswahl und Analysekriterien 39 Schalenfarbe 39 Beschreibung der Messgeräte zur Bestimmung der äußeren Qualität der Eier 39 3.5.2 Innere Qualität 40 Gruppenauswahl und Analysekriterien 40 Beschreibung der Messgeräte zur Bestimmung der inneren Qualität der Eier 40 3.5.3 Spezielle Untersuchungen 41 Rohnährstoffanalysen 41 Differenzierung von Fettsäuren im Eidotter 41 Gelelektrophorese der Eischalenmatrixproteine 43 3.6 Ultrastrukturelle Untersuchung der Eischalen mittels REM 44 3.6.1 Gruppenauswahl und Analysekriterien 44 3.6.2 Präparation der Proben 44 3.7 Statistische Auswertung 45 4 ERGEBNISSE 46 4.1.1 Allgemeine Sektionsergebnisse 46 4.1.2 Spezielle Sektionsergebnisse 46 4.2 Legeleistung 47 4.2.1 Legeleistung, Sekunda und poldefekte Eier der untersuchten Herden 47 4.2.2 Korrelationen der Legeleistungsfraktionen 51 4.3 Legeleistung der selektierten Polhennen 52 4.4 Serologische Untersuchungen 53 4.4.1 Serologische Untersuchung der Selektionstiere 53 4.4.2 Korrelationen zwischen den signifikant verschiedenen Antikörpertitern 54 4.4.3 MS-Antikörpertiter in Abhängigkeit zur Lokalisation der Hühner in der Halle 54 4.5 Nachweis des MS- und MG-Antigens mittels PCR 55 4.5.1 Nachweis des MS- und MG-Antigens in Tracheal- und Kloakentupfern 55 4.5.2 Nachweis des MS-Antigens in Abhängigkeit von der Lokalisation der Hühner 55 4.5.3 Nachweis des MS-Antigens in Eiern 56 4.6 Gütemerkmale der poldefekten Eier 56 4.6.1 Äußere Qualität 56 Helligkeit und Farbe 56 Schalenstabilität und Deformation 60 Eigewicht, Eiklarhöhe und Haugh-Unit 60 Fleischflecken 63 4.6.2 Innere Qualität 63 Eigewicht und Eischalengewicht 63 Eiklarhöhe, Haugh-Unit und Luftkammerhöhe 65 Korrelationen der Ergebnisse aus der Untersuchung der inneren Qualität 67 pH-Wert des Eiklars 68 Dotterfarbe, Dotterbreite, Dotterhöhe und Dotterindex 68 4.6.3 Spezielle Untersuchungen 71 Rohfettgehalt im Dotter und Rohproteingehalt im Eiklar der untersuchten Eier 71 Fettsäuremuster des Eidotters 72 Eischalenmatrixproteine 73 Ultrastrukturelle Analyse der Eischalen mittels Rasterelektronemikroskopie 75 5 DISKUSSION 81 5.1 Auftreten poldefekter Eier in dem untersuchten Bestand 81 5.2 Nachweis von MS und MG in Legehennen und poldefekten Eiern 83 5.2.1 Weitere prädisponierende Faktoren für das Legen von poldefekten Eiern 85 5.2.2 Bedeutung der poldefekten Eier für den Produzenten 86 5.3 Gütemerkmale der poldefekten Eier 88 5.3.1 Äußere Qualität 88 5.3.2 Innere Qualität 90 5.3.3 Spezielle Untersuchungen 91 5.3.4 Ultrastrukturelle Untersuchung der Eischalen mittels REM 92 5.3.5 Bedeutung der poldefekten Eier für den Verbraucher 92 5.4 These zur formalen Pathogenese des Poldefektes 94 6 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG / SUMMARY 96 6.1 Zusammenfassung 96 6.2 Summary 98 7 LITERATURVERZEICHNIS C

Implementación de la técnica de la reacción de la polimerasa en cadena como método diagnóstico de Mycoplasma gallisepticum y Mycoplasma synoviae y su aplicación en muestras de gallinas comerciales en Chile

Toledo Meza, Carolina Andrea January 2016 (has links)
Memoria para optar al Título Profesional de Médico Veterinario. / Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) y Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) son patógenos que afectan el sistema respiratorio de las aves de producción y pueden ser transmitidos verticalmente a la progenie. Ambos forman parte de la lista de enfermedades de denuncia obligatoria a la Organización Mundial de Sanidad Animal (OIE). La medida más efectiva para controlar la enfermedad, ha sido por muchos años la erradicación mediante la mantención de abuelas y reproductoras libres de la infección, generando una progenie libre de MG y MS. En Chile, el diagnóstico de la micoplasmosis en planteles avícolas es realizado mediante técnicas serológicas capaces de detectar anticuerpos contra MG y MS, utilizando las técnicas de enzimoinmunoensayo (ELISA) e inhibición de la hemoaglutinación (IHA). Además se utiliza la técnica de cultivo y aislamiento bacteriano. Estas pruebas son utilizadas en el Programa de Control de Mycoplasma sp. dirigido a los distintos estratos de aves, pertenecientes a empresas avícolas productoras de carne de pollo, carne de pavo y de huevos de mesa. Al ser MG y MS patógenos de denuncia obligatoria, se vuelve de suma importancia implementar nuevas técnicas de laboratorio capaces de brindar resultados fidedignos y en tiempos acotados. Con el propósito de que, de existir un brote de la enfermedad, se pueda poner en marcha rápidamente las medidas de control propuestas por el Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero (SAG). La técnica de la Reacción de la Polimerasa en Cadena (PCR), desarrollada más recientemente, ha sido introducida en los laboratorios de diagnóstico de Chile y de otros países como una herramienta útil para analizar el estado sanitario de las aves de corral, principalmente, para confirmar los resultados positivos expresados por las pruebas de ELISA e IHA. La PCR es capaz de identificar el DNA específico de MG y MS, de forma rápida y certera. En el siguiente estudio, se buscó implementar un protocolo de PCR en cepas de referencia de MG y MS en un laboratorio de diagnóstico autorizado por el SAG y participante del programa oficial de control de Mycoplasma sp. y posteriormente, puesto a prueba en muestras de campo. Las muestras recolectadas para poner a prueba el protocolo de PCR, fueron tomadas en una población de gallinas de postura comerciales, clínica y productivamente sanas, pertenecientes a un plantel de aves serológicamente positivas a MG y MS mediante la prueba de ELISA. Para cumplir con el propósito del estudio, se realizó un paso de extracción y purificación del DNA genómico. A continuación se realizó la PCR con partidores diseñados para amplificar un fragmento de la secuencia del gen que codifica para el RNA ribosomal 16S de ambos patógenos. Posteriormente, se realizó la electroforesis de los productos de PCR en gel de agarosa al 2%, a 80 Voltios durante 40 minutos. Finalmente, se visualizaron las bandas de amplificación en un transiluminador UV, dejando registro fotográfico de las imágenes. El protocolo de PCR puesto en marcha demostró la capacidad de amplificar el DNA de las cepas de referencia, así como el DNA de MG y de MS presente en las muestras de campo. / Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) and Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) are two important pathogens that cause infections of the respiratory system of poultry. Also, they can be transmitted vertically to the progeny. Both are part of the reportable list of diseases to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE). For many years, the main and most effective measure to control the disease has been the eradication of infection by maintaining batches of Grandparent lines and Parent Stock free of infection and thus generating a progeny free of MG and MS. The diagnosis of avian mycoplasmosis in poultry in Chile, is performed by serological methods capable of detecting antibodies against MG and MS, using the techniques of Immuno-Assays (ELISA) and hemagglutination inhibition (HI). Also, by employing cell culture and bacterial isolation. These tests are used as a part of the Mycoplasma sp. Control Program and are aimed at different types of birds of the Chilean Poultry Industry such as meat chicken, meat turkey and table eggs. Since MG and MS are pathogens notifiable to the OIE, it is very important to implement new laboratory techniques that are capable of providing reliable and fast results. In order to, in the case of an outbreak of the disease, begin as soon as possible with the control measures proposed by the Agriculture and Livestock Service. Developed more recently, the assay of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) has been introduced in diagnostic laboratories of Chile and other countries as a useful tool for analyzing the health status of batches of poultry, and mainly, to confirm positive results expressed by the ELISA and HI. PCR test, is able to identify the specific DNA sequences of MG and MS, rapidly and accurately. In this study, we first implemented a PCR protocol with reference strains of MG and MS in a diagnostic laboratory authorized by the SAG and participant of the official program control Mycoplasma sp. and then we tested it with field samples. Tracheal swabs samples were collected, processed and tested with PCR protocol implemented. The samples were taken from a commercial population of laying hens, clinically and productively healthy, from a farm that was serologically positive to MG and MS by ELISA. To fulfill the purpose of this study, a preliminary step to extract and purify the genomic DNA was made. Then PCR was performed with primers designed to a fragment of the gene sequence coding for 16S ribosomal RNA of both pathogens. Subsequently, we performed 2% agarose gel electrophoresis, where the PCR products were subjected to a potential difference of 80 volts, for 40 minutes. We finally visualized the amplification bands on a UV lamp and kept photographic records. The protocol implemented demonstrated the ability to amplify DNA from both reference strains, as well as the DNA present in field samples for PCR of MG and MS.

Development and Evaluation of Sequence Typing Assays for investigating the Epidemiology of Mycoplasma synoviae Outbreaks in Poultry

El-Gazzar, Mohamed Medhat 24 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.

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