Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nonequivalence"" "subject:"nonequivalency""
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Berechnung singulärer Punkte nichtlinearer GleichungssystemeSchnabel, Uwe 27 October 2000 (has links)
Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Berechnung singulärer Punkte nichtlinearer Gleichungssysteme F(x)=0. Dazu werden minimal erweiterte Systeme der Form F(x)+D*s=0, f(x)=0 betrachtet. Die allgemeine Vorgehensweise zur Berechnung singulärer Punkte mit solchen erweiterten Systemen wird geschlossen dargestellt. Dazu werden zuerst die (teilweise verallgemeinerten Ljapunov-Schmidt-)reduzierten Funktionen von Golubitsky und Schaeffer, Beyn, Jepson und Spence, Griewank und Reddien, Kunkel bzw. Govaerts verallgemeinert und zusammengefasst. Es wird die verallgemeinerte Kontaktäquivalenz all dieser verallgemeinerten reduzierten Funktionen und die Gleichheit der benötigten Regularitätsannahmen bewiesen. Für eine weitere, neu eingeführte reduzierte Funktion wird die in dieser Arbeit definierte Ableitungsäquivalenz zu den anderen reduzierten Funktionen gezeigt. Mit dieser neuen reduzierten Funktion wird eine Reihe singulärer Punkte klassifiziert. Aus dieser Klassifikation ergeben sich Funktionen f aus Ableitungen der neuen reduzierten Funktion. Mit den so eingeführten Funktionen f kann das zweistufiges Newtonverfahren nach Pönisch und Schwetlick effektiv angewendet werden. Alle benötigten Ableitungen werden mittels Automatischer Differentiation bestimmt. Die numerischen Ergebnisse für eine Reihe von Beispielen zeigen die Effizienz dieses Verfahrens. Beim Newtonverfahren werden lineare Gleichungssysteme mit geränderten Matrizen B gelöst. Es wird gezeigt, für welche Ränderungen die Konditionszahl von B minimal ist. Dies ist z.B. für gewisse Vielfache der Singulärvektoren zu den kleinsten Singulärwerten der Fall. Zur Bestimmung dieser Ränderungen wird die inverse Teilraumiteration für Singulärwerte in verschiedenen Algorithmen angewendet. Die Konvergenzeigenschaften werden untersucht. Für einen Algorithmus wird bewiesen, dass die Konditionszahlen der iterierten geränderten Matrizen monoton fallen. Die numerischen Experimente bestätigen diese Eigenschaften.
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Stilistiska normer i översatt sakprosa : En kvalitativ undersökning med fokus på preferensmönster hos en målgrupp med italienska som förstaspråk / Stylistic norms in non-fiction translated texts : quality study with focus on preference pattern in a group of people with Italian as their first languagePaparella, Karin January 2020 (has links)
I denna kandidatuppsats undersöks uppfattningen av översatta texter hos en grupp med italienska som förstaspråk i syfte att redovisa om ett preferensmönster finns gällande tilltal, idiomatiska uttryck, meningsbyggnad och meningslängd. Texter som är undersökningens material i denna studie översätts enligt Nidas principer om formell och dynamisk ekvivalens och definieras enligt Tourys teorier. Undersökningen genomförs genom ett antal öppna frågor som ställs till respondenterna under semistrukturerade intervjuer. Slutsatserna dras från diskussionen av respondenternas svar kopplad till teorin samt redovisning av resultat för preferensmönstret. Studien visar att kontext, forum och målgruppen är avgörande för valet av översättningsstrategin.Förslag på vidare forskning ges i det slutliga kapitlet med formulering av hypotes gällande behovet att bestämma översättningsstrategi och tillämpning av normer enligt texttyp och målgrupp. / This bachelor’s thesis is a study of perception of translated texts in a group of people with Italian as their first language. The aim of this work is to investigate whether a pattern in the preference of form of address, idiomatic expressions and syntax can be identified. The texts that are used in this study are translated according to Nida’s principles of formal and dynamic equivalence and are defined according to Toury’s theories.The study is conducted thanks to a set of open questions asked to the responders in semi-structured interviews. The conclusions are derived from the analysis of the responders’ answers in relation to the theories mentioned and the pattern of preferences revealed. The study shows that context, forum and target group are crucial for the choice of which translation strategy it will be used,Finally, we outline a proposal for further research to test the hypothesis that translation strategies and application of norms should be chosen according to the type of text and the target group.Nyckelord
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Matrix decompositions and algorithmic applications to (hyper)graphs / Décomposition de matrices et applications algorithmiques aux (hyper)graphesBergougnoux, Benjamin 13 February 2019 (has links)
Durant ces dernières décennies, d'importants efforts et beaucoup de café ont été dépensés en vue de caractériser les instances faciles des problèmes NP-difficiles. Dans ce domaine de recherche, une approche s'avère être redoutablement efficace : la théorie de la complexité paramétrée introduite par Downey et Fellows dans les années 90.Dans cette théorie, la complexité d'un problème n'est plus mesurée uniquement en fonction de la taille de l'instance, mais aussi en fonction d'un paramètre .Dans cette boite à outils, la largeur arborescente est sans nul doute un des paramètres de graphe les plus étudiés.Ce paramètre mesure à quel point un graphe est proche de la structure topologique d'un arbre.La largeur arborescente a de nombreuses propriétés algorithmiques et structurelles.Néanmoins, malgré l'immense intérêt suscité par la largeur arborescente, seules les classes de graphes peu denses peuvent avoir une largeur arborescente bornée.Mais, de nombreux problèmes NP-difficiles s'avèrent faciles dans des classes de graphes denses.La plupart du temps, cela peut s'expliquer par l'aptitude de ces graphes à se décomposer récursivement en bipartitions de sommets $(A,B)$ où le voisinage entre $A$ et $B$ possède une structure simple.De nombreux paramètres -- appelés largeurs -- ont été introduits pour caractériser cette aptitude, les plus remarquables sont certainement la largeur de clique , la largeur de rang , la largeur booléenne et la largeur de couplage induit .Dans cette thèse, nous étudions les propriétés algorithmiques de ces largeurs.Nous proposons une méthode qui généralise et simplifie les outils développés pour la largeur arborescente et les problèmes admettant une contrainte d'acyclicité ou de connexité tel que Couverture Connexe , Dominant Connexe , Coupe Cycle , etc.Pour tous ces problèmes, nous obtenons des algorithmes s'exécutant en temps $2^{O(k)}\cdot n^{O(1)}$, $2^{O(k \log(k))}\cdot n^{O(1)}$, $2^{O(k^2)}\cdot n^{O(1)}$ et $n^{O(k)}$ avec $k$ étant, respectivement, la largeur de clique, la largeur de Q-rang, la larguer de rang et la largueur de couplage induit.On prouve aussi qu'il existe un algorithme pour Cycle Hamiltonien s'exécutant en temps $n^{O(k)}$ quand une décomposition de largeur de clique $k$ est donné en entrée.Finalement, nous prouvons qu'on peut compter en temps polynomial le nombre de transversaux minimaux d'hypergraphes $\beta$-acyclique ainsi que le nombre de dominants minimaux de graphes fortement triangulés.Tous ces résultats offrent des pistes prometteuses en vue d'une généralisation des largeurs et de leurs applications algorithmiques. / In the last decades, considerable efforts have been spent to characterize what makes NP-hard problems tractable. A successful approach in this line of research is the theory of parameterized complexity introduced by Downey and Fellows in the nineties.In this framework, the complexity of a problem is not measured only in terms of the input size, but also in terms of a parameter on the input.One of the most well-studied parameters is tree-width, a graph parameter which measures how close a graph is to the topological structure of a tree.It appears that tree-width has numerous structural properties and algorithmic applications.However, only sparse graph classes can have bounded tree-width.But, many NP-hard problems are tractable on dense graph classes.Most of the time, this tractability can be explained by the ability of these graphs to be recursively decomposable along vertex bipartitions $(A,B)$ where the adjacency between $A$ and $B$ is simple to describe.A lot of graph parameters -- called width measures -- have been defined to characterize this ability, the most remarkable ones are certainly clique-width, rank-width, and mim-width.In this thesis, we study the algorithmic properties of these width measures.We provide a framework that generalizes and simplifies the tools developed for tree-width and for problems with a constraint of acyclicity or connectivity such as Connected Vertex Cover, Connected Dominating Set, Feedback Vertex Set, etc.For all these problems, we obtain $2^{O(k)}\cdot n^{O(1)}$, $2^{O(k \log(k))}\cdot n^{O(1)}$, $2^{O(k^2)}\cdot n^{O(1)}$ and $n^{O(k)}$ time algorithms parameterized respectively by clique-width, Q-rank-width, rank-width and mim-width.We also prove that there exists an algorithm solving Hamiltonian Cycle in time $n^{O(k)}$, when a clique-width decomposition of width $k$ is given.Finally, we prove that we can count in polynomial time the minimal transversals of $\beta$-acyclic hypergraphs and the minimal dominating sets of strongly chordal graphs.All these results offer promising perspectives towards a generalization of width measures and their algorithmic applications.
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Strengths use and deficit improvement at work : a South African validation study / Crizelle ElsEls, Crizelle January 2015 (has links)
The emergence of the positive psychology movement has brought the attention to individuals’
strengths and their deficits. Specifically of interest within an organisational context is the extent
to which employees’ strengths are used and their deficits are improved. Specifically,
organisations may provide their support for employees’ strengths use and deficit improvement,
and individuals themselves can also proactively seek opportunities to use their strengths and
improve their deficits. However, little attention has been paid to strengths use and deficit
improvement in empirical research. One reason for this may be a lack of a clear
conceptualisation of organisational support for strengths use and deficit improvement and
individuals’ proactive strengths use and deficit improvement. Furthermore, this lacking
conceptualisation hinders research to empirically measure these constructs, since no measuring
instrument exists to measure strengths use and deficit improvement by the organisation and the
individual. In addition, no empirical research has been conducted to determine whether strengths
use or deficit improvement, or possibly a combined approach focusing on both, may be more
beneficial for the organisation in terms of work-related outcomes such as work engagement,
learning, job satisfaction and turnover intention. Moreover, the relationship between work
engagement (a well-established positive psychology construct) with organisational support for
strengths use and deficit improvement and specifically individuals’ proactive strengths use and
deficit improvement is unexplored.
In light of the above gaps in the literature, the primary objectives of this study were: (a) To
conceptualise a taxonomy of strengths use and deficit improvement and to develop and validate
the Strengths Use and Deficit Improvement Questionnaire (SUDIQ) that measures four
constructs, namely perceived organisational support for strengths use (POSSU), perceived
organisational support for deficit improvement (POSDI), proactive behaviour towards strengths
use (PBSU) and proactive behaviour towards deficit improvement (PBDI); (b) to examine the
item bias, structural equivalence, measurement unit equivalence and scalar equivalence of the
SUDIQ among South African ethnic groups; (c) to examine whether POSSU, POSDI or a
combination of these two will lead to the best organisational outcomes (i.e. work engagement,
learning, job satisfaction and turnover intention); and (d) to determine whether (1) work
engagement mediates the relationship between POSSU and PBSU and between POSDI and
PBDI, or (2) whether proactive behaviour (PBSU and PBDI) mediates the relationship between
POSSU and POSDI with work engagement.
The above research objectives were addressed in four empirical, quantitative research articles.
For the purpose of research article 1, the Strengths Use and Deficit Improvement Scale (SUDIQ)
was developed by following the guidelines of DeVellis (2003). A pilot study was conducted
among a heterogeneous sample (N = 241). The validation study was conducted among a
heterogeneous sample (N = 699) in various industries in South Africa. For research article 2, the
item bias, construct equivalence, measurement unit equivalence and scalar equivalence of the
SUDIQ were assessed among a heterogeneous sample (N = 858) in various South African
industries. For the purpose of article 3, the relationships between POSSU, POSDI and a
combined approach with the outcomes, work engagement, learning, job satisfaction and turnover
intention were examined among a sample of 266 public school teachers in the Western Cape.
Finally, to determine the relationships between work engagement and PBSU and PBDI and also
the mediation effect in a structural model, a sample of 378 employees in the financial industry
was investigated.
For the pilot study in article 1, an initial item pool of 33 items was generated. In the exploratory
factor analysis of this pilot study, four distinct factors were extracted and were labelled perceived
organisational support for strengths use (POSSU; eight items), perceived organisational support
for deficit improvement (POSDI; eight items), proactive behaviour towards strengths use
(PBSU; nine items) and proactive behaviour towards deficit improvement (PBDI; eight items).
The factorial validity was confirmed with a confirmatory factor analysis that confirmed the
hypothesised four-factor structure of the SUDIQ. The POSSU and POSDI dimensions were
positively related to autonomy and participation in decision-making, two job resources, and
confirming the convergent validity of these two scales. The PBSU and PBDI scales were found
to be positively related to self-efficacy, establishing the convergent validity of these two scales.
The criterion-related validity was established through the positive correlation of the four SUDIQ
dimensions with work engagement and the negative correlation with burnout.
According to the results of the bias and equivalence analysis in article 2, the uniformly biased
items included one POSSU item, two POSDI items, two PBSU items and three PBDI items.
Three POSSU items were found to be non-uniformly biased. These items that were identified as
having either uniform or non-uniform bias for black, white or coloured participants were
discarded from further analyses. The results confirmed the SUDIQ to be equivalent across the
three ethnic groups in terms of construct equivalence, measurement unit equivalence and scalar
The results of research article 3 indicate that both strengths use and deficit improvement are
important predictors of work engagement, learning, job satisfaction and turnover intention.
Learning was higher and turnover intention lower for individuals experiencing a combined
approach compared to those believing that their school does not support them to either use their
strengths or improve their deficits. Furthermore, a combined approach was associated with
higher job satisfaction than a strengths-based approach, and a deficit-based approach was shown
to be associated with higher levels of work engagement and turnover intentions compared to an
environment where neither employees’ strengths nor deficits are addressed.
Finally, in article 4, two competing models were tested where in model 1 work engagement was
specified as a mediator in the relationship between POSSU and PBSU and between POSDI and
PBDI. In model 2, proactive behaviour (PBSU and PBDI) was specified as a mediator in the
relationship between POSSU and POSDI with work engagement. The results indicated that
model 1 fitted the data better compared to model 2. Therefore, it was found that work
engagement mediates the relationship between POSSU and PBSU and also between POSDI and
Recommendations were made for organisations and for future research. / PhD (Industrial Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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Strengths use and deficit improvement at work : a South African validation study / Crizelle ElsEls, Crizelle January 2015 (has links)
The emergence of the positive psychology movement has brought the attention to individuals’
strengths and their deficits. Specifically of interest within an organisational context is the extent
to which employees’ strengths are used and their deficits are improved. Specifically,
organisations may provide their support for employees’ strengths use and deficit improvement,
and individuals themselves can also proactively seek opportunities to use their strengths and
improve their deficits. However, little attention has been paid to strengths use and deficit
improvement in empirical research. One reason for this may be a lack of a clear
conceptualisation of organisational support for strengths use and deficit improvement and
individuals’ proactive strengths use and deficit improvement. Furthermore, this lacking
conceptualisation hinders research to empirically measure these constructs, since no measuring
instrument exists to measure strengths use and deficit improvement by the organisation and the
individual. In addition, no empirical research has been conducted to determine whether strengths
use or deficit improvement, or possibly a combined approach focusing on both, may be more
beneficial for the organisation in terms of work-related outcomes such as work engagement,
learning, job satisfaction and turnover intention. Moreover, the relationship between work
engagement (a well-established positive psychology construct) with organisational support for
strengths use and deficit improvement and specifically individuals’ proactive strengths use and
deficit improvement is unexplored.
In light of the above gaps in the literature, the primary objectives of this study were: (a) To
conceptualise a taxonomy of strengths use and deficit improvement and to develop and validate
the Strengths Use and Deficit Improvement Questionnaire (SUDIQ) that measures four
constructs, namely perceived organisational support for strengths use (POSSU), perceived
organisational support for deficit improvement (POSDI), proactive behaviour towards strengths
use (PBSU) and proactive behaviour towards deficit improvement (PBDI); (b) to examine the
item bias, structural equivalence, measurement unit equivalence and scalar equivalence of the
SUDIQ among South African ethnic groups; (c) to examine whether POSSU, POSDI or a
combination of these two will lead to the best organisational outcomes (i.e. work engagement,
learning, job satisfaction and turnover intention); and (d) to determine whether (1) work
engagement mediates the relationship between POSSU and PBSU and between POSDI and
PBDI, or (2) whether proactive behaviour (PBSU and PBDI) mediates the relationship between
POSSU and POSDI with work engagement.
The above research objectives were addressed in four empirical, quantitative research articles.
For the purpose of research article 1, the Strengths Use and Deficit Improvement Scale (SUDIQ)
was developed by following the guidelines of DeVellis (2003). A pilot study was conducted
among a heterogeneous sample (N = 241). The validation study was conducted among a
heterogeneous sample (N = 699) in various industries in South Africa. For research article 2, the
item bias, construct equivalence, measurement unit equivalence and scalar equivalence of the
SUDIQ were assessed among a heterogeneous sample (N = 858) in various South African
industries. For the purpose of article 3, the relationships between POSSU, POSDI and a
combined approach with the outcomes, work engagement, learning, job satisfaction and turnover
intention were examined among a sample of 266 public school teachers in the Western Cape.
Finally, to determine the relationships between work engagement and PBSU and PBDI and also
the mediation effect in a structural model, a sample of 378 employees in the financial industry
was investigated.
For the pilot study in article 1, an initial item pool of 33 items was generated. In the exploratory
factor analysis of this pilot study, four distinct factors were extracted and were labelled perceived
organisational support for strengths use (POSSU; eight items), perceived organisational support
for deficit improvement (POSDI; eight items), proactive behaviour towards strengths use
(PBSU; nine items) and proactive behaviour towards deficit improvement (PBDI; eight items).
The factorial validity was confirmed with a confirmatory factor analysis that confirmed the
hypothesised four-factor structure of the SUDIQ. The POSSU and POSDI dimensions were
positively related to autonomy and participation in decision-making, two job resources, and
confirming the convergent validity of these two scales. The PBSU and PBDI scales were found
to be positively related to self-efficacy, establishing the convergent validity of these two scales.
The criterion-related validity was established through the positive correlation of the four SUDIQ
dimensions with work engagement and the negative correlation with burnout.
According to the results of the bias and equivalence analysis in article 2, the uniformly biased
items included one POSSU item, two POSDI items, two PBSU items and three PBDI items.
Three POSSU items were found to be non-uniformly biased. These items that were identified as
having either uniform or non-uniform bias for black, white or coloured participants were
discarded from further analyses. The results confirmed the SUDIQ to be equivalent across the
three ethnic groups in terms of construct equivalence, measurement unit equivalence and scalar
The results of research article 3 indicate that both strengths use and deficit improvement are
important predictors of work engagement, learning, job satisfaction and turnover intention.
Learning was higher and turnover intention lower for individuals experiencing a combined
approach compared to those believing that their school does not support them to either use their
strengths or improve their deficits. Furthermore, a combined approach was associated with
higher job satisfaction than a strengths-based approach, and a deficit-based approach was shown
to be associated with higher levels of work engagement and turnover intentions compared to an
environment where neither employees’ strengths nor deficits are addressed.
Finally, in article 4, two competing models were tested where in model 1 work engagement was
specified as a mediator in the relationship between POSSU and PBSU and between POSDI and
PBDI. In model 2, proactive behaviour (PBSU and PBDI) was specified as a mediator in the
relationship between POSSU and POSDI with work engagement. The results indicated that
model 1 fitted the data better compared to model 2. Therefore, it was found that work
engagement mediates the relationship between POSSU and PBSU and also between POSDI and
Recommendations were made for organisations and for future research. / PhD (Industrial Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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A needs analysis of gesture use by children with fetal alcohol syndrome during mathematics instructionMillians, Molly N. 07 1900 (has links)
The effects from prenatal alcohol exposure have been found to cause a range of congenital physical and cognitive abnormalities (Chasnoff, Wells, Telford, Schmidt, & Messer, 2010; Kable & Coles, 2004a). The neurological impairments associated with the effects from prenatal alcohol exposure often cause learning problems, most notably in mathematics (Kable & Coles, 2004a; Howell et al., 2006). Studies have indicated that when provided instructional interventions in mathematics, children affected by prenatal alcohol exposure made gains in learning. However, the studies did not provide specifics as to how children with FAS construct the understanding of a skill or concept (Kable, Coles, & Taddeo, 2007; Coles, Kable, & Taddeo, 2009). This study contributes to the literature by examining how children affected by prenatal alcohol exposure learn the concept of equivalence through their use of gestures in contrast to their learning outcomes. Previous studies have shown that children’s use of gestures while learning mathematics assist with the integration of verbal and visual stimuli, support concept formation, and facilitate flexible encoding of problems (Goldin-Meadow, Cook, & Mitchell, 2009; McNeil & Alibali, 2004). The results from this study indicated that children in the Alcohol Exposed group showed little to no learning after the intervention as compared to a control group matched by age and IQ. The study showed that children affected by prenatal alcohol exposure used fewer conceptual gestures while learning equivalence as compared to a control group. According to the gesture analysis, the children in the Alcohol Exposed group mentally represented the concept of equivalence as a series of isolated steps or procedures. The procedural representation was not transitioned into a flexible conceptual format and applied to solve different problem types accurately (McNeil & Alibali, 2004). Future studies need to investigate whether teaching children affected by prenatal alcohol exposure to gesture during mathematics instruction would be effective to increase concept formation, accurate encoding, and learning mathematics / Inclusive Education / D. Ed. (Inclusive Education)
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Fundamentele andragogiek en die opleiding van onderwysers in 'n kontemporêr-moderne wêreld : 'n kritiese besinningVan Tonder, Christina Helena 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die doel van die studie is om krities te besin oor die noodsaaklikheid van Fundamentele
Andragogiek in die opleiding van onderwysers in 'n kontemporer-moderne wereld, ten
einde aan te toon dat dosente beter toegerus vir hulle begeleidingstaak sal wees indien
hulle oor kennis van Fundamentele Andragogiek beskik.
Die tema word ingelei deur titel- en begripsverheldering, probleemstelling, doelformulering,
metodologiese verantwoording en programaankondiging.
Fundamentele Andragogiek word antropologies-ontologies begrond, enkele grondvorme
van menswees word beskryf en uitgele en aandag word gegee aan die hunkeringe van die
onderwysstudent-in-opleiding as ageinsgebeure.
'n Snel veranderende wereld waarin onderwysersopleiding voltrek word, word ondersoek
om vas te stel in watter mate snelle verandering 'n bedreiging vir die grondvorme van
menswees inhou.
Die opleiding van onderwysers in 'n kontemporer-moderne RSA word ondersoek, om vas
te stel watter eise en verwagtinge die Ministerie van Onderwys en Opleiding het.
'n Terugskou word op die studie gedoen en en enkele toekomstake word ge'identifiseer. / The study aimed at reflecting critically on the need for Fundamental Andragogics in the
training of teachers in a contemporary modern world.
The theme is introduced through clarification of the title and concepts, stating problems,
goal setting, methodological justification and exposition of further programme.
Fundamental Andragogics is anthropologic-ontologically grounded. Some basic forms of
being human are described and attention is given to the yearnings of the teacher trainee.
The rapidly changing world is researched in order to ascertain to what extent rapid change
poses a threat to the basic forms of being human.
The training of teachers in a contemporary modern RSA is researched in order to ascertain
what the demands and expectations of the Ministry of Education and Training are.
The study is viewed in retrospect and some future objectives for teacher training are
identified. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Philosophy of Education)
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A comparative analysis of stylistic devices in Shakespeare’s plays, Julius Caesar and Macbeth andBaloyi, Mafemani Joseph 06 1900 (has links)
The study adopts a theory of Descriptive Translation Studies to undertake a comparative analysis of stylistic devices in Shakespeare’s two plays, Julius Caesar and Macbeth and their Xitsonga translations. It contextualises its research aim and objectives after outlining a sequential account of theory development in the discipline of translation; and arrives at the desired and suitable tools for data collection and analysis.Through textual observation and notes of reading, the current study argues that researchers and scholars in the discipline converge when it comes to a dire need for translation strategies, but diverge in their classification and particular application for convenience in translating and translation. This study maintains that the translation strategies should be grouped into explicitation, normalisation and simplification, where each is assigned specific translation procedures. The study demonstrates that explicitation and normalisation translation strategies are best suited in dealing with translation constraints at a microtextual level.
The sampled excerpts from both plays were examined on the preference for the analytical framework based on subjective sameness within a Skopos theory. The current study acknowledges that there is no single way of translating a play from one culture to the other. It also acknowledges that there appears to be no way the translator can refrain from the influence of the source text, as an inherent cultural feature that makes it unique. With no sure way of managing stylistic devices as translation constraints, translation as a problem-solving process requires creativity, a demonstration of mastery of language and style of the author of the source text, as well as a power drive characterised by the aspects of interlingual psychological balance of power and knowledge power. These aspects will help the translator to manage whatever translation brief(s) better, and arrive at a product that is accessible, accurate and acceptable to the target readership. They will also ensure that the translator maintains a balance between the two languages in contact, in order to guard against domination of one language over the other.
The current study concludes that the Skopos theory has a larger influence in dealing with anticipating the context of the target readership as a factor that can introduce high risk when assessing the communicability conditions for the translated message. Contrariwise, when dealing with stylistic devices and employ literal translation as a translation procedure to simplification, the translator only aims at simplifying the language and making it accessible for the sake of ‘accessibility’ as it remains a product with communicative inadequacies. The study also concludes by maintaining that translation is not only transcoding, but the activity that calls for the translator’s creativity in order to identify and analyse the constraints encountered and decide on the corresponding translation strategies. / African Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (African Languages)
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Evangelicals encountering Muslims : a pre-evangelistic approach to the Qu'ranJohnson, Wesley Irvin 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis looks at the development of Protestant and Evangelical encounter with
Muslims from the earliest days of the Modern missions movement. Special attention is
given to the dynamic equivalence model (DEM), which resulted in a new method for
interpreting the Qur’an called the Christian Qur’anic hermeneutic (CQH).
I begin with the early Protestant ministers among Muslims, such as Martyn and
Muir. Pfander’s (1910) book, The balance of truth, embodies the view that the Qur’an
teaches an irrevocable status of inspiration for the Old and New Testaments. The early
and mid-twentieth century saw a movement away from usage of the Qur’an during
Evangelical encounter with Muslims. Direct model advocates bypass the Qur’an and
other religious questions for an immediate presentation of the gospel.
The 1970s saw the development of the DEM, which produced significant changes
in how Evangelicals encountered Muslims. Pioneers like Nida, Tabor, and Kraft
implemented dynamic equivalence as a model in Evangelical ministry. Concurrently,
Accad and Cragg laid groundwork for the CQH.
The DEM creates obscurity in anthropology by promoting an evaluation of
cultural forms as essentially neutral. This is extended to religious forms, even the Qur’an.
Such a simple, asocial value for symbols is not sufficient to account for all of human life.
Cultural forms, especially those intrinsically religious, are parts of a complex system.
Meaning cannot be transferred or equivocated with integrity from one context to another
without a corresponding re-evaluation of the entire system.
Theological difficulties are also produced by the DEM and the CQH, and include
the assigning a quasi-inspirational status to the Qur’an and a denial of unique
inspirational status to the Christian Scriptures. If the gospel is communicated through the
Qur’an, then it is difficult to deny some level of God-given status to it. Further, the
Christian Scriptures are not unique as inspired literature.
My proposal for how to use the Qur’an responsibly looks to Bavinck’s elenctics
and is presented as Qur’anic pre-evangelism. Rather than communicating Biblical
meaning through the Qur’an, Evangelicals can focus on areas of the Qur’an that coincide
with a lack of assurance felt by Muslims in anthropology. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)
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台灣社會學門的知識生產網絡機制:以2001~2006年社會學門學術期刊引用網絡為例 / The Network mechanism of scholarly productivity in Taiwan sociology: An Example of citation networks of sociological academic journals in 2001~2006柯佩均, Ko, Pei Chun Unknown Date (has links)
世界各國政府在知識經濟的潮流之下更加重視本土學術研究的品質,各國投注資源以提升學術研究水準、促進學術社群的國際化。台灣順應此種趨勢,近年制定各種學術政策與評鑑計畫,其中推動學術社群的知識生產品質,是國家政策中既定的一項重點目標。台灣社會學門的知識生產也受到國家施政方向的影響,國家科學委員會於 1997、2001與2006年執行三波的社會學門專業期刊排序計畫,針對社會學門的學術期刊進行評比。
本研究著眼於此種學術場域的改變,將主要的研究關懷聚焦在學術社群的知識變遷;回顧科學社會學的研究傳統,引用行為是探查學社群知識生產的重要指標,引用代表學術知識傳遞與溝通的情形;而近年社會網絡分析(Social Network Analysis) 研究的興起,更擴充知識引用的研究方式與概念,採以引用網絡(Citation Networks) 分析知識結構與社群互動行為。本研究立基於社會網絡的研究概念,利用網絡分析工具試圖捕捉當代台灣社會學知識引用結構的現狀;社會學門的知識引用結構;究竟學術知識的引用會有何種變遷?引用的機制為何?
研究結果分成三部份。第一,在期刊對期刊引用網絡層次部份,顯示學術期刊的引用網絡結構朝向集中化的趨勢,《台灣社會學》、《台灣社會學刊》成為引用結構中主要被引用的學術期刊組織,而且成為引用網絡結構中優勢地位的引用副團體。第二,社會學門學者引用學術期刊的雙元網絡層次,顯示社會學者與社會福利、社會工作學者的引用分流;社會學專業期刊與社會工作專業期刊的引用也存在著分流的情形。最後,《台灣社會學》、《台灣社會學刊》與《台灣社會研究季刊》的社會學者引用機制為內容為主的規範論。此三項結果顯示期刊排序制度施行社會學門的學術期刊,特定學術期刊的學術論文被其他期刊所肯定,產生引用結構的集中化變遷,同時社會學者與社會福利、社會工作學者對學科專業期刊分流引用也逐漸成形。而三種學術期刊內,社會學者的引用網絡影響來自於學者專長的相同與否,更是為台灣社會學的知識引用現狀,提出一個解釋的答案。 / Abstract
In recent years, as the world has been trending toward a Knowledge-based Economy, governments worldwide have recognized the importance of academic research, providing resources to upgrade the academic research level in order to internationalize scholarly pursuit. Taiwan, as a latecomer to the concept of Knowledge-based Economy, has begun to constitute science and social science rules and evaluations for academic development.
The study intends to capture the transformation of the academic field by examining citations. In early works in the science of sociology, citation was an important indication of scholarly productivity. Social network analysis (SNA) enriches the methodology, and makes the indication to the idea of citation networks. Based on the perspective of SNA, the study investigates the citation network database of sociological journals between 2001 and 2006, and the concurrent citation networks of sociologists from three prior sociological journals.
The results include three parts: first, the structure of journals' citation networks shows the trend of centralization, and two academic journals attain privileged status by means of structural equivalence. Second, the dual network of authors and journals demonstrate the citation divisions of sociologists and social workers. The sociological professional journals and social worker professional journals also are divided by time. Finally, the citation mechanism of sociologists verifies the normative pattern. In conclusion, the analysis confirms the impact of social science policy, which influences the centralization of citation networks and the advantageous status of specific sociological journals. The sociologists' citation networks are related to the specialty similarities of scholars, not the social relations. The study gives a pioneer explanation of citation networks of Taiwanese sociology.
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