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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Unga vuxnas upplevelser av algoritmbaserade spellistor på Spotify : Hur upplever unga vuxna algoritmbaserade förslag inom Radiofunktionen på musikstreamingtjänsten Spotify? / Young adults experiences of algorithmic based playlists on Spotify : How do young adults experience algorithmic suggestions within the Radio function on the music streaming service Spotify?

Jansson, Petter, Ullberg, Edvin January 2022 (has links)
Sättet människor konsumerar musik har förändrats genom historien och i samband med digitaliseringen har nya möjligheter att lyssna på musik uppstått. I samband med denna övergång har även fler algoritmbaserade tillvägagångssätt för musiklyssnande uppkommit. Syftet med studien är att undersöka unga vuxnas upplevelser av den algoritmbaserade Radiofunktionen på musikstreamingtjänsten Spotify. Studien har även undersökt huruvida de algoritmbaserade förslagen eventuellt påverkar användarnas upplevelser och musikbeteenden.Undersökningen är baserad på sju respondenters upplevelser inom åldersspannet 20-30 år, i denna studie definierat som unga vuxna. Studien har genomförts via kvalitativa metoder däribland en inledande dagboksstudie, med syfte att förbereda respondenternas reflektiva tänkande vilket följdes upp med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Därefter transkriberades intervjuerna för att senare kodas och en tematisk analys genomfördes. Resultatet av studien påvisar att det finns en variation i användandet av radiofunktionen samt att majoriteten av respondenterna uttryckt en positiv upplevelse av Radio på Spotify. Studien bidrar med nya insikter kring algoritmbaserade upplevelser hos användare i relation till musikstreaming och framförallt funktionen radio, samt hur användandet kan skilja sig beroende på situation och anledning till användande. / The streaming of music has during the last two decades become a new standard for how people acquire and listen to music. In correlation with this shift, other possibilities for listening to music have been on the rise. The purpose of this study is to investigate the experience for young adults of algorithm-based playlist ”Radio” on the streaming service platform Spotify. The investigation will determine whether or not these algorithm-based suggestions potentially affect the users' experience of listening to music and overall music behavior.The study is based on the experience of seven respondents of ages ranging between 20-30 years old - through this study referred to as "young adults." The qualitative methods this research has followed consists of a simple initial diary study, in order to prepare the respondents reflective thinking before the following semi-structured interviews. The interviews were then transcribed and followed by coding as well as a thematical analysis. The results of the study show that there is a variation in the use of the ”Radio” phenomenon on Spotify and that the vast majority of the respondents participating in the investigation expressed an overall positive experience. Furthermore, this study indicates that the respondents utilize the feature on different occasions and for different purposes.

Exploring Persuasive Design Elements in Duolingo

Wang, Yiqin January 2023 (has links)
With the widespread use of portable digital devices, especially smartphones, learning a new language has become a popular trend in the age of globalization. Amongst mobile-assistant language-learning applications, Duolingo is widely used and employs persuasive design techniques to inspire and encourage users to acquire new linguistic skills. Several papers have been studied based on this application by exploring pedagogical issues and discussing the misuse of gamification design. From a holistic perspective, limited research exists on how Duolingo's persuasive design motivates and engages language learners. The study utilized a walkthrough and a focus group alongside semi-structured interviews with 11 Duolingo users to investigate how persuasive design elements are employed to engage users. The findings of this study suggest that the gamification design in Duolingo is enjoyable and enhances users’ motivation; streaks make users commit to their learning plan; rewards encourage users to learn constantly; notifications play a significant role as triggers for learning behavior to occur; notifications also remind users to return to the application after a suspension. Moreover, it is important to design notifications with both the attitude and content in mind, as they have the power to affect user experience.

The Impact of Gesture Navigation on Mobile Usage

Tor, Sandra, Ekman von Huth, Simon January 2021 (has links)
The modern attention economy incentivizes the use of persuasive designs in software development. Scrolling is an interaction technique commonly associated with persuasive designs because of its lack of natural stopping cues and potential for habit promotion. A scroll-like interaction is used in gesture navigation, which is a method of navigating mobile operating systems. This paper investigates gesture navigation in mobile operating systems in the context of persuasive designs. The aim of this paper is to answer whether gesture navigation affects mobile usage and if there is a systematic preference for gesture navigation over traditional button navigation. In order to answer these questions a pre-post study was conducted. The participants were instructed to change system navigation controls for ten days; whereafter data regarding their mobile usage was collected. The collected data was analyzed in order to determine if there was a difference in mobile usage after changing system navigation controls and whether there was a systematic preference for gesture navigation. The results did not suggest that gesture navigation has an effect on mobile usage. The results did however point towards a systematic preference for gesture navigation over button navigation. The idéa of a systematic preference for gesture navigation motivates further research about the mechanisms behind it. / Den moderna uppmärksamhets-ekonomin motiverar implementering av persuasive design-tekniker inom mjukvaruutveckling. Scrolling är en interaktionsteknik som ofta förknippas med persuasive design på grund av dess brist på naturliga stoppsignaler och förmåga att forma användarvanor. En scrolling-liknande interaktion används i gestnavigering, vilket är en navigeringsmetod i mobila operativsystem. Denna uppsats undersöker gestnavigering i mobila operativsystem i anknytning till persuasive design. Syftet med uppsatsen är att besvara om gestnavigering påverkar mobilanvändning och om det finns en systematisk preferens för gestnavigering framför traditionell knappnavigering. För att besvara dessa frågor genomfördes en inventionsstudie. Deltagarna instruerades att ändra systemnavigering i tio dagar; varefter data om deras mobilanvändning samlades in. De insamlade uppgifterna analyserades för att avgöra om det förekom någon skillnad på mobilanvändandet efter bytet av systemnavigering och om det fanns en systematisk preferens för gestnavigering. Resultaten tydde inte på att gestnavigering påverkar mobilanvändning. Resultaten pekade däremot på en systematisk preferens för gestnavigering framför knappnavigering. Idén om en systematisk preferens för gestnavigering motiverar vidare forskning om preferensens bakomliggande mekanismer.

A catchy title : Exploring smartwatch activity notifications for supporting physical activity: A design science research study using persuasive design

Eriksson, Amanda January 2024 (has links)
The number of smartwatches is constantly growing and emerging in many different fields; fitness is one of the areas. To measure heart rate and other fitness-related metrics, smartwatches use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to generate real-time representations of the different metrics and provide activity notifications to encourage exercise. Feedback is essential for any learning process, and today, there is limited research on how to enable user interaction with smartwatches. This study is a design science research study focusing on how activity notifications can be designed to enable user interaction through a smartwatch with the help of persuasive design. The study resulted in seven guidelines (Minimize steps, Routine, Social deviance, Timing, Encouragement, Cognitive load, and Trigger) that were tested as a prototype through a Wizard of Oz test with smartwatch users. This study concludes the importance of not creating unhealthy behaviors and the importance of notifications that show at a suitable time, making it convenient for the user to interact. The results from this study will be valuable for developers of AI systems and smartwatches to increase a healthy population through more desirable and more tuned smartwatches.

Nudging och ’organized immaturity’ : En kvalitativ studie om konsumenters upplevelse av digital nudgings påverkan på deras autonomi / Nudging and ’organized immaturity’ : A qualitative study on consumers’ experiences of digital nudging’s impact on their autonomy

Larsin, Mimmi, Pihlaja, Marcus January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore to what extent consumers are aware of the negative forms of digital nudging in e-commerce contexts and to explore consumers’ opinions regarding the ethical dilemmas that this kind of design may cause. This aim resulted in two research questions. The first research question aimed to find out how consumers view nudging as a phenomenon in the context of e-commerce. The other research question aimed to find out what possible risks the participants see for their own and other consumers self-determination associated to nudging techniques on e-commerce websites. The theoretical framework in this study consisted of theories about organized immaturity and autonomy. To answer the research questions semi-structured interviews were conducted with six participants. The semi-structured interviews consisted of three parts, one part for background, one part for RQ1 and one part for RQ2. The interviews were later analysed using thematic analysis. The result of this study shows that the participants both see negatively and positively on nudging in an e-commerce context. They do not like when nudging is aggressive, but when it is not aggressive, they believe it can be helpful. The ethical dilemmas that the participants associate with nudging is that it can be manipulative and exploit the weakest in the society. In conclusion it is stated that the participants are more worried about others than themselves. Future research could compare nudging on different e-commerce platforms to observe how participants are affected by nudging.

Keep your screen happy: Improving the usability of screen time tracking apps

Pacherazova, Milena January 2019 (has links)
The adoption of technology in our daily activities increased the time that we spend in front of the screen and changed the way we communicate and work. In recent years, many big companies started to develop and implement screen time management tools in their products to educate the user on how to improve their digital health. Those tools are an important step in the process, they bring awareness and help the users to change their habits. Several studies have focused on screen time tracking apps but not from the design perspective. Therefore, this thesis aims to explore the design of screen time management apps by developing two prototypes, which were used to evaluate different design elements and features. The results of this thesis present a guideline on how to improve the design of the existing screen time tracking tools and what additional features could be added to fulfil their aim and encourage users to change their behaviour.

Designing for Behavior Change: Identifying design components that encourage and empower individuals to act in environmentally responsible ways

Shirey, Jennifer 01 May 2011 (has links)
Many designers today are creating communication materials that encourage individuals to change their behavior related to environmental issues. The problem is that people are often unaware of existing research on effective methods for these communications. For example, environmental psychologists have studied best practices for creating persuasive communications for several decades. During this yearlong master’s thesis project, I conducted my own research studies, exploring how the emotional tone and medium of a communication piece affect a person’s decision to change his or her behavior. My second goal was to connect designers to existing research in the fields of psychology, decision sciences, and persuasive technology. In the end, I created a roadmap to behavior change: a compilation of research from my own studies and existing literature. The roadmap includes observations and practical tips people can use when designing for environmental issues, as well as a set of ethical principles that should be followed when designing for behavior change. I believe that my work will help designers use communication to empower individuals with knowledge, encouraging them to begin and sustain a journey toward positive behavior change.

Persuasive design som medel för miljövänligt agerande : En studie om hur funktioner i miljöfrämjande mobilapplikationer kan motivera användare att agera miljövänligt / Persuasive design as a tool to encourage sustainable behaviour : A study about motivating users to act eco-friendly through persuasive mobile applications

Betzeki, Christina, Swedan, Leyla January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur en miljöfrämjande mobilapplikation kan motivera användare till att agera mer miljövänligt genom persuasiva designprinciper. I denna studie föreslås en uppsättning designprinciper att ha i åtanke vid utveckling av övertygande mobilapplikationer som syftar till miljövänliga beteendeförändringar. Det utvärderades tre existerande miljöfrämjande mobilapplikationer med hjälp av PSD-modellens designprinciper, varav en valdes ut för användarundersökningen. Totalt sex personer deltog i studien och fick testa den valda mobilapplikationen under en veckas tid, i syfte att bekanta sig med applikationens funktioner. I samband med detta fick deltagarna besvara en enkät med allmänna frågor kring deras miljövänliga vanor. Den slutliga fasen inkluderade intervjun, som innehöll frågor gällande deltagarnas åsikter om funktioner och motivationsfaktorer för att använda miljöfrämjande applikationer. Resultatet visade att designprinciperna belöning, individualisering, simulering, självkontroll, normativt inflytande, samarbete, social jämförelse, konkurrens och påminnelser hade störst inflytande på användarnas motivation att använda applikationen och agera miljövänligt. De utvalda designprinciperna berodde huvudsakligen på individuella, sociala och praktiska faktorer. / This study aims to investigate how an environmental mobile application can motivate users to act more eco-friendly by using persuasive design principles. In this study, we identify a set of key principles to consider when designing mobile persuasive technology in order to motivate and influence pro-environmental behavior change. We evaluated three existing mobile applications by using PSD design principles. After the evaluation, one mobile application was selected for usertesting, with a total of six participants. The participants received one week to get familiar with the application and its functionalities . Furthermore, the participants received a survey with general questions about their eco-friendly habits. The upcoming phase included the interview we conducted, which contained questions to bring forward the participants opinions about functions and motivation factors that could affect their usage of eco-friendly applications. The result showed that the design principles rewards, personalization, simulation, self-monitoring, normative influence, cooperation, social comparison, competition and reminders had the greatest influence on the users motivation to use the application and act eco-friendly. The reason of importance for the chosen design principles was mainly due to individual, social and practical factors.

Persuasive design ikontexten e-handel : Persuasive Systems Design-modellen som verktyg för utvärdering av Persuasive design-element inom området e-handel / Persuasive design in the context of e-commerce : The Persuasive Systems Design model as a tool for the evaluation of Persuasive design elements within the domain of e-commerce

Sydow, André, Wicklén, Gustav January 2015 (has links)
In this paper, we examine the persuasive design in e-commerce. This is an area with a strong representation of the design elements that can be classified as persuasive (Alhammand & Gulliver, 2014). Despite this, the spread of studies investigating persuasive design elements in e-commerce basically non-existent. We use the PSD model (Oinas-Kukkonen & Harjumaa, 2009) to identify the presence of persuasive design element on four e-commerce sites through quantitative mapping. The quantitative mapping allows us to carry out a qualitative study of the PSD model as a tool for the identification of these elements in the context of e-commerce sites. We could see that a majority of the design principles were found on the investigated e-commerce sites, the presence was highest among the design principles that is about the system's credibility, as well as those that guide the user to the intended target behavior. In the evaluation of PSD model, we identified direct dependencies between individual design principles and the need for user evaluations. We found some problems with interpreting the design principles to be applied to them in the context of e-commerce, which suggests that a clarification of designprincipera would be desirable. / I den här uppsatsen undersöker vi persuasive design inom e-handel. Detta är ett område som uppvisar en kraftig representation av design-element som kan klassificeras som persuasive (Alhammand & Gulliver, 2014). Trots detta så är utbredningen av studier som undersöker persuasive design-element inom e-handel i princip obefintlig. Vi använder oss av PSD-modellen (Oinas-Kukkonen & Harjumaa, 2009) för att identifiera förekomsten av persuasive design-element på fyra stycken e-handelsplatser genom en kvantitativ kartläggning. Den kvantitativa kartläggningen gör vi för att kunna genomföra en kvalitativ undersökning av PSD-modellen som verktyg för identifiering av dessa element i kontexten e-handelsplatser. Vi kunde se att en majoritet av designprinciperna återfanns på de undersökta e-handelsplatserna, förekomsten var högst hos de designprinciper som handlar om systemets kredibilitet samt de som guidar användaren till det tänkta målbeteendet. I utvärderingen av PSD-modellen identifierade vi direkta beroenden mellan enskilda designprinciper och ett behov av användarutvärderingar. Vi fann vissa problem med att tolka designprinciperna för att kunna appliceras dem på kontexten e-handelsplats, vilket talar för att ett förtydligande av designprincipera skulle kunna vara eftersträvansvärt.

Zvyšování obchodní výkonnosti webu / Increasing business performance of website

Knopp, Filip January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the improving of website business performance through the optimization with a focus on user experience. Its concern is not how to accumulate more traffic to the website but rather how to motivate website users, persuade and help them achieve desired goals. The aim is to introduce the concept of User Experience (UX) and Conversion Optimization (CRO). Further on, to suggest a general process of the website optimization focused on user experience and to apply this procedure in a case study. The contribution of this thesis is to link the UX/CRO concepts that provide users with a positive brand experience and allow organizations a sustainable competitive advantage, differentiation and higher marketing ROI.

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