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框架效應、個人與工作適配度、認知需求對工作預期與求職吸引力之影響林千甯, Lin ,Chiien-Ning Unknown Date (has links)
本研究欲探討以個人認知需求為調節變項,考量框架效應和個人與工作適配度,是否對工作預期和求職吸引力產生影響。先前Buda和Charnov (2003)的研究僅闡釋低認知需求較易受框架效應影響,而本研究則欲進一步瞭解,是否高認知需求者在評估求職吸引力時,受個人與工作適配度影響較大。本研究採2x2 x2受試者間之實驗設計,所操弄獨變項為:框架效應(正負相框架訊息)。依變項為「求職吸引力」,「認知需求」為調節變項。
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Individanpassad information till patienter med typ 2 diabetes : En litteraturstudie om patienters erfarenheter av information från sjukvården / Individual information to patients with type two diabetes : A litterature study about patients experiences about information from the healthcareHerrera De Leon, Morayma, Bircan, Metin January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Diabetes typ 2 är en av de stora folksjukdomarna i västvärlden och numer även i utvecklingsländerna. Då patienterna är i behov av korrekt information för att lära sig att hantera och leva med sjukdomen är det viktigt att sjuksköterskor har kunskap om hur patienterna upplever information från vården. Syfte: Syftet var att utforska vad för erfarenheter patienter med diabetes typ två har av information från vården. Metod: En litteraturstudie som är baserad på tidigare forskning om diabetes typ två och information. Tolv vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ ansats har analyserats med textanalys. Resultat: Resultatet i denna uppsats visar att patienterna efterlyser information som är anpassad till dem som unika individer och som är lätt att förstå och hantera, då de behöver verktyg för sin egenvård. Fyra teman som framkom: Svårigheter att ta emot och anpassa sig efter information, Information anpassad till att klara av dagligt liv, Skillnader på information från läkaren och sjuksköterskan och Anpassad information. Diskussion: Resultatet diskuteras bl a i förhållande till Orems teori kring egenvård. Då patienterna ofta har svårt att anpassa till sin sjukdom behöver de stöd i form av information för att klara av att leva ett så normalt liv som möjligt. Detta blir allt viktigare då diabetes typ två är en sjukdom som kryper allt lägre ner i åldrarna och det därmed är något man ska leva länge med. / Background: Diabetes type 2 is one of the largest forms of lifestyle disease in the developed countries, but in later years, also in development countries. Patients are in need of accurate information to learn how to manage and live with the disease. Therefore it is important that nurses have knowledge of how patients perceive information from health care. Aim: The aim of the present study was to investigate what experiences patients with diabetes type two has regarding information from health care. Method: A literature study based on previous research regarding diabetes type two and information to patients. Twelve scientific articles with qualitative approach was analysed with text analysis. Result: The results show that the patients call for information that is tailored to them as unique individuals and that is easy to understand and adapt to, as they need tools for their self-care. Four themes emerged: Difficulties to accept and adapt to information, Information adapted to cope with daily life, Differences in information from the physician and the nurse and Accessible information. Discussion: The results are discussed in relation to Orem theory of self-care. Since patients often have difficulty adjusting to their disease, they need support in terms of information to be able to live as normal a life as possible. This becomes increasingly important, as diabetes type two is a disease that younger and younger ages, and it is therefore something they have to live a long time with.
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Qualité de vie au travail : quels effets de facteurs organisationnels, psychosociaux et individuels sur le bien-être et le succès de carrière ? / Quality of life at work : what effects of organizational, psychological and individual factors on well-being and career success ?Dose, Eric 09 November 2018 (has links)
En lien avec les théories du bien-être, du succès de carrière, de l'autodétermination et de l'échange social, la thèse s'attache à cerner les déterminants organisationnels, psychosociaux et individuels du bien-être psychologique dans une perspective eudémonique et des succès de carrière objectif et subjectif avec comme mécanisme explicatif central la satisfaction des besoins psychologiques auprès des conseiller-es. En parallèle, cette thèse vise à valider plusieurs échelles (e.g., échelle d'auto-efficacité en conseil de carrière ; échelles de succès de carrière objectif et subjectif, échelle de gestion des carrières organisationnelle perçue...). Une première étape (étude 1) à l'aide d'entretiens exploratoires (N=15) a permis de cerner les concepts en lien avec bien-être et la réussite des conseillers. La deuxième étape, reposant sur un questionnaire, incluait les outils de mesure du bien-être psychologique au travail (BEPT) du succès e carrière, de la qualité es échanges leaders et membres (LMX), du soutien des colègues, du sentiment d'efficacité, de l'estime de soi et de la satisfaction des besoins psychologiques puis une échelle de mesure de la gestion organisationnelle de carrière. Les questionnaires ont été complétés par 1132 conseiller-es de l'accompagnement professionnel en France. La phase 1 (études 2 à6) a permis de tester des modèles avec analyses de médiations (Hayes & Preacher, 2014) auprès de la population totale puis des consiller-es en Cabinet de Conseil (N=287), des conseiller-es Psychologue de l'Education Nationale (N=297) et des conseiller-es de Pôle Emploi (N=224). La phase 2 (études 7,8,9) a testé et validé trois modèles à l'aide de modélisations en équations structurelles 5SEM) pour le bien-être psychologique au travail, les succès de carrière objectif et subjectif. Il en résulte que la satisfaction des besoins joue un rôle primordial dans l'émergence du bien-être psychologique au travail et des deux formes de succès de carrière facilitant les effets du soutien organisationnel et des échanges leader-membres ainsi que du sentiment d'auto-efficacité et de la satisfaction de carrière. Les implications scientifiques et pratiques sont discutées de manière générale et au regard de chaque type de population. / Based on theories of well-being, career success, self-determination, and social exchange, this thesis attempts to understand the organizational, psychosocial, and individual inducers of psychological well-being (PWB) and the objective and subjective forms of career success by taking into account need satisfaction as an explanatory mechanism. Another aim is to validate several scales (e.g., a carreer counseling self-efficiency scale, objective and subjective career scales, perceived organizational career scales, etc.). The first part (Study 1) using exploratory interviews (N=15) allowed us to identify some concepts related to the well-being and success of counselors. The second part, based on questionnaires, included scales of well-being at work, career success, leader-member exchange quality 5LMX), colleague support, self-efficacy, self-esteem, psychological needs, and perceived organizational career management. Questionnaires were filled out by 1132 counselors in France. Studies 2 to 6 tested specifically on counselors from counseling agencies (N=287), counselor psychologists working for theFrench Board of Education (N=297), and counselors from publicu unemployment agencies (N=224). Studies 7, 8, et 9 tested and validated three structural equation models (SEM) of well-being at work, and objective and subjective career success. The results showed the need satisfaction played a major role in well-being at work and both kinds of career success, thereby facilitating the effects of organizational support, leader-member exchange, self-efficacy, and career satisfaction. Scientific and practical implications are discussed in general and with regard to each type of participant group.
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Povědomí studentů speciální pedagogiky o hospicové péči v České republice / Awareness of special education students about hospice care in the Czech RepublicPorubová, Markéta January 2018 (has links)
The thesis "Awareness of special education students about hospice care in the Czech Republic" introduces hospices and hospice care to its reader. The aim of its theoretical part is to define basic terms such as a hospice, hospice care, palliative care and forms of hospice care. Needs of a client and a client's family are analysed within the scope of hospice care. Subchapters also deal with hospice care providers' association, current legislation and financing in the field of hospice care. The thesis' theoretical part concludes with a remark on the Programme "Support of hospice palliative care in the Czech Republic". The research part is based on the quantitative survey and its aim is the analyzation of special education students' knowledge of hospice care in the Czech Republic. Results shows that students have basic knowledge thereof.
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Die belangrikheid van die gesin in gemeentelike bedieningStrydom, Zagarias Richard Andries 01 January 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Skrywers oar die gesin kom al hoe meer tot die slotsom dat die gesin onvervangbaar is in die sosialiseringsproses van die mens. Die gesin is noodsaaklik vir die modeme mens se soeke na vastigheid, geborgenheid en identiteit. Die oorspronklike verhouding tussen ouer en kind binne die kerngesin is onvervangbaar. Die vraag wat in die studie aan die orde kom is of die modeme gesin wel so 'n belangrike plek inneem in die huidige samelewing. Is die gevolg van al die probleme waarmee die moderne gesin le kampe het en die wisselvallige wereld waarin ons lewe nie juis dat die gesin se plek as veilige hawe al hoe meer bedreig word nie? Daar
moet altyd in die bediening aan die gesin onthou word dat die gesin 'n ontwikkelende sisteem is. Daar moet veral by die behoeftes in die verskillende lewensfases aangesluit word. ln God se handeling met. die mens vind ons dat daar 'n baie noue verband is tussen die gesin en die
verbond. Soos tewens die hele gemeente, is die gesin ook "'n koninklike priesterdom . .. . . . die eiendomsvolk van God". (1 Pet. 2:9)
Die kerk staan voor die wonderlike uitdaging om in die tyd waar daar 'n besondere behoefte aan sosiale verhoudings bestaan, die behoefte te vul met iets wat God self gee, iets wat veel grater as sosiale vriendskap is... . . . koinonia! Des te meer die kerk se invloedsfeer in die
samelewing krimp en mense nie meer aktief by die instituut inskakel nie, des te belangriker word die gesin. In die gesekulariseerde samelewing word die gesin die konkrete kontakpunt waarmee die kerk op die plaaslike vlak sy invloedsfeer binne mense se daaglikse leefmilieu kan laat geld.
Die studie vra vir 'n andersoortige bediening waarin die behoeftes van die gesin aangespreek word en waar die gesin primer die fokus is. Dit moet 'n bediening aan die gesin en 'n bediening deur die gesin wees. Die gemeente moet gesinne leer en aan hulle demonstreer wat God se doe! met die gesin is.
Die kerk is by uitstek in die posisie om die wye verskeidenheid van gesinstipes in die samelewing te kan bedien. Die kerk kan ook gesinne help om aanpassings te maak in 'n veranderende samelewing. 'n Gesinsbediening kan 'n uitstekende nuwe fokus word vir die missie van die kerk. / Researches on the family came to the conclusion that the family is irreplaceable in the socialising process of a person. The family is necessary for the modern persons need for stability, security and identity. The original relationship between a parent and child in the family is irreplaceable. The question which arises in this study is whether the modern family is so important in the current society. Is the result of all the problems which the family faces and the changeable world not that the family as secure harbour is in danger? In the ministry it must always be borne in mind that the family is a developing system. Special attention must be paid so that all the different phases of life are included. In God's involvement with man, we find that there is a very close relationship between the family and the sacrament. As is the entire church, so is the family " ...... priests of the King, ..... God's own people" (1 Pet. 2:19).
In a time where there is an exceptional need for social relationships, the church is faced with a great challenge to fill this need with something that is from God, something far more fulfilling than social friendships .... Kononia. The further the churche's influence declines in a society and people withdraw from involvement within the institution, the more important the family becomes. In a secularized society the family becomes the concrete point of contact through which the church can, at local level, use its influence within peoples daily life environment.
This study calls for another type of ministry in wt)ich the needs of the family can be addressed and where the family becomes the primary focus.· It must b~ a ministry to the family and through the family. The congregation must educate families as well as demonstrate God's purpose with the family.
The church is pre-eminently in a position to serve the various types of families in society. The church is also able to help families to make adjustments in a changing society. A family ministry can become an excellent new point of focus for the mission of the church. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D.Th. (Practical Theolgy)
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Variables distinguishing entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs from different ethnic groups in the South African environmentDe Klerk, Annette 11 1900 (has links)
A distinguishing characteristic of the current world economy is the decline in the number
of industrial job opportunities which is also affecting South Mrica. The multi-ethnical
and multicultural society of South Africa is also experiencing low economic growth
rates, high population growth rates and an unacceptably high unemployment rate.
Entrepreneurship currently plays an important role in the successful economies of the
world. The small business can make important contributions to economic growth, job
creation and social development. For this reason it is important that entrepreneurial
behaviour be promoted in South Mrica.
In previous research studies, researchers isolated different variables of entrepreneurial
behaviour such as the environment, personal characteristics, values and personal
background of individuals. Of these variables, only personal characteristics may be
manipulated to advance entrepreneurial behaviour.
The objectives of this study were to indicate whether certain biographical and
demographical factors are related to an individual's behaviour towards the formation of
a new enterprise and to indicate whether certain personal characteristics, namely
achievement motivation and locus of control, are related to an individual's behaviour in
the formation of a new enterprise.
It was decided to compare four groups, namely white non-entrepreneurs, black nonentrepreneurs,
white entrepreneurs and black entrepreneurs. Three factors of achievement
motivation and three factors of locus of control were identified by means of factor
analysis, and statistical analyses were done on the four different groups. To establish the
above-mentioned relationships, the researcher made use of sophisticated statistical
The following conclusion were drawn from the results:
The models of achievement motivation and locus of control seem to predict membership
of the group black entrepreneurs better than the group white entrepreneurs. Using the
locus of control scales, membership of the group black entrepreneurs can be predicted
well. The study revealed that there are differences between black groups and white
groups (entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs) in South Africa.
It is clear from the present study that there have to be additional factors, other than
achievement motivation and locus of control, that influence entrepreneurial behaviour.
The ethnic and cultural situation in South Africa also influences entrepreneurial
behaviour in this country. / Business Management / D.Com. (Business Management)
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Factors contributing to the breakdown of foster care placements : foster parents' and adolescents' perspectivesMnisi, Rosina Mmamokete 02 1900 (has links)
As a social worker at the Desmond Tutu Child and Youth Care Centre in Gauteng province, the researcher noticed an increase in the number of applications for adolescents’ admission to the Centre due to a breakdown in their foster care placements. This raised a question regarding the factors contributing to this breakdown. The aim of the study was to develop an in-depth understanding of factors contributing to the breakdown of foster care placements from the perspectives of the adolescents who were fostered and from those of their foster parents.
The qualitative research approach was used applying an explorative, descriptive and contextual design. Purposive sampling was used to select the participants. Data was collected using semi-structured interviews and was analysed according to the framework provided by Tesch (in Creswell, 2009:186). For data verification, Guba’s model (in Krefting (1990:214-220) was applied. Conclusions are drawn and recommendations made about foster care involving adolescents. / Social Work / M.A. (Social Work)
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Análise da demanda e forma de utilização do ambulatório multiprofissional de um serviço de atenção primária á saude de Porto Alegre, BrasilFernandes, Carmen Luiza Correa January 2013 (has links)
O sistema de saúde vem se transformando pressionado por mudanças sociodemográficas, políticas e econômicas. Essas modificações impõem aos gestores a necessidade de conhecer de maneira particularizada o perfil de demandas da população usuária. Neste contexto, o presente estudo tem por objetivo identificar o padrão e as características de utilização de um serviço de atenção primária à saúde a nível ambulatorial. Como objetivos específicos buscou-se traçar o perfil sociodemográfico dos usuários de unidades de APS, avaliar os motivos das consultas, identificar o tipo de atendimento utilizado e a categoria profissional responsável pelo atendimento, avaliar a relação das consultas com as ações programáticas desenvolvidas nos serviços de saúde e identificar a associação entre a vulnerabilidade da área de moradia e os motivos de consulta. Foi realizado um estudo transversal com dados retrospectivos do Serviço de Saúde Comunitária do Grupo Hospitalar Conceição (SSC-GHC). A fonte primária foi o Boletim de Atendimento(BA), emitido para cada consulta efetuada no período de 1/01/2011 a 31/12/2011. O total de consultas avaliadas foi de 34.014 realizadas em duas unidades da Zona Norte de Porto Alegre por profissionais de nível superior de diferentes categorias profissionais. . A fonte primária do banco de dados foi o BA, emitido para cada atendimento ambulatorial. A análise dos dados foi feita com o programa estatístico SPSS versão 18.0. A análise descritiva respeitou as características e a distribuição das variáveis. As variáveis contínuas e com distribuição normal foram descritas por meio da média e desvio padrão e as variáveis contínuas e sem distribuição normal foram apresentadas como mediana (intervalo interquartil). As variáveis categóricas foram descritas como números absolutos. O número total de consultas efetivadas foi de 34.014, realizadas por 5.033 pessoas com cadastro nas unidades. A participação de moradores de área de risco foi de 31,3%. O número de pessoas consideradas hiperutilizadores - com mais de 6 consultas/ano - foi de 2.216 (44%). Os hiperutilizadores realizaram 78% das consultas. Estavam presentes hiperutilizadores em 53,7% das famílias. Os hiperutilizadores tinham como característica predominante ser mulher (67,8%), pertencer à faixa etária dos 20 aos 49 anos ou de mais de 60 anos. Os problemas relacionados à saúde mental e comportamental têm um percentual mais elevado entre os usuários hiperutilizadores, (6,9% vs 3,5%). O profissional mais procurado foi o médico (59,3%) seguido pelo odontólogo (27,5%). Os motivos de consulta encontrados são semelhantes no grupo de hiperutilizadores e não hiperutilizadores e distribuídos dentro do esperado para as faixas etárias. / The health system has been undergoing transformation due to sociodemographic, political and economic changes. These alterations impose to managers the need to individually know the demand profile of the user population. In this context, the present study aims to identify the use pattern and characteristics in primary health care service at ambulatorial level. As for specific objectives, this research intended to develop the sociodemographic profile of Primary Health Care (PHC) units users, evaluate the reasons for consultations, identify the type of service utilized and the professional category responsible for providing the service, assess the relationship between consultations and the programmatic actions performed by health services as well as to identify the association between the vulnerability of the housing area and the reasons for consultation. A cross-sectional study was conducted with retrospective data from the Community Health Service of the Conceição Hospital Group (SSC-GHC). The primary source was the outpatients' charts issued for each consultation in the period between 1/1/2011 and 12/31/2011. The study comprised a total of 34,014 consultations performed in two units of the North Region of Porto Alegre by professionals with tertiary education from different occupational categories. The main objective of this study was to identify use pattern and characteristics of primary health care services at ambulatorial level. The specific objectives were to develop the sociodemographic profile of PHC units users, evaluate the reasons for consultations, identify the type of service utilized and the professional category responsible for providing the service, assess the relationship between consultations and the programmatic actions performed by health care services as well as to identify the association between the vulnerability of the housing area and the reasons for consultation. The primary source of the database was the chart issued for each outpatient’s ambulatory care. The data analysis was realized with the SPSS statistics software version 18.0. The descriptive analysis considered the characteristics and distribution of variables. The continuous variables with normal distribution were described through averages and standard deviation whilst the continuous variables without normal distribution were presented as median (interquartile range). Categorical variables were described as absolute numbers. The total number of consultations was 34,014 referring to 5,033 people registered in the units. The participation of risk area residents was 31.3%. The number of people considered frequent users - with more than 6 consultations per year - amounted to 2,216 (44%). The frequent users accounted for 78% of the consultations. They were present in 53.7% of households. Frequent users were predominantly women (67.8%), belonging to the age group ranging from 20 to 49 years old or over 60. Mental and behavioral health related issues have a higher percentage among frequent users (6.9% vs. 3.5%). The most requested professional was the physician (59.3%) followed by the odontologist (27.5%). The reasons for consultation found are similar in both frequent and non-frequent users and distributed within the expected for the age groups.
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Dimensionamento da Carga de Trabalho em Unidade de Alta Complexidade em Traumatologia e Ortopedia. / Sizing of the workload in high complexity unit in traumatology and orthopedics.Claudia Regina Machado 27 April 2015 (has links)
Os gestores de saúde enfrentam desafios crescentes e recursos insuficientes em todo o mundo para referente às atividades realizadas, assim como observação direta dos profissionais para medir o tempo gasto em cada uma de suas atividades durante intervalos de tempo predeterminados. Posteriormente, os resultados encontrados no estudo foram aplicados ao instrumento informatizado de indicadores de carga de trabalho para estimativa do dimensionamento de pessoal (Workload Indicators of Staffing Need responder à demanda de serviços de saúde, especialmente relacionados à ortopedia e traumatologia, causando agravamento de casos e aumento do número de sequelas que reverterão em maior demanda por procedimentos de média e alta complexidade. Este estudo foi motivado pela necessidade de se analisar de forma consistente a composição e o desempenho dos profissionais na área de saúde e afins para o funcionamento pleno de uma unidade de saúde de alta complexidade em ortopedia e traumatologia. Teve como objetivo contribuir para o desenvolvimento da metodologia, disseminação do conhecimento e importância do dimensionamento da força de trabalho em instituições complexas de saúde, além de oportunidade para testar e disseminar o método de indicadores de carga de trabalho para dimensionamento de pessoal e sua importância para o planejamento e a gestão de recursos humanos em saúde. O projeto se desenvolveu em três estudos sequenciais e complementares. Inicialmente, foi feita uma revisão da bibliografia sobre o dimensionamento de recursos humanos em saúde (RHS), buscando reduzir lacuna da escassez de modelos e metodologias, bem como contribuir para o desenho e a utilização de modelos de organização e prestação de serviços que assegurem a oferta de serviços de saúde com qualidade e segurança. Em seguida, realizou-se um estudo de caso no Instituto Nacional de Traumatologia e Ortopedia (INTO)/Ministério da Saúde (MS), utilizando metodologia quantitativa e roteiros semiestruturados para estimar o tempo WISN), como testagem da metodologia promovida pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS). Os resultados da análise da carga de trabalho e estimativa do dimensionamento de pessoal de saúde podem apoiar e nortear a elaboração e a implementação de políticas para melhorias na
qualidade e na produtividade dos serviços de saúde. Os resultados encontrados revelam que não há déficit de profissionais médicos nos três grupos estudados, tornando-se imperioso a realização de alguns questionamentos em relação à produção cirúrgica versus entrada na fila de espera. / To meet the demand of health services, especially related to orthopaedics and traumatology, health managers are facing increasing challenges and insufficient resources worldwide, causing deterioration of cases and increasing the number of sequels that add to a greater demand for medium and high complexity procedures. This study was motivated by the need to analyze consistently the composition and performance of health and related professionals to a full function of a high complex health facility in orthopedics and traumatology. It aims to contribute to the methodology development, knowledge dissemination and importance of workforce staffing of complex health institutions, as well as an opportunity to test and disseminate the method of workload indicators for staffing needs and its importance for the human resources in health planning and management. The project was developed in 3, sequentially and complementary studies. Initially, a literature review of the human resources for health (HRH) staffing was made, seeking to reduce the gap of models and methodologies, as well as contribute to the design and use of service delivery organizational models and to ensure health services supply with quality and safety. Afterwards, a case study was done, at the National Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics (INTO)/Ministry of Health (MS), using quantitative methodology and direct observation approach to estimate the time on the activities carried out by the physicians to measure the time spent in each of their activities during predetermined time intervals. Subsequently, the results from the case study were applied to a computerized instrument to estimate the workload indicators of staff needs, testing and checking the results with the methodology promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO). The results of the workload analysis and estimation of health workers staffing can support and guide the policies development and implementation for improving the quality and productivity of health services. The results showed that there is no shortage of medical professionals in all three groups, making it imperative to conduct some cross-examinations regarding the surgical production versus entry in the queue.
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Adaptação cultural e avaliação dos parâmetros psicométricos da versão brasileira da Need for Recovery ScaleMoriguchi, Cristiane Shinohara 05 March 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-03-05 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / OBJECTIVE: To translate and culturally adapt the Need for Recovery Scale (NFR) to Brazilian Portuguese and to assess the psychometric properties of the Brazilian version among industrial workers. METHODS: The translation process followed a guideline for cultural adaptation of questionnaires, which included the stages of translation, synthesis, back-translation, committee review and pretesting. The NFR Portuguese final version (Br-NFR) was evaluated regarding reliability by tests of stability (n=52) and internal consistency (n=192); convergent validity by simultaneously assessment with other instruments: the Borg Scale (n=59); the Chalder Fatigue Questionnaire (n=57) and 3 subscales of the SF-36 (n=56). RESULTS: Stability and internal consistency achieved the criterion for a reliable measure (ICC=0.80 and Cronbach s α =0.87, respectively). The convergent validity between Br-NFR and other instruments also showed good results: Borg Scale (r=0.64); Chalder Questionnaire (r=0.67); SF-36 subscales: Vitality (r=-0.84), Physical Functioning (r=-0.54), and Role- Physical (r=-0.47). CONCLUSIONS: The Br-NFR revealed to be a reliable instrument to evaluate work-related fatigue symptoms in industrial workers. Furthermore, it showed significant and good correlations with accepted
instruments in the field like the Borg Scale, the Chalder Questionnaire and SF-36 Vitality subscale, providing support for the validity of the scale. / OBJETIVO: Traduzir e adaptar culturalmente a Need for Recovery Scale (NFR) para a Língua Portuguesa do Brasil e investigar os parâmetros psicométricos da versão Brasileira em trabalhadores industriais. MÉTODOS: A tradução da escala seguiu um guia para adaptações culturais de questionários, que envolveu as etapas de tradução, síntese, tradução reversa, revisão por Comitê e pré-teste. A versão final em Português da escala (Escala de Necessidade de Descanso - ENEDE) foi avaliada quanto a confiabilidade pelos testes de
estabilidade (n=52) e consistência interna (n=192) e quanto a validade convergente em avaliações simultâneas com outros instrumentos: Escala de Borg (n=59), Questionário de Fadiga de Chalder (n=57) e 3 Escalas do SF-36 (n=56).RESULTADOS: A estabilidade e consistência interna da escala atingiram o critério de medida confiável (ICC=0.80 e α de Cronbach=0.87,
respectivamente). A validade convergente entre a ENEDE e os outros instrumentos também apresentaram bons resultados: Escala de Borg (r=0.64); Questionário de Fadiga de Chalder (r=0.67); escalas do SF36: Vitalidade (r=-0.84), Capacidade Funcional (r=-0.54) e Aspectos Físicos (r=-0.47). CONCLUSÕES: A ENEDE apresentou boa confiabilidade para avaliação de sintomas de fadiga relacionada ao trabalho em trabalhadores industriais. Além disto, a ENEDE também apresentou correlações satisfatórias e significativas com outros instrumentos aceitos pela literatura, como a Escala de Borg, o Questionário de Chalder e a Escala Vitalidade do SF-36, que fornecem suporte para a sua validade.
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