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Risk of Eating Disorders in Elite Female Pair and Single Figure Skaters and Ice DancersStefano, Johanna January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (Masters) -- The College of Saint Elizabeth, 2009. / Typescript. Available at The College of Saint Elizabeth - Office of Graduate Programs. "October 2009"
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La théorie de la névrose chez C.G. Jung : la guérison psychique de l’homme moderne par le recouvrement d’une attitude religieuse : l’apport de l’hindouisme et de la culture orientaleRivet Baillargeon, Audrey 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Discussão psicanalítica sobre o transtorno e pânico, com estudo de caso / Psychoanalytical discussion about panic disorder with case studyOliveira, Paulo Cezar de 30 September 2016 (has links)
O objetivo principal desse trabalho foi discorrer sobre o lugar do transtorno pânico na metapsicologia psicanalítica freudiana e pós-freudiana. Inicialmente, ele foi apresentado segundo a psiquiatria. Em seguida, tendo em vista as associações desse transtorno com as construções freudianas sobre a neurose de angústia, discorreu-se acerca das teorias da angústia de Freud a partir de textos freudianos e de Laplanche. Este autor, ao fazer importantes críticas à segunda teoria da angústia do pai da psicanálise, aponta para uma possível terceira teoria da angústia como reflexo da implicação direta do conceito de pulsão de morte sobre as duas primeiras. Nesse sentido, ocorreram discussões sobre as teorias da pulsão de Freud a partir de textos freudianos e dos escritos de Garcia-Roza e de Laplanche. Buscando derivar essa terceira teoria da angústia, destacou-se a ênfase laplanchiana marcante sobre a sexualidade como pedra angular da psicanálise, que somada a reformulação da teoria do apoio freudiana, levou ao conceito original da teoria de sedução generalizada. Nesse processo, conceitos como masoquismo e autoagressão originários, implicados sobre a obra kleiniana, permitiram a Laplanche renomear a pulsão de morte como pulsão sexual de morte. Com isso, a teorização freudiana da neurose de angústia, como consequência de um ataque pulsional sexual, foi reformulada ao equivaler esse sexual à sexualidade demoníaca citada por Freud, que é vista como aquela que excita, desliga e transborda, sendo portanto a parte da sexualidade dominada pela pulsão sexual de morte. Em seguida, foram apresentadas considerações específicas sobre o transtorno de pânico de autores psicanalíticos pós-freudianos nacionais e internacionais. No sentido da produção de dados como base de realidade para a articulação das teorias psicanalíticas sobre o transtorno de pânico com as reformulações das teorias da angústia advinda da discussão metapsicológica de Laplanche, apresenta-se pesquisa qualitativa conforme a concepção de Turato. Essa foi desenvolvida através de um estudo de caso único, sistematizado, por conveniência da pesquisa, em um processo de diagnóstico compreensivo seguido de psicoterapia. O psicodiagnóstico se dá através de duas entrevistas psicológicas semidirigidas, com posterior aplicação do Procedimento de Desenho-Estória; já a psicoterapia de orientação psicanalítica teve seus relatos de sessão submetidos a supervisões no grupo de pesquisa. Os dados coletados com esses procedimentos foram analisados tendo em vista a análise de conteúdo proposta por Turato e os estudos de referência do Procedimento Desenho-Estória de Tardivo. Nessa análise, conceitos e ferramentas psicanalíticas foram tomados como referência: manifestações do inconsciente, manejo da angústia, transferência, contratransferência, interpretação e acolhimento. Finalmente, foi feita a articulação dos dados com a teoria, evidenciando, como destaca Sigal, a importância das colocações laplanchianas sobre as diferentes consequências da introdução e da intromissão dos significantes enigmáticos. Melhor entendendo assim, a instalação e manutenção do transtorno de pânico. Por fim, discutiu-se sobre os manejos específicos no enfrentamento dos núcleos psicóticos formados pelos restos intrometidos, que são marcas de falha no recalque primário, comum também em pacientes que manifestam o transtorno de pânico / The main objective of this work is to discuss the place of panic disorder in Freud\'s and post-Freudian psychoanalytic metapsychology. Initially, the panic disorder is presented here under the psychiatric perspective. Afterwards, having its disorder associations with Freud´s constructions about anxiety neurosis in sight, Freud´s anxiety theories will be spoken about having his and Laplanche´s texts as basis. Laplanche, as he criticizes the second anxiety theory of the psychoanalysis father, points out to a possible third anxiety theory as a reflex of the direct implication of the death instinct concept on the first two. Therefore, there are some discussion about Freud´s instinct theories based on Freud´s texts and Garcia-Roza´s and Laplanche´s writings. In this exercise of creating this third anxiety theory there is a strong Laplanche based emphasis on sexuality as a psychoanalysis turning point and a reconstruction of Freud´s supporting theory, leading to a new concept: the generalized seduction. In this process, Klein´s work seeing under concepts such as original masochism and auto-aggression, allowed Laplanche, as he created his seduction theory, to rename the death instinct as sexual death instinct. Thus, Freud´s idea of the anxiety neurosis as consequence of a sexual instinct attack is reformulated by this sexual specification, as Freud´s demoniac sexuality. This part of sexuality is dominated by the sexual death instinct and is the one that excites, turns off and overflows. Subsequently, there will be presented some specific considerations on panic disorder made by national and international post Freudian psychoanalytical authors. A qualitative research based on Turato will be shown in order to produce reality based data to be articulated with psychoanalytical theories on panic disorder and the anxiety neurosis theories raised by Laplanche´s metapsychological discussion. This research consists of a unique case study systematized in a comprehensive diagnosis process, followed by psychotherapy. The psych diagnosis occurs in two semi guided interviews, followed by a Desenho-estoria procedure. The psychoanalytical psychotherapy sessions´ reports were discussed in group supervision. The collected data are analyzed based on Turato´s content analysis perspective and the referenced studies on Desenho-Estoria procedure, specially emphasizing Tardivo´s. In this analysis, psychoanalytical concepts and tools such as unconscious manifestations, anxiety handle, transference, countertransference, interpretation and holding are used as references. At last, the data is articulated with the theory, as highlighted by Sigal, pointing out to Laplanches consideration about the implantation and intromission of the enigmatic signifier. Therefore, creating and understanding about the panic disorders installation. There are also some discussion about specific management in order to confront psychotic spots formed by unassimilated remains, which the primal repression fail marks, common in patients that manifest panic disorder
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Neadaptivní způsoby chování pravidelného uživatele marihuany v kontextu výzkumů K. Horneyové a M. Seligmana / Maladaptive behaviors of regular marijuana users in the context of research K. Horney and M. Seligman.VALICSEK, Martin January 2018 (has links)
The thesis is conceived in two parts. In the first part, the reader will find an outline of the interdisciplinary topic of the topic, but above all the key findings that K. Horney and M. Seligman developed as part of their psychotherapeutic practice with poorly adapted individuals. The second part is a case study of a long-term marijuana individual. The case study seeks to capture, besides the personal history of an individual, the characteristics of his current life situation and specific circles of his attitudes. The findings are then compared with the findings of the authors, with which the reader has the opportunity to get acquainted with the first part of the thesis.
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Loghorrée, aphasie, lettres : les états de la parole dans le cinéma d’Arnaud DesplechinRossi, Diane H. 06 1900 (has links)
La présente étude propose une analyse langagière à travers certaines scènes d’un corpus de quatre films mosaïques du cinéaste français Arnaud Desplechin : Comment je me suis disputé… (« ma vie sexuelle ») (1996); Rois et reine (2004); Un conte de Noël (Roubaix!) (2008) et Trois souvenirs de ma jeunesse (nos arcadies) (2015). En premier lieu, elle se penche sur la qualification de ces temps volumineux accordés à un personnage bavard, la définition du monologue telle qu’on la rencontrera s’appliquant mal à ces longues tirades qui ne s’inscrivent pas non plus dans la logique du dialogue, puisque l’échange verbal n’existe pas véritablement et que la communication se voit mise en échec. Ce mémoire analyse par la suite l’avènement de ces soliloques et leurs effets sur la narration selon l’état physique ou mental du personnage ainsi que la crédibilité accordée à ce dernier. L’altération de la possibilité de discourir découle de différents facteurs chez le cinéaste : la maladie, l’insomnie, l’aphonie, la mort ou encore l’ébriété, la prise de stupéfiants, la névrose voire la psychose. Après avoir étudié les différentes brides possibles de la parole des personnages, cet essai focalise brièvement son attention sur le comique relatif découlant de ces tirades. Est ensuite étudiée la forme et la place singulières octroyées aux lettres, motif central dans ce corpus de films. Cette étude se penche sur l’écriture de ces pièces de paroles conséquentes et isolées du reste de la narration avec leur temporalité différente, leur diction proche de la récitation théâtrale, une mise en scène privilégiant le face caméra ainsi que les raisons d’avoir recours au biais épistolaire, en évaluant en creux l’importance et le danger du silence tantôt subi, tantôt imposé par le personnage à travers le discours. Puisque cette étude analyse l’écriture langagière portée à l’oral et à l’écran et la complexité de filmer la parole, elle se conclut sur l’état de la recherche aujourd’hui, mais aussi sur les nombreuses pistes qu’il reste encore à explorer dans les études cinématographiques en ce qui concerne le langage à l’écran. / This present study’s aim is suggesting a linguistic analysis throughout different scenes in a medley of four films by the french director Arnaud Desplechin: Comment je me suis disputé… (« ma vie sexuelle ») (1996); Rois et reine (2004); Un conte de Noël (Roubaix!) (2008) et Trois souvenirs de ma jeunesse (nos arcadies) (2015). First of all, it looks into the qualifications of long periods of time granted to a very talkative character. The definition of soliloquy, such as described previously cannot be applied to these long speeches since they cannot be included in the dialogue logic. There is almost no real oral exchange. Communication cannot be established. Then this study will also analyze the different soliloques and their influence on the narration, according to the character’s physical or mental state together with his credibility. His disability to talk depends on different causes for the film maker : sickness, insomnia, aphonia, death, intoxication, drugs, neurosis, even psychosis. After exploring the different restrictions to the character’s communication, this essay will shortly focus on the comical side effects of these speeches. Then we will examine the special importance of letters which are essential in this film corpus. This essay also deals with the writing of these important words. They are separated from the rest of the story. They have a different temporality, their speech delivery is close to theatrical reciting. The production chooses filming front the front, explaining the reasons of rising the means of correspondance, pondering over the danger of silence which is, at times, either undergone or induced by the character through the speech. Since this analysis concerns the linguistic writing, both oral and filmed, the complexity of filming speech appears. As a conclusion, numerous new paths need to be explored when studying film making as far as filming speech is concerned.
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The Revolutionary Theraputic Qualities in the Poetry of Wilfred Owen and Siegfried SassoonCook, Sarah 08 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Problemet utan namn? : Neuroser, stress och kön i Sverige från 1950 till 1980 / The Problem that had no Name? : Neurosis, Stress and Gender in Sweden 1950-1980Björk, Maria January 2011 (has links)
Focusing on Sweden between 1950 and 1980, this doctoral dissertation analyzes and problematizes the process in which a discourse about neurosis and nervous troubles gradually evolved into a discourse about stress. The thesis aims to show how the medical and general discussion about diffuse or vague symptoms transformed and rearticulated ideas and views on society and man, citizenship, gender roles, and medicine. It shows how the discourse on neuroses tended to locate sickness and deviance in the individual, whereas its subsequent transformation into a discourse on stress located the pathological in an external, societal sphere. A particularly prominent issue in the study concerns the role that gender, and in particular female gender, has played in these discourses, and how the place of the feminine can be understood in relation to stress and neuroses. The dissertation shows that female gender was not central to the discourse on neuroses and stress during the studied period. On the contrary, gender was subordinated to ideas about man and citizenship within the greater context of society and culture. The dissertation takes its starting point in the Swedish 1950’s, often characterized as the era of ”The Strong Society” or ”The People’s Home”. During this period, the neurosis discourse was fixed and remained unchanged. In practice, neurosis was a diagnosis that provided such symptoms that were otherwise difficult to measure and assess with a theory of origin. Neuroses were believed to principally affect a certain category of individuals, who, due to their constitution or disposition, were held to be particularly susceptible to neurotic sufferings. During the 1960s the belief in The Strong Society and its notion of ideal citizenship began to crumble. It was against this background that the Swedish medical profession started discussing ”stress”. Stress, in contrast, could afflict anyone and everyone, according to “the father of stress” Hans Selye and Swedish stress researchers. Stress was assumed to be a potential cause of ”nervous troubles” and disease, but was never considered to be a disease in itself. The concept of the individual as a citizen now gave way for the notion of the individual as a primarily biological organism. Within the stress discourse in the 1960s, the primacy of the universal normal (male) man was a recurring focal point. In the 1970s, the stress researchers distanced themselves from Selyes’ concept of stress by focusing on individual factors. In the discussion about stress during the 1970s, the ”constitutionally weak” individual of the 1950s and the biological organism of the 1960s blended into a hybrid construction of a unique, biological individual.
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Neurotické poruchy u dětí v raném školním věku / Neurotic Disorders of Early-school Age ChildrenZÍKOVÁ, Lucie January 2008 (has links)
The thesis deals with neurotic disorders problems, which can, due to different causes, affect children in the early-school age. The theoretical part defines the basic concepts and their characteristics (neurotical disorder, history of the concept, early-school age, neurotical symptoms of children, disorders such as: sleep, somatic, food-intake, excretion, adaptation and anxiety, obsessional-compulsive, communication and speaking, sadness and depression, suicidal tendencies and behaviour). Further on it describes a number of internal and external factors, which can participate in the originating of child{\crq}s neurotic disorders. The end of this part is dedicated to the treatment by means of psychotherapy, psychopharmacotherapy, eventualy by means of relaxation. These therapeutical procedures end with preventive aspects and advices how to communicate with neurotic children. The practical part contains four briefly case reports of neurotic children, which lead to the understanding of the problem described on concrete example. Simultaneously it refers to the fact, that in many cases the disorders are a result of dysfunctional family environment.
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[pt] A tese apresenta um estudo sobre as toxicomanias pelo viés psicanalítico.
O ponto de vista que preside o trabalho é o de que o sujeito toxicômano dirige um
apelo ao Outro através do uso da droga para que a função paterna se faça presente.
Sob essa perspectiva, o uso da droga comporta uma mensagem dirigida ao Outro
para que um corte seja operado na relação sem limites construída com a droga.
Não trataremos dos efeitos orgânicos produzidos pelo uso da substância, mas da
função sempre singular que a droga pode ocupar um sujeito. No primeiro capítulo,
a introdução, será circunscrito o objeto de nosso trabalho: as toxicomanias. Já no
segundo capítulo examinaremos o fenômeno das drogas na perversão, na neurose
e na psicose. No terceiro capítulo, lançaremos um olhar sobre o uso da droga
através dos conceitos de supereu, satisfação pulsional, ideal do eu e pulsão de
morte. No quarto capítulo estudaremos o significante na dialética do desejo a fim
de localizar o lugar da droga para o sujeito. Trabalharemos também a construção
das relações de dependência que antecedem a dependência à droga em si e como o
uso da mesma pode servir como um apelo ao pai. Em seguida, partindo da
hipótese de que a fragilidade ou inoperância da função paterna propicia a
compulsão ao objeto droga como um modo de dar conta da angústia provocada
pelos efeitos da castração, investigaremos a problemática da droga a partir do
significante Nome-do-Pai e da Metáfora paterna. / [en] The thesis presents a study of addictions through the psychoanalytic point
of view. The view that presides the study is that the fellow addict runs an appeal
to the Other through the use of the drug to make the paternal function present.
From this perspective, the drug contains a message addressed to another so that a
cut should be operated in the relationship without limits built with the drug. It
will not treat the organic effects produced by the use of the substance, but the
unique function that the drug might occupy a person. In the first chapter, the
introduction, the object of the work will be circumscribed: the addictions. In the
second chapter it will examine the phenomenon of drugs in perversion, in neurosis
and psychosis. In the third chapter, it will launch a glimpse into the drug through
the concepts of superego, drive satisfaction, ego ideal and the death drive. In the
fourth chapter it will present the construction of dependence relations in
addictions and how drug use can serve as a call to a father. We will also study the
signifier in the dialectic of the desire in order to locate the place of the drug to the
addict. Then, assuming that the weakness or ineffectiveness of the paternal
function provides the compulsion to object drug as a way to solve the anguish
caused by the effects of castration, it will investigate the drug problem from the
significant Name of the Father and the paternal metaphor.
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ETICKÁ VÝCHOVA A JEJÍ VÝCHODISKA VE SROVNÁNÍ S PRAXÍ ETICKÉ VÝCHOVY V SLOVENSKÉ A ČESKÉ REPUBLICE / Ethics as a Class Subject and its Resources in Comparison with the Teaching of Ethics in the Slovak and the Czech Republic.SPIŠÁKOVÁ, Mária January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the bases of Ethics in comparison with the practice of Ethics in the Slovak and the Czech Republic. The first part describes and discusses the philosophical, pedagogical and psychological bases of teaching subject called Ethics. It presents a chronological overview of ethical theories and their comparison of the base of morality. It deals with the philosophy of education and dialogue as the principles of teaching. It represents Piaget's theory of moral development of the child, states stages of moral reasoning by Kohlberg and characterizes Frankl's logotherapy. The second part analyzes and compares the approaches to Ethics in primary and secondary education in the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic due to the bases of ethics set out in the first part. It represents the Slovak koncept of Olivar's prosocial education, the activities of Ethical Forum Czech Republic and the programme Philosophy for children.
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