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Мотивация профессиональной деятельности специалистов учреждений сферы социального обслуживания : магистерская диссертация / The motivation of the professional activity of specialists from social service institutionsФилянина, Е. А., Filyanina, E. A. January 2021 (has links)
Актуальность исследования направлена на то, что социальные работники недостаточно мотивированы к профессиональной деятельности. Успех на рабочем месте зависит не только от мотивации, но и знаний, умений, способностей и профессионализма. Представленные факторы, отражающие характеристики специалиста, взаимосвязаны. Именно поэтому эффективные подходы к мотивированию основаны на связи потребностей и целей работников и учреждений. В любой профессиональной среде присутствуют факторы, которые повышают или снижают уровень позитивного профессионального мотивационного поля специалистов. Целью данного исследования является выделить мотивационные критерии, способствующие улучшению профессиональной деятельности специалистов учреждений социального обслуживания. Объектом исследования выступают специалисты учреждений социального обслуживания населения Свердловской области. Предметом исследования выступают факторы, влияющие на мотивацию профессиональной деятельности специалистов учреждений сферы социального обслуживания. Задачи исследования: 1. Изучить основные теоретические подходы к определению понятий мотивации и мотивов; 2. Классифицировать основные мотивы трудовой деятельности; 3. Выявить особенности профессиональной мотивации специалистов в деятельности учреждений сферы социального обслуживания; 4. Охарактеризовать особенности государственных и негосударственных организаций сферы социального обслуживания; 5. Исследовать мотивы и факторы, влияющие на мотивацию профессиональной деятельности специалистов организаций сферы социального обслуживания Свердловской области. Представленная работа отражает комплексное исследование, направленное на изучение мотивации профессиональной деятельности специалистов учреждений сферы социального обслуживания. Работа состоит из введения, двух глав, заключения, списка литературы, приложений. В первой главе раскрываются теоретические подходы к определению понятий мотивация и мотивов: анализ научной, методической, нормативно-правовой литературы по проблеме исследования, обобщение, анализ, сравнение, синтез. Эмпирической базой исследования выступило социологическое исследование, проведенное автором выпускной квалификационной работы, которое включало методы анкетирования, интервьюирования. Автором было проведено анкетирование 106 специалистов учреждений социального обслуживания населения (государственное, некоммерческая организация социального обслуживания населения) и 4 интервью со специалистами некоммерческой организации социального обслуживания населения. Результаты исследования имеют прикладной и локальный характер и направлены на выработку рекомендаций. / The study's relevance is aimed at the fact that social workers are not sufficiently motivated for professional activities. Success in the workplace depends on motivation and knowledge, skills, abilities, and professionalism. The presented factors, reflecting the characteristics of a specialist, are interrelated. This is why practical approaches to motivation are based on linking the needs and goals of workers and institutions. In any professional environment, some factors increase or decrease specialists' positive professional motivational field. This study aims to highlight the motivational criteria that contribute to the improvement of the professional performance of specialists from social service institutions. The object of the research is the specialists of social services institutions for the Sverdlovsk region. The research subject is the factors influencing the motivation of the professional activity of specialists from social service institutions. Research objectives: 1. To study the basic theoretical approaches to the definition of the concepts of motivation and motives; 2. To classify the main motives of labour activity; 3. To reveal the features of professional motivation of specialists in the activities of institutions in the sphere of social services; 4. Describe the features of state and non-state organizations in the field of social services; 5. Investigate the motives and factors influencing the motivation of the professional activity of specialists from organizations in the sphere of social services in the Sverdlovsk region. The presented work reflects a comprehensive study aimed at studying the motivation of professional activities of specialists in social service institutions. The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography, annexes. The first chapter reveals theoretical approaches to the definition of motivation and motives: analysis of scientific, methodological, regulatory and legal literature on the problem of research, generalization, analysis, comparison, synthesis. The empirical basis of the study was a sociological study conducted by the author of the final qualifying work, which included the methods of questioning and interviewing. The author surveyed 106 specialists from social service institutions (state, non-profit organization of social services for the population) and four interviews with specialists from a non-profit organization of social services. The research results are of an applied and local nature and aim to develop recommendations.
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Совершенствование системы управления оборотными средствами (запасами) производственного предприятия : магистерская диссертация / Improvement of the working capital (inventory) management system of a manufacturing enterpriseКривова, О. С., Krivova, O. S. January 2023 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация посвящена разработке методического инструментария, направленного на совершенствование системы управления оборотными средствами на предприятии. В качестве научной новизны выявлена обратно-пропорциональная корреляция между рентабельностью оборотных активов и оборачиваемостью запасов предприятия, а также установлена обратно-пропорциональная зависимость между инфляцией и оборачиваемостью запасов. Автором предложен методический подход к определению потребности в запасах материалов на основе календарного плана-графика, разработаны методические основы для внедрения категорийного подхода к управлению закупками на предприятии. Полученные результаты и рекомендации могут использоваться специалистами предприятий при разработке тактических и стратегических мероприятий по управлению оборотными средствами. / The master's thesis is devoted to the development of methodological tools aimed at improving the working capital management system at the enterprise. As a scientific novelty, an inversely proportional correlation between the profitability of current assets and the turnover of stocks of the enterprise was revealed, and an inversely proportional relationship between the turnover of stocks and inflation was also established. The author has proposed a methodological approach to determining the need for stocks of materials based on a calendar schedule, developed methodological foundations for introduction of a categorical approach to procurement management at enterprise. The obtained results and recommendations can be used by specialists of enterprises in the development of tactical and strategic management measures for working capital.
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Samverkan mellan förskolan och vårdnadshavare med barn i behov av särskilt stöd / Collaboration between preschool and the guardians of children with special needsFjeldheim, Liv January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med kunskap om samverkan mellan förskola och vårdnadshavare, som har barn i behov av särskilt stöd. Studien baseras på förskollärares tankar och resonemang som samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Analysarbetet utgår ifrån Bronfenbrenners systemteori, vilken avser att synliggöra de komplexa relationer som omger ett barn i behov av särskilt stöd. I denna studie fokuseras de tre första nivåerna i Bronfenbrenners systemteori; micro-, meso- och exosystemet. Genom att arbeta utifrån denna teori kan man få en bättre förståelse för hur olika faktorer i barnets omgivning kan påverka barnets beteende och lärande. Till exempel kan man analysera hur familjen, skolan, vännerna, samhället samspelar och skapar olika möjligheter och utmaningar för barnet. I denna studie fokuseras förskollärarnas resonemang avseende samverkan med barnets vårdnadshavare. Teorin hjälper oss att identifiera styrkor och svagheter i de olika systemen och hur man kan stödja barnets utveckling på bästa sätt. Studiens resultat visar att en god samverkan mellan förskolan och vårdnadshavare gynnar barn som är i behov av särskilt stöd. Vidare vikten av att samarbetet i arbetslagen som möter barnet fungerar, så att ett gemensamt förhållningssätt med entydiga rutiner skapas. Det behövs en nära relation mellan förskollärarna och alla vårdnadshavare för att barnets behov ska kunna säkerställas. Studien visar att förskollärare har en viktig roll i att skapa en inkluderande förskola, där alla barn kan utvecklas och lära utifrån sina förutsättningar. I detta arbete är samverkan med vårdnadshavarna av stor betydelse för att skapa tillit och en trygg utvecklande tillvaro för barnen. Nyckelord: Samverkan, förskola, vårdnadshavare, barn i behov av särskilt stöd, Bronfenbrenners systemteori, samarbetsarbete, kommunikation / The purpose of this study is to contribute to knowledge about collaboration between the preschool and guardians, with children in need of special support. Five semi-structured interview with preschool teachers’ is conducted. The analysis is based on Bronfenbrenner’s system theory, which aims to make visible the complex relations surrounding a child, in need of special support. This helps us to gain understanding of how various factors in the child’s environment affects the child’s behavior and learning. For example, you can analyze how the family, school, friends, society interact and create different opportunities and challenges. In this study, I focus on three levels of Bronfenbrenner’s system theory the micro-, meso- and exo-systems. The focus of this study is the pre-school teachers’ reasonings regarding cooperation with the child’s guardian. Using Bronfenner’s system theory, we canidentify strengths and weaknesses that enable us, as preschool teachers, to support the child in the best way. The result shows that it is important that the preschool teachers cooperate with a united approach and keep unambiguous routines. A close relationship between the preschool teachers and all guardians is necessary to ensure that the child’s needs are satisfied. The study shows that preschool teachers have an important role in creating an inclusive preschool, where all children can develop and learn based on their individual conditions. The cooperation with the guardians is of great importance, for the success, creating a trustful and safe daily care and education at the preschool for all children. Keywords: Preschool, guardian, collaboration, children in need of special support, Bronfenbrenner's systems theory, collaborative work, communication
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<strong>We Need Diverse Histories: Systemic Racism in Young Adult Historical Fantasy</strong>Erin McNulty (16619163) 20 July 2023 (has links)
<p>Throughout my project, I focus on contemporary young adult historical fantasies that engage with legacies of systemic racism and Western Imperialism—a publishing trend that has developed due to an increased call for stories of racial inclusion in YA literature. These texts aim to create a more inclusive historical imagination by telling fictionalized histories that center people of color. Given the current political climate surrounding Critical Race Theory, my project analyzes how these texts both challenge and inadvertently perpetuate the logic of systemic racism. I argue that these historical fantasies attempt to acknowledge and untangle legacies of racism for audiences who, in the face of today’s reactionary political climate, may very well not be taught about them in their schools. My approach focuses on how, in their exploration of racism, these novels attempt corrective representation in the context of current social justice and racial reckoning movements, and grapple with the legacy of institutional racism in the here and now. As such, my project argues that we not only need diverse books in Western young adult fiction, but we also need more books that are willing to confront the persistent problems of systemic racism without perpetuating racial stereotypes or Eurocentric viewpoints. </p>
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Are We Going In There? The Role of Brief Narratives (TV ADs and PSAs) in Narrative Transportation and Second-Order Cultivation EffectsQuillin, Michael J. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Need for Cognition and its Effects on Equity Theory PredictionsBookmyer, Eric Daniel 22 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] Este estudo investigou interações entre a liderança e fatores do contexto
organizacional e entre a liderança e características individuais dos seguidores na
predição de atitudes e comportamentos favoráveis ao desempenho organizacional.
A investigação se deu através de dois modelos teóricos. No primeiro modelo,
foram testadas hipóteses de moderação da relação entre a liderança
transformacional e o comprometimento organizacional afetivo pela riqueza das
tarefas e pela necessidade pessoal de estrutura. No segundo, foram testadas
hipóteses de moderação da relação entre a liderança transformacional e a
motivação para o trabalho pelos atributos do estabelecimento de metas e pela
orientação para aprendizado. Os dados para a pesquisa foram coletados através de
questionários respondidos por 194 empregados de uma empresa pública brasileira
do setor de energia. Foram confirmadas as hipóteses de moderação da relação
entre a liderança transformacional e o comprometimento organizacional afetivo
pela riqueza das tarefas e pela necessidade pessoal de estrutura. A pesquisa
identificou ainda efeitos de mediação da relação entre a liderança transformacional
e a motivação para o trabalho pelos atributos do estabelecimento de metas e pela
riqueza das tarefas. / [en] This study investigated the interactions between leadership and factors of the organizational context related to goals and individual characteristics of the followers for the prediction of attitudes and behaviors favorable to organizational performance. Two theoretical models have been established. In the first model, hypotheses of moderation of the relationship between transformational leadership and affective organizational commitment by job enrichment and by personal need for structure have been tested. In the second model, hypotheses of moderation of the relationship between transformational leadership and work motivation by goal setting and by goal orientation have been tested. The data for the study have been collected through questionnaires answered by 194 employees of a Brazilian stateowned company of the energy sector. Hypotheses of moderation of the relationship between transformational leadership and affective organizational commitment by job enrichment and by personal need for structure have been confirmed. The study further identified mediation effects of the relationship between transformational leadership and work motivation by goal setting and job enrichment.
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Barn i behov av särskilt stöd : Pedagogernas förutsättningar att arbeta med barn i behov av särskilt stöd i förskolan / Children in need of special support : The pedagogues’ conditions in working with the children in need of special support in pre-schoolZapar Pacinio, Myralyn January 2024 (has links)
Inom förskolans värld kategoriseras bland annat barn som har språksvårigheter, utåtagerandebarn eller blyga barn som barn i gråzonen. Gråzonen är en relativt okategoriserad gruppbarnsom uppvisar någon form av avvikande beteende gentemot den övriga barngruppen eller normsamhället. I detta examensarbete undersöks förskolepedagogers erfarenheter och tankar om barn i gråzonen för att få kunskap om förskolans arbete med barn i behov av särskilt stöd.Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka förskollärares förutsättningar för att arbeta med barn ibehov av särskilt stöd. I uppsatsen genomförs semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex stycken förskolepedagoger. Respondenterna har mellan 10 års till 41 års erfarenhet av att arbeta inom förskoleverksamhet och intervjuerna genomfördes i södra Sverige. Samtliga respondenterna har ett stort intresse för barn i behov av särskilt stöd. Genom den fenomenologiska teorin belyses förskolepedagogerna upplevelser om barn som har i behov av särskilt stöd i det praktiska livet. I studiens resultat visas hur förskollärarna kämpar för förbättrade villkor och förutsättningar för att kunna tillgodose varje barns behov av särskilt stöd. Studien visar att grunden för att möjliggöra tillämpning av särskilt stöd till ett barn är genom att arbeta med inkludering, men framför allt, genom att dela upp barnen i mindre grupper. Att arbeta i mindre barngrupper är dock något som respondenterna upplever inte är möjligt alla gånger. Glappet mellan vad som fungerar bra och det praktiska genomförandet återfinns i forskningen. Fyra av sex respondenterna upplever att forskningen kan vara långt ifrån verkligheten. Förskollärarna upplever även att det finns brist på resurser för att kunna arbeta med barn i behov av särskilt stöd, samt att de önskar att få bredare kunskap om barn i behov av särskilt stöd. Sammantaget visar den här uppsatsen att tillämpning av särskilt stöd kan liknas vid en hierarki som gör att barn i gråzonen kan osynliggöras eller hinns inte att tillämpas. / In the world of pre-school education, children are often categorized as those with language difficulties, those who are aggressive, or those who are shy; these children are referred to as being in the greyzone. The greyzone encompasses a relatively unclassified group of children who show some form of deviant behavior compared to the rest of the child group or societal norms. This thesis examined pre-school educators’ experiences and thoughts regarding children in the greyzone to gain knowledge about the pre-school’s work with children in need of special support. The purpose of the thesis is to invistigate pre-school teachers’ conditions for working with children in need of special support. Semi-structured interviews are conducted with six pre-school educators. The respondents have between 10 and 41 years of experience working in pre-school education, and the interviews were conducted in southern Sweden. All respondents have a significant interest in children in need of special support. Through phenomenological theory, the pre-school educators’ experiences of children in need of special support in practical life are highlighted. The study’s results show how pre-school teachers strive for improved conditions and prerequisites to meet each child’s need for special support. The study indicates that the foundation for enabling the application of special support to a child is through working with inclusion, but primarily through dividing the children into smaller groups. However, working in smaller groups is something that the respondents feel is not always possible. The gap between what works well and practical implementation can be found in the research. Four out of six respondents feel that research can be far from reality. The pre-school teachers also feel that there is a lack of resources to work with children in need of special support and that they wish to gain broader knowledge about children in need of special support. Overall, this thesis shows that the implementation of special support can resemble a hierarchy that may render children in the greyzone invisible or not adequately addressed.
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Energetická náročnost přípravy teplé vody / Energy Performance of Domestic Hot Water PreparationHelánová, Blanka January 2013 (has links)
Master’s thesis on Energy performance of domestic hot water preparation is concerned with calculating and comparing the energy performance of domestic hot water preparation in two-generation family house with an administrative part. Energy performance of domestic hot water preparation is calculated by two calculation methods and by experimental measurements, which are compared at the end of the thesis. The calculation is performed according to standard ČSN 06 0320 and set of standards ČSN EN 15316-3. Thesis is processed in accordance with valid legislative regulations.
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'n Gestaltbegeleidingsprogram ten einde smartiewerk as projeksietegniek in lewensvaardighede met die kind te benutVan Heerden, S. J. 02 1900 (has links)
Summary in English and Afrikaans / This study focus on a Gestalt guidance programme in order to utilize smartiewerk as projection technique in life skills with children The strategy used in the research was case studies. An in depth literature review guided the study‟s theoretical background. A specific focus on the gestalt therapeutic process and gestalt play therapy as such was given to the study. Further literature reviews on the child and life skills was done.
In the completion of this study the researcher made use of case studies. The sample existed of non-probability sampling with criteria for inclusion focusing on the child with emotional distress and some form of loss without coping skills as such. The researcher conducted between seven and eight sessions with the three children. In all three case studies it was evident that smartiewerk as projective technique had value in dealing with life skills. / Hierdie studie is onderneem om „n Gestalt begeleidingsprogram te ontwikkel waarbinne smartiewerk™ as projeksietegniek in lewensvaardighede met kinders benut kan word. Die strategie wat vir die navorsing gevolg is, het gevallestudies behels. Daar is ook „n literatuurstudie onderneem wat spesifiek op die Gestalt-terapeutiese benadering en Gestaltspelterapie gefokus het. Verdere literatuurstudie oor die kind en lewensvaardighede is onderneem.
In die uitvoering van hierdie studie is daar drie gevallestudies beskryf en die steekproef het berus op „n nie-waarskynlikheid-doelgerigte steekproeftrekking. Die kriteria vir insluiting tot die studie was kind er swat emosionele nood in die vorm van verlies ervaar en gevolglik nie effektief hul eie balans kon herstel nie. Daar is tussen sewe en agt sessie met hierdie kind ers terapeuties gewerk. In al drie gevalle het dit na vore gekom dat smartiewerk™ as projeksietegniek benuttingswaarde het ten einde lewensvaardighede vir die hantering van disekwilibrium by die kind te herstel. / M. Diac. (Spelterapie)
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