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L'arquitectura compacta i dispersa dels camins de peregrinació. Anàlisi de la seua conservació i gestió en diferents regions mediterràniesAltaba Tena, Pablo 02 September 2019 (has links)
[ES] Los habitantes de Penyagolosa, desde principios del siglo XIII, han sabi-do adaptarse a una vida de autosuficiencia anclada en la necesidad y la fe. El tipo de vida arraigada en la ganadería y la agricultura generó un paisaje antropizado propio de la montaña mediterránea. Las reminiscen-cias que aún quedan de aquella cultura centenaria, en muchos casos presentan un estado ruinoso. Del mismo modo, el paisaje que se generó hasta entrado el siglo XX está desapareciendo por la falta de cultivos, ganadería y actividad.
La presente tesis doctoral pretende adentrarse en la cultura de Penyago-losa. Se afronta el estudio condicionados por los itinerarios que fueron objeto de trashumancia, comercio y rogativas desde nueve municipios del interior de la provincia de Castellón y uno de Teruel hasta el ermito-rio de Sant Joan de Penyagolosa. Se hará un recorrido por estos itinera-rios y por los centros históricos describiendo la arquitectura, los elemen-tos etnográficos, las actividades que transformaron el territorio hasta el estado actual de los itinerarios. Se hablará de la actividad económica de Penyagolosa, su protección y las problemáticas más severas que sufren los habitantes de la zona.
Para encontrar alternativas al estado actual, se realiza un análisis de los marcos normativos que están aplicados en el área de estudio o que pue-den condicionar de alguna manera. Se verán objetivos, programas, car-tas, convenios, etcétera y se analizarán los detalles aportando una visión crítica pero que busca aprovechar el trabajo ya realizado para utilizarlo con nuevas perspectivas.
Un trabajo de estas características está condicionado por un trabajo de campo analítico y estricto. Se explicará el trabajo realizado y qué materia-les y metodologías han adoptado y adaptado particularizándolos al espa-cio de estudio pero con una visión constante en la montaña mediterrá-nea. Del mismo modo, se explica como la participación y el trabajo colec-tivo con los habitantes de la zona abre las puertas a nuevos retos en cuanto a patrimonializar espacios de las características de Penyagolosa.
Con la información recogida tanto del análisis bibliográfico previo, del trabajo de campo en el área de estudio y con sus habitantes, el análisis normativo y las nuevas perspectivas patrimoniales y paisajísticas, se ela-bora un marco metodológico que pretende abordar el paisaje y el patri-monio desde perspectivas horizontales, inclusivas, sostenibles y didácti-cas utilizando Penyagolosa como ejemplo de montaña mediterránea. / [CA] Els pobladors de Penyagolosa, des de principis del segle XIII, han sabut adaptar-se a una vida d'autosuficiència ancorada en la necessitat i la fe. El tipus de vida arrelada a la ramaderia i l'agricultura va generar un pai-satge antropitzat propi de la muntanya mediterrània. Les reminiscències que encara queden d'aquella cultura centenària, en molts casos presen-ten un estat ruïnós. De la mateixa manera, el paisatge que es va generar fins ven entrat el segle XX està desapareixent per la falta de cultius, ra-maderia i activitat.
La present tesi doctoral pretén endinsar-se en la cultura de Penyagolosa. S'afronta l'estudi condicionats pels itineraris que van ser objecte de transhumància, comerç i rogatives des de nou municipis de l'interior de la província de Castelló i un de Terol fins l'ermitori de Sant Joan de Pe-nyagolosa. Es farà un recorregut per aquests itineraris i pels centres his-tòrics descrivint l'arquitectura, els elements etnogràfics, les activitats que van transformar el territori fins l'estat actual dels itineraris. Es parlarà de l'activitat econòmica de Penyagolosa, la seua protecció i les problemàti-ques més severes que pateixen els habitants de la zona.
Per trobar alternatives a l'estat actual, es realitza una anàlisi dels marcs normatius que estan aplicats a l'àrea d'estudi o que poden condicionar-la d'alguna manera. Es veuran objectius, programes, cartes, convenis, etcè-tera i s'analitzaran els detalls aportant una visió crítica però que busca aprofitar el treball ja realitzat per a utilitzar-lo amb noves perspectives.
Un treball d'aquestes característiques està condicionat per un treball de camp analític i estricte. S'explicarà el treball realitzat i quins materials i metodologies s'han adoptat i adaptat particularitzant-los a l'espai d'estudi però amb una visió constant a la muntanya mediterrània. De la mateixa manera, s'explica com la participació i el treball col·lectiu amb els habi-tants de la zona obri les portes a nous reptes pel que fa a patrimonialitzar espais de les característiques de Penyagolosa.
Amb la informació recollida tant de l'anàlisi bibliogràfic previ, del treball de camp en l'àrea d'estudi i amb els seus habitants, l'anàlisi normatiu i les noves perspectives patrimonials i paisatgístiques, s'elabora un marc metodològic que pretén abordar el paisatge i el patrimoni des de perspec-tives horitzontals, inclusives, sostenibles i didàctiques utilitzant Penyago-losa com a exemple de muntanya mediterrània. / [EN] Since the beginning of the 13th century, the inhabitants of Penyagolosa have known how to adapt to a life of self-sufficiency anchored in need and faith. The type of life rooted in livestock and agriculture generated an anthropized landscape typical of the Mediterranean mountain. The remi-niscences that still remain of that centenary culture, in many cases pre-sent a ruinous state. In the same way, the landscape that was generated until the beginning of the 20th century is disappearing due to the lack of crops, livestock and activity.
This doctoral thesis aims to delve into the culture of Penyagolosa. The study is approached conditioned by the itineraries that were the object of transhumance, trade and prayers from nine municipalities in the interior of the province of Castellón and one of Teruel to the hermitage of Sant Joan de Penyagolosa. There will be a tour of these itineraries and the historical centres describing the architecture, the ethnographic elements, the activities that transformed the territory until the current state of the itineraries. The economic activity of Penyagolosa, its protection and the most severe problems suffered by the inhabitants of the area will be dis-cussed.
In order to find alternatives to the current state, an analysis is made of the normative frameworks that are applied in the area of study or that may condition in some way. Objectives, programs, charters, agreements, etc. will be seen and the details will be analyzed, providing a critical vi-sion but seeking to take advantage of the work already done to use it with new perspectives.
Such work is conditioned by strict analytical fieldwork. The work carried out will be explained and what materials and methodologies have been adopted and adapted in particular to the study space but with a constant vision of the Mediterranean mountain. In the same way, it is explained how the participation and the collective work with the inhabitants of the zone opens the doors to new challenges as for patrimonializing spaces of the characteristics of Penyagolosa.
With the information gathered from the previous bibliographical analysis, from the fieldwork in the study area and with its inhabitants, the norma-tive analysis and the new heritage and landscape perspectives, a meth-odological framework is elaborated that tries to approach the landscape and heritage from horizontal, inclusive, sustainable and didactic perspec-tives using Penyagolosa as an example of Mediterranean mountain. / Altaba Tena, P. (2019). L'arquitectura compacta i dispersa dels camins de peregrinació. Anàlisi de la seua conservació i gestió en diferents regions mediterrànies [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/124968
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The impact of geopolitical risk on CO2 emissions inequality: Evidence from 38 developed and developing economiesChen, L., Gozgor, Giray, Lau, C.K.M., Mahalik, M.K., Rather, K.N., Soliman, A.M. 09 February 2024 (has links)
Yes / This paper analyses the impact of geopolitical risk on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions inequality in the panel
dataset of 38 developed and developing economies from 1990 to 2019. At this juncture, the empirical models
control for the effects of globalisation, capital-labour ratio, and per capita income on CO2 emissions inequality.
The panel cointegration tests show a significant long-run relationship among the related variables in the
empirical models. The panel data regression estimations indicate that geopolitical risk, capital-labour ratio, and
per capita income increase CO2 emissions inequality. However, globalisation negatively affects CO2 emissions
inequality in the panel dataset of 38 developed and developing countries. The pairwise panel heterogeneous
causality test results align with these benchmark results and indicate no reverse causality issue. Potential policy
implications are also discussed. / The authors acknowledge the grant from the Major Project of Philosophy and Social Science Research in Colleges (Grant Number: 2023SJZD027).
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Thermal and EMI Modeling and Analysis of a Boost PFC Circuit Designed Using a Genetic-based Optimization AlgorithmHertz, Erik M. 31 July 2001 (has links)
The boost power factor correction (PFC) circuit is a common circuit in power electronics. Through years of experience, many designers have optimized the design of these circuits for particular applications. In this study, a new design procedure is presented that guarantees optimal results for any application. The algorithm used incorporates the principles of evolution in order to find the best design. This new design technique requires a rethinking of the traditional design process. Electrical models have been developed specifically for use with the optimization tool. One of the main focuses of this work is the implementation and verification of computationally efficient thermal and electro-magnetic interference (EMI) models for the boost PFC circuit. The EMI model presented can accurately predict noise levels into the 100's of kilohertz range. The thermal models presented provide very fast predictions and they have been adjusted to account for different thermal flows within the layout. This tuning procedure results in thermal predictions within 10% of actual measurement data. In order to further reduce the amount of analysis that the optimization tool must perform, some of the converter design has been performed using traditional methods. This part of the design is discussed in detail. Additionally, a per unit analysis of EMI and thermal levels is introduced. This new analysis method allows EMI and thermal levels to be compared on the same scale thus highlighting the tradeoffs between the both behaviors. / Master of Science
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Improving air quality assessment over complex terrain by optimizing meteorological and pollutant transport modelingTomasi, Elena January 2017 (has links)
The Alpine region is a sensitive area to air pollution, as it presents specific characteristics, which expose it to a greater environmental burden with respect to flat areas. During the last decades, the scientific community has developed many different modeling tools to tackle the problem of air pollution. This issue demands at least three distinct procedures: the modeling of the meteorological fields, the modeling of the transport and dispersion of the pollutants and the modeling of the emitting sources. Each of these procedures performs differently across different space and time scales and carries its own strengths and weaknesses, which affect results in terms of pollutant dispersion patterns. The present work focuses on testing and improving different modeling tools at a local scale, over very complex topography, where most of them are brought to work at the limit of their applicability, but they are still the best available tools to face the problem. Different case studies are used in this research in order to evaluate strengths and deficiencies of the models and, where possible, to improve their performance. The experimental datasets used for this purpose come from both previously performed field campaigns and specifically designed campaigns, including meteorological and air quality observations. The performance of Land Surface Models within the Weather Research and Forecasting Model is evaluated and improved, focusing on their ability in reproducing near-ground variables, with specific attention to the frequent ground thermal inversion occurring in the mountainous areas. The performance of dispersion models recommended for applications over complex terrain is also tested and their results are compared with unique measurements (PM10 vertical profiles and tracer gas ground concentration), under challenging wintertime conditions. Atmospheric turbulence parameterizations are also analyzed, in order to understand their role and effects in a modeling chain for dispersion assessment purposes.
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Uncovering Structure-Property Relations in Biomimetic Lipid Membranes with Molecular AdditivesLihiniya Kumarage, Teshani Omanthika 15 August 2024 (has links)
The lipid bilayer, the fundamental structure of cell membranes, exemplifies a highly adaptable molecular assembly with characteristics that have been fine-tuned through evolution to meet the diverse functional needs of cells. These bilayers must strike a delicate balance: they need to be sufficiently rigid to act as protective barriers, yet fluid enough to facilitate the diffusion of proteins and molecular clusters crucial for various biological processes. Owing to their multifunctional nature, lipid membranes are not only vital in biological contexts but also in numerous practical applications, such as artificial cells, drug-delivery nanocarriers, and biosensors. Both biological and synthetic lipid membranes frequently incorporate molecular or nanoscale additives that modify their properties through a range of mechanisms. Gaining a comprehensive understanding of how lipid membranes interact with these additives is an area of active research, particularly with the advent of advanced high-resolution characterization techniques that reveal both the static and dynamic behaviors of these systems.
This dissertation investigates the impact of small molecular additives – specifically natural and synthetic sterols – on the structure, elasticity, and organization of biomimetic lipid membranes. Utilizing advanced scattering techniques and other methods, the research elucidates the intricate interplay between the membrane composition, structure, and elasticity. Key findings demonstrate that, unlike previous observations, cholesterol significantly affects the bending rigidity of lipid membranes regardless of chain unsaturation, when measured on mesoscopic length and time scales. Interestingly, the replacement of cholesterol with engineered molecules, comprised of a sterol unit that is chemically conjugated to one or both of the lipid chains, results in further enhancement in the membrane bending rigidity and mechanical stability, making them a promising additive for advanced liposomal drug delivery systems. Further studies on phase-separating membranes illustrate the effective use of sterol-modified lipids in regulating the formation and size of distinct lipid domains implicated in protein recruitment and biological function. This work advances the current understanding of membrane biophysics and paves the way for novel therapeutic strategies and biomaterial designs. / Doctor of Philosophy / Cells are the central unit of life found in all living organisms. The outermost layer of the cell, the plasma membrane, is quite complex. Yet it is primarily formed by the self-assembly of lipids and sterols that form a bilayer structure that mediates important biological functions. To understand the properties of plasma cell membranes and their implication in function, biophysicists use model cell membranes to reduce biological complexity. This dissertation explores changes in the structure and dynamics of model lipid membranes in response to small molecular additives, including cholesterol and hybrid cholesterol analogues. Using sophisticated scientific techniques, experiments reveal that cholesterol stiffens lipid membranes, regardless of the architecture of their molecular building blocks. These findings challenge previous beliefs and suggest a universal rule for membrane stiffness with cholesterol. What is more, synthetic additives formed by conjugating lipid and cholesterol structures are even better than cholesterol at stabilizing membranes. This discovery has practical implications for improving drug delivery systems. Additional studies provide new insights into how additives can control how lipids organize into distinct domains that are important for many biological processes. Overall, this work enhances our understanding of cell membranes and opens up new possibilities for developing advanced medical treatments and tunable biomaterials.
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Economic Structural Change and Cancer Incidence - An International ExaminationFerretti, F., McIntosh, Bryan January 2014 (has links)
Yes / After heart disease, cancer is the most common cause of death in many developed countries. In this paper, we discuss the relationship between economic growth and cancer incidence. The purposes of the paper are to describe and measure the influence of an increasing real per capita income on the overall incidence of cancer. Using cross-sectional data for 162 countries, regression results with crude and age-standardised rates allow us to measure the elasticity of cancer incidence with respect to per capita income, and to decompose the elasticity coefficient into two components: age-effect and lifestyle-effect.
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Long-Run Macroeconomic Determinants of Cancer IncidenceFerretti, F., Jones, S., McIntosh, Bryan January 2013 (has links)
Yes / : Understanding how cancer incidence evolves during economic growth is useful for forecasting the economic impact of cancerous diseases, and for governing the process of resources allocation in planning health services. We analyse the relationship between economic growth and cancer incidence in order to describe and measure the influence of an increasing real per capita income on the overall rate of cancer incidence.
Method:We test the relationship between real per capita income and the overall rate of cancer incidence with a cross-sectional analysis, using data from the World Bank and the World Health Organization databases, for 165 countries in 2008. We measure the elasticity of cancer incidence with respect to per capita income, and we decompose the elasticities coefficients into two components: age-effect and lifestyle-effect.
Results: An Engel’s model, in a double-log quadratic specification, explains about half of the variations in the age-standardised rates and nearly two thirds of the variations in the incidence crude rates. All the elasticities of the crude rates are positive, but less than one. The income elasticity of the age-standardised rates are negative in lower income countries, and positive (around 0.25 and 0.32) in upper middle and high income countries, respectively.
Conclusions:These results are used to develop a basic framework in order to explain how demand-side economic structural changes may affect the long run evolution of cancer incidence. At theoretical level, a J-Curve is a possible general model to represents, other things being equal, how economic growth influence cancer incidence.
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Utvärdering och analys av batchstorlekar, produktsekvenser och omställningstider / Evaluation and analysis of batch sizes, production sequences and setup timesLundberg, Jesper, Mehtonen, Ronja January 2015 (has links)
Volvo GTO is one of the strongest brands in the truck industry, with a long and proud history of world-leading innovations. The factory in Skövde produces diesel engines of various sizes to Volvo GTO. The project has been carried out on the processing part of grovdel crankshaft. Where the objective was to construct a simulation model that reflects flows 0, 1 and 2 on the crankshaft grovdel order to produce the best driving style for the size of the batches and sequences, focusing on PIA, between the stock and conversion-up times. A theoretical study intervention gave knowledge to the methodology to ensure that the data is collected and processed correctly. The data were collected in an Excel document, which was integrated with the simulation model for an overview and adjustments would be possible. The simulation program, Siemens Plant Simulation 12 used in the construction of the complex model of the three flows, which where verified and validated against the real flows. Optimization on the simulation model was made with a high and a low demand for crankshafts. Several objects were taken into consideration as: minimal waiting processing Findel, minimal setup time and minimal total-PIA from a truly viable perspective. The optimization showed a possible production planning in order to best be able to run such large batches as possible with reduced readjustment time and for delays of production in processing rawflows to not occur in the refined flow. For maximum capacity in the company there are two different optimal solutions one solution focused on reducing setup time and the second solution to minimize the number of additional production hours per week. Discrete simulation of production flows are being used to support production planning and simulation model is created for the continued use of the Volvo GTO, either in simulation group or future researches and theses in collaboration with the University of Skövde. The project objectives were achieved with good results and resulted as a standing basis for future planning of batches and sequences of processing crankshaft Volvo GTO.
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Mass flows of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in a Swedish wastewater network and treatment plant / Massflöden av per- och polyfluoralkylerade substanser (PFAS) i ett svenskt ledningsnät och reningsverkGlimstedt, Linda January 2016 (has links)
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are man-made substances that hold unique properties. They are not only oil- and water repellants but also very resistant to degradation. Due to these properties, the applications are endless and PFASs can be found in a wide range of industrial applications and commercial products. The effluents of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) have been pointed out as one of the major sources of PFASs in the environment. The main aim of this project was to evaluate the sources and the occurrence of PFASs in a wastewater network in a Swedish city and in the different treatment steps at the connected WWTP. Another objective was to use these data to calculate mass flows and to investigate the fate of PFASs within the WWTP. The city of Uppsala and the WWTP Kungsängsverket were selected as study objects. Both wastewater and sludge were sampled and analyzed. In the wastewater network, a total of 15 pumping stations (PSTs) were sampled for wastewater, and at the WWTP, a total of 10 wastewater and 10 sludge samples were taken. The samples consisted of grab samples (n = 24), time-integrated samples (100 mL every 20 min during 24 hours, n = 2) and flow proportional samples (24 hours, n = 9). The aqueous and sludge samples were prepared for analysis using solid-phase and solid liquid extraction, respectively, and then analyzed by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS). The PFAS concentrations and composition profiles varied greatly in the network. High concentrations of 6:2 fluorotelomer sulfonate (6:2 FTSA) were generally found in the wastewater, which indicates increased usage of 6:2 FTSA in industrial processes and applications as replacement for perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and/or leaching from fire-training sites. A hot spot was detected (Sågargatan PST: ΣPFAS = 55,000 ng L-1 = 110,000 mg d-1) with elevated discharges of C3 – C8 perfluoroalkyl carboxylates (PFCAs). The studied WWTP was ineffective in removing C4, C6, C8 perfluoroalkyl sulfonates (PFSAs), C3 – C8 PFCAs and 6:2 FTSA from wastewater. Longer chained C9 – C17 PFCAs tended to partition to sludge more effectively than shorter chained C3 – C8 PFCAs, where PFCAs with an even amount of perfluorated carbon atoms had a higher affinity for sludge than those with an odd amount. The PFAS concentrations and mass flows tended to increase across the second clarifier in both wastewater and sludge, probably due to precursor degradation. PFSAs and PFCAs tended to be at similar or lower concentrations in the effluent compared to the influent. This shows that these substances enter the WWTP from an upstream source and are not formed or added in the WWTP. The transformation of precursors is therefore not the most important source of PFASs in Kungsängsverket. PFASs in wastewater at a large scale municipal WWTP may origin to a large extent from both industrial applications and domestic sources, such as daily life products. The new knowledge generated within this project will help Uppsala Vatten to protect drinking water supplies and the receiving aquatic environment from PFAS contamination. / Per- och polyfluoroalkylerade substanser (PFAS) är konstgjorda ämnen som har unika egenskaper. De är inte bara fett- och vattenavvisande utan är även mycket resistenta mot nedbrytning. På grund av dessa egenskaper är applikationerna med PFAS oändliga, och de används i en lång rad industriella applikationer och kommersiella produkter. Renat vatten från avloppsreningsverk har pekats ut som en av de största källorna av PFAS i miljön. Syftet med det här projektet var att undersöka källorna och uppkomsten av PFAS i ett ledningsnät i en svensk stad och även före/efter de olika reningsstegen i det största reningsverket. Ett annat mål var att använda dessa data för att beräkna massflöden och att studera ödet för PFAS i reningsverket. Uppsala stad och reningsverket Kungsängsverket valdes som studieobjekt. Både avloppsvatten och slam provtogs och analyserades. I ledningsnätet provtogs totalt 15 pumpstationer (PST) med avseende på avloppsvatten och i reningsverket togs det totalt 10 avloppsvatten- och 10 slamprover. Proverna bestod av stickprover (n = 24), tidsintegrerade prover (100 mL var 20 min under 24 timmar, n = 2) och flödesproportionerliga prov (24 timmar, n = 9). Vatten- och slamproverna preparerades för analys med hjälp av fastfas- respektive fast-vätske-extraktion, och analyserades därefter med vätskekromatografi kopplat till tandem-mass-spektrometri (LC/MS/MS). PFAS koncentrationerna och sammansättningsprofilerna varierade mycket i ledningsnätet. Koncentrationerna av 6:2 fluorotelomersulfonsyra (6:2 FTSA) var generellt höga i avloppsvattnet, vilket tyder på en ökad användning av 6:2 FTSA i industriella processer och applikationer som ersättningssubstans för perfluorooktansulfonsyra (PFOS) och/eller urlakning från brandövningsplatser. En så kallad hot spot detekterades i ledningsnätet (Sågargatan PST: ΣPFAS = 55 000 ng L-1 = 110 000 mg d-1) med punktutsläpp av C3 – C8 perfluoroalkylerade karboxylsyror (PFCA). Det studerade reningsverket var inte effektivt för rening av C4, C6, C8 perfluoroalkyl-sulfonsyror (PFSAs), C3 – C8 PFCAs och 6:2 FTSA. PFAS av typen C9 – C17 PFCA (långa kolkedjor) tenderade att fördela sig till slamfasen mer än C3 – C8 PFCA (kortare kedjor), där PFCA med ett jämnt antal perfluorerade kolatomer hade större affinitet för slam än de med udda. PFAS koncentrationerna och massflödena tenderade att öka från första till andra sedimentations-tanken, både i avloppsvatten och i slam, troligtvis som en följd av degradering av prekursorer. PFSA och PFCA tenderade att ha likvärdiga eller lägre koncentrationer i ut- jämfört med inflöde. Detta tyder på att huvudkällorna för dessa substanser i avloppsvatten finns uppströms och uppkommer inte genom bildning eller tillsats i reningsverket. Nedbrytning av prekursorer är därför inte den viktigaste källan av PFAS i Kungsängsverket. Det visades tydligt att PFAS i ett kommunalt avloppsvatten kan ha sitt ursprung såväl i både industriella produkter och processer som produkter från hushåll, som t.ex. dagligvaruprodukter. Den nya kunskapen som genererats i detta projekt kommer att hjälpa Uppsala Vatten att skydda dricksvattentäkter och den mottagande akvatiska miljön för PFAS förorening.
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Les récits du Folkhem et l’utopisme de la social-démocratie suédoise : De Hansson à Palme : 1932-1986 / The Folkhem narratives and the utopianism of the Swedish Social-democracy : From Hansson to Palme : 1932-1986Persson, David 27 May 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse les formes et les effets de l’utopisme qui sous-tend le projet politique du SAP (parti social-démocrate suédois) entre 1932 et 1986. Dans le cadre d’une approche conceptuelle du politique nous nous interrogeons sur le pouvoir des idées, des symboles et de l’imaginaire dans la constitution d’un roman national original, mais aussi à travers la mise en oeuvre de l’action publique. A partir d’un important corpus inédit de discours et d’écrits rédigés par les trois leaders qui se sont succédés à la tête du gouvernement pendant un demi-siècle(Hansson, Erlander, Palme), la thèse s’efforce de mettre à jour « la cristallisation sémantique » qui a structuré le lexique politique du SAP. En son coeur figure la métaphore du Folkhem qui fonctionne comme un mythe mobilisateur pour la nouvelle société, avant de se transformer en élément essentiel de l’identité nationale et de la culture politique de la Suède. Autour du Folkhem, se noue le contrat social suédois, et la notion se transforme en source etressource de légitimité politique. L’histoire des récits du Folkhem permet de mieuxcomprendre les origines du modèle suédois et les modalités récentes de son évolution. Par son extrême plasticité, le Folkhem continue de nos jours à faire l’objet d’appropriations politiques nombreuses et diverses, confirmant ainsi son rôle fondateur d’institution de sens. / This thesis relates the forms and effects of the utopianism that underlies the SAP (Swedish Social-Democratic Party) political project between 1932 and 1986. The power of ideas,symbols and imaginary in politics is our theoretical base. The political discourse of the SAP leaders and the importance of words in the creation of public policy are studied. Our corpus consists of a vast archive material. Guided by utopianism, the leaders express their will to create a new society. The Folkhem political metaphor, narrative at the heart of the political glossary of the SAP, is in the centre of this utopianism. The notion is used as a mobilizingmyth for the new society and it works as a social contract for the Swedes. The Folkhem narratives help us understand the Swedish model and contemporary Sweden. By its extreme plasticity and by being part of the Swedish identity, the notion is still a source of political legitimacy and continues to produce meaning.
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