Spelling suggestions: "subject:"organisationsstyrning""
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Kvinnligt chefskap : Svårigheter och Hinder / Female management : Difficulties and ObstaclesPataie, Aida, Ohlsson, Sara January 2011 (has links)
Denna kandidatuppsats syftar till att undersöka varför det är så få kvinnor som är chefer. Enligt SCB var, under 2009, endast 33% av Sveriges chefer kvinnor.Manliga chefer är normen och därför baseras dagens ledarskapsteori på mäns värderingar och uppfattningar. Detta leder till att många av dagens organisationskulturer har en manlig prägel som inte släpper in och inte heller lockar kvinnor till ledande positioner.Studien presenterar teorier om de är svårigheter och hinder som kan uppstå för kvinnor när de vill bli chefer och vad som ligger bakom dessa barriärer.Den teoretiska referensramen beskriver dessutom vad som motiverar en person att nå en ledande position samt hur kultur påverkar möjligheterna att avancera inom en organisation. Organisationskulturen kan skapa hinder för personer som anses vara avvikande, vilket kan påverka en kvinnas möjlighet att bli en del av organisationsledningen. Dessa hinder kallas ibland för glastak, ett osynligt hinder som gör det svårt eller omöjligt att klättra högre upp inom en hierarki.Studien är även genomförd med en kvalitativ metod då fyra kvinnliga chefer har intervjuats. Dessa kvinnor har fått möjlighet att berätta om sina upplevelser av att vara kvinna och chef. Kvinnorna har delat med sig av sina erfarenheter på toppen och på vägen dit.Genom att analysera teori och intervjuer med kvinnliga chefer svarar studien på frågan varför det är svårt för kvinnor att bli chefer. / Program: Kandidatutbildning i företagsekonomi
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Viljan att stanna på arbetsplatsen : En kvantitativ studie om de sociala relationernas betydelse / Willingness to stay in the workplace : A quantitative study on the importance of social relationsRylander, Ebba, Miss, Jennifer January 2023 (has links)
This is a quantitative study examining the importance of social relations for organizations. The aim of the study is to examine the social relationships between management and employees, but also between co-workers, to see which has the greatest impact in terms of staying in the organization. The two hypotheses of this study involve a negative relationship. The negative relationship implies a lower probability of seeking another job if the social relations are good. With that said, employees would rather stay in their workplaces when the social relations are good. The study carries out analyses using SPSS, using two existing data sets called Opinions on jobs and working life. The data sets from the years 2005 and 2015 have been used for comparison. The results are based on crosstabs and regression analyses. Finally, the results of the study are discussed to answer the research questions, but it also suggests further research on the field. The results that emerged support the two hypotheses of the study. That is, good social relations in a workplace make employees more likely stay in the organization. It was also found that people in 2005 were more likely to stay compared to 2015.
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Towards more effective management teams : Investigating the efficiency of a theoretical dynamic management model created toindicate development potentials regarding management team effectiveness.Rawandi, Aso January 2009 (has links)
<p>Today's rapid changes and major business developments in organizations increase the need for effective management teams. In management teams, there are significant demands on the members to understand how strategic, tactical and operational decisions and actions generate results. High management team effectiveness requires optimum cooperation between the members with particular emphasis on well-operated communication and ability and flexibility in working as a team. It further requires a deep understanding of the factors that influence the</p><p>management team effectiveness. The challenge to create a theoretical dynamic model to indicate development potentials regarding the effectiveness in the management teams represents the foundation for the idea behind this master thesis.</p><p>This master thesis presents a theoretical management dynamic model I have developed based on identified key factors that influence the effectiveness of management teams. For identification of these key factors, I have used literary studies and research concerning the concept of team, management team, team effectiveness, leading organizations, organization development, dynamic models and many other concepts.</p><p>I have categorized these key factors in five criteria. These criteria are engagement and dynamic leadership, team spirit, management meetings, conflict management and visions and objectives. In view of that, my definition of an effective management team is: team where high-engaged and motivated members including a strategic and dynamic leader work in a team having a good team spirit, hold effective management meetings and manage conflicts effectively to make qualified decisions that mainly are concentrated to reach welldefined bjectives and visions”.</p><p> The inspired idea behind my model is to integrate these criteria in the mechanical system called the Planetary Gear System to create a metaphoric image describing the dynamic of management teams and their effectiveness. Strategies for measuring these criteria also are identified and presented in this master thesis. These properties make the present dynamic model to a unique model in its appearance and functionality. The main function of my model is to indicate development potentials in the management teams. These development potentials are then used to give the studied management team relevant recommendations aimed at making the management team more effective. The aim of this master thesis is to investigate whether the developed model fulfill this function.</p><p>In order to investigate the ability of the model to fulfill this function the model has been applied to a real management team. The results have shown that the model has sufficient ability to indicate development potentials in the studied management team. The obtained results have been analyzed using SPSS computer program. Based on these results several recommendations are given. In this manner, the model has fulfilled stated expectations. However, a couple of additional actions aimed at increasing the qualifications of the presented dynamic model are identified at the end of this master thesis.</p><p>With the intention of verifying whether the developed model contributes to make the studied management team more effective, the performed measurement should be repeated after a period of at least six months. The re-measurement is necessary to follow up the effect of the given recommendations and also to indicate any new development potential. Such a task is recommended for further research and development of the model.</p><p> </p>
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Towards more effective management teams : Investigating the efficiency of a theoretical dynamic management model created toindicate development potentials regarding management team effectiveness.Rawandi, Aso January 2009 (has links)
Today's rapid changes and major business developments in organizations increase the need for effective management teams. In management teams, there are significant demands on the members to understand how strategic, tactical and operational decisions and actions generate results. High management team effectiveness requires optimum cooperation between the members with particular emphasis on well-operated communication and ability and flexibility in working as a team. It further requires a deep understanding of the factors that influence the management team effectiveness. The challenge to create a theoretical dynamic model to indicate development potentials regarding the effectiveness in the management teams represents the foundation for the idea behind this master thesis. This master thesis presents a theoretical management dynamic model I have developed based on identified key factors that influence the effectiveness of management teams. For identification of these key factors, I have used literary studies and research concerning the concept of team, management team, team effectiveness, leading organizations, organization development, dynamic models and many other concepts. I have categorized these key factors in five criteria. These criteria are engagement and dynamic leadership, team spirit, management meetings, conflict management and visions and objectives. In view of that, my definition of an effective management team is: team where high-engaged and motivated members including a strategic and dynamic leader work in a team having a good team spirit, hold effective management meetings and manage conflicts effectively to make qualified decisions that mainly are concentrated to reach welldefined bjectives and visions”. The inspired idea behind my model is to integrate these criteria in the mechanical system called the Planetary Gear System to create a metaphoric image describing the dynamic of management teams and their effectiveness. Strategies for measuring these criteria also are identified and presented in this master thesis. These properties make the present dynamic model to a unique model in its appearance and functionality. The main function of my model is to indicate development potentials in the management teams. These development potentials are then used to give the studied management team relevant recommendations aimed at making the management team more effective. The aim of this master thesis is to investigate whether the developed model fulfill this function. In order to investigate the ability of the model to fulfill this function the model has been applied to a real management team. The results have shown that the model has sufficient ability to indicate development potentials in the studied management team. The obtained results have been analyzed using SPSS computer program. Based on these results several recommendations are given. In this manner, the model has fulfilled stated expectations. However, a couple of additional actions aimed at increasing the qualifications of the presented dynamic model are identified at the end of this master thesis. With the intention of verifying whether the developed model contributes to make the studied management team more effective, the performed measurement should be repeated after a period of at least six months. The re-measurement is necessary to follow up the effect of the given recommendations and also to indicate any new development potential. Such a task is recommended for further research and development of the model.
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Barriärer vid implementering av miljöåtgärder i byggprocessens tidiga skeden : - En kvalitativ fallstudie om vilka åtgärder företag kan vidta för att reducera byggprocessens klimatavtryck / Barriers when implementing environmental measures during the early stages of the construction process : - A qualitative case study on what measures companies can take to reduce the climate pressure of the construction processVukovic, Armina, Andrijevic, Niko January 2018 (has links)
The early stages of the construction process are crucial for achieving an optimal product from an environmental and sustainable perspective. It is primarily organizational and human factors limiting environmental and sustainability efforts. The barriers are described as time and cost constraints, knowledge, experience-feedback, ability to handle tools and a heterogeneous culture. Development contributes to change that need to be addressed with increased commitment and interest in all levels of the organization. The environmental and sustainability aspects need to be integrated into all working methods involving employees to increase understanding and raise knowledge. / De tidiga faserna inom byggprocessen är avgörande för att nå en optimal produkt ur ett miljö- och hållbarhetsperspektiv. Det är främst organisatoriska och mänskliga faktorer som begränsar miljö- och hållbarhetsarbete. Dessa barriärer beskrivs som tid- och kostnadsrestriktioner, kunskap, erfarenhetsåterföring, förmåga att hantera hjälpmedel samt en heterogen kultur. Utveckling bidrar till förändringsströmmar som behöver bemötas med ökat engagemang och intresse inom alla led av organisationen. Miljö- och hållbarhetsaspekten behöver integreras inom samtliga arbetsmetoder med involvering av medarbetare för att öka förståelse och höja kunskapsnivån.
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Organising for Efficient Environmental Assessment : A Case Study on Cotton Fabric Production / Organisering för effektiv miljöbedömning : En fallstudie på produktion av bomullstygFriberg, Amanda, Eriksson, Julia January 2022 (has links)
The textile industry is one of the most polluting industries globally and needs to change to meet the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. Cotton fabric constitutes approximately 50% of all textiles. Its production is complex, and it is crucial to map all its processes to assess the environmental impact. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a common tool to execute this, and there are software tools to simplify the conduction. However, the complexity of textile production, especially the pretreatment process, makes the assessments time-consuming. Therefore, this thesis examined how the environmental assessment of the cotton fabric could be more efficiently organised. The study was an exploratory single case study at a large furniture company. To pursue, the literature processed the topics of designing and producing cotton fabric, environmental assessment of cotton fabric, and organising environmental assessment. The results and analysis were formulated into the three themes: organising environmental assessment, environmental data management, and circularity. Also, the environmental data from the pretreatment process was presented. The discussion of the findings resulted in some conditions to organise for a more efficient environmental assessment of cotton fabric and applicable to other products. Based on the literature and empirics, the conditions were concluded in requirement, development, and potential. In general, the need for an extended LCA tool which enables comparison of processes and includes all sustainability aspects was discovered. Further, to organise the execution of environmental assessment more efficiently, the study clarified the importance of increasing communication and transparency. Meanwhile, extending the data management authority to experts in the textile department to relieve the environmental department. / Textilindustrin är en av de mest förorenande industrierna globalt och behöver förändras för att uppfylla FN:s hållbara utvecklingsmål. 50% av alla textilier består av bumull. Dess produktion är komplex och det är avgörande att kartlägga alla dess processer för att bedöma miljöpåverkan. Livscykelanalys (LCA) är ett vanligt verktyg för att utföra detta, och det finns mjukvaruverktyg för att förenkla utförandet. Komplexitet i textilproduktion, särskilt förbehandlingsprocessen, gör dock bedömningarna tidskrävande. Därför undersökte denna rapport hur miljöbedömningen av bomullstyget kan organiseras mer effektivt. Studien var en explorativ enskild fallstudie på ett stort möbelföretag. Litteraturen behandlade ämnena design och tillverkning av bomullstyg, miljöbedömning av bomullstyg och organisering av miljöbedömning. Resultaten och analysen formulerades i de tre teman: organisering av miljöbedömning, miljödatahantering och cirkularitet. Även miljödata från förbehandlingsprocessen presenterades. Diskussionen av empirin resulterade i förutsättningar för att organisera en mer effektiv miljöbedömning av bomullstyg, som även är tillämpbar på andra produkter. Baserat på litteraturen och empirin gavs förutsättningarna i form av krav, utveckling och potential. Sammanfattningsvis upptäcktes behovet av ett utökat LCA-verktyg som möjliggör jämförelse av processer och inkluderar alla hållbarhetsaspekter. Vidare, för att organisera genomförandet av miljöbedömningar mer effektivt, klargjorde studien vikten av att öka kommunikationen och transparensen. Dessutom utöka datahanteringsbehörigheten till experter på textilavdelningen för att avlasta miljöavdelningen.
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Budgetens kritik testad i en osäker omgivning : en utforskande undersökning från svenska bilåterförsäljares perspektiv / The critique of the budget tested in an uncertain environment : an explorative study from the perspective of swedish car dealersKuzet, Sanna, Engarås, Malin January 2021 (has links)
I takt med att organisationers omgivande miljö beskrivs som alltmer dynamisk, ökar kritiken mot den budgeteringen, då budget anses var ett statiskt ekonomistyrningsverktyg. Trots medhållet som kritiken får visar empiriska studier att få företag faktiskt överger budget som huvudsakligt planerings- och kontrollverktyg (Sandalgaard 2012; Ekholm & Wallin 2000; Dokulil, Zlámalová & Popesko 2017). Till följd av Covid-19-pandemin under år 2020 förlorande många marknader sin förutsägbarhet vilket resulterade i osäkra omgivningar för många organisationer och branscher. Bilförsäljningen visade en hög variation under pandemiåret. Först tappade marknaden 40% av försäljningen och några månader senare fick den uppgång som täckte upp för de föregående förlorade intäkterna. Marknaden upplevde därmed en berg-och-dal-bana som ger insikt i hur budgetens praktiska användning sammanfaller med kritiserade svagheter. Genom att använda fem av de främsta argumenten i kritiken mot budgetering undersöker studien hur budgeten påverkas hos svenska bilåterförsäljare. Detta illustrerar behovet som bilåterförsäljarna har i en bransch vars omgivning påverkats av en oväntad osäkerhet. Sju bilåterförsäljare kontaktades och intervjuades i syfte att tillhandahålla den empiriska datan som i efterhand kompletterades genom de utvalda återförsäljarnas årsredovisningar. Genom detta urvalet utforskar studien en variation i behovet av budgeten. Studien kommer bland annat fram till att budgeten och dess komplement samspelar för att tillgodose de observerade bilåterförsäljarnas individuella behov av planering och kontroll. / The critique of budgeting has been growing louder during recent years as the influencing factors in the organizational environment is increasingly described as dynamic, while budgeting itself is seen as a static appliance in organizational management. However, despite the support this critique receives, empirical evidence shows that few companies actually abandon budgeting as one of their main tools for planning and control in financial management (Sandalgaard 2012; Ekholm & Wallin 2000; Dokulil, Zlámalová & Popesko 2017). Due to the Covid-19 pandemic year 2020, the wide consumer market lost its predictability, thus making it an uncertain environment for a majority of companies to act in. Sales of cars showed a wide variety during the pandemic year. First a decline of 40% in sales in the overall market and then an upswing which made up for previous loss. The car market had therefore experienced an interchangeable environment which contribute to giving insight to how the praxis of the budget coincide with the criticism. Using five of the main points in the critique against budgeting, the research area of this study, car retailers, were chosen to illuminate the need for the budget of retailers in an industry unexpectedly affected by uncertainty in the environment. Seven car retailer companies were contacted and interviewed to provide the empirical data which were later supplemented by the chosen companies’ annual reports. Through this selection this study explores a variety in the need for the budget. The results include that there is an interaction between the budget and the budget complement to satisfy the observed car retailers' individual needs of planning and control. This study is written in Swedish.
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