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Towards an EU rating agency / Vstříc Evropské Ratingové AgentuřeŠrůma, Martin January 2015 (has links)
This paper contributes to the literature by presenting a detailed summary of existing problems with credit rating agencies and proposing a model of a European Rating Agency that acts as a competitor and benchmark to the established credit rating agencies. European Rating Agency (ERA) as a new entrant will make a difference by increasing rating transparency and reputation cost for rating agencies at the same time. A vital point when developing the idea of an independent rating agency was the minimization of regulation changes. This will help shareholder to better orientate and understand the functionalities of the European Rating Agency which will make its establishment process easier. Reputation cost (capital) are assumed to be the building blocks that support the unique position of current rating agencies. ERA is modelled specifically to target this information and use the fragile concept of trust and reputation to the benefit of all stakeholder.
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Důsledky stárnutí populace v jednotlivých krajích ČR / The consequences of aging population in regions of the Czech RepublicSamková, Alice January 2015 (has links)
In recent decades, the fact of an aging population has become one of the most discussed phenomena in all economically developed countries. Its main consequence is the increasing number of people relying on the assistance of another person. The goal of this thesis is to provide quantitative estimation and suggestions of the possible future need for social services for the elderly within the Czech Republic as such and also with the reference to the evolution of the situation in individual regions of the country. The introductory chapter deals with the demographic development of population in the Czech Republic and in all its regions individually, on the basis of which an obvious and steady trend of population aging is confirmed in the past and future years. The second chapter focuses on the characteristic of regional facilities in selected social services as well as on the costs and financing of such services. On the grounds of findings from the previous chapter, the final chapter is dedicated to the estimation of the future evolution of the care recipients in the senior age groups in all regions in the Czech Republic. All this consistently on the basis of the projection of the evolution of the population until the year 2050 and projections of the structure of the beneficiaries of care allowance by level of the dependence in the year 2010. The result of the analysis indicates that the existing capacity of social services for elderly will not be sufficient due to the trend of aging population. With regard to that fact, some possible measures, that could be a future source of a solution of this unfavorable situation, are suggested in the conclusion of this thesis.
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The Adaptive Memory Effect: Exploring Need for Cognition and Survival ProcessingDel Giudice, Nora 01 January 2016 (has links)
Adaptive memory demonstrates that memory is enhanced when information is processed because of its relevance to survival (Nairne, Thompson, & Pandeirada, 2007). In the present experiments we examined whether there was a difference in individuals Need for Cognition (NFC) in regards to adaptive memory. Need for Cognition is characterized as the differences in individual’s preference for engaging in thought that requires effort. Specifically, individuals high in NFC could think of numerous ways to survive, thus being more likely to generate more thoughts and ideas, ultimately leading to better memory compared to low-NFC individuals. For both experiments participants read survival and moving scenarios and rated words according to each scenario. Participants received a surprise recall test on the rated words, and completed a NFC questionnaire. Experiment two examined true and false memories across multiple recall tests, giving participants three chances at recall prior to NFC scale. Results for experiment one indicated no effect of high and low NFC but there was an effect of scenario, indicating that the survival scenario led to greater recall than the moving scenario. Results for experiment two for target words, indicated that there was a significant effect for recall test as well as scenario, revealing that the survival scenario led to greater recall than the moving scenario. For false memories, high-NFC individuals gradually increased in recall from subsequent tests, compared to low-NFC individuals. Explanations for the lack of difference in high- and low-NFC individuals may be diminished from prompting a type processing that succeeds in increasing true and false memories for the low-NFC individuals, which is similar to high-NFC individuals.
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Misinformation and Need for Cognition: How They Affect False MemoriesAntonio, Lilyeth 01 January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of false memories and Need for Cognition (NFC). The relationship was examined using a typical misinformation paradigm where participants viewed a video clip which depicted a museum burglary and were later presented with an auditory narrative that contained misleading information about the video they previously saw. Half of the participants were exposed to warnings of misinformation. Additionally, the effect of question type (e.g., central, peripheral, and neutral) was taken into account. A main effect for NFC was found indicating that high NFC individuals had fewer false memories for the originally witnessed event than low NFC individuals. It was also found that memory for central details was better than for peripheral details. Furthermore, an interaction between warning and question type showed that when a warning was present, memory for the misleading peripheral details was stronger. Overall, the results demonstrate that there is a difference between high and low NFC individuals and the way memory is processed in the misinformation paradigm. Additionally, the results of this study reaffirm the notion that post-event information can hinder an eyewitness’s memory for an original event.
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Identification des besoins de formation continue des travailleurs sociaux pouvant intervenir auprès des endeuillésMorin, Elisabeth 12 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire vise à explorer les besoins de formation continue des travailleurs sociaux pouvant intervenir auprès des endeuillés. Il s’agit de mieux comprendre les besoins de formation continue concernant les pertes, le deuil et l’accompagnement des endeuillés. Se situant dans une perspective qualitative exploratoire, six travailleurs sociaux et agents de relations humaines du Centre intégré de la santé et des services sociaux (CISSS) de Lanaudière ont participé à des entrevues semi-dirigées. De plus, une analyse documentaire des formations continues offertes sur le deuil et inscrites au catalogue de l’Ordre des travailleurs sociaux, thérapeutes conjugaux et familiaux du Québec (OTSTCFQ) a été réalisée. Nous avons utilisé un cadre d’analyse intégrateur s’inspirant de plusieurs concepts clés (la formation continue, la motivation, le développement professionnel, le contexte organisationnel, les savoirs) et du modèle d’analyse des besoins de formation ressentis de Labesse (2008) afin d’analyser nos résultats de recherche. Avec une analyse de contenu thématique, ce modèle a permis de mieux comprendre les besoins de formation continue des travailleurs sociaux pouvant intervenir auprès des endeuillés. Cette recherche a aussi permis d’examiner les formations continues actuellement offertes et de déterminer la concordance entre ces dernières et les besoins identifiés par les participants. / This thesis aims to explore the continuing training needs of social workers who may intervene with bereaved persons. Its goal is to better understand the continuing education needs regarding loss, mourning and bereavement support. From a qualitative exploratory perspective, six social workers and human relations agents within the Integrated Health and Social Services Centres (IHSSC) of Lanaudière participated in semi-structured interviews. In addition, an in-depth textual analysis of bereavement-related continuing education courses listed within the Order of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists of Quebec (OTSTCFQ) catalogue was carried out. An integrative analytical framework was used, inspired by several key concepts (continuing education, motivation, professional development, organizational context, knowledge) and an analytical model related to perceived training needs (Labesse, 2008) was used to analyze collected data. Through thematic content analysis, this model made it possible to better understand the ongoing training needs of social workers who may provide services for bereaved persons. The research results also allowed us to review the current continuing education training offered and helped determine the degree to which these trainings met the needs identified by participants.
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Identification des besoins décisionnels des couples porteurs de maladies héréditaires raresFrigon, Marie-Pier 11 1900 (has links)
Depuis 2018, une offre de tests de porteurs pour quatre maladies héréditaires récessives (l’acidose lactique congénitale, l’ataxie récessive spastique de Charlevoix-Saguenay, la neuropathie sensitivomotrice avec ou sans agénésie du corps calleux et la tyrosinémie héréditaire de type 1) reconnues pour être plus prévalentes dans certaines régions de la province de Québec est disponible. Les couples porteurs de maladies héréditaires font face à un processus décisionnel important concernant leur planification familiale qui peut devenir une importante source d’inconfort et de possibles regrets. L’objectif de ce projet était de décrire les besoins décisionnels des couples porteurs de l’une ou l’autre de ces quatre maladies, guidés par le modèle d’aide à la décision d’Ottawa. Pour ce faire, une étude qualitative descriptive a été effectuée. Des entrevues semi-dirigées individuelles et en couple ont été faites auprès de 39 individus porteurs ainsi que 11 professionnelles de la santé et des services sociaux. Les besoins décisionnels identifiés par les participants de l’étude incluent l’inconfort décisionnel, les rôles dans la prise de décision, les étapes de la prise de décision, la nature dynamique du processus décisionnel et les réseaux de soutien disponibles. Cette étude a permis de mettre en évidence une augmentation de l’inconfort décisionnel, particulièrement pour les couples porteurs de l’ataxie récessive spastique de Charlevoix-Saguenay et de la tyrosinémie héréditaire de type 1. À la lumière de ces résultats, des outils d’aide à la décision seront développés afin de répondre aux besoins des couples porteurs de maladies héréditaires récessives. / A national carrier screening program for four recessive diseases (Leigh syndrome, autosomal recessive spastic ataxia of Charlevoix-Saguenay, hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy with or without agenesis of the corpus callosum and hereditary tyrosinemia type 1) known to be relatively more prevalent in some parts of Quebec province is available since 2018. Carrier couples face an important decision-making process regarding their familial planning that can become a significant source of discomfort and potential regrets. Our study aimed to describe the decisional needs of couples carriers of one of the four recessive disorders according to the Ottawa Decision Support Framework. A qualitative descriptive study was conducted, and qualitative individual and joint couple interviews were performed among 39 carrier individuals and 11 health and social care professionals. Decisional needs reported by the participants of this study included decisional conflict, roles in decision-making, decisional stages, dynamics of the decision-making process and available support. Decision-making process of all four disorders, but particularly autosomal recessive spastic ataxia of Charlevoix-Saguenay French-Canadian and hereditary tyrosinemia type 1 carriers, was associated with increased decisional conflict. Considering these results, patient decision aids will be designed to meet the needs of carrier couples.
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Restrukturalizace financování faktoringové společnosti / Financial Resources RestructuringMaitnerová, Jana January 2007 (has links)
The thesis focuses on dealing with financial resources of a factoring company. It analyses the development of the company so far as well as its position on the Czech market. On the basis of expansive business strategy a financial plan is elaborated, and suitable financial resources for covering the additional need for capital are suggested.
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Framgångsfaktorer för några centrala stödteam i arbetet med problematisk skolfrånvaro / Factors of success for some central support team in their work with problematic school absenteeismPihl, Torbjörn January 2021 (has links)
De centrala stödteamen som studerats i denna studie är ett komplement till den lagstadgade verksamheten i sina respektive kommuner i arbetet med elever som utmanar i skolan och /eller är i problematisk skolfrånvaro. De studerade teamen arbetar på uppdrag av socialförvaltningen, Barn och ungdomsförvaltningen eller en kombination av de båda. Studien är gjord med den grundade teorin som metod och med ett socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv då både metod och teori lyfter informanternas upplevelse av sin verklighet. Syftet med denna studie är att analysera de framgångsfaktorer men även hinder som några studerade centrala stödteam upplever i arbetet med elever i problematisk skolfrånvaro. Det som framkommer i studien är att de studerade stödteamens konstruktion och centrala styrning där genom att verka på alla skolor i en kommun gör det möjligt att använda sig av både de bemötanden och förutsättningar som presenteras i studiens resultat.De framgångsfaktorer som framkommit i studien som också är studiens main concern är uppdelade i två huvudgrupper. Den ena är Framgångsrika Bemötanden där några nyckelkategorier blivit centrala. Dessa nyckelkategorier är; Icke-dömande, Respekterande, Inlyssnande, Förstående, Icke kravsättande, Avlastande, Samarbetande, Samordnande samt Relationsskapande. De studerade teamen menar att det inte går att prioritera dessa kategorier, men att Icke-dömandet är en förutsättning för de övriga. Den andra huvudgruppen är Gynnsamma Förutsättningar. Denna huvudgrupp delas in i: Tid, Kompetens och erfarenhet, Likvärdighet, Upparbetade relationer, Intensivvarande samt organisation. I studien har också framkommit hinder i de studerade teamens verksamhet. Dessa framkommer i olika grad samt på olika sätt för de studerade teamen, men har sammanfattats i några faktorer; Sekretess, Bedömda/dömda pedagoger-ledning, Dömande personal, Komma in i “slutna hem” samt Ekonomi. Dessa hinder menar de studerade teamen kan bromsa upp effektiviteten i både tid och insats i ett ärende de verkar i. Den organisatoriska lösningen där både socialtjänst och skola samverkar är den konstellation som enligt de studerade stödteamen är den bästa och då i kombination med att det i teamet finns både lärare som kan tala skolans språk och även tala med skolan utan att upplevas okunnig eller oförstående. Detsamma gäller anledningen till att socialtjänsten är representerad med en socionom som kan möta socialtjänsten på samma sätt. / The central support team in this study are a complement to the ordinary work with students that is challenging the school or/ and are in problematic school absenteeism. The study uses the grounded theory as method and a social constructive perspective when both method and theory explain the informers experience of their own reality. Studien är gjord med den grundade teorin som metod och med ett socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv då både metod och teori lyfter informanternas upplevelse av sin verklighet. The teams that been studied are initiated by the social department, the school department and some by a mix of them both. The mix are de model that all teams meant was the most successful and best suited constellation with a teacher and a social worker, working together. The reason with this opinion is that the team in the study explains it with the credibility that teacher are better suited to talk with the school and the social worker are better suited to run the communication with the social services. The purpose with this study is to reveal the factors of success in some central support teams work with students in problematic school absenteeism, and also unveil the obstacles that the studied support team could meet in their work with these students. What the study shaws is that how the studied team were constructed with their professions and the fact that they are under a central control and not are tied to one separate school or area were the main factor that allows both the factors of success and the favourable prerequisite that is the two main concerns with this study to work.The factors of success that appeared in the study are represented by two main concerns, the first one is the Personal treatment meeting with people. Some key categories that construct this factor of success are None-judging, Respecting, In-listening, Understanding, Not demanding, to unburden, Cooperating, Coworking and Relation construction. The teams in the study point out that there is impossible to prioritize these categories, but the None-judging behaviour is the prerequisite for the others.The second main concern is the favourable prerequisite for the teams to work. This main consern is divided in; Time, competence and experience, comparability, already done relations, intensity being and organization. The team in the study have an agreement in that it is these categories that divide them from the ordinary work whit students in problematic school absenteeism in their municipalities and that is their strikingness that is the key to make the factors of success to work.In this study there also appeared some obstacles in the work for the teams. These obstacles appear in different grade and different ways for the team in the study, but are concluded in the key categories, Confidentiality, judged/ condemned school personnel, Judgemental personnel, to enter closed homes and economy. These categories the team in the study are factors that can inhibit their work and make it less efficient over time and in effort and also are results presented in the study.
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Tepelné chování a energetická náročnost nízkoenergetické administrativní budovy / Thermal behavior and energy demands of low-energy office buildingsPichová, Lenka January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with energy intensity of a low energy office building. In the thesis, em-phasis is put especially on the calculation of energy consumption for heating (cooling). The energy intensity of the building is determined and evaluated by four methods of calculation, which are compared with a valid certificate of energy performance of the building, which arose at the time of its construction. In the experimental part of the the-sis, the energy intensity of the building is compared to the actual energy consumption obtained by two experimental measurements in heating season 2012/2013. (The building is operating partly only). Different methods of solutions and valid legal regulations are elaborated in detail in the first part of the thesis.
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Právní postavení nezletilých a dalších zranitelných žadatelů o mezinárodní ochranu / The Legal Status of Minors and Other Vulnerable Applicants for International ProtectionEdelmannová, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Persons who seek international protection in the European Union are entitled to number of rights contained in the EU law, international law and national law. Some applicants for international protection are entitled to additional rights and guarantees due to their weakened position. This thesis analyses the legal position of vulnerable applicants for international protection (or more precisely applicants with special needs). The position of minor applicants is dealt with in more detail. The thesis further deals with the legislation of the Common European Asylum System, attention is also paid to the European Court of Human Right's case- law, to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and to other relevant documents. All applicants for international protection can be seen as vulnerable. In the view of the European Court of Human Rights applicant for international protection is "as such, a member of a particularly underprivileged and vulnerable population group in need of special protection". The EU law does not explicitly describe applicants as vulnerable, but it entitles them to a certain standard of rights by which it reflects their difficult position. Furthermore, the Reception Conditions Directive and Asylum Procedures Directive define applicants with special needs (more precisely applicants...
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