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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Espectro do comprometimento cognitivo na neurocisticercose: diferenças de acordo com a fase da doença / The spectrum of cognitive impairment in neurocysticercosis - differences according to disease phase

Rodrigues, Cleonisio Leite 15 August 2011 (has links)
Introdução: O declínio cognitivo relacionado à neurocisticercose (NC) ainda permanece mal caracterizado e pouco diagnosticado. Recentemente, nosso grupo mostrou que uma significativa parcela de pacientes com NC na fase cística ativa apresenta-se com declínio cognitivo e comprometimento funcional (Ciampi de Andrade et al., 2010). Não existem estudos controlados que avaliem essas alterações em pacientes com NC na fase calcificada na literatura até presente momento. Objetivos: Avaliar o desempenho cognitivo do maior subgrupo de NC, constituído de pacientes com NC na fase estritamente calcificada (C-NC). Verificar a presença de demência e comprometimento cognitivo sem demência (CCSD) nesses pacientes e tentar correlacionar os resultados obtidos a achados de neuroimagem. Investigar se existe presença de um espectro de anormalidade cognitiva na NC conforme a fase da doença. Metódos e Casuística: Quarenta pacientes (média de idade = 37,6+ 11,3 anos e escolaridade média= 7,0+ 3,5 anos), com critérios diagnósticos absolutos de C-NC foram submetidos à avaliação cognitiva e funcional, sendo comparados a 40 pacientes controles saudáveis (CS) e 40 pacientes com NC ativa (A-NC), emparelhados por idade e nível educacional. Todos os pacientes do grupo C-NC foram submetidos a estudo de RM de encéfalo, a fim de excluir outras causas de epilepsia e sinais de atividade inflamatória. Resultados: Os doentes C-NC apresentaram uma média de 9,40 ± 3,13 testes alterados dos 30 da bateria de avaliação cognitiva quando comparados aos CS. Nenhum paciente C-NC mostrou critérios para demência e 10 (25%) tiveram critérios para CCSD. O grupo ANC tinha 5 pacientes (12,5%) com demência e 11 (27,5%) com CCSD. Mais de 50% dos doentes C-NC apresentaram desempenho inferior em memória verbal, atenção e função executiva em comparação aos CS. Não se encontrou correlação entre as alterações nos testes cognitivos nos pacientes C-NC e A-NC e os achados de neuroimagem e a frequência de crises epilépticas. Dos 4 pacientes reavaliados com demência do grupo A-NC após 2 anos, 3 deles ainda mantinham critérios de demência e na reavaliação por neuroimagem ainda apresentavam cistos. O único que não mais preenchia critérios para demência ou CCSD, exibia apenas calcificações na neuroimagem controle. Conclusões: Os resultados do presente estudo controlado indicaram que a NC independente de sua fase leva a um espectro de alterações cognitivas que varia de comprometimento em um simples domínio, CCSD até, ocasionalmente, demência. Estes achados parecem ser mais intensos durante a fase ativa cística da doença e menos proeminentes no estágio calcificado / Introduction: Cognitive decline related to neurocysticercosis (NC) remains poorly characterized and underdiagnosed. We have previously shown that a significant proportion of active NC patients (A-NC) present cognitive and functional impairment. Until now, there is no control study that have evaluated cognitive abnormalities in patients in the calcified phase of NC. Objective: To evaluate the cognitive performance of the largest subgroup of NC, the strict calcified patients (C-NC). Check the presence of dementia and cognitive impairment no-dementia (CIND) and correlate the results with neuroimaging findings. To investigate whether there is a spectrum of cognitive abnormalities in the disease according to disease phase. Methods and participants: Forty treatment-naive patients with C-NC aged 37.6 ± 11.3 years and fulfilling absolute criteria for definitive C-NC were submitted to a comprehensive cognitive and functional evaluation and were compared with 40 active NC patients (A-NC) and 40 healthy controls (HC) matched for age and education. All patients of C-NC group underwent brain MRI study in order to exclude other causes of epilepsy and signs of inflammatory activity. Results: Patients with C-NC presented 9.4 ± 3.1 altered test scores out of the 30 from the cognitive battery when compared to HC. No C-NC patient had dementia and 10 patients (25%) presented CIND. The A-NCYST group had five patients (12.5%) with dementia and 11 patients (27.5%) with CIND. More than 50% of C-NC patients had low performance in verbal memory, attention and executive functions in comparison to CS. No significant correlation was found between cognitive performance and the number of lesions and seizure frequency. On follow-up, three out of five previously demented A-NCYST patients still presented cystic lesions with scolex on MRI and were still demented. One patient died and the remaining patient no longer fulfilled criteria for neither dementia nor CIND, presenting exclusively calcified lesions on neuroimaging. Conclusion: The results of our controlled study shows that NC, independently of its phase, leads to a spectrum of cognitive abnormalities, ranging from impairment in a single domain, to CIND and, occasionally, to dementia. These findings are more conspicuous during active vesicular phase and less prominent in calcified stages

"Aplicação de genética molecular para diagnóstico de neurocisticercose e descoberta gênica em Taenia solium" / "Application of molecular genetics for diagnosis of neurocysticercosis and genes discovery in Taenia solium"

Almeida, Carolina Rodrigues de 07 June 2005 (has links)
Neurocisticercose (NCC) é uma infecção parasítica freqüente do sistema nervoso central, principalmente em países em desenvolvimento. Os custos elevados dos exames de neuroimagem (Ressonância Magnética e Tomografia Computadorizada), hoje em dia considerados como os métodos mais precisos no diagnóstico da doença, podem ser inviáveis nestas regiões, além disso, há que se considerar os problemas na correta interpretação dos diversos testes imunológicos disponíveis, freqüentemente difíceis e delicados devido o alto número de falso-positivos e/ou falso-negativos. Nós demonstramos neste trabalho que o DNA de Taenia solium está presente no líquido cefalorraquiano (LCR) de pacientes infectados, permitindo o diagnóstico molecular desses pacientes através da metodologia da PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction). Neste caso em específico, foi possível estabelecer um diagnóstico preciso para 29/30 (96.7 %) pacientes avaliados, com especificidade de 100%. A presença do DNA do parasita no LCR dos pacientes tem implicações consideráveis no diagnóstico desta importante doença. Além disso, ampliamos significativamente o conhecimento sobre o transcriptoma da Tênia solium produzindo as primeiras 2880 ESTs (Expressed Sequence Tags) deste cestódeo. Em nossas análises encontramos, pelo menos sete novos genes, importantes por poderem exercer um papel importante na luta contra a NCC, pois é através deste conhecimento que se torna identificar os aspectos mais consideráveis desta doença, sendo aperfeiçoando as estratégias de prevenção, encontrando novos antígenos para aperfeiçoar o imunodiagnóstico e/ou possibilitando o desenvolvimento de uma vacina que seja eficiente em proteger e imunizar os hospedeiros. / Neurocysticercosis is a frequent parasitic infection of the central nervous system, mainly in developing countries. High costs of magnetic resonance images (nowadays the most accurate method of diagnosis) may be prohibitive in these regions and the interpretation of the multiple immunologic tests available is often difficult. We demonstrate in this work that Taenia solium DNA is present in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patients and enabled the correct diagnosis of 29/30 patients (96.7 %) with 100\% specificity through the PCR methodology. The presence of parasite DNA in the CSF of patients may have important consequences over the diagnosis of this important disease. Besides, we enlarge significant the knowledge about Taenia´s transcriptome producing the first 2880 ESTs (Expressed Sequence Tags) of Taenia solium cysticerci. We were able to found at least seven new important genes that may be a important role in a battle against neurocysticercosis because through them it is possible identify considerable aspects of this disease, even though establishing other and efficient strategies of prevention, founding new antigens to improve the immunodiagnosis or building a vaccine to protect the hosts that carry on this important parasite.

Comprometimento cognitivo e demência na neurocisticercose ativa: um estudo transversal controlado / Cognitive impairment and dementia in neurocysticorsis a crosssectional controlled study

Andrade, Daniel Ciampi Araujo de 02 August 2010 (has links)
Introdução: Neurocistcercose (NC) é a doença parasitária do SNC mais frequente no mundo. Afeta mais de 50 milhões de pessoas. No entanto, algumas de suas manifestações clínicas, como comprometmento cognitivo e demência, ainda permanecem caracterizadas de modo incompleto, sem que haja estudos controlados disponíveis na literatura até o momento. Objetvos: Investigar a frequência e o perfil clínico do comprometimento cognitivo associado à NC ativa, comparando o desempenho em testes de avaliação cognitiva de pacientes com a doença ao de controles saudáveis (CS) e de pacientes com epilepsia criptogênica (EC). Métodos: Quarenta pacientes (idade média = 39,25 ± 10,50 anos), com diagnóstco de NC ativa segundo critérios absolutos à ressonância magnética (RM) de crânio e sem tratamento antiparasitário prévio foram submetdos à avaliação cognitiva e funcional extensas, sendo comparados a 49 CS e 28 pacientes com EC emparelhados por idade, nível educacional e frequência de crises epilépticas (grupo EC). Resultados: Pacientes com NC apresentaram comprometimento significativo em relação ao grupo CS nos testes que avaliam funções executivas, memória verbal e não verbal, praxia construtiva e fluência verbal (p<0,05). Demência foi diagnosticada em 12,5% dos pacientes com NC de acordo com os critérios do DSM-IV. Os doentes do grupo NC apresentaram desempenho significativamente inferior em testes de memória operacional, memória episódica verbal, funções executivas, nomeação, praxia construtiva e orientação visual-espacial, quando comparados àqueles do grupo EC. Não se encontrou correlação entre as alterações nos testes cognitivos nos pacientes com NC e os achados à RM (carga de doença, tipo e localização das lesões). Conclusões: Comprometimento cognitivo foi muito frequente na amostra de pacientes com NC avaliada, sendo que demência foi identificada em uma proporção significativa dos doentes. Estes dados aumentam o nosso conhecimento sobre a apresentação clínica da NC e sobre seu potencial impacto na saúde pública. / Introducton: Neurocysticercosis (NCYST) is the most frequent CNS parasitic disease worldwide, afecting more than 50 million people. However, some of its clinical findings, such as cognitive impairment and dementia, remain poorly characterized, with no controlled studies conducted so far. We investigated the frequency and the clinical profile of cognitive impairment and dementia in a sample of NCYST patents in comparison to cognitvely healthy controls (HC) and to cryptogenic epilepsy (CE) patents. Methods: Forty treatment-naïve NCYST patients aged 39.25 ± 10.50 years and fulfilling absolute criteria for definitive active NCYST on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), underwent a comprehensive cognitive and functional evaluation and were compared to 49 HC and 28 CE patients of similar age, educational level, and seizure frequency. Results: NCYST patients displayed significant impairment in executive functions, verbal and non-verbal memory, constructive praxis, and verbal fluency when compared to HC (p<0.05). Dementia was diagnosed in 12.5% of NCYST patients according to the DSM-IV criteria. When compared to CE patients, NCYST patients presented altered working and episodic verbal memory, executive functions, naming, verbal fluency, constructive praxis, and visual-spatal orientation. No correlation emerged between cognitive scores and number, localization or type of NCYST lesions on MRI. Conclusions: Cognitive impairment was ubiquitous in this sample of active NCYST patients. Antepileptic drug use and seizure frequency could not account for these features. Dementia was present in a signifcant proportion of patients. These data broaden our knowledge on the clinical presentations of NCYST and its impact in public health

Obtenção de proteína recombinante baseada em antígenos do líquido vesicular de Taenia crassiceps: aplicação no imunodiagnóstico da neurocisticercose / Recombinant protein obtainment based on antigens from Taenia crassiceps vesicular fluid: application on immunodiagnostics of neurocisticercosis

Gomes, Andréia Bartachini 10 February 2011 (has links)
A neurocisticercose (NC) é uma doença provocada por larvas de Taenia solium (Tso) no sistema nervoso central. Seu diagnóstico fundamenta-se em critérios clínicos, epidemiológicos e laboratoriais. A utilização de antígenos parasitários no imunodiagnóstico apresenta desvantagens como: necessidade de animais, ausência de homogeneidade entre lotes, baixo rendimento, e contaminação com proteínas suínas. Assim, os antígenos recombinantes podem otimizar o imunodiagnóstico da NC, pois são reagentes simples e reprodutíveis, sem requerer animais. Este estudo teve como objetivo a obtenção, caracterização e análise da reatividade de proteína recombinante baseada em antígenos de líquido vesicular de Taenia crassiceps (Tcra). Assim, o cDNA foi obtido por amplificação a partir de RNAm de cisticercos de Tcra. A proteína recombinante Tc14 foi produzida em Escherichia coli (DE3) BL21 utilizando-se o vetor de expressão pET-22b e purificada por cromatografia de afinidade. A caracterização antigênica deu-se por Imunoblot (IB) utilizando anticorpos monoclonais (AcMo). Houve reatividade com todos os AcMo utilizados (AcMo anti-antígeno de excreção/secreção de Tcra, AcMo anti-líquido vesicular de Tcra, AcMo antilíquido vesicular de Tso e AcMo anti-antígeno total de Tso), exceto com o AcMo anti-antígeno de escólex de Tso. Utilizando-se 22 amostras de soro e 19 de líquor (LCR) de pacientes com NC, 48 soros e 28 LCR do grupo controle negativo (GCN) e 17 soros de hidatidose do grupo outras parasitoses (OP) em Imunoblot foi observada reatividade na região de 14kDa, correspondente a Tc14, em todas as amostras NC, mas não nos GCN e OP. Em ELISA com Tc14 obteve-se sensibilidade (S) e especificidade (E) de 100% com LCR (29 amostras de NC e 35 do GCN) e S de 95,1% e E de 100% com soro (41 amostras de NC, 52 do GCN). Dentre 51 soros de OP, mostraram-se reagentes um de hidatidose e outro de estrongiloidíase. A análise comparativa entre diferentes antígenos e testes sorológicos apresentou índice de positividade de 100% em IB utilizando os antígenos Tc14 ou LLG (antígeno purificado de Tso com lentil-lectina); já em ELISA, os índices foram de 83,4% para Tc14 e 91,6% para 18/14 (antígeno purificado de líquido vesicular de Tcra com AcMo). Em ensaios de linfoproliferação a porcentagem de respondedores no grupo NC foi de 16,6% (com 0,05 e 0,6 &#181;g de Tc14/poço), 50% (com 0,4 &#181;g de Tc14/poço), 44,4% (com 1,0 &#181;g de Tc14/poço) e 20% (com 2,0 &#181;g de Tc14/poço). Não houve proliferação no GCN. A dosagem de citocinas em sobrenadante de cultura apresentou reatividade diferenciada entre o GCN e NC para IL-10, sendo uma amostra do GCN reagente e duas amostras de NC não reagentes. Não foi possível detectar IFN-&#947;. Em ELISA para IgG total 91,7% dos plasmas do grupo NC apresentaram reatividade, sendo a positividade para os isótipos IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 e IgG4 respectivamente, de 75; 33,3; 50 e 25%. O antígeno recombinante mostrou-se como ferramenta promissora para imunoensaios na NC, abrindo nova perspectiva envolvendo estudos a serem realizados sobre diferentes sistemas de expressão e antigenicidade frente a um número maior de amostras. / The neurocisticercosis (NC) disease is caused by the presence of Taenia solium (Tso) larvae in the central nervous system. Its diagnosis is based on clinical criteria, epidemiological studies and laboratorial exams. Nevertheless, the use of parasite antigenic extracts into the immunodiagnosis presents some disadvantages: it requires animals, lacks of homogeneity between lots, low yield and may become contaminated with swine proteins. Consequently, the utilization of recombinant antigens could optimize the immunodiagnostic of NC, as they are simple and reproducible reagents that do not require animals. This study aimed the capture, characterization and reactivity analysis of the recombinant protein based on antigens of the vesicular fluid of Taenia crassiceps (Tcra). In order to do so, the cDNA was obtained through the amplification deriving from RNAm of cysticerci of Tcra. The recombinant protein Tc14 was produced in Escherichia coli (DE3) BL21 using the expression vector pET-22b and purified by affinity chromatography (nickel resin). The antigenic characterization was performed by immunoblotting (IB) using monoclonal antibodies (MoAb). The recombinant protein presented reactivity with all the MoAb used (Anti-secretion/excretion antigens from Tcra MoAb, anti-vesicular fluid from Tcra MoAb, anti-vesicular fluid from Tso MoAb and anti- total antigen from Tso MoAb), except with the anti-antigen from Tso scolex MoAb. The immunoblot was performed using 22 serum samples and 19 cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from patients with NC, 48 serum and 28 CSF from the negative control group (GCN) and 17 hydatidosis serum from other parasitosis\' group (OP). It showed reactivity in the 14kDa region, correlated to Tc14, in all NC samples, but not presented on GCN and OP. In ELISA with Tc14, the sensibility (S) and specificity (E) of 100% was obtained with CSF (29 NC samples and 35 GCN samples) and 95.1% of S and 100% of E with serum (41 NC samples, 52 GCN samples). Among 51 OP serums, one from hydatidosis and one from strongyloidiasis demonstrated reactivity. The comparative analysis amongst different antigens and serological tests demonstrated positivity of 100% in IB when using the Tc14 antigens or LLG (purified antigen of Tso with lentil lectin). In ELISA, the positivity indicated was of 83.4% for Tc14 and 91.6% for 18/14 (vesicular fluid purified antigen with MoAb from Tcra). In lymphoproliferation tests, the percentage of responders in NC group was of 16.6% (with .0.5 and 6 &#181;g of Tc14/well), 50% (with 0.4 &#181;g of Tc14/well). No proliferation occurred in GCN. The dosage of cytokines in culture supernatants presented different reactivity amongst GCN and NC for IL-10, as one sample of GCN reacted and two NC samples did not. It was not possible to detect IFN-&#947;. In ELISA for total lgG, 91.7 % of plasmas from NC group presented reactivity, with positivity for the isotypes lgG1, lgG2, lgG3 and lgG4, 75 %, 33.3 %, 50 % and 25 %, respectively. The recombinant antigen prevails as a promising tool for immunoassays in NC, opening a new perspective involving studies to be performed concerning different expression and antigenicity ahead of a larger number of samples.

InteraÃÃo Albendazol â Praziquantel em voluntÃrios sadios: DisposiÃÃo cinÃtica, metabolismo enantiosseletividade / Albendazole â praziquantel interaction in healthy volunteers: Kinetic disposition, metabolism, and enantioselectiveness

Renata Monteiro Lima 30 May 2008 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de NÃvel Superior / O praziquantel (PZQ), um fÃrmaco quiral disponÃvel como racemato, e o albendazol (ABZ), um fÃrmaco biotransformado ao metabÃlito ativo quiral sulfÃxido de abendazol (ASOX), tem sido empregados no tratamento da neurocisticercose humana. O estudo abrange a investigaÃÃo da disposiÃÃo cinÃtica, metabolismo e enantiosseletividade na associaÃÃo ABZ - PZQ em voluntÃrios sadios. O estudo cruzado e aleatÃrio foi desenvolvido em trÃs fases (n=9), sendo que alguns voluntÃrios iniciaram pela FASE 1 (400mg de ABZ), outros pela FASE 2 (1500mg de PZQ) e outros pela FASE 3 (400mg de ABZ + 1500mg de PZQ). O perÃodo de washout foi de no mÃnimo 15 dias (FASE 1 seguida da FASE 2 e FASE 1 seguida da FASE 3) ou 7 dias (FASE 2 seguida de uma das outras FASES). As amostras seriadas de sangue foram coletadas no perÃodo de 0-48h. Os metabÃlitos do ABZ foram analisados por HPLC com detecÃÃo por fluorescÃncia e os enantiÃmeros do PZQ e do trans-4-hidroxipraziquantel (4-OHPZQ) foram analisados por LC-MS-MS. Os parÃmetros farmacocinÃticos foram determinados com auxÃlio do programa WinNonlin. O teste de Wilcoxon (p&#8804;0.05) foi empregado para avaliar as razÃes enantiomÃricas de concentraÃÃes plasmÃticas do ASOX, PZQ e 4-OHPZQ. Os dados estÃo expressos como medianas. A disposiÃÃo cinÃtica do PZQ, 4-OHPZQ e do ASOX Ã enantiosseletiva na situaÃÃo de monoterapia; as razÃes de AUC sÃo de 2,97 para (+)-(S)-PZQ /(-)-(R)-PZQ, 0,78 para (+)-(S)-4OHPZQ /(-)-(R)-4-OHPZQ e 7,08 para (+)-ASOX/(-)-ASOX. A administraÃÃo de PZQ resulta em aumento das concentraÃÃes plasmÃticas do (+)-ASOX em 264% (AUC 980,42 vs 2591,80 ng.h/ml), do (-)-ASOX em 358% (139,59 vs 500,28 ng.h./ml) e do sulfona de albendazol em 187% (170,85 vs 319,50ng.h./ml) sugerindo o PZQ como inibidor da Pgp intestinal. A administraÃÃo de ABZ nÃo altera a disposiÃÃo cinÃtica do (+)-(S)-PZQ e dos metabÃlitos (-)-(R)-4-OHPZQ e (+)-(S)-4OHPZQ, mas resulta em aumento das concentraÃÃes plasmÃticas do (-)-(R)-PZQ em 64,77% (AUC 518,02 vs 853,57ng.h/ml) sugerindo inibiÃÃo enantiosseletiva do metabolismo do ASOX. Os dados permitem sugerir a possibilidade de aumento da eficÃcia terapÃutica na interaÃÃo ABZ-PZQ, embora outros estudos sejam necessÃrios para avaliar a seguranÃa da interaÃÃo. / The praziquantel (PZQ), a chiral drug available as racemic, and the albendazole (ABZ), a drug biotransformed into active metabolic chiral suphoxide of abendazol (ASOX), have been used in the treatment of human neurocysticercosis. The study covers the examination / search of the kinetic disposition, the metabolism, and the enantioselectiveness in the ABZ-PZQ association in healthy volunteers. The crossed and random study was developed in three phases (n=9), in which some volunteers started by PHASE 1 (400 mg of ABZ), others by PHASE 2 (1500mg of PZQ), and others by PHASE 3 (400 mg of ABZ + 1500mg of PZQ). The period of washout was of a minimum of 15 days (PHASE 1 followed by PHASE 2 and PHASE 1 followed by PHASE 3) or of 7 days (PHASE 2 followed by one of the other Phases). The serial blood samples were collected in a period of 0-48 hours. The ABZ metabolics were analised by HPLC with detection by fluorescence and the PZQ enantiomers and the trans-4-hydroxypraziquantel (4-OHPZQ) were analised by LC-MS-MS. The pharmacokinetic patterns were determined with the help of the WinNonlin program. The test of Wilcoxon (p&#8804;0.05) was used to evaluate the enantiomer ratios of plasma concentrations of ASOX, PZQ and 4-OHPZQ. The data are shown as medians. The kinetic disposition of the PZQ, 4-OHPZQ and ASOX is enantioselective in the monotherapy situation; the ratios of AUC are of 2.97 to (+)-(S)-PZQ / (-)-(R)-PZQ, 0.78 to (+)-(S)-4-OHPZQ / (-)-(R)-4-OHPZQ, and 7.08 to (+)-ASOX / (-)-PZQ. The administration of the PZQ results in the increase of the plasma concentrations of the (+)-ASOX in 264% (AUC 980.42 vs 2591.80ng.h./ml), of the (-)-ASOX in 358% (139.59 vs 500.28ng.h./ml), and of the sulphona of albendazole in 187% (170.85 vs 319.50ng.h./ml), suggesting the PZQ as an inhibiting factor of the intestinal Pgp. The administration of the ABZ does not change/ alter the kinetic disposition of the (+)-(S)-PZQ, and of the metabolic (-)-(R)-4-OHPZQ and (+)-(S)-4-OHPZQ, but it results in the increase of the plasma concentrations of the (-)-(R)-PZQ in 64.77% (AUC 518.02 vs 853.57ng.h./ml ), suggesting enantioselective inhibition of the metabolism of the ASOX. The data allow us to suggest the possibility of increase of therapeutic efficacy in the ABZ-PZQ interaction; although, other studies are necessary to evaluate the safety of the interaction.

One Health approach to measure the impact on wellbeing of selected infectious diseases in humans and animals in Zambia

Schaten, Kathrin Maria January 2018 (has links)
This study describes the results of a cross-sectional survey conducted in Mambwe district in the Eastern Province in Zambia. It uses a One Health approach to assess the impact of veterinary, medical, environmental and social determinants on animal and human health and wellbeing. One Health is defined as a holistic and interdisciplinary approach that describes the complexities between people, animals, the environment and their health. Human wellbeing is defined in this thesis as 'a condition in which all members of society are able to determine and meet their needs and have a large range of choices to meet their potential' (Prescott-Allen, 2001). As a first step, eight focus group discussions with the inhabitants followed by key informant interviews with stakeholders in the area were conducted to give a primary impression and narrow down the problems in relation to animal and human health of the area in general. Following this, a randomized selection of 210 households was visited and in each household blood samples were taken from all humans and all animals belonging to five animal species, namely cattle, goats, sheep, pigs and dogs. A third of the households did not keep any of the animal species chosen for sampling, but their inclusion was important for the social analysis. In all of these 210 households a wellbeing questionnaire was administered and, for every human and animal sampled, a health questionnaire. The study area falls within the tsetse-infested region of Zambia. It has a high wildlife density reflecting the proximity of several national parks and is historically endemic for both human and animal African trypanosomiasis (HAT&AAT). Therefore humans and animals were tested for trypanosomiasis using internal transcribed spacer (ITS) polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Since it is important as a differential diagnosis, malaria was tested for by a rapid diagnostic test in the field from human blood. Sera from mature individuals from all animal species except pigs were tested in a field laboratory for brucellosis using the Rose Bengal test. Additionally, cattle and dogs were tested for five genera of tick-borne infections (TBI) including Anaplasma, Ehrlichia, Theileria, Babesia and Rickettsia using reverse line blot (RLB) in the laboratory at the University of Edinburgh (UoE). The blood samples for PCR and RLB analysis at UoE were stored on WhatmanTM FTA cards. A total of 1012 human samples were tested for HAT and none found positive. 1005 (seven people had been tested positive or treated against malaria shortly before the sampling) people tested for malaria showed an overall prevalence of 15% (95% CI 13.2-17.7). None of the 734 Rose Bengal tests showed up positive for brucellosis. The prevalence of AAT in 1275 samples tested was much lower compared to former samplings; in cattle 22% (95% CI 18-27.2), in goats 7% (95% CI 4.5-9.2), in pigs 6% (95% CI 3.2-9.4), in dogs 9% (95% CI 5.2-13.6) and no samples were found positive in sheep. The prevalence of TBIs is much more complex with many multiple infections. A total of 340 cattle and 195 dogs were tested. In cattle the number of samples positive for any microorganism was as follows; 92% (95% CI 88- 94.2). Overall there were fewer positive samples from dogs with 25% of animals infected (95% CI 19.2-31.8). The wellbeing and health questionnaires were designed to help to identify possible risk factors for the above-mentioned diseases and signs, such as fever, diarrhoea and seizures, indicative for several other diseases. The results of these surveys might also help to identify potential reasons for a lower or higher prevalence of trypanosomiasis and malaria found than expected from previous studies. Additionally, information on personal happiness, attitudes towards veterinary and medical services, medical treatments received, education, women's reproductive history, drug abuse, people's perceptions of changes in environment and agriculture, demography, poverty and migration were collected via the questionnaires alongside information on livestock demographics and fertility. One of the main conclusions is that both medical and veterinary health care systems suffer from a number of shortcomings. The distance to appropriate treatment and care facilities is far and the necessary drugs are often unavailable. Also, both the knowledge and technology for diagnosing selected diseases is not in place. This study suggests that neurocysticercosis (NCC) plays an important role in this area due to the high number of seizures reported in people, in whom treatment for epilepsy was unsuccessful. Samples taken from a few pigs indicated the presence of Taenia solium, the causal agent of NCC. Furthermore, many of the TBIs are of zoonotic nature and further investigations must be made to begin to assess the burden of these diseases in humans and animals. Environmental changes such as degradation of the vegetation are likely to have an influence on the prevalence of studied diseases and this aspect is being investigated further in other studies. Due to the nature of a cross-sectional study, only limited conclusions can be drawn on the causal relationships of disease prevalence, but the social analysis conducted in this study confirmed the interactions of selected factors related to health and wealth unique for this study area.

Mechanisms of brain barrier disruption and leukocyte extravasation in murine neurocysticercosis : a dissertation /

Alvarez Espitia, Jorge. January 2006 (has links)
Dissertation (Ph.D.).--University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at San Antonio, 2006. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references.

Neurocysticercosis a possible cause of epileptiform fits in people residing in villages served by the Bethanie clinic in the North West Province /

Manoto, Solly Ntoagae. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Paraclinical Sciences, Veterinary Science))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Includes bibliographical references. Also available in print format.

Estudo das frações hidrofóbica e hidrofílica de metacestódeos de Taenia saginata no diagnóstico sorológico da neurocisticercose humana

Gonçalves, Flávia de Assunção 29 January 2008 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Neurocysticercosis (NC) caused by the Taenia solium metacestodes usually affects the central nervous system and can be confused with other brain pathologies, which present similar clinical and image findings. This parasitose is endemic in Brazil and the serological diagnosis of NC is of great importance in routine clinical management of patients. The search for alternative antigens for NC immunodiagnosis is importance because of the difficulty of obtaining parasites from naturally infected pigs for the preparation of metacestodes T. solium homologous antigen. Once that purified antigen is more sensitive and specific than crude saline extracts, the objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Immunoblotting (IB) for the serological diagnosis of human NC, using the crude saline extract (Crude) obtained from T. saginata metacestodes and two fractions of this extract, hydrophobic or detergent fraction (D) and hydrophilic or aqueous fraction (A), purified by extraction with Triton X-114 as alternative purified antigens for the diagnosis of human NC. Serum samples were obtained from 115 individuals: 40 patients with a definitive diagnosis of NC, 45 patients with Taenia sp. and with other parasitic diseases and 30 apparently healthy individuals. The serum samples were diluted 1:200 for ELISA but only the samples positives were diluted 1:100 and evaluated in IB. ELISA sensitivity and specificity were 95% and 73.3% when using Crude, 95% and 82.6% for D phase and 65% and 61.3% for A phase, respectively. The diagnostic efficiency and Youden index were: 83.9% and 0.74 (Crude), 88.5% and 0.80 (D phase) and 72.8 % and 0.46 (A phase), respectively. IB of the antigens confirmed the results obtained by ELISA, and the D phase antigen proved to be more specific than other extracts, showing only one immunodominant protein of 70-64 kDa that was the most frequent (92.5%) among patients with NC. Our results suggest that the D phase obtained with Triton X-114 can be used as heterologous purified antigen for the serological diagnosis of human NC in the IB. / A Neurocisticercose (NC), resultado do acometimento do sistema nervoso central pelas formas metacestódeas de Taenia solium, é uma doença polimórfica podendo ser confundida com outras síndromes neurológicas que apresentam achados clínicos e de imagem similares. Uma vez que esta parasitose é endêmica no Brasil o diagnóstico sorológico é de grande importância, pois auxilia na rotina laboratorial de pacientes com suspeita clínica. A busca por antígenos alternativos se faz necessária diante da dificuldade de obtenção de suínos naturalmente infectados com metacestódeos de T. solium, para a produção do antígeno homólogo. Uma vez que antígenos purificados apresentam sensibilidade e especificidade superiores aos extratos totais, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os testes enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) e Immunoblotting (IB) no diagnóstico sorológico da NC humana utilizando o extrato salino total (S) de metacestódeos de Taenia saginata e suas frações purificadas com Triton X-114 (TX-114). Uma alíquota do extrato S foi fracionada com TX-114, para obtenção das frações antigênicas: hidrofóbica ou detergente (D) e hidrofílica ou aquosa (A). Os extratos antigênicos foram analisados em SDS-PAGE 12% e utilizados no ELISA na concentração de 10&#956;g/mL. Foram analisadas 115 amostras de soro: 40 de pacientes com diagnóstico definitivo de NC, 45 de pacientes com Taenia sp. e por outros parasitos e 30 de indivíduos saudáveis. As amostras foram diluídas a 1:200 para o ELISA, sendo apenas as positivas submetidas ao IB, na diluição de 1:100. A sensibilidade e especificidade do ELISA foram: 95% e 73,3% (S), 95% e 82,6% (D) e 65% e 61,3% (A), respectivamente. O cálculo de eficiência do diagnóstico e Youden Index foram: 83,9% e 0,74 (S); 88,5% e 0,80 (D) e 72,8 % e 0,46 (A), respectivamente. No IB a fração D apresentou com exclusividade a banda imunodominante de 70-64 kDa, sendo detectada em 92,5% dos pacientes com NC. A fração D foi significativamente mais eficiente que a fração A, tanto no ELISA quanto no IB, sendo assim, recomendada como antígeno heterólogo purificado no diagnóstico sorológico da NC humana no IB. / Mestre em Imunologia e Parasitologia Aplicadas

Resposta imune humoral na neurocisticercose / Humoral immune response in neurocysticercosis

Suzuki, Lisandra Akemi 02 October 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Claudio Lucio Rossi / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-15T09:51:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Suzuki_LisandraAkemi_D.pdf: 1217880 bytes, checksum: 4ceb1f773f112c88145bc69e02976ef2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: A neurocisticercose (NC) e uma importante causa de doença neurológica em muitos paises em desenvolvimento, incluindo o Brasil. O diagnostico clinico da NC e dificultado pelo polimorfismo e pela não especificidade dos sintomas. As tecnicas de neuroimagem e pesquisa de anticorpos específicos tem contribuído para o diagnostico da NC e uma melhor compreensão dos processos fisiopatológicos dessa infecção. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar, por meio de técnicas imunoenzimaticas (ELISA), a resposta imune humoral na NC, utilizando como preparações antigênicas o liquido vesicular (LV) e uma fração glicoproteica obtida do extrato bruto de cisticercos de Taenia solium (T. solium) com afinidade por lentil-lectina (fração Gp). Cinquenta e seis amostras de liquido cefalorraquidiano (LCR), 22 de pacientes com NC e 34 de pacientes com outros problemas neurológicos, foram utilizadas para a pesquisa de IgG e suas subclasses, com os seguintes resultados: IgG-LV: 100% de sensibilidade e especificidade; IgG1 -LV: 72,73% de sensibilidade e 100% de especificidade; IgG2-LV: 81,81% de sensibilidade e 100% de especificidade; IgG3-LV: 59,09% de sensibilidade e 97,06% de especificidade; IgG4-LV: 90,91% de sensibilidade e 97,06% de especificidade; IgG-fração Gp: 90,91% de sensibilidade e 97,06% de especificidade; IgG1-fração Gp: 59,09% de sensibilidade e 91,18% de especificidade; IgG2-fração Gp: 68,18% de sensibilidade e 94,12% de especificidade; IgG3-fração Gp: 36,36% de sensibilidade e 100% de especificidade; IgG4-fração Gp: 86,36% de sensibilidade e 100% de especificidade. Quarenta e sete amostras de LCR, 16 de pacientes com NC e 31 de pacientes com outros problemas neurológicos foram utilizadas para a pesquisa de IgE, com os seguintes resultados: IgE-LV e IgE-fração Gp: 93,75% de sensibilidade e 100% de especificidade. Cinquenta e sete amostras de soros, 22 de pacientes com NC, 18 de pacientes com outras infecções e 17 de pessoas presumivelmente sadias, foram utilizadas para a pesquisa da IgG e suas subclasses, IgE, IgA e IgM, com os seguintes resultados: IgG-LV: 100% de sensibilidade e especificidade; IgG1-LV: 86,36% de sensibilidade e 94,28% de especificidade; IgG2-LV: 90,91% de sensibilidade e 97,14% de especificidade; IgG3-LV: 86,36% de sensibilidade e 97,14% de especificidade; IgG4-LV: 100% de sensibilidade e de especificidade; IgG-fração Gp: 95,45% de sensibilidade e 100% de especificidade; IgG1-fração Gp: 63,64% de sensibilidade e 94,28% de especificidade; IgG2-fração Gp: 68,18% de sensibilidade e 97,14% de especificidade; IgG3-fração Gp: 54,54% de sensibilidade e 88,57% de especificidade; IgG4-fração Gp: 90,91% de sensibilidade e 100% de especificidade; IgELV: 90,91% de sensibilidade e 97,14% de especificidade; IgE-fração Gp: 86,36% de sensibilidade e 100% de especificidade; IgA-LV: 54,54% de sensibilidade e 94,28% de especificidade; IgA-fração Gp: 13,63% de sensibilidade e 100% de especificidade. Anticorpos IgM não foram detectados com as preparações de LV e fração Gp. Nossos resultados mostraram que, com ambas as preparações antigênicas, tanto em amostras de LCR quanto em amostras de soros, a maior positividade foi obtida na detecção de anticorpos das classes IgG e IgE, seguida da positividade da IgA. Anticorpos IgM não foram detectados em amostras de soros com reações de ELISA realizadas com LV e fração Gp. Com relação as subclasses da IgG, a IgG4 apresentou, tanto em amostras de LCR como em amostras de soros, valores de positividade e concentração iguais ou superiores as outras subclasses. As reações ELISA realizadas com LV mostraram sensibilidades iguais ou superiores aquelas obtidas com a fração Gp. Considerando a complexidade e o custo final da obtenção da fração Gp, o LV pode ser considerado mais adequado para a pesquisa de anticorpos em amostras de LCR e soros de pacientes com NC. / Abstract: Neurocysticercosis (NC) is an important cause of neurological disease in many developing countries, including Brazil. The clinical diagnosis of NC is hindered by the polymorphism and non-specificity of the symptoms. Neuroimaging techniques and detection of specific antibodies have contributed to the diagnosis of NC and a better understanding of the physiopathological processes of this infection. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the humoral immune response in NC by using immunoenzymatic techniques (ELISA) in which vesicular fluid (VF) and a glycoprotein fraction purified from a crude extract of Taenia solium cysticerci with affinity for lentil-lectin (fraction Gp) were used as antigenic preparations. Fifty-six cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples, 22 from patients with NC and 34 from patients with other neurological disorders, were assayed for IgG and IgG subclasses, with the following results: IgG-VF: 100% sensitivity and specificity, IgG1 - VF: 72.73% sensitivity and 100% specificity, IgG2 -VF: 81.81% sensitivity and 100% specificity, IgG3 -VF: 59.09% sensitivity and 97.06% specificity, IgG4 -VF: 90.91% sensitivity and 97.06% specificity, IgG-fraction Gp: 90.91% sensitivity and 97.06% specificity, IgG1- fraction Gp: 59.09% sensitivity and 91.18% specificity, IgG2-fraction Gp: 68.18% sensitivity and 94.12% specificity, IgG3 -fraction Gp: 36.36% sensitivity and 100% specificity, IgG4 - fraction Gp: 86.36% sensitivity and 100% specificity. Forty-seven CSF samples, 16 from patients with NC and 31 from patients with other neurological disorders, were assayed for IgE, with the following results: IgE-VF and IgE-fraction Gp: 93.75% sensitivity and 100% specificity. Fifty-seven serum samples, 22 from patients with NC, 18 from patients with other infections and 17 from presumably healthy individuals, were assayed for IgG, IgG subclasses, IgE, IgA and IgM, with the following results: IgG-VF: 100% sensitivity and specificity, IgG1-VF: 86.36% sensitivity and 94.28% specificity, IgG2 -VF: 90.91% sensitivity and 97.14% specificity, IgG3 -VF: 86.36% sensitivity and 97.14% specificity, IgG4 -VF:100% sensitivity and specificity, IgG-fraction Gp: 95.45% sensitivity and 100% specificity, IgG1- fraction Gp: 63.64% sensitivity and 94.28% specificity, IgG2 -fraction Gp: 68.18% sensitivity and 97.14% specificity, IgG3 -fraction Gp: 54.54% sensitivity and 88.57% specificity, IgG4 - fraction Gp: 90.91% sensitivity and 100% specificity, IgE-VF: 90.91% sensitivity and 97.14% specificity, IgE-fraction Gp: 86.36% sensitivity and 100% specificity, IgA-VF: 54.54% sensitivity and 94.28% specificity, IgA-fraction Gp: 13.63% sensitivity and 100% specificity. No specific IgM antibodies were detected with VF and fraction Gp antigenic preparations. These results show that with the two antigenic preparations the highest positivity in CSF and serum samples was obtained for IgG and IgE antibodies, followed by positivity for IgA. No IgM antibodies were detected in serum samples assayed with VF and fraction Gp. With regard to IgG subclasses, IgG4 positivity and concentration in CSF and serum samples were higher than or equal to the other subclasses. ELISA reactions done with VF showed equal or higher sensitivities than those obtained with fraction Gp. Considering the complexity and high cost of obtaining fraction Gp, VF could be more suitable for detecting specific antibodies in CSF and serum samples from patients with NC. / Doutorado / Ciencias Biomedicas / Doutor em Ciências Médicas

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