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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Актуальные проблемы перехода российских организаций на финансовую отчетность МСФО : магистерская диссертация / Actual problems of Russian organizations transition to IFRS financial statements

Азизов, Д. М., Azizov, D. M. January 2022 (has links)
Структура магистерской диссертации включает в себя введение, три главы, заключение, список использованных источников и приложения. В первой главе рассмотрены теоретические основы представления бухгалтерской отчетности по МСФО. Во второй главе исследованы методические аспекты представления финансовой отчетности предприятия ПАО «КОРПОРАЦИЯ ВСМПО-АВИСМА. В третьей главе предложены пути совершенствования бухгалтерской (финансовой) отчетности на российских предприятиях. В заключении сформированы основные выводы. / The structure of the master's thesis includes an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of sources used and appendices. In the first chapter, the theoretical foundations of the accounting statements presentation under IFRS are considered. The second chapter examines the methodological aspects of the company PJSC "VSMPO-AVISMA CORPORATION financial statements presentation. The third chapter suggests ways to improve accounting (financial) reporting at Russian enterprises. In conclusion, the main conclusions are formed.

Kreditgivningsprocess till SME : Vilken redovisningsinformation upplever banker behov av på grund av informationsasymmetri vid kreditgivning till SME? / Credit evalution to SME : What accounting information do banks perceive the need for due to information asymmetry when granting credit to SME:s?

Zeru Tkue, Biniam, Nedeljkovic, Kristina, Jama, Sundus January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: SME (små och medelstora företag) spelar en avgörande roll för ekonomisk tillväxt och sysselsättning. Trots deras betydelse möter dessa företag ofta utmaningar när de försöker få tillgång till finansiering från banker. Kreditgivningsprocessen för SME är komplex och kräver noggrann bedömning av kreditvärdighet och återbetalningsförmåga. Banker behöver ta hänsyn till företagens finansiella ställning, branschspecifika risker, karaktär och marknadstrender för att fatta informerade beslut. Förståelsen för dessa utmaningar och faktorer är avgörande för att utveckla effektiva strategier och metoder för kreditgivning till SME företag. Tidigare forskning visar att SME inte har en lika omfattande redovisningsinformation som större företag, det är därför viktigt att undersöka och förstå de specifika utmaningarna i kreditgivningsprocessen för SME-företag, så att lämpliga åtgärder kan vidtas för att underlätta tillgången till finansiering och stödja deras tillväxt.                  Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att öka förståelsen kring vilken redovisningsinformation som används i kreditgivningsprocess, samt de utmaningar som banker kan stöta på i förhållande till SME redovisningsinformation när de ansöker om kredit. Studien kommer dessutom undersöka hur banker kan använda sig av alternativa metoder vid kreditbedömningsprocessen. Genom att identifiera vilka redovisningsinformationer som är mest relevanta för kreditbedömning. Detta indikerar att forskningen försöker hitta de viktigaste faktorerna som påverkar bedömningen av kreditvärdighet, vilket är avgörande för företag som söker finansiering. Studiens resultat kan bidra till en mer rättvis och effektiv kreditbedömningsprocess, vilket i sin tur underlättar tillgång till finansiering för SME företag och främjar deras tillväxt.                                                                                               Metod: Studien har genomförts med hjälp av en kvalitativ metod för att samla in det empiriska materialet och för att öka förståelse kring ämnet. Respondenterna valdes ut baserat på deras kompetenser inom kreditgivning till företag, särskilt de som innehar befattningar som kreditgivningschefer. Fyra respondenter intervjuades genom semistrukturerade intervjuer.                                                                                          Slutsats: Resultaten från studien visar att redovisningsinformationen som rapporteras i årsredovisningen i form av kassaflöde, nyckeltal, balans och resultaträkning inte är det enda som är betydelsefullt för bankerna under kreditgivningsprocessen. Bankerna är även intresserade av icke-finansiella information såsom företagets affärsplan, karaktär, marknadsföringsstrategier, produktdifferentiering, kundrelationer, konkurrenssituation och ledningens kompetens etc. Denna form av icke-finansiell information finns inte alltid i den inrapporterade årsredovisningen och därför måste bankerna samarbeta med andra aktörer för att minska den eventuella informationsasymmetrin som kan uppstå. / Background: SME:s (small and medium-sized enterprises) play a crucial role in economic growth and employment. Despite their significance, these companies often face challenges when seeking financing from banks. The credit assessment process for SMEs is complex and requires careful evaluation of creditworthiness and repayment capacity. Banks need to consider the companies' financial position, industry-specific risks, character, and market trends to make informed decisions. Understanding these challenges and factors is essential for developing effective strategies and methods for lending to SMEs. Previous research shows that SMEs do not have as extensive financial reporting information as larger companies. Therefore, it is important to investigate and understand the specific challenges in the credit assessment process for SMEs so that appropriate measures can be taken to facilitate access to financing and support their growth.                                                       Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to enhance understanding of the accounting information used in the credit evaluation process and the challenges that banks may encounter regarding SME accounting information when applying for credit. Additionally, the study will explore how banks can utilize alternative methods in the credit assessment process. By investigating these areas, the research aims to improve the relationship between SMEs and banks by identifying the most relevant accounting information for credit evaluation and reducing information asymmetries. The findings of the study can contribute to a fairer and more efficient credit assessment process, thereby facilitating access to financing for SMEs and fostering their growth.                                                                 Method: The study has been conducted using a qualitative method to gather empirical data and enhance understanding of the subject. Respondents were selected based on their expertise in corporate lending, particularly those holding positions such as credit managers. Four respondents were interviewed through semi-structured interviews.                              Conclusion: The results of the study show that the financial information reported in the annual financial statements, such as cash flow, key ratios, balance sheet, and income statement, are not the only significant factors for banks during the credit assessment process. Banks are more interested in other non-financial information, such as the company's business plan, character, marketing strategies, product differentiation, customer relationships, competitive situation, and management competence, among others. These non-financial information may not always be available in the annual financial statements, and therefore, banks need to collaborate with other stakeholders to reduce potential information asymmetries.

Sustainable Investments : Sustainability reporting from the institutionalinvestors point of view / Hållbara investeringar : Hållbarhetsrapportering från institutionella investerares perspektiv

Blomström, Sofia, Bokfors, Sofie January 2020 (has links)
This thesis examines the type of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) information that institutional investors seek when making and monitoring investment decisions, as well as the possibilities for this information to be presented in sustainability reports. As a basis, twelve semi-structured interviews were conducted with Swedish state institutional fund holders in the category regions and municipalities. Furthermore, five interviews were conducted with six employees at a large Swedish-Norwegian fund company. The results show that the basic demand for ESG information is governed by the content that the investor's organization's financial policy requires, for example, that the fund company has signed the UN Principles for Responsible Investments (PRI) or follows frameworks such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Furthermore, sustainability motivations are sought in qualitative form, for example about the fund's sustainability strategy, corporate inclusion and justifications about the fund's actual sustainability impact in the portfolio companies. In addition, motivations for potential future business exclusions is also desired. However, this wish is difficult to cater for as it could potentially create discontent between fund companies and portfolio companies. Such a justification could also contribute to market disorders for the company in question, which could degrade the value of the fund holding. Quantitative data are also requested, such as carbon dioxide emissions for the fund portfolio. However, this cannot always be met in the report as reported data from companies are missing. Furthermore, a necessity for the sustainability reports to be used properly by the investors is that data is presented similarly between funds, so that comparisons between funds are facilitated. Finally, investors point out that much of the ESG information they seek is only useful if all funds report in a similar format, and that the ESG information only becomes truly valuable after a unanimous definition of sustainability is introduced. / I detta examensarbete undersöks vilken typ av ESG-information som institutionella investerare eftersöker när de ska genomföra och övervaka investeringsbeslut, samt hur möjligheterna ser ut för denna information att kunna presenteras i hållbarhetsrapporter. Som underlag genomförs tolv stycken semi-strukturerade intervjuer med svenska statliga institutionella fondinnehavare inom kategorin regioner och kommuner. Vidare genomfördes fem intervjuer med sex stycken anställda på ett stort Svenskt-Norskt fondbolag. Resultaten visar att den grundläggande efterfrågan av ESG information styrs av det innehåll som investerarens organisations finansiella policy kräver, exempelvis att fondbolaget signerat PRI eller följer ramverk såsom GRI. Vidare så eftersträvas hållbarhetsmotiveringar i kvalitativ form, exempelvis kring fondens hållbarhetsstrategi, företagsinkludering samt motiveringar kring fondens faktiska hållbarhetspåverkan i portföljbolagen. Utöver dessa efterfrågas även motivering av potentiella framtida företagsexkluderingar. Denna önskan är dock svår att tillgodose då denna potentiellt skulle kunna skapa osämja mellan fondbolag och portföljbolag. En sådan motivering skulle även kunna bidra till marknadsoroligheter för det aktuella bolaget, vilket kan försämra värdet på fondinnehavet. Slutligen efterfrågas även kvantitativ data, exempelvis koldioxidutsläpp för fondportföljen. Denna kan dock inte alltid tillgodoses i rapporten då nog lång tillbakagången klimatdata saknas. En nödvändighet för att hållbarhetsrapporterna ska nyttjas ordentligt av investerarna är vidare att data presenteras liknande mellan fonder, så att en jämförelse mellan fondalternativ underlättas. Investerarna poängterar slutligen att stor del av den ESG-information de eftersträvar bara är användbar om alla fonder rapporterar på liknande sätt, samt att ESG-informationen först blir riktigt användbar då en samstämmig definition av hållbarhet införs.

Sambandet mellan ekonomistyrning och bolagsstyrning : En studie om hur sambandet mellan ekonomistyrning och bolagsstyrning kom till uttryck vid kollapsen av HQ Bank

Thuresson, Ida, Ekström, Alma January 2023 (has links)
Examensarbete, Civilekonomprogrammet med inriktning Controller, Ekonomihögskolan vid Linnéuniversitetet i Växjö, Vårterminen 2023. Titel: Sambandet mellan ekonomistyrning och bolagsstyrning: En studie om hur sambandet mellan ekonomistyrning och bolagsstyrning kom till uttryck vid kollapsen av HQ Bank. Författare: Alma Ekström & Ida Thuresson Examinator: Jan Alpenberg Handledare: Martin Holgersson Bakgrund: Det finns omfattande tidigare forskning som har studerat ekonomistyrning och bolagsstyrning som två skilda fenomen. Även om det har identifierats att det finns ett samband mellan ekonomistyrning och bolagsstyrning finns det begränsat med studier som utforskar hur detta samband kommer till uttryck. Det finns dock tidigare forskning som har belyst riktningen på sambandet mellan ekonomistyrning och bolagsstyrning, men även detta är något som har utforskats i begränsad utsträckning. Slutligen är det ännu färre som har studerat hur sambandet mellan ekonomistyrning och bolagsstyrning kommer till uttryck vid en större företagsskandal. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att bidra till den övergripande förståelsen för sambandet mellan ekonomistyrning och bolagsstyrning genom att undersöka hur sambandet kommer till uttryck vid kollapsen av HQ Bank. Metod: För att uppfylla studiens syfte har vi utgått från en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi med en deduktiv ansats. Studien utgörs av en enfallsstudie av kollapsen av HQ Bank där det empiriska materialet till största del utgår från sekundärdata. Denna sekundärdata består av rättegångsmaterial, böcker, tidningsartiklar och olika rapporter. Inom ramen för den empiriska materialinsamlingen har det även genomförts två intervjuer. Slutligen har det empiriska materialet analyserats utifrån studiens konceptuella modell för att kunna presentera studiens slutsatser. Slutsats: Studien har identifierat att sambandet mellan ekonomistyrning och bolagsstyrning, vid kollapsen av HQ Bank, kom till uttryck som ett dubbelriktat och indirekt samband med ett inbördes samband mellan olika modererande faktorer (organisationskultur, intern kontroll och finansiell rapportering) som hade en förstärkande effekt på sambandet mellan ekonomistyrning och bolagsstyrning. Studien identifierade även hur riskhantering har dubbla roller vilket kan orsaka viss förvirring gällande riskhanteringens roll inom bolagsstyrning respektive riskhanteringens roll inom ekonomistyrning. Slutligen har denna studie identifierat en svårighet med att skilja på ekonomistyrning och bolagsstyrning som innebär att det kan finnas en nytta av att i relevanta delar av ekonomistyrningen ta hänsyn till gällande redovisningsregelverk. / Master thesis, Degree of Master of Science in Business and Economics, Controller, School of Business and Economics, Linnaeus University in Växjö, Spring term 2023. Title: The relationship between management accounting and corporate governance: A study on how the relationship between management accounting and corporate governance was expressed in the collapse of HQ Bank. Authors: Alma Ekström & Ida Thuresson Examiner: Jan Alpenberg Supervisor: Martin Holgersson Background: There is extensive previous research that has studied management accounting and corporate governance as two separate phenomena. Although it has been identified that there is a relationship between management accounting and corporate governance, there are limited studies that explore how this relationship is expressed. There is, however, previous research that has shed light on the direction of the relationship between management accounting and corporate governance, but this too is something that has been explored to a limited extent. Finally, even fewer have studied how this relationship between management accounting and corporate governance is expressed in a major corporate scandal. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to contribute to the overall understanding of the relationship between management accounting and corporate governance by examining how the relationship is expressed in the collapse of HQ Bank. Method: In order to fulfill the purpose of the study, we have used a qualitative research strategy with a deductive approach. This study is a one-case study of the collapse of HQ Bank with empirical material mostly based on secondary data. This secondary data consists of court materials, books, newspaper articles and different reports. Within the framework of the empirical material collection, two interviews were conducted. Finally, the empirical material has been analyzed based on the study’s conceptual model in order to present the study’s conclusions. Conclusion: This study has identified that the relationship between management accounting and corporate governance, at the time of the collapse of HQ Bank, was expressed as a bidirectional and indirect relationship with a interrelational relationship between differentmoderating factors (organizational culture, internal control and financial reporting) which had a reinforcing effect on the relationship between management accounting and corporate governance. The study also identified how risk management has dual roles, which can cause some confusion regarding the role of risk management in corporate governance and the role of risk management in management accounting. Finally, this study has identified a difficulty in differentiating between management accounting and corporate governance which means that there may be a benefit in taking accounting regulations into account in relevant parts of the management accounting

Determinants of Corporate Governance Choices: Evidence from Listed Foreign Firms on U.S. Stock Exchanges

Attachot, Weerapat 05 1900 (has links)
This study analyzes corporate governance practices of foreign (non-U.S.) issuers listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and Nasdaq. Specifically, I examine the extent to which these foreign issuers voluntarily comply with U.S. stock exchange corporate governance requirements applicable to domestic issuers. My sample consists of 201 foreign companies primarily domiciled in Brazil, China, Israel, and the United Kingdom. I find that 151 (75 per cent) of the sample firms do not elect to comply with any of the U.S. corporate governance requirements. Logistic regression analysis generally supports the hypotheses that conformance with U.S. GAAP and percentage of managerial ownership are positively associated, and that percentage ownership by major shareholders is negatively associated with foreign firms electing to comply with U.S. corporate governance rules. This evidence is relevant for regulators and investors.

Fraud Inquiry: The Impact of Written Response on Reporting Intentions (Scholarly Essay included)

Hirschl, Brian William January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Инструментарий анализа интеллектуального капитала предприятия на основе нефинансовой отчетности : магистерская диссертация / Tool for analyzing the intellectual capital of a company based on non-financial reporting

Карасева, В. П., Karaseva, V. P. January 2024 (has links)
В настоящее время направление идентификации и управления интеллектуальным капиталом является междисциплинарным, объединяя в себе экономику, технику и науку, чем привлекает все больше и больше внимания. Интеллектуальный капитал представляет собой знания, которыми обладает предприятие, и которые можно конвертировать в стоимость. На практике интеллектуальный капитал принято считать совокупностью нематериальных активов предприятия, которые доступны к оцениванию и управлению, но при этом не зафиксированы в финансовой отчетности. К сожалению, бухгалтерский учет не дает адекватной оценки всего спектра интеллектуальных ресурсов. В связи с этим актуальность данного исследования обусловлена необходимостью определения метода оценивания и учета всего интеллектуального капитала предприятия. Целью исследования является разработать инструментарий анализа интеллектуального капитала предприятия на основе его нефинансовой отчетности. В результате разработан инструментарий анализа интеллектуального капитала компании на основе раскрытий релевантных для инвесторов показателей производственной, социальной, финансовой и инновационной деятельности промышленных предприятий в условиях системы управленческого учета. / Currently, the field of identification and management of intellectual capital is interdisciplinary, combining economics, technology and science, which attracts more and more attention. Intellectual capital is the knowledge that an enterprise possesses and that can be converted into value. In practice, intellectual capital is considered to be a set of intangible assets of an enterprise that are available for evaluation and management but are not recorded in the financial statements. Unfortunately, accounting does not provide an adequate assessment of the entire range of intellectual resources. In this regard, the relevance of this study is due to the need to determine the method of evaluating and accounting for the entire intellectual capital of the enterprise. The purpose of the study is to develop tool for analyzing the intellectual capital of an enterprise based on its non-financial reporting. As a result, a tool for analyzing the company's intellectual capital was developed based on disclosures of indicators of production, social, financial and innovative activities of industrial enterprises relevant to investors in the context of a management accounting system.

Applying a framework-based approach to teach complex problem-solving to Accounting students / Karen Odendaal

Odendaal, Karen January 2015 (has links)
Accounting transactions are becoming more complex, and more extensive accounting guidance is provided on a continuous basis in the accounting standards. In addition, accounting guidance changes often and additional guidance is added to the standards regularly. In view of this immense amount of accounting knowledge that an accountant can be expected to have, exacerbated by often multifaceted structures in accounting problems, it can be challenging and onerous to solve certain accounting problems. The premise of this study is that accounting problems can also be solved in a less complex manner with reference to the foundational accounting concepts included in the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting (CF). The solution to the accounting problem using the CF should result in a similar answer had the detailed, complex accounting guidance been consulted. This is based on the understanding that the detailed guidance is consistent with the CF and that the CF is not underdeveloped. In the experience of the author of this dissertation, however, the CF is rarely used to consider the accounting treatment of specific transactions and the first point of reference is usually the detailed, specific guidance. In order to impart a practice of incorporating the CF in problem-solving, the study in this dissertation is underpinned by educational philosophies rooted mainly in constructivism, and specifically in Ausubel’s subsumption theory. Applied to accounting education, this theory suggests a frameworkbased approach whereby educators first instil a detailed knowledge of the CF in an Accounting course and thereafter present details of specific accounting transactions by building and crossreferencing to the foundational concepts in the CF. In addition, the paradigm in Accounting courses should also incorporate problems and experiments through which students can construct their own knowledge, rather than being passive recipients of an educator’s teaching style. Recent literature on framework-based teaching suggests that such an approach is beneficial as it enhances lifelong learning. This study reported on a framework-based approach incorporated in an Accounting course and aimed to determine students’ ability to solve complex accounting problems by referring only to the CF, as well as to determine the factors that could influence their ability to solve the problems and the preferred problem-solving approach of students in facing future accounting problems. In order to address the broad aim of this study, it was divided into two sections, each to identify and analyse a different aspect of accounting problem-solving that incorporated the CF. The study in this dissertation focused mainly on an interpretive research paradigm. The first project had the primary objective of determining whether students have the ability to solve complex accounting problems by using only the CF and determining which factors could influence their ability. This was established by analysing the content and results of an assignment administered to third-year Accounting students at a South African university in which students were required to solve problems using only the CF. The second project had the objective of determining the preferred future approach students will take in solving accounting problems after they have been exposed to a framework-based assignment. This was established through qualitative measures and augmented by a questionnaire to analyse the students’ perceptions. The contributions of this dissertation are manifold and include, but are not limited to, the realisation that a conceptual approach to accounting education is beneficial in Accounting courses. The results in this study indicate that the ability of students to solve complex accounting problems by referring only to the CF may depend on the complexity of the scenario and the students’ familiarity with the problem. In addition, after being exposed to a framework-based assignment, students may tend to prefer a mixed approach in solving accounting problems, which entails a combination of the concepts in the CF and specific accounting guidance governing a particular transaction. The author also believes that this study makes a practical contribution by providing an actual framework-based assignment which can be used or adapted by other Accounting educators to use in similar courses, or to help them develop similar assignments or case studies or to replicate the study. From an educational perspective, it is recommended that Accounting educators incorporate an emphasis on the CF in their teaching approach. As students are exposed to opportunities to exercise their judgement using the concepts included in the CF, they will gain experience in this and be able to exercise better judgement in future. Each time a student is exposed to a problem requiring to be solved using the CF, or is required to make necessary judgements with regard to the CF, it will lead to the creation of new knowledge which the student can constantly link and cross-reference to existing knowledge and experiences. It also appears that, when students are exposed to problem-solving using the CF, it may lead to accountants adopting a more balanced approach by considering more CF constructs in solving future accounting problems. Although the study in this dissertation was conducted at only one university, its implications are by no means limited to this institution. Extrapolation of results cannot be attempted due to the nature of the research design, but the results in this study are valuable and enhance accounting education literature in better understanding students’ problem-solving abilities and their preferred problemsolving approach. The research is therefore valuable to any Accounting educator, as well as the institutional bodies guiding accounting education and its syllabi. It is hoped also that some of the findings will inspire other educational institutions to promote a framework-based approach in an innovative manner. / MCom (Accountancy), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Applying a framework-based approach to teach complex problem-solving to Accounting students / Karen Odendaal

Odendaal, Karen January 2015 (has links)
Accounting transactions are becoming more complex, and more extensive accounting guidance is provided on a continuous basis in the accounting standards. In addition, accounting guidance changes often and additional guidance is added to the standards regularly. In view of this immense amount of accounting knowledge that an accountant can be expected to have, exacerbated by often multifaceted structures in accounting problems, it can be challenging and onerous to solve certain accounting problems. The premise of this study is that accounting problems can also be solved in a less complex manner with reference to the foundational accounting concepts included in the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting (CF). The solution to the accounting problem using the CF should result in a similar answer had the detailed, complex accounting guidance been consulted. This is based on the understanding that the detailed guidance is consistent with the CF and that the CF is not underdeveloped. In the experience of the author of this dissertation, however, the CF is rarely used to consider the accounting treatment of specific transactions and the first point of reference is usually the detailed, specific guidance. In order to impart a practice of incorporating the CF in problem-solving, the study in this dissertation is underpinned by educational philosophies rooted mainly in constructivism, and specifically in Ausubel’s subsumption theory. Applied to accounting education, this theory suggests a frameworkbased approach whereby educators first instil a detailed knowledge of the CF in an Accounting course and thereafter present details of specific accounting transactions by building and crossreferencing to the foundational concepts in the CF. In addition, the paradigm in Accounting courses should also incorporate problems and experiments through which students can construct their own knowledge, rather than being passive recipients of an educator’s teaching style. Recent literature on framework-based teaching suggests that such an approach is beneficial as it enhances lifelong learning. This study reported on a framework-based approach incorporated in an Accounting course and aimed to determine students’ ability to solve complex accounting problems by referring only to the CF, as well as to determine the factors that could influence their ability to solve the problems and the preferred problem-solving approach of students in facing future accounting problems. In order to address the broad aim of this study, it was divided into two sections, each to identify and analyse a different aspect of accounting problem-solving that incorporated the CF. The study in this dissertation focused mainly on an interpretive research paradigm. The first project had the primary objective of determining whether students have the ability to solve complex accounting problems by using only the CF and determining which factors could influence their ability. This was established by analysing the content and results of an assignment administered to third-year Accounting students at a South African university in which students were required to solve problems using only the CF. The second project had the objective of determining the preferred future approach students will take in solving accounting problems after they have been exposed to a framework-based assignment. This was established through qualitative measures and augmented by a questionnaire to analyse the students’ perceptions. The contributions of this dissertation are manifold and include, but are not limited to, the realisation that a conceptual approach to accounting education is beneficial in Accounting courses. The results in this study indicate that the ability of students to solve complex accounting problems by referring only to the CF may depend on the complexity of the scenario and the students’ familiarity with the problem. In addition, after being exposed to a framework-based assignment, students may tend to prefer a mixed approach in solving accounting problems, which entails a combination of the concepts in the CF and specific accounting guidance governing a particular transaction. The author also believes that this study makes a practical contribution by providing an actual framework-based assignment which can be used or adapted by other Accounting educators to use in similar courses, or to help them develop similar assignments or case studies or to replicate the study. From an educational perspective, it is recommended that Accounting educators incorporate an emphasis on the CF in their teaching approach. As students are exposed to opportunities to exercise their judgement using the concepts included in the CF, they will gain experience in this and be able to exercise better judgement in future. Each time a student is exposed to a problem requiring to be solved using the CF, or is required to make necessary judgements with regard to the CF, it will lead to the creation of new knowledge which the student can constantly link and cross-reference to existing knowledge and experiences. It also appears that, when students are exposed to problem-solving using the CF, it may lead to accountants adopting a more balanced approach by considering more CF constructs in solving future accounting problems. Although the study in this dissertation was conducted at only one university, its implications are by no means limited to this institution. Extrapolation of results cannot be attempted due to the nature of the research design, but the results in this study are valuable and enhance accounting education literature in better understanding students’ problem-solving abilities and their preferred problemsolving approach. The research is therefore valuable to any Accounting educator, as well as the institutional bodies guiding accounting education and its syllabi. It is hoped also that some of the findings will inspire other educational institutions to promote a framework-based approach in an innovative manner. / MCom (Accountancy), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

XBRL FR分類標準整合─集團企業編製合併財務資訊之研究 / XBRL FR Taxonomy Integration─A Study on Preparation of Consolidated Financial Reporting

莊雅雯, Chuang,ya wen Unknown Date (has links)
集團財務資訊的編制在企業資源規劃系統的協助下,產生的速度已較以往大為增快許多,然而,先不論相關系統的訓練、導入、維護及更新成本,目前的財務資訊仍舊需要多次的輸入、分發及反覆檢覈,這些步驟尚停在人工編製的階段。 XBRL(可延伸企業報告語言,eXtensible Business Reporting Language)的發展,使企業打破傳統財報的表單形式,它利用電腦可讀的標籤語言減少大量的傳統人力編製流程。後來更發展了財務報告的分類標準(以下簡稱XBRL FR),用來表達財務報表合計性的資訊,但這些處理過的加總數字,無法再還原為原始資料,故對於各國會計準則無法自動轉換,對於跨國公司的合併財務資訊依舊費時費力。 本研究首先依據國際會計準則委員會、臺灣、中國及美國官方所制定的XBRL FR進行分析及比較,建立一個新的XBRL FR,稱為NCCU XBRL FR,蒐集一般行業編制集團財務資訊之必要明細科目(僅包含所有流動資產和流動負債)。接者透過「對應標籤(mapping tags)」的技術,設計一邏輯規則庫,內建四種NCCU XBRL FR分別對應四地XBRL FR之「XBRL計算連結庫(XBRL Calculation Linkbase)」,即可自動轉換NCCU XBRL FR和四地XBRL FR的資訊。最後利用四地之原本XBRL FR計算連結庫,計算編製合併報表資訊前的個別報表資訊。 本研究提出多國準則探討及XBRL FR對應的方法,設計問卷並執行國內四大事務所之專家訪談,發現各國財務報表準則仍然受到會計專業的主觀判斷而分歧,未來全球財報共通的目標,還有很長的一段路要走。 / Because of the support of Enterprise Resource Planning system, business groups speed up their financial reporting preparation. Leaving aside the system cost of training, implemention, maintenance and update, its financial information still requires multiple inputs and distributions currently, and needs to repeatedly check their validity. These steps still remain at manual labor. XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) helps business to break the form of traditional financial reporting. It has machine-readable label tags, and it can reduce lots of traditional manual process. Financial Reporting Taxonomies (hereinafter referred to as XBRL FR) now are used to express the information of the total amount in financial statements. Because processed numbers can not revert to the original data, accounting principles adopted by nations around the world cannot switch amid different principles. Therefore consolidations of financial information still cost multinationals a lot of resources. In this study, based on analysis and comparison of International Accounting Standards Board, Taiwan, China and the United States official XBRL FR, we established a new XBRL FR, called NCCU XBRL FR, which is used to collect general commercial and industrial financial information (including only current assets and current liabilities). Then, we use mapping tags technology to design some logic rule database, which has four built-in XBRL Calculation Linkbases corresponding to four XBRL FRs. The logic rule database can automatically convert NCCU XBRL FR to four XBRL FRs. Ultimately, the original four XBRL FR Calculation Linkbases can compute individual financial statements before preparation of consolidated information. In this study, we proposed a method of multinational accounting standard discussion and XBRL FR mapping. We designed the questionnaire and conduct in-depth interviews to the experts of Big 4 audit firms. Then we found that there are differences in subjective judgments of multinational accounting standard. In the future, there will be a long way to go if we have the goal of common global financial reporting.

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