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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

El modelo TAM en relación a las plataformas de e-commerce y su relación con la intención de compra en supermercados online. / The TAM model in relation to e-commerce platforms and its relationship with the purchase intention in online supermarkets.

Cardenas Elias, Mariel Rocío, Vidal Burgos, Gustavo Alessandro 08 July 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo es analizar este comportamiento, a través de las variables del modelo TAM respecto en las plataformas e-commerce y su relación con la intención de compra en la categoría de supermercados online. De esta manera, se recopilaron diferentes papers para profundizar en el modelo desde su origen, y estudiar así, las variables permanentes del modelo como la actitud hacia el uso, utilidad percibida, facilidad e intención de uso de los usuarios respecto a las promociones en dichas plataformas e identificar las relaciones que se desarrollan con la intención de compra a través del modelo y así nos brindar una visión integradora. Para su realización además se contará con un estudio cuantitativo que consiste en una encuesta realizada a 400 personas que cumplen con las características de ser hombres y mujeres entre 25 y 35 años de edad que han comprado vía online en plataformas webs de los supermercados en el último año, esto servirá para responder a las hipótesis y objetivos planteados por parte de los autores. / The present work is to analyze this behavior, through the variables of the TAM model regarding promotions on e-commerce platforms and their relationship with purchase intention in the online supermarket category. In this way, different papers were compiled to delve into the model from its origin, and thus study the permanent variables of the model such as attitude towards use, perceived utility, ease and intention of use of users regarding promotions in said platforms and identify the relationships that are developed with the purchase intention through the model and thus provide us with an integrative vision. To carry it out, there will also be a quantitative study consisting of a survey of 400 people who meet the characteristics of being men and women between 25 and 35 years of age who have bought online on supermarket web platforms in the last year, this will serve to respond to the hypotheses and objectives raised by the authors. / Trabajo de investigación

Relación entre la imagen de marca y la intención de compra en la categoría de vinos de alta gama en Lima Metropolitana

Garrido-Lecca German, Nicolas, Prialé Chirinos, Rodrigo 27 August 2020 (has links)
El objetivo general de la presente investigación es conocer la relación entre la imagen de marca y la intención de compra en hombres y mujeres de nivel socioeconómico A y B, entre 25 a 45 años de edad, que viven en lima metropolitana y que consuman vino de alta gama con frecuencia. Por otro lado, queremos identificar cuales son los componentes dentro de la imagen de marca que tienen mayor relevancia con la intención de compra. Para ello, se evaluará cómo impacta la imagen funcional y reputación, imagen afectiva e imagen global en la intención de compra y satisfacción del consumidor de vinos de alta gama. / The general objective of this research is to know the relationship between brand image and purchase intention in men and women of socioeconomic level A and B, between 25 and 45 years of age, who live in metropolitan Lima and who consume high-end wine frequently. On the other hand, we want to identify which are the components within the brand image that are most relevant to the purchase intention. For this, it will be evaluated how the functional image and reputation, affective image and global image impact on the purchase intention and consumer satisfaction of high-end wines. / Trabajo de investigación / PE

Influencers bidrar med ouppnåeliga ideal : en kritiskt granskande kvalitativstudie / Influencers contribute with unattainable ideals : a critically examining qualitative study

Ryrlén, Johanna, Andreasson, Fanny, Gunnarsson Fröstrup, Isabella January 2020 (has links)
Forskning visar att på grund av sociala mediers tillväxt har företag alltmer börjat synas på sociala medier i syfte att marknadsföra sina produkter genom så kallad influencer marketing. Tidigare forskning visar att sociala mediers utveckling i kombination med de ouppnåeliga idealen som influencers framställer har som konsekvens att många individers självkänsla och kroppsbild påverkas negativt. Därmed är uppsatsens syfte att undersöka hur influencers i generation Y påverkar unga kvinnor i generation Zs konsumtion samt självbild. Ytterligare har studien som intention att medföra kännedom om hur influencers upplevs från konsumentens perspektiv. I studien tillämpas en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med hjälp av 15 individuella semistrukturerade intervjuer med kvinnor i generation Z. Under kodning uppkom teman som kopplades samman med två teoretiska perspektiv, jämförelse och påverkan. Dessa perspektiv används för att analysera individers beteenden på sociala medier i relation till influencers. Resultatet visar att influencers generar ett stort engagemang bland kvinnor i generation Z. De unga kvinnor i generation Z som presenterades i studien påverkades negativt av influencers på sociala medier på så sätt att individer jämför sig med influencers ideal som anses vara ouppnåeliga. Det är av stor vikt att kunna relatera till influencers man följer för att öka trovärdigheten och övertygelsen. Att relatera till en influencer visade sig även vara en bidragande faktor till att man jämför sig, vilket framkom tydligt i empirin. Samtidigt visades jämförelse vara en övergång till att respondenter påverkas. Köpintentionen grundas i att influencers ses som inspiratörer när det kommer till mode. Genom rabattkoder upplever en del att de måste passa på och får en positiv attityd till spontanköp. Samtidigt känner en del individer köphets och att reklam upplevs opersonligt och blir snarare stressande än inspirerande. Studien bidrar till en ökad förståelse för både forskning och företag om konsekvenser som uppkommer vid användning av influencers samt en intention om hur influencers upplevs utifrån konsumentens perspektiv. Studien har begränsats till att undersöka hur unga kvinnor i generation Z upplever att de påverkas av influencers som exempelvis Bianca Ingrosso. Förslag till vidare forskning är att tillämpa ett företagsperspektiv då denna studien utgår från ett konsumentperspektiv. Ytterligare ett förslag är att undersöka generation Zs konsumentbeteende då det är den största generationen demografiskt. / Research shows that, due to the growth of social media, companies have increasingly begun to appear on social media in order to promote their products through so-called influencer marketing. Previous research shows that the development of social media in combination with the unreachable ideals of influencers has the consequence that many individuals' self-esteem and body image are adversely affected. The purpose of the essay is therefore to investigate how influencers in generation Y affect young women in generation Z's consumption and selfimage. Further, the study intends to bring awareness of how influencers are perceived from the consumer's perspective. The study uses a qualitative research method with the help of 15individual semi-structured interviews with women of generation Z. During coding, themes emerged that were linked to two theoretical perspectives, comparison and influence. These perspectives are used to analyze individuals' behaviors on social media in relation to influencers. The results show that influencers generate a high level of engagement among women of generation Z. The young women of generation Z presented in the study were adversely affected by influencers on social media in that individuals compare with influencers' ideals that are considered unreachable. It is of great importance to be able to relate to influencers you follow to increase their credibility and conviction. Relating to an influencer also proved to be a contributing factor in comparing oneself, which was evident in the empirical study. At the same time, comparison was shown to be a transition to the effect of respondents. The purchase intention is based on influencers being seen as inspirers when it comes to fashion. With discount codes, some people feel that they have to take care and get a positive attitude towards spontaneous purchases. At the same time, some individuals feel that buying and advertising are perceived as impersonal and rather stressful than inspiring. The study contributes to an increased understanding for both research and companies about the consequences that arise when using influencers and an intention about how influencers are experienced from the consumer's perspective. The study has been limited to examining how young women in generation Z feel that they are affected by influencers such as Bianca Ingrosso. Suggestions for further research are to apply a business perspective as this study is based on a consumer perspective. Another proposal is to examine Generation Z's consumer behavior as it is the largest generation demographically.

Swipe up : En kvantitativ undersökning kring hur konsumenters attityd och köpintention påverkas av marknadsföring via sociala medier / Swipe up : A quantitative study on how consumers' attitudes and purchasing intentions are influenced by social media marketing

Vallared, Powell, Zand Karimi, Tina January 2020 (has links)
Since its inception, social media has developed into something that is now a constant part of our everyday lives. From being a digital place where users could keep in touch with friends and family, social media has become a place where consumers and companies have the opportunity to communicate. As a consequence, companies have had to renew and adapt the strategies used to reach their consumers. Some of the strategies that have emerged are UGC, E-WOM and Influencer Marketing. As consumers have been given an opportunity to communicate back, power has shifted to the consumer. Hence, this study has chosen to have a consumer perspective where attitudes in terms of trust, credibility and skepticism as well as purchase intention are treated and examined. Using a survey, responses from 118 respondents were collected and processed. The results of our collected data showed that the strategies examined have a positive impact on the consumer's attitude and purchase intention. With this in mind, it is in the companies' interest to expand the knowledge about these strategies and develop the company in a way that makes it possible to take advantage of the benefits that are in the strategies. The results of this study contribute to an increased understanding of marketing in social media, but the topic is far from fully explored. With the help of our research, we have also developed a combined marketing strategy that takes advantage of the benefits of each strategy. The models in this study cannot explain the consumer attitude and purchase intention in their entirety as the research area needs to be developed where new factors can be added and the strategies fine-tuned. / Sociala medier har sedan dess uppkomst utvecklats till något som nu är en konstant del av vår vardag. Från att vara en digital plats där användare kunde hålla kontakt med vänner och familj har sociala medier blivit en plats där konsumenter och företag har möjlighet att kommunicera. Som en konsekvens av detta har företag fått förnya och anpassa de strategier som används för att nå ut till sina konsumenter. Några av de strategier som växt fram är UGC, E-WOM och Influencer Marketing. I och med att konsumenterna fått en möjlighet att kommunicera tillbaka har makten förskjutits över till konsumenten. Därav har den här studien valt att ha ett konsumentperspektiv där attityd i termer av tillit, trovärdighet och skepticism samt köpintention behandlas och undersöks. Med hjälp av en enkät har svar från 118 respondenter samlats in och bearbetats. Resultatet av vårt insamlade data visade att de undersökta strategierna har en positiv påverkan på konsumentens attityd och köpintention. Med detta i åtanke ligger det i företagens intresse att utöka kunskapen kring dessa strategier och utveckla företaget på ett sätt som gör det möjligt att ta till vara på de fördelar som finns i strategierna. Resultatet i denna studie bidrar till ökad förståelse för marknadsföring i sociala medier men ämnet är långt ifrån färdig utforskat. Med hjälp av vår forskning har vi även tagit fram en kombinerad marknadsföringsstrategi som tar vara på fördelarna i respektive strategi. Modellerna i denna studie kan inte förklara konsumentattityden och köpintention i sin helhet då forskningsområdet behöver utvecklas där nya faktorer kan tillkomma och där strategierna kan finjusteras

Electronic Word of Mouth’s påverkan på Generation Z : En studie om hur trovärdighet, kvalitet och kvantitet av information påverkar köpintentionen av träningskläder / Electronic Word of Mouth's impact on Generation Z : A study of how credibility, quality and quantity of information influence the purchase intention of fitness apparel

Haglund Bratt, Matilda, Sondell, Fredrik January 2022 (has links)
Titel: Electronic Word of Mouth’s påverkan på Generation Z - En studie om hur trovärdighet, kvalitet och kvantitet av information påverkar köpintentionen av träningskläder. Nivå: Examensarbete på Grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi Författare: Matilda Haglund Bratt & Fredrik SondellHandledare: Katarina Arbin Datum: 2022 – Januari Syfte: Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskap om Electronic Word of Mouth’s(eWOM:s) påverkan på Generation Z:s köpintention. Mer specifikt att undersöka hur trovärdighets-, kvalitets-, och kvantitetsfaktorer inom Electronic Word of Mouthpåverkar köpintentionen vid köp av träningskläder. Metod: Denna studie tar sin utgångspunkt i en kvantitativ forskningsansats med ett deduktivt tillvägagångssätt. Datainsamlingen skedde i form av en enkätundersökning som besvarades av personer födda mellan år 1995–2009. Resultat och slutsats: Det finns ett positivt samband mellan variablerna trovärdighet, kvalitet och kvantitet samt Generation Z:s köpintention. Detta visar på att Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) har en betydelse för Generation Z när det ska fatta ett köpbeslut. Examensarbetets bidrag: Den här studien bidrar med ny kunskap om eWOM:s påverkan på Generation Z:s köpintention genom att studien visar att faktorerna trovärdighet, kvalitet och kvantitet har en inverkan på de kommentarer som läses och delas på sociala medier. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Utifrån studiens resultat är några förslag till framtida forskning att undersöka andra generationer, göra en jämförelse mellan generationer eller att genomföra en kvalitativ studie och undersöka vad en målgrupp anser att trovärdiga kommentarer innebär. Nyckelord: Marknadsföring, Generation Z, Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM), Trovärdighet, Kvalitet, Kvantitet, Köpintention. / Title: Electronic Word of Mouth's impact on Generation Z – A study of how credibility, quality and quantity of information influence the purchase intention of fitness apparel. Level: Student thesis, final assignment for Bachelor's Degree in BusinessAdministration Authors: Matilda Haglund Bratt & Fredrik SondellSupervisor: Katarina Arbin Date: 2022 – January Aim: The aim of the study is to contribute to knowledge about the impact of Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) on Generation Z's purchase intention. More specifically, to investigate how credibility, quality, and quantity factors in Electronic Word of Mouth influence purchase intention when purchasing fitness apparel. Method: This study is based on a quantitative research approach with a deductive approach. Data collection was done through a questionnaire survey completed by individuals born between 1995-2009. Result and Conclusions: There is a positive relationship between the variable’scredibility, quality and quantity and the purchase intention of Generation Z. This indicates that Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) has an impact on Generation Z when making a purchase decision. Contribution of the thesis: This study contributes with new knowledge on theinfluence of eWOM on Generation Z's purchase intention by showing that the factors credibility, quality and quantity have an impact on the comments that are read and shared on social media. Suggestions for future research: Based on the results of the study, some suggestions for future research are to investigate other generations, do a comparison between generations or do a qualitative study and investigate what a target audience considers credible comments means to them. Key words: Marketing, Generation Z, Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM), Credibility, Quality, Quantity, Purchase intention.

Examining the impact of social media influencer’s credibility dimensions on consumer behavior

HUSSAIN, ANA, ALI, ZAHID January 2022 (has links)
Purpose: The study aims to explore the effects of social media influencers' credibilitydimensions (attractiveness, trustworthiness, and expertise) on consumer behavior (purchase intention and attitude towards the brand) while considering the followers' loyalty as the mediating variable in the fashion industry.Theoretical approach: The proposed conceptual model of the study is based on assumptions of source credibility theory and theoretical reasonings provided in the previous literature related to social media influencer marketing.Design/methodology: Quantitative research design is used and data is collected through selfreported questionnaires. The population of the study consists of social media users who follow social media influencers on different social media platforms. Findings – Based on data collection from 225 Pakistani respondents, the analysis of the study indicates a positive impact of the three social media influencer credibility dimensions on the purchase intention, and followers’ attitude towards the endorsed brands. Moreover, influencers’ credibility positively impacts followers’ loyalty to the influencers. In addition to the direct effects, followers’ loyalty towards the influencers partially mediated (1) the relationship between influencers’ credibility and purchase intention, as well as (2) the relationship betweeninfluencers’ credibility and followers’ attitude towards the brand. Practical implications – The findings of the thesis provide implications for businesses and marketers to understand the role of credible social media influencers in shaping consumer behavior and it also answers the question of how they influence it.Originality/value – This study adds to the influencer marketing literature by investigating the mediating role of followers’ loyalty in between the relationship of influencer’s credibility and purchase intention of followers as well as their attitude towards the brand.

"The power of eWOM and online reviews on Generation Z" : A quantitative study about to what degree eWOM and online reviews influence Generation Z's purchase intention regarding interior design in Sweden.

Hughes, Lizette, Maria, Persson January 2023 (has links)
Title: The power of eWOM and online reviews on Generation Z - a quantitative study about to what degree do eWOM and online reviews influence Generation Z’s purchase intention regarding interior design in Sweden. Background: This thesis explains the influence of electronic word of mouth (eWOM) and online reviews on the purchasing intention of Generation Z, the world's largest consumer group, within the interior design industry in Sweden. As a result of their constant exposure to marketing through various platforms and social media, eWOM and online reviews have become increasingly influential in consumer purchasing intention. Purpose: The purpose of this research is to explain to what degree do eWOM and online reviews influence Generation Z’s (those born between 1995-2005) purchasing intention regarding interior design in Sweden. Method: The empirical findings were obtained using quantitative research with a deductive approach. Data collection was done through an online survey completed by participants born between 1995-2005 and did not exclude any other age groups. After analysing the findings through an independent sample t-test and Cronbach’s alpha test, they were compared and contrasted with the existing literature to determine their similarities and differences. Conclusion: Overall, this research contributes to our knowledge of consumer behaviour and provides guidance for companies and their marketers aiming to target Generation Z. Understanding the influence of eWOM and online reviews enables companies to adapt their marketing strategies to align with this generation's preferences and trust factors.

Influencer Marketing & Impulsive Buying : A Quantitative Study On Influencer Marketing and Discount Codes Effect On Impulsive Buying and Purchase Satisfaction

Egelbäck Starud, Elin, Claesson, Elsa January 2023 (has links)
Influencer marketing is a new marketing strategy that has risen in popularity to be used by businesses during the last decade. Even though studies have been previously made on influencer marketing, little research has been made specifically on influencer marketing in combination with their discount codes being offered. The main purpose of this research paper is to examine the connection between the discount codes and the effect it might have on consumers' purchase intention, behavior and impulsive buying. Furthermore, the satisfactory levels after a purchase due to influencer marketing has been examined as it has not been seen in previous studies. The findings revealed that consumers are directly affected by influencer discount codes, causing impulsive buying to a certain level and affects the purchase intentions and decision-making in a faster manner. Furthermore, consumers who had purchased products due to influencer marketing obtained a high satisfactory level post-purchase. The same result could be seen both with and without discount codes. These results contribute to a positive insight of influencer marketing for businesses as the majority of the consumers were satisfied with their purchases. The research paper is written in english.

Purchase Intention of Millenials (Gen Y) and Gen Z towards Online Shopping : Investigating the Gen Y and Gen Z Africans living in Sweden

Olatunji-Aikomo, Kikelomo January 2023 (has links)
Purpose: This research aims to test the identified factors that influence the online purchase intentions of millennial (Gen Y) and Gen Z Africans who reside in Sweden and to find out whether there are differences in the online purchase intention between the two generational cohorts. Research design: In order to fulfil the purpose of this study, an online questionnaire was distributed to Gen Y and Gen Z Africans living in Sweden. A total of 203 valid responses were collected through the convenience sampling and snowball sampling method. With the valid responses, the multiple linear regression and analysis of variance were conducted. Findings: The study has found enough evidence to prove that attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control and green concern all have an influence on the online purchase intention of Gen Y and Gen Z Africans living in Sweden. However, the perceived risks is the only factor that does not have an influence on the online purchase intention of Gen Y and Gen Z Africans living in Sweden. Also, the study proves that there are no statistically significant differences in the attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control, green concern and perceived risks of the two generations in question.

From Minutes to Millions: Explaining the Link Between Time Scarcity and the Addicts of Microtransactions : A Quantitative Study

Dietrichsteiner, Sebastian, Hukic, Amir January 2023 (has links)
Microtransactions is a relatively new concept within the gaming industry witha very large monetary value for businesses. Companies utilize persuasivedesign strategies such as time-based scarcity in order to incentivize players tospend money on microtransactions which in turn creates addiction towardsmicrotransactions. The purpose of this paper is to explain the addictiveinfluence limited time scarcity possesses on purchase intention for randomizedvirtual cosmetics (RVC) or definite virtual cosmetics (DVC), and which ofRVC and DVC carries the stronger influence. To arrive to a fitting conclusion,a quantitative method was utilized in order to collect the data required. Sincethis research is explanatory in nature and built on existing research, a crosssectional approach was utilized. Two hypotheses were tested, and aquestionnaire was conducted. The findings from this study suggest that bothRVC and DVC has an impact on purchase intention, however RVC proves tocarry a stronger influence than DVC.

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