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Rösterna i Riksdagen : Samstämmighet mellan parti och person / The Voices of Parliament : Congruence between party and personNilsson, Stefan January 2012 (has links)
The Voices of Parliament Congruence between party and person The purpose of this study is to determine the congruence between the opinions of members of parliament and their respective party policies, in order to further determine the cause of poor voter-party congruence and whether or not the individualization of the parliament could affect the character of legislation. To do so, the study asks two primary research questions; - "Are the communicated party policies representative of the opinions of the members of parliament?" - "Is the discrepancy between party policies and the opinions of the members of parliament sufficient for the individualization of parliament to substantially affect the parliament's decisions?" The study answers these questions by comparing the average of self-described left-right stances of members of parliament with the average of voter-described left-right stances of party policies, using existing survey data and a constructed left-right dimension. The lower average is then subtracted from the higher average, creating a value of congruence that is then inserted into a constructed congruence dimension. The primary findings of the study suggest that there is substantial congruence between party policies and the opinions of the members of parliament, and that the discrepancy between them is unlikely to substantially affect the parliament's decisions. / Rösterna i Riksdagen Samstämmighet mellan parti och person Syftet med denna studie är att avgöra vilken grad av samstämmighet som kan återfinnas mellan åsikterna hos riksdagsledamöterna och deras respektive partilinjer, för att vidare avgöra orsaken till undermålig åsiktsrepresentativitet och huruvida riksdagens individualisering kan komma att påverka lagstiftningens utformning. För att göra detta ställs två primära forskningsfrågor; - "Är de kommunicerade partilinjerna representativa för vad partiernas respektive riksdagsledamöter tycker?" - "Är diskrepansen mellan partilinjernas och deras respektive riksdagsledamöters åsikter tillräcklig för att riksdagspolitikens individualisering skall kunna göra ett substantiellt avtryck på riksdagens beslut?" Studien besvarar dessa frågor genom att jämföra medelvärdet av riksdagsledamöternas självbeskrivna vänster-högerpositioner med medelvärdet av partilinjernas väljarbeskrivna vänster-högerpositioner, användande existerande enkätdata och en konstruerad vänster-högerdimension. Det lägre medelvärdet subtraheras sedan från det högre medelvärdet, vilket skapar ett samstämmighetsvärde som sedan inlemmas i en konstruerad samstämmighetsdimension. Studiens primära resultat antyder att samstämmigheten mellan riksdagsledamöterna och deras partilinjer är omfattande, och att det förefaller osannolikt att diskrepansen mellan dem skulle kunna substantiellt påverka riksdagens beslut.
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Samband mellan geologiska och bergmekaniska egenskaper i bergmaterial som bärlager till riksväg 51 : Riksväg 51 sträckan Svennevad - KvarntorpskorsetLandeman, Philip January 2018 (has links)
This thesis was created to ensure the quality of the rock which would be crushed to base layer construction material, in a road cut at Swedish highway 51, and to find a possible link between the rock's abrasion resistance and its mineralogy. Rock samples were collected, and among other things, several ball mill tests were carried out. The design of the road project was carried out by Loxia Group AB with NCC Group as contractor.A total of 18 rock samples and 2 base layer samples were taken in the area and they were all tested in a ball mill. The results showed that of the 18 rock samples, 2 samples had a ball mill value of less than 16 on the scale, 10 samples had values from 16 to 20, in addition to this, 3 samples had values from 20 to 21 and 3 samples had values in excess of 21 on the Swedish ball mill scale.Of the 3 samples with a ball mill value higher than 21, all contained a larger amount of biotite. Biotite did not appear to the same extent among the samples that ended up further down the ball mill scale. This link was so clear that a conclusion was subsequently drawn from this. The samples taken on the prefabricated base layer both had a ball mill value between 16 and 20. Overall, both the base layer and the rock material passed the Swedish Government’s Transport Administration’s requirements according to "TRVKB 10, Obundna lager". The rock type that was on the south part of the rock cut, adjacent to a deformation zone, had way too poor quality to undergo a ball mill test and therefore there are no values taken from that area.The conclusion of the work is that the rock material overall meets the Swedish Government’s Transport Administration’s requirements for base layer construction materials according to "TRVKB 10 Obundna lager", that a clear link between the proportion of biotite in a rock material and its abrasion resistance exists, and that the broken rock in the south should not be used as construction materials since the rock has insufficient mechanic capacity.
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