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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ausbildungs- und Kenntnisstand sowie Maßnahmen oraler Prävention in stationären und ambulanten Pflegeeinrichtungen in der Region Göttingen / Eine Befragung von Pflegepersonal und Pflegedienstleitung / State of Knowledge and Training Qualifications including Preventive Oral Measures in Stationary and Ambulatory Nursing Care Facilities within the Region of Göttingen / A Survey of Nursing Staff and Care Services

Geiger, Franziska Dorothee 24 April 2017 (has links)
No description available.

"Det blir svart på vitt, alla gör samma bedömning" : Omvårdnadspersonals upplevelse av Pediatric Early Warning Score på barnavdelning

Larsdotter Hedström, Kajsa, Eriksson, Matilda January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Vid bedömning av sjuka barns allmäntillstånd visar tidigare forskning att enbart vitalparametrar, så som puls och andningsfrekvens, är en låg indikator för att upptäcka försämring. Pediatric Early Warning Score (PEWS) är en skala baserad på vitalparametrar tillsammans med fysiologiska faktorer, så som andningsmönster och kapillär återfyllnad, för att tidigt upptäcka försämring i det sjuka barnets allmäntillstånd. Syfte: Beskriva omvårdnadspersonals upplevelser av att använda PEWS som hjälpmedel i omvårdnaden av sjuka barn. Metod: En interventionsstudie med semistrukturerade fokusgruppsintervjuer som bearbetades genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats. Resultat: Omvårdnadspersonalen upplevde PEWS som ett mångfacetterat hjälpmedel i bedömningen av det sjuka barnets allmäntillstånd. Det bidrog till kommunicerbarhet där kommunikationen blev förenklad, tydligare och fördjupad i teamarbetet. Det förändrade arbetssättet som uppstod, i och med implementeringen, ledde till viss osäkerhet då det var ett nytt verktyg att arbeta med. Samtidigt beskrev omvårdnadspersonalen en ökad noggrannhet i bedömningen och i förlängningen omvårdnaden av barnet. Omvårdnadspersonalen upplevde en säkerhet utifrån att objektiviteten ökade och struktur och stabilitet skapades i omvårdnaden. En trygghet uppstod då verktyget fungerade som en stöttepelare i bedömningen och i förlängningen omvårdnaden av barnen. Slutsats: Trots att omvårdnadspersonalen uttryckte en viss osäkerhet i det nya verktyget beskrev de en upplevelse av att PEWS gav dem ett förenklat och gemensamt språk, objektiva referensramar och strategier som skapar säkerhet i omvårdnadspersonalens dagliga arbete. / Background: In assessing general condition of sick children, previous research shows that only vital parameters, such as pulse and respiratory rate, are a low indicator of detecting deterioration. Pediatric Early Warning Score (PEWS) is a scale based on vital parameters along with physiological factors, such as breathing pattern and capillary refill, to detect early deterioration in the general condition of the sick child. Aim: Describe nursing staff experiences using PEWS as an assistance in nursing sick children. Method: An intervention study with semi-structured focus group interviews that were processed through qualitative content analysis with inductive approach. Result: It contributed to communicability where communication was simplified, clearer and deeper in team work. The change of work that occurred during the implementation led to some uncertainty as it was a new tool to work with. At the same time nursing staff described increased accuracy in the assessment and, in the long run, the nursing of the child. Care staff experienced a certainty from the fact that objectivity increased and structure and stability were created in the nursing. A security arose when the tool acts as a pillar in their assessment, and in the long run, in the nursing of the children. Conclusion: Although the nursing staff expressed some uncertainty in the new tool, they described an experience that PEWS gave the nursing staff a simplified and mutual language, objective references and strategies that create safety in the daily nursing.

Närståendes upplevelser av möten med vårdpersonal på intensivvårdsavdelningen : Kvalitativ studie

Liljén, Stina January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: På intensivvårdsavdelningen är patienterna ofta så sjuka att kommunikationen med vårdpersonalen kan vara svår. Närstående på intensivvårdsavdelningen har en viktig roll i omvårdnaden. I studierna framkommer att närstående har ett stort behov av information samt att kommunikation, skydd av patient, deltagande och stöd är viktigt men ingen av studierna har utgått från mötet med vårdpersonalen. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva upplevelser av närståendes möten med vårdpersonal på intensivvårdsavdelningen. Metod: Deskriptiv design med kvalitativ ansats och semistrukturerade intervjuer med nio närstående. Kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats. Huvudresultat: Det framkom fyra kategorier: Att känna trygghet som handlade om att få ett förtroende för vårdpersonalen, att vårdpersonalen visade omtanke, var tillmötesgående och professionella. Att känna otrygghet som handlade om att de upplevde otillräckligt förtroende för vårdpersonalen, att de kände ovisshet i mötet med dem och var oprofessionella. Att ha behov av information som syftar till att närstående önskade få information som var tydlig, förståelig, kontinuerlig, aktuell och ärlig. Att uppleva brist på information framkom då det förekom osäkerhet i informationen och en ovilja hos vårdpersonalen att ge information. Slutsatser: Vårdpersonalen bör få en ökad insikt om hur närståendes behov ska tillgodoses och att de får en ökad medvetenhet om att det framkommer både osäkerhet och brist på information. Det är viktigt att de gör något åt det för att öka tryggheten för de närstående. / Background: In the intensive care unit, patients are often so ill that communication with nursing staff can be difficult. Relatives in the intensive care unit have an important role in nursing care. The studies show that relatives have a large need for information and that communication, patient protection, participation and support are important, but none of the studies have been based on the meeting with nursing staff. Aim: The purpose of the study was to describe experiences of relatives' meetings with nursing staff at the intensive care unit. Method: A descriptive design with qualitative approaches and semi-structured interviews with nine relatives were conducted. Qualitative content analysis with inductive approaches was used. Main results: Four categories emerged: To feel secure was about gaining confidence in the nursing staff, that the nursing staff showed care, were courteous and professional. To feel insecure was about experiencing insufficient confidence in the nursing staff, feeling uncertainty when meeting and being unprofessional. Needing information aims to that relatives wished for information that was clear, understandable, continuous, current and honest. To experience lack of information emerged as uncertainty in the information and an unwillingness of the nursing staff to provide information existed. Conclusion: Nursing staff should gain insight into how to meet relatives' needs and to gain increased awareness that both uncertainty and lack of information exists. It is important that they do something about it to increase the safety of the relatives.

Personcentrerad omvårdnad inom demensvård ur ett personalperspektiv : - en litteraturöversikt / Person centered care in dementia care from a personnel perspective : – a literature review

Bjurman, Jessica, Sundh, Malin January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: En demenssjukdom är sjukliga förändringar i hjärnan som påverkar minnes- och tankeförmågor och ger en påverkan på personens förmåga att klara det normala dagliga livets aktiviteter. Genom personcentrerad omvårdnad kan personen med demenssjukdom bibehålla ett gott liv och ha så gott välbefinnande som möjligt. Syfte: Att beskriva omvårdnadspersonalens upplevelse av att vårda enligt personcentrerad omvårdnad inom demensvård. Metod: Studien är en litteraturöversikt med kvalitativ ansats och induktiv analys användes. Resultat: Vid analysen identifierades två kategorier; personen i centrum och hinder i utförandet. Att anpassa vården efter de behov personen med demenssjukdom har samt att utbildning inom det specifika området är nödvändigt var två av huvudfynden. Även ett antal hinder som kunde uppstå i omvårdnaden belystes av omvårdnadspersonalen, så som bristande kommunikation, tidsbrist samt ifrågasättande anhöriga. Slutsats: Det krävs både mer forskning och utbildning om personcentrerad omvårdnad inom demensvården för att omvårdnadspersonal ska kunna utföra personcentrerad omvårdnad på ett adekvat sätt inom demensvården. / Title: Person centered care in dementia care from a personnel perspective – a literature review. Background: Dementia is described as pathological changes in the brain that affects abilities of memory and thinking, and gives an impact on the person’s ability to cope with normal activities of daily life. The person with dementia can through person centered care maintain a life as good as possible and a good wellbeing. Aim: To describe the nursing staff’s experiences of caring according to person centered care in dementia care.  Method: The study is a literature review with a qualitative approach which was inductively analyzed. Results: During the analysis process two categories were identified; the person in focus and obstacles in the implementation. Two of the main findings were to individualize the care and that education within the specific area is necessary. A number of obstacles that could occur were identified by the staff, such as lack of communication, time and questioning relatives. Conclusion: Both research and education about person centered care in dementia care is required to be able to implement person centered care in an adequate manner.

Att vårda under rädsla : - En litteraturstudie om vårdpersonals upplevelser av hot och våld inom psykiatrisk vård.

Baradaran, Nadja, Lundgren, Sofie January 2016 (has links)
Titel: Att vårda under rädsla- en litteraturstudie om vårdpersonals upplevelser av hot och våld inom psykiatrisk vård. Bakgrund: Rapporter visar att hot och våld är vanligt förekommande inom vård och omsorg. Våld förekommer i alla delar av vården, men det finns vissa avdelningar som är mer utsatta för våld än andra, exempelvis psykiatrin. Det verbala och fysiska våldet skapar en otrygg miljö och kan ge allvarliga konsekvenser för både för personal och patienter. Syfte: Att beskriva vårdpersonals upplevelser av hot och våld inom psykiatrisk vård. Metod: En litteraturstudie baserad på åtta artiklar med kvalitativ ansats. Dessa artiklarna granskades, analyserades och sammanställdes. Resultat: Hot och våld orsakade starka känslor som rädsla och ilska hos vårdpersonal som påverkade arbetet och privatlivet negativt. Den otrygga arbetsmiljön utgjorde ett hot mot vårdpersonalens yrkesroll och självbild. Våld på en psykiatrisk avdelning ansågs oundvikligt, och vårdpersonals förmodades acceptera det som en del av arbetet. Våldet hanterades och förebyggdes med olika strategier, samtidigt som stöd från chefer var bristfälligt. Konklusion: Våld mot vårdpersonal inom psykiatri är ett relativt outforskat ämne som är i behov av mer forskning. vårdpersonalen blir lidande av fysiska och psykiska konsekvenser, som påverkar vårdandet av patienterna och vårdpersonalens hälsa. För att förbättra arbetssituationen krävs mer utbildning för vårdpersonal i hantering av våld. Nyckelord: Vårdpersonal, Psykiatri, Hot och våld, Arbetsrelaterat våld / Title: Working under fear- a literature review about nursing staff’s experiences of threat and violence in psychiatric care. Background: Reports show that threat and violence is a common phenomenon in healthcare. It appears in every part of healthcare, but some units are at more risk than others, for example psychiatric care. The verbal and physical violence creates an insecure work environment and can cause serious consequences for both personnel and patients. Aim: To describe psychiatric nursing staff’s perceptions of threat and violence in psychiatric care. Methods: A literature review based on eight qualitative articles. These articles were examined, analyzed and compiled. Results: Threat and violence caused strong emotional reactions, like fear and anger, among nursing staff that influenced the work and their private life. The unsafe work environment composed a threat to the nursing staff’s professional role and self image. It was percieved that violence were unavoidable, and that nursing staff were expected to accept violence as a part of the job. Violence were handled and prevented with different strategies, while manegement support were lacking. Conclusion: Violence against nursing staff in psychiatric care are a relatively unexplored subject in need of more research. Nursing staff are suffering both physical and psychological damage due to violence in the workplace, which also effects the care given to patients and the nursing staff’s own health. To improve the work situation the nursing staff need more education in handling violence. Keywords: Nursing staff, Psychiatry, Threat and violence, Workrelated violence

Att möta flyktingar och migranter : Vårdpersonalens erfarenheter / Meeting refugees and migrants : Experiences from the perspective of heath care personnel

Isaksson, Mikael, Lundgren, Alexander January 2017 (has links)
Att möta flyktingar och migranter - vårdpersonalens erfarenheter Bakgrund: Sverige har gått från en homogen population med fyra procent av befolkningen födda i ett annat land år 1960 till 17 procent år 2015. Med tillströmningen av över 160 000 flyktingar under 2015 står det svenska samhället och i synnerhet sjukvården inför nya utmaningar, studier har visat att flyktingar har högre prevalens av psykisk sjukdom. Tidigare studier där man undersökt vårdpersonals erfarenheter av att vårda flyktingar och migranter påvisar att språkbarriärer, kulturella skillnader, ökad arbetsbelastning och att migranter har bristande kunskaper i hur hälso- och sjukvårdssystemet fungerar är vanliga erfarenheter. Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka vårdpersonalens erfarenheter av att möta och vårda migranter och flyktingar. Metod: En litteraturstudie baserad på tio vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ ansats. Artiklarna har granskats, analyserats och sammanställts. Artikelsökningarna har skett i databaserna PubMed och Cinahl. Resultat: Resultatet presenteras i fyra huvudkategorier och tio subkategorier. De fyra huvudkategorierna är: Att skapa förtroende, Hinder för att skapa en god omvårdnadsrelation, Ett system som försvårar arbetet och Ett behov av kunskap. Konklusion: Vården står inför nya utmaningar i och med att det sker stora folkomflyttningar. För att kunna möta dessa utmaningar krävs goda kunskaper om andra kulturer, och att vårdpersonalen kan anpassa sig efter individens behov. Nyckelord: Asylsökande, erfarenheter, migranter, vårdpersonal. / Meeting refugees and migrants: Experiences from the perspective of health care personnel Background: Sweden has gone from a homogenous population with four percent of its inhabitants originating from another country in 1960 to 17 percent in 2015. With the influx of over 160 000 refugees in 2015, the Swedish society and health care in particular faces new challenges. Studies have shown that this group has higher rates of mental illness and other previous studies on the experiences of from the personnel suggests that language barriers, cultural differences, increased workload and the migrants´ lack of knowledge about the health care system are common experiences. Aim: The aim of this study is to explore the experiences of health personnel working with migrants and refugees. Methods: A literature study based on ten articles with qualitative approach. The articles were reviewed, analyzed and compiled. The search was conducted in the databases PubMed and Cinahl. Result: The result is presented in four main categories and ten subcategories. The Four main categories are: Creating trust, Barriers to creating a good caring relationship, A system that complicates the work and A need of knowledge. Conclusion: New challenges faces the health care system due to the big movement of people. Nurses need knowledge about different cultures and the skill to adapt to the needs of the individual to give a professional care. Keywords: Asylum seekers, caring personnel, experience, migrants, nursing staff.

Carga de trabalho de profissionais de enfermagem em pronto socorro: proposta metodológica / Nursing workload in emergency department: methodological proposal

Rossetti, Ana Cristina 20 December 2010 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi propor uma metodologia para identificar carga de trabalho de enfermagem em Pronto Socorro Geral. Trata-se de estudo descritivo exploratório, do tipo estudo de caso, realizado em um Hospital Geral, de atenção secundária que integra o Sistema Único de Saúde, com gestão por Organização Social, localizado no município de São Paulo. Os dados foram coletados de junho a agosto de 2010 por meio de instrumentos específicos. Para identificar a carga de trabalho das áreas em que houve atendimento para avaliação da gravidade e realização de procedimentos, como: Sala de choque, Sala de sutura e Sala de medicação/procedimentos de pacientes adultos e pediátricos, os dados foram coletados por meio de planilhas para registrar o tempo disponibilizado pela enfermagem para os pacientes. Nas áreas em que o paciente permaneceu em observação ou aguardando internação, como: Sala de emergência e Observações de pacientes adultos e pediátricos, utilizaram-se instrumentos reconhecidos na literatura. Para calcular a carga de trabalho da Sala de emergência, utilizou-se o Nursing Activities Score, considerando que essa área é similar a uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. Para as Observações de pacientes adultos e pediátricos foi utilizada a categoria de cuidado e o Sistema de Classificação de Pacientes específicos para unidades de internação de pacientes adultos e pediátricos. Pela característica da coleta de dados, obtiveram-se amostras distintas em cada área do PS. O tempo médio de assistência de enfermagem por paciente foi encontrado e a carga média diária de trabalho de cada área foi calculada por meio de equações e apresentada em horas e na relação entre enfermagem-paciente nas áreas em que o paciente permaneceu em observação ou aguardando internação. Na Triagem de classificação de risco, por tratar-se de consultórios que funcionam ininterruptamente, a carga diária de trabalho foi de 48 horas (1:1 consultório). Nas demais áreas, a carga média diária de trabalho encontrada foi: na Sala de choque, 27,8; na Sala de emergência, 170,7 (1:1,2); na Observação de pacientes adultos, 293,6 (1:3,5); na Observação de pacientes pediátricos, 108,7 (1:2,1); na Sala de medicação/procedimentos de pacientes adultos, 169,0; na Sala de medicação/procedimentos de pacientes pediátricos,63,8; e na Sala de sutura, 8,7. Os instrumentos utilizados para coleta de dados mostraram-se adequados, no entanto, os utilizados na Sala de choque e Sala de medicação e procedimentos de pacientes pediátricos não contemplaram a assistência por mais de um profissional de enfermagem para um paciente. Com este estudo, foi possível propor uma metodologia para identificação da carga de trabalho em Pronto Socorro geral e assim subsidiar o dimensionamento de profissionais de enfermagem. / The aim of this study is to suggest a methodology to identify nursing workload in General Emergency Room (ER). This is an exploratory and descriptive study, case study type, carried out in General Public Hospital located in the city of São Paulo for secondary care, managed by social organization. Data was collected from June to August 2010 using specific instruments to identify workload of areas that have assistance to assess severity and procedures performed at shockroom, suture room and medication/procedure room for adults and pediatric patients. All data was registered in plans including length of time required to nursing assist patients. In areas that patients were at observation and waiting for hospital admission, such as: emergency room and outpatient observation room for adults and pediatric patients we used well-known instruments in the literature. To measure workload in emergency room the Nursing Activities Score was used, because this area is similar to an Intensive Care Unit. For adults and pediatrics patients observation, the category of care and patient classification system specific for hospital admission units were used. Given the characteristics of data collected, different samples were obtained in each area of ER. The mean time of nursing care and mean daily workload were found, and both were calculated using equations and presented in hours and nurse-patient ratio in the area that patients were kept at observation or waiting for hospital admission. In triage rooms, which function continuously, daily workload was 48 hours (1:1 triage room). In other areas, the mean daily workload was 27.8 in the shockroom, 170.7 (1:1.2) in the emergency room, 293.6 (1:3.5) in the outpatient observation room for pediatric patients, 108.7 (1:2.1) in the medication/procedure room for adults patients, 63.8 in the medication/procedure room for pediatric patients and 8.7 in the suture room. The instruments for data collection were adequate, however, those used in shockroom and medication/procedure room for pediatric patients did not provide care delivered by more than one nurse practitioner for a single patient. This study enables to propose a methodology to identify workload in general emergency room and helps to sizing the nursing professional.

Distribuição do tempo de trabalho da equipe de enfermagem em unidade de terapia intensiva neurológica / Nursing work time distribution in a neurological intensive care unit

Felix, Natália Nunes 10 February 2015 (has links)
O conhecimento do tempo utilizado no cuidado ao paciente, pela equipe de enfermagem, é considerado uma ferramenta de gerenciamento da assistência e dos recursos humanos, possibilita a identificação dos parâmetros que auxiliam no dimensionamento ideal de profissionais para assistir a clientela. O presente estudo tem como objetivo identificar e analisar a distribuição do tempo de trabalho da equipe de enfermagem em uma unidade de terapia intensiva neurológica. Trata-se de um estudo de natureza quantitativa, descritivo, observacional e transversal, realizado na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neurológica de um hospital de grande porte e alta complexidade da cidade de São Paulo. Utilizou-se das intervenções/atividades de enfermagem identificadas para unidades de terapia intensiva no estudo de Mello (2011), categorizadas de acordo com o sistema padronizado de linguagem Classificação das Intervenções de Enfermagem (NIC) e classificadas em intervenções de cuidado direto, indireto, atividades associadas e de tempo pessoal. Os dados da pesquisa foram coletados pelo método de amostragem do trabalho, por meio de observações diretas das atividades/intervenções realizadas pelos profissionais de enfermagem, a cada 10 minutos, durante 24 horas, em janeiro de 2014. Foram obtidas 10.656 amostras de intervenções e atividades realizadas pelos profissionais de enfermagem em 96 horas de coleta de dados. As intervenções em que a equipe de enfermagem emprega maior tempo de trabalho são a Documentação (22,9%), Administração de Medicamentos (5,9%), Banho (5,4%) e Monitoração dos Sinais Vitais (4,4%). A intervenção realizada com maior frequência pelos enfermeiros é a Documentação (29,1%) e também pelos técnicos de enfermagem (21,6%). Constatou-se que a equipe de enfermagem da unidade despendeu 42,1% do seu tempo em intervenções/atividades de cuidado direto, 37,1% em intervenções de cuidado indireto, 16,6% em atividades pessoais e 4,2% em atividades associadas. Os enfermeiros despendem 55,4% do seu tempo de trabalho em intervenções de cuidados indiretos, 20,5% em intervenções de cuidados diretos, 16,4% em atividades pessoais e 7,7% em atividades associadas. Os técnicos de enfermagem empregam maior tempo de trabalho no cuidado direto (46,6%), cuidado indireto (33,2%), atividades pessoais (16,6%) e associadas (3,5%). A produtividade média da equipe de enfermagem atingiu 83,4%, considerada excelente conforme proposto na literatura. O estudo possibilitou uma compreensão mais objetiva do processo de trabalho da equipe de enfermagem da terapia intensiva neurológica e evidencia novas perspectivas de investigações que subsidiem o planejamento de recursos humanos de enfermagem em unidades de cuidados críticos. / The knowlegmemt of time spent in nurse activities in patient care makes possible to identify parameters that helps to set up a method of quantifying number of professionals required to assist a unit and is considered management tool of health assistance and human resources. The aim of the present of study is to identify and analyze nursing work time distribution of a neurological intensive care unit. It is a quantitative, descriptive, observational and cross-sectional study, developed in the neurological intensive care unit of a large high-complexity hospital in the city of São Paulo. This research considers nursing activities and interventions identified by Mello (2011) for intensive care units, in according to the standardized language system Nursing Intervention Classification NIC and classified as direct and indirect care interventions, associated activities and personal time. Data were collected using the work sampling method, by means of the direct observation of the activities and interventions performed by the nursing professionals every 10 minutes, during 24 hours, in January 2014. 96 hours data were collected , 10,656 samples of interventions and activities performed by the nursing professionals were obtained Documentation (22.9%), were the most prevalent intervention followed by Medications task (5.9%), Bath (5.4%) and Vital Signs Monitoring (4.4%).Among registered nurses and technicians Documentation is the most frequent for both of them 29,1% and 21,6%. The nursing staff spent 42.1% of their time in direct care interventions 37.1% in indirect care 16.6% in personal activities and 4.2% in associated activities. Registered Nurses spent 55.4% of their time in indirect care interventions, 20.5% in direct care. 16.4% in personal activities and 7.7% in associated activities. Nursing technicians expended more working time in direct care (46.6%), followed by indirect care (33.2%), personal activities (16.6%) and associated activities (3.5%). The mean productivity of the nursing staff reached 83.4%, which is considered excellent as per the literature The present study provides an objective understanding of the working process of the nursing staff, in neurological intensive care unit and evidences new perspectives of research that support the planning of the nursing staff in critical care units.

Desenvolvimento de um sistema de apoio à decisão para a elaboração da escala periódica de pessoal de enfermagem / Development of a decision support system to the elaboration of the periodical Schedule of the Nursing staff

Rangel, Alexandre Leite 22 January 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho é apresentado o software de geração automática da escala periódica de trabalho dos profissionais da enfermagem. Este software tem a forma de uma Intranet, o que facilita a implantação do sistema, sendo desnecessário a instalação de softwares clientes do banco de dados ou qualquer outro tipo de configuração nas máquinas dos usuários. Outra característica relevante deste sistema é que ele se classifica como um Sistema de Apoio à Decisão, pois de posse das informações dos funcionários da instituição, ele gera uma sugestão da escala periódica de trabalho, uma vez que o enfermeiro encarregado da confecção dela pode, a qualquer momento, alterá-la manualmente. A escala é gerada para períodos, normalmente de um mês de duração. Cada funcionário está vinculado a um local de trabalho e a um cargo. No momento da geração da nova escala, é necessário informar, portanto, qual o período, qual o cargo e qual o local de trabalho para os quais se deseja elaborar a escala de trabalho. Para a elaboração da escala, utilizou-se a Programação 0/1, uma técnica de Programação Linear Inteira. Nesta técnica, as variáveis podem receber apenas dois valores, zero ou um. São geradas variáveis que representam cada uma, um funcionário em um dia do período e um turno do dia, onde se esta variável receber o valor 1, significa que o funcionário irá trabalhar e se receber o valor zero, significa que ele irá folgar no dia e turno indicados pela variável. Foram levantadas treze restrições para a geração da escala periódica de trabalho de acordo com Regulamento de Recursos Humanos da Instituição onde se desenvolveu o software. Estas restrições são regras que devem ser respeitadas pelo sistema ao gerar a escala de trabalho. Elas são descritas em um arquivo que é exportado para software LINGO, software que gera uma solução para problemas de Programação Linear e Não-Linear, desenvolvido pela LINDO Systems Inc, Chigago, USA e, que é o aplicativo capaz de resolver o problema de Programação 0/1 e calcular em quais dias e turnos cada um dos funcionários irá trabalhar. Após a geração deste arquivo, o software efetua o cálculo e um arquivo com os dados de resposta, que é importado para o sistema de geração automática da escala de trabalho e então disponibilizado em forma de tabela para consulta dos profissionais. Ao término do processo de geração, os funcionários podem avaliar o resultado do cálculo e, sugerir modificações, pois, se as informações que geram o arquivo de restrições forem modificadas, o resultado final consequentemente será outro. Por fim, a geração da escala de periódica de trabalho ficou reduzida a, em média, cinco segundos. / The software of automatic generation of the periodic work schedule of the nursing professionals is presented on this work. This software has the shape of an Intranet, what facilitates the system implementation and makes the installation of client softwares of the data bank or any other type of configuration at the users´ computers unnecessary. Another relevant characteristic of this system is that it classifies itself as a Decision-Maker Support System once it generates a suggestion for the work schedule based on the information of the institution employees and it can be also altered manually, at any moment, by the nurse who is responsible for organizing the schedule which is generated for periods or shifts that usually last a month. Each employee is linked to a workplace and a function. So when generating a new schedule, it is necessary to inform the period, the function and the workplace to have the desired work schedule elaborated. The Programming 0/1, a technique of Linear Programming; was used to elaborate the schedule. With this technique, the variables may receive only two values, zero or one. Variables that each one represents an employee on a day of the period and a day shift, where if this variable receives the value one, it means that the employee is going to work and if it receives the value zero, it means he / she is not going to work on the day and shift indicated by the variable. Thirteen restrictions to generate the work schedule according to the Regulation of the Human Resources of the Institution where the software was developed were taken into consideration. These restrictions are rules that must be respected by the system when generating the work schedule. They are described in a file that is exported to LINGO Software which generates a solution to problems of Linear and Non-Linear Programming problems and is developed by LINDO Systems Inc, Chicago, USA. This applicative is capable of solving the problem of Programming 0/1 and calculating on which days and shifts each one of the employees is going to work. After generating this file, the software calculates it and generates a file with the answers. That file is imported to the system of automatic generation of schedules and then made available as a grid so that the professionals may consult it. At the end of the generation process, the employees may evaluate the results of the calculations and suggest modifications. If the information that generates the file of restrictions is modified, the final result is consequently going to be another one. Finally, the generation of the periodic work schedule was reduced to about five seconds.

Processo de trabalho e atividades educativas de trabalhadores de enfermagem em hospitais públicos / Work process and educational activities for nursing personnel in public hospitals

Silva, Adriana Marques da 16 April 2010 (has links)
O estudo tem como tema central a educação dos trabalhadores de enfermagem e a sua articulação com o cotidiano de trabalho. Foi desenvolvido com os objetivos de analisar as concepções dos enfermeiros sobre as relações existentes entre atividades educativas de trabalhadores e processo de trabalho de enfermagem, e as possibilidades de mudança nessa relação na perspectiva da integralidade da saúde, da educação permanente em saúde e do trabalho em equipe, conceitos que compõem o referencial teórico. Na pesquisa de campo foram realizadas 22 entrevistas semi-estruturadas com enfermeiros de dois hospitais públicos, 14 em hospital de ensino e 8 em hospital municipal. Os sujeitos foram selecionados com a utilização da técnica de bola-de-neve, iniciando com a gerente da área de enfermagem de cada hospital estudado. Os resultados mostraram que nos dois hospitais o processo de trabalho dos enfermeiros se compõe de duas dimensões complementares: gerencial e assistencial. Na primeira predominam atividades de gerenciamento de recursos humanos e, na segunda, a sistematização da assistência de enfermagem. Contudo, no hospital de ensino a atuação dos enfermeiros na sistematização da assistência de enfermagem refere-se à execução do cuidado e ao gerenciamento do cuidado e, no hospital municipal, apenas ao gerenciamento do cuidado. Há, em ambos os serviços, uma estreita relação entre processo de trabalho e atividades educativas de trabalhadores de enfermagem, porém, de caráter instrumental, técnico; e os enfermeiros têm a expectativa que as atividades educativas sejam realizadas pela área de educação continuada. Foram identificadas possibilidades de mudanças nas relações entre o processo de trabalho e a atividade educativa, em experiências voltadas a gestão participativa e ao trabalho em equipe, porém uma frágil presença de tematização da integralidade e da educação permanente em saúde. Conclui-se pela necessidade de construção de mudanças do modelo assistencial e das atividades educativas de trabalhadores nos hospitais, na perspectiva da atenção integral à saúde contemplando para além do biológico, também as dimensões da vida social, cultural e emocional. / The study is focused on nursing workers education and the relationship with the daily work. It was developed with the purpose of analyzing the nursess views on the relationship between educational activities for workers and work processes of nurses, and the possibilities for change in this relationship in perspective for integration of health, of continuing health education and teamwork concepts which constitute the theoretical framework. In the field research were carried out as follows: 22 semi-structured interviews with nurses from two hospitals, 14 in educational hospital and 8 in the public hospital. The subjects were selected using the snowball technic, starting with the nurse area manager at each hospital. The results showed that both hospitals nurses work processes is composed by two complementary dimensions: management and care. The first activities are mostly of human resource management and, second, the nursing care systematization. However, in educational hospital the nurses work in nursing care systematization refers to the care implementation and care management and in public hospital, just care management. In both services, we found a close relationship between work processes and educational activities nursing workers, however of instrumental character, technical; though nurses have the expectation that the educational activities be done by the educational area. We identified opportunities for change in relations between the work processes and educational activities, in experiments aimed at participatory management and teamwork, but a weak presence of thematizing completeness and continuing health education. It is needed to change the assistencial model and educational activities for workers in hospitals, in view of the comprehensive health care in addition to addressing the biological, also the dimensions of social, cultural and emotional.

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