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Development of strategies to reduce unmet need for modern contraception among agro-pastoral women in Eastern EthiopiaDereje Kifle Moges 03 1900 (has links)
The aim of the study was to develop strategies to reduce the unmet need for modern contraception among agro-pastoral women. The objectives of the study were to determine the prevalence of unmet need for modern contraception, determine the factors associated with unmet need for modern contraception, and explore the barriers that hindered agro-pastoral women from using modern contraception.
A mixed-method research design was used to conduct the study. Data were collected from agro-pastoral women and family planning service providers. Questionnaire and individual in-depth interviews were used to collect the data. The validity and reliability of the quantitative data and trustworthiness of the qualitative data were ensured. Use of standard data collection tools, employing method and data triangulation, and documenting all the procedures of data collection and analysis were among the ways employed to do so The quantitative data were analysed using simple descriptive statistics and multivariate logistic regression. Thematic analysis was employed to analyse the qualitative data. Ethical principles of research such as beneficence, justice, informed consent, respect for persons, privacy and confidentiality and scientific integrity were considered to conduct the study.
The study revealed an unmet need of 29.2% (n=112) for modern contraception among agro-pastoral women. The unmet need for birth spacing constituted 21.1% (n=81), whereas the unmet need for birth limiting was 8.1% (n=31). The age of the women, the number of living children, knowledge of modern contraceptive methods, and knowledge of FP service centres were found to be associated with women‘s unmet need for modern contraception. Lack of time and money, lack of knowledge about modern contraception, and fear of side effects were the major individual-level barriers. There were also culture-related factors such as the need for many children that hindered agro-pastoral women from using modern contraception. Moreover, the study disclosed that religious unacceptability and husband‘s and relatives‘ opposition were also among the mentioned barriers. The quality of FP service provision in terms of the competence and behaviour of health service providers, unavailability and inaccessibility of FP service, were also indicated as barriers.
The findings informed the development of strategies to reduce agro-pastoral women‘s unmet needs for modern contraception in Eastern Ethiopia. The study further recommended that the health bureaus of the region, zone and district collaborate in ensuring that agro-pastoral women realise the significance of the provision of accessible, equitable, quality modern contraception. It is also essential to equip health facilities with qualified health service providers and necessary facilities. Religious leaders should be involved in disseminating vital, relevant and empowering FP information. / Health Studies / Ph. D. (Public Health)
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Opérationnaliser et mesurer le soutien managérial aux besoins psychologiques des employés : une recherche à méthodologie mixtePaiement, Anne-Marie 11 1900 (has links)
De nombreuses études ont montré la pertinence de soutenir les besoins psychologiques d’autonomie, de compétence et d’affiliation des employés au travail, tel que postulé par la théorie de l’autodétermination. Or, une incertitude subsiste quant aux comportements qu’un gestionnaire devrait adopter pour offrir l’opportunité à ses employés de satisfaire leurs besoins psychologiques au travail. D’ailleurs, les recherches s’en tiennent aux connaissances issues de milieux autres que celui du travail. En conséquence, l’opérationnalisation et l’instrumentation du soutien aux besoins psychologiques des employés s’appuient principalement sur des modèles validés auprès d’autres populations, notamment les athlètes et entraîneurs, les élèves et enseignants ainsi que les enfants et parents. Cette thèse vise à mieux comprendre comment un gestionnaire peut concrètement, de par ses comportements, favoriser la satisfaction des besoins psychologiques fondamentaux d’autonomie, de compétence et d’affiliation de ses employés au travail. De plus, elle a pour objectif de développer un instrument psychométrique du soutien aux besoins psychologiques des employés, qui est valide pour le contexte organisationnel.
Le premier article de la thèse décrit une étude à devis qualitatif. Celle-ci vise à identifier des comportements réellement émis par des gestionnaires en milieu de travail qui favorisent la satisfaction des trois besoins psychologiques des employés. Afin de répondre à cet objectif, trois groupes focus ont été conduits auprès d’employés et de gestionnaires. Une analyse de contenu qualitative a permis d’identifier 141 comportements regroupés en 12 pratiques de gestion. En plus d’apporter une compréhension plus approfondie de la façon dont s’expriment les pratiques de gestion préalablement proposées par la théorie de l’autodétermination, cette étude met en lumière de nouveaux comportements que peuvent adopter des gestionnaires pour favoriser la satisfaction des besoins d’autonomie, de compétence et d’affiliation des employés.
Le deuxième article de la thèse décrit le développement et la validation d’un outil de mesure du soutien aux besoins psychologiques des employés, qui fut réalisé par l’entremise de deux études quantitatives. L’étude 1 (N = 312 travailleurs francophones canadiens) a permis d’établir, en adoptant une approche exploratoire, la structure factorielle de l’instrument. Elle a également permis d’étayer la validité critériée et la validité divergente de l’instrument, en investiguant ses relations avec trois concepts issus de la théorie de l’autodétermination, soit la satisfaction des besoins psychologiques, la motivation au travail ainsi que la perception de contrôle psychologique de la part du gestionnaire. L’étude 2, conduite auprès d’un second échantillon (N = 334 travailleurs francophones canadiens), a permis de vérifier la structure de l’instrument à l’aide d’une approche confirmatoire. De plus, elle a permis de soutenir la validité convergente de l’outil de mesure en vérifiant ses liens avec le leadership transformationnel et le leadership habilitant. Elle a également vérifié la validité critériée de l’instrument en investiguant ses liens avec trois indicateurs du fonctionnement de l’employé, soit l’engagement, la santé psychologique et la performance au travail. Les résultats suggèrent que le soutien aux besoins psychologiques des employés s’opérationnalise par cinq pratiques de gestion, soit de 1) reconnaître les forces et la contribution des employés, 2) laisser de la latitude aux employés quant à la façon et le moment de compléter son travail, 3) démontrer un souci envers les intérêts et le bien-être des employés, 4) guider les employés afin qu’ils réalisent efficacement leur travail, et 5) développer les compétences des employés par le biais de discussions et d’opportunités d’apprentissage. Cette thèse contribue à l’avancement des connaissances en fournissant des bases qui permettront d’unifier la recherche sur le soutien aux besoins psychologiques des employés. / Many studies conducted within the framework of self-determination theory have shown the relevance of supporting the psychological needs of autonomy, competence and affiliation of employees at work. Because research is limited to knowledge from non-work environments, there remains uncertainty regarding the behaviours a manager should adopt to provide employees with the opportunity to meet their psychological needs at work. As a result, the operationalization and instrumentation of managerial need support rely primarily on those of need support validated with populations other than employees and managers, such as athletes and coaches, students and teachers, as well as children and parents. This dissertation aims to better understand how managers can concretely, through their behaviours, promote the satisfaction of employees’ psychological needs of autonomy, competence and affiliation at work. In addition, it aims to develop a psychometric instrument aligned with this operationalization of managerial need support that is ecologically valid for the organizational context.
The first article of the thesis describes a qualitative study. This study aims to identify behaviours actually emitted by managers in the workplace that promote the satisfaction of the three psychological needs of employees. To meet this objective, three focus groups were conducted with employees and managers. A qualitative content analysis identified 141 management behaviours grouped into 12 management practices. In addition to providing a deeper understanding of management practices previously articulated by self-determination theory expressed in the workplace, this study highlights previously ignored practices and behaviours that can be adopted by managers to foster employees’ needs of autonomy, competence and affiliation at work.
The second article of the thesis describes the development and validation of a measure of managerial need support through a series of two quantitative studies. Study 1 (N = 312 French-Canadian workers) establishes, by taking an exploratory approach, the structure of the instrument. Then, it verifies the criterion validity and the divergent validity of the instrument by investigating its relationship with three concepts rooted in self-determination theory: the satisfaction of employees’ psychological needs, employees’ work motivation as well as their perception of psychological control from their manager. Study 2, conducted with a second sample (N = 334 French-Canadian workers), takes a confirmatory approach in validating the structure of the instrument. In addition, it establishes the convergent validity of the measurement tool by verifying its links with transformational leadership and empowering leadership. It also verifies the criterion validity of the instrument by investigating its links with three indicators of employees’ functioning at work: engagement, psychological health and work performance. The results suggest that managerial need support is operationalized through five management practices, that is, 1) recognizing the strengths and contributions of employees, 2) offering flexibility to employees about how and when to complete one’s work, 3) demonstrating a concern for the interests and well-being of employees, 4) guiding employees to effectively perform their work, and 5) developing employees’ skills through discussions and concrete learning opportunities. This thesis contributes to the advancement of knowledge by providing a common base that will unify research conducted on managerial need support.
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Effekten av digitala autonomistödjande textmeddelanden på deltagarnas behovstillfredsställelse, motivation till motion och motionsbeteende : en interventionsstudie / The effect of digital autonomy supporting text messages on participants' need satisfaction motivation for exercise and exercise behavior : an intervention studyBlyh, Heidi, Segerlund, Jonas January 2021 (has links)
Baserat på Self-Determination Theory (SDT) och en randomiserad kontrollstudiedesign undersöktes effekten av autonomistödjande textmeddelanden i jämförelse med neutrala meddelanden eller inga meddelanden på deltagarnas behovstillfredsställelse, motivation, och aktivitetsnivå. Digital kvantitativ datainsamling användes där webbenkäterna skickades ut tre gånger till deltagarna, innan, under samt efter intervention. Totalt 107 frivilliga män och kvinnor svarade vid baslinjemätningen och delades sedan in i tre olika grupper, inaktiv kontrollgrupp (n = 45), aktiv kontrollgrupp (n = 29) samt interventionsgrupp (n = 33). Interventionen ägde rum i samband med en stegtävling. Textmeddelandena skickades ut till deltagarna i aktiva kontrollgruppen och interventionsgruppen två gånger varje vecka under åtta veckor, via en digital plattform. Det förelåg inga signifikanta skillnader mellan grupperna vid baslinjemätningen. En tvåvägs-ANOVA (repeated measure) visade att interventionen hade en signifikant effekt på upplevelsen av tillhörighet under interventionen. Dock förelåg inga andra signifikanta interventionseffekter. Det sammanlagda resultatet antyder således att den digitala interventionen, det vill säga att tillhandahålla deltagarna med autonomistödjande textmeddelanden, inte har någon bestående effekt på deltagarnas behovstillfredsställelse, motivation eller aktivitetsnivå. / Based on Self-Determination Theory (SDT) and a randomized controlled trial design, the effect of autonomy-supportive text messages was examined in comparison with neutral messages or no messages regarding the participants basic psychological needs, motivation and activity level. Digital quantitative data collection was used, and the web surveys were sent out three times to participants, pre, during and post intervention. A total of 107 male and female volunteers responded to the baseline measurement and were then divided into three different groups, inactive control group (n = 45), active control group (n = 29) and intervention group (n = 33). The intervention took place in relation to a step contest. Text messages were sent to the participant’s in the active control group and intervention group twice a week for a total of eight weeks, via a digital platform. There were no significant differences between the groups in the baseline measurement. A two-way ANOVA (repeated measure) showed that the intervention had a significant effect on the experience of relatedness during the intervention. However, there were no other significant intervention effects. The results suggest that the digital intervention, to provide participants with autonomy supportive text messages, does not have a lasting effect on need satisfaction, motivation or activity level.
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Cognitive Investments in Academic Success: The Role of Need for Cognition at UniversityGrass, Julia, Strobel, Alexander, Strobel, Anja 26 June 2017 (has links)
Previous research has shown that Need for Cognition (NFC), the individual tendency to engage in and enjoy cognitive endeavors, contributes to academic performance. Most studies on NFC and related constructs have thereby focused on grades to capture tertiary academic success. This study aimed at a more comprehensive approach on NFC’s meaning to success in university. We examined not only performance but also rather affective indicators of success. The current sample consisted of 396 students of different subjects with a mean age of 24 years (139 male). All participants took part in an online survey that assessed NFC together with school performance and further personality variables via self-report. Success in university was comprehensively operationalized including performance, satisfaction with one’s studies, and thoughts about quitting/changing one’s major as indicators. The value of NFC in predicting tertiary academic success was examined with correlation analyses and path analysis. NFC significantly correlated with all success variables with the highest correlation for study satisfaction. Path analysis confirmed the importance of NFC for study satisfaction showing that NFC had a significant direct effect on study satisfaction and via this variable also a significant indirect effect on termination thoughts. This study clearly indicates that NFC broadly contributes to the mastery of academic requirements and that it is worthwhile to intensify research on NFC in the context of tertiary education.
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Need for Cognition aus einer Anwendungs- und GrundlagenperspektiveGrass, Julia 09 November 2018 (has links)
Need for Cognition (NFC) beschreibt interindividuelle Unterschiede in der Freude an kognitiver Aktivität und der Tendenz, Aufwand in die Verarbeitung von Informationen zu investieren. Trotz vorhandener Belege für die Bedeutsamkeit von NFC im akademischen Kontext, wurde seine Relevanz bezogen auf eher affektive Merkmale und subjektive Erfolgsindikatoren wie Studienzufriedenheit vor Beginn dieser Arbeit kaum erforscht. Weiterhin existieren noch viele Wissenslücken rund um die Grundlagen von NFC und Prozesse oder Merkmale, die Befunde aus dem Anwendungskontext erklären können. Diese Arbeit widmete sich darum sowohl der Untersuchung der praktischen Relevanz von NFC im Studienkontext mit dem Fokus auf affektiven Merkmalen und subjektiven Erfolgsindikatoren als auch der Klärung offener Fragen aus der Grundlagenforschung zu NFC.
Vor dem Hintergrund einer Anwendungsperspektive untersuchte die erste Studie Implikationen von NFC für verschiedene Aspekte von Studienerfolg. Die Ergebnisse belegen eine positive Assoziation von NFC mit Studienleistung und erweitern frühere Studien um den Befund eines moderaten Zusammenhangs von NFC mit Studienzufriedenheit. Der Ansatz, NFC mit affektiven Variablen in Verbindung zu bringen, wurde in Studie 2 an Lehramtsstudierenden weiterverfolgt. Sie ergab Zusammenhänge von NFC mit subjektiver Leistungsfähigkeit, aktiver Problembewältigung, Neubewertung als Strategie der Emotionsregulation und Trait-Selbstkontrolle. Der Zusammenhang mit Studienleistungen wurde in dieser Studie ebenfalls bestätigt, während NFC nicht mit Studienzufriedenheit zusammenhing. Vier weitere Studien untersuchten die Grundlagen von NFC und seine Bezüge zu kognitiven Fähigkeiten und Selbstkontrolle. Studie 3 bestätigte kleine bis moderate Zusammenhänge mit Intelligenz. Es bestanden keine Assoziationen von NFC mit Verarbeitungsgeschwindigkeit und exekutiven Funktionen. Basierend auf Hinweisen zu Zusammenhängen zwischen NFC und affektiven Merkmalen untersuchten die Studien 4 bis 6, in welcher Beziehung NFC und Selbstkontrolle stehen. Es ergaben sich teilweise bedeutsame Zusammenhänge, deren Stärke von der Operationalisierung von Selbstkontrolle abhing. Die untersuchten Erklärungsansätze für den Zusammenhang von NFC mit Selbstkontrolle wiesen auf implizite Theorien zur Willenskraft, Handlungsorientierung sowie motivationale Prozesse als dahinter liegende Mechanismen hin.
Insgesamt unterstreichen die Studienergebnisse, dass NFC eine Bedeutung im Umgang mit komplexen Herausforderungen zukommt, die nicht nur die reine kognitive Verarbeitung, sondern auch die Bewältigung affektiver Anforderungen betrifft. Die Befunde sprechen dafür, dass NFC mit verschiedenen Merkmalen assoziiert ist, die Individuen eine flexible Anpassung an wechselnde, (emotional) herausfordernde Lebensumstände erleichtern. Zudem finden sich in den Ergebnissen vielversprechende Erklärungsansätze für den Zusammenhang zwischen NFC und Selbstkontrolle. Weiterführende Studien sollten insbesondere die Befunde zu affektiven Merkmalen und grundlegenden Prozessen im Zusammenhang mit NFC vertiefen. Dabei sollte in Anlehnung an diese Arbeit die Verknüpfung von grundlagen- und anwendungsbezogener Forschung fortgesetzt werden. / Need for Cognition (NFC) describes inter-individual differences in the tendency to enjoy cognitive activity and to engage in effortful information processing. Despite evidence for the relevance in academic contexts, NFC has been investigated only sparsely with respect to affective variables and subjective indicators of study success like satisfaction with one’s studies. Additionally, there is a lack of basic research on NFC and processes that may explain practically relevant results. Consequently, this thesis dealt with examining the relevance of NFC for study success focusing on affective implications and questions of basic research on NFC. From an application-oriented perspective, Study 1 examined relations of NFC to different aspects of study success. Its results confirm a positive association of NFC with study performance. Moreover, they extend previous research with showing a medium correlation between NFC and satisfaction with one’s studies. Study 2 examined teacher students and continued focusing on affective implications of NFC. The results hint at positive associations of NFC with personal accomplishment, adaptive coping behavior, reappraisal and trait self-control. Whereas NFC correlated positively with study performance again, it was not related to study satisfaction in that sample. Four further studies examined foundations of NFC and its relations to cognitive functions and self-control. The results of Study 3 indicated low to medium associations of NFC with intelligence but no relations to perceptual speed and executive functions. Basing on research that linked NFC to affective adjustment, Studies 4 to 6 examined the relations of NFC to self-control. Within these studies, self-control was variously measured. Depending on operationalization, NFC correlated significantly positively with some measures of self-control. The results indicated that implicit theories of willpower, action orientation, and motivational processes may be underlying an association of NFC to self-control.
Altogether, the results of all studies emphasize that NFC is important for how individuals deal with demanding situations that refer not only to cognitive processes but also to coping with affective challenges. They indicate that NFC has relations to different variables that enable individuals to adapt flexibly to changing and emotionally demanding circumstances. Additionally, the current results hint at promising approaches to explain associations of NFC to aspects of self-control. Prospective studies should especially continue to examine NFC in the context of affective variables and basal processes by combining basic and application-oriented research on NFC.
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Geografické aspekty vývoje oficiální rozvojové spolupráce: globální a národní úroveň / Geographical aspects of the Official Development Assistance: Global and National LevelChárová, Lenka January 2010 (has links)
This dissertation deals with the Official Development Assistance. The purpose of this dissertation was, first of all, to find out whether the target aid is focused on the poorest countries of the world. The theoretical part concentrates primarily on the institutional history of the Official Development Assistance and also on the development of mainstream theories which influenced it to the highest degree. In the analytical part the dissertation draws particularly from the database of the Development Assistance Committee under the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. From the global point of view, the dissertation is focused especially on the quantitative analysis of the changes in the allocation of the Official Development Assistance in the period from 1989 to 2008. From the geographical point of view, the spatio-temporal change in territorial priorities of important bilateral and multilateral donors and also the dependence of their expenditure on the socio-economic maturity of aid beneficiaries was analysed. The ability to clearly define the territorial priorities and on their basis to effectively target the development assistance is in national context analysed on the example of the Czech Republic. From the local point of view, the dissertation gives a brief description of the...
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En meningsfull skoldag med goda relationer : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om lärares erfarenheter av att arbeta med flickor med ADHD / A meaningful school day with good relationships : A qualitative interview study on teachers´experiences of working with girls with ADHDHedman, Beatrice January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att öka kunskapen om klass 1-7 lärares olika uppfattningar om hur man skapar gynnsamma lärsituationer för flickor med ADHD. Studien kommer att undersöka vad lärare har för erfarenheter av flickor med ADHD samt studera vilka uppfattningar lärare har om hur man skapar meningsfulla lärsituationer för flickor med ADHD. I studien användes kvalitativa insamlingsmetoder i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intresset riktades mot informanternas erfarenheter, berättelser och uppfattningar. Intervjuderna genomfördes individuellt med sex stycken legitimerade klass 1-7 grundskollärare vid fem olika grundskolor. Studiens empiri analyserades utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv eftersom jag ville använda mig av en holistisk filosofi där människans syn på verkligheten är beroende av upplevelser. Texten bearbetades hermeneutiskt eftersom jag önskade ta människans bakgrund och tidigare erfarenheter i beaktande. I min studie intresserade jag mig för meningsfullhet när jag gjorde mina reflektioner av empirin. Studiens resultat visade att goda relationer har stor betydelse i interagerandet med flickor med ADHD. Respondenterna som deltog i intervjustudien hade alla erfarenheter av att flickor med ADHD kan ha svårt att styra sina känslor och internaliserar sina svårigheter. Känslor kan ta överhanden och man kan växla snabbt mellan olika sinnestillstånd. Studien visade att när läraren medverkar till goda relationer för flickor med ADHD så leder detta ofta till meningsfulla lärsituationer samtidigt som kunskapsmålen uppnås i skolan. Läraren behöver främst förstå flickan med ADHD och svårigheterna som kan höra ihop med funktionsnedsättningen för att kunna ge adekvat individuellt anpassat stöd. Respondenterna uppfattade att flickor med ADHD ofta överpresterar för att kompensera för sina svårigheter vilket kan leda till att kunskapsmålen uppnås men med ett högt pris i form av stress och i vissa fall psykisk ohälsa. Studien visar att det finns ett samband mellan goda relationer, meningsfullhet och uppnådda kunskapsmål. / The purpose of this study was to increase knowledge about class 1-7 teachers´different perceptions of how to create favorable learning situations for girls with ADHD. The study will examine teachers´experiences of girls with ADHD and study teachers´perceptions of how to create meaningful learning situations for girls with ADHD. The study used qualitative collection methods in the form of semi-structured interviews. The interest was directed towards the informants´experiences, stories and perceptions. The interviews were conducted individually with six licensed class 1-7 primary school teachers at five different primary schools. The empirical study was analyzed from a socio-cultural perspective because I wanted to use a holistic philosophy where the human view of reality depends on experiences. The text was hermeneutically processed because I wanted to take human background and previous experiences into account. In my study I became interested in meaningfulness when I did my reflections on empiricism. The result of the study showed that good relationships are of great importance in interacting with girls with ADHD. All the respondents who participated in the interview study had experienced that girls with ADHD may have difficulty controlling their emotions and internalize their difficulties. Emotions can take over and there can be rapid changes between different states of mind. The study showed that when the teacher contributes to good relationships for girls with ADHD this often leads to meaningful learning situations while the knowledge goals are achieved in school. The teacher mainly needs to understand the girl with ADHD and the difficulties that may be associated with the disability in order to be able to provide adequate individually tailored support. The respondents perceived that girls with ADHD often overperform to compensate for their difficulties which can lead to the knowledge goals being achieved but with a high price in the form of stress and in some cases mental illness. The study shows that there is a connection between good relationships, meaningfulness and achieved knowledge goals.
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Föräldrar till extremt underburna barns önskemål om stöd vid flytt till en annan neonatalavdelning på annat sjukhus / Parents to extremely premature infants request for support when transferring to another neonatal unit at another hospitalFjärdsmans, Ida, Grip, Carina January 2022 (has links)
Abstrakt Bakgrund: Sverige är idag världsledande gällande överlevnaden hos extremt underburna barn. Den högspecialiserade vården i Sverige är centraliserad till regionsjukhus vilket leder till att flertalet av dessa barn behöver transporteras från hemsjukhus till regionsjukhus för fortsatt vård. Motiv: Föräldrars känslor i samband med att deras barn behöver neonatal intensivvård är väl studerat i tidigare forskning både internationellt och nationellt. Då det finns begränsat med kunskap angående dessa föräldrars behov av stöd i samband med flytt av deras extremt underburna barn till annat sjukhus finns det möjligheter till förbättring inom området. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa vilket stöd föräldrar till extremt underburna barn önskade när deras barn behövde flyttas till en annan neonatalavdelning på ett annat sjukhus.Metod: Studien genomfördes som en kvalitativ enkätstudie med öppna frågor med empirisk design. Enkäterna analyserades via en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats av Elo & Kyngnäs. Föräldrarna (n=63) rekryterades via ett strategiskt urval från hela Sverige. Resultat: Resultatet delas in i två huvudkategorier; ”Föräldrars behov av förberedelser inför flytt till annat sjukhus” samt ”Föräldrars behov av emotionellt och personligt stöd”. Resultatet visar att det finns ett stort behov av stöd hos föräldrarna för att minimera de negativa upplevelser som kan uppstå då deras extremt underburna barn behöver flyttas till en annan neonatalavdelning. Föräldrarna beskriver att de önskar få information om avdelningen de flyttar till avseende rutiner och faciliteter samt när flytt förväntas ske och att denna information idag är bristfällig. Föräldrarna beskriver även att deras känslor och upplevelser behöver bli bekräftade av personalen och att behovet av en kontaktperson är stort. Konklusion: Resultatet belyser vilket stöd föräldrar efterfrågar i samband med flytt av sitt extremt underburna barn vilket skapar möjligheter för en framtida utveckling av neonatalvården. Implementering av stödjande vårdrutiner samt förbättrat samarbete mellan sjukhusen skulle öka möjligheterna för en förbättrad föräldraupplevelse och därmed minskad psykisk ohälsa. / AbstractBackground: Sweden is world-leading when it comes to survival rates among extremely preterm infants. Highly specialized care units are centralized to regional hospitals, resulting in that many extremely preterm infants need to be moved from their home hospital to a regional hospital for additional care. Motive: Parents' emotions when their extremely preterm infant requires neonatal intensive care is a well-studied area in both national and international studies. The authors therefore believe that there is a reason for further research regarding parents’ need for support in connection to the relocation of their extremely preterm infant to another hospital. Since there is limited research regarding the needs of these parents, there are opportunities for improvement in the area.Aim: The purpose of this study was to illustrate what support parents of extremely preterm infants need when their infant needs to be moved to another neonatal unit at another hospital. Methods: The study was conducted as a qualitative questionnaire study with open questions with empirical design. The questionnaires were analysed using a qualitative content analysis with an inductive approach by Elo & Kyngnäs. The parents (n=63) were recruited via a strategic selection from all over Sweden.Result: The result is divided into two main categories; “Parents’ need for preparation when moving to another hospital” and “Parents’ need for emotional and personal support”. The result shows that there is a great need for support among parents to minimize the negative experiences that can occur when their extremely preterm infant needs to be moved to another neonatal unit. The parents describe that they wish to receive more information about routines and facilities at the unit they are moving to, and then the move is expected to take place. The parents also describe that their feelings and experiences could be further confirmed by the staff and that they have a need for establishing a relation with a contact person. Conclusion: The result highlights what support parents request in relation to transportation of their extremely preterm infant, creating opportunities for further improvements in neonatal care. Implementation of supportive care routines and improved collaboration between hospitals could increase the opportunities for an improved parental experience and by that reduced mental illness.
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Gräsrotsbyråkrati - en biståndshandläggares vardag : Konsten och svårigheten att navigera mellan tolkning av begrepp, lagar och resurser och de äldres bästa. / Street-level bureaucracy - the everyday administrator work : The difficulty of navigating between the interpretation of concepts, laws and resources and the best interests of the elderly.Bull, Anna, Berg, Jeanette January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka om biståndshandläggare inom äldreomsorg upplever att kommunens egna riktlinjer försvårar deras möjligheter att följa aktuell lagstiftning och nationella regelverk, samt i vilken mån detta kan skapa hinder för uppfyllandet av en skälig levnadsnivå. I studien har fyra biståndshandläggare blivit intervjuade från två olika kommuner. Uppsatsens insamlade empiri är det som ligger till grund för uppsatsens resultat, analys och slutdiskussion. I resultatet av studien framkom det att ibland kan kommunens riktlinjer uppstå som ett hinder, om kommunen inte erbjuder en insats. Resultatet visar också att biståndshandläggarna i båda kommunerna var överens om att begreppet skälig levnadsnivå är ett luddigt begrepp och att det saknas en tydlig definition av begreppet. Det framkom också delade meningar gällande om kommunens ekonomiska situation påverkade biståndshandläggarnas beviljandegrad. Vi vill genom vår c-uppsats belysa att det som framkommer som resultatet i vår studie, kommer vi inte att kunna dra några generella slutsatser. Vi kommer däremot att på en mikronivå belysa likheter och skillnader mellan en kommun i norr och en kommun i syd.
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Barn eller pedagoger i behov av särskilt stöd : Att inkludera alla barn med hjälp av specialpedagogiska insatser i förskolan / Children or educators in need of special support : To include all children with the help of special educational practice and procedures in preschoolUlrica, Franck, Susanne, Hajgató January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med vår studie är att bidra med kunskap om hur förskollärare beskriver barn i behov av särskilt stöd och hur de resonerar kring att inkludera alla barn på förskolan. Vi undersöker även vilken roll specialpedagogen har till förskollärare och barn i behov av särskilt stöd på förskolan. I förskolan placeras alla barn, oavsett behov, eftersom det inte finns några andra skolformer och därför blir inkludering en intressant fråga. Som blivande specialpedagoger undrar vi över vilka möjligheter förskollärare har för att inkludera alla barn, med olika behov på förskolan, samt hur specialpedagogen med sin kompetens kan vara ett stöd för barn och förskollärare. Vår undersökning bygger på en kvalitativ ansats med åtta intervjuade förskollärare. Våra frågeställningar är: Hur beskriver förskollärare barn i behov av särskilt stöd? Hur resonerar förskollärare kring förutsättningar för att inkludera alla barn på förskolan? Vilken roll har specialpedagogen till förskollärare och barn med behov av särskilt stöd på förskolan, enligt förskollärarna? Teoretiska ansatser i studien är det sociokulturella perspektivet samt de specialpedagogiska perspektiven, kategoriska, relationella och dilemmaperspektivet. Sammanfattningsvis pekar resultatet på att barn i behov av särskilt stöd beskrivs kunna vara ett barn med språksvårigheter, alltifrån att vara tillbakadragen till att kunna vara utåtagerande som behöver stöttning och vägledning för att klara vardagen och det sociala samspelet. Det sociokulturella perspektivet genomsyrar pedagogernas förhållningssätt då kommunikation och interaktion visar sig vara viktiga begrepp i arbetet med att inkludera alla barn. Vidare är det relationella synsättet bärande i studien då förskollärarna anser att arbetssätt samt miljö ska förändras och anpassas så att alla barn kan delta på lika villkor i förskolan verksamhet. Dilemmaperspektivet blir synligt då resultatet visar att förutsättningarna är olika ute på förskolorna kring bland annat samarbete med andra professioner, barngrupper och personalresurser. Specialpedagogiska implikationer som lyfts i studien är pedagogernas samarbete med specialpedagogen som genom sitt förebyggande arbete hjälper och stödjer med olika samtalsmetoder, förhållningssätt och språkstödjande material att inkluderar alla barn i förskolan. / The purpose of our study is to contribute knowledge about how preschool teachers describes children in need of special support and how they discuss about including all children in the preschool. We also investigate how the role of the special educator is for preschool teachers and children with needs at preschool. In preschool, all the children are placed, regardless of need, because there are no other forms of schooling and therefore inclusion becomes an interesting issue. As future special educators, we wonder what opportunities preschool teachers have to include all children, with special needs in preschool, and how the special educator with his competence can be a support for children and educators. Our study is based on qualitive interviews with eight preschool teachers. Our questions are: How are children in special needs described by the preschool teachers? How preschool teachers discuss about the conditions for including all children in preschool? What role does the special educator have in relation to the preschool teachers and the children in need of special support at the preschool, according to preschool teachers? The theoretical approaches in the study are the socio-cultural perspectives, the special educational perspectives as well as the categorical, relational and quandary perspectives. In summary the result indicates that children with special needs are defined as children with speech difficulties, from being withdrawn to being outspoken with the need of extra support and guidance to cope with everyday life and social interactions. The socio-cultural perspective permeates the special educator´s approach as communication and interaction prove to be important concepts in the work of including all children. Furthermore, the relational approach is fundamental in the study as the preschool teachers believe that work procedures and the environment should be changed and adapted so that all children can participate on equal terms in the preschool´s activities. The quandary perspective becomes obvious as the results show that the conditions are different in the preschools when it comes to collaboration with other professions, groups of children and staff resources among other things. The special educational implication that has been highlighted in the study is the collaboration with special educators, who through their preventive work help and support the children by using different conversational methods, approaches and speech encouraging material.
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