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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Atitudes dos profissionais de saúde frente a revelação de más notícias

Pereira, Carolina Rebello [UNESP] 28 February 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:27:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2007-02-28Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:16:44Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 pereira_cr_me_botfm.pdf: 254793 bytes, checksum: 4587e190aee02500a740a6537216e76c (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Nas últimas décadas profundas mudanças têm ocorrido no tocante à revelação de informações aos pacientes, em especial àqueles com diagnósticos de doenças que ameacem a vida, como o câncer. Porém no Brasil, e em muitos países em desenvolvimento, ainda é a regra a atitude paternalista dos profissionais da saúde ao oferecer uma mentira solidária, ao invés de informar o diagnóstico real de câncer. Objetivos: Descrever as preferências em relação à revelação do diagnóstico e prognóstico entre os profissionais de saúde (médicos e enfermeiros) e avaliar se esses profissionais oferecem aos seus pacientes a mesma conduta que gostariam de receber se estivessem com uma doença que ameaça a vida. Metodologia: Após consentimento livre esclarecido, foram aplicados questionários contendo oito questões sobre preferências acerca da revelação de informações sobre diagnóstico e prognóstico para 50 médicos e 50 enfermeiros. Resultados: Noventa e sete por cento dos profissionais da saúde acredita que sempre ou quase sempre se deve contar o diagnóstico aos pacientes e 80% o prognóstico. Quando se refere às preferências pessoais, 96% querem saber, em qualquer circunstância, seu próprio diagnóstico e 92% o prognóstico. Dentre os profissionais entrevistados 35% acreditam que existam situações em que mentir ou omitir informações aos pacientes é justificável, porém 90% não admitiriam que algum profissional da saúde lhes mentisse/omitisse informações. Quarenta e sete por cento crêem que a família deve ser envolvida no processo de informação do diagnóstico estes também envolveriam a própria família em caso de doença que ameaça a vida. 12 Conclusão: Pelo presente estudo é possível demonstrar que os médicos e enfermeiros, em uma perspectiva de bioética aplicada à clínica, estão cada vez mais se aproximando das expectativas dos pacientes, embora ainda haja um longo caminho a percorrer. / Last decades, deep changes have occurred on disclosure of informations to the patients, especially those with diagnosis of life threatening diseases like cancer. Beside this fact, in Brazil and in many other countries in development, the paternalistic attitude of health professionals is still the rule; they rather offer a solidary lie instead of full disclosure of cancer. Objectives: To describe the preferences among the disclosure of diagnosis and prognosis of health professionals (nurses and physicians) and evaluate if these professionals offer the their patients the same attitude they would like to receive in case they face a lifethreatening disease. Methodology: After informed consent, an eight questions questionnaire about preferences of disclosure of diagnosis and prognosis was offered to 50 physicians and 50 nurses. Results: Ninety-seven percent of health professionals believe that diagnosis must be told always or almost always to their patients and 80%, the prognosis. When considered personal preferences, 96% want full disclosure of diagnosis in any circumstance and 92% of prognosis. Between the interviewed professionals, 35% believe that there are situations when lying or withhold informations from a patient is justified, but 90% would not admit that any health professional lie or withhold informations. Forty seven percent believe that family must be involved in any point of diagnosis disclosure process, and they also would involve their own family in case of their own illness. Conclusion: By this study it is possible to demonstrate that physicians and nurses, on a perspective of clinical bioethics, are almost reaching their patients expectations, although there is still a long way to go.

Counseling Outcomes and Perceived Counselor Social Influence: Validity of the Counselor Rating Form Extended

Rucker, Iris Elaine Votaw 08 1900 (has links)
This study investigated predictor variables of the Counselor Rating Form dimensions of expertness, attractiveness, and trustworthiness using the predicted variable of therapy outcome, measured by Goal Attainment Scaling and postcounseling scores on the Counselor Rating Form. One hundred-fifteen mental health center outpatients agreed to participate. Forty subjects (25 females and 15 males) met all criteria and were labeled "completors." An additional 30 subjects, labeled "dropouts," enrolled but did not meet criteria. These subjects' data were considered in a separate analysis for prediction of treatment continuation. All subjects rated their own need for therapy before their initial interview. After the initial and final interviews, both the subject and the counselor completed the Counselor Rating Form, rating their perceptions of the counselor1s behavior during that session. The Goal Attainment Scaling was used to generate both pre- and postcounseling outcome scores on each subject's individual, personalized goals.

An analysis of the doctor-patient relationship with reference to the celebrity or famous patient-issues pertaining to privacy and confidentiality

Mbedzi, Lufuno Kenneth January 2019 (has links)
No abstract / Mini Dissertation (MPhil)--University of Pretoria, 2019. / Public Law / MPhil / Unrestricted

The Patient-Physician Relationship from the Perspective of Economically Disadvantaged Patients

Caruso, Myah 25 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Varför sa ingen något? : En litteraturöversikt om patienters behov av information i samband med hysterektomi / Why didn´t anyone say something? : A literature review about patient’s needs for information during hysterectomy

Frida, Vallius, Anna, Johansson January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: I Sverige är det vanligaste större gynekologiska ingreppet hysterektomi, som innebär att livmodern avlägsnas. Denna operation kan vara påfrestande för kvinnan på grund av att livmodern ofta har stor betydelse som symbol för kvinnlighet och fertilitet, vilket gör att operationen kan medföra psykiska påföljder så som depression. En av sjuksköterskans uppgifter vid operationen är att göra patienten delaktig i sin vård. Delaktighet kräver en god vårdrelation där patienten får adekvat information. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att beskriva patienters behov av information från vårdpersonal i samband med hysterektomi. Metod: En litteraturöversikt baserad på 11 vetenskapliga artiklar som svarade på syftet. Artiklarna inhämtades från databaserna Cinahl Complete och PubMed. Båda författarna läste och granskade artiklarna för att sammanställa de meningsbärande enheterna. I de meningsbärande enheterna fann författarna likheter och skillnader. Materialet sorterades och presenteras under huvudteman med tillhörande underteman. Resultat: Resultatet presenteras i tre huvudteman, varav två av dem har underteman. Huvudtemana består av; Behov av att få veta, Individanpassad information och Konsekvenser av bristande information. Kvinnor upplevde att de hade ett behov av att få veta vad som väntade dem och när detta inte uppfylldes ledde det till bland annat oro och rädsla. Konsekvenserna av bristande information från vårdpersonalen var även att kvinnors delaktighet i vården påverkades och att information söktes på annat håll. Diskussion: Hildegard Peplaus omvårdnadsteori användes vid resultatdiskussionen, då denna kan vara ett stöd för sjuksköterskan vid undervisande och informativa möten. Det diskuteras kring att utvecklingen av vårdrelationen har stor betydelse för hur information ges och på vilket sätt det uppfattas. Vidare diskuteras på vilket sätt vårdrelationen och delaktighet kan integreras i vården för att sjuksköterskan ska kunna ge en god omvårdnad. / Background: In Sweden the most common gynecological surgery is hysterectomy which is a procedure where the uterus is removed. This kind of surgery might be difficult for the patient because the uterus has great significance as a symbol of femininity and fertility. This means that the operation can lead to reactions such as mental depression. One of the nurses functions at surgery is to participate the patient in their care. Participation of the patient requires a good nurse-patient relationship in which the patient receives adequate information. Aim: The aim of this literature review was to describe patient’s needs for information from health professionals during hysterectomy. Method: A literature review that was based on 11 original papers which also responded to the purpose. The used databases were Cinahl Complete and PubMed. Both authors read and reviewed the articles to compile their meaningful units. In the meaningful units the authors found similarities and differences. The material was then sorted and presented under main themes with matching subthemes. Results: The results are presented in three main themes, where two of them has subthemes. The mainthemes are; The need to know, Individualized information and The consequenses of insufficient information. Women experienced that they had a need to know what was going to happen, and when this was not fullfilled it caused feelings such as anxeity and fear. The consequenses of insufficient information from health professionalswas that women's participation in their care was affected and they ended up seeking information elsewhere. Discussion: The discussion is based on Hildegard Peplau's nursing theory, which can be used as a support for the nurse in educational and informative meetings. It is discussed that the development of the nurse-patient relationship has great significance for how information is being presented and how it is being perceived. Further discussed is in what way the nurse-patient relationship and participation can be integrated within the care in order to provide a good care.

Möten mellan vården och patienter med HIV : En litteraturstudie / Interactions between healthcare and patients with HIV : A literature review

Almström, Ulrika, Mantzios, Olivia January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: För ungefär 35 år sedan uppmärksammades HIV som ett sjukdomstillstånd bland människor. Sedan dess har infektionen skördat många liv främst i Afrika och har också kommit att förknippas med homosexuella personer som dock utgör en minoritet av alla smittade. Globala insatser försöker minska dessa dödsantal och i Sverige har kunskapen och attityder kring HIV förbättrats under de senaste årtiondena. Trots detta förekommer det fortfarande brister i kunskap om HIV men också i attityder mot personer som är smittade. Vård skall bedrivas med respekt oavsett sjukdom och betydelsen av kommunikation är stor för att kunna bedriva personcentrerad vård och för att ha ett gott vårdklimat. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva hur patienter med HIV upplever bemötande inom vården. Metod: En litteraturöversikt har genomförts vilket innebär att befintlig kunskap från elva vetenskapliga artiklar har analyserats och sammanställts inom ett specifikt område. Resultat: Översiktens resultat presenteras i två huvudteman med fyra respektive sex underteman. Det första huvudtemat positiva upplevelser av bemötandet i vården har följande underteman: relationsfrämjande värden, vårdgivarens stöd och support, den goda vårdrelationen samt närhet – ett tecken på acceptans. Det andra huvudtemat negativa upplevelser av bemötandet i vården har följande underteman: särskiljande bemötande på grund av diagnos, vårdgivarens försiktighetsåtgärder, olämpligt bemötande, en otillräcklig vårdrelation, vårdgivares affektiva tillstånd och agerande samt sekretessbrott. Diskussion: Det som framkom i resultatet har diskuterats utifrån kunskap om HIV från sjuksköterskor och sjuksköterskestudenter. Här belyses vikten av adekvat kunskap om HIV men också om kommunikation inom vården och hur denna kunskap bör tillhandahållas. Detta har diskuterats utifrån Joyce Travelbees omvårdnadsteori. / Background: HIV-infection among humans received attention throughout the world 35 years ago from the dramatic increase in deaths. The deadly virus has spread globally with intensity in the African continent. The virus has been somewhat falsely characterized as the “homosexual disease” even though this group represents a minority of all people living with HIV. Global programs are taking action to decrease the amount of deaths and the knowledge and attitude towards the virus has improved in Sweden through the last decades. Despite this, there are still dramatic misunderstandings in knowledge about HIV and attitudes towards HIV-infected people. Care should be given with respect no matter diagnosis, and adequate communication is of vital importance to be able to perform individualized care in a proper functioning healthcare setting. Aim: How HIV-infected patients experience interaction with healthcare professionals. Method: A literature review was conducted to analyze and compile data of existing knowledge from eleven scientific articles within a specific area of study. Results: The results of the review are presented in two main themes. The first main theme is positive experiences of interactions within healthcare that includes following sub themes: relationship-building values, the support given by caregivers, a positive professional-patient relation and closeness – a sign of acceptance. The second main theme is negative experiences of interactions within healthcare which includes following sub themes: differential treatment because of HIV, precautions exceeded by caregivers, inappropriate encounters, emotions and actions exceeded by caregivers and confidentiality breaches. These themes describe how patients experienced encounters within healthcare settings negatively. Discussion: The result findings are discussed from nurses and nursing students perspectives on knowledge about HIV. The importance of both knowledge about HIV and communication is highlighted, and how healthcare professionals should acquire these understandings. This has been discussed using Joyce Travelbee´s nursing theory.

Women's trust in maternal health care : A qualitative interview study about nurses' experiences within primary health care in Ghana / Kvinnors förtroende för mödrahälsovården : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om sjuksköterskors erfarenheter inom primärvården i Ghana

Nordin, Cecilia, Eklund, Elin January 2016 (has links)
Background: In Ghana, many women die every year due to preventable causes related to pregnancy and child birth. Several national strategies have been made to improve women’s access to essential maternal health care. Still there is a significant inequality in the number of women attending to maternal health care in between different parts of the country. An important determinant that affects women’s utilization of the subsidized maternal health care is the quality of health care, including the health providers’ attitudes to their patients. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe nurses’ experiences of interacting with women in a maternal health care context within primary care in Ghana. Method: Five qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted at three different primary health care clinics. Content analysis was used to analyse the data. Results: Three main-themes, patient compliance, building trust and nursing strategies and ten sub-themes were identified. Conclusion: Although the nurses expressed a desire to have more women attend maternal health care, they seemed unaware of how their own behaviour might contribute to the current underutilization. A hierarchical power imbalance within the nurse-patient interactions, where the patients were perceived and treated as subordinate passive receivers of the nurses’ expertise, was identified. The nurses’ lack of critical approach towards their own actions might be at the source of this underutilization. Suggestion for further research: The authors recommend further studies to explore nurses’ ability to allow self-reflective critical thinking and also how implementation of a more patient-centred approach in Ghana would affect the quality of health care. / Bakgrund: Varje år dör många kvinnor i Ghana på grund av förebyggbara komplikationer relaterade till graviditet och förlossning. Flera nationella strategier har genomförts i syfte att ge fler kvinnor tillgång till nödvändig mödrahälsovård. Trots det råder en signifikant skillnad i andel kvinnor som söker mödrahälsovård mellan olika delar av landet. En viktig faktor som påverkar utnyttjandet av den subventionerade mödrahälsovården är vårdkvaliteten, inklusive vårdpersonalens bemötande. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av bemötande av kvinnor i en mödrahälsovårdskontext inom primärvården i Ghana. Metod: Fem kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes vid tre olika primärvårdskliniker. Innehållsanalys användes for att analysera insamlad data. Resultat: Tre huvudteman, patientföljsamhet, bygga förtroende och omvårdnadsstrategier och tio underteman hittades i resultatet. Slutsats: Trots att sjuksköterskorna uttryckte en vilja att få fler kvinnor att nyttja tillgänglig mödrahälsovård så verkade de omedvetna om hur deras eget agerande skulle kunna bidra till att kvinnorna väljer att inte söka vård. En hierarkisk maktobalans inom sjuksköterskornas vårdrelation med patienterna framträdde genom intervjuerna, där patienterna sågs och bemöttes som underordnade, passiva mottagare av sjuksköterskornas expertis. Sjuksköterskornas brist på kritiskt förhållningssätt till egna insatser kan göra att de oavsiktligt arbetar emot sina egna mål. Förslag på fortsatta studier: Ytterligare studier för att utforska sjuksköterskors förmåga att tillämpa kritiskt tänkande rekommenderas samt vilken nytta det skulle vara för kvaliteten på omvårdnaden om ett mer patientcentrerat förhållningssätt implementerades inom vården i Ghana.

Den avsexualiserade patienten : Faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskans samtal om sexualitet och reproduktion med patienten / The Desexulized Patient : Factors affecting nurses' conversations about sexuality and reproduction with the patient

Watts, Jennifer January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Många sjukdomar och behandlingar inverkar på sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa och/eller funktion [SRHF]. Sjuksköterskor [SSK] har ansvar att lyfta detta med patienter, enligt lag samt nationella styrdokument. Patientens rättigheter innefattar erhålla adekvat och tillräcklig information för att delaktigt kunna ta informerade beslut om sin vård. Trots detta uppger SSK och patienter att samtalet inte förs. Syfte: Litteraturöversiktens syfte är att belysa vilka påverkande faktorer SSK upplever i att diskutera sexuell- och reproduktiv hälsa och funktion med patienter. Metod: En allmän litteraturöversikt baserad på sex kvalitativa och fyra kvantitativa artiklar. De analyserades sedan med hjälp av innehållsanalys. Resultat: En kombination av flera faktorer påverkar SSK i att samtala om SRHF. Dessa har identifierats och kategoriserats. ”Rädsla för obekväm stämning” är ett latent tema som genomsyrar resten av de identifierade kategorierna ”Utbildning och självförtroende” ”Någon annans ansvar” ”Attityder till patientens sexualitet” ”Vårdrelationen och vårdmiljön” och ”Kultur och normer”. Slutsats: SSK avsexualiserar patienten som en lättare utväg. Att fortsätta ignorera patienters SRHF kommer inte hjälpa SSK lindra patienters lidande. Klinisk betydelse: Dessa identifierade faktorer är inget nytt. Diskussionen belyser dock nya aspekter av SSK maktroll i frågan. Förhoppningsvis kan litteraturöversikten inspirera till förändring och vidare forskning. / Background: Many diseases and treatments may affect one’s sexual and reproductive health and/or function [SRHF]. Nurses have responsibility raising the subject with patients by law and national guidelines. Patients’ rights include partaking of correct and enough information to make informed decisions regarding treatment. In spite this patients and nurses state the subject is not broached enough. Aim: The aim is to describe what affecting factors nurses’ experience in discussing SRHF with patients. Method: A general literature review based on six qualitative and four quantitative articles. The articles were analyzed through content analysis. Result: A combination of multiple factors affect nurses’ conversations about SRHF. These have been identified and categorized. “Fear of uncomfortable atmosphere” is a latent theme throughout the other categories “Education and confidence” “Someone else’s responsibility” “Attitudes towards patients’ sexuality”. “Care relationship and ward environment” and “Culture and norms”. Conclusion: The nurses’ desexulization of the patient is an easy way out. Ignoring SRHF will not enable nurses to relieve patients’ suffering. Clinical significance: These identified factors are nothing new. The discussion enlighten new aspects of the nurses’ role of authority in this. Hopefully this review may inspire change and further research.

Alcoholism Treatment Follow-up Related to Staff Members' Effectiveness

DuBois, Richard L. 05 1900 (has links)
The relationship was investigated between named staff members and four measures of reported alocohol consumption by alcoholics followed up one year after hospitalizstion in state hospitals. The 559 representative subjects were located, interviewed, and matched with 65 staff members named as "most helpful" to determine social, economic, and drinking aspects. Named personnel were administered the A-B Scale by Campbell, Stevens, Uhlenhuth, and Johansson (1968). Subjects naming A-staff members reported significantly lower levels of alcohol consumption on two of four measures as compared to subjects naming A/B- or B-staff members. Additional followup variables tended to support this conclusion.

Civilní spory mezi lékařem a pacientem při poskytování zdravotní péče / Civil disputes between doctor and patient in medical healthcare

Valuš, Antonín January 2015 (has links)
Civil disputes between doctor and patient in medical healthcare The issue of civil disputes between doctor and patient in medical healthcare is characterized by a high degree of interdependence of substantive and procedural questions. The main issue here is inequality between doctor and patient in their relationship, which is based more on factual inequality than inequality in rights. The patient as consumer and therefore the weaker party has limited access to relevant information concerning the subject of the relationship between doctor and patient. On the other hand, a doctor is a subject which has in its power almost all the relevant information. As can be seen, for a given relationship is characteristic a high degree of inequality of information. This inequality, which arises in the relationship always, is not sufficiently addressed by the substantive regulation and its effects are present in subsequent court proceedings in the form of an information deficit. Intention of this paper is to present the fundamentals of the relationship between physician and patient, the reasons for the information deficit and its consequences in legal proceedings and ways of its compensation. The aim is to assess whether the current regulation is to ensure equality between doctor and patient with emphasis on the...

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