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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Made by artful practice : health, reproduction and the perinatal period among Xié river dwellers of north-western Amazonia

Rahman, Elizabeth Ann January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is an ethnographic study of a little documented indigenous group, the Warekena people, who live on the Xié River in north-western Amazonia. Examining the mythic histories of the animate riverscape, my work offers an overview of the emergence of riverside dwelling: starting with a macro view of Xié river lifestyles, I explain how seasonal and distinguishing historic-mythic narratives tie in to wider idioms, and to experiences of social reproduction. I focus on reproductive processes and the perinatal period, highlighting methods used by Xié dwellers to nurture healthy, quality-conscious lifestyles, and I examine Xié aetiologies and pathologies. Mindfulness, or awareness, is viewed as a key component of good health. In this context, healthy childbirth is for the birthing mother an art form, a practice for which her total life experience has prepared her. Childbirth is ranked with such other painful experiences as snakebite, and both childbirth and snakebite are opportunities for personal growth. Infant care is seen through the lens of specific, hands-on techniques that promote mindful states in both the carer and the cared for. Mindfulness emerges as a heuristic device that allows us to scrutinize the Amerindian soul and body, also elucidating soul-loss in the ‘animist’ lived world. I argue that mindfulness is a core characteristic of the ‘cool’ hydrocentric and status-conscious lifestyles of Xié river dwellers, and that it defines what it means to be a person, the Xié way.

A Qualitative Analysis of Migrant Women Farmworkers' A Qualit ative Analysis of Migrant Women Farmworkers’ Perceptions of Maternal Care Management

Pilling, Stacey A. 01 January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this phenomenological study was to examine migrant women farmworkers' views of perinatal care management while working in the fields. Like men, women migrant farmworkers are exposed to many physical, chemical, and biological hazards that pose human health risks. However, women of childbearing age are at an increased risk of having reproductive health difficulties and adverse pregnancy outcomes, and the infant mortality rate among migrant farmworkers is estimated to be twice the national average. Perinatal care is a critical factor in reducing adverse outcomes for perinatal and newborn mortality. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with 15 migrant women farmworkers between the ages of 18 to 40 years who had experienced at least 1 gestational period during while working in the Midwest agricultural stream. Participants were voluntarily recruited from farms in Northern Ohio using purposeful sampling techniques. Guided by the social ecological model, data were analyzed via inductive coding techniques to tease out common themes. All participants reported a basic understanding of prenatal care but due to numerous occupational, community, and access barriers, could not participate in what they perceived as normal prenatal care. Also, participants stated when in gestation they were expected to perform the same jobs as women not in gestation. These findings may inform the work of public health providers and migrant healthcare clinicians of migrant women farmworkers' challenges while receiving perinatal care in Northern Ohio; results can also be used to influence local and national migrant healthcare policies on comprehensive maternal healthcare for migrant women farmworkers in Ohio and across the United States.

Att främja normal förlossning : Barnmorskans främsta uppgift / Promotion of normal birth : The midwife's primary mission

Adlers, Ann-Cathrine January 2011 (has links)
En graviditet och förlossning är i de allra flesta fall en normal livshändelse. De senaste decennierna har andelen instrumentella- och kejsarsnittsförlossningar ökat på bekostnad av den normala förlossningen. Trots fler interventioner ses ingen skillnad i den maternella och perinatala morbiditeten och mortaliteten. I barnmorskans arbetsområde ingår att handlägga den normala graviditeten och förlossningen. Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur barnmorskan kan främja en normal förlossning. Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie där 13 vetenskapliga artiklar, med både kvantitativ och kvalitativ ansats, analyserades. I resultatet framkom tre kategorier som beskriver hur barnmorskan främjar normal förlossning. Barnmorskan skapar genom närhet en god relation till kvinnan och ger vägledning. Genom att använda sig själv som kunskapskälla bidrar barnmorskans sinnen, erfarenheter av tidigare förlossningar och formell kunskap till att fatta korrekta beslut. Barnmorskan stödjer och bekräftar det normala individuellt efter kvinnans behov, vilket skapar en säker miljö runt kvinnan och förhindrar onödiga interventioner. Då det råder en medicinsk kultur inom förlossningsvården, behöver barnmorskans arbete kring normal förlossning stärkas. Forskning behövs på organisationsnivå, eftersom omgivande system inverkar på barnmorskans arbete med att främja den normala förlossningen. / Pregnancy and childbirth are in most cases a normal life event. Over the past decades the rate of instrumental birth and caesarean sections has increased at the expense of normal birth. Despite more interventions no difference is seen in the maternal or perinatal morbidity or mortality. The midwife’s work encompasses the normal pregnancy and labour. The aim of this study was to describe how the midwife can promote normal birth. The study was conducted as a literature study in which 13 scientific articles, with both quantitative and qualitative approach, were analyzed. Three categories emerged that explained how the midwife promotes normal birth. The midwife creates through closeness a positive relationship to the woman and gives guidance. By using herself as a source of knowledge, the midwife’s senses, experiences from previous labours and formal knowledge, contribute to make correct decisions. The midwife supports and confirms the normalcy, from the woman’s individual needs, and thereby creates a safe environment for the woman that prevents her from unnecessary interventions. As there is a medical culture within the maternity care, the midwife’s work with normal birth needs to be strengthened. Since the organization has an impact on the midwife’s promoting work, further research is needed in this area.

Les événements indésirables graves néonatals et maternels : études d’observation et essai d’intervention dans six réseaux périnatals / Neonatal and maternal adverse events : observational studies and intervention trial in six perinatal networks

Dupont, Corinne 18 March 2009 (has links)
En France, 73.3% des décès maternels liés à une hémorragie du post partum (HPP) ont été jugés comme « évitables » par le comité national d’experts en 2006. Le premier objectif de cette recherche a été l’observation des événements indésirables graves (EIG) en obstétrique et l’analyse des facteurs contributifs. Trois études ont été réalisées et ont montré une proportion de cas potentiellement évitables de 22% pour les embarrures, 72% pour les asphyxies néonatales et 73% pour les transferts maternels en service de réanimation. Le second objectif a été l’amélioration de la qualité de la prise en charge de l’HPP, première cause de mortalité maternelle. Deux études ont été réalisées. La première étude a montré que le protocole de prise en charge de l’HPP était appliqué partiellement après sa diffusion passive dans un réseau périnatal en Rhône Alpes. La seconde étude, PITHAGORE 6, un essai randomisé initié dans six réseaux de périnatalité en France pour mesurer l’impact d’un programme d’intervention multifacettes, a permis de réduire le taux d’HPP graves. De nouvelles méthodes doivent être développées en intégrant l’apport des sciences humaines pour optimiser la sécurité des soins en périnatalité. / In France, 73,3% of maternal deaths from post partum haemorrhage (PPH) were considered as «avoidable» by national experts committee in 2006. The first goal of this research was to observe adverse events (AEs) in obstetrics and to analyse latent and active conditions. The three observational studies highlighted that 22% of depressed skull fractures, 72% of birth asphyxia and 73% of maternal transfers to intensive care unit care might have been avoidedThe second aim was to improve PPH management, which is a leading cause of maternal mortality. Two studies were realized. The first has shown that regional guideline of PPH management was partly applied after passive dissemination in a regional perinatal network. The second study, PITHAGORE 6, a randomised trial conducted in six perinatal networks to assess impact of multi-faceted intervention program, reduced the rate of severe PPH. New methods have to be developed and might take into account human sciences to improve safety in perinatal care.

Kartläggning över inducerade förlossningar på en klinik i södra Sverige : en retrospektiv observationsstudie

Tillberg, Jeanette, Sträng, Jennie January 2010 (has links)
Bakgrund Att inducera en förlossning innebär att försöka manipulera igång ett förlossningsarbete i syfte att åstadkomma en vaginal förlossning. Nyttan med induktionen måste alltid överväga riskerna för förlossningskomplikationer. Riksgenomsnittet för inducerade förlossningar var år 2007, 13,2 %. Syfte Kartlägga inducerade förlossningar på en förlossningsklinik i södra Sverige under året 2009. Kartläggningen inbegrep induktionsindikation, använda induktionsmetoder samt förlossningsförlopp och utfall. Metod Retrospektiv observationsstudie där samtliga inducerade förlossningar med levande foster vid induktionsstarten under 2009 på förlossningskliniken inkluderades. Detta gav ett underlag på 306 inducerade förlossningar. Chi-två test och Fisher´s exakta test användes för att testa skillnader i resultatet. Resultat Indikationerna till förlossningsinduktion fördelade sig så att 250 (82 %) utgjorde medicinsk indikation, där vattenavgång utgjorde den främsta anledningen, och 56 (18 %) på humanitär indikation. Det var 220 kvinnor som krävde minst ett upprepat induktionsförsök innan de kom i aktivt förlossningsarbete. Det fanns en signifikant skillnad som talade för att ju högre Bishop score det var vid första induktionsförsöket, desto kortare tid till partus. Förlossningsutfallet blev 71% partus normalis, 18% sectio, 6% vakuum extraktion och 5% partus cum haem. Slutsats Studien visade att det kan finnas anledning för förlossningskliniken att förbättra journalföringen och öka följsamheten av PM vid förlossningsinduktioner. / Background To induce labour means trying to manipulate labour to start in order to achieve vaginal childbirth. The benefits of induction must always outweigh the risk of labour complications. The national average of induced labour in 2007 was 13, 2%. Aim To map induced labours at a childbirth clinic in Southern Sweden during 2009. The mapping included induction indication, used methods of induction, childbirth processes and outcome. Method Retrospective observation study which included all induced labours with living foetuses at the start of induction, at the childbirth clinic during 2009. This gave a basis of 306 induced labours. Chi-squared testing and Fisher’s exact testing was used to test significant differences in the result. Result Indications of labour induction were divided where 250 (82%) constituted medical indication, the water breaking constituting the main reason, and 56 (18%) humanitarian indication. 220 women required at least one repeated induction try before they were in active labour. There was a significant difference indicating that the higher the Bishop Score was at the first induction try, the shorter the time until delivery. Labour outcome was 71% partum normalis, 18% caesarean sections, 6% vacuum extractions and 5% post partum haemorrhages. Conclusion The study showed that there might be reasons to improve the journal keeping and follow the PMs regarding labour induction at the childbirth clinic.

"Två decennier med amningsvänliga sjukhus - upplever mammorna stöd vid amningen på BB?"

Haug Johansson, Trude January 2010 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING   Amningen kan ibland vara svår att komma igång med. En del mammor får det att fungera utmärkt medan andra behöver mera stöd. Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) och ”tio steg till lyckad amning” var tänkt att uppmuntra amningen på BB genom åtgärder som utbildning av barnmorskorna i att stödja mammorna. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva mammors känslor inför amning och deras upplevelse av stöd från personal och pappa under BB-tiden samt att jämföra med en grupp mammor från 1993. Metoden var en kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie. En enkätstudie genomfördes bland mammor på en förlossningsklinik i Sverige. Deltagande mammor var fördelade på 91 mammor 1993 och 16 mammor 2010. För bearbetning av data användes Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS). Resultatet visade att mammorna upplevde en större känsla av osäkerhet och oro 2010 jämfört med 1993. Av mammorna 2010 kände också majoriteten att amning var något de ”måste lära sig”. Mammorna upplevde papporna som mer stödjande 2010 jämfört med 1993. Initiativet till den första amningen togs 2010 i högre grad av en barnmorska än 1993. År 2010 fick en högre andel av mammorna hjälp av personalen på BB vid amningstillfällena jämfört med 1993. Konklusionen är att amningen kunde vara en känslig tid för mammorna och det behövdes stöd. BFHI har haft en positiv effekt på arbetet med att stödja mammorna vid amningen på BB, men det finns fortfarande behov av uppföljning och kontroll av verksamheten. Papporna tar ett större ansvar och är mera stödjande 2010 jämfört med 1993. / ABSTRACT   Sometimes breastfeeding initiating can be hard. Some mothers get a good start others need more support. Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) and “ten steps to successful breastfeeding” were meant to encourage breastfeeding at maternity hospital through measures like education of midwifes in supporting the mothers. The aim of this study was to describe mother’s feelings for breastfeeding and their experience of support from nursing staff and fathers during the stay on BB and to compare with a group of mothers from 1993. The method was a quantitative cross-sectional study. A survey study was accomplished among mothers in a birth-Clinique in Sweden. Participating mothers was 91 in 1993 and 16 in 2010. Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) was used to processing data. The result showed that mothers experienced a greater feeling of uncertainty and anxiety in 2010 compared with 1993. The majority of mothers 2010 also felt that breastfeeding was something they “had to learn”. Mothers experienced that fathers were more supportive in 2010 than 1993. Initiative to the first breastfeeding was in most of the cases in 2010 taken by a midwife and a higher share of the mothers 2010 got help from the nursing staff at breastfeeding time. The conclusion is that breastfeeding might be a sensitive period to the mothers and that support was needed. BFHI has had a positive effect on the work in supporting mother’s breastfeed in the maternity hospital, but there are still needs of following-up and controls of the activity. The fathers took in 2010 more responsibility and are more supporting to the mothers compared with 1993.

Comparison of perinatal health prior to and after the northern cod fishery closure in selected Newfoundland communities /

Stevens, Laura Kathleen, January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (M.N.)--Memorial University of Newfoundland, School of Nursing, 2000. / Typescript. Bibliography: p. 100-112.

O cuidado à saúde materno-infantil e a psicanálise: uma interseção possível / The care of maternal and child health and the psychoanalysis: a possible intersection

Mariana Bteshe 30 April 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho procurou analisar a inserção da psicanálise nas novas formas de cuidado terapêutico em perinatologia, mais precisamente, no domínio que envolve os acontecimentos que ocorrem entre a concepção e os 36 meses de vida da criança. Para tanto, inicialmente foi apresentada a área da saúde materno-infantil no Brasil e as políticas públicas que a sustentam. Em seguida, delineou-se o funcionamento do campo escolhido, no caso uma maternidade de alto risco. Tendo em vista, a construção de uma rede de atenção tecida a partir de diferentes olhares, se procurou enfocar os impasses da interseção entre o discurso biomédico, o da educação em saúde e o da psicanálise. Nesse ponto, foi utilizada como referência principal a contribuição de D. W. Winnicott sobre a teoria do amadurecimento pessoal. Com a finalidade de circunscrever o crescente interesse pela primeira infância, procedeu-se a um mapeamento do estudo psicanalítico dos primórdios do psiquismo, após uma breve incursão pelo texto freudiano. Promoveu-se ainda uma discussão sobre o encontro das hipóteses psicanalíticas com as novas descobertas científicas sobre as potencialidades do bebê, ressaltando as consequências possíveis de tal intercâmbio. Por fim, foram destacadas algumas concepções que fundamentam a importância do olhar psicanalítico para o cuidado integral à saúde materno-infantil, enfatizando autores como Lebovici, Cramer, Bydlowski e Golse. Aqui as discussões teóricas entrelaçaram-se com observações de campo e vinhetas clínicas

O cuidado à saúde materno-infantil e a psicanálise: uma interseção possível / The care of maternal and child health and the psychoanalysis: a possible intersection

Mariana Bteshe 30 April 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho procurou analisar a inserção da psicanálise nas novas formas de cuidado terapêutico em perinatologia, mais precisamente, no domínio que envolve os acontecimentos que ocorrem entre a concepção e os 36 meses de vida da criança. Para tanto, inicialmente foi apresentada a área da saúde materno-infantil no Brasil e as políticas públicas que a sustentam. Em seguida, delineou-se o funcionamento do campo escolhido, no caso uma maternidade de alto risco. Tendo em vista, a construção de uma rede de atenção tecida a partir de diferentes olhares, se procurou enfocar os impasses da interseção entre o discurso biomédico, o da educação em saúde e o da psicanálise. Nesse ponto, foi utilizada como referência principal a contribuição de D. W. Winnicott sobre a teoria do amadurecimento pessoal. Com a finalidade de circunscrever o crescente interesse pela primeira infância, procedeu-se a um mapeamento do estudo psicanalítico dos primórdios do psiquismo, após uma breve incursão pelo texto freudiano. Promoveu-se ainda uma discussão sobre o encontro das hipóteses psicanalíticas com as novas descobertas científicas sobre as potencialidades do bebê, ressaltando as consequências possíveis de tal intercâmbio. Por fim, foram destacadas algumas concepções que fundamentam a importância do olhar psicanalítico para o cuidado integral à saúde materno-infantil, enfatizando autores como Lebovici, Cramer, Bydlowski e Golse. Aqui as discussões teóricas entrelaçaram-se com observações de campo e vinhetas clínicas

A framework for information communication that contributes to the improved management of the intrapartum period

M’Rithaa, Doreen.K.M January 2015 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Technology: Informatics in the Faculty of Informatics and Design at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology / Background: Daily activities within a health care organization are mediated by information communication processes (ICP), which involve multiple health care professionals. During pregnancy, birth and motherhood a woman may encounter different professionals including midwives, doctors, laboratory personnel and others. Effective management requires critical information to be accurately communicated. If there is a breakdown in this communication patient safety is at risk for various reasons such as; inadequate critical information, misconception of information and uninformed decisions being made. Method: Multi method, multiple case study approach was used to explore and describe the complexities involved in the (ICP), during the management of the intrapartum period. During the study the expected ICP, the actual ICP, the challenges involved and the desired ICP were analysed. 24 In-depth interviews with skilled birth attendants were conducted, observer- as- participant role was utilized during the observation, fild notes, reflective diaries and document review methods were used to gather the data. Thematic analysis and activity analysis were applied to analyse the data. Findings: The findings illuminated that there are expectations of accessibility to care of the woman during pregnancy birth and the intrapartum, especially linked to referral processes. The actual ICP focused on documentation and communication of the information within and between organizations. Communication was marked by inadequate documentation and therefore errors in the information communicated. The desires for communication were illuminated by the need to change the current situation. Further a framework for effective information communication was developed: the FAAS framework for the effective management of the intrapartum period. Conclusion: In conclusion what is expected is not what is actually happening. The skilled birth attendants (SBAs) do not necessarily have the answers for change but the challenges were identified as desires for change. I urge that the framework will provide a basis for the evaluation of the effectiveness involved in the ICP for the effective management of the intrapartum period.

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