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Implementering av Integrated Project Delivery i den svenska byggsektorn : En vidareutveckling av Samverkan / Implementing Integrated Project Delivery in the Swedish construction industryLjung, Alex, Jonsson, Henrik January 2020 (has links)
This thesis examines an American form of partnering, Integrated project Delivery (IPD) for the purpose of implementing it in the Swedish construction industry. To do this the current Swedish standard of partnering, Samverkan, is compared to IPD. The cooperating company is In3prenör AB who are interested in IPD and want to establish if profitable elements can be implemented in their current modus operandi. The thesis was carried out in ten weeks. The thesis was limited to the implementation of IPD towards suppliers, sub- and joint contractors and has held a more speculative view towards employers. Methodically a literature study was done to collect data and knowledge about IPD. Through an interview study data was collected from key figures in two partnering projects who all had previous experience with partnering. From this data a status analysis was done for the purpose of comparing IPD and Samverkan. The results showed that the respondents have had positive experiences with partnering. The majority group of respondents feel partnering results in a nicer working environment and a best-for-project mindset. The respondents held the view that Samverkan is "merely nice words" but the results prove otherwise. The thesis concludes that the primary differences lie in IPD's more complete framework and Samverkan's softer values. The relationship between buyer and main contractor needs to be reworked on the contractual level. Based on the interviews, the authors believe that there is much to be gained through long-term relationships. At the start of new project, the desired results can then be advanced rather than re-established.
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Investigation of success factors in the use of partnering within the construction industry.Hellström, Isabell January 2019 (has links)
Improvements within a company is key. Within the construction industry there has been challenges regarding lack of cooperation, limited trust and ineffective communication. In order to prevent this from occurring a method named partnering is sometimes used. The purpose of this study has been to investigate how partnering is used within the construction industry and how some success factors assist partnering and what effect they have on the accomplishment in the project. This inductive study has been designed as a case-study at a construction site in Sweden, where qualitative research have been taken place. This by conducting interviews and studying the company’s documentation. This study attempts to show to what degree success factors are used within the project and how they might be connected to the success of partnering. Whether the employees are aware or not. One construction site in Sweden has been chosen for being investigated to a limited extent due to the time and size of this thesis. My research findings seems to align with previous research. These investigated success factors are often hard to accomplish and some are not that outspoken, which hinders the concept to spread. It is easy to loose fundamental things when there is a lot of job to be done and you are caught up in something else rather than thinking of important things like how to communicate, what are you responsibilities and how are we sharing resources with each other. Within this project, they seem to be on different levels and they have different ways of working, which could influence partnering as a method. They can optimize their way of handling situations and widening their perspective and in that way understand each other even better. This by creating strategies and give situations a structure for how to manage it. Partnering might in favour of that get ahead on greater level.
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The effects of client’s requirements on construction innovation : A case study of the new Ångström Laboratory construction projectAlfateh, Muhammad, Khan, Yasir Ali January 2019 (has links)
It has often been noted that the construction sector is quite inefficient in producing innovation especially when compared with other industries (Winch,2003). Moreover, innovation is becoming more and more a key competence in competitive environment of construction. Clients were found to play a pivotal role of clients in promoting construction innovation. However, how clients contribute to innovation is less investigated. Also, the construction project consists of a network of actors who interact with each other on different levels.These interactions affect and shape the requirements of the clients which then influence the innovation process of the construction project. It is important to take into account the several aspects of these interactions into consideration (Havenvid et al., 2016).The aim of this study is to investigate the role of clients in driving construction innovation by studying how their requirements may generate change within the project network. The second question aims to capture the different project actors’ views and perspective on construction innovation. This is done by conducting a case study on the construction project of the New Ångström Laboratory; an academic building of Uppsala University in Sweden. The data were collected following a qualitative approach. The results were analysed using ARA model (Actors, Activities and resources) framework.The study concludes that partnering can lead to an increase in productivity and efficiency of carrying out construction project work. The study also found that clients requirements can trigger innovation in a construction project. Another finding is that process innovation may generate greater effects on the actor's network than product innovations and suggest focusing on process innovation to accelerate the overall innovation process.
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Att optimera parnering inom entreprenad : En studie om framgångsfaktorer hos ett medelstort anläggningsprojekt och underentreprenörenas medverkanFicherman, Maria January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Nyttomaximering av samverkansprojekt ur ett kontraktteoretiskt perspektiv / Utility maximizing within partnering projectsPersson, Anna January 2015 (has links)
Målet med rapporten är att utreda hur samverkansprocessen kan genomföras på ett sådant sätt att nyttan kan maximeras för alla parter inom projektet. Detta görs genom att fokusera på tre delar; samverkan som definition och uppfattning på marknaden, upphandlingsfasen hur skall upplägget inom denna utformas för att anbud med rätt incitament för projektet skall bli antaget, samt hur kontraktet skall utformas för att få samtliga parter att vilja jobba tillsammans mot ett gemensamt mål, vilket ska gagna alla engagerade och därmed projektet. Dessutom skall undersökas hur kontraktsteoretiska risker uppmärksammas och behandlas i dessa situationer. Teorin tydliggör att de faktorer vilka främst är av vikt för en lyckad samverkan är förtroende, uppföljning och kontroller. Dessa styrmedel kan beskrivas som mjuka parametrar varför frågor till stor del har designats för att utreda hur projektet har utformats för att höja kvaliteten på de mjuka parametrarna. Utredningen sker genom att hålla 14 intervjuer, inkluderande beställare, huvudentreprenörer samt underentreprenörer. Vad som kan konstateras är att uppfattningen om vad samverkan är och hur det bör användas är relativt enhetlig på marknaden. Det som uppkommit som en av de största skillnaderna mellan projekt är om de integrerar eller inte integrerar underentreprenörer. Vid upphandling har det diskuterats hur lagen om offentligupphandling kan påverka resultatet samt vikten av ett genomtänkt bedömningssystem av anbudsunderlag. Dessutom tydliggörs vikten av varje individs engagemang under denna typ av samarbete vilket också lyft frågan om hur organisationen skall väljas ut. När det kommer till kontraktet har det konstaterats att incitament inte används eller uppskattas i någon större utsträckning, dock kan bonus vara ett bra medium för att styra kvaliteten på de mjuka parametrarna. Om bonus eller incitament används är det av vikt att dessa har ett tydligt utvärderingsystem vilket håller parterna ständigt uppdaterade om hur de ligger till för att erhålla en utbetalning av eventuell bonus. Vidare kan kontraktet hjälpa till att tydliggöra samarbetet, detta genom att strukturera varje parts ansvarsområde samt tydliggöra respektive parts förväntningar på varandra. Detta kan reducera missförstånd och eventuella konfliketer längre fram. Vilket leder till ett bättre arbetsklimat och förhoppningsvis bättre slutresultat. Vidare är ett riktpris vilket är rimligt för alla parter direkt nödvändigt för ett lyckat projekt. När det kommer till kontraktsteoretiska risker har det uppmärksammats att det inte är något som diskuteras i någon större utsträckning. Det finns en mindre medvetenhet om dess existens men fokus ligger på de ekonomiska- och tidsrelaterade risker vilka kan föreligga. / The goal with the report is to investigate how the partnering process can be performed to maximize the satisfaction of all engaged actors within the project. This will be done by focusing on three main parts; partnering as definition and the markets perception of the concept. The procurement phase, how should it be constructed in order to be able to select the tender which will provide the highest satisfaction for the project in total? The contract, how should it be formed to make all parts engaged and strive together for the same goal, which benefits all actors and the project as a whole? Besides these questions it will also be investigated how risks which stems from contract theory are noticed and dealt with. Theory suggests that the main factors behind a successful partnering project are; trust, monitoring and controls. These instruments could be described as soft parameters, therefore questions has been constructed to investigate how projects are planned in order to increase the quality of the soft parameters. The investigation is performed by holding 14 interviews including clients, contractors and subcontractors. From the interviews it can be concluded that the markets conception of partnering is relatively uniform. What has turned out to be the biggest difference between the projects is if they choose to include the subcontractor within the partnering contract or not. When it comes to the procurement it has been discussed how the law of public procurement could affect the result. The importance of a well-functioning grading system for the tenders has also turned out to be of key importance. Furthermore the individual’s importance within the project has been voiced, which increases the importance of how to select the project organization. When it comes to the contract the conclusion is that incentives is neither being used to any extent, nor is it appreciated when used in partnering. But bonus on the other hand, is said to be a good medium to govern quality when discussing the soft parameters. If bonus or incentives are used it is of importance that the parameters who are connected to them are clear, and that the system which decides if the goals for the bonus is reached is well-functioning and continuously updated. This is important in order for the contractors to know how close they are of reaching the goals. Furthermore the contract could help clarify the cooperation, by structuring every actor’s responsibility and clarify the actor’s expectations of each other, this is important to reduce misunderstandings and eventual conflicts further on in the project. This leads to a better working climate and hopefully a better end result. It is also a direct necessity to reach a target price which is reasonable for all parts in order to achieve a successful project. When it comes to risks within contract theory it has been observed that is it not discussed at any further extent. There is a minor awareness of its existence but focus is on economic and time related risks.
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Upphandlingsprocessen i Byggbranschen : En kvalitativ analys av metoder och strategier i upphandlingMorina, Erblin, Bengtsson, Isak January 2023 (has links)
The construction industry is a complex sector that places high demands on project management, planning, and implementation. Significant progress has been made in recent decades regarding the delivery of extensive construction projects, including the adoption of new building techniques, improved risk management systems, and enhanced safety measures. However, a lack of efficiency persists in the construction industry in many countries. This is due to issues within projects, such as time and cost overruns, conflicts among stakeholders, limitations in productivity improvement, quality development, and inadequate customer satisfaction. Following this, many researchers and society at large have called for a change in attitudes, behavior, and practices to increase the chances of successful construction projects to improve the result of the final products. With increased complexity, uncertainty, and time constraints in construction projects, there has been a growing need for collaboration among various project stakeholders. The purpose of this study is to describe and explain the choices made by clients in the procurement process and what contractors prefer. Based on other studies finding that collaborative procurement procedures enhance project performance, this thesis wants to analyze clients’ and contractors’ views regarding collaborative procurement procedures. Additionally, moral-hazard is a component of procurement strategies and contracts, particularly in more complex transactions that involve interaction, which significantly affects the construction industry. Therefore, it is an important aspect to look at how the construction industry works to prevent the emergence of moral-hazard. Based on semi-structured interviews conducted with nine respondents, comprising of five respondents from the contractor side, three from the client side, and one consultant. It has provided insight into how collaboration and moral hazard are perceived. We can conclude that the client's choice of procedure in the procurement process is often closely linked to the selected form of contract. When clients select a form of contract or when contractors submit bids, it appears to be based on the company's expertise, tradition, or what best suits the project. Those who feel skilled or comfortable with partnering tend to choose partnering more frequently. The strategic choices are also shaped by a systematic and thoughtful decision-making process, consciously or unconsciously, to reduce the risk of opportunistic behavior that may occur.
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Partnerings projektpåverkan : En studie om hur partnering påverkar underentreprenörernaBöhme, Linnéa, Tynhage, Marcus January 2022 (has links)
“Partner project impact” with a focus on the form of collaboration's impact on subcontractors is the starting point of the work. Partnering is an area of knowledge that is unfortunately still placed in the background. From the labor market to teaching, the ignorance of partnering is noticeable. Whether it depends on the generation working in the industry or the lack of interest, is difficult to answer. This ignorance of the form of cooperation and its significance aroused interest in this report and the hope of creating a greater interest in partnering. With Byggdialog AB as a helping company and their extensive knowledge in the field of partnering, research has been done on how the work environment and finances affect the subcontractors in a partneringproject compared to other projects with, for example, a fixed-price contract. Partnering is a way of working where you work together from an early stage towards a common goal and with open finances. The contractor must be involved at an early stage together with the customer to arrive at how to create the best product, where they include the subcontractors already in phase 1 to jointly develop the best way of working. The economic factor of upcoming and ongoing projects is of great importance to companies and their choices for upcoming projects. Relationships and collaborations between all parties in the project, from client to main contractor and subcontractors will be a new factor that has to be considered before the next choice of project. The purpose of this report is to investigate whether partnering has any impact on a project and the subcontractors in the project. The work compares projects with and without partnering to see if the open economy has any impact and if it affects the work environment and the work on site. The goal is to create an overall picture from client to craftsman and see if the form of cooperation has any significance. The work will be based on these issues. • How do the subcontractors' craftsmen experience that partnering affects the work on site? o How does job satisfaction differ between projects with and without partnering? o How does the subcontractor experience that workinghours are affected by partnering? • For what financial reasons does a subcontractor take a job on a partnering project? The method for examining the issues were carried out through interviews and questionnaires to examine the soft parameters that partnering is about, humans, relationships and cooperation. The interviewees will be all parties in the project to get the overall picture. In addition to these interviews, literature studies as scientific reports are used to increase the credibility of the results, but also to create a better whole of the study. The results and conclusions were based on the methods and are reported according to the points below. • Partnering has a positive impact on the workplace. The relationship between all subcontractors is experienced as more open and better when the financial self-interest disappears and the communication between all parties is clearer. • The work environment is perceived to be less stressful and thus increases well-being in the workplace. Through a good work attitude between each other and for the common goal, the risk of extra work on evenings and weekends is minimized. • Partnering creates security in a troubled market where you deal with the problems together and work together for a better project. A market with high competition makes it difficult to consider the options of choice for the next project. But good relations and cooperation are in many cases more profitable for the work environment and the economy, and are factors that affect the next choice of project.
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Trafikverkets drift- och underhållsentreprenader "basunderhåll väg" anses av entreprenörerna ha en obalanserad riskfördel. Huvudfrågan är om totalentreprenad är den bästa lösningen på Trafikverket driftkontrakt på vägsidan. Examensarbetet har utförts tillsammans med NCC. Datainsamlingen har gjorts dels genom litteraturstudier och dels genom intervjuer med Trafikverket, Sveriges Byggindustrier samt de stora entreprenörerna Svevia, NCC, Peab och Skanska. Slutsatsen av arbetet är att kontrakten innehåller för många oklarheter för att upphandlas på totalentreprenad, men får Trafikverket kontroll på mängder som ska utföras framöver är det fullt möjligt att upphandla kontrakten på totalentreprenad. Däremot kommer det inte att hinnas med någon inventering av mängderna inför kommande upphandling. Av den anledningen föreslås att kontrakten 2018 upphandlas som samverkansentreprenad utan incitamentsavtal under de två första åren då entreprenören tillsammans med Trafikverket inventerar och planerar vad som ska utföras under den fyraåriga kontraktstiden. Inför tredje och fjärde året görs ett incitamentsavtal 50/50 när omfattningen är mera känd. / Trafikverket:s Road maintenance contracts, "Basunderhåll väg", is considered by the contractors to have an uneven distribution of risk between the partners. The main question is if Design-build contract is the best solution for Trafikverket:s Road maintenance contracts on the roadside. The essay has been written on behave of NCC account. The study is based upon literature studies, but also by interviewing staff from big companies, whom are affected by these contracts (Trafikverket, Sveriges Byggindustrier, NCC, Svevia, Peab, Skanska). The main conclusion with the essay is that the contracts maintain too many uncertainties to be procured at a Design-build contract. However, if Trafikverket manages to control the amount mass data, it is highly possible to procure contracts with Design-build contract contracts in the near future. Although, it will not be obtainable to have some sort of inventory of these amounts for the upcoming procurements. By this reason, the proposal is Partnering contract procured by 2018 without any incentives during the first two years. Both the contractors and Trafikverket plan the inventory of what shall be done during the four-year contract period. For the third and the final year they shall make an agreement on a target price for the incentive 50/50 when the extent is better known. Key
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Neural and kinematic assessment of dance partnering as an ecological model of haptic mutual entrainmentChauvigné, Léa 11 1900 (has links)
Entrainment is the rhythmic coordination of movement with a signal or other person. Most studies on entrainment have looked at synchronization with auditory or visual signals, whereas much less is known about how entrainment emerges mutually between individuals, especially when they are in physical contact with one another. In this dissertation, I empirically explored dance partnering as an ecological model for understanding interpersonal entrainment through haptic interaction. I began by performing a statistical meta-analysis of functional neuroimaging articles devoted to the most common experimental paradigm for entrainment, namely externally-paced finger tapping to an acoustic rhythmic stimulus (Chapter 2). The results showed that the cerebellar vermis was a strong neural marker of entrainment, as it was more activated by externally-paced tapping than by self-paced tapping, whereas the basal ganglia was activated by both types of rhythmic movements. Next, I used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) with a group of participants trained at couple dancing in order to explore the neural basis of haptic mutual entrainment, with a focus on the dynamics of leading and following (Chapter 3). While mutual interaction overall engaged brain networks involved in somatosensation, internal-body sensation and social cognition, leading showed enhanced activity principally in areas for motor control and self-initiated action, whereas following showed enhanced activity mainly in sensory and social-cognition areas. Finally, I used 3D motion capture to explore multisensory coupling for mutual entrainment at the group level during folk dancing (Chapter 4). The results showed that dancers relied most extensively on haptic coupling to synchronize as a group, whereas auditory and visual coupling were dependent on the spatiotemporal context. These studies advance our understanding of the neural and behavioural mechanisms underlying joint actions in which entrainment emerges mutually through haptic interaction. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Entrainment is the rhythmic coordination of movement with a signal or other person. Most studies on entrainment have looked at synchronization with auditory or visual signals, whereas much less is known about how entrainment emerges mutually between individuals, especially when they are in physical contact with one another. I began my research by performing a statistical analysis of the literature examining the brain basis of synchronization with auditory signals, identifying a key brain area for entrainment. Next, using a group of participants trained at couple dancing, I explored the brain areas engaged when two individuals in physical contact improvised movement together, focusing on who is leading or following the interaction. Finally, I explored how folk dancers use multiple sensory signals (auditory, visual and tactile) to synchronize as a group. These studies advance our understanding of the neural and behavioural mechanisms by which people mutually entrain through physical interaction.
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Hur tillämpas partnering i småhusprojekt? / How is Partnering applied on small house project?Makdisi, Robert, Pita, Faris January 2013 (has links)
Byggbranschen är, jämför med andra branscher konservativ. Förändringar, förbättringar och effektivisering sker men inte i den utsträckning och takt det borde. Under mitten av 1980-talet utvecklades en ny samarbetsform i USA och Storbritannien, som kom att kallas för Partnering. Vårt huvudsyfte med denna rapport är att se hur tillämpning av samarbetsformen partnering är inom småhusprojekt. Partnering är ett begrepp som används där man har gemensamma mål, öppenhet med öppna böcker och stor tillit för byggherrens bästa. Att försöka definiera partnering i Sverige har inte varit angeläget eftersom stora variationer i arbetssätt gjorts till respektive projekt. Tidigare studier i England, Danmark och USA har definierat partnering på dessa sätt. Ett partnering team skall bestå av projektledning, projektoptimering och produktion, för att åstadkomma ett gott resultat där alla strategiska leverantörer bidrar med den mest fördelaktiga och optimala lösningen. Man skall skilja på samverkansform, entreprenadform och ersättningsform. Samverkansform/partnering är en del av byggprojektets delar och kan användas vid alla entreprenad-, ersättning- och upphandlingsformer. Eftersom det kan vara besvärligt att ta fram ett riktpris med incitament så har man nu börjat använda en ersättningsmodell i form av budgetmodellen, modellen används av byggherrar som ofta bygger. Grundfilosofin för partnering är öppenhet, tillit, gemensamt uppsatta mål, tid, ekonomi och grupparbete. LEAN är ett produktionssystem som kommer ifrån japanska Toyota, även kallat TPS. Syn och tankesätt kring LEAN handlar om att effektivisera och öka produktiviteten. Ett tydligt exempel på detta är hur lastbilstillverkaren Scania har tillämpat och utvecklat produktionssystemet i sin dagliga verksamhet. Efter sammanställning av detta kandidatexamensarbete kan vi nu återkoppla och besvara vår problemformulering. Partnering är möjligt att tillämpa inom småhusprojekt, och är en bra metod för byggherren att medverka i och påverka tidplan, kvalitet samt budget. Tillämpningen av samverksformen partnering i ett enskilt småhusprojekt kan framstå som invecklat och ofta svårtillämpat. Vi har även fått nya infallsvinklar kring tillämpning av partnering i småhusprojekt, vilka kan vara intressanta för vidare studier. / The construction industry is conservative compared with other industries. Modifications, improvements and efficiency improvements occur, but not to the extent and in the rate that it should. During the mid-1980s, a new form of cooperation was developed in the United States and in Great Britain, which came to be known as partnering. Our main purpose of this report is to see how the appliance of partnering is within a homebuilding project. Partnering is a concept used where there are common goals, openness with open books and great trust in the client's best. Trying to define partnering in Sweden has not been imperative since large variations in approaches have been done to respective project. Previous studies in Great Britain, Denmark and the United States have defined partnering on these ways. A partnering team shall consist of project management, project optimization and production, to achieve a good result where all strategic suppliers contribute with the most beneficial and optimal solution. One should distinguish between the form of collaboration, the form of contract and compensation terms. The form of collaboration/partnering is a part of the construction project parts and can be used for all contract-, replacement- and purchase forms. Because of the difficulty to produce a target price with incentives, it is known to use a compensation model in the form of a budget model. This model is often used by a developer who often builds. The basic philosophies of partnering are openness, trust, common goals, time, finances and team work. LEAN is a production system that comes from the Japanese Toyota, also known as TPS. Sights and thinking regarding LEAN is to render more effective and to increase the productivity. An example of this is how the truck manufacturer Scania has applied and developed the production system in their daily activity. Partnering is possible to apply within small house projects, and is a good method for the future proprietor to contribute in and to influence time flat, quality and budget. The application of the interacting mould partnering in an individual small house project can seem complicated and often difficult to apply. After the summary of this study, we can now re-engage and answer our problem wording. We have also received new insights about the application of partnering in homebuilding projects, which may be of interest for further study.
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