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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Use of Cross-Curricular Activity on Interactive Playgrounds to Supplement School-Based Physical Activity: An Exploratory Study

Greene, Amanda E., Dotterweich, Andy R. 01 February 2013 (has links)
Childhood obesity and physical inactivity are serious threats to the health and wellness of our schoolchildren. Research has shown that play and physical activity are important in development, behaviour and academic achievement. Through the efforts of coordinated school health program and a Physical Education for Progress grant, a county school system in a southern state was able to construct multiple innovative playground systems at schools and combine them with various academic units in a cross-curricular effort to address the wellness needs of students. Exploratory research using pedometers, accelerometers and an observation method examined physical activity intensity levels during cross-curricular sessions. Results indicated that this type of physical activity might be a viable supplement to daily school-based physical activity needs.

Škola zdravého a pohybově aktivního životního stylu žáků základní školy v Netolicích / A school for healthy and physically active lifestyle in pupils of elementary school in Netolice

HOLUB, Jan January 2013 (has links)
This thesis focuses on differences in locomotive activity between 13 ? 16 years old boys and girls during one week of 8th and 9th class. Research was carried out between from 18th ? 26th of September 2012 at the Elementary School Bavorovská in Netolice. The research was conducted by means of pedometer Yamax SW-700. The total amount of participants was 34 students, which included 20 boys and 14 girls. Additionally, the students participated in measurements conducted by ActiTrainer accelerometer recorded in the overall number of 56 daily records. In addition to the machine measurements, students were asked to fill in a questionnaire of their sport preferences on the webpage INDARES.COM. The data were analysed in the centre for kinanthropology research at Palacky University in Olomouc. The results do not confirm a hypothesis H1, which suggests that students do not exceed the recommended amount of locomotive activity. The data obtained during my research confirm a hypothesis H2, which states that boys are more active in their physical activities than girls. Additionally, a hypothesis H3 is also confirmed as boys prefer to participate in collective sports and girls in rhythmic and dancing activities. Hypothesis 4 is also considered to be correct since it has been proven that boys are more active than girls in terms of their movement during the class break. This thesis was produced as a part of research investigation MŠMT č. 619895221 ?Locomotive activity and inactivity of inhabitants of Czech Republic in the context of behavioural changes.?

Mesure de l’activité physique par accélérométrie : validation et précision de la mesure

Bélanger, Marie-Lyse 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Active Children – Active Schools: Zusammenhänge zwischen Motorik, Kognition und körperlicher Aktivität. Eine empirische Studie zu den Effekten einer in den Schulalltag integrierten Bewegungsförderung in der Primarstufe / Active Children – Active Schools: Relationships Between Motor and Cognitive Function and Physical Activity. An Empiric Study on the Effects of school-based Physical Activities in Primaryschool

Haberer, Elke 05 May 2011 (has links)
Neurophysiologische Studien belegen, dass körperliche Aktivität kognitive Entwicklungsgänge auf neuronaler Ebene anregt (Hollmann, Strüder & Tagarkanis, 2005; Kramer et al., 2005; Hillman et al. 2009). Die Übertragbarkeit dieser Erkenntnisse auf Anwendungsfelder ist jedoch noch nicht ausreichend gesichert (Etnier et al., 2006; Tomporowski, 2008). Die vorliegende Studie untersucht, ob sich Zusammenhänge zwischen den motorischen und kognitiven Fähigkeiten und körperlicher Aktivität bei Kindern nachweisen lassen und ob Motorik, Kognition und körperliche Aktivität durch eine in den Schulalltag integrierte Bewegungsintervention gefördert werden können. Die quasiexperimentelle Feldstudie im Pre-Posttestdesign mit Interventions- und Kontrollgruppe fand über sechs Monate an vier Osnabrücker Grundschulen statt (N = 242). Die Interventionsgruppe erhielt eine schulintegrierte Bewegungsintervention. Die motorische Leistungsfähigkeit wurde mit der Kurzform des Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, Second Edition (BOT-2-sf) von Bruininks und Bruininks (2005), dem 6-Minuten-Ausdauerlauf (Bös & Mechling, 1983) und dem Sit and Reach-Test (Wells & Dillon, 1952) erhoben. Zur Erfassung der kognitiven Fähigkeiten verbale, nonverbale Intelligenz, Aufmerksamkeitsleistung und Lernbereitschaft kamen drei Untertests der „Basisdiagnostik umschriebener Entwicklungsstörungen im Grundschulalter“ (BUEGA, Esser, Wyschkon & Ballaschk, 2008) und die Lehrereinschätzliste für Sozial- und Lernverhalten (LSL) von Petermann und Petermann (2006) zum Einsatz. Die körperliche Aktivität wurde mit Schrittzählern OMRON HJ-720 IT (Walkling Style Pro) erfasst. Es zeigten sich generell positive signifikante aber kleine Zusammenhänge zwischen motorischen und kognitiven Leistungen (.16 < rp > .35). Zusammenhänge zwischen der körperlichen Aktivität und der Motorik und Kognition zeigten sich in Teilbereichen (Motorik: Oberkörperkoordination, Kraft, Ausdauer; Kognition: verbale Intelligenz, alle Items der Lernbereitschaft). Direkte Effekte der Intervention konnten in den motorischen Bereichen Oberkörperkoordination und Kraft nachgewiesen werden. Transfereffekte zeigten sich hinsichtlich der Selbständigkeit und Sorgfalt. Deskriptiv verbesserte sich auch die nonverbale sowie die verbale Intelligenz. Mit einem Mehr von über 20 % zurückgelegter Schritte und mehr als das Doppelte an Aerobic-Steps bei der Experimentalgruppe lassen sich die Effekte der Intervention auf die körperliche Aktivität ausdrücken.

Evaluating feedback during the Step It Up! game to increase physical activity exhibited by elementary school students during recess

Burji, Carla 01 January 2019 (has links)
Children who are physically inactive are more likely to suffer numerous health complications such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. The Good Behavior Game (GBG) has been identified as an effective method for decreasing inappropriate behaviors and increasing appropriate behaviors in a variety of settings; however, few studies have used the GBG to increase physical activity. Furthermore, no previous research has evaluated the effects of feedback while playing the GBG to increase physical activity. Some research suggests certain characteristics of feedback tend to produce consistent changes in behaviors such as providing feedback immediately and privately. The purpose of the current study was to extend previous research and evaluate whether the addition of feedback to the Step it UP! Game, a modified version of the GBG has an impact on children’s step counts. A reversal (ABCAB) design was used to examine the number of steps students took during baseline (A), the Step it UP! Game (B), and the Step it UP! Game with feedback (C). Sealed pedometers were distributed to 21 students from a fifth-grade general education classroom. The results of this study suggest that the Step it UP! Game with feedback did not enhance the number of steps taken during recess. Additionally, the Step it UP! Game (with and without feedback) did result in a slight increase in mean steps per min during recess initially but, these steps did not maintain overtime.

I rörelse : En komparativ studie av nivå och mängd fysisk aktivitet hos elever på gymnasiesärskolan jämfört med gymnasieskolan / In movement : A comparative study of level and amount physical activity among students in special schools compared to upper secondary school

Engström, Igor, Segerlund, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka och jämföra mängden och nivån på fysisk aktivitet under skoldagen, där även lektioner i idrott och hälsa ingår, hos elever på gymnasie- och gymnasiesärskolan. Metod: Målgruppen utgjordes av en klass från gymnasiesärskolan bestående av sex elever och45 elever från fyra klasser från årskurs 1–3 i gymnasieskolan. För att undersöka mängden och nivån av den fysiska aktiviteten användes som mätinstrument stegräknare och pulsmätare. Undersökningen pågick under två skoldagar som inkluderade lektioner i idrott och hälsa. Som teoretiskt ramverk kommer uppsatsen utgå från begreppet fysisk aktivitet, indelat i nivå och mängd, vilket kommer analyseras utifrån begreppet moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) samt hälsorekommendationerna gällande antal steg per dag. Resultat: Undersökningen visade att eleverna i gymnasiesärskolan och gymnasieskolan i genomsnitt ackumulerade ungefär lika många steg under en skoldag. Det var däremot signifikant skillnad när det gällde hur många av skoldagens steg som utfördes under lektionen i idrott och hälsa. Eleverna i gymnasiesärskolan gick ca 34 procent av skoldagens totala antal steg under lektionen i idrott och hälsa medan eleverna i gymnasieskolan gick ca 50 procent. Det var också signifikant skillnad gällande vilken nivå av fysisk aktivitet eleverna låg på under lektionen i idrott och hälsa. Eleverna i gymnasiesärskolan spenderade ca 33 procent av lektionen i MVPA medan motsvarande var 70 procent av lektionen för eleverna gymnasieskolan.    Slutsats: Resultatet gällande total fysisk aktivitet under skoldagen indikerar att eleverna i gymnasiesärskolan har en mer fysisk aktiv skoldag utöver lektionerna i idrott och hälsa än eleverna på gymnasieskolan. Detta eftersom resultatet visar att de kommer upp i liknande antal steg över en hel skoldag, trots att de har färre antal steg på lektionen i idrott och hälsa än eleverna på gymnasieskolan. Beträffande nivån på fysisk aktivitet under lektionen i idrott och hälsa visade resultaten signifikanta skillnader gällande tid spenderad i MVPA mellan grupperna. Eleverna i gymnasiesärskolan spenderade mindre än hälften av lektionstiden i MVPA jämfört med eleverna i gymnasieskolan. En förklaring till det skulle kunna var olika lektionsinnehåll eller problematiken kring utvecklingsstörning. / Purpose: The main purpose of this study was to examine and compare amount and level of physical activity during the school day, which also include a physical education lesson, among pupils in upper secondary school with and without mental retardation. Method: The target group of this study composed of six high school students from one class from special school and 45 students from four classes of first to third grade in the upper secondary school. In order to examine the amount and level of physical activity, the study used pedometers and heart rate monitors. The survey of this study lasted two whole school days which included physical education lessons. As for theoretical framework, this study presupposes from the concept physical activity which is divided into level and amount of physical activity. It will be analyzed with the concept moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA)and the recommendation of health regarding steps taken per day. Results: The study showed that students from the special school and upper secondary school on average accumulated the same amount of steps during one school day. There was however a significant difference in how much of the total steps of the school day that was accumulated during the physical education lesson. For the students in the special school about 34 percent of the steps taken during the school day came from the physical education lesson and equal result for the students in upper secondary school was about 50 percent. There were also significant differences regarding the level of physical activity among the students during the lesson in physical education. Students in special school spent about 33 percent of the lesson in MVPA while the students in upper secondary school spent 70 percent of the lesson in MVPA. Conclusion: The result indicates that the students in special school overall have a more active schoolday beyond the lessons in physical education than the students in upper secondary school. This is because the results show that they have the same amount of steps during the whole school day, despite the fact that they have fewer steps than the students in upper secondary school during the lesson in physical education. Regarding the level of physical activity during the lesson in physical education the result showed significant difference between the study groups. The students in the special school spent less than half the time in MVPA compared with the students in upper secondary school. An explanation to that could be different lesson content or the complex of problems regarding intellectual disabilities.

Movement skills proficiency and physical activity in 6 to 12 year old children: A case for Engaging and Coaching for Health (EACH)-Child

Ziviani, J., Poulsen, A., Hansen, Carla Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

Mesures de l'activité physique en conditions de vie courante : validité et applications chez des sujets peu actifs / Physical activity assessments in free-living conditions : validity and applications in adults with low physical activity levels

Jacobi, David 17 June 2011 (has links)
L’inactivité physique, facteur de risque de pathologies chroniques, est un problème majeur de santé publique. Des méthodes validées sont essentielles pour mesurer l’activité physique (AP). Le 1er objectif de cette thèse était de préciser la validité des techniques de mesure de l’AP. Le 2nd objectif visait à comparer les résultats de questionnaires de rappel évaluant le contexte aux mesures objectives de l’AP. Le 3ème objectif était d’évaluer l’intérêt des méthodes objectives pour l’étude de certains déterminants de l’AP. Nous avons mesuré par différentes méthodes (calorimétrie indirecte, actimètres, questionnaires de rappel) l’AP, en vie libre, de sujets peu actifs (personnes obèses, diabétiques ou sédentaires). Nos résultats illustrent l’intérêt des méthodes objectives mais aussi leurs limites, ainsi que l’intérêt des données déclaratives pour évaluer le contexte. Le choix des méthodes influence le résultat des études et doit tenir compte des caractéristiques de l’AP des sujets les moins actifs. Ce choix participe à l’amélioration des connaissances des liens entre AP et santé pour guider la promotion de l’AP des segments peu actifs de la population. / Physical inactivity is a risk factor for chronic diseases and is recognized as a major public health issue. Validated methods are essential to describe accurately physical activity (PA). The 1st aim of this work was to assess the validity of PA assessment techniques. The 2nd was to compare the results of recall questionnaires evaluating PA context with objective PA measures. The 3rd was to assess the usefulness of objective methods in the assessment of some determinants of PA. We measured free-living PA with different methods (indirect calorimetry, actimetry, recall questionnaire assessing PA context) in individuals with low PA levels (obese subjects, type 2 diabetic patients, inactive subjects). The results highlight the usefulness but also the limits of the methods of PA measurement in daily life conditions. The choice of an assessment method will influence the study results and must be adapted to the unique ways in which the least active individuals engage in PA. Selecting the appropriate method is a pre-requisite for improving our knowledge on the relations between PA and health in order to guide PA promotion in the least active segments of the population.

Pohybové aktivity a sportovní preference 15-18letých studentů gymnázia v Domažlicích\\ / The research of physical activity and sport preferences of 15-18 years-old students at secondery school in Domažlice\\

STÝSKAL, Jaroslav January 2010 (has links)
The dissertation thesis is focussed on differences of weekly physical activities of 15-year-old to 18-year-old students at the Secondary school of Jindřich Šimon Baar in Domažlice. One hundred and two students from 4 classes were taking part in the research in the spring 2009. Axcept the physical activities the research points to sportingly kinetic preferences of students. The pedometers were used for measurement of weekly physical activities. The on-line system INDARES.COM was used for finding sports preferences, where students have completed the questionary of sports preferences and the questionary of IPAQ. The results were statictically processed by The Centre of the Kinanthropological Research in Olomouc and afforded in the form of tables and graphs. Obtained results from pedometers and questionary IPAQ demonstrate bigger physical activities for boys than for girls. Boys do sports more on the weekend than on weekdays, for girls it is conversely. Sporting preferences of boys and girls are similar.

Pohybové aktivity a sportovní preference 15-18letých studentů gymnázia v Jihlavě / The research of physical activity and sport preferences of 15-18 years-old students at secondery school in Jihlava

SCHWARZ, Marek January 2010 (has links)
The graduation thesis is focused on the quantitative and qualitative comparison of weekly physical activity of boys and girls at Gymnázium Jihlava(a general secondary education institution) and on their sport preferences. The research was conducted within the frame of four school classes by the help of pedometers, online questionnaire IPAQ-long and questionnaire of sport preferences in the system INDARES.COM in 2009. Obtained data were elaborated in The Centre of Kinantropological Research in Olomouc. Outcomes of the research are introduced by the tables and diagrams describing the differences between physical activity of boys and girls, between work days and weekends and between sport preferences of students. Results of the pedometers did not confirm the expectation that boys perform more physical activity than girls. After all, this expectation was confirmed by the results of IPAQ questionnaire. On the contrary, the pedometers proved that students´ physical activity is more intensive during the week than at the weekends. Sport preferences questionnaire confirmed current trends in in the field. The thesis was elaborated within the research ?Physical activity and inactivity of Czech population in the context of behavioral changes? organized by Ministry of Eduction, Youth and Sports under the number 619895221.

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