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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Smurtinių nusikaltimų kriminologiniai aspektai / Criminological Aspects of Violent Crimes

Gintautienė, Sabina 04 March 2009 (has links)
Smurtinių nusikaltimų kriminologiniai aspektai Santrauka Magistro darbe pateikiama kriminologinė smurtinių nusikaltimų analizė. Kriminologinėje literatūroje daugelio autorių išskiriami „klasikiniai“ smurtiniai nusikaltimai – nužudymai, sunkūs sveikatos sutrikdymai bei išžaginimai – pripažįstami pavojingiausiais nusikaltimais žmogui, kuriais kėsinamasi į asmens gyvybę, sveikatą bei seksualinio apsisprendimo laisvę. Skiriamasis šių nusikalstamų veikų požymis - kriminalinės prievartos panaudojimas. Magistro darbe pateikiama smurto, agresijos samprata. Daugėja smurto panaudojimo atvejų visuomenėje, nerimą kelia šeiminis smurtas, smurtas prieš vaikus. Darbe aptariami smurtinių nusikaltimų kriminologiniai aspektai: išanalizavus kriminogeninę statistiką, pateikiamas nusikalstamumo būklės įvertinimas Lietuvoje; aptariama smurtinių nusikaltimų statistika - jų paplitimas, struktūra. Nužudymai, sunkūs sveikatos sutrikdymai bei išžaginimai bendroje nusikalstamumo statistikoje sudaro nedidelę lyginamąją dalį. Tačiau didėja nuo nusikaltimų žuvusiųjų asmenų skaičius. 2006 m. smurtinių nusikaltimų aukomis tapo daugiau kaip 1000 žmonių. Per 1996 m. – 2006 m. laikotarpį nužudymų skaičius sumažėjo 1,37 karto, sunkių sveikatos sutrikdymų – išliko nepakitęs, o išžaginimų – išaugo 1,5 karto. Lietuva yra pirmaujančių pasaulio valstybių gretose pagal nužudymų skaičių, tenkantį 100 tūkstančių gyventojų. Magistro darbo tyrimo dalykas – smurtiniai nusikaltimai – neatsiejamai susiję su šių nusikalstamų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Criminological aspects of violent crimes Summary The analysis of violent crimes is shown in the Master work. Criminal offences - murders, rapes and other violent injuries – are distinguished as „classical“ crimes in literature of Criminology. Those violent crimes are recognized the most harmful and dangerous crimes committed to a person. It is an encroach on somebody’s life, health and sexual position. The main distinguishing feature of those crimes is a criminal violence. The conception of violence and aggression is analysed in this Master’s work. Recently the society is suffering from violence against children and violence in the families. The number of violent crimes is increasing. The criminology aspects of violent crimes are being analysed here. The evaluation of criminal offences in Lithuania is discussed after the analysis of criminal statistics (structure of crimes, distribution). Murders, harmful injuries and rapes form the biggest proportion in the schemes of statistical data. However, the number of deaths caused by criminal violence is increasing. In 2006 more than 1000 people became the victims of violent crimes. The number of murders decreased in 1,37 times during 1996 – 2006. The number of harmful injuries is the same and the number of rapes became 1,5 times bigger. Lithuania is one of the leaders among the world countries according the number of murders (for 1000 inhabitants). The aim of this work is to analyse violent crimes. One of criminological aspects is... [to full text]

Nusikalstamumas Lietuvos kaime / Crime of rural Lithuania

Kučiauskas, Žydrūnas 22 March 2006 (has links)
The theme of this study is Rural Crime of Lithuania. This is historically changing mass social phenomenon of legal – criminal nature, which consists of the entirety of criminal acts, committed in rural areas of Lithuania during certain period. In the study there are analyzed the concept of rural crime and it‘s content, factors that determine rural crime in Lithuania, historical aspects of rural crime, also the level, structure and dynamics of rural crime in Lithuania in 2000 – 2004, personality of rural criminal and registered crime and persons committed crime in the municipality of Kazlų Rūda in 2001 – 2004.

Lietuvos Respublikos prokuratūros susižinojimo su užsienio valstybių įstaigomis praktika / The communication practice of the public prosecutor's office of the Republic of the Lithuania with the foreign countries authorities

Rindokaitė, Rasa 30 May 2005 (has links)
Many factors such as increase of the international crime rate, establishing of the free movement amongst the countries and others have been determining the importance of the international cooperation in the penal field, the aim of which is to administer justice in the penal actions, where the legal help from the foreign countries is needed. The competence of the law-enforcement officers is limited by the territory of the Republic of Lithuania thus in such cases when investigation data, witnesses or suspect himself are located in the other country, crime was committed by the country citizen abroad, convict is hiding in the foreign country etc. the authorities of the other country are addressed for legal assistance in penal action. The grounds for legal assistance are multilateral and bilateral treaties. Sending the requests and carrying them out according the national law fulfill it. Despite the fact that the communication between the two country's authorities is regulated in many acts of legislation, there are still many gaps. For instance, there are no laid down rules (except the rules regarding the European arrest warrant) when the requests for legal assistance should be send via the Office of the Prosecutor General and in which cases – via Ministry of Justice. This and many other issues are being solved in the practice relations that arise while communicating with other countries. The analysis of communication practice can be also useful as it often uncovers the... [to full text]

Nusikaltimas ir nepakanta XVII a. Lietuvos Didžiosios kunigaikštystės visuomenėje / Crime and Intolerance in Society of Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 17th Century

Sabaitytė, Giedrė 10 November 2006 (has links)
Every society consists of two main parts: ingroup (“ours”) and outgroup (“other”). The values of these groups are different and it causes the antithesis exits between these groups. It can develop into the intolerance towards the opposite group. The ingroup has a tendency to overestimate itself while the outgroup is underestimated. Such situation has a tendency to instigate the formation of the stereotypes of the outgroup. Sometimes some qualities of outgroup can be related with crimes in the eyes of ingroup members. One can distinguish two main types of the outgroups in the society of Grand Duchy of Lithuania of the 17th century. The first group can be defined as infidels (Jewry, the Protestants, etc.) and the second – witches. Jewry became the out group because of the religious differences, traditions and behaviour features, etc. The intolerance towards the Jewry had could be stimulated by the existing economic competition. Usually the Jews had been blamed on economical crimes and swindles. Later the character of the accusations for the Jews had transformed. The image of swindling Jew had changed into the image of malevolent Jew, who harms To Christians purposely. The Jewry has been blamed having aim to pauperize the Christians. Later they had been blamed for beeing wishful to damage the Christian religion and to scorn it. Also the Jews had been accused for doing sacriledges, scorning the sacramental objects, stealing crucifixes, etc. Eventually the image of malevolent Jewry... [to full text]

Nusikaltimo aukų - moksleivių socialinė adaptacija ir integracija / Schoolchild as the victim of the crime: social adaptation and integration

Buzas, Algirdas 24 September 2008 (has links)
Dėl ypatingos savo padėties vaikai yra išskirtinė asmenų grupė. Nors jie, kaip ir suaugusieji, turi prigimtines teises, kurių niekas negali nei atimti, nei apriboti, tačiau jas realizuoti dėl savo neveiksnumo negali. Vaiko interesus atstovauja ir gina vaiko tėvai, įstatyminiai atstovai, valstybė. Tačiau ar visada šie atstovai sąžiningai vykdo savo funkcijas ir jomis nepiktnaudžiauja? Būtent šiame magistro darbe ir analizuojama, su kokiomis konkrečiomis problemomis bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose susiduria nuo nusikaltimų nukentėję moksleiviai, kokiomis kryptimis šiuo metu yra vystoma nuo nusikaltimų nukentėjusių moksleivių socialinė integracija ir adaptacija, analizuojama kaip ši sistema galėtų būti tobulinama. Nuo nusikaltimų nukentėjusių vaikų socialinė integracija ir adaptacija yra vienas pagrindinių tikslų, užtikrinant tinkamą vaiko teisių apsaugą. Atlikus su tiesioginiu šio magistro darbo objektu susijusius tyrimus, paaiškėjo, kad bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose dirbantys pedagogai neigiamai vertina moksleivių teisių apsaugos (tame tarpe ir teisės į tinkamą socialinę integraciją ir adaptaciją nukentėjus nuo nusikalstamos veikos) situaciją. Prie tokio neigiamo situacijos vertinimo daugiausia prisideda aukštas nusikalstamumo lygis bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose, nepakankamas specialistų, atsakingų už tinkamą nuo nusikaltimų nukentėjusių moksleivių integraciją į mokyklos bendruomenę skaičius, taip pat kiti faktoriai. Tokias problemas lemia ir su moksleivio asmenybe bei jo požiūriu į... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Schoolchild (and all children on the whole) is a very special social group that requires intensive care and protection. On the one hand schoolchild is a social group that should be under special protection and intense care, but on the other hand situation of the protection of children rights got worse and is under close observation. Social adaptation and integration of the victims of the crime is one of the backgrounds to ensure the protection of children rights. The essential points this dissertation are the problems of the victims of the crime that they are facing in the school, analysis of the instruments that are used for social integration and adaptation of the victims of the crime, also analysis of the direction which should be chosen for the reasonable social integration and adaptation of such people and what implementations should be done in order to form a proper legislation of this social problem. According to the researches that were completed in connection with this dissertation, the situation of the protection of children rights in Lithuanian schools is not proper. This fact is proved by many factors, such as the high level of delinquency in the schools (especially physical and psychological violence), low number of qualified professionals, that are specializing in the sphere of social integration and adaptation of the victims of the crime (“victims” are meant as children) and protection of children rights, negative atmosphere of the school because of the local... [to full text]

Karo nusikaltimų traktuotė tarptautiniuose teisės aktuose ir LR BK / Definition of War Crimes in International Law and Penal Code of Lithuania

Trifonova, Svetlana 04 March 2009 (has links)
Karo nusikaltimais laikomos tyčinės, pavojingos veikos, pažeidžiančios visuotinai pripažintas kariavimo taisykles arba nustatytą elgesį su civiliais, karo belaisviais ar kitais asmenimis, kuriems suteikiama tarptautinė apsauga, padarytos tarptautinio ar netarptautinio ginkluoto konflikto metu. Lietuvos Respublikos baudžiamojo kodekso specialiosios dalies 15 skyriuje reglamentuojami karo nusikaltimai. Šio skyriaus atsiradimą ir normų turinį sąlygojo Lietuvos tarptautiniai įsipareigojimai, prisiimti pagal įvairias tarptautines sutartis, iš kurių, kaip svarbiausias ir turėjusias didžiausios įtakos šio skyriaus atsiradimui, būtų galima paminėti 1949 m. Ženevos konvencijas dėl karo aukų apsaugos ir 1977 m. jų papildomus protokolus bei 1998 m. Romos statutą. Šiame darbe yra siekiama išanalizuoti karo nusikaltimus, numatytus LR BK, ir nustatyti ar jų sudėtys atitinka tarptautinės teisės normas. Pirmoje šio darbo dalyje yra pateikiama karo nusikaltimų sąvokos raida tarptautinėje teisėje. Analizė pradedama karo nusikaltimų reglamentavimu iki 1945 metų, trumpai aptariami karo nusikaltimai, numatyti Niurnbergo tribunolo, Tokijo karo tribunolo įstatuose taip pat ad hoc tribunolų – Ruandos bei tribunolo buvusiai Jugoslavijai statutuose. Vėliausias tarptautinis dokumentas, reglamentuojantis karo nusikaltimus, yra Romos statutas. Antroje darbo dalyje būtent ir yra analizuojami karo nusikaltimai, numatyti Romos statute. Nagrinėjami ir kiti tarptautinės teisės aktai (1949 m. Ženevos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / War crimes consist of conduct (acts or omissions) which is prohibited by the rules of international law applicable in armed conflicts, conventions and recognized principles and rules of international law of armed conflicts. Chapter XV of Penal Code of Lithuania lists war crimes. The origin of this Chapter was determined by international commitments made according to the international treaties regulating war crimes, including Four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and its two Additional protocols of 1977 as well as Rome statute. This paper analyses war crimes included in Penal Code of Lithuania and its conformity with international law and especially Rome statute. The development of definition of war crimes in international law is researched in the first part of the work. The analysis begins with regulating war crimes until 1945, war crimes included in Nuremberg charter, Charter of Tokyo, Rwanda’s statute and statute of the international tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia is briefly discussed after that. The latest international instrument regulating war crimes is Rome statute. In the second part of the work war crimes listed in Rome statute is the object of analysis. This part of the work includes also studying other international treaties (Four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and its two Additional Protocols of 1977 and others), which explain war crimes. War crimes listed in Penal Code of Lithuania is the object of analysis in the final part of the work. Analysis begins with the concept... [to full text]

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