Spelling suggestions: "subject:"patientcentered"" "subject:"patientcentred""
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Care for the socially disadvantaged: The role of race and gender on the physician-patient relationship and patient outcomes in a safety net primary care clinic.Baughn, Daniel 16 October 2012 (has links)
Compared to the general population, socially disadvantaged patients have higher rates of chronic illness and require more complex medical care. They also endorse higher levels of psychological distress and tend to engage in behavioral risk factors such as poor diet, physical inactivity, and smoking. These issues are particularly concerning given that this population tends to adhere less to medical recommendations, has limited access to health resources, and receives poorer treatment from providers. In an effort to address this disparity, The Affordable Care Act will expand health care access to an additional 23 million uninsured and 17 million underinsured Americans. However, simply expanding access to health care without examining and improving upon factors related to the physician-patient relationship would not fully address the health care needs of this population. This study sought to improve the quality of care received by socially disadvantaged patients by better understanding the role of race and gender on the physician-patient communication process and patient outcomes in a safety net primary care clinic. The study sample consisted of 330 low-income, uninsured/underinsured African American and White patients and 41 resident physicians. Overall, African American patients and their doctors and White doctors and their patients were viewed as engaging in the highest levels of communication. South Asian physicians, and male South Asian physicians in particular, had the lowest levels of communication and the patients of these providers experienced less improvement in their physical health. Patient education level influenced physicians’ perceptions of their patients to the extent that patients with higher educational levels were viewed as engaging in lower levels of communication. Last, indicators of a good physician-patient relationship were associated with higher levels of patient reported adherence. Practice implications and areas for future research are discussed.
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Postoperativ smärta och heshet i halsen; en jämförelse mellan Macintosh direktlaryngoskopi och McGrath videolaryngoskopi : En pilotstudie / Postoperative sore throat and hoarseness; a comparison between Macintosh direct laryngoscopy and McGrath videolaryngoscopy : A pilot studyPalm, Molina, Snaar, Ida January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund Endotrakeal intubation används i många olika situationer där det finns ett behov av att skapa en säker luftväg. Den manipulation av luftvägarna som krävs i samband med en intubation kan bland annat orsaka postoperativ halssmärta och heshet, vilket kan ha negativa konsekvenser för patienten. För att försöka undvika komplikationer vid intubering har det utvecklats olika intubationshjälpmedel, där ett av hjälpmedlen är videolaryngoskop, som minskar den kraft som behövs för att skapa en fri insyn i larynx. Syfte Syftet med studien var att jämföra Macintosh direktlaryngoskopi mot McGrath videolaryngoskopi, för att undersöka om någon av metoderna ger minskad förekomst av halssmärta och heshet postoperativt. Metod För att besvara syftet antogs en kvantitativ ansats. Studien utfördes sedan som en förberedande undersökning med en induktiv metod. Datainsamlingen utfördes på en operationsavdelning i Västra Götaland, totalt deltog 24 patienter, varav 12 patienter intuberades med direktlaryngoskopi och 12 patienter intuberades med videolaryngoskopi. Deltagarna fick postoperativt svara på validerade enkätfrågor, och gradera eventuell förekomst av halssmärta och heshet enligt validerade fyrgradiga skalor. Resultat Resultatet visade att det eventuellt kan finnas en viss skillnad gällande postoperativ halssmärta beroende på om man intuberas med Macintosh direktlaryngoskopi eller McGrath videolaryngoskopi. Presenterat i absoluta och relativa mått visar det på att endast 1 deltagare (8%) som videolaryngoskoperades graderade lindrig halssmärta postoperativt, medan det var 3 deltagare (25%) som direktlaryngoskoperades som graderade lindrig halssmärta. Dock var skillnaden inte signifikant (p=0,56). Skillnaderna gällande heshet var större, där 9 deltagare (75%) som videolaryngoskoperades graderade sig helt besvärsfria postoperativt och 3 (25%) graderade en lindrig heshet. Ingen av deltagarna som direktlaryngoskoperades graderade sig som besvärsfri postoperativt, 9 (75%) graderade lindrig heshet och 3 (25%) graderade måttlig heshet. Skillnaden mellan grupperna var signifikant (p=0,001). Slutsats Skillnad verkar föreligga gällande framför allt heshet beroende på vilken intubationsmetod som används. Det kan även finnas en eventuell skillnad gällande halssmärta, dock är denna ej signifikant i pilotstudiens resultat. Studiepopulationen är begränsad i sitt antal, och det finns få studier att jämföra resultatet med. Det finns ett behov av fler och större studier för att finna evidens för den bästa metoden. / Background Endotracheal intubation is used in many different situations where there is a need to create a safe airway. The airway manipulation force that is required when an endotracheal intubation is needed may cause postoperative sore throat and hoarseness. This can adversely affect the patient. To avoid complications of an endotracheal intubation, different intubation aids have been developed, one of which is a videolaryngoscope, which reduces the force needed to create a free laryngeal insight. Aim The purpose of the study was to compare Macintosh direct laryngoscopy to McGrath videolaryngoscopy, to investigate whether either method reduces the incidence of sore throat and hoarseness postoperatively. Method To answer the purpose, a quantitative approach was adopted. The study was then conducted as a preliminary study with an inductive method. The data collection was carried out in an operation theatre in Västra Götaland, Sweden. A total of 24 patients participated, where 12 patients were intubated with direct laryngoscopy and 12 patients with videolaryngoscopy. Postoperatively the participants responded to validated questionnaires, and evaluated any occurrence of sore throat and hoarseness according to validated four-dimensional scales. Result There was a difference in postoperative sore throat depending on intubation with Macintosh direct laryngoscopy or McGrath videolaryngoscopy. Presented in absolute and relative terms, the result show that only 1 participant (8%) that was intubated with videolaryngoscopy graded mild sore throat postoperatively, while there 3 participants (25%) who were intubated with the use of direct laryngoscopy graded mild sore throat. However, the difference was not significant (p=0.56). The differences in hoarseness were greater, where 9 participants (75%) that was intubated with the use of videolaryngoscopy graduated no hoarseness post-operatively and 3 (25%) graded a mild hoarseness. None of the participants who were intubated with the use of direct laryngoscopy graded no hoarseness, 9 (75%) participants graded mild hoarseness and 3 (25%) graded moderate hoarseness. The difference between the groups was significant (p=0.001). Conclusions A difference exists in advance of hoarseness depending on the intubation method that is used. There may also be a difference regarding sore throat, but this result remained non-significant. However, in this pilot study the population was limited in its number, and there are few other studies in this field available for comparison. Therefore, more, and larger studies are needed to find evidence for the best intubation method.
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Patients’ Communication with Primary Care: A Pre-study for a new communication systemLauret, Fanny, Härdig, Stephanie January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore patients’ experiences and preferences concerning communication with primary care, as well as their attitude towards a future digital system to manage communication. The Swedish county councils and municipalities (SKL) is developing a new digital tool as a complement in the communication between patients and physicians, thus this research is a preliminary investigation of a larger approach. The research has been based on 20 semi-structured interviews with patients in ages between 21 and 86 from 13 different health care centers in Sweden. The interviews indicate that the communication between patients and physicians needs development in numerous ways and that the system used by the primary care contributes to negative outcomes in the communication. Patients’ attitudes towards a new digital system to manage communication were investigated and a majority was positive. The study’s results pointed out the importance of the physicians’ attitudes in the physician-patient communication, and brought some possible improvements to be done in the actual primary care system; as for example implementing new communication channels to allow an easier contact of patients with their health care center. The new communication tool was overall well received and even appeared to be a suitable solution for some of the problems discovered along the patients’ journey. The overall results obtained are positive and promising towards its implementation in Sweden.
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Intérêts et limites de l'approche centrée sur le patient dans une démarche éducatice vis-à-vis du patient diabétique de type 2 en médecine générale : approche phénoménologique exploratoire (étude DEADIEM) / Relevance and limits of patient centered approach in therapeutic type 2 diabetic patient education in general practice : exploratory Phenomenological qualitative research DEADIEMMoreau, Alain 05 December 2013 (has links)
L'Approche Centrée Patient (ACP) permet sur le plan conceptuel la réalisation d'une démarche éducative vis-à-vis du patient diabétique de type 2. Mais la question de son fonctionnement se pose en pratique clinique de médecine générale. Dans le cadre d'une étude exploratoire qualitative phénoménologique, une Démarche Educative DEADIEM a été testée auprès de 10 patients diabétiques de type 2 inclus par 5 médecins généralistes pour en comprendre son fonctionnement. Cette démarche comprenait l'exploration de la perspective du patient, ce qui est VRAI (Vécu, Représentation, Attentes, Important) pour lui, une démarche explicative, des conseils hygiéno-diététiques adaptés et un objectif de compréhension commune avec le médecin avec évaluation à 3 mois de ses résultats. En confrontant les données du discours avec les modèles transthéorique et transactionnel par procédure de triangulation théorique, cette démarche a corroboré une dynamique d'adaptation « coping », des processus expérientiels et comportementaux favorisant ou pas des changements. Les médecins traitants ont été sollicités pour parler de leur perception de la relation. L'étude a illustré l'interaction symbolique qui existe entre des représentations « personnages » que chacun se fait de l'autre et qui peuvent bloquer ou faciliter la relation et la compréhension commune. Les médecins traitants ont pu exprimer de manière réaliste leurs limites et les difficultés de la relation transférentielle. A l'issu de cette étude, l'ACP, enrichi par d'autres modèles, est apparue comme un processus thérapeutique systémique qui peut être accessible à tout médecin généraliste, enseignable et faire l'objet de travaux de recherche complémentaires / The Patient Centered Approach (PCA) allows, on the conceptual level, to undertake an educative counseling program for type 2 diabetic patients. The question of its efficiency remains unclear in everyday general practice. In the setting of an exploratory phenomenological qualitative research DEADIEM, an experiential educative counseling based on a patient centered care model, was tested on a population of ten type 2 diabetic patients selected by five general practitioners to understand its functioning. This study investigated the patient’s perspective, their real experience, beliefs, expectations, references. An explanatory procedure and adapted hygieno-dietetic counseling was proposed together with an objective of common ground between patient and practitioner. The results were evaluated after three months. By triangulating data extracted from the patient’s transcript with other transtheoretical model and transactional models, the study revealed coping dynamic, experiential and behavioral processes which favoured or not changes. General practitioners were asked to express their perception of the physician patient relationship. The study illustrated the symbolic interaction existing between the “personal fronts” representations that anyone has about others that may block or facilitate relation and common understanding. GPs have been able to express in a realistic way their limits and the difficulties of transferential relationship. At the end of the study, PCA, enriched by other models appeared as a systemic therapeutic process that can be of ready access to any GP, can be taught and must be the subject of further research
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A filosofia de Emmanuel Lévinas como fundamento para a teoria e a prática do cuidado humanizado do enfermeiro / The philosophy of Emmanuel Lévinas as a fundament for the theory and practice of the nurse humanization careAlmeida, Débora Vieira de 28 June 2010 (has links)
O termo humanização tem sido freqüente na prática assistencial, na formação dos profissionais da saúde e nas políticas públicas. Entretanto, não percebemos o apoio do conceito do termo humanização (quando ele existe) em uma teoria ou filosofia, o que dificulta a discussão da temática da humanização em nível científico. Partimos, neste trabalho, do seguinte conceito de humanização: encontro de subjetividades no e pelo ato de cuidar. Considerando que há uma necessidade urgente em tratar a humanização cientificamente, os objetivos desta pesquisa foram: eleger um referencial filosófico que possa sustentar a teoria e a prática do cuidado humanizado; refletir sobre o conceito de humanização proposto neste estudo à luz do referencial teórico escolhido; definir categorias filosóficas que subjazem as relações de cuidado de enfermagem; construir uma articulação entre o recorte filosófico escolhido e os saberes da enfermagem. O referencial escolhido foi a filosofia de Emmanuel Lévinas. Esta escolha baseou-se na finalidade da enfermagem, na complexidade que envolve o saber e o fazer desta profissão e, também, na necessidade de incluir um referencial apropriado sobre humanização na formação do profissional enfermeiro. O método utilizado para a leitura das obras foi a hermenêutica. Após a leitura destas obras elegemos as categorias que subjazem as relações de cuidado entre um eu enfermeiro e um outro, discorremos sobre elas e, por fim, articulamos estes conteúdos filosóficos com os saberes da enfermagem. Em seguida, consolidamos a fundamentação da humanização ancorando-a em uma realidade factual do profissional enfermeiro. As leituras nos mostraram que a relação que o eu estabelece com o mundo é fundamental para que se perceba como um ser separado que pode buscar aquilo que lhe falta. Entretanto, ao se deparar com outrem, este apresenta-se como rosto que traz o rastro do infinito, o qual impede a sua objetivação. Dessa forma, o outro apresenta-se em posição de altura relativamente ao eu enfermeiro, o que produz uma assimetria na relação eu-outro e desperta um desejo no eu. Este desejo não parte de uma necessidade do desejante, mas é despertado pelo desejado. A relação entre estes seres transcendentes se dá através da linguagem, a qual permite que o eu e o outro permaneçam separados e em relação. Nesta relação evidencia-se a separação do tempo do eu enfermeiro com o tempo do outro. E, como no mundo o eu está diante de vários outros, é necessário que ele responda a cada um deles com justiça. É nesta resposta que o eu torna-se uma subjetividade que é responsabilidade até a substituição. Esta responsabilidade infinita do eu, põe em questão a sua liberdade. Dessa forma, a relação humanizada com base na filosofia de Lévinas pressupõe uma assimétrica na qual a responsabilidade do eu é sempre voltada para o outro, a sua liberdade é livre apenas para ser para o outro. Portanto, o conceito de cuidado humanizado aqui proposto deve conter esta assimetria. Assim, substituímos o conceito inicialmente formulado por relação eu-outro no e pelo ato de cuidar. / The term humanization has been frequent in the assistance practice, in the graduation of the health professionals and public politics. However we don´t perceive the support of the humanization concept (when it exists) in a theory or philosophy what makes even more difficult the discussion of the humanization themes in a scientific level. In this research, we part from the humanization concept: a meeting of the subjectivities in and by the act of the care. Considering that is a urgent necessity in threatening humanization scientifically, the goals of this research were: elect one philosophic reference that can support the theory and practice of the humanizated care; a reflection about the humanization concept proposed in this study as a light of the referential theory choose; define philosophic categories that can support the relations of the nurse care; construct a articulation between a philosophic cutting out that has been choose and the nurse knows. The referential choose was an Emmanuel Lévinas philosophy. This choice was based in the nursing finality and the complexity that involves the knows and makes of this profession and the necessity to include a referential appropriated in humanization used in the graduation of the nurse professional. The method used in the reading of these works was the hermeneutics. After the reading of these researches we elected the categories to support the relations of the care between a I-nurse and a I- other we discuss about them and in the end we articulated about these philosophical contents with the knows of the nursing. After that we consolidated the fundament of the humanization anchoring in a factual reality of the nurse professional. The readings showed us that the relation that the I establish with the world is very important to show how a not complete human can search what it is losing. However when meets with another human this presents as a face that brings the trail of the infinity that impossibility the objective of all. This way the other shows in an I-nurse high position that produce a asymmetry in the relation I-other and awakens a desire in the I. This desire don´t go from a necessity of the desiring but is awakened by the desired person. The relation between this humans transcendence happens using the language that permits that the I and the other can stay related separated. In this relation it is evident the separation between the time of the I-nurse and the other. And because in the world the I is distant from the others it is necessary that it responds to each one with justice. It is in this response that the I turns into a subjectivity that is responsible until the substitution. This infinity responsibility of the I put in question it owns liberty. In this way the humanizated relation based in the Levinas´s philosophy presupposes one asymmetrical in which the responsibility of the I is always related to the other and its liberty is free only if is for the other. So the concept of the humanizated care proposed in this research should contain this asymmetrical way. So we substitute the initial formulated concept for relation I-other in and by the care act.
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Educação para o autocuidado de estomizados intestinais no domicílio: do planejamento à avaliação de resultados / Education for self-care of the intestinal ostomy patient at home: from planning to evaluation resultsSilva, Janaina da 06 September 2013 (has links)
Trata-se de um estudo de abordagem qualitativa, que teve como objetivos descrever as características socioculturais, familiares, domiciliares e capacidade para o autocuidado de estomizados cadastrados na Secretaria de Saúde de uma cidade do interior paulista; avaliar a condição clínica do estomizado em relação à estomia e os equipamentos utilizados; e planejar, implementar e avaliar a educação em saúde sobre o autocuidado de estomizados intestinais, com a estratégia do Método do Arco, fundamentado na Pedagogia da Problematização. Utilizou-se o referencial teórico da Pedagogia da Problematização e o método etnográfico para o desenvolvimento do estudo com pacientes cadastrados na Secretaria de Saúde para aquisição de equipamentos coletores para estomia intestinal e urinária, em uma cidade paulista, com participação em três etapas distintas do estudo. Na primeira etapa do estudo foi realizada a avaliação domiciliária, o uso de equipamentos coletores e a capacidade para o autocuidado, cujos dados foram coletados no domicílio com instrumento de avaliação do domicílio e observação participante, com participação de 52 pessoas com estomia intestinal e urinária, durante os meses de setembro e outubro de 2012. Nesta etapa, a média de idade foi de 37 anos, houve predomínio da casa própria, com saneamento básico, uso do convênio de saúde público, a maioria realiza o autocuidado com estomia e equipamentos, mudanças na alimentação e vestuário. Na segunda etapa participaram 19 estomizados intestinais e urinários, que foram avaliados com utilização de um instrumento de avaliação clínica contemplando dados sociodemográficos, clínicos e terapêuticos; curativo e ferida cirúrgica, autocuidado com a estomia e equipamentos; e capacidade para o autocuidado e com a observação participante das pesquisadoras, no período de 30 de outubro a 01 de novembro de 2012. Nesta etapa, participaram 10 homens e 9 mulheres, com média de idade de 54 anos, predominando aposentados, até oito anos de estudos, renda até dois salários mínimos, responsáveis pela manutenção financeira da família. Na terceira etapa, foi desenvolvida a atividade educativa com 10 estomizados intestinais no domicílio, com a estratégia do Método do Arco para o ensino do autocuidado com estomia intestinal e equipamentos, observação participante, diário de campo e gravação em áudio das entrevistas semiestruturadas com os participantes sobre o aprendizado alcançado por cada um destes, no período de novembro de 1012 a fevereiro de 2013. A atividade educativa foi com duas visitas domiciliares para sete participantes e de quatro a nove visitas para os outros participantes, todos passaram a realizar o autocuidado da estomia e do equipamento coletor e foram unânimes em relação aos benefícios desta aprendizagem na melhoria da autoestima e autonomia, com retomada das atividades cotidianas. Acreditamos que os resultados deste estudo contribuirão na melhoria do ensino de autocuidado de estomizados intestinais / This is a qualitative study that aimed to describe the socio-cultural characteristics, family, household and capacity for self-care of ostomy patients registered at the Secretariat of Health of a city in the state of São Paulo; assess the clinical condition of the ostomy patients in relation to the ostomy and the equipment used, and plan, implement and evaluate health education on self-care of intestinal ostomy patientes, with the strategy of the Arc Method, based on problem-solving pedagogy. The theoretical framework of the Curriculum and Pedagogy ethnographic method were used for the development of the study of patients enrolled in the Health Department to purchase equipment for collectors and urinary ostomy in a city in the satate of São Paulo, with participation in three distinct stages of the study. In the first stage of the study the home care was evaluated, the use of collection equipment and the ability for the self-care, data were collected at home with the resident assessment instrument and participant observation, with the participation of 52 people with urinary and intestinal ostomy during the months of September and October 2012. At this stage, the average age of the patients was 37 years old, there was a predominance of home ownership, with sanitation, use of public health plan, the majority performs self-care with ostomy equipment and reported changes in food and clothing. In the second stage 19 intestinal and urinary ostomy patients were involved, they were evaluated with the use of a clinical assessment instrument covering socio- demographic, clinical and therapeutic, curative and surgical wound, ostomy and self- care with the equipment, and capacity for self-care and observation participant of the researchers in the period from October 30 to November 1, 2012. At this stage, 10 men and 9 women were attended, with the average age of 54 years old, especially retired patients, to eight years of study, receiving up to two minimum wages, responsible for the maintenance of the family. In the third stage, the educational activity was developed with 10 intestinal ostomy patients at home, with the strategy of the Arc Method to teach the self-care and ostomy equipment, participant observation, field diary and audio recording of the semi-structured interviews about the learning achieved by each one of them, from November 2012 to February 2013. Educational activity was done with two visits to seven patients and four to nine visits to other patients, all of them began to perform self-care and ostomy equipment collector and were unanimous regarding the benefits of this learning to improve self- esteem and autonomy, with resumption of daily activities. We believe that the results of this study will contribute to the improvement of the teaching self-care of intestinal ostomy
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Ensino do residente de pediatria em um ambulatório geral: análise da consulta / Teaching pediatric residents in a general pediatric outpatient clinic: analysis of consultationBallester, Denise 18 December 2009 (has links)
Diversos autores referem que a realização da consulta médica associa-se a melhores resultados quando apoiada nos pressupostos do modelo centrado no paciente dentre os quais se destaca a inclusão da perspectiva do paciente. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar se o modelo de ensino adotado no Ambulatorial Geral de Pediatria (AGEP) permite ao residente de pediatria, após um ano de estágio, conduzir uma consulta com a inclusão da perspectiva dos pais. O estágio no AGEP dos residentes de primeiro ano, do Departamento de Pediatria da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), ocorre no Hospital Universitário da USP que é um serviço de atendimento secundário. Este ambulatório tem como objetivo ensinar uma forma de atendimento ampliado e não centrado na doença. Em 2007, foram selecionados 10 residentes para serem filmados durante a realização de uma consulta no início e no final do estágio. Os dados foram analisados por metodologia qualitativa por meio de técnica exploratória envolvendo, independentemente, três juízes. Adotando-se como referencial teórico pressupostos do modelo centrado no paciente, elaboraram-se as categorias gerais: (1) Compreensão da queixa principal referida pelos pais; (2) Compreensão de outras queixas; (3) Compartilhamento das orientações e decisões. Os residentes tinham em média 26 anos de idade, graduados em diversas faculdades do país e referiam formação em atendimento ambulatorial de pequena duração. Como resultado, observou-se que na categoria (1) a maioria dos residentes explora precocemente a primeira queixa referida pelos pais. No final do estágio alguns residentes incluem na anamnese, de modo insuficiente, a exploração dos sentimentos envolvidos com a queixa. Na categoria (2), poucos residentes exploram ativamente outras preocupações e observou-se pouca valorização da agenda dos pais. Na categoria (3), os residentes mantiveram ao longo do curso a forma não compartilhada das orientações e decisões durante a consulta. A observação das consultas permitiu a elaboração de categorias empíricas: (a) interação com a criança; (b) explicação do roteiro de anamnese; (c) prontuário como principal fonte de informação; (d) momentos de silêncio na consulta; (e) explicações a respeito dos procedimentos do exame físico. Dentre elas, a interação com a criança foi a mais significativa e constatou-se que a maioria dos residentes estabelece pouca comunicação com as crianças. Os residentes que buscam um diálogo com a criança restringem-se aos aspectos da rotina de vida e atividades escolares. Apenas uma residente explora o problema de saúde diretamente com a criança. Chamou a atenção a procura ativa da criança pela comunicação com os residentes durante a consulta, porém a maioria deles não demonstra ter entendido esse comportamento. Concluiu-se que o modelo de ensino do AGEP em 2007 não capacitava os residentes para a realização de consultas com a inclusão da perspectiva dos pais. As explicações para esse fato podem relacionar-se com as dificuldades em mudanças de comportamento, por parte dos residentes, decorrentes da formação na graduação com predomínio do modelo biomédico e a ausência de estratégias específicas para o ensino de pressupostos do modelo centrado no paciente e das habilidades de comunicação durante o estágio no AGEP / Several authors report that the outcome of the medical consultation is associated with better results when based on patient-centered model among which stands out the inclusion of the patient\'s perspective. The aim of this study was to examine whether the teaching model adopted in the Ambulatório Geral de Pediatria (AGEP), a general Pediatric outpatient clinic, capacitates, after one year, the resident of pediatrics to conduct a consultation which includes the parents perspective. The AGEP is a secondary health care facility located at the University Hospital of the University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil, and offers a course for the first year of the residency program of the Department of Pediatrics of the School of Medicine of USP. This clinic aims to teach a form of extended care, not focused on the disease. In 2007, 10 residents were selected to be videotaped while performing a consultation at the beginning and at the end of the course. The data was analyzed through qualitative methodology by exploratory technique involving three judges independently. Using as reference the patient-centered care, general categories were elaborated: (1) Understanding of the parents main complaints, (2) Understanding of other complaints and (3) Sharing decision-making. The residents had an average age of 26 years-old, graduated from different colleges in the country and referred outpatient training only for short periods. As a result it was observed that in category (1), the majority of residents explore precipitously the first parents complaint. At the end of the course some residents, although insufficiently, include in the anamneses the parents concerns involved with the complaint. In Category (2), few residents actively explore other complaints and the parents agenda was neglected. In category (3), residents maintained throughout the course a non-shared decision-making practice. The observation of consultations enabled the development of empirical categories: (a) interaction with the child, (b) explanation of the anamnese guide, (c) use of the records as the main source of information, (d) moments of silence during the consultation, (e) lack of explanation of the procedures of the physical examination. Among which, the interaction with the child was the most significant and it was found that most residents establish little communication with the children. Residents seeking a dialogue with the child are limited to the routine aspects of life and school activities. Only one resident explores the health problem directly with the child. Children actively tried to communicate with the residents during the consultation, but most residents appeared not to have understood their behavior. It was concluded that the teaching model of AGEP in 2007 does not enabled residents to do consultations including the parents perspective. The explanations for this may relate to the difficulties in changing residents behavior due to their former training during medical school in which there is a predominance of the biomedical model. Another reason was the absence of specific strategies for teaching patient-centered care and communication skills during the course in AGEP
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Necessidades de cuidados: o olhar do paciente, acompanhante e equipe de enfermagem.Martins, Priscila Fernandes 26 February 2016 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2016-02-26 / Objectives: To access the patients´ perception and their level of satisfaction as well as their companions according to the care needs during hospitalization period; to observe the association of this level with sociodemographic variables and characteristics of hospitalization and the unity; to compare the care needs as realized by the patient and the Nursing team and investigate the sociodemographic factors associated with these perceptions. Methods: In the first stage, a descriptive exploratory study was performed in hospitals in the interior of São Paulo state, from March to May 2014; 411 patients and their companions participated. Afterwards, a comparative study in units and hospitalization was carried out in an extra–large capacity hospital in the state of São Paulo from April to July 2015. The subjects were 100 professionals (50 nurses and 50 technicians and nursing assistants) and 50 patients. A questionnaire was created and validated (for each stage) about care needs filled up by the participants. Results: The patients/companions ´ score of satisfaction ranged from 3.6 (0.4) to 4.6 (0.4). Emotional and spiritual needs (81 and 82%), security (83 and 67%) and attention (87 and 61%) were the most satisfied. An association was found between satisfaction and some sociodemographic variables and hospitalization characteristics. Considering the four areas investigated regarding the process of caring, the following variations were found: kw 0.32 (0.07 - 0.46) to kw 0.93 (0 - 0.40) for Planning and Care Organization; kw 0.56 (0 - 0.35) to 0.92 kw (0 - 0.39) for the Environmental Care; Kw 0.55 (0 - 0.32) to 0.96 kW (0 - 0.35) for Communication and Information and also kw 0.50 (0-0.20) to 0.93 (0.23 -0.64 for Basic Care. The domains of Environmental Care and Information and Communication received the highest percentage of kw values ≥ 0.61. Conclusions: Patients and their companions were satisfied with the service of care needs, however, some important areas showed a deficit of satisfaction. In general, it was observed alignment in meeting the care needs according to the patients´own view and nursing staff. However, the average satisfaction was found to be far below the desirable, underlying the need for much knowledge by the team on the caring needs of patients and participation of the patient and companion in decision-making. Information on the quality of received care can improve changes on the practice for the patient / family centered care. / Objetivos: Examinar a percepção e o nível de satisfação de pacientes e acompanhantes quanto ao atendimento das necessidades de cuidados durante o período de hospitalização; verificar a associação deste nível com variáveis sociodemográficas e características da hospitalização e da unidade; comparar as necessidades de cuidados como percebidas pelo paciente e equipe de enfermagem e investigar os fatores sociodemográficos associados a estas percepções. Métodos: Na primeira etapa foi realizado um estudo descritivo-exploratório em instituições hospitalares no interior do Estado de São Paulo, no período de março a maio de 2014 onde participaram 411 pacientes e seus acompanhantes. Posteriormente, conduziu-se estudo comparativo em unidades e internação de uma instituição hospitalar de capacidade extra do interior do Estado de São Paulo no período de abril a julho de 2015. Os sujeitos foram 100 profissionais (50 enfermeiros e 50 técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem) e 50 pacientes. Construiu-se e validou-se um questionário (para cada etapa) sobre necessidades de cuidados preenchido pelos participantes. Resultados: O escore de satisfação dos pacientes/acompanhantes variou de 3,6(0,4) a 4,6(0,4). As necessidades emocionais e espirituais (81 e 82%), segurança (83 e 67%) e atenção (87 e 61%) foram as mais atendidas. Encontrou-se associação entre satisfação e algumas variáveis sociodemográficas e características da hospitalização. Considerando os quatro domínios investigados em relação ao processo do cuidar obteve-se as seguintes variações: kw 0,32(0,07-0,46) a kw 0,93(0-0,40) para Planejamento e Organização do Cuidado; kw de 0,56(0-0,35) a kw 0,92(0-0,39) para O Ambiente do Cuidado; Kw 0,55(0-0,32) a Kw 0,96(0-0,35) para Comunicação e Informação e, ainda, kw 0,50(0-0,20) a 0,93(0,23-0,64 para Cuidados Básicos. Os domínios O Ambiente do Cuidado e Comunicação e Informação receberam o maior percentual de valores kw ≥ 0,61. Conclusões: Os pacientes e seus acompanhantes mostraram-se satisfeitos com o atendimento das necessidades de cuidados, porém, algumas áreas importantes apresentaram déficit de satisfação. De maneira geral, observou-se alinhamento no atendimento das necessidades de cuidados no olhar do próprio pacientes e da equipe de enfermagem.
No entanto, a média de satisfação mostrou-se muito abaixo do desejável evidenciando a necessidade de maior conhecimento pela equipe das necessidades cuidativas dos pacientes e participação do paciente e acompanhante na tomada de decisão. Informações sobre a qualidade da atenção recebida possibilitam implementação de mudanças na prática para o cuidado centrado no paciente/família.
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Ensino do residente de pediatria em um ambulatório geral: análise da consulta / Teaching pediatric residents in a general pediatric outpatient clinic: analysis of consultationDenise Ballester 18 December 2009 (has links)
Diversos autores referem que a realização da consulta médica associa-se a melhores resultados quando apoiada nos pressupostos do modelo centrado no paciente dentre os quais se destaca a inclusão da perspectiva do paciente. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar se o modelo de ensino adotado no Ambulatorial Geral de Pediatria (AGEP) permite ao residente de pediatria, após um ano de estágio, conduzir uma consulta com a inclusão da perspectiva dos pais. O estágio no AGEP dos residentes de primeiro ano, do Departamento de Pediatria da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), ocorre no Hospital Universitário da USP que é um serviço de atendimento secundário. Este ambulatório tem como objetivo ensinar uma forma de atendimento ampliado e não centrado na doença. Em 2007, foram selecionados 10 residentes para serem filmados durante a realização de uma consulta no início e no final do estágio. Os dados foram analisados por metodologia qualitativa por meio de técnica exploratória envolvendo, independentemente, três juízes. Adotando-se como referencial teórico pressupostos do modelo centrado no paciente, elaboraram-se as categorias gerais: (1) Compreensão da queixa principal referida pelos pais; (2) Compreensão de outras queixas; (3) Compartilhamento das orientações e decisões. Os residentes tinham em média 26 anos de idade, graduados em diversas faculdades do país e referiam formação em atendimento ambulatorial de pequena duração. Como resultado, observou-se que na categoria (1) a maioria dos residentes explora precocemente a primeira queixa referida pelos pais. No final do estágio alguns residentes incluem na anamnese, de modo insuficiente, a exploração dos sentimentos envolvidos com a queixa. Na categoria (2), poucos residentes exploram ativamente outras preocupações e observou-se pouca valorização da agenda dos pais. Na categoria (3), os residentes mantiveram ao longo do curso a forma não compartilhada das orientações e decisões durante a consulta. A observação das consultas permitiu a elaboração de categorias empíricas: (a) interação com a criança; (b) explicação do roteiro de anamnese; (c) prontuário como principal fonte de informação; (d) momentos de silêncio na consulta; (e) explicações a respeito dos procedimentos do exame físico. Dentre elas, a interação com a criança foi a mais significativa e constatou-se que a maioria dos residentes estabelece pouca comunicação com as crianças. Os residentes que buscam um diálogo com a criança restringem-se aos aspectos da rotina de vida e atividades escolares. Apenas uma residente explora o problema de saúde diretamente com a criança. Chamou a atenção a procura ativa da criança pela comunicação com os residentes durante a consulta, porém a maioria deles não demonstra ter entendido esse comportamento. Concluiu-se que o modelo de ensino do AGEP em 2007 não capacitava os residentes para a realização de consultas com a inclusão da perspectiva dos pais. As explicações para esse fato podem relacionar-se com as dificuldades em mudanças de comportamento, por parte dos residentes, decorrentes da formação na graduação com predomínio do modelo biomédico e a ausência de estratégias específicas para o ensino de pressupostos do modelo centrado no paciente e das habilidades de comunicação durante o estágio no AGEP / Several authors report that the outcome of the medical consultation is associated with better results when based on patient-centered model among which stands out the inclusion of the patient\'s perspective. The aim of this study was to examine whether the teaching model adopted in the Ambulatório Geral de Pediatria (AGEP), a general Pediatric outpatient clinic, capacitates, after one year, the resident of pediatrics to conduct a consultation which includes the parents perspective. The AGEP is a secondary health care facility located at the University Hospital of the University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil, and offers a course for the first year of the residency program of the Department of Pediatrics of the School of Medicine of USP. This clinic aims to teach a form of extended care, not focused on the disease. In 2007, 10 residents were selected to be videotaped while performing a consultation at the beginning and at the end of the course. The data was analyzed through qualitative methodology by exploratory technique involving three judges independently. Using as reference the patient-centered care, general categories were elaborated: (1) Understanding of the parents main complaints, (2) Understanding of other complaints and (3) Sharing decision-making. The residents had an average age of 26 years-old, graduated from different colleges in the country and referred outpatient training only for short periods. As a result it was observed that in category (1), the majority of residents explore precipitously the first parents complaint. At the end of the course some residents, although insufficiently, include in the anamneses the parents concerns involved with the complaint. In Category (2), few residents actively explore other complaints and the parents agenda was neglected. In category (3), residents maintained throughout the course a non-shared decision-making practice. The observation of consultations enabled the development of empirical categories: (a) interaction with the child, (b) explanation of the anamnese guide, (c) use of the records as the main source of information, (d) moments of silence during the consultation, (e) lack of explanation of the procedures of the physical examination. Among which, the interaction with the child was the most significant and it was found that most residents establish little communication with the children. Residents seeking a dialogue with the child are limited to the routine aspects of life and school activities. Only one resident explores the health problem directly with the child. Children actively tried to communicate with the residents during the consultation, but most residents appeared not to have understood their behavior. It was concluded that the teaching model of AGEP in 2007 does not enabled residents to do consultations including the parents perspective. The explanations for this may relate to the difficulties in changing residents behavior due to their former training during medical school in which there is a predominance of the biomedical model. Another reason was the absence of specific strategies for teaching patient-centered care and communication skills during the course in AGEP
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Parental Perceptions of Shared Book-Reading in Infants With CleftsHicks, Amanda, Louw, Brenda, Cross, Rachel, Katte, Michelle, Miesner, Melissa 17 November 2012 (has links)
A survey was conducted to determine parental perceptions regarding shared book-reading with their young children with cleft palate. The results describe parents' engagement in shared book-reading with their children and their perceptions of the importance thereof in language and speech development. Clinical applications for early intervention are proposed.
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