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Att förstå ätstörningar : En kvalitativ studie baserad på kvinnors egna berättelser om hur det är att leva med ätstörningar. / To understand eating disorders : A qualitative study based on womens own stories what it´s like to live with eating disordersMamic, Karolina January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study is to create a deeper understanding of the disease known as eating disorder. The study is based on four autobiographies written by individuals who themselves have been affected by eating disorders. These stories have been studied using a narrative approach. To achieve the purpose, the study is focused on what participants describe as the factors underlying the onset of the disease, the factors that participants describe maintained their eating disorders, as well as what is described to be the factors responsible for their recovery. By my interpretation of the stories, I have been able to identify common factors that all participants describe to be influential in their disease course. The common factors that have been identified are relationships, expectations and emotions. The result shows that it is possible to see a variation in how these factors have influenced the participants' disease course. The variety of how these factors have influenced suggests that each individual's care is unique. The results have been analyzed by using the theory of social construction.
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Second-order least squares estimation in regression models with application to measurement error problemsAbarin, Taraneh 21 January 2009 (has links)
This thesis studies the Second-order Least Squares (SLS) estimation method in regression models with and without measurement error. Applications of the methodology in general quasi-likelihood and variance function models, censored models, and linear and generalized linear models are examined and strong consistency and asymptotic normality are established. To overcome the numerical difficulties of minimizing an objective function that involves multiple integrals, a simulation-based SLS estimator is used and its asymptotic properties are studied. Finite sample performances of the estimators in all of the studied models are investigated through simulation studies.
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Disciplining Freedom : Treatment Dilemmas and Subjectivity at a Detention Home for Young MenGradin Franzén, Anna January 2014 (has links)
This ethnographic study explores treatment practices and staff-resident interaction at a detention home for young men, drawing on video recorded conversations and interviews. It investigates ideological dilemmas inherent in the institutional setting and how these produce complex subject positions to uptake, negotiate or refuse. Study I explores a core treatment dilemma: coercion vs. freedom, involving the dual institutional goal of coercing residents into norm abiding behavior and of producing individuals who behave "properly" out of their own free will. It focuses on staff members’ talk about token economy, illuminating rhetorical resources deployed to avoid the troubled subject position of a disciplinarian. Study II investigates disciplinary humor, illuminating how humor is used both to impose and disrupt social order. It shows how staff members and youths skillfully deploy humor in negotiating local hierarchies related to authority, generation, and age. Humor was also found to be a useful way of navigating ideological dilemmas. Study III explores behavior modification practices, focusing on how selfassessment practices can be conceptualized as responsibilization that emphasizes self-regulation. It documents the participants’ engagement in strategic deployment of specific subject position relations, “young boy”-caregiver rather than delinquent-disciplinarian. In brief, the thesis shows that subject positions are essentially co-constructed, and how positions related to age are highly relevant in this institutional setting. Paradoxical aspects of subject positions provide discursive resources that can be deployed to navigate ideological dilemmas such as that of coercion vs. freedom, but also to handle issues of authenticity. / Denna etnografiska studie undersöker behandlingspraktiker och interaktion mellan personal och ungdomar på ett särskilt ungdomshem för unga män. Materialet består framförallt av videoinspelad interaktion och intervjuer. I studien utforskas ideologiska dilemman samt hur dessa producerar komplexa subjektspositioner att uppta, förhandla om eller neka. Studie I undersöker ett huvuddilemma: tvång vs. frihet, vilket involverar de dubbla institutionella målen att tvinga ungdomarna till önskvärt beteende och att producera individer som beter sig ”korrekt” av egen fri vilja. Fokus ligger på personalens tal om teckenekonomi och studien synliggör retoriska resurser som används för att undvika positionen ”disciplinär personal”. Studie II utforskar disciplinerande humor och synliggör hur humor används både för att skapa och omskapa den sociala ordningen. Studien visar hur personal och ungdomar skickligt använder humor i förhandlingar om lokala hierarkier relaterade till auktoritet, generation och ålder. Humor var också ett sätt att navigera ideologiska dilemman. Studie III undersöker beteendemodifieringspraktiker, med fokus på hur självutvärdering kan förstås som responsibilisering med fokus på själv-reglering. Studien dokumenterar deltagarnas strategiska användning av specifika subjektspositionsrelationer, ”liten pojke”-vårdare snarare än ungdomsbrottsling-disciplinär personal. Sammantaget visar avhandlingen att subjektspositioner i grunden är samkonstruerade och att positioner rörande ålder är ytterst relevanta i denna kontext. Paradoxala aspekter av subjektspositioner bidrar med diskursiva resurser vilka kan användas för att hantera ideologiska dilemman och för att hantera frågor rörande autenticitet.
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Stochastic Modelling of Random Variables with an Application in Financial Risk Management.Moldovan, Max January 2003 (has links)
The problem of determining whether or not a theoretical model is an accurate representation of an empirically observed phenomenon is one of the most challenging in the empirical scientific investigation. The following study explores the problem of stochastic model validation. Special attention is devoted to the unusual two-peaked shape of the empirically observed distributions of the conditional on realised volatility financial returns. The application of statistical hypothesis testing and simulation techniques leads to the conclusion that the conditional on realised volatility returns are distributed with a specific previously undocumented distribution. The probability density that represents this distribution is derived, characterised and applied for validation of the financial model.
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Testovani normalnosti dat genovich ekpresse / Normality test of the gene expression dataShokirov, Bobosharif January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with a test of normality of gene expressions data. Based on characterization theorems of the normal distribution, the test of normality is replaced by a test of spherical uniformity. Due to strong correlations between the gene expression data, the normality test is conducted with $\delta$ sequences. A new characterization theorem of the normal distribution is proven. Based on that, the normality test is conducted using Kolmogorov's test statistic. The obtained characterization results for the normal distribution are extended to the complete type of distributions and based on that, a test is conducted to verify whether the distributions of the two data sets of the gene expressions belong to the same type. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Stochastické diferenciální rovnice s Gaussovským šumem / Stochastic Differential Equations with Gaussian NoiseJanák, Josef January 2018 (has links)
Title: Stochastic Differential Equations with Gaussian Noise Author: Josef Janák Department: Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics Supervisor: Prof. RNDr. Bohdan Maslowski, DrSc., Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics Abstract: Stochastic partial differential equations of second order with two un- known parameters are studied. The strongly continuous semigroup (S(t), t ≥ 0) for the hyperbolic system driven by Brownian motion is found as well as the formula for the covariance operator of the invariant measure Q (a,b) ∞ . Based on ergodicity, two suitable families of minimum contrast estimators are introduced and their strong consistency and asymptotic normality are proved. Moreover, another concept of estimation using "observation window" is studied, which leads to more families of strongly consistent estimators. Their properties and special cases are descibed as well as their asymptotic normality. The results are applied to the stochastic wave equation perturbed by Brownian noise and illustrated by several numerical simula- tions. Keywords: Stochastic hyperbolic equation, Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, invariant measure, paramater estimation, strong consistency, asymptotic normality.
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Naturen består av "grönt" : Kvantitativ studie av identifikationsmöjligheter i svensk barn- och skollitteratur 1750–2015 / Nature consists of "green" : Quantitative study of representation in Swedish children’s and school books 1750–2015Israelsson, Maria January 2018 (has links)
Elever med utländsk bakgrund presterar generellt sämre i NO-ämnen än elever med svensk bakgrund. Det kan endast delvis förklaras med socioekonomiska faktorer och språksvårigheter. Det är däremot tänkbart att de försämrade resultaten för elever med utländsk bakgrund kan förklaras av normativ exkludering. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om läroplanens krav på alla elevers rätt till likvärdig undervisning uppfylls. De frågeställningar som ställs är om identifieringsmöjligheterna för elever med olika etnisk bakgrund har påverkats av kraven i Lpo94 och Lgr11, och om arbetet med skolans värdegrund återspeglar sig i förändringar av läroböckernas illustrationer. Studien är en kartläggning av förekomsten av synliggörande och normativ exkludering genom osynliggörande med fokus på elevernas förutsättningar inför högstadiet. Den består av en kvantitativ kartläggning av vilka som är avbildade i barn- och skollitteratur under 1750–2015 (utifrån etnicitet, kön och ålder). Den ska inte ses som en läromedelsanalys utan snarare som en analys av värderingar visade genom läromedelsinköp. Studien kan påvisa både långsiktiga trender och kortare fluktuationer i såväl andelen avbildade som graden av inkluderande avbildning. Ingen ökad grad av inkludering kunde detekteras under slutet av 1900-talet och under 2000-talet (förutom angående andelen barn i litteratur för äldre barn). Märkbarapositiva effekter av Lpo94, Lgr11 och de senare årens värdegrundsarbete i skolan kan alltså inte detekteras. Det bör därför krävas nya typer av insatser för att kunna uppnå kravet på likvärdig undervisning för alla elever. / The purpose of this study is to examine if the Swedish ethnocentrism influences the education in biology in Swedish school: if students with different ethnical background have unequal opportunities to identification due to inequality in representation in Swedish school books, and of the current Swedish curriculum Lgr11 and the previous curriculum Lpo94 have had any effect on representation in Swedish school books. Students with non-Swedish ethnical background generally perform less well in science than students with Swedish ethnical background. It can only be partially explained by socio-economic factors or language skills. However, norm-based exclusion could be a major factor. This study focus on normative exclusion through invisibilizing. It reports an intersectional quantitative study of depiction of age, ethnicity, gender and national minorities in Swedish children and school books 1750–2015. It is not an analysis of text books as such but rather an analysis of values shown by purchases of educational material. The analyses revealed both long-term trends and shorter fluctuationsin the degree of depictions as well as in the degree of exclusion/inclusion. The study cannot find any detectable increase in ethnic or gender inclusion during the late 20thand the 21thcentury. Therefore, any significant positive effects of the national Swedish curricula Lpo94 and Lgr11 and the focus of core values (“värdegrund”) can be excluded.
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Développement d’un modèle de comportement pour la détection et le diagnostic d’événements anormaux : application à l’hélicoptère / Development of a behavior model for detection and diagnosis of abnormal events : application to helicopterBect, Pierre 30 April 2013 (has links)
La maintenance d’un système complexe est souvent segmentée par sous-système. Chacun de sous-systèmes faisant intervenir des compétences pointues et variées, déterminer l’état de santé globale du système s’avère être une tâche compliquée. Cependant, les systèmes complexes sont aujourd’hui surveillés avec attention ce qui permet d’enregistrer un nombre important de données hétérogènes permettant à la maintenance d’être efficace sur chaque sous-systèmes. La variété de ces données permet d’avoir une vision d’ensemble sur l’état de santé du système mais du fait de leur quantité et de leur hétérogénéité leur analyse est un exercice complexe. Pour pallier aux problématiques de traitement de données de masse, ces dernières décennies ont vu se développer des outils informatiques et mathématiques permettant d’extraire des informations pertinentes d’un ensemble de données : le data mining. La mise en application d’outils issus des méthodes de data mining peut être une solution à l’identification de l’état santé globale du système.Pour rendre cela possible, la thèse présente dans un premier temps comment construire un modèle de comportement du système hélicoptère en se basant sur des données relatives au bon fonctionnement de l’appareil. Ce modèle de comportement considéré comme normal va ensuite servir de référence. Il permettra donc dans un deuxième temps de répondre à comment détecter et caractériser une déviance, un événement anormal, vis-à-vis du modèle du comportement normal du système. Cette méthode cherche à maximiser l’utilisation des données et minimiser l’introduction d’information relative à la connaissance du système. De cette manière, elle permet de fournir des résultats complètement objectifs qui pourront être comparés à des analyses physiques. La méthode est supportée par un ensemble d’outils mathématiques implémentés dans une infrastructure industrielle permettant l’utilisation de données réelles associées aux appareils d’Eurocopter.Pour accompagner la mise en place de cette méthode, cette thèse présente une application sur des données réelles issues d’hélicoptères de type EC225 de la gamme d’Eurocopter. / The maintenance of complex system is often segmented by subsystem. Each subsystem involving specialized and various skills, assess the global health of the system is a difficult problem. However, today, complex systems are carefully monitored that allows the records of a substantial amount of heterogeneous data that leads to accurate subsystem maintenance. Diversity of data provides an overview of the global health of the system but in the reason of quantity and heterogeneity their analyses is a difficult exercise. To tackle these data treatment difficulties, computational and mathematical tools have been developed. They allows extraction of relevant information in a substantial amount of data, it is the data mining. The implementation of data mining method could be a solution to the assessment of global health of the system.To make that possible, in a first time, this thesis present how define a helicopter behavior model by using data which are recorded in a good way of running. This behavior model considered as normal will be used as a reference. In a second time, this model will allow to answer to how detect and characterize a drift, an abnormal event, from the normal system behavior model. This method tries to maximize the data usage and minimize the expert knowledge. By this way, it provides results totally objective which could be compare to physical analyses. This approach is supported by a set of mathematical tools implemented in an industrial infrastructure which allows the use of Eurocopter aircraft operational data.To support the implementation of this method, this thesis presents an application of the method on real data from the EC225 helicopter of Eurocopter
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A função social das classes especiais para deficientes mentais numa perspectiva crítica de inclusão escolar / The social role of special classrooms for the mentally handicapped in a critical approach of inclusion at schoolsMarceli Rodrigues 17 March 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho, de natureza qualitativa, discute a função das classes especiais para deficientes mentais em nossa sociedade tendo em vista seus aspectos social e histórico, numa visão crítica de inclusão escolar. A inclusão escolar é defendida como forma de garantia de igualdade ao deficiente mental e, as classes especiais, como empecilho a isso. A pesquisa, apoiada em questões como ideologia, inclusão marginal, construção e desconstrução de conceitos, bem como, na opinião de professores do ensino fundamental da rede pública do município de Osasco, demonstra que as classes especiais para deficientes mentais exercem uma função definida em nossa sociedade. Por isso, seu fechamento, ausente de uma análise que leve à conscientização de tal função, produzirá outros mecanismos. A classe especial para deficientes mentais justifica a exclusão e, por isso, tem papel definido na sociedade de classes em que vivemos. As entrevistas com os professores que atuam em classes especial e comum demonstram seu conceito de inclusão, classe especial e deficiente. Há um sentimento romântico que cerca um certo discurso inclusivo em que, aceitar o deficiente depende, apenas, de boa vontade. Isso gera deturpações no que diz respeito tanto ao real entendimento da questão como a possíveis mudanças. Com base em autores com posições críticas, a dissertação constituiu a tentativa de entender a construção de conceitos na sociedade e, conseqüentemente, na escola, como normalidade e igualdade, a fim de compreender o radical de determinadas atitudes referentes ao aluno deficiente. A pesquisa teórica, aliada às entrevistas semiestruturadas com professores, constituiu maneira de perceber como determinados padrões foram e são produzidos e reproduzidos pela e na escola. / This qualitative paper investigates the role of special classrooms for mentally handicapped individuals in our society. We consider both social and historical aspects in a critical analysis based upon the process of inclusion at schools. This is frequently viewed as a means of ensuring equality between the mentally handicapped and non-mentally handicapped learners, being the special classrooms seen as barriers to it. The research based not only on issues such as ideology, marginal inclusion, forming concepts and destroying them, but also on opinions expressed by elementary public school instructors in the city of Osasco demonstrates that special classrooms for the mentally handicapped play a clear role in our society. Thus, its closure lacking thoughtful consciousness of such a role will produce other mechanisms. Classrooms for mentally handicapped people justify the exclusion; therefore, their role is clearly defined in our segmented society. The interviews with the teachers, who work in both special and regular classrooms, show their concepts of inclusion, special classrooms and of handicapped learners. There is a romantic feeling surrounding a certain inclusion speech in that to accept handicapped students depends exclusively on goodwill. It causes misconceptions on the factual meaning of the issue and possible changes. By studying authors showing critical approaches, the dissertation consisted of a try to understand how concepts such as normality and equality are formed in the society and consequently in schools in order to comprehend the origin of certain attitudes towards disabled students. Theoretical research associated with semistructured interviews with teachers has been an attempt to understand how certain standards were and are produced and reproduced in and by schools.
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Análise harmônica dos totais de chuvas mensais de regiões homogêneas do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul / Harmonic analysis of the total rainfall monthly of homogeneous regions of the state of Rio Grande do SulCardoso, Daniel Souza, Cardoso, Daniel Souza 24 March 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-03-24 / Whereas the State of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), have an economy directly dependent on agriculture and livestock sectors, which in different studies are reported as dependent on the variability of certain climatological elements, and the RS element water is regarded as fundamental. We conducted a study of the monthly total rainfall, to long 60 years (1948/2007), collected from 31 meteorological stations (EMs) and distributed geographically in the state. In the interest of contributing to the local society to predict possible shortages, and / or development of public policies for the use of water resources in urban and rural areas.
In order to obtain a model that can provide an approximation of the behavior of the average rainfall for each of the six homogeneous regions, as defined in the literature (Marques, 2005), held has an harmonic analysis of the data previously adjusted to 30-day months. Before the analisys, the properties were checked for normality, homogeneity of variance and stationarity. The data tested for normality and homogeneity of variances, have not passed satisfactory in these tests and, hence, there was a transformation of data, generating new data sets that met the conditions of homogeneity of variance and normality. The relative increase in the trend, to long 60 years, ranged from 2,7 to 13,3% in the six homogeneous regions.
Through harmonic analysis was obtained models that adequately represent the behavior of the average rainfall for the six homogeneous regions of RS, consisting of 3 or 4 sine waves, with one representation from 81 to 95% of the variability of the data. It was possible to found that some harmonics stood out, by have higher representation of the variability of the observed data, and the harmonic half stood out, in 50% of the models, and the harmonics quarterly and annual stood out, in 33,33% and 16,66% of, respectively. The models were tested to forecast, within the interval of 2003/2007, evolving in time according to the trend of time series of each region, being validated in residual analysis, by of residuals autocorrelation . Showing up as appropriate for forecast of future values. / Considerando que o Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (RS), possui uma economia diretamente dependente dos setores pecuário e agrícola, que em diferentes estudos são apontados como dependentes da variabilidade de alguns elementos climatológicos, e que no RS o elemento hídrico é considerado como fundamental. Realizou-se um estudo dos totais mensais de chuva ao longo de 60 anos (1948/2007), coletados de 31 estações meteorológicas (EMs) bem distribuídas, geograficamente, no Estado. Com o interesse de contribuir para a sociedade local, na previsão de possíveis racionamentos, e/ou na elaboração de políticas públicas para o uso dos recursos hídricos, nas áreas urbana e rural.
Com o objetivo de obter um modelo, que possa apresentar uma aproximação do comportamento da precipitação pluvial média de cada uma das seis regiões homogêneas, já definidas na literatura (Marques, 2005), realizou-se uma análise harmônica dos dados previamente ajustados à meses de 30 dias. Antes da análise foram verificadas as propriedades de normalidade, homogeneidade de variâncias e estacionariedade. Os dados submetidos aos testes de normalidade, e de homogeneidade de variâncias, não obtiveram aprovação satisfatória nestes testes e, daí, realizou-se uma transformação de dados, gerando novos conjuntos de dados, que satisfizeram as condições de homogeneidade de variâncias e normalidade. O aumento relativo da tendência ao longo de 60 anos, variou de 2,7 a 13,3% nas seis regiões homogêneas.
Através da análise harmônica obteve-se modelos que representam adequadamente o comportamento da precipitação pluvial média para as seis regiões homogêneas do RS, constituídos por 3 ou 4 ondas senoidais, apresentando uma representatividade de 81 a 95% da variabilidade dos dados. Foi possível constatar que alguns harmônicos destacaram-se por apresentar maior representatividade da variabilidade dos dados observados, sendo que o harmônico semestral destacou-se em 50% dos modelos, e que os harmônicos quadrimestral e anual destacaram-se em 33,33% e 16,66% destes, respectivamente. Os modelos foram testados para previsão, compreendida no intervalo de 2003/2007, evoluindo no tempo de acordo com a tendência das séries temporais de cada região, sendo validados na análise residual pela autocorrelação dos resíduos. Mostrando-se como adequados para previsão de valores futuros.
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