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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Téma manipulace v literatuře / Manipulation in Literature

Brožová, Ladislava January 2014 (has links)
The theme of this diploma thesis is the manipulation in literature as a dialog between the I and the You or the I and the It. This I has a different position in each of the two types of manipulation. In the first type the I is the subject of manipulation - that is a manipulator. In the second one the I becomes the object of manipulation - thus a victim of a manipulator because the power over the I has been overtaken by other character's consciousness. The I and the You type is represented by an outside dialog (between characters), whereas the I and the It type is demonstrated in an inside dialog which does not occur between the hero and another character but between the hero and a voice of other character's consciousness. The opening part which deals with the manipulation in different contexts (philosophical, political and psychological) is followed by a part where I interpret the manipulation's representation in literature, especially in the works of Dostojevskij (The Double, The Village of Stepanchikovo, Notes from Underground, The Eternal Husband). With the characters of this author we can view the dark side of the human mind and also have a close look at various forms of arbitrariness, especially at the manipulation with the others.

Mesures invariantes pour des équations aux dérivées partielles hamiltoniennes / Invariant measures for Hamiltonian PDE

Sy, Mouhamadou 11 December 2017 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, on s'intéresse à l'étude qualitative des solutions d'équations aux dérivées partielles hamiltoniennes par le biais de la théorie des mesures invariantes. L'existence d'une telle mesure pour une EDP fournit, en effet, des informations sur sa dynamique en temps long. Nous étudierons deux situations quelque peu "extrémales". Dans une première partie, nous nous intéressons aux équations ayant une infinité de lois de conservation et dans une seconde, aux équations dont on ne connaît qu'une seule loi de conservation non triviale.Nous étudions les premières équations par le biais de l'équation de Benjamin-Ono. Il s'agit d'un modèle de description des ondes internes dans un fluide de grande profondeur.Nous nous intéressons à la dynamique de cette équation sur l'espace C^infty(T) en lui construisant une mesure invariante sur cet espace. Par conséquent, une propriété de récurrence presque sûre (par rapport à cette mesure) est établie pour les solutions infiniment lisses de cette équation. Nous prouvons, ensuite, des propriétés de non-dégénérescence pour cette mesure. En effet, nous montrons que, via cette mesure, une infinité de fonctionnelles indépendantes ont des distributions absolument continues par rapport à la mesure de Lebesgue sur R. Enfin, nous montrons que cette mesure est de nature au moins $2$-dimensionnelle. Dans ce travail, nous avons utilisé l'approche Fluctuation-Dissipation-Limite (FDL) introduite par Kuksin-Shirikyan. Notons qu'une propriété de récurrence presque sûre a été établie pour les solutions de régularité Sobolev de l'équation de Benjamin-Ono, dans les travaux de Deng, Tzvetkov et Visciglia.Dans l'autre partie de la thèse, nous abordons l'équation de Klein-Gordon à non-linéarité cubique, c'est un exemple d'EDPs hamiltoniennes pour lesquelles il n'est connu qu'une seule loi de conservation non triviale. Cette équation modélise l'évolution d'une particule massive relativiste. Ici, nous considérons les cas où l'équation est posée sur le tore tri-dimensionnel ou sur un domaine borné de R^3 à bord assez régulier. Nous lui construisons une mesure invariante concentrée sur l'espace de Sobolev H^2, en utilisant toujours l'approche FDL. Un autre aspect de ce travail est d'étendre le cadre de cette approche au contexte des EDPs à une seule loi de conservation, en effet, dans les travaux antérieurs, l'approche FDL avait nécessité deux lois de conservation pour fonctionner. Puis nous établissons une propriété de non-dégénérescence pour la mesure construite. Par conséquent, une propriété de récurrence presque sûre, par rapport à la mesure construite, est prouvée. Notons que des travaux antérieurs dus à Burq-Tzvetkov, de Suzzoni, Bourgain-Bulut et Xu ont traité la question de mesure de Gibbs invariante pour des équations des ondes dans un contexte radial. / In this thesis, we are concerned with the qualitative study of solutions of Hamiltonian partial differential equations by the way of the invariant measures theory. Indeed, existence of such a measure provides some informations concerning the large time dynamics of the PDE in question. In this thesis we treat two "extremal" situations. In the first part, we consider equations with infinitely many conservation laws, and in the second, we study equations for which we know only one non-trivial conservation law.We study the first equations by considering the Benjamin-Ono equation. The latter is a model describing internal waves in a fluide of great depth.We are concerned with the dynamics of that equation on the space C^infty(T) by constructing for it an invariant measure on that space. Accordingly, an almost sure (w.r.t. this measure) recurrence property is established for infinitely smooth solutions of that equation. Then, we prove qualitative properties for the constructed measure by showing that there are infinitely many independent observables whose distributions via this measure are absolutely continuous w.r.t. the Lebesgue measure on R. Moreover, we establish that the measure is of at least 2-dimensional nature. In this work, we used the Fluctuation-Dissipation-Limit (FDL) approach introduced by Kuksin and Shirikyan. Notice that an almost sure recurrence property for the Benjamin-Ono equation was established on Sobolev spaces by Deng, Tzvetkov and Visciglia.In the second part of the thesis, we consider the cubic Klein-Gordon equation, which is an example of Hamiltonian PDEs for which we know only one conservation law. This equation models the evolution of a massive relativistic particle. Here, we consider both the case of the tri-dimensional periodic solutions and those defined on a bounded domain of R^3. In both settings, we construct an invariant measure concentrated on the Sobolev space H^2xH^1, again with use of the FDL approach. Another aspect of this work is to extend the FDL approach to the context of PDEs having only one conservation law; indeed, in previous works, this approach required two conservation laws. Qualitative properties for the measure and almost sure (w.r.t. this measure) recurrence for H^2-solutions are proven. Notice that previous works by Burq-Tzvetkov, de Suzzoni, Bourgain-Bulut and Xu have treated the invariant Gibbs measure problem in the radial symmetry context for waves equations.

Positions historiques de Fluxus : projets et objets artistiques à travers quelques études de cas

Seraiocco, Nadia January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Cet essai s'inspire des diagrammes de Georges Maciunas et des corrélations qu'il a ainsi établies sur les filiations artistiques de Fluxus. Ces oeuvres, comme les entrevues que Maciunas a accordées aux médias, ont déterminé la perception que nous avons aujourd'hui de cette entité artistique. Nous référons donc à plusieurs endroits aux articles de journaux et aux entrevues parues dans la période où Maciunas était vivant, car ceux-ci viennent confirmer que Maciunas a proposé une certaine histoire de Fluxus et qu'elle a été adoptée. Nous questionnerons donc certains acquis au sujet de Fluxus, dont l'idée que ces artistes étaient des « misfits » dans leur époque. Nous revisitons l'histoire du XXe siècle, inspirés par les liens que Maciunas effectue dans ses diagrammes. Puis, nous mettons en contexte les théories des contemporains de Fluxus, comme celles des historiens et commentateur plus récents qui ont élaboré de nouvelles emprises, parfois relationnelles, parfois contextuelles, sur ces oeuvres au départ dites conceptuelles. En croisant les différentes sources aux oeuvres de Fluxus, il se dégage un portrait de ce regroupement d'artistes qui fait ressortir leur attachement à l'avant-garde artistique du XXe siècle tout comme l'influence qu'ils ont eue sur l'évolution de l'art conceptuel, puis de l'art relationnel et contextuel. Nous en concluons que Fluxus s'est imposé comme façon de faire et continue aujourd'hui à nourrir la réflexion sur ce qu'est l'art. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Fluxus, George Maciunas, Yoko Ono, Avant-garde, Art conceptuel, Art relationnel, Art contextuel, Art du XXe siècle.

Investigation of soliton equations with integral operators and their dynamics

Vikars Hall, Ruben, Svennerstedt, Carl January 2023 (has links)
We present Lax pairs and functions called Lax functions corresponding to Calogero- Moser-Sutherland (CMS) systems. We present the Benjamin-Ono (BO) equation and a pole ansatz to the BO equation, constructed from a specific type of Lax function called a special Lax function corresponding to Rational and Trigonometric CMS systems. We present a generalization of the BO equation called the non-chiral Intermediate wave (ncILW) equation and show that a family of solutions to the ncILW equation can be constructed from the special Lax function corresponding to the hyperbolic CMS system. We present the Szegö equation on the circle and the real line. We obtain a family of solutions to the Szegö equation on the real line using a pole ansatz. Using numerical methods, we display solution plots to the BO equation and Szegö equation.

SUN PIECE : actions of cutting

Gram, Greta January 2013 (has links)
This works explores how to work with Event scores as a design method. In the search for what is real or what is reality the already existing things are being explored. The work started with investigating suitable ways to work with the moving body in the design process, with the aim to find a method that gave control but also left some parameters to the undecided and ambiguous. Convinced that this will lead to something new some parts of the process were highlighted and re-formulated. / Program: Modedesignutbildningen

Konst och kartläggning kring 1970 : Modell, diagram och karta i konstens landskap / Art and Mapping around the year of 1970 : Maps, Models, and Diagrams in the Artistic Landscape

Uggla, Karolina January 2015 (has links)
The years around 1970 saw the emergence of an artistic fascination with maps and mapping. In the present thesis this fascination is conceptualised as a mapping impulse, acknowledging how the discourses of art and mapping, respectively, intertwine and merge. The aim of the study is to analyse this mapping impulse and to identify recurring themes and concepts in artworks and texts on art where maps and mapping processes are used as a visual expression and method.  In order to demonstrate how the scope of the thesis is shaped by later interpretations of art from around 1970, three exhibition publications from three decades are examined to illustrate how boundaries between the discourses of art and of mapping are renegotiated from the late 1960s up until the 2010s. The representing line of the map is analysed via the concepts of diagrams, maps, and models, such as the re-appearance of Claude Shannon’s and Warren Weaver’s Communication Model in the Swedish late 1960s, Öyvind Fahlström’s World Map (1972), and Sten Eklund’s paintings on glass from 1968 where he transfers ideas from Wittgenstein’s Tractatus into visual representations. The procedural aspects of encounters between the discourses of art and of mapping from around 1970 are analysed in Hans Haacke’s Gallery-Goers’ Birthplace and Residence Profile Pt. 1 and Sten Eklund’s Kullahusets hemlighet (The Secret of Kullahuset). The latter work is interpreted in the light of the role of the mapping, surveying individual, and in a figurative sense, the individual in the system. Here, the concept of alienation is used, as the work delineates the mapping subject who itself is being subject to mapping.  In this thesis the mapping impulse is identified as a way to deal with territory and truth in Western art around 1970. The map as a sign system and a practice is representative of a recent stage where art in various ways deal with a world undergoing rapid change. The mapping impulse circa 1970 can be identified as a visual regime of cartographic reason, characterized by legibility, clarity and lucidity. This also suggests alternative interpretations of the impact of the linguistic turn in the art of the 1960s and early 1970s, revealing a more ambiguous relationship between text and image.

Ägonamn : Namnstruktur och namnkontinuitet i två uppländska socknar / Field names : Name structure and Name continuity in two Uppland parishes

Pihl, Elin January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to present the general features of field names from the early 17th century to 2012, and to investigate the continuity of such names and attempt to understand what factors are of importance when it comes to their continuity and disappearance. A general survey is conducted in two parishes, Almunge and Väddö, in Uppland, Sweden, with more detailed investigations covering the hamlets of Söderby and Ösby, in Almunge, and Södra Fjäll and Norrbyle, in Väddö. The theoretical framework of the thesis is based in dialogical theory and the theory of an onomasticon. A total of 5,736 field names are examined and categorized in an onomastic analysis covering a number of angles: name elements, the semantics of generics and specifics, and name continuity. Field names exhibiting continuity, drawn from the four hamlets studied more closely, are also analysed in terms of non-onomastic factors: type of land, joint ownership, and location on the hamlet boundary. The study shows that a majority of field names are formed in the same way: with a specific denoting a natural or cultural feature and a generic indicating a type of farmland. Some variations over time may be noted: specifics describing location seem to be more common in the earlier periods, while those denoting settlements appear more often in later names. In general, it is not possible to speak of a strong continuity of field names. The names that do show continuity usually belong to the most general field-name types, although there is a tendency for names consisting of only one element or including a generic that does not denote land to have a better chance of surviving. The results of my study seem to indicate that both onomastic and non-onomastic factors are of importance when it comes to the survival of field names.

Bimetallic Complexes for Cooperative Polymerization Catalysis

Schütze, Mike 25 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Existence bez existujícího / Existence without existent

Vaškovic, Petr January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to elucidate the ambiguous relation between the concepts of absolute alterity (tout Autre), there is (il y a) and the element (L'élément) in the work of Emmanuel Levinas. The investigation starts with a presupposition, that the above-mentioned concepts can all be considered a form of alterity. First part of the thesis thematises il y a against the backdrop of two seminal texts - From Existence to Existents and Time and the Other - and also in relation to Martin Heidegger's philosophy. Second part is structured around the analysis of the element, as it is presented in Totality and infinity. Part three deals with the concept of absolute alterity, which is contrasted to the conception of the totalizing subject. In the last part of the thesis, these three distinct kinds of alterity are brought into relation and qualitatively differentiated from one another. Key words: Levinas, Heidegger, alterity, radical alterity, totality, il y a, there is, element, From Existence to Existents, Totality and Infinity, Time and the Other

Ontologie prázdnoty / The Ontology of the Void

Smetana, Pavel January 2020 (has links)
Tato práce je vícevrstevným zamyšlením nad tématem prázdnoty. Její prvotní inspirací jsou Bondyho úvahy na toto téma. Nejde o to, ukazovat na neukazatelné, či popisovat nepopsatelné, to by byla spíše filosofická statistika; prázdnota je tu primárně chápána spíše na způsob krajního horizontu, jehož bytostné připuštění zakládá možnost pravého setkání podobném smyslu uvažuje nad souvislostí prázdnoty a milosti a otevírá možnost chápat prázdnotu nikoliv jako axiologickou neurčenost, ale právě jako horizont zvláštního setkání se světem. Takto nahlížená prázdnota otevírá bytostnou plnost a zároveň braných souvislostí těchto myšlenek o mezích ontologie - Plótínovou koncepcí emanační ontologie, či se substanční ontologií ze Spinozovy Protože se v průběhu tohoto rozboru dostává do popředí problém statického a předsudečného chápání ontologické substance (která takové vlastnosti nemůže mít, vyjdeme jako krajního ontologického horizontu), otevírá se otázka původu tohoto problému; v Myšlení vnějšku) a Berďajevem následuje hodnocení možnosti ontologii, což je přeneseně otevření otázky vztahu moci a ontologie či prolínání mocenského hlediska do ontologické úvahy (prázdnota by v yslu představovala zřeknutí se moci). Druhá kapitola práce se návazně zabývá formami zřeknutí se tohoto mocenského hlediska, coby praktikovaného...

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