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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caracterização farmacognóstica da droga e do extrato fluído de limoeiro-bravo - Siparuna apiosyce (Martius) A. D.C. / Pharmacognosy od Siparuna apiosyce (Martius) A. DC (´limoeiro-bravo´) - plant drug and fluid extract

Dominique Corinne Hermine Fischer 09 September 1997 (has links)
Siparuna apiosyce (Mart.) A. DC, espécie vegetal aromática da família Monimiaceae Jussieu, encontrada no sudeste brasileiro, conhecida vulgarmente como \"limão-bravo\", é planta medicinal de uso popular. As folhas são empregadas em problemas gástricos e respiratórios. A espécie consta na primeira edição da Farmacopéia Brasileira, sob a denominação \"limoeiro-bravo\", sendo-considerada a folha, como parte usada. Efetuou-se análise macro e miscroscópica de folha e de caule para fins de identificação da droga inteira, em análises de rotina. O estudo microscópico incluiu folha, na forma pulverizada. Empregaram-se as técnicas usuais de análise. Elaboraram-se desenhos esquemáticos e em detalhe das estruturas microscópicas. As descrições são, igualmente, acompanhadas de fotografias e de fotomicrografias. Efetuou-se análise comparativa de folha e desta em mistura com caule, na proporção naturalmente encontrada no vegetal, tendo-se realizado a determinação de parâmetros físico e químico, abordagem fitoquímica e estudo cromatográfico em camada delgada de ambos. Realizou-se avaliação da atividade antimicrobiana dos extratos fluidos frente a Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus e Candida albicans. Foi determinado o teor de óleo essencial presente em folha e em fruto da espécie. Considerando a comercialização da droga, na forma de extrato fluido, estes foram preparados, pelo processo de percolação fracionada (processo \"C\"), segundo a Farmacopéia Brasileira II, a partir das partes aéreas, anteriormente referidas. Efetuou-se a determinação comparativa, para ambos os extratos fluidos, de parâmetros físicos e químico e análise cromatográfica em camada delgada. Para o estudo químico foram elaborados os extratos hexânico, diclorometânico e etanólico, com vistas ao isolamento de componentes de folha e caule. Com o resíduo etanólico efetuou-se processo de extração de alcalóides. O resíduo hexânico e o resíduo bruto de alcalóides foram submetidos à separação por coluna cromatográfica. As frações resultantes foram cromatografadas em camada delgada, tendo sido reunidas aquelas de comportamento cromatográfico semelhante. Posteriormente, efetuaram-se procedimentos específicos para o isolamento de compostos. Entre os vários componentes obtidos, dois foram identificados, por via espectral, tendo sido o estigmasterol e o alcalóide noraporfínico asimilobina. Espectros das substâncias (I.V., RMN 1H, RMN 13C, RMN 13C - DEPT 135º e HETCOR) acompanham o trabalho. / Siparuna apiosyce (Mart.) A. DC., an aromatic medicinal specie of southest Brazil, commonly known as \"limão - bravo\", is traditionally used to treat gastric and pulmonary diseases. The leaves are included in the first edition of the Brazilian Pharmacopeia and officially named \"limoeiro-bravo\". Macro and microscopical descriptions and analysis were made, concerning leaves and twigs. It was performed by usual techniques. Photographies (macro and microscopical analysis) and drawings follow the descriptions. Comparative assays were made considering leaves and twigs with leaves. The author determined physical and chemical parameters, followed by phytochemical screening and thin layer chromatography profile. The respective fluid extrats were prepared by fractionated percolation, as directed under second edition of the Brazilian Pharmacopeia. Physical and chemical parameters and antimicrobial activity of fluid extract. were determined. Essential oil content of leaf and fruit were obtained. Twigs and leaves were extracted by percolation and successively with n-hexane, dichlorometane and ethanol. Extraction procedures for alkaloidal content was performed, with the ethanolic residue, by traditional methods. The hexanic residue and the concentrated alkaloidal phase were submitted to chromatographic column techniques. Specific procedures were applyed for the component isolation. Two compounds were identified by spectrometric determination: stigmasterol and the noraporphine asimilobine alkaloid. This work include RMN 1H, RMN 13C,DEPT 1350and HETCOR spectra.

Estudo farmacognóstico do cambucá \'plinia edulis\' (Vell.) sobral myrtaceae / Pharmacognostic study of the cambucá <Plinia edulis (Veel.) Sobral Myrtaceae

Tati Ishikawa 18 February 2004 (has links)
Plinia edulis (Myrtaceae), popularmente conhecida como cambucá, é espécie medicinal empregada no tratamento de afecções da garganta por populações caiçaras. O trabalho teve como objetivo aprimorar o conhecimento da planta sob os aspectos farmacobotânicos, fitoquímicos e farmacológicos. O extrato hidroetanólico liofilizado, preparado com suas folhas, apresentou: classes de substâncias de interesse farmacológico (flavonóides 0,99% e taninos 31,35%); atividade antioxidante elevada no modelo de medida de produção do malonildialdeído, com Q1/2 de 0,21 &#181;g/mL; atividade antiúlcera extremamente significativa no modelo de indução por etanol acidificado, reduzindo o Índice de Lesão Ulcerativa (81,5%), a Área Total de Lesão (97,9%) e a Área Relativa de Lesão (97,6%), comparativamente ao controle, com prévia administração de uma dose de 400 mg/kg, por via oral. O extrato não inibiu o crescimento de Aspergillus niger e Candida albicans na concentração de até 2.000 &#181;g/mL e não inibiu o crescimento de Escherichia coli e Staphylococcus aureus na concentração de até 1.000 &#181;g/mL. Na avaliação de toxicidade aguda, não provocou a morte de nenhum animal no período de ensaio, com uma concentração de até 5.000 mg/kg. A triagem fitoquímica da droga vegetal permitiu detectar flavonóides, taninos, saponinas e óleo volátil. O rendimento de óleo volátil, extraído de folhas frescas, foi de 0,02% (v/m) e sua análise evidenciou como componentes majoritários o epi-&#945;-cadinol (21,72%), &#945;-cadinol (20,22%) e trans-cariofileno (14,19%). As características macro e microscópicas importantes na identificação da droga vegetal foram: folhas cartáceas, lanceoladas, com 14 a 17 cm de comprimento e 4 a 6 cm de largura, nervura mediana evidente e pontos translúcidos no limbo; mesofilo dorsiventral, idioblastos arredondandos em número de 2 a 4 perpendiculares à face adaxial contendo drusas ou cristais prismáticos; folhas hipoestomáticas, com estômatos predominantemente anomocíticos; cavidades secretoras presentes em ambas as faces recobertas por um par de células com parede comissural ligeiramente sinuosa. Fotomicrografias ilustram o trabalho. / Plinia edulis (Myrtaceae), popularly known as cambucá, belongs to the medicinal species employed in the treatment of throat affections by the caiçaras (communities of fishermen families living on coastal towns). This work aims to improve the knowledge of the plant considering its pharmacobotanical, phytochemical and pharmacological aspects. The lyophilized hydroethanolic extract of the leaves showed substances with pharmacological interest (flavonoids 0.99% and tannins 31.35%); elevated antioxidant activity at malondialdehyde production measure model, with Q1/2 of 0.21 &#181;g/mL; extremely significant antiulcer activity at the acidified ethanol induction model, being able to decrease the Ulcerative Lesion Indices (81.5%), the Total Lesion Area (97.9%) and the Relative Lesion Area (97.6%), comparatively to the control, with previous oral administration of 400 mg/kg. The extract did not inhibit either the growth of Aspergillus Niger and Candida albicans in a concentration of 2,000 &#181;g/mL or the growth of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus in a concentration of 1,000 &#181;g/mL. At the acute toxicity evaluation, no animals died at the oral administration assay of 5,000 mg/kg of extract. The phytochemical screening of the vegetal drug showed the presence of flavonoids, tannins, saponins and volatile oil. The content of volatile oil in fresh leaves was 0.02% (v/m) and the analysis showed, as main components, the epi-&#945;-cadinol (21.72%), &#945-cadinol (20.22%) and trans-caryophyllene (14.19%). The most important characteristics to the vegetal drug identification were: chartaceous lanceolates leaves 14 to 17 cm long and 4 to 6 cm wide, evident midvein and translucent spots at the lamina, dorsiventral mesophyll, circular idioblasts in number of 2 to 4, perpendicularly to the adaxial surface, with druses or prismatic crystals, hypostomatic leaves, with anomocytic stomata predominantly, secretory cavities in both faces recovered by two cells with the comissural wall slightly sinuous. Photomicrographs illustrated the work.

Estudo farmacognóstico e farmacológico de Syzygium jambos (L.) Alston / Pharmacognosy and pharmacological study of Syzygium jambos (L.) Alston

Raquel dos Santos Donatini 30 October 2003 (has links)
O jambeiro (Syzygium jambos (L.) Alston) constitui uma das diversas espécies frutíferas e medicinais pertencentes à família Myrtaceae. Popularmente, são atribuídas ao jambo propriedades antidiabética, antitussígena e contra dores de cabeça. A caracterização farmacobotânica da droga constituída de folhas foi realizada através de análise macro e microscópica, buscando características peculiares com objetivo de contribuir na identificação da droga vegetal. A triagem fitoquímica da droga indicou a presença de flavonóides, taninos e óleo volátil. O extrato hidroetanólico a 70%, obtido através de percolação, foi concentrado e liofilizado. O teor de taninos verificado na droga e no extrato foi de 21,9% e 43,3%, respectivamente. A droga apresentou 0,6% de flavonóides totais e o extrato, 1,2%. O extrato foi fracionado por solventes de polaridades diferentes (clorofórmio, acetato de etila, etanol e etanol a 50%). O perfil cromatográfico foi determinado para o extrato e frações. A toxicidade aguda foi avaliada através da administração oral do extrato a camundongos, em dose única de 5 g/kg. Como houve mortes, foi determinada a DL50 através da administração de 5 doses crescentes de extrato. O valor de DL50 encontrado foi de 4,68 g/kg. A atividade antimicrobiana do extrato foi avaliada através da determinação de concentração mínima inibitória (CMI) pelo método de diluição em meio líquido em tubos. Os microrganismos utilizados foram S. aureus, E. coli, A. niger e C. albicans. O extrato mostrou-se eficaz apenas contra S. aureus, apresentando CMI entre 200 e 300 &#181;g/mL. A avaliação da atividade antiúlcera do extrato e das frações foi realizada através de indução aguda por etanol acidificado. O extrato, administrado na dose de 400 mg/kg, apresentou resultados extremamente significativos nas ulcerações de nível III (hemorrágicas). As frações etanólica e clorofórmica mostraram-se efetivas nas ulcerações de nível II e III. A atividade antioxidante foi testada através da medida da velocidade de produção de malonildialdeído na lipoperoxidação espontânea de homogenato de cérebro de ratos. O extrato de S. jambos apresentou Q1/2=0,165 &#181;g/mL. / Syzygium jambos (L.) Alston, Myrtaceae, is commonly employed in folk medicine to treat diabetes, cough and headaches. Dried leaves were morphologic and anatomically studied. Phytochemical screening of the powdered dried leaves indicates the presence of flavonoids, tannins and essential Gil. Hydroethanolic extracts (70%) were prepared by percolation and freeze-drying. The tannin content of dried leaves and extract was, respectively, 21,9% and 43,3%. The flavanoid content was 0,6% (dried leaves) and 1,2% (extract). Acute toxicity studies were performed afier oral administration of the leaf extract to mice, at a dose of 5 g/kg. The LD50 value for the extract (oral administration of five different doses) was 4,68 g/kg. The dilution method was used to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of S. jambos extract against Staphylococcus aureus strain ATCC 6538, Escherichia coli strain ATCC 10536, Candida albicans strain ATCC 10231, Aspergillus niger strain ATCC 16404. Hydroethanolic extract of leaves of S. jambos inhibited the growth of S. aureus (200 < MIC < 300 &#181;g/mL), but had no activity against E. coli, A. niger and C. albicans at 1000 &#181;g/mL. Previous oral administration of S. jambos extract (400 mg/kg) reduced significantly gastric injury induced by HCl/ethanol. In vitro antioxidant activity of S. jambos extract was evaluated by malondialdehyde (MOA) measure in a method based on the inhibition of spontaneous lipid peroxidation of brain homogenates. The Q1/2 value for the extract was 0,165&#181;g/mL.

Recherche de composés cytotoxiques dans la biodiversité végétale de la Nouvelle-Calédonie / Research of cytotoxic compounds in the plant biodiversity of New Caledonia

Thieury, Charlotte 19 April 2016 (has links)
Aussi ancienne que la conscience humaine, la correspondance entre les plantes et leurs vertus thérapeutiques est connue. Une analyse de nos pharmacopées montre qu’encore aujourd’hui l’Homme va chercher ces médicaments dans la nature. Cette étude sur les substances anticancéreuses s’est attachée à valoriser la nature comme source de nouvelles substances dites « leads », composés bioactifs qui sont les chefs de file à la base du développement du médicament.La première partie de cette étude s’est attachée à la pharmacomodulation d’une molécule naturelle anticancéreuse issue d’une plante localement connue. 23 dérivés de flavokavaïnes (FKD) ont été synthétisés pour permettre d’améliorer la compréhension des exigences structurelles nécessaires pour une cytotoxicité et une sélectivité optimale via une étude de RSA. Six molécules ont montré des améliorations importantes en terme d’activité et de sélectivité. L’étude de leurs mécanismes d'action a révélé que les FKD induisaient un arrêt du cycle cellulaire variable selon le statut p53 des lignées ainsi qu’une apoptose. Les délais d’action des FKD dépendaient du statut Akt/mTOR des lignées cancéreuses. La seconde partie de cette étude s’est attachée à l’exploration phytochimique de plantes endémiques de la Nouvelle-Calédonie en vue de découvrir de nouvelles sources de molécules cytotoxiques. Un criblage des activités cytotoxiques a permis de mettre en évidence des activités intéressantes chez Diospyros olen, Meiogyne baillonii et de plusieurs espèces de Soulamea. Un travail de phytochimie a permis d’isoler de nombreuses molécules dont trois nouvelles : la sapranthine H et les macrocarpasines A et B. L’aristolactame BII et l’elliptinone présentaient des activités cytotoxiques fortes. L’aristolactame BII s’est avérée entrainé un arrêt du cycle cellulaire dépendant du statut p53 des lignées cancéreuses.Ce travail de valorisation est indispensable dans un objectif de protection d’une biodiversité menacée comme l’est celle de la Nouvelle-Calédonie pour permettre la mise en place de programmes de sauvegarde. / As old as human consciousness, correspondence between plants and their healing properties is known. An analysis of our pharmacopoeia shows that even now humans seek these drugs in nature. This study on anticancer drugs has focused on valuing nature as a source of new substances named "leads", bioactive compounds that are at the base of drug development.The first part of this study focused on the pharmacomodulation of a natural anticancer molecule from a locally-known plant. 23 flavokawain derivatives (FKD) were synthesized to improve the understanding of the structural requirements necessary for optimal selectivity and cytotoxicity via an SAR study. Six molecules have shown significant improvements in terms of activity and selectivity. The study of their mechanisms of action revealed that FKD induced a variable cell cycle arrest depending on the p53 status of cancer cell lines as well as apoptosis. The action delays of FKD depended of Akt/mTor status of cancer cell lines. The second part of this study focused on the phytochemical exploration of new caledonian endemic plants to discover new sources of cytotoxic molecules. The ccreening of cytotoxic activities helped to highlight interesting activities in Diospyros olen, Meiogyne baillonii and several species of Soulamea. A phytochemistry work led to the isolation of many molecules including three news: sapranthine H and macrocarpasines A and B. Aristolactame BII and elliptinone exhibited strong cytotoxic activity. Aristolactame BII led to a cell cycle arrest depending on the p53 status of cancer cell lines.This valuation work is essential in an objective of protecting an endangered biodiversity like it’s the case in New Caledonia to allow the establishment of backup programs.

Analyses de lichens par spectrométrie de masse : déréplication et histolocalisation / Mass spectrometric analyses of lichens : from dereplication to histolocalization

Le Pogam-Alluard, Pierre 09 September 2016 (has links)
Les lichens, organismes symbiotiques associant un champignon et un partenaire photosynthétique (algue verte et/ou cyanobactérie), sont caractérisés par la biosynthèse de métabolites secondaires uniques dotés de bioactivités variées. Pour valoriser au mieux cette ressource privilégiée, des méthodes innovantes de spectrométrie de masse ont été développées dans le but de minimiser la préparation de l’échantillon et la durée des analyses. Deux techniques de spectrométrie de masse ont été évaluées en ce sens : le DART-MS et le LDI-MS. L’apport de chacune de ces deux méthodes a pu être établi sur un large panel de lichens, représentant une part importante de l’espace chimique couvert par ces organismes. Il a été démontré que des profils chimiques complets pouvaient être obtenus respectivement à partir de thalles lichéniques et d’extraits acétoniques totaux. Compte tenu de la très large utilisation de la CCM pour l’analyse chimique de lichens, les possibilités offertes par le couplage de la CCM à l’ionisation electrospray ont également été explorées. Une seconde partie de ces travaux avait pour but de cartographier la distribution des métabolites secondaires au sein du thalle lichénique. À ces fins, des analyses d’imagerie LDI ont été réalisées sur une coupe transversale d’un lichen crustacé modèle : Ophioparma ventosa. Ce lichen a été étudié en phytochimie pour identifier six napthopyranones à partir des apothécies dont quatre nouvelles structures. Les principaux métabolites de ce lichen ont pu être imagés par LDI-MSI avec une résolution spatiale de 50 μm environ. Une corrélation entre la distribution des molécules et leur rôle écologique présumé permet d’avancer des hypothèses d’écologie chimique. Des approches conjointes reliant histolocalisation et étude génétique des partenaires de la symbiose ont été entreprises. La recherche des gènes de la biosynthèse de la mycosporine sérinol chez les symbiontes isolés de Lichina pygmaea par microdissection capture laser a été initiée en ce sens. D’autres approches innovantes comme l’analyse cristallographique par diffraction de poudre par les rayons X sont également abordées dans ce document articulé autour de six publications issues de ce travail et de deux articles en cours de soumission. / Lichens are self-sustaining symbiotic partnerships comprising a fungus associated with a green alga and/or a cyanobacteria. This consortium produces unique secondary metabolites that are endowed with various biological activities. To harness this privileged chemodiversity, innovative mass spectrometry techniques were developed in the course of this study to accelerate the dereplicative holdup through both a minimal sample preparation and a decrease of the time of analysis. Two approaches were considered during this work: DART-MS and LDI-MS and their adequacy for lichen dereplication was assessed on a vast array of samples encompassing a wide range of metabolites. Both of them facilitated complete chemical profiles, respectively from unprocessed lichen material and crude acetone extracts. Since TLC still enjoys a wide-spread popularity among lichenologists, the advantages offered by TLC-ESI-MS hyphenation were evaluated as well. A second part of this manuscript focused on the histolocalization of lichen metabolites. For this purpose, LDI mass spectrometry imaging studies were undertaken on the crustose lichen Ophioparma ventosa. The phytochemical investigation of this species afforded the isolation of six naphthopyranones from its apothecia, four of them being new molecules. LDI-MSI revealed the distribution patterns of all the main metabolites of this lichen, reaching a spatial resolution of 50 μm. Most interestingly, the distribution pattern of imaged metabolites within the thallus is highly organized and is related to their ecological relevance. Joint strategies combining histolocalization and genetic investigation of lichen symbionts separated using laser capture microdissection were also considered. As such, an investigation of the biosynthesis of mycosporine serinol within Lichina pygmaea dissociated symbionts was initiated. Further analytical strategies such as X-ray powder diffraction are introduced in this thesis that contains six publications and two drafts to be submitted.


Eckenrode, Joseph Michael 01 January 2019 (has links)
Introduction: Genetic rearrangements in Ewing sarcoma, prostate, and leukemia cells result in activation of oncogenic ETS transcription factor fusions. Mithramycin (MTM) has been identified as an inhibitor of EWS-FLI1 transcription factor, a gene fusion product responsible for oncogenesis in Ewing sarcoma. Despite preclinical success, a phase I/II clinical trial testing MTM therapy in refractory Ewing sarcoma was terminated. Liver and blood toxicities resulted in dose de-escalation and sub-therapeutic exposures. However, the promise of selectively targeting oncogenic ETS transcription factors like EWS-FLI1 prompted us to undertake the discovery of more selective, less toxic analogues of MTM. MTM is a potent inhibitor of ubiquitous SP1 transcription factor, likely inducing non-specific toxicity. In collaboration with two medicinal chemistry groups, two semi-synthetic efforts were implemented to develop novel analogues of MTM. The first effort utilized the biosynthetic product mithramycin SA (MTMSA) to modify C3-side chain. The second effort utilized an oxime linker directly formed on MTM’s C3-side chain (MTM-oxime; MTMox). Here I present the pharmacological assessment of over 75 novel MTM analogues towards selectively targeting oncogenic ETS transcription factors, like EWS-FLI1, over ubiquitous transcription factors, like SP1. Methods: Novel MTM analogues were evaluated for selective cytotoxicity against ETS fusion-dependent cell lines. Selectively cytotoxic analogues were evaluated for inhibitory effects on several gene promoters in TC-32 reporter cell lines, a Ewing sarcoma cell line dependent on EWS-FLI1, transfected with luciferase reporter vector. Cloned reporter vectors incorporated NR0B1 (EWS-FLI1 binding), β-actin (SP1 binding) and CMV (non-specific) gene promoters. Furthermore, gene (mRNA) and protein expression changes of EWS-FLI1 and SP1, as well as regulated target genes, namely NR0B1, VEGFA and BCL-2 were evaluated with MTM analogue treatments. The MTM analogues with most selective activity in vitro were administered to mice by intravenous bolus dose for pharmacokinetic analysis. The MTM analogues with highest systemic exposure from each semi-synthetic effort, namely MTMSA-Trp-A10 and MTMox-24, were further evaluated. Metabolic stabilities in whole blood, plasma, and tumor cell matrices, and across multiple species were compared with MTM. Moreover, intrinsic hepatic clearances were estimated using mouse liver microsomes. Tumor and liver distributions were estimated in tumor bearing mice. Additionally, the effect of organic anionic transporter polypeptides (OATP) on distribution of MTM was investigated. Maximum tolerated doses were evaluated for lead MTM analogues, having both selective activities in vitro and high systemic exposure, compared to MTM. Complete blood cell counts and plasma alanine aminotransferase activity were measured to evaluate dose-dependent blood and liver toxicities, respectively. ETS fusion-dependent and non-dependent cell lines were implanted subcutaneously into immunocompromised mice for efficacy studies. Average tumor volumes and survival were tracked for mice receiving treatment, compared to MTM and vehicle treatment. Results: Evaluation of MTM analogues from both semi-synthetic efforts revealed that conjugation of MTM C3-side chain with tryptophan (Trp) and/or phenylalanine (Phe) improved selective cytotoxicity against ETS fusion-dependent cell lines. This was highlighted by MTMSA-Trp-A2 (also refer to as MTMSA-Phe-Trp) and MTMSA-Trp-A10 (also refer to as MTMSA-Trp-Trp), with selective indices of 19.1 and 15.6, respectively, compared to MTM (1.5). Similarly, MTMox-23 (also refer to as MTMox-Phe-Trp) and MTMox-20 (also refer to as MTMox-Trp) had selectivity indices of 4.6 and 4.5, respectively. These selectively cytotoxic MTM analogues inhibited EWS-FLI1-mediated transcription 10-fold more effectively than both non-specific CMV-mediated and SP1-mediated (via β-actin promoter) transcription in TC-32 reporter cell lines. Moreover, gene (mRNA) and protein expression of EWS-FLI1 and regulated gene, NR0B1, were inhibited with MTM analogue treatment (GI50, 6-hour) in TC-32 cells. Similarly, SP1 and target genes, VEGFA and BCL-2, gene (mRNA) and protein expressions were also inhibited with MTM analogue treatment (GI50, 6-hour) in TC-32 cells. Conjugation of Trp and/or Phe to C3-side chain of MTM increased systemic exposure in vivo. Most impressively, the addition of two Trp residues, namely MTMSA-Trp-A10 and MTMox-24 (also refer to as MTMox-Trp-Trp), resulted in systemic exposure increases of 218- and 42-fold, respectively, after intravenous (IV) bolus dose. Metabolically, tryptophan/phenylalanine conjugated MTM analogues are liable to esterase activity on carboxy-methyl functional group. Very rapid de-methylation in biological matrix was observed with MTMox-24, compared to MTMSA-Trp-A10, suggesting a regiospecific effect. However, esterase activity was limited to rodent matrices and demethylation occurred at significantly diminished rates in non-human primate and human plasma. MTM analogues were not susceptible to p450-mediated metabolism, with negligible loss in mouse liver microsome assay compared to verapamil control. MTM (1mg/kg) and MTMox-24 (6mg/kg) were detected in subcutaneously implanted (flank) LL2 tumors and liver homogenates after IV bolus dose. Interestingly, MTMSA-Trp-A10 (2mg/kg) was not. Despite a 3-fold increase in systemic exposure with rifampin oral pretreatment, an OATP inhibitor, exposure of MTM was unaffected in Oatp knockout mouse model. Exposure of MTM in liver tissue was 8.4-fold higher compared to tumor tissue with low tissue clearance. This agrees with the lack of metabolism observed in liver microsomes and may provide a mechanism for clinically observed liver toxicity. MTMSATrp-A10 had a single maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of 0.75mg/kg, compared to 1mg/kg for MTM, administered by IV bolus. In contrast, MTM-oxime analogues (MTMox-20, -23, -24 and -25) had single maximum tolerated doses of 20 – 25mg/kg. These increased tolerances are the result of additive differences in whole blood stability, cytotoxicity and systemic exposure. At a dose of 0.75mg/kg, administered every 3 days, MTMSA-Trp-A10 did not result in an efficacious result in tumor xenograft studies. These studies remain under further investigation, but the result may indicate high plasma protein binding of MTMSA-Trp-A10 and lack of free fraction available within tumor. The most selective MTM-oxime analogue in vitro, MTMox-23, significantly inhibited TC-32 (EWS-FLI1+) tumor xenograft growth (p=0.0025, day 16, one-way ANOVA multiple comparisons test) compared to MTM (p=0.1174, day 16) and extending survival for 17 days out of 48 days on study (p=0.0003, Log Rank (Mantel-Cox) single comparison test) with treatment at MTD every 3 days, compared to vehicle. Additionally, the MTM-oxime analogue with highest systemic exposure, MTMox-24, also significantly inhibited TC-32 (EWS-FLI1+) tumor xenograft growth (p=0.0003, day 21, one-way ANOVA multiple comparisons test) compared to MTM (p=0.032, day 21) and extending survival for 12 days out of 37 days on study (p=0.0004, Log Rank (Mantel-Cox) single comparison test) with treatment, compared to vehicle. Conclusion: These studies in whole highlight the importance of exposure (pharmacokinetics; PK), toxicity and efficacy (pharmacodynamics; PD) relationships. The cytotoxicity and high systemic exposure of MTMSA-Trp-A10 directly contributes to its lower tolerated dose. However, despite a similar tolerated dose to MTM, systemic exposure remains 163-fold higher at the MTD. High systemic exposure may be attributed to high plasma protein binding, but also reduces the exposure of free MTMSA-Trp-A10 within the tumor tissue, which drives the efficacious response. In contrast, the less cytotoxic and rapidly de-methylated MTM-oxime analogues allow for 25-fold higher tolerances in mice. This unique metabolism and clearance may prevent exposures required to induced systemic blood and liver toxicities induced by MTM. Moreover, at these highly tolerated doses, the initial systemic exposure at MTD is highest among analogues tested, which resulted in an efficacious response with MTMox-23 and MTMox-24 treatment in tumor xenograft models. It remains to be determined if these PK/PD relationships can be reproduced in additional animal models, including human, without inducing toxicity. Nonetheless, these initial studies in mice demonstrate that a more selective, more tolerated analogue of MTM has potential for clinical success in treating ETS fusion-dependent tumors.

Chemoenzymatic Studies to Enhance the Chemical Space of Natural Products

Chen, Jhong-Min 01 January 2015 (has links)
Natural products provide some of the most potent anticancer agents and offer a template for new drug design or improvement with the advantage of an enormous chemical space. The overall goal of this thesis research is to enhance the chemical space of two natural products in order to generate novel drugs with better in vivo bioactivities than the original natural products. Polycarcin V (PV) is a gilvocarcin-type antitumor agent with similar structure and comparable bioactivity with the principle compound of this group, gilvocarcin V (GV). Modest modifications of the polyketide-derived tetracyclic core of GV had been accomplished, but the most challenging part was to modify the sugar moiety. In order to solve this problem, PV was used as an alternative lead-structure for modification because its sugar moiety offered the possibility of enzymatic O-methylation. We produced four PV derivatives with different methylation patterns for cytotoxicity assays and provided important structure-activity-relationship information. Mithramycin (MTM) is the most prominent member of the aureolic acid type anticancer agents. Previous work in our laboratory generated three MTM analogues, MTM SA, MTM SK, and MTM SDK by inactivating the mtmW gene. We developed new MTM analogues by coupling many natural and unnatural amino acids to the C-3 side chain of MTM SA via chemical semi-synthesis and successfully made some compounds with both improved bioactivity and in vivo tolerance than MTM. Some of them were consequently identified as promising lead-structures against Ewing’s sarcoma. The potential of selectively generating novel MTM analogues led us to focus on a key enzyme in the biosynthetic pathway of mithramycin, MtmC. This protein is a bifunctional enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of TDP-D-olivose and TDP-D-mycarose. We clarified its enzymatic mechanisms by X-ray diffraction of several crystal complexes of MtmC with its biologically relevant ligands. Two more important post-PKS tailoring enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of the MTM side chains, MtmW and MtmGIV, are currently under investigation. This would not only give us insight into this biosynthetic pathway but also pave the way to develop potentially useful MTM analogues by engineered enzymes.

Prevenção do dano fotooxidativo à pele por tratamento tópico com extrato da raiz de Pothomorphe umbellata L. Miq / Prevention of photo-oxidative damage to the skin for topical treatment with root extract of Phothomorphe umbellata L. Miq

Ropke, Cristina Dislich 29 May 2003 (has links)
Entre as estratégias de fotoproteção encontra-se a inibição da formação e/ou o seqüestro de radicais livres e espécies reativas de oxigênio geradas em conseqüência da exposição à radiação UV, mediante aplicação tópica de antioxidantes. No presente trabalho avaliou-se a permeação cutânea e o efeito da aplicação tópica de um extrato de Pothomorphe umbellata nos efeitos da exposição aguda e crônica à radiação ultravioleta, na pele de camundongos sem pêlo. No estudo de permeação cutânea foram testadas três formulações (gel, gel-creme e creme) contendo o princípio ativo do extrato (4-nerolidilcatecol) isolado. Também foram testadas duas formulações (gel, e gel-creme) contendo o extrato hidroalcoólico liofilizado de Pothomorphe umbellata, quanto à permeação do princípio ativo 4-nerolidilcatecol. A formulação gel tanto para o princípio ativo isolado, quanto para o princípio ativo presente no extrato, apresentou o melhor desempenho, sendo o gel o veículo escolhido para preparação da formulação utilizada nos ensaios de exposição crônica e aguda à radiação ultravioleta. Nos estudos de exposição aguda à radiação UVB não foram observadas alterações significativas nos níveis de ácido ascórbico e na atividade enzimática, mas sim uma redução de 40% (p<0,01) na concentração de &#945;-tocoferol na pele do grupo de. camundongos sem pêlo, controle irradiado. No grupo tratado com P. umbellata, o &#945;-tocoferol foi totalmente preservado, quando comparado aos níveis encontrados no grupo controle não irradiado (&#8776;100%, p>0,05). No estudo de exposição crônica dos camundongos sem pêlo à radiação ultravioleta, os grupos irradiados que não receberam tratamento com gel de P. umbellata apresentaram a pele fotoenvelhecida. O grupo irradiado e tratado com o gel de Pothomorphe umbellata não apresentou diferença significativa em relação ao grupo controle não irradiado, o que demostra que o extrato de Pothomorphe umbellata pode ser empregado com sucesso como agente foto protetor tópico no fotoenvelhecimento da pele. / Topical administration of antioxidants provides an efficient way to enrich the endogenous antioxidant system and thus may be a successful strategy for diminishing ultraviolet radiation-mediated oxidative damage in the skin. The Brazilian Flora is rich in medicinal plants with a high potential to provide these antioxidant substances. Crude dried root ethanolic extracts of Pothomorphe umbellata, from the piperaceae family, demonstrated a significant activity in the prevention of in vitro spontaneous brain lipid peroxidation. This activity was attributed to 4-nerolidylcathecol, a compound isolated from the hexane extracts of roots and leaves of P. umbellata. In this work we evaluated the influence of topical application of P. umbellata root extract gel, containing 0,1% of 4-nerolidylcathecol, on the antioxidant network in ultraviolet-induced oxidative damage in hairless mouse skin. In this study we evaluated the influence of three different formulations (gel, gel-emulsion and emulsion) on the percutaneous absorption of 4-nerolidylcathecol, an antioxidant compound isolated from Pothomorphe umbellata root extracts. Also the absorption of the isolated 4-nerolidylcathecol was compared with its absorption when dried Pothomorphe umbellata root ethanolic extract was incorporated in gel and gel-emulsion formulations. The 4-nerolidylcathecolgel formulation presented the higher rate of penetration, leading to higher dry drug levels in the tissue.4-nerolidylcathecol was also absorbed in biological conditions and was stable when exposed to UV-irradiation. The UV-irradiation had no influence on ascorbic acid levels, or on the antioxidant enzymes activities, but topical P. umbellata treatment protected &#945;-tocopherol from depletion after UV-irradiation. After UV-irradiation &#945;-tocopherol concentration decreased significantly (&#8776;40%, p<0.01) in irradiated control groups, while in the P. umbellata treated group, a-tocopherol was totally preserved (&#8776;100%, p>0.05). We also tested the extract activity on animals chronically exposed to UV-radiation. The extract was able to prevent photoaging of the irradiated animals skin. These data demonstrate that P. umbellata may successfully employed as a topical photoprotective agent.

Estudo farmacognóstico comparativo de Passiflora alata Curtis e Passiflora nítida Kunth (Passifloraceae). Avaliação das atividades antiúlcera e antioxidante dos seus extratos / Comparative pharmacognostic study of Passiflora alata Curtis and P. nitida Kunth (Passifloraceae). Evaluation of antiulcer and antioxidant activities of its extracts

Wasicky, André 15 October 2007 (has links)
Passiflora alata Curtis e P. nitida Kunth, espécies brasileiras, foram submetidas ao estudo farmacognóstico comparativo. P. alata tem sido utilizada há tempos na medicina tradicional e em preparações farmacêuticas. No estudo farmacobotânico, as folhas das duas espécies apresentaram semelhança na forma, no tamanho e na ausência de indumento. Diferem quanto ao número de glândulas peciolares. P. alata apresenta geralmente dois pares de glândulas e P. nitida, um par. Anatomicamente, as duas espécies mostraram características comuns ao gênero Passiflora: mesofilo dorsiventral; drusas no mesofilo, na nervura mediana, na região cortical, medular e floemática do caule; feixes vasculares colaterais. Embora as duas espécies apresentem nervura mediana biconvexa, a de P. alata evidencia as carenas pronunciadamente salientes, principalmente na face abaxial. Outro aspecto diferencial observa-se na forma do caule: em P. alata é quadrangular e, em P. nitida, arredondada. A seqüência de tecidos assemelha-se, com exceção do maior desenvolvimento de colênquima nas arestas de P. alata. A triagem fitoquímica evidenciou a presença de flavonóides nas duas espécies e a ausência de alcalóides em ambas, tanto na droga vegetal quanto nos extratos. Formação de espuma persistente foi observada com a droga vegetal preparada com P. alata. A hemólise foi observada com a droga e o extrato desta espécie. Os flavonóides foram quantificados como 0,42% &#177; 0,01 em P. alata e 0,10% &#177; 0,01 em P. nitida. No ensaio da atividade antioxidante, a EC50 de P. alata foi de 1061,2 &#177; 8,5 &#181;g/mL e a de nitida 128,0 &#177; 0,9 &#181;g/mL, no ensaio do DPPH, e de 1076 &#177; 85 &#181;&#181;mol de Trolox/g de extrato e de 1985 &#177; 104 &#181;mol de Trolox/g de extrato no ensaio de ORAC, respectivamente. No ensaio de atividade antiúlcera aguda P. alata exibiu, na área total de lesão (ATL), proteção contra as lesões gástricas de 100%, P. nitida de 84% e lansoprazol, o controle positivo, de 76%. Quanto à área relativa de lesão (ARL), alata exibiu proteção contra as lesões de 99,45%; P. nitida, de 82,27% lansoprazol, de 81,44%, no ensaio de lesão gástrica induzida por etanol/HCI com 300 mmol/L de HCI e extratos na dose de 400 mg/kg. As doses de 100,200 e 400 mg/kg dos extratos foram testadas nas mesmas condições com 150 mmol/L de HCI. P. alata apresentou, na ATL, 100% de proteção contra as lesões gástricas nas três concentrações e lansoprazol, de 75%. Na ARL, P. alata exibiu 100% de proteção lansoprazol, de 76,92%. P. nitida apresentou, na ATL, proteção contra as lesões gástricas de 25%, 74% e 94% nas três concentrações, respectivamente e, lansoprazol, de 80%. Na ARL, P. nitida exibiu 27,40%, 74,00% e 91,78% de proteção, respectivamente e lansoprazol, de 78,08%. Baseando-se neste estudo possível distinguir as duas espécies através de características morfoanatômicas das folhas e dos caules e, através do perfil cromatográfico. Ambas as espécies apresentaram atividade antiúlcera promissora. / Passiflora alata Curtis and P. nitida Kunth, Brazilian species, were selected for the comparative pharmacognostic study. P. alata has been used for a long time folk medicine and pharmaceutical preparations. In the pharmacobotanic study, leaves from both species showed similarities in shape, size and in the absence indumenta. They differ by the number of petiolar glands. P. alata presents generally two pairs of glands and P. nitida, one pair. Anatomically, both species showed common characteristics to the Passiflora genera: dorsiventral mesophyll; druses the mesophyll, midrib, cortex, medulla and phloem; collateral vascular bundles. Both species\' midrib presented a biconvex shape, but P. alata\'s was prominently shaped, notably in the abaxial surface. Another differential aspect was observed the stem shape: P. alata was quadrangular and P. nitida was rounded. The tissues sequence presented similarity, with exception to larger collenchyma development in P. alata\'s edges. The phytochemical screening showed presence of flavonoids and absence of alkaloids in both species, in the crude drug and extracts. Formation persistent foam was observed with the crude drug of P. alata. Hemolisis was observed with the crude drug and extract of this species. Flavonoids were quantified as 0.42% &#177; 0.01 in P. alata and 0.10% &#177; 0.01 in P. nitida. In the antioxidant activity assay, the EC50 of P. alata was 1061.2 &#177; 8.5 &#181;g/mL and of P. nitida , 128.0 &#177; 0.9 &#181;g/mL, in the DPPH assay, and 1076 &#177; 85 &#181;mol Trolox/g extract and 1985 &#177; 104 &#181;mol Trolox/g extract in the ORAC assay, respectively. In the antiulcer activity assay P. alata showed, in total lesion area (TLA), protection against gastric lesions 100%, P. nitida 84% and lansoprazole, the positive control, 76%. In relative lesion area (RLA), P. alata showed protection against lesions of 99.45%, P. nitida82.27% and lansoprazole 81.44%, in the HCl/ethanol-induced gastric lesion assay, with HCI 300 mmol/L and extracts at doses of 400 mg/kg. Doses of 100, 200 e 400 mg/kg extracts were tested in the same conditions with HCl 150 mmol/L. P. alata showed, TLA, protection against gastric lesions of 100% in the three concentrations and lansoprazole 75%. In RLA, P. alata showed 100% of protection and lansoprazole 76.92%. P. nitida showed, in TLA, protection against gastric lesions of 25%,74% and 94% in the three concentrations, respectively and lansoprazole 80%. In RLA, nitida showed 27.40%, 74.00% and 91.78% of protection, respectively and lansoprazole 78.08%. Based upon this study it is possible to distinguish both species by leaf and stem morphoanatomic characters and by chromatographic profile. Both species presented promising antiulcer activity.

Avaliação da atividade antimicrobiana e da citotoxicidade de extratos aquosos e hidroalcoólicos de Senna occidentalis L. (Link) / Antimicrobial activity and cytotoxicity evaluation of aqueous and hydro-alcoholic Senna occidentalis L. (Link) extracts

Lombardo, Marcia 12 January 2009 (has links)
A Senna occidentalis é uma leguminosa nativa das Américas largamente distribuída e utilizada popularmente em regiões tropicais do mundo, apresentando relevância na busca de novos produtos naturais biologicamente ativos. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a avaliação da atividade antimicrobiana e citotóxica de extratos aquosos das sementes e suas trações protéicas, bem como dos extratos hidroalcoólicos das sementes e das partes aéreas dessa planta, visando a sua utilização em preparações tópicas. As atividades antibacteriana e antifúngica, frente aos microrganismos padrões farmacêuticos, foram avaliadas pela técnica de diluição em meios líquidos, adaptada para microplacas. A citotoxicidade das amostras ativas foi avaliada pelo teste do MTS, empregando-se cultura de fibroblastos NIH-3T3. Como resultado, o extrato hidroalcoólico de sementes a 0,3% (p/v) foi o que melhor demonstrou potencial antimicrobiano, além de toxicidade adequada, podendo ser um candidato para o uso como um antimicrobiano ou conservante de preparações tópicas. / Senna occidentalis is a native leguminous from America widely spread in tropical regions of the world and employed in folk medicine, showing a great importance on the search of new bioactive natural products. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of the aqueous extract seeds\' and its protein fractions, as well the hydro-alcoholic extracts seeds\' and aerial parts from this plant, considering its possible use in topic preparations. The antibacterial and antifungal activities, against the pharmaceutical standard microorganisms, were evaluated by broth dilution technique, adapted to microplates. The cytotoxicity of active samples was evaluated by the cellular viability test with MTS employing NIH-3T3 fibroblasts cell culture. As a result, the hydro-alcoholic extract seeds\' 0,3% (w/v) demonstrated a better antimicrobial potential and a suitable toxicity. In such case, this extract could be a candidate for the use as antimicrobial or preservative of topic preparations.

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