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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les littéracies en français sur objectifs universitaires : étude d’un corpus contrastif de productions écrites argumentées et perspectives didactiques / Literacies in French for Academic Purposes : study of a comparative Corpus of argumentative written Productions, and didactic Perspectives

Prunet, Anne 30 November 2018 (has links)
Comment définir des objectifs d’apprentissage linguistiques spécifiques à un public d’étudiants allophones dans le domaine de la production écrite par l’étude d’un genre particulièrement représenté dans les littéracies universitaires : le texte argumentatif ? Partant de l’hypothèse de la nécessité d’un enseignement conjoint de la langue et des contenus disciplinaires, notre travail consiste à proposer des approches et modalités complémentaires aux outils du FLE « tout public » utilisés pour l’enseignement du français à l’université. Nous analysons d’abord ces outils du FLE : manuels de l’approche actionnelle, CECRL et certifications de langues (DELF/DALF et TCF), afin de mettre en exergue leurs apports pour un public étudiants allophones , mais aussi les lacunes qu’ils présentent pour une formation spécifiquement universitaire. Les études menées dans le domaine du FOU nous ont ensuite permis de formuler 5 hypothèses préalables à l’analyse de notre corpus contrastif. Ce corpus a été constitué dans le but d’identifier les besoins spécifiques des étudiants allophones dans l’exercice d’une production écrite argumentée. Il est constitué de productions d’étudiants allophones d’une part (corpus ETR) et francophones d’autre part (corpus FR). Nous présentons ce corpus et son analyse selon la typologie constituée sur la base de nos hypothèses de départ et proposons pour conclure une grille de critères permettant d’établir une évaluation diagnostique des compétences en littéracies universitaires. Enfin, nous soumettons quelques propositions didactiques pour des séances dans le cadre d’un enseignement de Français sur Objectifs Universitaires. / How can we define the specific learning outcomes of non-native students of French within the area of written production ? In order to answer this question, we study a highly frequent genre within academic literacy : the argumentative text.Given the neccessity of jointly teaching language and discipline based contents, our study aims to add approaches and modalities to « general » French as a Foreign Language (FLE) used to teach French at university. Emphasizing both their added value to the teaching of non-native speakers and their shortcomings when dealing with French for academic purposes, we set out to analyse the following tools : textbooks following the action-oriented approach, CEFRL, and language certifications (such as TCF, DELF/DALF).Drawing on existing studies of French for academic purposes, we came up with five hypothesises prior to the study of a comparative corpus. This corpus was established in order to identify the non-native speakers’ specific needs when faced with an argumentative written production. It consists of both productions by non-native (corpus ETR) and native speakers of French (corpus FR). This material is presented and analysed within the frame of a typology based on our initial hypothesises resulting in a framework of criteria facilitating a diagnostic evaluation of the academic literacy competency. Finally, we give didactic suggestions for the teaching of French for academic purposes.

A catch-and-release purification method to simplify the synthesis of cysteine-rich peptides / Développement d’une méthode de purification non-chromatographique de peptides riches en cystéine par immobilisation temporaire

Casas Mora, Alba 12 December 2017 (has links)
Bien que la synthèse peptidique en phase solide (SPPS) soit maintenant une technique mature et très largement popularisée pour des peptides simples, certaines séquences restent encore compliquées à produire, comme les peptides riches en ponts disulfure (DRPs). Ces produits naturels, ligands sélectifs d’un grand nombre de cibles thérapeutiques, sont des outils pharmacologiques de premier ordre et sont considérés comme de bons candidats médicaments. La proportion importante de cystéines dans leur séquence (plus de 10%) leur confère des propriétés remarquables, mais limite aussi leur synthèse,conduisant à des purifications HPLC délicates, associées à des rendements faibles et une pureté médiocre.Dans l’optique de simplifier la production de DRPs par voie chimique, notre but est de proposer une méthode de purification non-chromatographique. Pour cela, nous avons développé un bras N-terminal conçu pour être complètement compatible avec les peptides riches en cystéines: Boc-Cys(Trt)-1-{6-[1,3-diméthyl-2,4,6(1H,3H,5H)trioxopyrimidine-5-ylidène]hexyle}. A la fin de l’élongation sur support solide, ce bras est introduit sélectivement à l'extrémité N-terminale du peptide cible, sans réagir avec les peptides tronqués acétylés qui constituent les principales impuretés de la SPPS. Après coupure de la résine SPPS, le peptide cible est immobilisé sur un second support solide par le biais d’une réaction de ligation chimique native(NCL). Les peptides tronqués sont alors éliminés par simple filtration, puis le peptide cible est relargué en solution par coupure du bras N-terminal. Ayant comme objectif d’élargir par la suite notre stratégie à la synthèse de très longs DRPs via l’assemblage de multiples segments peptidiques par NCLs successives enphase solide, nous avons étudié en détail la stabilité et les conditions de coupure du bras.La méthode a été appliquée à la purification de deux séquences naturelles riches en cystéines et biologiquement pertinentes : AvBD2 (36 AA), un peptide antimicrobien appartenant à la famille des β défensines aviaires et Bv8 (77 AA) un peptide d’amphibien de la famille des prokinéticines. / Although solid phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) is a mature and widely popularized technique for simple peptides, some sequences are still complicated to produce, such as disulfide-rich peptides (DRPs). These natural products are able to selectively bind a wide number of therapeutically relevant targets, hence they are considered as promising drug candidates and pharmacological tools. The large proportion of cysteines in their sequence (more than 10%) confers them remarkable properties, but also limits their synthesis, lead ingto delicate HPLC purifications associated with low yields and poor purity.With the aim to simplify the chemical production of DRPs, we have developed an N-terminal linker: Boc-Cys(Trt)-1-{6-[1,3-dimethyl-2,4,6(1H,3H,5H)trioxopyrimidine-5-ylidene]hexyl}, which can be used for non chromatographiccatch-and-release purifications. It has been designed to be completely compatible with unprotected cysteine-containing peptides. Following solid phase elongation, this linker is selective lyintroduced at the N-terminus of the target peptide, leaving unreacted truncated acetylated peptides which are the main co-products of SPPS. After cleavage from the SPPS resin, the target peptide is immobilized on a second solid support through native chemical ligation (NCL). The truncated peptides are then removed by simple filtration. Cleavage of the linker finally releases the purified peptide into solution.Having in mind the future extension our strategy to the synthesis of very long DRPs through successive solid-supported NCLs of multiple peptide segments, we have studied in detail the stability and cleavage conditions of the N-terminal linker.To explore the scope and limitations of the method, it has been applied to the purification of two biologically-relevant cysteine-rich peptide sequences: chicken AvBD2 (36 AA), a β defensin antimicrobial peptide, and Bv8 (77 AA), a prokineticin-like peptide from yellow-bellied toad.

Le Gouverneur Général Martial Merlin / Governor General Martial Merlin

Pierchon, Jean-Baptiste 29 October 2010 (has links)
Martial Merlin a été Gouverneur général de l'Afrique équatoriale française (de 1909 à 1917), de l'Afrique occidentale française (de 1919 à 1923) et de l'Indochine (de 1923 à 1925). Il est le seul Administrateur colonial à avoir occupé les trois grands Gouvernements généraux de la France d'Outre-mer. L'AEF, l'AOF et l'Indochine étaient des Groupes de colonies : ils furent créés à la fin du XIXe siècle, afin de donner une unité de direction à des colonies jusque là dispersées. L'étude de l'œuvre et de la doctrine coloniales de Merlin nous permet de mieux connaître l'institution du Gouvernement général. Merlin souhaitait que l'Administration fût organisée sur des bases claires. Il a défini les attributions de chaque organe du Gouvernement général et il a souligné le rôle essentiel du Gouverneur général, chargé de donner une unité de direction politique et économique aux territoires regroupés. Merlin souhaitait également que l'Administration s'appuyât sur des bases solides. Il a mis en œuvre une politique de Gouvernement indirect, afin de diriger les populations indigènes par l'intermédiaire de leurs chefs coutumiers. Organe de coordination économique, le Gouverneur général devait assurer la mise en valeur de son Groupe de colonies : Merlin a défini une politique de développement précise, tout en se souciant des moyens de sa politique de développement (il a notamment réglementé le régime de la main d'oeuvre). Organe de direction politique, le Gouverneur général devait convaincre les indigènes des bienfaits de la "Paix française" : Merlin a défini (et mis en oeuvre) une politique de "contact", afin d'entraîner l'adhésion des indigènes à la cause française, tout en menant une politique "défensive", face à l'irruption de mouvements étrangers hostiles à la présence française. / Martial Merlin was the Governor General of the AEF (French equatorial Africa) from 1909 to 1917, of the AOF (French western Africa) from 1919 to 1923 and of Indochina from 1923 to 1925. He is the only colonial administrator to have served as Governor General of all three organizations of the French colonies. The AEF, AOF and Indochina, each grouping together many colonies, were created at the end of the nineteenth century, in order to impose a coherence to the direction of the colonies, which up until then had been administered separately. A study of the colonial theory expressed in the works of Merlin provides an insight into the institution of the Government General. Merlin affirmed that the administration of the colonies should be organized on a clear basis. He assigned specific attributes to each organ of the Government General, and emphasized that the essential role was to be played by the Governor General, whose duty it was to define a unified policy for the political and economic direction of the various territories. Seeking a firm basis for this administration, Merlin implemented a policy of indirect government, controlling the native population by using their customary chiefs as intermediaries. As an agent of economic coordination, the Governor General was to turn to good account his group of colonies ; Merlin defined a policy of development which included initiatives to insure the means by which to implement that policy (he introduced, for example, a set of labor regulations). As an agent of political direction, the Governor General was to convince the natives of the advantages of the "French peace" ; Merlin defined and implemented a policy of “contact”, in order to gain the support of the natives to the French cause, while at the same time practicing a "defensive" policy, made necessary by the eruption of movements hostile to the French presence.

When All Boundaries Fall Apart : woman’s experience and trauma in the bell jar, “Tongues of stone,” and “Mothers”

Souza, Caroline Garcia de January 2017 (has links)
Linda Hogan é uma autora Chickasaw cuja extensa obra inclui romances, contos, poesia, drama e ensaios. Da mesma forma, ela é uma ambientalista cujo ativismo se baseia em uma compreensão Nativo-Americano da natureza e das relações entre os seres humanos e não-humanos. Focando em dois de seus romances, Solar Storms (1995) e Power (1998), a presente dissertação explora os processos de cura de suas protagonistas, Angela e Omishto, respectivamente. Em ambos romances, as personagens se engajam em um movimento de abandono do modo de ser Euro-americano – um modo de ser fortemente orientado pela ideologia do Destino Manifesto –, em direção a um reencontro com sua ancestralidade nativa e a uma apreensão tribal da vida e do mundo. Especificamente, esse trabalho explora o gradual engajamento das personagens no que a autora Laguna Paula Gunn Allen (1992) define como um senso de tempo cerimonial – a ceremonial time sense: uma experiência temporal particular que engendra uma integração psíquica, e se opõe à experiência cronológica e mecânica do tempo, a qual produz fragmentação no sentido de fortalecer a sensação de separação entre tempo e espaço, pessoa e lugar, natureza e cultura. Esse trabalho analisa como o movimento das personagens em direção a um rico autorreconhecimento enquanto indígenas (OWENS, 1994) representa um movimento de abertura aos fluxos do mundo, bem como um processo de dissolução de categorias fortemente enraizadas, tais quais sujeito e objeto, eu interno e mundo externo. Além disso, a presente dissertação examina de que forma um senso de tempo cerimonial se conecta à noção de sacred hoop (Plains tribes) – uma unidade abrangente que abarca a existência como um todo, e na qual todos os movimentos estão conectados e se relacionam entre si. / Linda Hogan is a Chickasaw author whose extensive work includes novels, short stories, plays, poetry, and essays. She is also an environmentalist whose activism is built upon a Native understanding of nature and the relations between human and nonhuman beings. This thesis focuses on two of her novels, Solar Storms (1995) and Power (1998), and explores the healing processes of their protagonists, Angela and Omishto, respectively. In both novels, the characters engage in a movement of abandoning a mainstream American way of being – a way of being highly informed by the ideology of Manifest Destiny – toward a reconnection with their Native ancestry and a tribal apprehension of life and the world. Specifically, this work explores the characters’ gradual engagement in what Laguna author Paula Gunn Allen (1992) defines as a ceremonial time sense, a particular experience of time that engenders a psychic integration, as opposed to a mechanical, clock-based time sense, which generates fragmentation and enhances a separation between time and space, person and place, nature and culture. This work explores how the characters’ movement toward a rich self-recognition as Indians (OWENS, 1994) represents a movement of opening to the motions of the lifeworld, as well as the dissolution of deep-rooted categories such as subject and object, internal self and external world. Furthermore, this thesis examines how a ceremonial time sense is connected to the Plains tribes’ conception of a sacred hoop – an all-encompassing unity that contains the whole of existence, and in which all movement is related to all other movement.

Linguistic sexism in a digitally native news outlet : A study on linguistic sexism at lexical and discourse levels in Buzzfeed News / Språklig sexism i en digitally native nyhetskälla : En studie on språklig sexism på ord- och diskursnivå i Buzzfeed News

Hammarqvist Kristensen, Johanna January 2019 (has links)
In 2018, most news articles are consumed online from a digitally native news outlet and it is therefore appropriate to examine the presence of linguistic sexism in the digitally native news site Buzzfeed News. The material is made up of 159 articles collected from Buzzfeed News. Selected features at the lexical and discourse levels are analysed using a quantitative method with qualitative elements. The selected features at the lexical level include generic pronouns and nouns, focused on the affix -man- and naming practices for females and males. At the discourse level, the selected features include how females and males are described in terms of their relationships, appearance and age-related words. Linguistic sexism is found to be expressed at both the lexical and discourse levels in the material. It is mainly expressed in naming practices, the use of relationship words and age-related words. / Dagens nyhetskonsument får, enligt studier, de flesta av sina nyheter från källor online och då främst från digitalt inhemska nyhetskällor, också känt som digitally native news outlets. Detta innebär att det därför är lämpligt att undersöka närvaron av språklig sexism i den digitally native news outlet Buzzfeed News. Materialet i studien består av 159 artiklar insamlade från Buzzfeed News. Utvalda språkliga markörer på ord- och diskursnivå är analyserade med hjälp av en kvantitativ metod med kvalitativa element. De utvalda markörerna på ordnivå inkluderar generiska pronomen och substantiv med fokus på affixet -man- och hur kvinnor och män namnges. De utvalda markörerna på diskursnivå som studeras inkluderarar hur kvinnor och män beskrivs vad gäller deras relationer till andra, utseende och åldersrelaterade ord. Språklig sexism finns uttryckt både på ord- och diskursnivå i materialet och det är huvudsakligen uttryckt i hur kvinnor och män namnges, användandet av relationsord och åldersrelaterade ord.

The discursive formation of the Medium of Instruction (MOI) policy in Hong Kong (1982--1997) a critical analysis (China). / Discursive formation of the medium of instruction (MOI) policy in Hong Kong (1982-1997) : a critical analysis / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection

January 2004 (has links)
"September 2004." / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2004. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 222-231) / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / Abstracts in English and Chinese.

Resposta metabólica da associação da palma miúda (Nopalea cochenillifera) com feno de maniçoba (Manihot pseudoglaziovii) e feno de capim tifton 85 (Cynodon dactylon) na alimentação de ovinos morada nova e de caprinos Moxotó / Metabolic response of the association of the cactus pear (Nopalea cochenillifera) with maniçoba (Manihot pseudoglaziovii) and tifton 85 (Cynodon dactylon) hay in the diet of morada nova sheep and moxotó breed goat

SILVA NETO, Izildo Ferreira da 07 December 2011 (has links)
Submitted by (lucia.rodrigues@ufrpe.br) on 2017-02-09T13:17:15Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Izildo Ferreira da Silva Neto.pdf: 850238 bytes, checksum: 4039b570d51165ae86b4f8afb20d7ab8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-09T13:17:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Izildo Ferreira da Silva Neto.pdf: 850238 bytes, checksum: 4039b570d51165ae86b4f8afb20d7ab8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-12-07 / In order to evaluate the metabolic response of native sheep and goats fed Tifton 85 hay (Cynodon dactylon) or Maniçoba hay (Manihot pseudoglaziovii) associated with cactus pear (Nopalea cochenillifera), with a total of 32 animals (16 sheep and 16 goats Morada Nova Moxotó) in randomized block design. Blood samples were collected every two weeks, divided into four samples. Were analyzed creatinine, urea, total protein, albumin, globulin, glucose, fructosamine, AST, GGT, alkaline phosphatase, sodium, potassium and chlorine. Sheep consuming Tifton hay had a higher blood urea concentration and goats consuming maniçoba hay had higher total protein and fructosamine concentration and higher GGT activity when consumed Tifton hay. The animals of both species had increased plasma concentration glucose and serum alkaline phosphatase activity, and decreased serum sodium concentration. It was observed a positive linear effect in serum urea (P <0.0007), plasma glucose (P <0.0129), serum fructosamine (P <0.0001), serum alkaline phosphatase activity (P <0.0001) and serum sodium (P <0.0001), but with a quadratic effect on serum potassium (P <0.0012) in the sheeps. It was observed a linear effect in the activity of serum GGT (P <0.0001) and serum potassium (P <0.0272), whereas a quadratic effect was recorded for serum urea (P <0.0007) in the goats. Sheep and goats respond satisfactorily to the diets with replacement of Tifton 85 by Maniçoba hay, associated with the cactus. Greater alkaline phosphatase activity was observed in sheep and goats receiving both diets throughout time. These data serve as reference values for nutrition and metabolic profile studies of sheep and goats, particularly in relation to the values of fructosamine for goats. / Objetivou-se avaliar a resposta metabólica de ovinos e caprinos nativos, alimentados com feno de Tifton 85 (Cynodon dactylon) ou feno de Maniçoba (Manihot pseudoglaziovii) associados à palma forrageira (Nopalea cochenillifera). Foram utilizados 32 animais (16 ovinos Morada Nova e 16 caprinos Moxotó) em delineamento em blocos casualizados. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas quinzenalmente, constituindo-se quatro coletas. Foram analisados creatinina, uréia, proteína total, albumina, globulina, glicose, frutosamina, aspartato aminotransferase (AST), γ-glutamil transferase (GGT), fosfatase alcalina, sódio, potássio e cloro. Ovinos consumindo feno de tifton tiveram maior concentração de uréia no sangue e caprinos consumindo feno de maniçoba tiveram maior concentração de proteína total, frutosamina e GGT quando consumiram feno de tifton. Os animais de ambas as espécies tiveram aumento da glicose plasmática e de fosfatase alcalina, e diminuição da concentração de sódio sérico. No grupo dos ovinos, efeito linear positivo foi observado na concentração sérica de uréia (P<0,0007), glicose plasmática (P<0,0129), frutosamina (P<0,0001), atividade da fosfatase alcalina (P<0,0001) e sódio (P<0,0001), porém com efeito quadrático para o potássio (P<0,0012). No grupo dos caprinos, efeito linear negativo foi observado na atividade da GGT (P<0,0001) e concentração de potássio (P<0,0272), enquanto que efeito quadrático foi registrado para a concentração sérica de uréia (P<0,0007). Ovinos e caprinos respondem satisfatoriamente às dietas com substituição do feno de Tifton 85 pelo feno de Maniçoba, associado à palma forrageira. Grande atividade da fosfatase alcalina é observada em ovinos e caprinos recebendo tais dietas ao longo do tempo. Os dados servem como valores de referência para estudos sobre nutrição e perfil metabólico de ovinos e de caprinos, particularmente em relação aos valores de frutosamina para caprinos.

Trends in Early Childhood Caries Rates in the Nashville Area Indian Health Services Tribes

Middlebrooks, Jenna A 01 December 2015 (has links)
Dental caries is the most common chronic disease in children, and prevalence rates are disproportionately higher in American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) populations. The Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors (ASTDD) recommends annual oral health screening for children in Head Start programs using the Basic Screening Survey (BSS). The 2014 study was a follow-up to a 2010 national survey of AI/AN children ages five and under that assessed oral health outcomes such as untreated decay, decay experience, urgent need for treatment, presence of sealants and decayed, missing and filled deciduous teeth (dmft) scores, and investigated the changes in Early Childhood Caries (ECC) prevalence from 2010 to 2014 in the Indian Health Service (IHS) Nashville Area. A gap analysis was completed comparing current recommended practices among dental clinics that participated in the IHS ECC Collaborative ASTDD Framework to Prevent and Control Childhood Tooth Decay (ASTDD Framework). Due to historical mistreatment of AI/AN populations in research, and out of respect for the sovereignty of the Tribal Nations that participated in the study, there limited data was made available for this study. In 2010, 579 children were screened in the Nashville Area; 1231 children participated in 2014. While there was a statistically significant, yet clinically small 9.36% reduction of untreated decay from 2010 (30.33%) to 2014 (27.49%), the ECC Collaborative did not reach their objective of a 25% reduction. There was also a significant increase in urgent need for treatment (3.17% in 2010 to 4.35% in 2014), and in presence of sealants (4.54% in 2010 to 10.01% in 2014). Gaps in best practices identified were related to need for increased risk assessments and enhancing policy development. Based on study findings and the limited access to data on Tribal and Area levels, development of culturally appropriate policies that are unique to individual Tribal needs, and focus on perinatal care, is recommended. Individual Tribal programs also need to be evaluated and surveillance needs to be continued to establish trend data. All program evaluations and research should be conducted in an ethical manner that is community-based and considerate of the needs of the Tribe.


Begay, Shirley Mae, Wilczynski, Jennifer Lynn 01 June 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of the current practice of and barriers specific to recruiting Native American foster homes in urban areas. The literature review suggested that historical, cultural, and bureaucratic barriers to recruitment existed. The study used a qualitative, exploratory design. The data was obtained from in-depth interviews with 10 individuals whose job it is or has been to recruit Native American foster homes. The participants were employed with either a foster family agency, county child welfare agency, or a supporting organization servicing Los Angeles County and/or the San Francisco Bay Area. The interviews were conducted using a semi- structured interview guide designed by the researchers. The findings suggest that the recruitment of Native American foster families is hampered by: expense/lack of financial support, Resource Family Approval, understated deficiency and need, Native American recruitment not prioritized, bias and judgement, vulnerability and the value of privacy, distrust of government, lack of cultural awareness, absence of connection to the community, and tribal enrollment of caregiver. The research also identified proactive efforts by individuals and agencies to specifically recruit Native American foster homes. The results from this study have implications for social work practice related to the recruitment and retention of Native American foster homes.

A jurisprudence of difference : the denial of full respect in the Australian law of native title

Herne, Stephen Charles January 2009 (has links)
The recognition of native title changed the foundations on which the Australian law of real property rested. However, the phrase

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