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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Relationship Between Methadone Familiarity and Methadone Opinions Among Community Corrections Staff

Culcas, Luis Israel 01 January 2022 (has links)
The United States is in the midst of an opioid crisis. Fortunately, effective treatments for opioid use disorder exist (OUD); however, they are underutilized. Medications for opioid use disorder (MOUDs) decrease death by 50 %. These MOUDs are particularly relevant in the criminal justice population given that this population has a higher OUD disease burden but is less likely than the general population to receive this life-saving treatment. Research has identified negative attitudes toward MOUDs among corrections staff as a barrier to utilizing MOUDs. This thesis examines the relationships between community correction staff familiarity with methadone, one type of MOUD, and their opinions toward methadone using extant data from the Criminal Justice Drug Abuse Treatment Studies 2 (CJ-DATS 2) series. These data were collected between 2010-2012. The study was guided by the Knowledge-Attitude Behavior (KAB) model. The data are described using descriptive statistics, and I estimate logistic regressions to examine the relationship between respondent familiarity with methadone and their attitude toward methadone while controlling for other covariates. With a sample of 167 corrections employees, I found that corrections staff who agreed or strongly agreed with the statement that they were familiar with methadone had more positive methadone attitudes. Future research should examine the relationship between familiarity/knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors in other criminal justice settings and for other MOUDs (i.e., buprenorphine and naltrexone).

The Perceptions of Chinese Students in the United States about U.S. Citizen's Attitude toward China and U.S. Media's Coverage of China: A Study on Dissonance Reduction

Zhou, Jiying 24 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Supporting Math Emporium Students' Learning Through Short Instructional Opportunities

Alt, Andrea C. 24 April 2017 (has links)
No description available.

UPPFATTNINGAR OM BORTTRÄNGDA MINNEN : En enkätundersökning med psykologer och psykologstudenter

Jutterdal, Johannes, Hagelberg, Elin January 2024 (has links)
Debatten om bortträngda minnen och hur vi inkodar traumatiska minnen har pågått sedan 80-talet. Forskningen på området är splittrad och ofta hörs bara extrema röster. Studier i andra länder har undersökt hur psykologer och psykologstudenter förhåller sig till ämnet men det saknas forskning i Sverige. Syftet med denna studie var att genom en kvantitativ tvärsnittsdesign med en digital enkät undersöka svenska psykologers och psykologstudenters uppfattning av bortträngda minnen. Ett bekvämlighetsurval användes. 201 personer deltog, varav 38% (n=77) studenter, 6% (n=13) PTP-psykologer och 55% (n=111) legitimerade psykologer. Deltagarna var mellan 20 och 79 år gamla. Könsfördelningen var följande: 79% (n=159) kvinnor, 19% (n=39) män och 1% (n=3) ickebinära/annat. T-tester, en envägs-Anovor, två mixed-ANOVA genomfördes för att analysera skillnader i svar beroende på teoretisk inriktning, mängd erfarenhet av arbete med trauma respektive student eller psykolog. Resultatet visade att majoriteten av psykologer och psykologstudenter ansåg att minnen av traumatiska händelser kan vara otillgängliga under en längre tid. Uppfattningen påverkades inte av teoretisk inriktning eller utbildningsnivå. Däremot påverkades den av mängden erfarenhet av att arbeta med trauma. Vidare visade resultaten att deltagarna uppfattar minnen av traumatiska händelser annorlunda jämfört med andra minnen. Samtidigt är ämnet komplicerat och det kan vara problematiskt att uttala sig om med hjälp av en enkät. Studien visar att delade åsikter finns även inom den svenska psykologkåren och att debatten om bortträngda minnen fortlever. Slutsatser av resultatet diskuteras. / The debate regarding repressed memories and how memory of trauma is encoded has been active since the 80’s. The research is divided, and it is often the extreme views that takes up space in the debate. Research regarding psychologist and psychology students opinions on the subject has been conducted but research on Swedish psychologists opinions is lacking. The purpose of this study was to examine Swedish psychologists and psychology students opinions using a quantitative cross-sectional design with a digital survey. A convenience selection was used. 201 people participated in the study, 38% (n=77) psychology students, 6% (n=3) psychologists in training and 55% (n=111) psychologists. The participants were between 20 and 79 years of age. The gender distribution was as follows: 79% (n=159) women, 19% (n=39) men and 1% (n=3) non binary/other. T-tests, one-way ANOVA as well as two mixed ANOVA were used to analyze depending on theoretical orientation, amount of experience working with trauma and whether the participant were a student or psychologist. The result showed that a majority of psychologists and psychology students believed that memories of traumatic events can be inaccessible for long periods of time. This opinion was not influenced by theoretical orientation or level of education. It was, however, influenced by the amount of experience the participants had working with trauma. Furthermore, the results showed that participants perceive memories of traumatic events differently compared to other memories. However, the topic is complex and difficult to examine using only a survey. The study shows that there are divided opinions within the Swedish psychology profession and that the debate continues. Conclusions of the results are discussed.

Débat privé, enjeu public? : comment les citoyens ordinaires construisent des opinions sur le problème de l’énergie / Private debate, public issue? : how ordinary citizens construct their opinions on the energy public problem

Bouillet, Jérémy 12 September 2017 (has links)
L’énergie apparaît comme un problème public majeur, dans la résolution duquel les pouvoirs publics s’engagent régulièrement. Mais, à l’autre bout de cette chaîne, comment les individus ordinaires s’approprient-ils le problème public de l’énergie ? Dans les mesures classiques de l’opinion publique, les questions énergétiques et environnementales sont souvent loin d’occuper les premières places dans la hiérarchie des priorités. Or, pour réduire la pression engendrée par nos modes de consommation sur les écosystèmes, le changement des comportements et des attitudes de consommation est présenté comme un levier majeur. La question énergétique est-elle alors un enjeu politique pour tous mais un problème pour personne ? Pour répondre à cette question nous nous interrogeons sur la fabrique des opinions ordinaires et nous proposons de considérer ces dernières comme des énoncés discursifs testés dans des situations sociales plus ou moins complexes, conflictuelles et publiques. En amont, bon nombre d'acteurs ayant accès à l'espace public contribue à orienter et promouvoir certaines injonctions normatives pour définir la « bonne » pratique. Mais ces injonctions ne sont ni stables, ni homogènes : elles font l'objet de controverses et donnent lieu à des reformulations discursives parfois dissonantes. Entre enjeux technologiques, économiques, écologiques, sociétaux, etc. l’énergie comme problème public est alors soumise à un cadrage par des ordres normatifs dynamiques définissant certaines déviances et se voit proposer des solutions reconnues comme légitimes sous l’effet, entre autres, de l’action publique. Mais, ce niveau de description fait l’économie de la parole des citoyens « ordinaires », couvrant ainsi un présupposé instrumental commun qui estime que les citoyens dotés de la « bonne » information agissent « correctement ». Ce présupposé est contestable. Certes, une majorité écrasante d’enquêtés souligne son accord de principe aux économies d’énergie, témoignant ainsi de sa connaissance – même partielle – de l’existence d’un « problème public de l’énergie » et d’un engagement – même limité – aux injonctions à la modération en termes de consommation énergétique. Mais cet accord tacite se heurte à d’autres injonctions, à la compétition des problèmes, des pratiques sociales et à la mise en œuvre pratique des solutions. Ni surcompétents, ni incompétents, les citoyens ordinaires construisent donc du sens à travers des ordres normatifs concurrentiels et cherchent à le rendre compatible avec leurs modes de vie. Pour ce faire, la confrontation de leurs opinions et l’ajustement collectif de leurs représentations sont nécessaires. En reprenant certaines notions du pragmatisme, nous interrogeons la manière dont les perceptions du problème de l’énergie varient selon les scènes sociales où il est discuté, leur publicité ou encore le degré de conflictualité qu’il génère, et nous montrons que des communautés locales interprétatives d’un problème – et éventuellement de solutions – peuvent émerger et contribuer à alimenter la légitimité du problème dans l’espace public. Par ce biais, nous soulignons qu’il existe des espaces adossés au politique mais qui ne répondent pas toujours aux critères de conflictualisation et montée en généralité. Ces espaces illustrent l’intérêt de prendre en compte l’ambivalence et la labilité des opinions dans l’appropriation d’un problème public et la normalisation de ses solutions. / Energy appears to be a major public problem, in which the public authorities regularly commit. But at the other end of this chain, how do ordinary individuals appropriate the public problem of energy? In the classical measures of public opinion, energy and environmental issues are often far from the top of the hierarchy of priorities. However, to reduce the pressure generated by our consumption patterns on ecosystems, the change in consumer behavior and attitudes is presented as a major lever. Is the energy issue then a political issue for all but a problem for no one? In order to answer this question, we question the fabric of ordinary opinions and propose to consider them as discursive statements tested in more or less complex, conflicting and public social situations.Upstream, many actors with access to public space help to guide and promote certain normative injunctions to define "good" practice. But these injunctions are neither stable nor homogeneous: they are the subject of controversies and give rise to discursive reformulations, sometimes dissonant. Between technological, economic, ecological, societal, etc. energy as a public problem is then subjected to a framing by dynamic normative orders defining certain deviations and is offered solutions recognized as legitimate under the influence of, inter alia, public action.But this level of description does not take "ordinary" citizens into account, and covers a common instrumental presupposition that citizens with "good" information act "correctly". This presupposition is questionable. Admittedly, an overwhelming majority of respondents stressed their agreement in principle to energy savings, thus demonstrating their knowledge - even partial - of the existence of a "public energy problem" and a commitment - even limited - to injunctions to moderate their energy consumption. But this tacit agreement comes up against other injunctions, competition between problems, social practices and the practical implementation of solutions.Neither overcompetent nor incompetent, ordinary citizens construct meaning through competitive normative norms and seek to make it compatible with their lifestyles. To do this, the confrontation of their opinions and the collective adjustment of their representations are necessary. By taking up some of the notions of pragmatism, we examine how the perceptions of the energy problem vary according to the social scenes in which it is discussed, their publicity or the degree of conflict that they generate, and we show that local communities with a common interpretation of a problem - and possibly solutions - can emerge and help fuel the legitimacy of the problem in public space. In this way, we emphasize that there are more or less public spaces but which do not always meet the criteria of conflictualization and rise in generality. These spaces illustrate the importance of taking into account the ambivalence and the lability of opinions in the appropriation of a public problem and the standardization of its solutions.

De nationella parlamenten och EU : En studie av motiverade yttranden inom ramen för subsidiaritetsgranskningen

Ingschöld, Johanna January 2016 (has links)
This essay studies the national parliaments' reasoned opinions at the early warning mechanism. The study aim to declare if there is any variation in which national parliaments who is active in the early warning mechanism, and if there is a variation in type of bills in the early warning mechanism. These study also wants to describe some variation in how the national parliaments argued in the reasoned opinions. The study gives an enhanced understanding of the importance and legitimacy of the early warning mechanism and the reasoned opinions. The result shows that there is a certain group of parliaments who are more active and these are with few exceptions EU 15 countries. The study also shows that there is some kind of bills that is more prevalent than others, there is however some variation. There is also a wide variation in the arguments raised in the reasoned opinions. The results indicate that the national parliaments varies greatly in managing the reasoned opinions and it gives a negatively impacton the early warning mechanism. / Studien granskar de nationella parlamentens motiverade yttranden inom ramen för EU:s subsidiaritetsgranskning. Studiens syfte är att beskriva en möjlig variation angående  vilka nationella parlamenten som är aktiva inom subsidiaritetsgranskningen. Studiens syfte är även att beskriva variationen i vilka lagförslag som återfinns i subsidiaritetsgrankningen, samt om de nationella parlamenten varierar i  argumentering i de motiverade yttrandena. Studien visar att det finns nationella parlament som är vanligare förekommande inom granskningen, samt att vissa typer av lagförslag föranleder fler yttranden än andra. Beträffande argumenteringen i de motiverade yttrandena fanns en stor variation.

Politische Kultur in der »Stadt der Moderne«

24 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Politische Kultur hat politischer Kultiviertheit wenig zu tun. Sie erfasst vielmehr die „subjektive Dimension von Politik“ – Meinungen, Einstellungen und Werte der Bevölkerung gegenüber Politikern, dem Parlament, den Institutionen uvm. Mehr als ein Vierteljahrhundert nach der Deutschen Wiedervereinigung fragt dieses, aus einem Forschungsseminar an der TU Chemnitz hervorgegangene Umfrageprojekt nach ausgewählten Aspekten der lokalen politischen Kultur in Chemnitz. Dazu zählen die Wahrnehmung der politischen Institutionen, die Einschätzung der demokratischen Teilhabechancen, das Sozialkapital sowie schließlich die Nutzung digitaler Medien. / Political Culture has nothing to do with a civilized mode of political behaviour, Instead, it embraces the “subject dimension of politics” – opinions, attitudes and value orientations of society toward politicians, parliament, and other institutions of political life. More than 25 years after German re-unification this project – a product of a research seminar conducted at TU Chemnitz in 2016 – illuminates selected aspects of local political culture in “Saxony’s Manchester”, including the societal perception of political institutions, the evaluation of democratic participatory opportunities, social capital as well as the relevance of social media for political participation.

Názory, informovanost, percepce rizik a compliance pacientů užívajících volně prodejná léčiva a doplňky stravy II. / Opinions, knowledge, perception of risks and compliance of patients using non-prescription drugs and dietary supplements II.

Hrabcová, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT Opinions, knowledge, perception of risks and compliance of patients using non- prescription drugs and dietary supplements II. Author: Veronika Hrabcová1 Tutor: Josef Malý1 1 Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy, Charles University in Pague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Introduction: In recent years, the self-medication in the Czech Republic has become an important part of health care of citizens who are actively involved in this process. OTC drugs and dietary supplements are an integral part of it. With their increasing supply in pharmacies, the cooperation of patients and professionals in pharmacies has become more important. Objectives: The aim of the thesis was to investigate the current opinions, attitudes, awareness and knowledge of the Czech patients who come into contact with OTC drugs. Methods: The data were collected from September 2013 to February 2014. The directed interview was conducted according to a prepared questionnaire.The data were collected in two surgeries of general practitioners for adults in the town of Uherské Hradiště. The obtained data were transferred to an electronic form using Google and subsequently processed using Microsoft Excel 2010. In this program, the data were evaluated by means of the frequency analysis and converted into tables and graphs,...

Povrchy minulosti: analýza materiálních znaků každodennosti 70. a 80. let v seriálu Vyprávěj / The surfaces of the past: analysis of the everydayness in 1970s and 1980s in the serial Vyprávěj

Pernikářová, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the way material artifacts participate in the creation of the retrospective depiction of the past in the second season and the third season of the series Vyprávěj, which takes place in the years 1873 - 1989. In the empirical part of the thesis a semiotic analysis was made. The goal of the thesis was to determine which material artifacts evoke the atmosphere of the past in the series and if these artifacts can be considered the carrier of visual information and semantic levels. We focused on stage properties which can be found in the settings of individual households, workplaces and other places which can be seen in the series and we made an analysis from the viewpoint of their occurrence. At the same time in connection with the chosen material artifacts we focused on their function in the narration and their meaning for depicting the past. The study also deals with the ways the viewers of the series remember the period of time which the series depicts. As a part of the analysis the viewers' opinions recorded on the official Facebook websites of the series Vyprávěj which were related to the stage properties and the memories of the period of normalization were gathered.

Názory běžců na střední a dlouhé tratě na regeneraci ve sportu / The views of the runners on the middle and long distance to regeneration in the sport

Markvartová, Adéla January 2016 (has links)
Autor: Bc. et Bc. Adéla Markvartová Title: The views of the runners on the middle and long distance to regeneration in the sport Objectives: The aim of diploma thesis is to detect views of runners on the middle and long distance to regeneration in the sport in terms of their use due to gender and to specialization of runners. Methods: Diploma thesis is divided to two parts - theoretical and practical. Theoretical part is about regeneration in sport and the practical part talks about opinions of of runners on the middle and long distance to regeneration in the sport. Compares each methods of regeneration due to gender and to specialization of runners. It was used nonstandard questionnaire, during championship of the Czech republic in athletics (from 18th to 19th June) in Tábor. Number of 110 runners on the middle and long distance were interviewed. Questionnaire was filled by 91 athletes, 46 men ad 45 women. Results: Research showed that runners realize importance of regeneration in training process. Men are more confident about positive influence of regeneration in performance and also in injury prevention. The most used methods and types of regeration are mechanotherapy, massage (automassage), thermotherapy (sauna, steam bath) and also regeneration by move - stretching excercises, swimming and...

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