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Beziehung des serotonergen Systems zur Aktivität der Hypothalamus-Hypophysen-Nebennierenrinden-Achse bei Patienten mit Multipler SkleroseMöller, Franziska 16 July 2018 (has links)
Die Hyperaktivität der HHN-Achse ist bei der Multiplen Sklerose umfassend untersucht und mehrfach bestätigt; der genaue Pathomechanismus bleibt jedoch ungeklärt. Das serotonerge System ist eng mit der HHN-Achse verbunden und besitzt die Eigenschaft, die HHN-Achse herabzuregulieren. Daraus ergab sich im Umkehrschluss, dass die HHN-Achsen-Hyperaktivierung bei Patienten mit Multipler Sklerose im Zusammenhang mit einer reduzierten serotonergen Verfügbarkeit stehen könnte.
Um die HHN-Achse und das serotonerge System zu untersuchen, schlossen wir 17 Patienten mit Multipler Sklerose und 13 gesunde Kontrollpersonen ein. Die HHN-Achse wurde mittels des Dex-CRH-Tests untersucht und die zentrale Verfügbarkeit des präsynaptischen Serotonintransporters mittels einer [11C]DASB-PET in 31 Hirnregionen gemessen.
Die Patientengruppe hatte insgesamt höhere Kortisolwerte, dementsprechend erniedrigt war die ACTH-Kortisol-Ratio, so dass wir das Vorliegen einer HHN-Achsen-Hyperaktivität bestätigen konnten. Am ausgeprägtesten waren die Unterschiede in der Gruppe der primär chronisch progredienten MS.
Eine signifikant reduzierte Verfügbarkeit des Serotonintransporters fand sich im Hypothalamus, den Raphe-Kernen, limbischen Strukturen, dem linken Temporallappen und Thalamus, auch hier war die Gruppe der PPMS am stärksten betroffen.
Zusätzlich erhobene Fragebögen hinsichtlich Depression, Fatigue und Lebensqualität (BDI, WEIMuS, WEIMuS 1, WEIMuS 2, EuroQol, EuroQolScale und VAS) zeigten durchgängig signifikant unterschiedliche Ergebnisse bei den Patienten im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe.
Zusammenfassend, konnten wir darstellen, dass die HHN-Achsen-Aktivierung bei der Multiplen Sklerose in enger Verbindung mit der serotonergen Aktivität steht, eine direkte Korrelation fand sich jedoch nicht. Dennoch kann davon ausgegangen werden, dass die serotonergen Neurone durch ihre enge anatomische Verbindung zu einer negativen Modulation der HHN-Achse beitragen.
Der Einsatz von SSRI könnte therapeutisches Potential bieten, indem die herabregulierte serotonerge Aktivität sowie HHN-Achse wieder normalisiert werden könnten.:Inhaltsverzeichnis I
Abkürzungsverzeichnis III
1. Einleitung 1
1.1 Einführung in die Fragestellung 1
1.2 Multiple Sklerose 1
1.2.1 Definition, Epidemiologie, Ätiologie und Pathogenese 1
1.2.2 Diagnosekriterien, Verlaufsformen, Klinik und Therapie 6
1.2.3 Fatigue und Multiple Sklerose 9
1.3 Die Hypothalamus-Hypophysen-Nebennierenrinden-Achse 10
1.4 Das serotonerge System und die
Hypothalamus-Hypophysen-Nebennierenrinden-Achse 13
1.5 Aufgabenstellung 16
2. Materialien und Methoden 17
2.1 Durchführung 17
2.2 Einschlusskriterien 17
2.3 Ausschlusskriterien 18
2.4 Allgemeiner Ablauf 19
2.5 Dexamethason-CRH-Test 19
2.6 Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie 20
2.7 Magnetresonanztomographie 22
2.8 Genotypisierung 22
2.9 Fragebögen zu Depression, Fatigue und Lebensqualität 22
2.9.1 Beck-Depressions-Inventar 22
2.9.2 Würzburger Erschöpfungsinventar bei Multipler Sklerose 23
2.9.3 Europäischer Lebensqualitäts-Fragebogen 23
2.10 Statistische Datenanalyse 24
3. Ergebnisse 25
3.1 Klinische und demographische Daten 25
3.2 Dexamethason-CRH-Test 27
3.3 Verfügbarkeit des Serotonintransporters 29
(mittlere Distribution Volume Ratios)
3.4 Lateralität des Serotonintransporters 32
3.5 Beziehung der neuroendokrinen Funktion zur
Serotonintransporter-Verfügbarkeit 33
3.6 Fatigue und Depression 34
4. Diskussion 35
4.1 Dexamethason-CRH-Test und
Hypothalamus-Hypophysen-Nebennierenrinden-Achse 35
4.2 Das serotonerge System 37
4.3 Fatigue 41
4.4 Lateralität 42
4.5 Methodenkritik 44
4.6 Therapeutischer Ausblick 45
5. Zusammenfassung der Arbeit 48
6. Literaturverzeichnis 50
7. Thematisch assoziierte Publikation als Zweitautorin 69
8. Anlagen 79
8.1 Fragebögen 79
8.2 Selbständigkeitserklärung 87
8.3 Lebenslauf 88
8.4 Danksagung 90
3. Ergebnisse 25
3.1 Klinische und demographische Daten 25
3.2 Dexamethason-CRH-Test 27
3.3 Verfügbarkeit des Serotonintransporters 29
(mittlere Distribution Volume Ratios)
3.4 Lateralität des Serotonintransporters 32
3.5 Beziehung der neuroendokrinen Funktion zur
Serotonintransporter-Verfügbarkeit 33
3.6 Fatigue und Depression 34
4. Diskussion 35
4.1 Dexamethason-CRH-Test und
Hypothalamus-Hypophysen-Nebennierenrinden-Achse 35
4.2 Das serotonerge System 37
4.3 Fatigue 41
4.4 Lateralität 42
4.5 Methodenkritik 44
4.6 Therapeutischer Ausblick 45
5. Zusammenfassung der Arbeit 48
6. Literaturverzeichnis 50
7. Thematisch assoziierte Publikation als Zweitautorin 69
8. Anlagen 79
8.1 Fragebögen 79
8.2 Selbständigkeitserklärung 87
8.3 Lebenslauf 88
8.4 Danksagung
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A striking pattern of cortisol non-responsiveness to psychosocial stress in patients with panic disorder with concurrent normal cortisol awakening responsesPetrowski, Katja, Herold, Ulf, Joraschky, Peter, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Kirschbaum, Clemens 23 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Background: Subtle and inconsistent differences in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity have been reported for patients with panic disorder. While these patients show little or no alterations in basal ACTH and cortisol levels, it has been hypothesized that HPA hyperresponsivity was a trait in panic patients when exposed to novel and uncontrollable stimulation.
Methods: Thirty-four patients (23 females, mean age 35 yrs) diagnosed with panic disorder were compared to 34 healthy controls matched for age, gender, smoking status, and use of oral contraceptives. Both groups were exposed twice to a potent laboratory stress protocol, the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) on consecutive days. Free salivary cortisol levels and heart rate responses were repeatedly measured before and following the TSST. In addition, the cortisol awakening response (CAR) was assessed to further investigate HPA reactivity in PD patients.
Results: While the TSST induced similar heart rate stress responses in both groups, cortisol responses were clearly absent in the panic patients with normal responses in the controls (F(1.96, 66) = 20.16; p < 0.001). No differences in basal cortisol levels were observed in the extended baseline period. The same cortisol stress non-response patterns were observed when patients with/without comorbid depression, or with/without psychotropic medication were compared. In contrast to their non-response to the psychosocial stressor, panic patients showed a significant CAR.
Conclusion: These findings provide strong evidence to suggest that PD patients present with a striking lack of cortisol responsivity to acute uncontrollable psychosocial stress under laboratory conditions. This unresponsiveness of the HPA axis appears to be rather specific, since a normal CAR in the morning could be documented in these patients. Thus, the present results do not support the hypothesis that PD patients show a trait HPA hyperresponsiveness to novel and uncontrollable stimulation. In contrast, the data provide support for a hyporesponsive HPA axis under emotional stress in PD patients.
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Impact of the Serotonin-Transporter-Polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) and Stressful Life Events on the Stress Response in HumansMüller, Anett 06 October 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The 5-HTT gene (SLC6A4) is regulated by a common polymorphism in the promoter region (5-HTTLPR), which has functional consequences. Two major alleles have been observed and shown to have differential transcriptional activity with the long (L) allele having greater gene expression than the short (S) allele. 5-HTTLPR appears to modulate depression, anxiety and personality traits such as neuroticism. Additionally, a significant influence of 5-HTTLPR genotype on amygdala reactivity in response to fearful stimuli has been reported. Moreover, 5-HTTLPR seems to impact on the role of stressful life events (SLEs) in the development of depression. An elevated risk of depression and suicidal behaviors has been found in carriers of at least one low expressing S allele who had experienced SLEs, suggesting a gene x environment interaction. However, a recent meta-analysis showed that several findings failed to replicate this finding. Since genetic polymorphisms of the dopaminergic and serotonergic neurotransmission interact at the molecular, analyses with another polymorphism of the dopaminergic system, the dopamine D4 receptor (DRD4) was included to consider these likely gene-gene interactions (epistasis).
The aim of this series of studies was to investigate the role 5-HTTLPR and SLEs on the endocrine stress response in different age samples. While newborns have been examined by a heel prick, stress responses were provoked in children (8-12 yrs) and younger adults (19-31 yrs) and older adults (54-68 yrs.) with the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST). The Life History
Calendar (LHC) and Life Events Questionnaire (LEQ) were used to acquire data on SLEs. While in newborns the S/S genotype showed a significantly higher acute endocrine stress response than L/L or S/L genotypes, no significant difference between genotype groups was found in children. In the younger adult sample, the genotype impacted on cortisol stress
responsiveness was reversed. Adults carrying the more active L allele of the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism showed a significantly larger cortisol response to the TSST than individuals carrying at least one of the lower expressing S allele. In older adults, no significant difference between genotype groups was found. However, results point in the same direction with showing highest cortisol response in individuals with L/L genotype. These data suggest that the association between 5-HTTLPR and endocrine stress reactivity seems to alter across
lifespan, more specific the effects of genotype turns around.
In addition, a significant interaction effect of 5-HTTLPR and SLEs has been found in the
sample of younger adults, i.e. that early SLE as well as a severe number SLEs across the
entire lifespan seem to modulate the interaction between HPA axis activity and 5-HTTLPR
genotype. Additionally, a DRD4 by 5-HTTLPR interaction emerged which point to independent and joint effects of these polymorphisms on stress responsivity with regard to the concept of genegene interaction.
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Cortisol Responses to Stress in Allergic Children: Interaction with the Immune ResponseBuske-Kirschbaum, Angelika 03 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Allergic manifestations are increasingly common in infants and children. Accumulating evidence suggests that the ‘epidemic’ increase of childhood allergy may be associated with environmental factors such as stress. Although the impact of stress on the manifestation and exacerbation of allergy has been demonstrated, the underlying mechanisms of stress-induced exacerbation are still obscure. A growing number of studies have suggested an altered hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis function to stress in allergic children. It is speculated that a dysfunctional HPA axis in response to stress may facilitate and/or consolidate immunological aberrations and thus, may increase the risk for allergic sensitization and exacerbation especially under stressful conditions. In the present review the potential impact of a hyporesponsive as well as a hyperresponsive HPA axis on the onset and chronification of childhood allergy is summarized. Moreover, potential factors that may contribute to the development of an aberrant HPA axis responsiveness in allergy are discussed. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.
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A striking pattern of cortisol non-responsiveness to psychosocial stress in patients with panic disorder with concurrent normal cortisol awakening responsesPetrowski, Katja, Herold, Ulf, Joraschky, Peter, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Kirschbaum, Clemens January 2010 (has links)
Background: Subtle and inconsistent differences in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity have been reported for patients with panic disorder. While these patients show little or no alterations in basal ACTH and cortisol levels, it has been hypothesized that HPA hyperresponsivity was a trait in panic patients when exposed to novel and uncontrollable stimulation.
Methods: Thirty-four patients (23 females, mean age 35 yrs) diagnosed with panic disorder were compared to 34 healthy controls matched for age, gender, smoking status, and use of oral contraceptives. Both groups were exposed twice to a potent laboratory stress protocol, the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) on consecutive days. Free salivary cortisol levels and heart rate responses were repeatedly measured before and following the TSST. In addition, the cortisol awakening response (CAR) was assessed to further investigate HPA reactivity in PD patients.
Results: While the TSST induced similar heart rate stress responses in both groups, cortisol responses were clearly absent in the panic patients with normal responses in the controls (F(1.96, 66) = 20.16; p < 0.001). No differences in basal cortisol levels were observed in the extended baseline period. The same cortisol stress non-response patterns were observed when patients with/without comorbid depression, or with/without psychotropic medication were compared. In contrast to their non-response to the psychosocial stressor, panic patients showed a significant CAR.
Conclusion: These findings provide strong evidence to suggest that PD patients present with a striking lack of cortisol responsivity to acute uncontrollable psychosocial stress under laboratory conditions. This unresponsiveness of the HPA axis appears to be rather specific, since a normal CAR in the morning could be documented in these patients. Thus, the present results do not support the hypothesis that PD patients show a trait HPA hyperresponsiveness to novel and uncontrollable stimulation. In contrast, the data provide support for a hyporesponsive HPA axis under emotional stress in PD patients.
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Cortisol Responses to Stress in Allergic Children: Interaction with the Immune ResponseBuske-Kirschbaum, Angelika January 2009 (has links)
Allergic manifestations are increasingly common in infants and children. Accumulating evidence suggests that the ‘epidemic’ increase of childhood allergy may be associated with environmental factors such as stress. Although the impact of stress on the manifestation and exacerbation of allergy has been demonstrated, the underlying mechanisms of stress-induced exacerbation are still obscure. A growing number of studies have suggested an altered hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis function to stress in allergic children. It is speculated that a dysfunctional HPA axis in response to stress may facilitate and/or consolidate immunological aberrations and thus, may increase the risk for allergic sensitization and exacerbation especially under stressful conditions. In the present review the potential impact of a hyporesponsive as well as a hyperresponsive HPA axis on the onset and chronification of childhood allergy is summarized. Moreover, potential factors that may contribute to the development of an aberrant HPA axis responsiveness in allergy are discussed. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.
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Impact of the Serotonin-Transporter-Polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) and Stressful Life Events on the Stress Response in Humans: Impact of the Serotonin-Transporter-Polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) and Stressful Life Events on the Stress Response in HumansMüller, Anett 24 September 2009 (has links)
The 5-HTT gene (SLC6A4) is regulated by a common polymorphism in the promoter region (5-HTTLPR), which has functional consequences. Two major alleles have been observed and shown to have differential transcriptional activity with the long (L) allele having greater gene expression than the short (S) allele. 5-HTTLPR appears to modulate depression, anxiety and personality traits such as neuroticism. Additionally, a significant influence of 5-HTTLPR genotype on amygdala reactivity in response to fearful stimuli has been reported. Moreover, 5-HTTLPR seems to impact on the role of stressful life events (SLEs) in the development of depression. An elevated risk of depression and suicidal behaviors has been found in carriers of at least one low expressing S allele who had experienced SLEs, suggesting a gene x environment interaction. However, a recent meta-analysis showed that several findings failed to replicate this finding. Since genetic polymorphisms of the dopaminergic and serotonergic neurotransmission interact at the molecular, analyses with another polymorphism of the dopaminergic system, the dopamine D4 receptor (DRD4) was included to consider these likely gene-gene interactions (epistasis).
The aim of this series of studies was to investigate the role 5-HTTLPR and SLEs on the endocrine stress response in different age samples. While newborns have been examined by a heel prick, stress responses were provoked in children (8-12 yrs) and younger adults (19-31 yrs) and older adults (54-68 yrs.) with the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST). The Life History
Calendar (LHC) and Life Events Questionnaire (LEQ) were used to acquire data on SLEs. While in newborns the S/S genotype showed a significantly higher acute endocrine stress response than L/L or S/L genotypes, no significant difference between genotype groups was found in children. In the younger adult sample, the genotype impacted on cortisol stress
responsiveness was reversed. Adults carrying the more active L allele of the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism showed a significantly larger cortisol response to the TSST than individuals carrying at least one of the lower expressing S allele. In older adults, no significant difference between genotype groups was found. However, results point in the same direction with showing highest cortisol response in individuals with L/L genotype. These data suggest that the association between 5-HTTLPR and endocrine stress reactivity seems to alter across
lifespan, more specific the effects of genotype turns around.
In addition, a significant interaction effect of 5-HTTLPR and SLEs has been found in the
sample of younger adults, i.e. that early SLE as well as a severe number SLEs across the
entire lifespan seem to modulate the interaction between HPA axis activity and 5-HTTLPR
genotype. Additionally, a DRD4 by 5-HTTLPR interaction emerged which point to independent and joint effects of these polymorphisms on stress responsivity with regard to the concept of genegene interaction.
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Succinate mediates inflammation-induced adrenocortical dysfunctionMateska, Ivona, Witt, Anke, Hagag, Eman, Sinha, Anupam, Yilmaz, Canelif, Thanou, Evangelia, Sun, Na, Kolliniati, Ourania, Patschin, Maria, Abdelmegeed, Heba, Henneicke, Holger, Kanczkowski, Waldemar, Wielockx, Ben, Tsatsanis, Christos, Dahl, Andreas, Walch, Axel Karl, Li, Ka Wan, Peitzsch, Mirko, Chavakis, Triantafyllos, Alexaki, Vasileia Ismini 19 August 2024 (has links)
The hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is activated in response to inflammation leading to increased production of anti-inflammatory glucocorticoids by the adrenal cortex, thereby representing an endogenous feedback loop. However, severe inflammation reduces the responsiveness of the adrenal gland to adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), although the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Here, we show by transcriptomic, proteomic, and metabolomic analyses that LPS-induced systemic inflammation triggers profound metabolic changes in steroidogenic adrenocortical cells, including downregulation of the TCA cycle and oxidative phosphorylation, in mice. Inflammation disrupts the TCA cycle at the level of succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), leading to succinate accumulation and disturbed steroidogenesis. Mechanistically, IL-1β reduces SDHB expression through upregulation of DNA methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1) and methylation of the SDHB promoter. Consequently, increased succinate levels impair oxidative phosphorylation and ATP synthesis and enhance ROS production, leading to reduced steroidogenesis. Together, we demonstrate that the IL-1β-DNMT1-SDHB-succinate axis disrupts steroidogenesis. Our findings not only provide a mechanistic explanation for adrenal dysfunction in severe inflammation, but also offer a potential target for therapeutic intervention.
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Untersuchungen zur normalen und pathologischen Steuerung der Nebennierenrinden-Androgene im KindesalterL'Allemand-Jander, Dagmar 17 July 2003 (has links)
Die Reifung der Zona reticularis der Nebennieren-Rinden (NNR) und ihrer Androgen-Sekretion vor der Pubertät unterscheidet sich bei Menschen und höheren Primaten von der NNR-Reifung anderer Species, z.B. der Nager. Die Sekretion der NNR-Androgene leitet die Pubertätsentwicklung ein. Die NNR-Androgene erlangen medizinische Bedeutung dadurch, dass sie bei Frauen zu Hirsutismus und Fertilitätsstörungen führen können. Neben diesen Symptomen stellen sie einen Risikofaktor für die Entwicklung eines Polycystischen-Ovar-Syndroms (PCOS) dar, das ungefähr 7 % der prämenopausalen Frauen betrifft. Lange Zeit war nicht bekannt, wie die Differenzierung der Zona reticularis beim Menschen reguliert wird. Sicher ist ACTH bei weitem das bedeutsamste übergeordnete Hormon für die globale adrenocorticale Differenzierung und Funktion. Weitere Faktoren sind speziell für die Androgensekretion verantwortlich, aber nicht genau definiert. Nun wurde zunächst in zellbiologischen Experimenten belegt, dass die ACTH-Wirkung durch ein Spezies-spezifisches Muster von Wachstumsfaktoren autokrin moduliert wird und so die postnatale Entwicklung der Nebenniere steuern kann. Die vorliegenden Untersuchungen an menschlichen NNR-Zellen von Kindern und Erwachsenen in Primärkultur zeigen erstmals, dass IGF-I und IGF-II differenzierte Funktionen dieser Zellen aufrecht erhalten. IGF-I und, mehr noch, IGF-II steigern die Steroid-Biosynthese und ACTH-Ansprechbarkeit, und sie fördern die Bildung von Androstendion, einem delta5-Androgen der Zona reticularis. Darüberhinaus bewirkt Insulin in physiologischen sowie in micromolaren Konzentrationen den IGFs ähnliche Änderungen der Steroidsynthese. In Querschnittsuntersuchungen an gesunden Kindern vor der Pubertät sowie Kindern mit einfacher Adipositas konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Körperzusammensetzung mit den NNR-Androgenen zusammenhängt. Über die Mediatoren IGF-I, Insulin und Leptin wird offensichtlich der NNR der Zustand von Gewicht und Wachstum des Kindes signalisiert, auch bei pathologischer Körperzusammensetzung, wie dem Prader-Willi-Syndrom. Während die Adipositas die Androgen-Bildung steigern kann, ist sie jedoch selbst nicht der kausale Faktor einer vorzeitigen Nebennierenrindenreifung. Der Prämaturen Pubarche können in 5 - 10 % der untersuchten weiblichen Population ein nicht-klassisches AGS oder NNR-Tumoren zugrunde liegen. Bei den verbleibenden Kindern besteht eine eigentlich harmlose Reifungsbeschleunigung mit normaler Wachstumsprognose. Betrachtet man diese Kinder mit idiopatischer Prämaturer Adrenarche jedoch genauer, so finden sich zwei Untergruppen mit langfristigen Risiken: erstens zeigen Kinder mit einer sogenannte manifesten Heterozygotie für einen 21-Hydroxylase-Defekt Auffälligkeiten des Wachstums, die eine Endgrössenreduktion bewirken könnten, und zweitens wird bei Jugendlichen mit einer Überstimulierbarkeit der NNR diese "Exaggerated Adrenarche" für ein nachfolgendes PCOS verantwortlich gemacht. Schliesslich scheint es vor dem Hintergrund der sich epidemieartig ausbreitenden Zunahme des Übergewichts im Kindesalter angezeigt, den Bezug dieser NNR-Störungen zur Adipositas und der Hyperinsulinämie weiter zu klären. / The prepubertal maturation of the zona reticularis of the adrenal cortex and its androgen secretion in man and higher primates differs from other species, e.g. rodents. The secretion of adrenal androgens induces the pubertal development. The importance of adrenal androgens is derived from them being the cause for hirsutism and fertility disorders in women. In addition they represent a risk factor for the development of the polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), that affects about 7% of all pre-menopausal women. The regulation of the differentiation of the zona reticularis was unknown for a long time. However, ACTH is by far the most important hormone to regulate the global adrenocortical differentiation and function. In addition, other yet undefined factors are specifically responsible for the secretion of adrenal androgens. The cell-biological experiments presented here demonstrate that the effects of ACTH can be modulated in an autocrine manner by a species-specific pattern of growth factors so as to allow for the control of the postnatal development of the adrenal gland. The present investigations in human adrenocortical cells of children and adults in primary culture show for the first time that IGF-I and IGF-II maintain the differentiated function of these cells. IGF-I and to an even greater extent IGF-II enhance the biosynthesis of steroids and ACTH-responsiveness, and they promote the production of androstenedione, a delta5-androgen of the zona reticularis. Moreover, insulin, in physiological as well as in micromolar concentrations, induces changes in steroid production similar to the IGFs. In cross-sectional studies of healthy pre-pubertal children and children with simple obesity, it was shown that body composition is associated with adrenal androgens. Mediated by IGF-I, insulin and leptin, body composition apparently signals the child's state of weight and growth to the adrenals, even in patients with abnormal body composition, e.g. the Prader-Willi syndrome. While obesity may enhance androgen production, it is not the direct causal factor to induce premature adrenal maturation. In 5-10% of the female population investigated, premature pubarche is caused by non-classical adrenal hyperplasia or an adrenocortical tumour. In the remaining children, there is merely a harmless acceleration of maturation with normal growth prediction. A closer look at the children with idiopathic premature adrenarche, however, reveals two subgroups with long-term risks: First, children with a so called manifest heterozygosity of a 21-hydroxylase-defect show growth abnormalities, possibly reducing final height. Second, in adolescents with enhanced stimulation of the adrenal cortex, this 'exaggerated adrenarche' is held responsible for the subsequent development of PCOS. Finally, with regard to the rapidly spreading epidemic of overweight in children, it seems essential to study into greater depth the relationship between these adrenal dysfunctions and obesity or hyperinsulinism.
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Identifying the mechanisms of antidepressant drug action in mice lacking brain serotoninPetermann, Markus 13 July 2021 (has links)
Serotonin gilt als Hauptangriffsstelle gängiger Antidepressiva bei schweren Depressionen, wie bspw. selektive Serotonin-Wiederaufnahmehemmer (SSRI), und -Enhancer (SSRE). Es bleibt offen, ob SSRI / E ausschließlich über die Manipulation des Serotoninspiegels wirken, oder ob alternative Signalwege daran beteiligt sind. Ansatzpunkte hierfür sind beispielsweise die neurotrophen Signalwege (spez. Brain derived neurotophic factor, BDNF) oder die Hypothalamus-Hypophysen-Nebennieren- (HPA) – Signalwege des Stressachsensystems. Ebenfalls wurde in Nagetiermodellen beobachtet, dass mit der Dysregulation des zentralen Serotoninsystems bei schweren Depressionen, ein Rückgang der Neurogenese im Gyrus dentatus des Hippocampus einhergeht. Ziel dieser Arbeit war, das Zusammenspiel von Serotonin, BDNF, adulter Neurogenese und der Stressachse zu untersuchen. Zentrum der Studien ist ein Mausmodell, mit einer genetischen Depletion des zentralen Serotonin-synthetisierenden Enzyms Tryptophanhydroxylase 2 (sog. Tph2-/- Mäuse). Es wurden die physiologische Reaktionen auf die Behandlung mit gängigen Antidepressiva abhängig von der Abwesenheit von Serotonin untersucht, um mögliche alternative Signalwege aufzeigen zu können. Die bekannte Zunahme der Neurogenese nach SSRI/SSRE-Behandlung wurde in Wildtyptieren beobachtet, während die Therapie in Tph2-/- Mäusen keine direkte kausale Wirkung zeigte. Im Gegensatz dazu waren die BDNF-Spiegel in depressionsrelevanten Hirnregionen in Tph2-/- Mäusen nach SSRI, signifikant verringert. Auch zeigen die Studien eine neurobiologische Relevanz von Serotonin im ZNS, bei den antidepressiven Mechanismen einer Elektrokonvulsiven Krampftherapie. Ebenfalls deuten erhöhte Neurogeneseraten bei lebenslanger Abwesenheit von Serotonin im ZNS, Therapiemethoden-unabhängig, möglicherweise auf eine modulierte Stressreaktion hin. Untersuchungen der Parameter des HPA-Stressachsensystems, wiesen auf einen grundlegend veränderten Stresshormonspiegel in Tph2-/- Mäusen hin. / Serotonin, the "molecule of happiness" is an important target for antidepressants. The mainly prescribed drugs in major depression are selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRI); but recently, SSR-enhancer (SSRE) have also attracted clinical attention. However, only a quarter of patients responds to treatment. It needs to be determined, whether SSRI/E act solely via manipulating serotonin levels or whether other pathways are involved, e.g. neurotrophic signaling (brain-derived neurotrophic factor, BDNF) or the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA)-axis. Furthermore, in major depression, dysregulation of central serotonin signaling is accompanied with a decline in hippocampal neurogenesis, as has been observed in rodent models.
At the center of this thesis is a mouse model deficient in the central serotonin-synthesizing enzyme, tryptophan hydroxylase 2 (Tph2-/- mice). I have investigated physiological responses to antidepressant treatment in the absence of brain serotonin, and the possible role of alternative pathways. I observed the typical increase in neurogenesis upon SSRI treatment in WT mice, while it had no effect in Tph2-/- mice. In contrast, BDNF levels were significantly decreased in Tph2-/- mice after treatment with no effect in WT control mice. Furthermore, my results show a critical role of brain serotonin in the neurobiological effects of electroconvulsive seizure. Surprisingly, in animals lacking central serotonin, increased neurogenesis was observed independently of the treatment. The gathered data indicated an altered stress response; therefore, parameters of the HPA-axis have been studied, indicating a downregulated HPA system in Tph2-/-animals in baseline state, but showed no difference in treatment or feedback control.
This thesis gives insight into the mechanisms of antidepressant action and reveals ideas for novel pathways involved in the process that could be used as targets in therapeutic approaches and further research in major depression.
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