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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Eugenijus Paulauskas: atlikėjas ir pedagogas

Kondrotaitė, Saulė 01 July 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Socialinio pedagogo vaidmuo sprendžiant blogai mokyklą lankančių vaikų problemas / The role of a social pedagogue, while solving problems of bad children attendance

Tamulionienė, Jolita 08 June 2004 (has links)
This work is about the role of a social pedagogue, while solving problems of bad children attendance. The main aim of the work is to show the opportunities of social pedagogue, solving bad school attendance problem. In the theoretical part of work the following topics are overviewed; the educational reform in Lithuania, socializational problems and their prevention, the purpose of social pedagogue and his work trends, the features of adolescent spread, unwillingness to learn and the ways it is shown. In the practical part the results of the investigation. The information was gathered, while interviews with schoolchildren, dealing with class monitor's information about children, who attend school badly and method's of social pedagogue's work with a contrete pupil. In this work you can find the results of the investigation, which show the reasons of bad school attendance, pupls' and class monitors' opnions, talking about relationship with teachers, classmates, and how it influences the children wish and unwillingness to attend school and the model of social pedagogue's work.

Socialinis pedagogas - socialinės pedagoginės pagalbos koordinatorius / Social-pedagogic help in educational institution is more effective when intermediate communication between social institutions exists

Vysocka, Jadvyga Aleksandra 08 June 2005 (has links)
The role of social pedagogue is highly important in term of reform of our educational system, because social pedagogues seek to help children and teenagers to adapt in society, community or in shelter. They use all acceptable forms of upbringing, they also communicate with others pedagogues, parents and social institutions, which guarantee security of children and teenagers, their rights and responsibilities, physical and psychological needs. Social pedagogues assist organizing educational process, help to understand, how goes on psychosocial development of children or teenagers and what influence on educational process family, community and culture have. Reorganizing society, entering free market system and democratic society, social pedagogue becomes a coordinator of social-pedagogic help. Aims of the work are to help to fulfill the right of pupil to study. Other goal of social pedagogues is to ensure effective education and upbringing at school and to create conditions for positive socialization and civic ripeness of child. Hypothesis of the research: social-pedagogic help in educational institution is more effective when intermediate communication between social institutions exists. Goal of the research: seeking intermediate communication between social institutions, reveal the role of social pedagogue in nowadays educational and upbringing system. Work task: formation of social-pedagogic system in Lithuania; to show, that social pedagogue is important helper upbringing... [to full text]

Pedagogų pensininkų socialinių-psichologinių problemų įvertinimas / Teachers Pensioners' Social-Psychological Assessment of problems

Poškevičiūtė, Lina 17 June 2010 (has links)
Pagrindinės išėjimo į pensiją priežastys sutampa su literatūros duomenimis- pensinis amžius. Tyrimu nenustatyta jokių ryškių socialinių pokyčių. Psichologiniai pokyčiai susiję su amžiumi labiau, nei su socialine padėtimi. Daugiausia bendraujama su artimiausiais žmonėmis – vaikais. Daug laiko skiriama sau ir buičiai. Įvairūs negatyvūs psichologiniai požymiai, dažnai siejasi su gerais socialiniais pokyčiais. Hipotezė pasitvirtino – tyrimu gauti rezultatai panašūs į literatūroje aprašytus pensininkų tyrimo rezultatus. / The main reasons for retirement coincides with the literature -the retirement age. The investigation did not reveal any significant social change. Psychological changes associated with age, more so than with social status. Most communication with the closest human beings - children, although they, together with the desert. Much time is spent on herself and household. Other negative psychological symptoms, often associated with good social change. The hypothesis was confirmed - test results similar to those described in the literature of pensioners results.

Mokyklos vadovo ir socialinio pedagogo bendradarbiavimo ypatumai / Besonderheiten des Umgangs und der Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Schulleiter und dem Sozialpädagogen

Bobinienė, Laima 04 July 2006 (has links)
Das Untersuchungsobjekt dieser Arbeit ist Besonderheiten des Umgangs und der Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Schulleiter und dem Sozialpädagogen an einer Bildungsinstitution. Das Untersuchungsproblem: Die vorherrschenden Beziehungen zwischen dem Schulleiter und dem Sozialpädagogen sind ausreichend gut und optimal. Das Problem ist die Definition der Stellung des Sozialpädagogen in einer Schulgemeinschaft sowie die Fülle und Unbestimmtheit der Funktionen, die der Sozialpädagoge auszuführen hat. Arbeitshypothesen: Die Sozialpädagogen, öfter als Leiter von Bildungseinrichtungen, schreiben sich verschiedene Funktionen ihrem Posten zu. Die Sozialpädagogen meiden es, mit Schülereltern Kontakt zu pflegen, wobei der Grund dafür eine negative Einstellung gegenüber dem Sozialpädagogen ist. Das Hauptproblem bei der Arbeit des Sozialpädagogen ist der der Arbeitsbelastung nicht entsprechende Lohn. Untersuchungsaufgaben: • Bewertung der Kompetenz des Sozialpädagogen, seiner Werteinstellungen, der Sicht auf das Kind und seine Umgebung. • Erforschung von vorhandenen Beziehungen zwischen dem Schulleiter und dem Sozialpädagogen. • Erforschung von Faktoren, die die Beziehungen zwischen dem Sozialpädagogen und dem Schulleiter beeinflussen. • Bewertung von Möglichkeiten der Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Sozialpädagogen und der Schule. • Erarbeitung von Empfehlungen für eine nachhaltige Verbesserung der Beziehungen zwischen der Schule und dem Sozialpädagogen. Nach der Untersuchung hat es sich... [to full text]

Mokyklos socialinio pedagogo galimybės nepilnamečių nusikalstamumo prevencijoje / School social educator's potencial to prevent juvenile delinquency

Sokolko, Margarita 24 September 2008 (has links)
Įvairioje mokslinėje literatūroje akcentuojama, jog vaikų ir paauglių prevenciją reikia vykdyti kuo anksčiau. Bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose įvestas socialinio pedagogo etatas. Tai pati jauniausia profesija, kurios pagrindinis tikslas- laiku pastebėti, įvertinti ir spręsti vaikų bei paauglių mokyklos nelankymo, nesimokymo, netinkamo elgesio, bendravimo ir kitas problemas. Paauglystės laikotarpiu vaikui iškyla įvairių bendravimo su suaugusiais, bendraamžiais problemų. Nepalankios aplinkybės dažnai paskatina paauglį nusikalsti. Darbo objektu pasirinkta socialinio pedagogo veikla mokykloje nusikalstamumo prevencijos srityje. Darbo tikslas - išanalizuoti mokyklos socialinio pedagogo vaidmenį ir galimybes nepilnamečių nusikalstamumo prevencijoje. Siekiant atskleisti darbo tikslą iškelti uždaviniai: • Apibūdinti nepilnamečių nusikalstamumo šiandieninę situaciją. • Išanalizuoti priežastis, skatinančias nepilnamečius vykdyti nusikaltimus. • Ištirti socialinio pedagogo veiklą ugdymo įstaigoje dirbant su nepilnamečiais. • Atlikti mokyklų socialinių pedagogų, vykdančių nusikalstamumo prevenciją Vilniaus miesto mokyklose, veiklos tyrimą ir apibendrinti jo rezultatus. Tyrimo metodai: mokslinės literatūros apžvalga ir analizė, interviu- pokalbis. Pirmoje darbo dalyje buvo apžvelgta vaikų ir paauglių nusikalstamumo situacija, nagrinėjamos priežastys, skatinančios nepilnamečius nusikalsti. Antroje darbo dalyje apžvelgta mokslinė literatūra socialinio pedagogo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Different scientific sources emphasise that children and teenagers’ prevention shall be commenced as early as possible. Social pedagogue position is established in the schools of general education. It is the youngest profession the main goal of which is to notice, evaluate and solve the problems related to children and teenagers absence from school, unwillingness to learn, improper behaviour, communication, etc. Various communication problems with adults and contemporaries arise during teens. Unfavourable circumstances often stimulate the teenager to make an offence. The subject of the project is activity of the social pedagogue at school in sector of crime prevention. Goal of the project is to analyse the role of social pedagogue at school as well as possibilities of the prevention of the teenagers’ crime. The following tasks were raised in order to reach the goal of the project: • To describe the current situation of teenagers’ criminality. • To analyze what causes the teenagers to make offences. • To review the activity of social pedagogue working with teenagers in the educational institution • To research the activity of the school social pedagogues who deal with the crime prevention in Vilnius City schools and to summarize the results. Research methods: scientific literature review and analysis, interview. The first part of the project reviews the situation of children and teenagers’ criminality; the reasons of minors’ criminality are analyzed. Second part of... [to full text]

Šiuolaikinio pedagogo vaizdinys mokinių požiūriu / Image of a modern teacher by students’ attitude

Jablonskienė, Aurelija 21 June 2013 (has links)
Magistrinį baigiamąjį darbą sudaro įvadas, literatūros apžvalga, tyrimų metodika, tyrimų rezultatai ir jų apibendrinimas, išvados ir darbe naudotos literatūros sąrašas (63 šaltiniai). Darbas iliustruotas 2 lentelėmis ir 27 paveikslais, iš jų – tyrimų rezultatai – 23 paveikslais, 3 priedais. Darbo apimtis – 85 puslapiai (su priedais). Raktiniai žodžiai: pedagogas, požiūris, pedagogo vaidmenys, kompetencija. Tyrimo objektas: šiuolaikinio pedagogo vaizdinys. Darbo tikslas: remiantis tyrimu atskleisti mokinių požiūrį į šiuolaikinį pedagogą. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Išsiaiškinti šiuolaikinio pedagogo kompetencijas teoriniu aspektu. 2. Ištirti teoriniu požiūriu pedagogo vaidmenis pedagoginiame procese. 3. Nustatyti, labiausiai priimtinus mokiniams pedagogų bruožus. 4. Ištirti mokinių požiūrį į pedagogo darbą. 5. Išskirti mokiniams labiausiai nepriimtinus pedagogų bruožus. Tyrimo metodai: 1. Mokslinės literatūros analizė. 2. Kokybinis tyrimas – laisvoji rašinių turinio analizė. 3. Kiekybinis tyrimas - anketinė apklausa. Tyrimo rezultatai: Apibendrinus anketų duomenis, galime teigti, jog hipotezė, kad mokiniams pedagogo autoritetas nebėra toks svarbus, kaip anksčiau, o ir pats pedagogas netraktuojamas kaip vyresnysis draugas ar patarėjas pasitvirtino. / Final work of Master studies consists of introduction, review of references, methods of investigation, results of investigation and summing-up, conclusions and list of references (63 sources). The work is illustrated with 2 tables and 27 figures (23 of them present results of investigation) and 3 appendices. The work consists of 85 pages (with appendices). Keywords: teacher, attitude, teacher’s roles, competence. Object of the investigation: image of a modern teacher. Purpose of the work: to reveal students’ attitude towards a modern teacher. Objectives of the investigation: 6. To ascertain competences of a modern teacher theoretically. 7. To investigate teacher’s roles in pedagogical process theoretically. 8. To investigate students’ attitude towards teacher’s work. 9. To establish most acceptable features of a teacher to students. 10. To characterize most unacceptable features of a teacher to students. Methods of investigation: 4. Analysis of scientific works. 5. Qualitative investigation means free analysis of essay content. 6. Quantitative investigation means surveying. Results of the investigation: After summarizing the data of the survey it is possible to affirm the hypothesis that students’ attitude towards a teacher as an authority has changed and that the attitude of a modern student towards a teacher as an educated knowledge conveyor has been confirmed.

Socialinio pedagogo darbas su deviantinio elgesio paaugliais miesto ir rajono sąlygomis / Work of social pedagogue with teenagers of deviant behaviour in city and district conditions

Ralikauskaitė, Gitana 24 September 2008 (has links)
Šiame edukologijos magistro studijų darbo objektu pasirinkta socialinio pedagogo veikla dirbant su deviantinio elgesio paaugliais miesto ir rajono sąlygomis. Siekiant, užsibrėžtų tikslų, vadovautasi moksline ir metodine literatūra, naudotas empyrinis tyrimo metodas. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Atskleisti paauglių deviantinio elgesio ypatumus. 2. Išnagrinėti socialinio pedagogo darbo mieste ir rajone su deviantinio elgesio paaugliais skirtumus. Pirmoje dalyje apžvelgta mokslinė literatūra siekiant atskleisti paauglių deviantinį elgesį teoriniu aspektu. Aptarta paauglių deviantinio elgesio samprata, jos raiška ir veiksniai įtakojantys tokio elgesio apraiškas. Antroje dalyje bandoma nustatyti socialinio pedagogo vaidmenį bei darbo metodiką dirbant su deviantinio elgesio paaugliais. Trečioje dalyje analizuojamas socialinio pedagogo darbas su deviantinio elgesio paaugliais miesto ir rajono sąlygomis, aptariami tyrimo rezultatai, pateikiami pagrindiniai apibendrinimai. Darbą apibendrina išvados, teigiančios, kad nors socialinio pedagogo darbas su deviantinio elgesio paaugliais teikia galimybių daryti poveikį netinkamo paauglių elgesio problemai spręsti, tačiau šia galimybe praktikoje naudojasi ribotai ir ne vienodu intensyvumu miesto ir rajono sąlygomis, todėl galima teigti, kad hipotezė pasitvirtino. Šią visuomenėje vis intensyviau plintančią problemą reikia spręsti neatsižvelgiant į teritoriją, kurioje teikiant kompleksinę pagalbą paaugliui, tai yra, jam padėti turi tiek mokykloje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of this educational master’s paper is chosen work of social educator with teenagers of deviant behavior in cities and districts. Setting a task it was followed scientific and methodological literature and used empiric method of analysis. Aims of the paper: 1. reveal peculiarities of teenagers with deviant behavior 2. to analyze differences between work of social pedagogue with teenagers of deviant behavior in cities and in districts In the first part scientific literature is surveyed seeking to reveal teenagers’ deviant behavior in theoretical aspects. Also, conception of teenagers with deviant behavior is discussed, its expression and factors influencing manifestation of such behavior. In the second part it is tried to determine role of a social pedagogue and methodology of work working with teenagers of deviant behavior. In the third part, work of social pedagogue with teenagers of deviant behavior in cities and districts is analyzed, research results are discussed and main generalizations given. The whole paper is generalized by giving conclusion which states that although work of social pedagogue with teenagers of deviant behavior gives possibilities to affect them in one or another way in conditions of working in cities and towns it is equally the same. So we could say that hypothesis proved out. This problem, that spreads in our society intensively every day, needs to be solved not considering territories, where integrated help is given to a teenager... [to full text]

Pedagogų motyvaciją sąlygojantys veiksniai bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose / Factors necessitating the motivation of schoolteachers in comprehensive schools

Lapinskaitė, Aušra 29 June 2009 (has links)
Esant intensyviam gyvenimo ritmui, keičiasi vertybės, poreikiai, tikslai, siekiai, todėl norint neatitrūkti nuo realios aplinkos ir siekiant gerų darbo rezultatų reikia vis iš naujo nustatyti, kokie motyvaciniai veiksniai yra efektyviausi, tinkamiausi motyvuojant pedagogus. / Due to quick pace of life a lot of things have been changing: value, needs, objects, that is why it is necessary to reestablish proper and the most efficient motivational factors, in order not to lose touch with reality and to seek better work results.

Socialinio pedagogo vertybinės nuostatos / Moral values of social pedagogue

Pakulaitė, Asta 05 June 2004 (has links)
The aim of work is to distinguish realization of moral values orientations of practicing social pedagogues in comparison to non – practicing social pedagogues (who have qualification of social pedagogues, but do not work accordingly) in relation to children, their parents and pedagogues. Moral values now functioning and actual in the activities of school social pedagogue are being discussed in the work. The aim of the work is to reveal and to understand deeper the content of basic moral values defined in instructions for social pedagogues working schools. Though nowadays orientations of moral values effectively enriching people’s consciousness have become inseparable part of daily consciousness, the essential difference between them inevitably remains. The theory all the time outdistances daily consciousness. Concept of moral values widely spread in practical life from theoretical point of view is deeper studied and developed and serves the purpose of scientific cognition. A great impact in formation of moral values orientations of young people is made by mass media. We, the pedagogues, in colloquial language describe moral values inaccurately, sometimes even perceiving them incorrectly. The social pedagogues’ activities at school, their moral values orientations and specific features of their activities are based on scientific work of Lithuanian scientists. While analyzing the historical development of moral values orientations and performing their analysis from the... [to full text]

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