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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stora sällskapet : Fragment av och för Bredäng, en offentlig installation

Jensen, Mårten January 2022 (has links)
Torg, parker och stråk är platser som ofta ses som något gemensamt, en viktig del av det offentli- ga rummet, en skådeplats för diverse yttringar och därmed en fungerande demokrati. Offentliga rum och dess möbler är viktiga för ett stadsdels välmående, som en egen kategori av artefakter som berättar om stadsdelens historia och samtid. Ledtrådarna finns där som för att hjälpa oss att förstå dess sammanhang både mentalt och fysiskt, såsom ett inristat budskap eller hur möbeln är placerad i förhållande till sin omgivning. Offentliga möbler och rum kan liknas vid komponenter- na som får en stadsdel att vara bebodd, hemtrevlig och vital. I stadsrummet kan invånarna mötas och bänken blir då en central förutsättning för samtal och integration i stadsrummet. En offentlig möbel är på sätt och viss något gemensamt, likaså kan den vara en förlängning av individens hem och privata svär. I mitt examensarbete, för kandidatutbildningen på Konstfack, kandidatprogram- met inredningsarkitektur och möbeldesign under vårterminen 2022, formges - ett rum, en möbel för möten i det offentliga rummet.

Presenting the Absent : An Account of Undocumentedness in Sweden

Sigvardsdotter, Erika January 2012 (has links)
This thesis provides an ethnography and critical phenomenology of undocumentedness in the Swedish context. By attending to the forces and processes that circumscribe the life-worlds of undocumented persons, as well as the phenomenology and essential experiences of their condition, a complex and multi-layered illustration of what undocumentedness is and means is successively presented. Employing a dual conceptualization of the state, as a juridico-political construct as well as a practiced and embodied set of institutions, the undocumented position emerges as a legal category defined only through omission, produced and reproduced through administrative routine and practice. The health care sector provides empirical examples of state-undocumented interaction where the physical and corporeal presence of the officially absent becomes irrefutable. This research suggests that the Swedish welfare state – universalistic, comprehensive and with digitized administrative routines – becomes a particularly austere environment in which to be undocumented. Drawing on interviews with regional and local health care administrators, NGO-clinics’ representatives and health professionals, as well as extensive participatory observation and interviews with undocumented persons, I argue that the undocumented condition is characterized by simultaneous absence and presence, and a correspondingly paradoxical spatiality. I suggest that the official absence and deportability of undocumented persons deprives them of the capacity to define space and, in an Arendtian sense, appear as themselves to others. There are, however, some opportunities for embodied political protest and dissensus. The paradoxical qualities of the absent-present condition manipulate the undocumented mode of being-in-the-world and I argue that alienation and disorientation are essential experiences of the undocumented situation.

Presenting the Absent : An Account of Undocumentedness in Sweden

Sigvardsdotter, Erika January 2012 (has links)
This thesis provides an ethnography and critical phenomenology of undocumentedness in the Swedish context. By attending to the forces and processes that circumscribe the life-worlds of undocumented persons, as well as the phenomenology and essential experiences of their condition, a complex and multi-layered illustration of what undocumentedness is and means is successively presented. Employing a dual conceptualization of the state, as a juridico-political construct as well as a practiced and embodied set of institutions, the undocumented position emerges as a legal category defined only through omission, produced and reproduced through administrative routine and practice. The health care sector provides empirical examples of state-undocumented interaction where the physical and corporeal presence of the officially absent becomes irrefutable. This research suggests that the Swedish welfare state – universalistic, comprehensive and with digitized administrative routines – becomes a particularly austere environment in which to be undocumented. Drawing on interviews with regional and local health care administrators, NGO-clinics’ representatives and health professionals, as well as extensive participatory observation and interviews with undocumented persons, I argue that the undocumented condition is characterized by simultaneous absence and presence, and a correspondingly paradoxical spatiality. I suggest that the official absence and deportability of undocumented persons deprives them of the capacity to define space and, in an Arendtian sense, appear as themselves to others. There are, however, some opportunities for embodied political protest and dissensus. The paradoxical qualities of the absent-present condition manipulate the undocumented mode of being-in-the-world and I argue that alienation and disorientation are essential experiences of the undocumented situation.

STADEN - RUMMET - MÖTET : Temporär arkitektur i det offentliga rummet för ökad social hållbarhet / : Temporary architecture in public spaces for increased social sustainability

Larsson, Mattias, Holmgren, Leo January 2018 (has links)
Syfte: Den här studien undersöker temporär arkitektur som fenomen. Temporär arkitektur är tillfälliga rumsliga initiativ som med varierande storlek och form tar stadens offentliga rum i anspråk. Temporär arkitektur är relativt nytt och börjar dyka upp allt oftare i större städer. En del forskning finns kring ämnet, men få beskriver de bakomliggande genomförandeprocesserna och hur temporär arkitektur kan generera social hållbarhet. Målet med den här studien är därför att undersöka hur temporär arkitektur bidrar till ökad social hållbarhet och hur genomförandeprocessen för temporär arkitektur ser ut idag. Frågeställningarna är: (1) Hur kan temporär arkitektur bidra till ökad social hållbarhet? (2) Hur ser genomförandeprocessen för temporär arkitektur ut idag? Metod: Studien är av deskriptiv karaktär och syftar till att skapa ytterligare förståelse för studiefenomenet och dess inneboende egenskaper. Metoderna för datainsamling utgår från ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt genom riktade intervjuer med relevanta respondenter från offentliga och privata sektorn. En litteraturstudie genomförs också med syfte att klarlägga forskningsläget kring studiefenomenet. Resultat: Frågeställning 1 visar att det finns flera sätt som temporär arkitektur positivt påverkar den sociala hållbarheten på. Fyra kärnvärden som var och en förstärker varandra har identifieras. Dessa är gemenskap, delaktighet, tillit samt rörelse. Den temporära arkitekturen uppmuntrar till gemenskap och delaktighet hos människor genom att tillföra kortvariga händelser att samlas kring i det offentliga rummet. Genom nya möten möjliggörs tillit vilket leder till ökad rörlighet. Rörelse löser upp de sociala fastlåsningsprinciperna i samhället och borgar för en ökad gemenskap.  Frågeställning 2 visar att processerna för temporär arkitektur kan te sig mycket olika beroende på i vilket sammanhang som den temporära arkitekturen ska implementeras. Frågeställningen visar också på flera svårigheter som råder i genomförandeprocessen idag. Påtagligt är att utmaningarna i många fall överväger möjligheterna och initiativ kan då helt enkelt utebli. Konsekvenser: Tillfälliga rumsskapande initiativ av typen temporär arkitektur tillför sociala kvaliteter till stadslivet, bortom de kvaliteter som vanligtvis erbjuds av traditionella stadsplaneringsprocesser. Styrkan med temporär arkitektur ligger framför allt i dess gestaltningsmässiga och rumsliga flexibilitet samt i dess förmåga att skapa ökad delaktighet och bättre tillgång till stadens innehåll för människor. Begränsningar: Studien undersöker fenomenet ur ett socialt hållbarhetsperspektiv, och utesluter ekonomiska samt ekologiska aspekter av detsamma. Datainhämtningen genom riktade intervjuer är avgränsad till respondenter verksamma som arkitekter och fysiska planerare samt respondenter från den offentliga sektorn. Näringsliv, fastighetsägare och brukare innefattas inte i de riktade intervjuerna. / Purpose: This study examines temporary architecture as a phenomenon. Temporary architecture is ephemeral structures with varying sizes and shapes that takes city’s public spaces in possession during short periods of time. As a phenomenon, temporary architecture is relatively new, but begins to appear more often in larger cities. Some research has been made on the subject in matter, but few researches describes the process behind and how social sustainability can be linked to temporary architecture. The research questions are: (1) How can temporary architecture contribute to increased social sustainability? (2) What characterizes the temporary architecture implementation process today? Method: The study is of descriptive nature and aims to create further understanding of temporary architecture. Data gathering are based on a qualitative approach through targeted interviews with relevant respondents from public and private sectors. A literature review is also conducted with the intention to clarify current research situation surrounding the study phenomenon. Findings:  Research question 1 indicates that temporary architecture affects social sustainability in several ways.  Four core values that each reinforce each other have been identified. These are community, participation, trust and movement. The temporary architecture encourages community and participation between people by providing short-term events to gather around in public space. New meetings enable trust, which leads to increased mobility. Movement resolves the social constraint principles in society and contributes to an increased community. Research question 2 indicates that the implementation processes for temporary architecture can differ widely depending on the context in which the temporary architecture is to be implemented. The question also indicates that there are several difficulties in the implementation process today. Significantly, in many cases the challenges outweighs the possibilities, why initiatives can be omitted. Implications: Short-term space-creating initiatives like temporary architecture enhance social qualities to urban life beyond the qualities usually obtained by traditional urban planning processes. The strength of temporary architecture lies within its formative and spatial flexibility as well as its ability to create increased participation and better access to the city’s content for people. Limitations: The study focuses on a social sustainability perspective only and excludes the economic and ecological perspective of the phenomena. The interview study is limited to only take planning and municipal perspective in concern. Business and user perspectives are therefore not taken into account.

Konst som förenar : Ett sätt att förändra världen? / The collective artwork : A way to change the world?

Göth Nilsson, Annika January 2022 (has links)
This master thesis aims to investigate participatory art with focus on socially engaged art. The study is based on  Hannah Arendt’s theories of plurality, the public space and the work of art as a ”thought-thing” where the sensory experiences are central. The human’s social life is based on appearances, and individuals appear in front of each other. These appearances are based on a variety of perspectives. The purpose of the essay is to understand what vulnerability means for the art form, and how we as viewers can approach the artwork. By taking a theoretical point of view, the process draws support from Arendt's claim about the work of art as a ”thought-thing”. This is also the method for the thesis where the thought and it’s exploration have a central place and contribute to an organic process. This process follows the events that occur in the outside world like a ”train of thoughts” that connects and develops as a chain.          During this process there have been two great world events that have affected peoples freedom and ability to meet: the pandemic and the war between Russia and Ukraine. This led to the study being influenced by art initiatives linked to Ukraine.           The study begins with identifying the roles and perspectives in the artwork and then continues to discuss how to approach the analysis. This led to see the artwork as several parts that form a whole with the conclusion that the hermeneutic circle would form an appropriate method. The spectator’s pre-understanding is the starting point of the interpretation and helps to reach a deeper understanding of the subject. Finally the analysis results in an interpretation of the French artist JR’s work The Resilience of Ukraine that takes place in Liviv in March 2022. This participatory artwork illustrates the Ukrainian people’s situation in the war between Russia and their country.           The conclusion of the study is that it is important to see whose vulnerability it is that shapes the artwork and that vulnerability is an aesthetic perspective that enables a deeper understanding of the world. The spectator is an active agent that takes part in the appearances even when not formally invited to join the event. With it’s pre-understanding and ability to interpret, the role activates and the spectator gains a deeper understanding of the situation or the artwork. It is the ability to gain deeper understanding that is central for the spectator.

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