Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nonequivalence"" "subject:"nonequivalency""
731 |
Eigenvalues of Matrices and GraphsThüne, Mario 27 February 2013 (has links)
The interplay between spectrum and structure of graphs is the recurring theme of the three more or less independent chapters of this thesis.
The first chapter provides a method to relate the eigensolutions of two matrices, one being the principal submatrix of the other, via an arbitrary annihilating polynomial. This is extended to lambda-matrices and to matrices the entries of which are rational functions in one variable. The extension may be interpreted as a possible generalization of other known techniques which aim at reducing the size of a matrix while preserving the spectral information. Several aspects of an application in order to reduce the computational costs of ordinary eigenvalue problems are discussed.
The second chapter considers the straightforward extension of the well known concept of equitable partitions to weighted graphs, i.e. complex matrices. It provides a method to divide the eigenproblem into smaller parts corresponding to the front divisor and its complementary factor in an easy and stable way with complexity which is only quadratic in matrix size. The exploitation of several equitable partitions ordered by refinement is discussed and a suggestion is made that preserves hermiticity if present. Some generalizations of equitable partitions are considered and a basic procedure for finding an equitable partition of complex matrices is given.
The third chapter deals with isospectral and unitary equivalent graphs. It introduces a construction for unitary equivalent graphs which contains the well known GM-switching as a special case. It also considers an algebra of graph matrices generated by the adjacency matrix that corresponds to the 1-dimensional Weisfeiler-Lehman stabilizer in a way that mimics the correspondence of the coherent closure and the 2-dimensional Weisfeiler-Lehman stabilizer. The algebra contains the degree matrix, the (combinatorial, signless and normalized) Laplacian and the Seidel matrix. An easy construction produces graph pairs that are simultaneously unitary equivalent w.r.t. that algebra.
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Équivalence, style et insertions incidentes : Traduction des phrases longues d’un livre d’histoire politique / Equivalence, Style and Insertions : Translation of Long Sentences in a Book of Political HistoryToräng, Hans Patrik January 2021 (has links)
This essay is an investigation of a translation from French into Swedish of inserted syntagms in sentences occurring in seven extracts chosen from a book in political history: Requiem pour un empire défunt - Histoire de la destruction de l'Autriche-Hongrie by François Fejtö. The extracts belong to different genres: a narrative essay describing Europe before the first World war, treaties, political speeches etc. In French inserted items are often isolated by punctuation marks as commas, semicolons, colons and dashes. The essay examines how different styles have an effect on the translation of these items. A presentation of the theory - styles issues, definitions of terms as "equivalence" and "inserted items" ... - is followed by analyses of the extracts. It is concluded that the inserted items occur more frequently in the French original than in the translated text. Especially in speeches, descriptive and legal texts, the use of such elements in long sentences is a part of the style. In descriptive and legal sequences the long units and the inserted elements are often maintained in the target text for stylistic reasons. Otherwise, the equivalence of style is mostly assured by the choice of vocabulary, notably when an idiomatic translation requires a reconstruction of the sentence. Another observation is that the comma is frequently used as a cursor of inserted elements in the source text, Sometimes the omission of the comma is compensated by a longer expression in the translation in order to highlight the item.
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Probably certain : Translating hedges in academic research articles from Swedish to EnglishSeydel, Bianca January 2020 (has links)
While it certainly can be argued that translation is a quite demanding discipline in general, some areas within this field are, naturally, more challenging than others. One of these is hedging, which serves a broad variety of purposes both with regard to the author and to the intended readership, and hence must be translated accordingly. This paper investigates hedges in scientific research articles, the types and frequency of hedges in the analysed Swedish sourcetext (ST) compared to the English target text (TT), and the methods used for translating these hedges and their distribution by means of a short study conducted on two Swedish runology articles. The study’s quantitative analysis shows that the Swedish ST has a clear preference for adverbial hedges, and to an extent, also for modal verb hedges, whereas the English TT – while yielding an even higher preference for adverbials and also for lexical verbs – uses modal verbs much less frequently. It becomes evident that adverbials may feature so strongly in translations because they are easier to recall and to use than more complex structures, especially for L2 speakers. This practice does, however, result in a somewhat less flexible translation. The by far most frequently used translation strategy is faithful translation, particularly for content-oriented hedges. However, a fair number of adaptations (both in modal strength and word class change) and omissions – mostly of modal verbs – as well as numerous additions occurred, initiated by influential factors such as cultural differences regarding natural sounding text, L2 speaker perception of equivalence and/or lack of suitable linguistic equivalents. Thereby, the English translation showed a tendency toward adapting weaker modals compared to their Swedish ST equivalents, confirming the greater reader-orientation of English research articles.
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Condensation de Bose-Einstein tout-optique en microgravité pour l'interférométrie atomique / All-optical Bose-Einstein condensation in microgravity for atom interferometryRabault, Martin 17 October 2019 (has links)
L’expérience I.C.E a pour objectif de tester le principe d’équivalence faible (WEP) à la base de la théorie de la relativité générale d’Einstein et postulant l’équivalence entre masse inertielle et masse grave. Si ce principe a toujours été vérifié jusqu’à aujourd’hui, il est d’un intérêt fondamental pour la physique moderne de poursuivre les mesures avec une précision accrue. En effet, de nouvelles théories d’unification de la mécanique quantique et de la relativité générale prévoient une violation de ce principe. Pour réaliser un test du WEP, il suffit de comparer les accélérations de deux objets en chute libre dans un même champ de gravitation, et c’est ce que réalise l’expérience I.C.E à l’échelle quantique (à la différence de la mission spatiale Microscope qui à ce jour a pu vérifier le WEP avec des objets macroscopiques avec une sensibilité sur le paramètre de 2.10−14). Ainsi, l’expérience consiste à réaliser, par une méthode interférométrique, la mesure de l’accélération de deux espèces atomiques (87Rb et 39K) de masses et de compositions différentes, en chute libre dans une enceinte à vide. La sensibilité de la mesure des effets inertiels auxquels les atomes sont sensibles (accélérations et rotations) est d’autant plus grande que la durée de chute libre des atomes est élevée et que la température des nuages est faible. Or, sur Terre au laboratoire, les atomes finissent par tomber au fond de l’enceinte les contenant sous l’effet de la gravité, ce qui limite grandement la sensibilité de la mesure. C’est pourquoi il est intéressant de placer l’expérience dans un environnement de micropesanteur dans lequel les atomes restent au centre de la chambre à vide afin d’atteindre des temps d’interrogation beaucoup plus longs. A ce titre, l’expérience est embarquée jusqu’à plusieurs fois par an, à bord de l’avion Zéro-g de la société Novespace. Les durées de micropesanteur proposées permettent d’atteindre des temps d’interrogation théoriques de l’ordre de la seconde ce qui doit porter le niveau de sensibilité à 10−11. Cependant, nous sommes aujourd’hui très fortement limités par le niveau élevé de vibrations et de rotations de l’avion : la perte de contraste des franges d’interférence engendrée ainsi que le bruit de phase introduit, ne nous permettent pas de dépasser des temps d’interrogation de 5 ms en 0 g. En parallèle, le laboratoire s’est récemment doté d’un simulateur de microgravité sur lequel est montée l’expérience, donnant accès à des temps d’interrogation de plus de 200 ms avec des trajectoires paraboliques d’une très bonne répétabilité (de l’ordre de 3 mg). La cohérence d’une source atomique étant directement reliée à sa température, l’utilisation de nuages ultra-froids est d’un grand intérêt pour améliorer le contraste des franges d’interférence, d’autant plus pour les longs temps d’interrogation visés. Le présent manuscrit synthétise les travaux ayant permis de produire le tout premier condensat de Bose-Einstein (la source atomique ultime) de 87Rb en microgravité par une méthode tout optique, et ce, de manière répétable toutes les 13,5 secondes. Nous démontrons l’efficacité de note méthode de chargement du piège dipolaire basée sur l’association d’un refroidissement par mélasse grise et d’une modulation spatiale des faisceaux dipolaires. Ces résultats ouvrent la voie vers de futures mesures interférométriques très sensibles à grand facteur d’échelle. / The I.C.E experiment aims at testing the weak equivalence principle (WEP) underlying Einstein’s theory of general relativity and which postulates the equivalence between inertial mass and gravitationnal mass. If this principle has always been verified until today, it is of fundamental interest for physics to continue the measurements with greater precision. Indeed, new unifying theories of quantum mechanics and general relativity predict a violation of this principle. To carry out a test of the WEP, it suffices to compare the accelerations of two objects in free fall in the same gravitationnal field. This is what the I.C.E experiment, on the quantum scale, achieves (unlike the spatial Microscope mission, which to date has been able to verify the principle of equivalence with macroscopic objects with a sensitivity on of 2.10−14). Thus, the experiment consists in performing, by an interferometric method, the measurement of the acceleration of two atomic species (87Rb and 39K) of different mass and composition in free fall in a vacuum chamber. The measurement sensitivity of the inertial effects to which the atoms are sensitive (accelerations and rotations) is all the greater as the free fall time of the atoms is high and their temperature is low. But on Earth, in the laboratory, the atoms eventually fall to the bottom of the vacuum chamber containing them under the effect of gravity, which greatly limits the measurement sensitivity achievable. This is why it is interesting to place the experiment in a microgravity environment in which the atoms stay in the center of the vacuum chamber in order to reach much longer interrogation times. As such, several times a year, the experiment is put aboard the aircraft Zero-g of the Novespace company. The available microgravity durations make it possible to reach theoretical interrogation times of the order of one second, which should raise the sensitivity level to 10−11. However, we are today very strongly limited by the high level of vibrations of the aircraft as well as its rotations : the loss of contrast of the interference fringes and the phase noise caused, do not allow us to exceed 5 ms of interrogation times in 0 g. Since the coherence of an atomic source is directly related to its temperature, the use of ultra-cold clouds is of great interest to improve the contrast of the interference fringes, especially for the long interrogation times targeted. In parallel, the laboratory is now equipped with a microgravity simulator on which is mounted the experiment, giving access to interrogation times of more than 250 ms with parabolic trajectories of a very good repeatability (of the order of 3 mg). This manuscript synthesizes the work that produced the very first 87Rb Bose-Einstein condensate in microgravity by all-optical methods, with a repetition rate of 13,5 seconds. We demonstrate the efficiency of our dipole trap loading method based on the association of a grey molasses cooling and a spatial modulation of the dipole beams. These results pave the way for future highly sensitive interferometric measurements with a large scale factor.
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Gasification of Pine Wood Chips with Air-Steam in Fluidized Bed / Gasification of Pine Wood Chips with Air-Steam in Fluidized BedSalami, Najdat January 2015 (has links)
Tato práce studovala vliv použití vzduchu a páry jako zplynovacího činidla ve zkapalňovacím generátoru plynu na vlastnosti vyprodukovaného plynu (oxid uhelnatý, vodík, obsah dehtu a nízká výhřevnost). Tato studie byla založena na experimentech které byly provedeny ve fluidním generátoru plynu Biofluid 100 v laboratoři Energetického ústavu technologické univerzity Brno s použitím páry jako zplynovacího činidla a borovicového dřeva jako výchozí suroviny. Cílem této dizertační práce je stanovit nejlepší provozní parametry systému při užití vodní páry a vzduchu ve zplynovacím zařízení biofluid 100, při kterých se dosáhne nejvyšší kvality plynu. K dosažení tohoto cíle bylo provedeno mnoho experimentů studujících účinky teploty reaktoru(T101), poměru páry a biomasy (S/B) poměru páry a vzduchu (S/A), teploty dodávané páry (Tf1), ekvivalentního poměru ER,ve složení vyprodukovaném plynu, výhřevnost, výtěžnost plynu, efektivnost přeměny uhlíku a účinnost zplynovače. Výsledky experimentů ukázaly, že zvýšení teploty reaktoru vede ke zvýšení obsahu vodíku a oxidu uhelnatého, výhřevnosti, výtěžnosti plynu, efektivnosti přeměny uhlíku, efektivnosti zplynovače a ke snížení obsahu dehtu. Příliš vysoká teplota reaktoru ale snižuje výhřevnost plynu. Dodáváním páry se zvýšila kvalita plynu, vyšší H_2,LHV a nižší obsah dehtu. Přesto ale nadměrné množství páry snižuje zplyňovací teplotu a tím i kvalitu plynu. Poměr páry a biomasy při kterém se dosáhne nejlepší kvality plynu se zvýší s teplotou reaktoru. Bylo zjištěno, že kdykoli byla teplota páry (Tf1) vyšší, byl plyn více kvalitní, ale zvyšování teploty páry také zvyšuje ekonomické náklady na vyprodukovaný plyn což se při masové produkci plynu musí brát v úvahu. Efekt ekvivalentního poměru ER, byl studován postupným zvyšováním, bylo zjištěno, že nejlepší ekvivalentní poměr pro dosažení nejvyšší kvality plynu byl kolem 0.29, při ER > 0.29 byl obsah hořlavého plynu snížen a to vedlo ke snížení kvality plynu. Obsah dehtu se snižuje jak zvýšením teploty reaktoru tak poměrem páry k biomase. Podle výsledků experimentů a diskuze, bylo zjištěno, že při použití směsi páry a vzduchu se kvalita plynu zvýší, parametry pro dosažení nejvyšší kvality vyprodukovaného plynu při experimentálních podmínkách jsou: T101 =829 S/B=0.67((kg steam)/(kg biomass)) ,S/A=0.67((kg steam)/(kg air)) , ER= 0.29 and a Tf1 je nejvyšší možná teplota,při které se vodík zvýší z 10.48 na 19,68% a výhřevnost z 3.99 na 5.52(MJ/m^3 ) a obsah dehtu z 1964(mg/m^3 ) na 1046(mg/m^3 ) zvýšením z 0 na 0.67 při T101=829 .
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The Vernacular as Sacred Language? A Study of the Principles of Translation of Liturgical TextsHess, Andrew J. 15 February 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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On the Computation of Strategically Equivalent GamesHeyman, Joseph Lee 30 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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L’authenticité dans le droit de la preuve civile québécoisAmabili-Rivet, Raphaël 02 1900 (has links)
L’authenticité est une notion courante, qui est abondamment utilisée dans notre quotidien; qu’il s’agisse de qualifier un geste, une parole ou une personne. L’authenticité se révèle aussi être une notion fondamentale, voire omniprésente, au sein du droit de la preuve civile québécois. Il s’agit en effet d’un élément pivot, qui apparaît autant au moment d’apprécier la recevabilité de la preuve que d’en évaluer la force probante. Le législateur n’a pourtant jamais réellement tenté d’en tracer les contours ni même d’en proposer une définition. Il ne réfère généralement qu’aux effets de l’authenticité, sans toutefois se pencher sur la conceptualisation même de cette notion. Les conséquences en sont pour le moins consternantes : on ne sait pas tout à fait ce qu’est l’authenticité, mais on sait ce que ce n’est pas. C’est donc dans ce contexte que s’inscrit le présent mémoire.
Il vise d’abord à déterminer ce en quoi constitue l’authenticité en droit québécois, sur le plan conceptuel. Pour ce faire, un aperçu des traditions juridiques qui ont exercé une influence marquée sur le régime juridique québécois sera réalisé, en insistant particulièrement sur les principes de la tradition civiliste européenne continentale. L’idée de cette approche historique consiste à déterrer les fondements mêmes de l’authenticité en droit québécois, telle que se concevait cette notion avant la révolution technologique. Une fois ses pourtours bien établis, le présent mémoire se penchera ensuite sur les conséquences qu’a entrainées, sur l’authenticité, la réaction législative québécoise concomitante à la révolution technologique. Sans revisiter en profondeur la notion, nous verrons que le législateur a pris une approche de décomposition fonctionnelle, qui permet de mieux en apprécier les fondements. Cette approche nous permettra, par ailleurs, de confirmer que l’authenticité est une notion polymorphe, qui demeure systématiquement associée à la qualité de la preuve, en tout ou en partie. Des effets sur le plan probatoire peuvent découler de cette qualité, mais seulement en certaines circonstances. / Authenticity is a common notion that is used extensively in our daily lives, whether it is to qualify an act, a word, or a person. Authenticity is also a fundamental, even omnipresent, notion in Quebec law of evidence. It is a pivotal element, which appears as much when assessing the admissibility of evidence as when evaluating its probative value. However, the legislator has never really attempted to define it. He generally refers only to the effects of authenticity, without addressing the conceptualization of this notion. The consequences are, to say the least, dismaying: we don't quite know what authenticity is, but we know what it is not. It is therefore in this context that the present thesis takes place.
It aims first to determine what constitutes authenticity in Quebec law, from a conceptual standpoint. To do so, an overview of the legal traditions that have had a marked influence on the Quebec legal system will be provided, with particular emphasis on the principles of the continental European civil law tradition. The idea of this historical approach is to unearth the very foundations of authenticity in Quebec law, as this concept existed before the technological revolution. This paper will then examine the consequences of the legislative reaction to the technological revolution on authenticity. Without revisiting the notion in depth, we will see that the legislator has taken a functional decomposition approach to authenticity, which allows us to better appreciate its foundations. Moreover, this approach will allow us to confirm that authenticity is a notion which, although polymorphic, remains systematically associated with the quality of the evidence. Probative effects could emerge from this quality, but only in certain circumstances.
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Japanese Translation of Technical Terms in DebianGustafsson, Andreas January 2022 (has links)
The notion that consistency is important when translating technical terms is nothing new in itself. Despite this, it is not uncommon to see the very same technical terms being translated into a multitude of words, even when various efforts to unify the process have been proposed. This diversity in the translation of technical terms has previously been shown to occur in the medical field by analyzing equipment manuals. However, there is a lack of research on how technical term translation fares in other fields. To narrow this identified gap, quantitative overviews of the translations from the widely respected operating system Debian are presented. The first overview is a list of the 354 most frequently appearing English technical terms. This was created by looking at the existing textual data of the system quantitatively, together with a judgment-based term selection process with the help of domain experts. The second overview is an analysis of how the 10 most frequently used identified technical terms are translated into Japanese. This is done by Catford’s probabilistic notion of textual equivalence, which shows the different translation alternatives found in the data and the probability of their appearance. The results of this study indicate that there is a varying degree of unification within the translation of technical terms. The synthesized data of the study can be used by the translation community to deepen educated decisions on the translation of technical terms within the field of information technology.
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Relative Bio-Equivalence of Salbutamol MDIs Without and With the Attached Spacers. Development and validation of novel HPLC methods for the determination of salbutamol (and terbutaline) in urine excreted post-inhalation for bioequivalence and pharmacokinetic studies of Salbutamol MDIsMazhar, Syed H.R. January 2018 (has links)
This research explored in-vitro and in-vivo performance of three salbutamol metered dose inhalers (MDIs): Ventolin Evohaler (Evo), Airomir (Airo) and Salamol. In the in-vitro studies, critical quality attributes of the MDI using an Andersen cascade impactor (ACI) were examined and included measurement of fine particle dose (FPD) and total delivered dose (TDD). Bioequivalence studies were conducted in humans using the urinary pharmacokinetic method. Post-inhalation urinary excretion of salbutamol in the first 0.5 hour (lung deposition, USAL0.5) and over 24 hours (total systemic bioavailability, USAL24) were compared to determine the bioequivalence of the MDIs. The spacers recommended for use with these inhalers were also studied, and charcoal block studies were performed to assess the extent of USAL0.5.
The three MDIs had FPD (μg) of 78, 91 and 89, respectively; the latter pair was equivalent. Their USAL0.5 (6, 7 & 7 μg) was however not bioequivalent. These MDIs delivered equivalent dose (177, 174 & 180 μg) which reflected on their USAL24 (101, 84 & 97 μg). Nevertheless, USAL24 was inequivalent between Evo and Airo.
The FPD of Evo with Volumatic (VOL), AeroChamber Plus (AERO) and Able spacer was 78, 68 and 74 μg, respectively. The AERO treatment method was not equivalent to the MDI while VOL and Able were equivalent between them. Spacer USAL0.5 (16, 15 & 14 μg) was not bioequivalent to the MDI but to each other. The spacer in-vitro TDD (95, 85 & 92 μg) was inequivalent to the MDI treatment method. In contrast, their USAL24 was bioequivalent (97, 85 & 90 μg).
The FPD of Airomir with AERO (95 μg) was in-vitro equivalent while USAL0.5 (15 μg) of this treatment method was bio-inequivalent to the MDI alone. On the contrary, the TDD (110 μg) and USAL24 (84 μg) of AERO were respectively in-vitro inequivalent and bioequivalent to the MDI alone.
The FPD (μg) of Salamol MDI alone and with VOL (84) and AERO (86) as well as between the spacers was equivalent. However, the USAL0.5 of the MDI was not bioequivalent to spacers (20 and 18 μg) despite being equivalent between the spacers. In contrast, the respective TDD (103 and 95 μg) of spacer treatment methods were in-vitro inequivalent to the MDI alone albeit having bioequivalent USAL24 (86 and 87 μg).
The variations in the in-vitro performance of the three MDIs are most likely due to differences in their formulations and designs. As the performance metrics of the MDI influence lung deposition, substituting one MDI with another can have clinical implications.
Although the spacers reduced in-vitro TDD of the MDI to about half, their use increased lung deposition by over two folds, the magnitude of which varied with the MDI and spacer type. Despite significant decrease in dose delivery, the total systemic bioavailability with the spacers was similar to that with the MDI alone. This systemic bioequivalence is more likely due to greater USAL0.5 with the spacers. The results of the charcoal block studies reinforced this outcome.
The present study is unique as it used a clinically relevant salbutamol MDI dose (two puffs), assessed results for equivalence and analysed ACI deposition data further as stage groups. The deposition on adjacent ACI stages were grouped together as coarse, fine and extra-fine particle masses to identify their more likely deposition sites in the human respiratory tract. Moreover, this thesis describes highly sensitive and novel HPLC and SPE methods, developed and validated to quantify salbutamol in urinary and aqueous matrices.
As the clinical effects of MDIs are related to their lung deposition, the current work emphasizes the importance of spacer use. Nevertheless, differences in dose delivery between spacers may have clinical consequences. Hence, only the specific spacer recommended for use with the MDI should be used. / World Federation, Stanmore, London and Sadaat Welfare Foundation, Bradford, West Yorkshire
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