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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lei de falências : um comparativo entre a antiga lei de falência e a nova lei de recuperação de empresas, aspectos positivos e negativos da alteração, uma abordagem multidisciplinar

Araujo, Adroaldo January 2010 (has links)
Este estudo destina-se a consecução de um trabalho comparativo entre a nova Lei de Recuperação de Empresas e a antiga Lei de Falência e Concordata. Busca uma abordagem multidisciplinar que aponte os aspecto positivos e negativos na implantação da nova ordem jurídica, bem como, alguns efeitos econômicos resultantes. Desta forma obteremos uma melhor compreensão das mudanças ocorridas no novo ordenamento, destinado a sociedade brasileiro como um todo. O resultado deste trabalho de pesquisa, vai alem de meras verificações quantitativa do sistema busca um caminha na construção de uma ordem jurídica capaz de atender as necessidades das empresas, sem esquecer os objetivos da sociedade civil. / This study it is destined achievement of a comparative work enters the new Law of Recovery of Companies and the old Law of Bankruptcy and Forced agreement. It searchs a boarding to multidiscipline that it points the aspect positive and negative in the implantation of the new jurisprudence, as well as, some resultant economic effect. In such a way we will get one better understanding of the occured changes in the new order, destined the Brazilian society as a whole. The result of this work of research, goes beyond mere verifications quantitative of the system searchs one walks in the construction of a jurisprudence capable to take care of the necessities of the companies, without forgetting the objectives the civil society.

Lei de falências : um comparativo entre a antiga lei de falência e a nova lei de recuperação de empresas, aspectos positivos e negativos da alteração, uma abordagem multidisciplinar

Araujo, Adroaldo January 2010 (has links)
Este estudo destina-se a consecução de um trabalho comparativo entre a nova Lei de Recuperação de Empresas e a antiga Lei de Falência e Concordata. Busca uma abordagem multidisciplinar que aponte os aspecto positivos e negativos na implantação da nova ordem jurídica, bem como, alguns efeitos econômicos resultantes. Desta forma obteremos uma melhor compreensão das mudanças ocorridas no novo ordenamento, destinado a sociedade brasileiro como um todo. O resultado deste trabalho de pesquisa, vai alem de meras verificações quantitativa do sistema busca um caminha na construção de uma ordem jurídica capaz de atender as necessidades das empresas, sem esquecer os objetivos da sociedade civil. / This study it is destined achievement of a comparative work enters the new Law of Recovery of Companies and the old Law of Bankruptcy and Forced agreement. It searchs a boarding to multidiscipline that it points the aspect positive and negative in the implantation of the new jurisprudence, as well as, some resultant economic effect. In such a way we will get one better understanding of the occured changes in the new order, destined the Brazilian society as a whole. The result of this work of research, goes beyond mere verifications quantitative of the system searchs one walks in the construction of a jurisprudence capable to take care of the necessities of the companies, without forgetting the objectives the civil society.

Lei de falências : um comparativo entre a antiga lei de falência e a nova lei de recuperação de empresas, aspectos positivos e negativos da alteração, uma abordagem multidisciplinar

Araujo, Adroaldo January 2010 (has links)
Este estudo destina-se a consecução de um trabalho comparativo entre a nova Lei de Recuperação de Empresas e a antiga Lei de Falência e Concordata. Busca uma abordagem multidisciplinar que aponte os aspecto positivos e negativos na implantação da nova ordem jurídica, bem como, alguns efeitos econômicos resultantes. Desta forma obteremos uma melhor compreensão das mudanças ocorridas no novo ordenamento, destinado a sociedade brasileiro como um todo. O resultado deste trabalho de pesquisa, vai alem de meras verificações quantitativa do sistema busca um caminha na construção de uma ordem jurídica capaz de atender as necessidades das empresas, sem esquecer os objetivos da sociedade civil. / This study it is destined achievement of a comparative work enters the new Law of Recovery of Companies and the old Law of Bankruptcy and Forced agreement. It searchs a boarding to multidiscipline that it points the aspect positive and negative in the implantation of the new jurisprudence, as well as, some resultant economic effect. In such a way we will get one better understanding of the occured changes in the new order, destined the Brazilian society as a whole. The result of this work of research, goes beyond mere verifications quantitative of the system searchs one walks in the construction of a jurisprudence capable to take care of the necessities of the companies, without forgetting the objectives the civil society.

Approaches to the Direct Contracting Regime in the New Public Procurement Law Regarding the Draft Regulation of Law No. 30225, whose publication was provided by Ministerial Resolution No. 216-2015-EF / 15 / Aproximaciones al Régimen de Contratación Directa en la Nueva Ley de Contrataciones Del Estado A propósito del Proyecto de Reglamento de la Ley N° 30225, cuya publicación fuera dispuesta mediante Resolución Ministerial N° 216-2015-EF/15

Pedreschi Garcés, Willy 10 April 2018 (has links)
The present article treats about the main innovations brought on the direct contracting regimen of the Public Procurement Peruvian New Law. In the author’s opinion, the new law seeks to make public procurement more efficient. Thus, he explains us how, in direct contracting, the law tries to achieve this objective.In that line, the paper explains the cases in which the direct contract proceeds and the formalities and requirements for it. / El presente artículo aborda las principales novedades que trae el régimen de contratación directa de la Nueva Ley de Contrataciones del Estado. Para el autor, la nueva norma busca que las compras del Estado sean más eficientes y nos explica cómo, en la parte referida a la contratación directa, se intenta lograr dicho objetivo. Así, primero se explican los supuestos en los que cabe esta figura, y las formalidades yrequisitos para la misma.

New subletting law in Sweden – what are theconsequences? / Lag om uthyrning av egen bostad –konsekvenser av den nya lagen?

Asplund, Hanna January 2013 (has links)
There is a housing shortage in Sweden and in Stockholm in particular. In the draft budget of 2013, the Swedish government proposed a series of measures to boost the sublet supply. The most important component was the introduction of a new subletting law. The intention of the new law was to enable homeowners interested in subletting their property to get a quick and comprehensive overview of the legal framework for this. A less constricting rent control, abolished protection from lease termination and a shortened period of termination notice for both landlords and tenants was proposed to increase the incentive for subletting as well as making the market more transparent and easier to survey for would-be tenants. Apart from the new law and some resulting changes, a change in the Bostadsrättslagen was also proposed, which would have the effect that the boards of local housing associations could no longer decline subletting applications on the basis of applicants lacking so called valid reasons for subletting. The new law and the resulting changes were passed but not the change in the Bostadsrättslagen, after being subject of criticism from the political opposition and several of the committee reports. In this essay, I investigate how much this has changed the outcome, as far as possible, considering that less than six months have passed since the new law was taken into practice. My conclusion is that the fact that the change in the Bostadsrättslagen did not pass will mean that a significantly smaller number of subletting deals are made in the region where housing is most needed. / Det råder bostadsbrist i Sverige och särskilt i Stockholm. Under 2012 presenterade regeringen en rad åtgärder i budgetpropositionen för 2013 varav den viktigaste var en ny lag, "Lag om uthyrning av egen bostad". Med den nya lagen skulle privatpersoner som ville hyra ut sin lägenhet snabbt kunna få överblick över vilka regler som gäller vid andrahandsuthyrning. Med en friare hyressättning, slopat besittningsskydd och kort uppsägningstid från båda sidor skulle man öka incitamenten för upplåtelser i andra hand och även göra det lättare för de som söker lägenhet att få en överblick över marknaden. Förutom den nya lagen och några följdändringar föreslogs en ändring i Bostadsrättslagen som innebar att styrelsen inte längre skulle kunna kräva att de boende uppvisar beaktansvärda skäl i samband med andrahandsuthyrning. Den nya lagen "Lag om uthyrning av egen bostad" och följdändringarna röstades igenom men ändringen i bostadsrättslagen gick inte igenom, efter att ha kritiserats av många av remissinstanserna och oppositionen. I den här uppsatsen undersöker jag frågan om vilken skillnad detta gjort för utfallet, i den mån det går att sia om detta mindre än ett halvår efter att lagen togs i bruk. Jag kommer fram till att den sista ändringen förmodligen kommer innebära att väsentligt färre upplåtelser kommer till stånd i den region där behovet är som störst.

Contract Amendment in the State Procurement Law (Law No. 30225) / Modificaciones al Contrato en la Normativa de Contrataciones del Estado (Ley Nº 30225)

Zegarra Pinto, José 10 April 2018 (has links)
The present article has as principal goal to analyze and comment the more relevant aspects referred to the amendments on that can be done to a contract, in the terms allowed by the new Public Procurement Peruvian Law. Also, the author will refer to the opinions emitted by the OSCE about the topic. Finally, he will state his main conclusions. / El presente artículo tiene como objetivo principal, analizar y comentar los más importantes aspectos referidos al tema de las modificaciones que se pueden realizar al Contrato, en los términos expuestos en la Ley de Contrataciones del Estado – Ley Nº 30225. Asimismo, procederemos a citar opiniones del OSCE referentes al tema; finalizando con la exposición de nuestras conclusiones.

Las compras verdes, una práctica sustentable y ecológica: posibilidad de su aplicación en el Perú / Green purchases, a sustainable and ecologic practice: A possible implementation in Peru

García Paz, Jorge 10 April 2018 (has links)
Green purchases are part of a strategy for the application of a sustainable country development, considered as ‘a development that satisfies the people’s current necessities without affecting the ability of future generations to satisfy their own’. (Brundtland Report 1987). In the same way, it is part of a strategy to fight the effects of the weather changes or greenhouse that affect our planet and as a consequence the humanity.The green or ecological purchases are simple practices in the developing countries, in most cases in the European countries, but they are not known in Latin American countries. Just Costa Rica is supporting this practice with public institutions, for that reason they will get considerable benefits in its process.The Peruvian government is conformed by more than two thousand public entities, they are formed as national and regional government entities, town halls, decentralized offices, entities in the scope of FONAFE, business treatment and charitable work. These entities programmed purchases in the year 2008 approximately 58.234 million soles. However, just a few of the purchases had an ecological purpose.The following article has the objective to show the benefits of the green or ecological purchases, and the experience in developed countries to decide its application in Peru. In this way, this study pretends to join a number of experiences of countries in their green purchases and so it is divided in four parts. The first part referrs to the framework of the green purchases and it refers to the different concepts that explain those factors that push the United States to apply this strategy. The second part is about the international experience with the best practices. The third part shows the possibility of the green purchases in the country, and in the fourth part conclusions are presented. / Las compras verdes se convierten en parte de una estrategia para la aplicación del desarrollo sostenible en un país, entendido este como el «desarrollo que satisface a las necesidades actuales de las personas sin comprometer la capacidad de las futuras generaciones para satisfacer las suyas» (Informe Brundtland, 1987). Así, también, es parte de una estrategia que trata de contribuir a combatir los efectos del cambio climático e invernadero que ponen en peligro la existencia de nuestro planeta y, por lo tanto, también de la humanidad.Las compras verdes o ecológicas son prácticas comunes en los países desarrollados, sobre todo europeos; sin embargo, son muy poco conocidas en los países de América Latina. Solo Costa Rica está promocionando esta práctica en sus instituciones públicas y ha obtenido considerables beneficios en su implementación.El Estado peruano está compuesto por más de 2 mil entidades públicas contratantes, las cuales están agrupadas en entidades de gobierno nacional y regional, municipalidades, instancias descentralizadas, entidades bajo el ámbito del FONAFE (Fondo Nacional de Financiamiento de la Actividad Empresarial del Estado), de tratamiento empresarial y sociedades de beneficencia. Estas entidades programaron compras en el año 2008 por la cantidad de 58.234 millones de nuevos soles. Sin embargo, muy pocas de dichas compras tuvieron un criterio ecológico en su proceso de selección.El presente artículo tiene por objetivo mostrar las bondades de las compras verdes o ecológicas y la experiencia en países desarrollados, y plantear su aplicación en nuestro país. Así, este trabajo trata de recopilar una serie de experiencias de países en sus compras verdes y se divide en cuatro partes. La primera parte se refiere al marco conceptual de las compras verdes y abarca, principalmente, los diversos conceptos que explican los factores que impulsan a los Estados a implementar dicha estrategia. La segunda parte presenta la experiencia internacional en la que se describen las mejores prácticas. La tercera parte analiza la posibilidad de la aplicación de las compras verdes en el país y, en la cuarta parte, se presentan las conclusiones del artículo

Le droit non-étatique dans les rapports internationaux privés : contribution à l'étude des fonctions du droit international privé / Non-state Norms in Private international relations : contribution to the study of the functions of Private International Law

Heyraud, Yann 09 March 2017 (has links)
La production de règles d'origine non étatique se développe dans les rapports internationaux privés. L'analyse de ces règles dans les activités commerciale et sportive construit progressivement une définition unifiée de la notion de droit non-étatique : ensemble des règles écrites et unilatéralement élaborées par des acteurs privés et/ou publics, ayant vocation à s'appliquer eu égard à l'activité considérée, indépendamment des frontières étatiques. Cette proposition est mise à l'épreuve des diverses interactions entretenues par le droit non-étatique, visant à en expliquer le fonctionnement. L'arbitrage atteste sa réception, la fréquence de son application, voire sa promotion, jusqu'à l'exclusion de législations nationales impératives. L'ordre juridique français, par principe, refuse la réception de ce droit, hormis action exceptionnelle des juges, du législateur ou d'organes auxquels il est reconnu compétence. À un niveau supra-étatique, la Cour de justice contrôle directement les règles non-étatiques susceptibles d'entraver les libertés garanties par l'Union européenne, dont la libre circulation des travailleurs. La Cour européenne des droits de l'homme a la possibilité de contrôler indirectement les règles non-étatiques transposées par des États, en raison d'atteintes potentielles aux libertés individuelles, dans le cadre de la lutte contre le dopage par exemple. Le droit international privé, par ailleurs, contribue à rendre compte de l'application du droit non-étatique, en renforce l'efficacité, et participe, potentiellement et à titre prospectif, de la résolution de conflits de normes produits par des règles non-étatiques. / The production of non-state norms is growing in private international relations. The analysis of these norms in commercial and sporting activities is progressively building a unified definition of the notion of non-state norms: set of rules written and unilaterally drawn up by private and/or public actors, has intended to be applied with regard to the activity concerned, regardless of State borders. This proposal is put to the test of the various interactions maintained by non-state norms, in order to explain how these norms work. Arbitration attests to its receipt, the frequency of its application and even its promotion, up to the exclusion of imperative national rules. The French legal system, as a matter of principle, refuses to accept these non-state norms. Exceptionally, this principle is contradicted by the action of judges, legislators or bodies whose competence is recognized by the French legal system. At a -supra-state level, the Court of Justice directly controls non-state norms which may hamper the freedoms guaranteed by the European Union, including the free movement of workers. The European Court of Human Rights has the possibility of indirectly controlling non-state norms transposed by States, due to potential breach of individual freedoms, for example in the fight against doping. Moreover, Private International Law helps to explain the application of non-state norms, enhances their efficiency, and potentially and prospectively participates in the resolution of conflicts of norms produced by non­state norms.

“Ni får sluta att bråka och slåss framför era barn, då det är ett brott” : Socialsekreterares arbete i relation till den nya lagen om barnfridsbrott / "You must stop arguing and fighting in front of your children, it is a crime" : Social work in relation to the new Swedish law of crimes against children

Äleklint, Hanna, Vo, Maikhanh January 2023 (has links)
År 2021 trädde en ny lag om barnfridsbrott i kraft, vilket innebär att det är straffbart att barn bevittnar brott i nära relationer. Studiens syfte var att undersöka socialsekreterares upplevelser och erfarenheter av hur barnfridsbrottslagen påverkat det praktiska arbetet med barn som har bevittnat våld i nära relationer. För att uppnå syftet valdes en kvalitativ ansats och sju semistrukturerade intervjuer med socialsekreterare genomfördes. Empirin analyserades med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Som teoretisk utgångspunkt för analysen valdes organisationsteori ur ett Human Resource-perspektiv samt begreppen “barnperspektivet” och “barnets bästa”. Resultatet tolkades även mot bakgrund av tidigare forskning om barnfridsbrottslagen och socialtjänstens praktiska arbete med barn som upplevt våld. Resultatet visade att ett fåtal av socialsekreterarna upplevde sig ha tillräckligt med kunskap om lagstiftningen och majoriteten önskade mer kunskap. De mest påtagliga förändringarna i arbetet efter införandet av lagen var att socialsekreterare bör överväga om polisanmälan ska göras, det blir tydligare i kommunikation med föräldrar att det är brottsligt för barn att bevittna våld samt att lagen möjliggör att kunna bryta det våldsamma mönstret. De mest framträdande utmaningarna var att det krävs ett grundbrott, att det är svårt att närma sig våldsproblematiken med både föräldrar och barn samt att polisförhör tenderar att dröja. Förbättringsmöjligheter som socialsekreterare önskade var tydligare beskrivningar på; centrala begrepp och ansvarsfördelningar mellan olika professioner. Slutsatsen var att socialsekreterare är i behov av mer stöd och resurser för att kunna arbeta med barnfridsbrottslagen på bästa sätt och för att de ska kunna ha en samsyn kring arbetet. / In Sweden, since 2021, it is illegal to let children witness domestic violence. In this qualitative study, we investigate social workers’ experiences regarding the question of how the respective law affects their work with children and adolescents. We conducted seven semi-structured interviews with social workers. The data was analyzed through a qualitative content analysis. The theoretical starting point of the analysis was organization theory from a Human Resource-perspective and the concepts “child perspective” and “best interest of the child”. We also refer to previous research on the new law and the practical work of the social services. The results of the study show that a few social workers feel that they have enough knowledge of the legislation and the majority wish for more knowledge. The most obvious change is that social workers need to consider filing a police report, that it can be clearly communicated that it is criminalized to let children witness domestic violence and a possibility to break the violent pattern. Challenges with the law was that a fundamental crime is required, to approach the problem of violence with parents and children and that police interrogation tends to be delayed. Suggestions for improvements are clearer descriptions of central concepts and distribution of responsibilities between different professions. The conclusion was that social workers need additional support and resources to be able to work with the new law in the best way to be able to have a consensus regarding the work.

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