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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Determinants of contraceptive use among currently married women in Amhara and Oromiya Regions of Ethiopia

Zeleka, Teferi January 2009 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this research is to study the effect of different demographic and socio economic factors on the contraceptive use among currently married women of age 15-49 in the two regions of Ethiopia, Amhara (17,214,056) and Oromiya (27,158,471). Data are obtained from the 2005 Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey (EDHS). Information on contraceptive use was provided by current use 1334 (14.7), future use 4017 (52.0), unmet need for spacing 1817 (20.0) and limiting 1249 (13.3) currently married women aged 15&ndash / 49 interviewed in the 2005 Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey (EDHS).</p>

La satisfaction des trois besoins fondamentaux peut-elle contribuer à la performance? : l’apport de la santé psychologique

Brien, Maryse 09 1900 (has links)
La présente thèse porte sur la prédiction de la performance à partir de la théorie de la satisfaction des besoins fondamentaux (BPNT; Basic Psychological Need Theory; Deci & Ryan, 2000). En plus de valider un instrument de satisfaction des besoins fondamentaux en milieu de travail, cette thèse, composée de trois articles, propose que la satisfaction des besoins fondamentaux pourrait prédire la performance des individus par le biais de l’augmentation de la santé psychologique au travail. Le premier article a pour objectif de présenter une recension de la documentation portant sur les liens entre la satisfaction des besoins fondamentaux, la santé psychologique au travail et la performance en emploi. Qui plus est, cet article propose, sur la base de ces informations, un modèle explicatif de la performance en emploi basé sur la BPNT. Le second article a pour but de présenter et de valider la mesure de la satisfaction des besoins fondamentaux en milieu de travail. Une première étude dans un échantillon de travailleurs québécois permet de faire ressortir les trois facteurs attendus (besoin d’autonomie, besoin d’affiliation sociale et besoin de compétence) de manière exploratoire. Des analyses corrélationnelles avec des critères tels que l’optimisme, la justice procédurale, le bien-être au travail, la détresse au travail et la motivation intrinsèque ont été également réalisées afin d’appuyer la validité critériée de l’instrument. Dans la seconde étude, une analyse d’invariance structurelle dans des échantillons d’enseignants québécois et français montre que cet instrument possède des propriétés psychométriques similaires dans les deux échantillons et apporte un argument de plus à la validité de l’instrument. Des analyses corrélationnelles avec les mêmes critères que dans la première étude ont également été réalisées. Ainsi, il est possible de conclure aux bonnes qualités psychométriques de cet instrument. Les limites et les apports de cette étude sont aussi présentés. Le troisième article examine les liens entre la satisfaction de chacun des besoins fondamentaux (autonomie, affiliation sociale et compétence), la santé psychologique et la performance de tâches des enseignants. Plus précisément, cet article tente de valider le modèle présenté dans l’article un voulant que la santé psychologique agisse comme médiateur dans la relation entre la satisfaction des besoins fondamentaux et la performance en emploi. Les résultats des analyses d’équations structurelles montrent la présence d’un effet complet de médiation de la santé psychologique dans la relation entre les besoins d’autonomie et d’affiliation sociale et la performance de tâches des enseignants. Une médiation partielle de la santé psychologique est, par contre, relevée entre le besoin de compétence et la performance de tâches des enseignants. Finalement, ce lien est discuté de même que les limites et les pistes de recherches futures découlant des résultats. Enfin, la conclusion de la thèse synthétise les constats et résultats de cette recherche doctorale. Ainsi, l’adéquation du modèle aux données de l’article trois porte à croire que la satisfaction des besoins fondamentaux pourrait potentiellement prédire la performance par le biais de la santé psychologique. Cependant, il est important de ne pas trop généraliser les résultats puisque la thèse comporte certaines limites, notamment l’utilisation d’instruments autorapportés pouvant favorisant les biais de variances communes. / The following thesis addresses the prediction of performance based on the Basic Psychological Needs Theory (BPNT; Deci & Ryan, 2000). This thesis, composed of three articles, proposes that the satisfaction of the three basic needs predicts individual performance by enhancing their psychological health at work, as well as validate an instrument measuring satisfaction of the three basic needs at work. The first article reviews the scientific literature on the links between the satisfaction of the three basic needs, psychological health at work, and job performance. Based on conclusions drawn thereupon, an explanatory model of job performance based on self-determination theory is proposed. The second article’s objective is to present and validate a measure of satisfaction of the three basic needs in the workplace. A first study in a sample of Quebecois workers allowed the three expected factors (need for autonomy, need for competence, need for relatedness) to emerge using an exploratory method. Correlation analyses using criteria such as optimism, procedural justice, well-being at work, distress at work, and intrinsic motivation was also realised, in order to support the criterion validity of the instrument. In the second study, an analysis of structural invariance in samples of Quebecois and French teachers showed that the instrument had comparable psychometric properties in both samples, further supporting the validity of the instrument. Correlation analyses using the same criteria as in the first study were also performed. The results point to the instrument having sound psychometric qualities. Limitations and contributions of the results are also presented. The third article examines the relationship between satisfaction of each of the three basic needs (autonomy, competence, and relatedness), psychological health, and task performance in a sample of teachers. Specifically, this article attempts to validate the model outlined in article 1, whereby psychological heath acts as mediator of the relationship between the three basic needs and job performance. The results of structural equation analyses revealed a complete effect of mediation of psychological health in the relationships for autonomy and relatedness with task performance in teachers. However, a partial mediation of psychological health was found between the need for competence and task performance. These findings are discussed, along with limitations and directions for future research. Finally, the thesis’ conclusion summarizes the results of the entire research. The results of structural equation analyses presented in the third article suggests that the basic psychological needs could potentially predict performance through psychological health. However, it is important to keep in mind that the generalization of the results is limited by the thesis’ limitations such as the use of self-reported instruments, wich might increase biases of common variances. / Cette thèse de doctorat a été réalisée grâce à l'appui financier des fonds québécois de la recherche sur la société et la culture.

Les besoins non comblées de services à domicile chez les aînés canadiens

Busque, Marc-Antoine January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

På rätt sida om gränsen? : Om EU:s yttre gränskontroll, folkrättens räckvidd och skyddsbehövandes rätt till rättigheter

Lidholm, Johanna January 2015 (has links)
Idag befinner sig över 50 miljoner människor på flykt runt om i världen. De har behövt lämna sina hem till följd av väpnade konflikter, förföljelse eller andra grova människorättskränkningar. Flera av dem behöver få skydd i andra länder. Dock är det svårt för många att få det. Inte minst gäller det de skyddsbehövande som försöker finna en fristad inom EU. Unionens yttre gränser har de senaste åren stärkts och blivit allt mer ogenomträngliga för tredjelandsmedborgare på flykt. De riskerar därmed att hindras från att få tillgång till skydd. Syftet med denna studie är att lyfta den här frågan ur ett rättighetsperspektiv och att undersöka det nuvarande rättighetsskyddet för de människor som behöver få tillgång till skydd inom EU. Delar av gällande folkrätt och EU-rätt undersöks för att se vad dessa rättssystem idag innebär för skyddsbehövandes tillgång till skydd. Vidare granskas den gällande rätten utifrån ett moraliskt och kritiskt perspektiv som utgår ifrån principen om skyddsbehövandes rätt till rättigheter. Principen grundas på de mänskliga rättigheternas grundtanke om att alla människor har lika och inneboende rättigheter samt Hannah Arendts analys om att människor på flykt riskerar att hamna utan rättighetsskydd i praktiken. Studien visar att skyddsbehövande som kommit till EU:s fysiska gränser eller möter medlemsstaterna till havs under vissa omständigheter har, i alla fall rent formellt, rätt att få komma in i unionen och erhålla skydd där. Detta enligt vissa bestämmelser inom både folkrätten och EU-rätten. Studien visar dock att skyddsbehövande som fortfarande befinner sig i ursprungslandet riskerar att i praktiken hamna utan skydd av sina rättigheter under gällande rättssystem. Folkrättens skydd når inte riktigt dit på ett tydligt sätt och EU:s extraterritoriella gränskontroll, i form av regler kring visum och transportöransvar, riskerar att stänga flera av dem ute från det skydd som de har rätt till när de väl kommit fram till unionens territoriella gränser. Flera skyddsbehövande blir således nekade sin rätt till rättigheter idag. / Today, over 50 million people are forcibly displaced worldwide. They have been forced to leave their homes due to armed conflicts, persecution or other human rights violations. Numerous people need protection in another state. However, for many of them it is difficult to get that kind of protection. This is true for many refugees and other people in need of international protection who are trying to find refuge within the EU. The union has in recent years strengthened the external borders which has made it increasingly difficult for third-country nationals to get access to the EU. This is affecting people in need of protection and their access to asylum. The purpose of this thesis is to highlight this issue from a human rights perspective and study how the rights of those people who need access to protection within the EU are safeguarded today. Parts of international law and EU law are examined to see what different rules mean for people’s access to protection. The existing law is then reviewed from a moral and critical point of view that revolves around the understanding that people in need of international protection have a right to have rights. This theoretical approach is partly based on the core principle of human rights which emphasizes the equal and inherent rights of all people and partly based on Hannah Arendt’s thoughts about the fact that people who are forcibly displaced risk being denied their rights. The study shows that people in need of international protection who have arrived at the EU’s physical borders or who the member states encounter at sea have, under certain circumstances, a right to enter the union and receive protection there through parts of both international law and EU law. However, people in need of protection who are still in the country of origin risk being denied their rights. This is because of possible gaps in international law and certain EU rules concerning visas and carrier sanctions which can exclude them from the protection that they are entitled to once they have arrived to EU territory. Thus, many people in need of international protection are today being denied their right to have rights.

Flourishing of employees in the information technology industry in South Africa / Elsabé Diedericks

Diedericks, Elsabé January 2012 (has links)
Organisations worldwide are experiencing an explosion of knowledge in the current technological information age as well as a serious skills shortage. The fast-paced aggressive and highly cyclical nature of the profession which often does not provide employees with the necessary resources and support causes employees in the information technology (IT) industry to show high turnover intent which is extremely costly and detrimental to organisational success. IT specialists are becoming a scarce commodity in a highly competitive environment where financial gain is very important and employee well-being is not necessarily a prerogative. Employers are faced with additional obligations than just paying equitable salaries, such as creating an environment that is conducive towards well-being. Efforts to promote flourishing and optimal functioning of employees will affect individual and organisational outcomes. Flourishing and languishing are opposite end points on a continuum of mental health indicating the emotional, psychological and social well-being of individuals. An individual who feels well (emotional well-being) is more likely to function well (psychological and social well-being) which means meeting the criteria for positive mental health as flourishing. Investments in the well-being of employees lay the basis for positive employment relations. The aim of this study was to investigate the flourishing of employees in the information technology industry and to determine the antecedents and outcomes thereof. A cross-sectional survey design was used to gather data regarding the flourishing of IT professionals and its outcomes. A convenience sample (N = 205) was taken of employees in information technology organisations in South Africa. The measuring instruments used were the Mental Health Continuum Short Form, Job Satisfaction Scale, Work Engagement Scale, Work-related Basic Need Satisfaction Scale, Work Role Fit Scale, Psychological Contract Inventory, Violations of PC Questionnaire, Organisational Commitment Scale, Turnover Intention Scale and Counterproductive Work Behaviour measures. The results of study 1 showed that 58.5% of the IT professionals were neither languishing nor flourishing, while 3.9% were languishing. Flourishing strongly impacted job satisfaction and had minor to moderate direct and indirect effects on organisational citizenship behaviour and organisational commitment. Job satisfaction impacted directly and positively on organisational commitment and negatively on turnover intention; and moderately negatively on counterproductive behaviour. Flourishing had both a direct and positive effect, and an indirect and negative effect (via organisational commitment) on turnover intention. Study 2 showed that psychological contract breach and violation strongly and negatively impacted flourishing at work and in life. The results provided support for a model in which psychological contract breach and violation had both direct and indirect effects via satisfaction of psychological needs on job satisfaction, work engagement, turnover intention and flourishing of IT professionals. Study 3 showed that work role fit and the availability of resources were strong predictors of flourishing at work and in life. Work role fit, the availability of resources, and supervisor relations impacted job satisfaction and social well-being indirectly through autonomy satisfaction. The availability of resources impacted work engagement and psychological well-being indirectly via competence satisfaction. Furthermore, work role fit, the availability of resources, and supervisor relations impacted psychological well-being indirectly through relatedness. Recommendations for future research were made. / PhD, Labour relations management, North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2012

Quality of life in relation to orthodontic problems among adolescent children in the city of Chennai, India / Gyvenimo kokybės perspektyvos atsižvelgiant į vaikų ir paauglių ortodontines problemas Chennai mieste, Indija

Prakash, Prashanth 10 June 2014 (has links)
AIM: To evaluate the prevalence of orthodontic problems and quality of life in relation to orthodontic problems among adolescent children in the city of Chennai, India. OBJECTIVES: To analyze the differences in the need for orthodontic treatment among children in the public and private schools; to analyze the need for orthodontic treatment among the various socioeconomic groups; to evaluate the Quality of Life (QoL) among the children; to analyze the relationship between Quality of Life (QoL) and the need for orthodontic treatment. METHODS: 200 children participated in the study, out of which 100 were from the private school and 100 from the public school from the city of Chennai, India. Two sets of questionnaires were used for the study, one was filled by the children and the other was filled by the researchers and trained dental assistants after doing a thorough dental examination and asking questions from the participants. This was carried out according to the recommendations of WHO oral health assessment. Statistical data was collected, recorded and analyzed using the software SPSS 17.0 for Windows. RESULTS: The private school children had more orthodontic problems than the public school children (49% and 44% respectively). The need for Orthodontic Treatment was the highest in children under the rich category (56.4%), followed by the children under the poor category (45.3%) and is least among the children under the average category (44.4%). The Quality of Life was... [to full text] / TIKSLAS: Įvertinti ortodontinio problemas ir perspektyvas atsižvelgiant į ortodontinio problemas tarp paauglių vaikų mieste Chennai, Indija. TIKSLAI: Analizuoti skirtumus reikalingas Ortodontinis gydymas tarp vaikų, viešąsias ir privačias mokyklas; analizuoti kad ortodontinio gydymo tarp įvairių socialinių ir ekonominių grupių; vertinti gyvenimo kokybę (QoL) tarp vaikų; išanalizuoti ryšį tarp gyvenimo kokybę (QoL) ir ortodontinio gydymo poreikį. METODAI: 200 vaikai dalyvavo tyrime, iš kurių 100 buvo privati mokykla ir 100 iš viešųjų mokyklų iš miesto Chennai, Indija. Vienų, ir klausimynų buvo naudojami tyrimo, vienas buvo užpildyti vaikų ir kitų buvo užpildyti mokslininkų ir apmokyti dantų padėjėjai po daro dantų nuodugniai ir užduoti klausimus iš dalyvių. Tai buvo daroma pagal PSO burnos sveikatos vertinimo rekomendacijas. Statistiniai duomenys buvo renkami, įrašytos ir analizuoti naudojant SPSS 17,0 programinė įranga Windows. REZULTATAI: Privačios mokyklos vaikai turėjo daugiau ortodontinio problemų nei valstybinių mokyklų vaikai (atitinkamai 49 % ir 44 %). Ortodontinio gydymo poreikis buvo didžiausias vaikams pagal turtingas kategorija (56.4 %), po to vaikai iki prastos kategorija (45.3 %) ir kas tarp vaikų iki vidutinės kategorijos (44.4 %). Gyvenimo kokybė buvo nustatyta, kad geriau tarp vaikų, privačios mokyklos nei valstybinėse mokyklose (90,6 % ir 89.0 % atitinkamai). Vaikams, kurie neturėjo nei gera gyvenimo kokybė turėjo mažai arba visai nėra ortodontinio kai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]


Navardauskienė, Vilma 18 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – ištirti senyvo amžiaus asmenų, gyvenančių namuose, integruotų sveikatos priežiūros ir socialinių paslaugų poreikį bei teikimo organizavimą. Tyrimo klausimai: Koks yra integruotų sveikatos priežiūros ir socialinių paslaugų poreikis senyvo amžiaus asmenims namuose? Kaip organizuojamos integruotos sveikatos priežiūros ir socialinės paslaugos senyvo amžiaus asmenims namuose? Su kokiais iššūkiais susiduriama teikiant integruotos sveikatos priežiūros ir socialines paslaugas senyvo amžiaus asmenims namuose? Tyrimo metodika: Tyrimo tikslui pasiekti buvo atliktas kokybinis atvejo analizės tyrimas. Tyrime duomenys rinkti vadovaujantis metodų trianguliacija: duomenų rinkimo, giluminio pusiau struktūruoto interviu, stebėjimo ir dokumentų analizės. Apklausti 12 trijų komandų skirtingus lygmenis ir sritis atstovaujantys specialistai: socialinė darbuotoja – projekto administratorė, kineziterapeutė, 4 socialinio darbuotojo padėjėjos, 4 slaugytojo padėjėjos, 2 bendrosios praktikos slaugytojos. Tyrimo objektas: integruotų sveikatos priežiūros ir socialinių paslaugų poreikis bei teikimo organizavimas senyvo amžiaus asmenų namuose. Rezultatai: Integruotų paslaugų poreikis bei teikimo organizavimas senyvo amžiaus asmenims, gyvenantiems namuose, atsiskleidė per apklaustųjų patirtis ir požiūrį, per socialinių aplinkybių, kuriose gyvena senyvi asmenys, analizę, pastebima su kokiais sunkumais ir iššūkiais susiduria paslaugų gavėjai ir teikėjai. Pažymima, kaip yra identifikuojami ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study – to explore the need and provision of integrated health and social home care services for elderly. Research questions. What is the need for integrated social and health home care services for elderly? How is organised provision of integrated social and health home care services for elderly? What kind of challenges face the provision of integrated social and health home care services for elderly? Methods. Conducted qualitative case study. For validity of findings used data triangulation, semi structured in depth interviews, observation and document analyses. Interviewed 12 mobile team members: project administrator - social worker, direct service providers professionals from all three mobile teams of integrated care: 2 nurses, 4 assistant nurses, physiotherapist, 4 assistant social workers. Research object: the need and organization of integrated social and health home care services for elderly provision. Results: The need for integrated services organization of the provision of elderly people living at home, revealed through the experiences and attitudes of the respondents, through the social circumstances in which they live in elderly subjects, analysis, noted the difficulties and challenges faced by users and providers. It is noted, as is the identification and assessment of the needs of elderly persons and who does it. During the course of the study, an integral - mobile teams, as innovations in the creation process, the way in which communication... [to full text]

Žinių apie šiuolaikinę kontracepciją poreikio slaugytojoms ir akušerėms tyrimas / The need of information of modern contraception for the nurses and midwives

Sužiedelytė, Rūta 14 July 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas - ištirti žinių apie šiuolaikinę kontracepciją poreikį slaugytojams ir akušeriams. Tyrimo metu siekta: įvertinti slaugytojų ir akušerių nuomonės apie kontracepciją ir įrodymais pagrįstos medicinos duomenų skirtumus; išsiaiškinti ir palyginti slaugytojų ir akušerių žinių apie šiuolaikinę kontracepciją panaudojimą praktinėje veikloje; išsiaiškinti slaugytojų ir akušerių nuomonę apie jų svarbą, lytinio švietimo ir informavimo kontracepcijos klausimais, veikloje. Tyrimo hipotezė - akušerių žinios apie šiuolaikines kontraceptines priemones yra geresnės negu slaugytojų. Atliktas vienmomentis kiekybinis tyrimas, taikant apklausos metodą, kurio metu naudota autorės sudaryta nestandartizuota anketa. Apklausoje dalyvavo 220 respondentų (107 akušeriai, 111 slaugytojai ir 2 asmenys nurodė kitą profesiją) dirbančių Kauno miesto sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose ir jų skyriuose, kurie dirba su moterimis ir kuriems gali tekti konsultuoti kontracepcijos klausimu. Duomenims analizuoti naudota statistinė analizė. Atliekant statistinę duomenų analizę analizuoti tik slaugytojų ir akušerių duomenys. Tyrimo rezultatai: vertinant teiginius apie kontracepcijos poveikį slaugytojos įvertino teisingai 3 iš aštuonių, o akušerės 5 iš aštuonių teiginių. 76,4 proc. respondentų atsakė, jog domisi naujovėmis apie kontracepciją. 60,5 proc. respondentų jų nuomone žino kas yra įrodymais pagrįsta medicina/praktika. 69,5 proc. apklaustųjų jaučia poreikį įgyti daugiau žinių kontracepcijos tema... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Research goal – to analyse the need of information about modern contraceptics for nurses and midwives. Study aims were: assess the differences between the opinions of nurses and midwives and the evidence-based actual data about contraceptics; to find and compare the application of information about contraception by the nurses and midwives in working environment; to gauge the significance placed upon them by the nurses and midwives in sex education concerning contraception. Hypothesis – midwives have a higher knowledge base concerning modern contraception than nurses. Public quantitative research has been conducted using a survey method, in which authors’ non-standardised questionnaire has been used. In total, 220 respondents have participated (107 midwives, 111 nurses and 2 people of other profession) from Kaunas city’s health care establishments and their subsidiaries, in which female patients are present or come to and in which some sort of consultation regarding contraception could be done. The data has been analysed with statistical tools. In the data analysis, only the data concerning nurses and midwives has been analysed. Research results: in the evaluation task of presented statements upon contraception, nurses have answered 3 out of 8 correctly; midwives have answered 5 out of 8 correctly. 76,4 per cent of respondents have stated that they show interest into the new modern contraception methods. 60,5 per cent of respondents claim to know what is evidence-based... [to full text]

Consumer Decision Making and Word of Mouth Communication

Levy, Kristen January 2012 (has links)
Word of mouth (WOM) communication has been a form of additional information for consumers wishing to make a purchase decision where there was uncertainty, lack of knowledge or just a general desire for more information. The increased access and use of social media as well as anonymous opportunities for consumers to provide their reviews on products or services is changing how WOM is used and sought. There is little research on the impact and use of WOM with respect to consumer decision making in a recreation and leisure context. Much research has been focussed on retail experiences and more tangible outcomes. The purpose of this study was to explore the process consumers undertake to seek out, listen and engage in WOM communication when making service purchase decisions. This study took place in a municipality in York Region that offered swimming lessons to the public. Participants were chosen using convenience sampling methodology. 500 surveys were distributed with 301 returned surveys completed to some degree. Study participants were recruited from observers watching a swim class offered by a municipal recreation provider. The survey instrument asked participants to describe themselves in terms of their experience level with municipal recreation programs. It also included three scales relating to susceptibility to influence, self confidence and need for cognition. Participants were exposed to one of five scenarios – one control message contained no treatment information and four scenarios with treatment messages relating to self-confidence and perceived risk. Treatment group members received information suggesting either high and low levels of perceived risk with purchase and high and low levels of self-confidence with knowledge (regarding the purchase decision). Respondents in this study possessed a very high level of self confidence in their program selections; they knew where to find the information and also how to explore program options. Overall this seemed a very well informed and confident group. Results suggest that susceptibility to influence (t = 5.889, p = .000) and self confidence (t = -2.174, p = .037) influenced their search for WOM communication. Need for cognition did not influence the likelihood they would seek WOM communication (t = -1.098, p = .280). Together all three variables explained 50% of the variance (adjusted R2 = .505) in the dependent variable (likelihood they would seek out WOM to make the purchase). These results indicate that participants were more likely to seek WOM when they were susceptible to influence and when their self confidence levels were low. Results also suggest that consumers were open to on line sources of word of mouth communication. More than that, study participants were generally willing to trust online reviews from people who were not necessarily known to them. As a result, online reviews could greatly influence the program registration numbers. A key question for future research could focus on the role shared experience plays in the evolution of trust between strangers. Many of these respondents would trust the advice of others simply because they reported having shared experience. How far does this trust go? How much risk must be present before they hesitate to take advice from unknown individuals? What are the characteristics or traits that consumers look for when assessing the validity of the reviews. Word of mouth seems a very pervasive and resilient concept. This may be particularly important in situations characterized by risk. Additional research could further explore the concept of word of finger and its influence on the traditional concept of WOM communication.

數位學習者之資訊尋求行為研究-以政大遠距教學網為例 / Information Seeking Behavior of E-learners at National Chengchi University

徐嘉琳, Hsu,Chia-lin Unknown Date (has links)
網路盛行與科技創新帶動一條嶄新的教育改革管道,提供多感官、多面向的學習情境,運用網路作為媒介、擷取學習資訊的數位學習模式應運而生。數位學習充分利用現代資訊科技、打造全新溝通機制與豐富資源的學習環境;不僅改變傳統教學中教師的功用和師生間關係,也帶來資訊尋求行為的變遷。而圖書館充分瞭解使用者的資訊需求與資訊尋求行為,將有助於建置更完善的服務體系,落實以使用者為導向的服務理念。而成功的數位學習需要學習環境與資訊資源相結合,圖書館作為學習支援的重要環節,必須重新檢視其角色扮演與定位。 本研究旨在辨識分析數位學習者的資訊需求與資訊尋求行為,探討其對於圖書館的認知與需求;進一步分析數位學習者的學習經驗與特質,作為數位學習資源整合與圖書館規劃資訊服務之參考依據,進一步擘化校方、老師與圖書館之合作途徑。在研究方法上首先採「文獻分析法」進行研究主題相關國內外文獻之蒐集與分析,而後運用質化的「深度訪談法」與量化之「問卷調查法」,以參與政治大學遠距學習課程之學生為研究對象進行研究,瞭解其資訊尋求行為並針對圖書館對於數位學習所能提供的資訊服務進行深入探討與分析。 □ 研究結果發現數位學習者對數位學習模式持正面態度,但面對龐雜之數位資源而擔憂個人資訊素養能力之不足,總結學習者展現下述特質:(1)為高度網路使用族群,資訊科技接受度高,並對電腦與網路能力具備高度信心;(2)善於分配時間,建構自我導向的學習歷程; (3) 樂於分享學習成果、主動參與學習社群;(4)具高度學習理解力、批判性思維能力;(5)善用各式資源。 數位學習帶來資訊尋求行為的變遷,學習者高度仰賴數位化資源,並習慣從網路出發,查找資訊;線上使用圖書館網站的頻率顯著增加,並遠高於實際到館的頻率。在資訊需求與資訊尋求管道上:(1) 數位學習者產生資訊需求之主因是課業活動、互動討論;(2)數位學習者仰賴的學習資源依序為搜尋引擎與網路資源、課程網頁、學習社群資源分享、圖書館;(3)搜尋引擎與分類目錄是數位學習者為建立對一主題背景資料時優先選擇的管道;(4)面對學術上的問題,學習者最常使用與信任的管道為圖書館;(5)課程網頁彙整豐沛的學習資源,是學生尋求資訊的起點;(6)透過互動討論與議題探討,暢通資訊尋求與知識分享的管道。 大學圖書館資源的豐富性、權威性與精確性對於學習者仍至為重要,學習者期望圖書館能提供更多的學習支援:(1)整合數位學習資源,包括數位教材、數位教師指定參考書與網路課程作連結;(2)提供全文資料庫與電子書、數位化多媒體視聽資料;(3)與老師合作發展數位學習課程或製作與課程主題資源導引;(4)提供數位參考服務;(5)協助數位學習者管理個人相關的資訊,存取個人學習歷程以及學習資源;(6)設計不同層次資訊素養教育課程;(7)建置校園學術資源典藏庫與數位圖書館;(8)參與互動討論以協助學習社群的建立與經營。 □ 本研究建議:(1)大學圖書館應重視支援教學服務之必要性,參與數位學習策略之規劃,與相關教學單位建立合作關係;(2) 大學圖書館員需主動出擊,提升對數位學習的認知,培養學科館員,打造專業團隊,與教師合作教學,協助整合教學資源並參與學習社群之推動,設計資訊素養融入專業學科之課程;(3)大學圖書館應持續研究數位學習者資訊尋求行為模式與資訊素養能力,以提升資訊服務品質,暢通行銷管道,;(4)大學校院應積極發展數位學習強化學習品質,提供學習者及教學者數位學習服務,並實施教學與服務評鑑,作為改進數位學習系統之參考,並協助教師建設數位教材資源庫;(5) 大學校院應整合校園資訊服務入口與課程管理系統,進一步提供個人化的服務機制;(6)數位學習教學者應提升資訊素養能力,擬定完善的學習活動設計與教學運用策略,強化課程網頁學習資源的建置與維護,落實學習社群的互動與經營。 / The internet and technological innovation brought a brand-new educational reform, resulting a multi-dimensional learning atmosphere. E-learning apply modern information technology, and builds a learning environment of abundant internet resources. Not only did e-learning change traditional teaching methods and teacher-student relationships, but also brought changes to the information seeking behavior of e-learners. Only when libraries thoroughly understand the users’ information needs and behavior, can they provide a better information services, therefore fulfilling the ideal of user-oriented services. Successful e-learning requires the synergy of the learning environment and information resources. Being the vital link to learning support, library must reexamine its position and role played. The purpose of this study is to analyze the e-learners’ information needs and information seeking behavior, and further analyzing the e-learner’s learning experience and characteristics, providing guidelines for the integrated resources and the library’s information service planning, further promoting collaboration among the university, teachers and the library.Using the in-depth interview and the survey questionnaire for the students participating in distance learning courses at National Chengchi University. The study found e-learners had demonstrated the following characteristics: (1) e-learners are frequent internet user community, with high level of acceptance over information technology and possess great self-confidence concerning their computer and internet skills; (2) apt in time management and build their own self-oriented learning progress; (3) tend to gladly share with others and participate actively in the learning community; (4) possess high level of learning comprehensiveness and abilities for critical thought; (5) make good use of all kinds of resources. E-learning has brought changes to the information seeking behaviors, in which learners rely greatly on digitalized resources, and depend on the internet to start off for information search. The frequency of online usage of library websites has increased remarkably, and it has surpassed the frequency of physical library visits. In regard to the channel of information needs and information seeking: (1) the main reason why e-learners come up with information needs is due to learning activities and course discussions; (2) the learning resources which e-learners most rely on are search engines and internet resources, course website, learning community resource sharing, and the library; (3) search engines and subject directory are the first channels e-learners use to establish background information on a given topic; (4) when encountering academic problems, the library becomes e-learners’ most often used and trusted channel; (5) the course website is organized with abundant learning resources, becoming the starting point for students’ information seeking; (6) course interaction and topic discussion facilitate the information retrieving and knowledge sharing. The abundance of resources, authoritativeness and precision in academic libraries are still very important to the e-learners, who expects the library to provide the following learning supports: (1) Integrating e-learning resources, including digital course materials, instructors’ reserves and links to online courses; (2) providing with the full text of database and e-books, and digitalized multimedia audio information; (3) working with teachers to develop an e-learning course or produce informational guidance to the courses; (4) providing digital reference services; (5) assisting e-learners in managing related information of their own, saving their portfolio and learning resources into the system; (6) designing information literacy courses for different levels; (7) establishing a institutional repository and digital library; (8) participating in interactive discussions to assist in the establishment and operation of a learning community. The suggestions include: (1) academic libraries should stress on the importance of teaching service, participate in the planning of e-learning strategies, establish team work with related education units; (2) academic librarians need to reach ahead and increase e-learning knowledge, train department members, forge a professional team, work with teachers on teaching, help integrate teaching resources and participate in the facilitation of the learning community, design courses for information literacy to fit into professional subjects; (3) academic libraries should constantly research on the e-learners’ information seeking behavior model and information literacy ability to elevate the quality of information service, and effectuate the marketing channel; (4) University should actively develop e-learning to strengthen the learning quality, provide learners and educators with e-learning services, and implement teaching and service evaluation as to improve references for the e-learning system, and help teachers set up a learning objects database; (5) University should combine campus information service access and course management system, further provide personalized service mechanisms; (6) e-learning educators ought to promote the information literacy ability, formulate learning and teaching strategies, strengthen the establishment and preservation of the course websites’ learning resources, facilitate the interaction of the learning community.

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