Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nonpurchase intention"" "subject:"nonpurchasers intention""
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業配文與產品購買意願之研究:信號理論觀點 / Sponsored posts and consumer purchase intention: a signaling theory perspective曹靖 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究遂以信號理論(Signaling Theory)的觀點出發,將業配文撰文者視為信號傳遞者(Signaler)、文章內容視為信號本身(Signal)、消費者視為信號接收者(Receiver)、承載文章之平台視為信號環境(Signaling Environment),探討此四大面向中可能影響消費者文章信任、產品態度與購買意願之因素。
本研究採量化分析,透過發放線上問卷蒐集初級資料,經統計迴歸分析後發現,信號接收者面向的「撰文者與消費者相似性」、「撰文者過往名聲」、信號本身面向的「文章內容真實性」以及信號環境面向的「平台可信度」確實對文章信任有正向顯著影響,並會藉之進而影響產品態度和購買意願。此外,「平台生動性」及「平台互動性」則直接對產品態度有正向顯著影響。而本研究也針對文章信任之中介效果及信號接收者面向的「消費者人格外向開放性」、「消費者過去受業配文影響之經驗」、「消費者產品知識程度」是否具調節效果進行分析,詳細結果於研究中將一一闡述。 / In recent years, the impact of Electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) has surged due to the prevalence of the Internet and social media. In response to this phenomenon, many firms have been inviting public figures or Internet celebrities to write sponsored (blog) posts for certain products. Sponsored posts, in substance, lie somewhere between solely spontaneous sharing of personal experiences and actual endorsements. Hence, many consumers still take sponsored posts with a grain of salt and remain skeptical of their authenticity as well as trustworthiness.
This research builds upon Signaling Theory by adopting the concept of “Signaler”, “Signal”, “Receiver”, and “Signaling Environment”, and aims at clarifying some possible factors that may influence consumers’ trust toward the sponsored posts, product attitude and purchase intention.
Among the independent variables, “Similarity between Writer and Consumer”, “Writer’s Reputation”, “Content Truthfulness”, and “Media Credibility” are significantly positively correlated with consumers’ trust toward the sponsored posts, which then positively influences consumers’ product attitude and purchase intention. Meanwhile, “Media Vividness” and “Media Interactivity” also contribute significantly to consumers’ product attitude. Other factors involved, the mediating effect of trust, as well as the moderating effect of “Consumer’s Personality” and “Consumer’s Past Experiences” are further discussed in this research.
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Slogan Word Count and the Effects on Consumer BehaviorScro, Paige 12 1900 (has links)
Slogans can be attributed as a way in which to communicate a brand's message to its key consumer. An effectively established brand amongst targeted consumers can in turn generate profitability and ever further promote the brand. The purpose of this paper was to investigate the effectiveness of advertisements that employ vague or precise cosmetic product brand slogans among both male and female consumers. Ultimately, the end goal of marketing is to make a sale. Additionally, the purpose of this study was to determine whether or not the length of a slogan is an influential factor on the participant's motivation to purchase a cosmetic or skincare product. Data was collected through the use of survey in an online social media format, in order to test the effectiveness of different lengths of slogans for slogan recall, brand recall, brand awareness and purchase intention. Prior research and hypotheses were used to predict the concept that shorter more concise or precise slogans in this study would heighten the levels of all measured variables in the study, slogan recall, brand recall, brand awareness and purchase intention. The results of this paper conclude overall vague slogans have the potential to reach higher levels of slogan recall ability , brand recall and the intent to purchase, on the contrary shorter more precise slogans affect brand awareness at a greater level than the lengthier slogans.
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El uso del factor atmosférico del Visual Merchandising con relación a la intención de compra en los retailers minoristas de ropa femenina / The use of the atmospheric factor of Visual Merchandising in relation to purchase intent in women's clothing retailersNeira Ramos, Stephanie Gabriela, Quezada Zapata, Belén Alessandra 21 August 2020 (has links)
El estudio tuvo como objetivo el análisis de distintas variables que se encuentran presentes tanto en el interior como exterior de los espacios físicos de un retail minorista que pueden guiar a los consumidores, dentro de una tienda, a modificar su proceso de compra. Para ello, se definió un conjunto de variables del visual merchandising a las que los clientes están expuestos como parte de una estrategia y táctica de marketing que los conlleven a tener o experimentar una intención de compra. Dichos componentes están relacionados al ambiente y diseño del espacio de compra. Por ello, se estudiaron variables como el color, iluminación, window display y diseño interno. Ante ello, se realizará un estudio cuantitativo a jóvenes mujeres que asisten a retailers minoristas de ropa femenina y compran constantemente. / The objective of the study was to analyze different variables that are present both inside and outside the physical spaces of a retail retailer that can guide consumers, within a store, to modify their purchase process. To do this, a set of visual merchandising variables was defined for customers who are exposed as part of a marketing strategy and tactic that lead to having or experiencing a purchase intention. These components are related to the environment and the design of the shopping space. Therefore, variables such as color, lighting, shop window and internal design were studied. Given this, a quantitative study will be carried out on young women who attend women's clothing retailers and shop constantly. / Trabajo de investigación
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Factores de riesgo percibido en el canal online y su relación con la intención de compra de productos de tecnología en tiendas por departamento en Lima MetropolitanaOrtega Díaz, Martín Gabriel, Prado Tarrillo, Juan Miguel 27 November 2019 (has links)
El riesgo percibido ha sido considerado desde hace décadas como un factor fundamental en el comportamiento de compra de los consumidores, y en este caso, en el proceso de toma de decisión de compra. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo identificar y examinar la relación entre los distintos factores de riesgo percibido que percibe el consumidor con la intención de compra en línea de productos tecnológicos en tiendas por departamento. Se realizaron un total de 405 encuestas vía online entre consumidores que adquirieron productos tecnológicos por el canal online de las tiendas por departamento en los últimos doce meses. Se realizó un análisis factorial y una regresión logística y análisis de los datos se realizó utilizando IBM SPSS Statistics 25. Los resultados revelaron que el riesgo de seguridad es el de mayor influencia negativa en la intención de compra de los consumidores. Asimismo, el riesgo financiero y riesgo social también demostraron tener una relación negativa con la intención de compra en línea. Por su parte, el riesgo de producto, riesgo de desempeño y riesgo de tiempo resultaron no afectar a la intención de compra en línea de los consumidores. El estudio proporciona información relevante para el marketing, especialmente para los especialistas en e-commerce, y se espera que los hallazgos puedan aportar a futuros estudios sobre la percepción del riesgo en los consumidores, para que de esta manera se puedan reducir los riesgos en el entorno online. / Perceived risk has been considered for decades as a fundamental factor in consumer purchasing behavior, and in this case, in the purchasing decision-making process. The present research aims to identify and examine the relationship between the different perceived risk factors perceived by the consumer with the intention of online purchase of technological products in department stores. A total of 405 online surveys were conducted among consumers who purchased technology products through the online channel of department stores in the last twelve months, using factor analysis and logistic regression and the data analysis was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics 25. The results revealed that security risk has the greatest negative influence on consumers' purchase intention. Likewise, financial risk and social risk were also shown to have a negative relationship with online purchase intention. For its part, product risk, performance risk, and time risk did not affect consumers' online purchase intention. The study provides relevant information for marketing, especially for e-commerce specialists, and it is hoped that the findings can contribute to future studies on the perception of risk in consumers so that in this way the risks in the online environment can be reduced. / Trabajo de investigación
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Hållbara produktegenskapers påverkan på köpintentionen hos konsumenter : i den svenska fast fashion-industrin / Sustainable product characteristics’ impact on consumers’ purchase intention : in the Swedish fast fashion industryHaglund, Emma, Ullbrandt, Matilda, Jonasson, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Textilindustrin en av nutidens smutsigaste industrier och inte minst fast fashion-industrin haren väldigt stor negativ påverkan på miljön. Trots det framhäver marknadsföringen hos många av de största fast fashion-företagen idag hållbara produkter. Till följd av den rådandeklimatkrisen har detta uppmärksammats och bidragit till en hållbar utveckling av samhället. Hållbar utveckling är en utveckling som tillgodoser dagens behov utan att äventyra kommandegenerationers möjlighet att tillgodose sina behov. När då fast fashion-industrin revolutionerade textilindustrin på bekostnad av miljön, är det rimligt att ifrågasätta denna påstådda hållbarhethos deras produkter. Tidigare forskning har visat att hållbarhet har en positiv påverkan på konsumenters köpintention och även till viss mån specifika attribut som bidrar till detta samband. Därmed undersöks detta samband vidare med förhoppningen att det blir tydligare vilka attribut som har en inverkan på konsumenten vid önskan om att vilja köpa fast fashionplaggmed hållbara egenskaper. Genom en kvantitativ undersökning i form av en enkätundersökning samt hypotesprövningar undersöker denna uppsats fast fashionkonsumenters inställning till följande attribut: återvunna material, biologisk nedbrytbarhet, återanvändbarhet/återvinningsbarhet, miljömärkningar, socialt hållbara märkningar, ekologiska material och närliggande produktion. Resultaten visades genom flertal regressionsanalyser som samtliga påvisade ett negativt samband mellan hållbarhetsattributen och köpintention. Varavfyra av dessa var signifikanta: återvunna material, biologisk nedbrytbarhet, miljömärkningar och ekologiska material. Detta betyder att en ökning av konsumentens köpintention mot fastfashion-plagg leder till att inställningen gentemot plagg med hållbarhetsattribut minskar. Slutsatsen som dras utifrån detta är att de konsumenter som har en låg intention att konsumerafast fashion-produkter värderar hållbarhet högt. / The textile industry is one of the present day’s dirtiest industries and not least the fast fashion industry has a very large negative impact on the environment. Despite this, the marketing of many of the largest fast fashion companies today highlights sustainable products. This has been observed as a result of the current climate crisis and contributed to the sustainable development of today’s society. Sustainable development is a development that meets today's needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. So, when the fast fashion industry revolutionized the textile industry at the expense of the environment, it is reasonable to question this alleged sustainability of their products. Previous research has shown that sustainability has a positive impact on consumers' purchase intention, and further, to some extent, specific attributes that contribute to this relationship. Thus, this connection is further studied with the hope that it will become clearer which attributes have an impact on the consumer's desire to buy fast fashion garments with sustainable characteristics. By using a quantitative study in the form of a survey, and implementation of hypothesis tests this essay examines fast fashion consumers' attitudes towards the following attributes: recycled materials, biodegradability, reusability/recyclability, eco-labels, socially sustainable labels, organic materials, and production nearby. The results were shown through several regression analyzes, all of which showed a negative relationship between the sustainability attributes and purchase intention. Four of which were significant: recycled materials, biodegradability, eco-label, and organic material. This means that an increase in the consumer's purchase intention towards fast fashion-products leads to a reduction in attitudes towards garments with sustainable attributes. The conclusion drawn from this is that consumers who have a low intention to consume fast fashion products value sustainability highly. The thesis is written in Swedish.
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Marketing de contenido: la experiencia de consumo como mediador entre la satisfacción y la intención de compra, aplicado al turismo en las agencias de viaje de Lima / Content marketing: the consumer experience as a mediator between satisfaction and purchase intention, applied to tourism in Lima travel agenciesEsteban Valderrama, Yazmin Arianna, Rojas Palacios, Danitza Xiomara 27 November 2019 (has links)
Solicitud de embargo por publicación en revista indexada. / En la actualidad, se han venido desarrollando cada vez más plataformas de agencias de viajes online, debido a que el turismo y la compra online han ido creciendo durante los últimos años. Sin embargo, existen factores de la adquisición de productos y servicios por este medio que pueden afectar positiva o negativamente a la satisfacción del usuario en cuestión, lo cual puede afectar su decisión de utilizar dicha plataforma para concretar su compra. Este estudio buscó analizar las principales variables influyentes en los consumidores digitales dentro del rubro de turismo y agencias, enfocados desde el concepto de marketing de contenido, basándose en el uso de herramientas cuantitativas como la encuesta online, aplicada dentro de Lima Metropolitana. Ante esto, se recaudó información imprescindible para valorar el nivel de importancia e influencia de cada uno de estos factores con respecto a los individuos, además de confirmar o descartar la relación entre estos. / Nowadays, more and more online travel agency platforms have been developed, due to the fact that tourism and online shopping have been growing in recent years. However, there are factors in the acquisition of products and services by this means that can positively or negatively affect the satisfaction of the user in question, which may affect their decision to use said platform to complete their purchase. This study sought to analyze the main variables influencing digital consumers within the tourism and agencies sector, focused from the concept of content marketing, based on the use of quantitative tools such as the online survey, applied within Metropolitan Lima. Given this, essential information was collected to assess the level of importance and influence of each of these factors with respect to individuals, in addition to confirming or ruling out the relationship between them. / Trabajo de investigación
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Nästa generations e-handel : En kvantitativ studie om hemleverans av skönhetsprodukter via Q-commerce / Next generation of e-commerceÅberg, Johanna, Ericson, Charlotte January 2021 (has links)
Den här studien fokuserar på vilken påverkan tillgänglighet, bekvämlighet och tid har på konsumenters köpintention vid köp av skönhetsprodukter via q-commerce. Undersökningen baseras på teorier utifrån konsumentbeteende, köpintention och konsumentens köpprocess som har föranlett utvecklingen av q-commerce. Tillsammans med tidigare forskning gällande digitalutveckling, mobilshopping och leveransservice presenteras teorier för att skapa en förståelseför vad som påverkar konsumenter till köp via q-commerce. Studien genomfördes med hjälp aven webbaserad enkätundersökning via sociala medier samt ett allmänt anslag via en lärplattform i Högskolan i Borås. Det som framgår av studiens resultat är att samtliga hypoteser kan accepteras gällande att ju högre konsumenter värdesätter tillgänglighet, bekvämlighet och snabb leveranstid, desto större är sannolikheten att de väljer att genomföra köp av skönhetsprodukter via q-commerce. Det kan förklaras av att respondenterna värdesätter en lättillgänglig, bekväm och snabb köpprocess, vilket har påverkat utvecklingen av q-commerce samtidigt som skönhetsprodukter anses vara en produktkategori som är efterfrågad i kontext till q-commerce. Resultatet som presenteras i den här studien går inte att generalisera till en större population. Dock ger resultatet en indikation på ett konsumentbeteende som fördelaktigt kan ligga till grund för framtida forskning gällande utvecklingen av q-commerce inom skönhetsbranschen men även för applicering på andra branscher med liknande attribut. Då qcommerce är ett nytt forskningsområde finns det relativt lite forskning om ämnet, vilket gör att framtida forskning bör ta hänsyn till en större population samt kontrollera konsumenters faktiska beteende. Vidare bör framtida studier förslagsvis använda sig av andratillvägagångssätt genom att granska utifrån ett företagsperspektiv samt bredda avgränsningen och inte bara fokusera på köp av skönhetsprodukter. / The focus of this study is if availability, convenience and time have an impact on consumers’ purchase intentions when purchasing beauty products through q-commerce. The survey is based on theories that describe consumer behavior, purchase intention and the consumer's buying process that have influenced the development of q-commerce. Together with previous research regarding digital development, mobile shopping and delivery service, theories are presented to create an understanding of what influences consumers to buy through q-commerce. The study was conducted with a web-based survey through social media and the platform of University of Borås. The results of the study emerge that all hypotheses can be accepted regarding the fact that the more customers value availability, convenience and fast delivery, the greater the probability that they choose to make purchases of beauty products through q-commerce. This can be explained by the fact that the respondents value a buying process that is accessible, convenient and fast which has affected the development of q-commerce and that beauty products are considered a product category that is in demand in the context of q-commerce. The results that are presented in this study cannot be generalized to a larger population due to the sampling method that has been used. However, the results give an indication of consumer behavior that can advantageously be used in the beauty industry for future research regarding the development of q-commerce, but also in other similar industries. Since q-commerce is a new research area, there is minimal existing research on the subject, which means that future research should take a larger population into account and control consumers' actual behavior. Furthermore, future studies should suggest using other approaches by examining from a company perspective and broadening the boundaries and not just focusing on the purchase of beauty products.
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Factores que influyen en la decisión de compra por internet, de ropa deportiva en mujeres de 15 a 45 años de Lima ModernaManrique Aguilar, Ana Lucía, Luzón Saavedra, Marly Eliset 12 November 2020 (has links)
Considerando el viraje cada vez más intensivo hacia lo fitness y el comercio electrónico, el presente trabajo de investigación se centra en los principales factores que influyen en la decisión de compra de ropa deportiva mediante plataformas virtuales. El grupo seleccionado fue el de mujeres de 15 a 45 años de edad de Lima Moderna. Partiendo de modelos de toma de decisiones como el Modelo de Comportamiento Orientado a Objetivos, la investigación se realizó bajo una metodología cuantitativa descriptiva, empleando como herramienta principal un cuestionario de nueve áreas: innovación electrónica, innovación en moda, confianza, seguridad percibida, calidad de la información, valor percibido, ahorro de tiempo, ahorro de dinero e intención de compra. Los principales resultados encontrados fueron que las variables ahorro de tiempo y ahorro de dinero juegan un papel fundamental en la configuración del valor percibido y este a su vez presenta una correlación alta en la intención de compra de ropa deportiva a través del canal online. / Considering the increasingly shift towards a fitness lifestyle and e-commerce, the current research focuses on the main factors that can influence the decision to purchase sportswear through virtual platforms. The sample was composed by women between the ages of 15 and 40 that live in the districts of Modern Lima. Based on decision-making models such as the Objective-Oriented Behavior Model, the study was carried out under a descriptive quantitative methodology, using as the main tool a survey of nine areas: electronic innovation, fashion innovation, trust, perceived security, quality of information, perceived value, time saving, money saving and purchase intention. The main results found were that the variables time saving and money saving play a fundamental role in the configuration of perceived value and the latter presents a high correlation in the intention to buy sportswear online. / Tesis
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Acciones del social commerce en relación con la intención de compra en vestimenta femenina, en el sector retail / Actions of social commerce in relation to the intention to buy women's clothing, in the retail sectorAtiro Herrera, Fiorella Lisbeth, Cruz Ventura, Mercedes Sayuri 27 November 2019 (has links)
Con la aparición del comercio social o también llamado social commerce, los usuarios tienen la facilidad de intercambiar información en redes sociales a través de experiencias previas. No obstante, al ser un término nuevo y poseer una rápida evolución no se ha estudiado ampliamente la relación que hay entre el social commerce y la intención de compra. Cabe indicar, que las tiendas por departamento de moda femenina, en Perú, la integran en su estrategia de marketing digital. A partir de ello, este trabajo académico tiene como objetivo de investigación identificar cuál es el grado de influencia de los constructos del social commerce (comentario, sugerencia y botón de compra) en base a las interacciones sociales (estados cognitivos y afectivos) con relación a la confianza e intención de compra online de prendas de vestir femeninas en las tiendas por departamento en Lima Metropolitana. Siguiendo el modelo S-O-R se han planteado siete hipótesis y para probarlas recolectaremos los datos necesarios mediante encuestas en línea. Esta investigación espera la participación de 250 personas que pertenezcan al público objetivo descrito en la muestra. Todas las respuestas serán medidas en escala Likert de 7 puntos, donde 1 es “totalmente en desacuerdo” y 7, “totalmente de acuerdo” / With the appearance of social commerce or also called social commerce, users have the facility to exchange information on social networks through previous experiences. However, being a new term and having a rapid evolution, the relationship between social commerce and purchase intention has not been widely studied. It should be noted that women's fashion department stores in Peru integrate it into their digital marketing strategy. Based on this, this academic work aims to identify the degree of influence of the social commerce constructs (comment, suggestion and purchase button) based on social interactions (cognitive and affective states) in relation to confidence and intention to buy women's clothing online in department stores in Metropolitan Lima. Following the S-O-R model, seven hypotheses have been raised and to test them we will collect the necessary data through online surveys. This research expects the participation of 250 people who belong to the target audience described in the sample. All responses will be measured on a 7-point Likert scale, where 1 is "totally disagree" and 7, "totally agree". / Trabajo de investigación
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Relación del engagement del consumidor con la intención de co-creación e intención de compra en Instagram de la categoría de ropa para mujeres / Relationship of consumer engagement with the intention of co-creation and purchase intention on Instagram of the women's clothing category.Herrera Reyna Farje, Jose Manuel, Fernandez Paredes, Lenkiza 24 August 2020 (has links)
La importancia del presente estudio está centrada en la relación de las variables engagement, co creación e intención de compra. En este sentido, se considera que: engagement, se define a través de distintas dimensiones donde se evalúa el comportamiento del consumidor con relación a una determinada marca; intención de co creación, ocurre cuando los clientes tienen una participación activa y colaborativa con la marca; y la intención de compra, interpretada como la voluntad de los consumidores a aceptar pagos más altos. Todo esto considerando como contexto la categoría de ropa femenina en la plataforma de Instagram, debido a su alta popularidad y demanda por un tema de moda y también del empoderamiento.
En base a esto, esta investigación tiene como principal finalidad determinar si existe una relación dichas variables y comprobar la validez de los estudios realizados previamente acerca de estas, tales como Cheung, Pires, Rosenberger, y De Oliveira (2020) que sostuvieron que el engagement es una variable antecedente crucial de las intenciones de co creación y de compra; así como también, otros autores como Kennedy (2019) que sostuvo que el engagement junto a la intención de compra son las principales variables precursoras de la co creación. Por lo cual, también se plantea llenar dicho vacío teórico a través de los resultados de la investigación. / The importance of this study is centered on the relationship of the variables engagement, co-creation and purchase intention. In this sense, it is considered that: Engagement is defined through different dimensions where consumer behavior is evaluated in relation to a certain brand; intention to co-create, occurs when customers have an active and collaborative participation with the brand; and the purchase intention. interpreted as the willingness of consumers to accept higher payments. All this considering as context the category of women's clothing on the instagram platform, due to its high popularity and demand for a fashion theme and also empowerment.
Based on this, the main purpose of this research is to be able to demonstrate the relationship between the different variables and to check the validity of the studies previously carried out on them, such as Cheung, Pires, Rosenberger, and De Oliveira (2020) who argued that the engagement is a crucial antecedent variable of co-creation and purchase intentions; as well as other authors such as Kennedy (2019) who argued that engagement together with purchase intention are the main precursor variables of co-creation. Therefore, it is also proposed to fill this theoretical gap through the results of the research. / Trabajo de investigación
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