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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pois é, pra quê: Sidney Miller e Sérgio Ricardo entre a crise e a transformação da MPB (1967-1974) / Pois é, pra quê?, And then, what for? Sidney Miller and Sérgio Ricardo between crisis and transformation of the popular brazilian music (MPB) (1967-1974)

Tiago Bosi Concagh 27 April 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho busca analisar a obra dos compositores Sidney Miller Sérgio Ricardo tendo em vista o momento de crise da MPB por volta do ano de 1968. Além de focar na obra dos cancionistas na década de 1960 e observar como ambos eram tidos, cada qual a sua forma, como referências da nascente MPB, o trabalho também analisa a transformação da MPB na virada da década de 1960 para a década de 1970 e o consequente processo de marginalização que ambos os compositores irão sofrer paulatinamente. Paralelamente, a dissertação reflete sobre a reestruturação da indústria fonográfica no Brasil, o advento da contracultura e o recrudescimento da ditadura militar, como elementos que contribuíram decisivamente para mudanças estruturais na MPB e na cena musical do período. Dessa forma, analisaremos a obra de Miller e Sérgio Ricardo a partir de todos estes elementos e mudanças em questão e como cada um reagiu a sua forma ao processo de mudança que ocorria na MPB. / The dissertation here presented aims to analyze the works of the composers Sidney Miller and Sérgio Ricardo in the moment of crisis of Música Popular Brasileira (Brazilian Popular Music: MPB), around the year of 1968. Moreover, this dissertation will focus on the works of the composers in the 1960s and ponder on how both were considered, each in its own way, references of the new-born MPB. In addition this work will also analyze the transformation of MPB in the turning of the 1960s to the 1970s and the gradual process of overshadowing suffered by both composers mentioned. Parallel to such process, we will ponder about the restructure of the phonographic industry in Brazil, and also the arrival of counterculture in the country and the tightening and threatening of civil rights by the military dictatorship that occupied the government since 1964. We will bring these matters to enhance the analysis and for a better understanding of MPB in the context. In this way we will be looking at the works of Miller and Sérgio Ricardo regarding all the elements mentioned and how each composer faced the transformations of MPB at that period.

O Universo da música na Política Externa Brasileira / The Music universe in Brazilians Foreign Policy

Marcello de Souza Freitas 29 September 2014 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Esta pesquisa tem como base da ideia de que a música popular brasileira, desde a proclamação da república, sempre foi um importante instrumento da diplomacia cultural do país. Nesse sentido, tentamos demonstrar as maneiras pelas quais o governo brasileiro tentou difundir externamente essa expressão cultural, as motivações que permearam essas iniciativas e os seus resultados. Por outro lado, tentamos, também, analisar os processos que levaram a formação, desenvolvimento e consolidação da indústria da internacional da música, como forma de entender os constrangimento e desafios impostos a tal política cultural externa brasileira. Nessa pesquisa, foi dada, ainda, um especial destaque aos governos de Lula da Silva, um período identificado como decisivo nos rumos da política cultural do país, em função de sua ampliação ao estímulo da produção e da difusão, interna e externa, da música brasileira. A mudança se deu na ampliação das ações culturais do Ministério das Relações Exteriores, mas, principalmente, do inédito protagonismo do Ministério da Cultura junto ao Itamaraty. Nesse sentido, o objetivo geral desta dissertação é analisar até que ponto a música brasileira tem uma capacidade real de se internacionalizar e, dessa forma - dentro das discussões atuais acerca do papel que a economia da cultura teria para o desenvolvimento nacional -, se converter num vetor do desenvolvimento brasileiro e da ampliação da influência do país no sistema internacional. / This research is based on the notion that the Brazilian popular music, since the Brazilian republic was created, has been an important instrument of the countrys cultural diplomacy. In this way, we try to demonstrate the ways in which the Brazilian government tried to diffuse this cultural expression to the world, what motivated these initiatives and its results. On the other hand, we tried, as well, to analyze the process that leaded the formation, development and consolidation of the international music industry, as a way to understand the constrains and obstacles imposed to suck Brazilian cultural policy. In this research, we also gave an especial focus on the two Lula da Silvas administrations, a period, indentified by us, as decisive in the development of the countrys cultural diplomacy, because of its role in the enhancement of the production and the diffusion, internal and external, of the Brazilian music. The shift happened in the expansion of the cultural policies and initiatives implemented by the Foreign Relations Minister but, mainly, in the new role played by the Cultural Minister as an active agent of the Brazilian cultural diplomacy alongside with Itamaraty. Therefore, our general goal is to analyze to what extend the Brazilian music is capable of internationalization and, in this way taking in the account the nowadays discussions about the role of the cultural economy in the national development -, turn into a catalyst of the Brazilian development and of the enhance of its influence in the international system.


LIESEL MACK FILGUEIRAS 01 October 2002 (has links)
[pt] Após a análise estratégica da indústria fonográfica brasileira,através da aplicação do Modelo de Porter -1980- ,verificou-se que a mesma está sendo ameaçada, no curto e longo prazo, pelos seguintes fatores: a concorrência com a pirataria crescente; a possível substituição pelo intercâmbio gratuito de MP3 via Internet; a ambigüidade estratégica de várias gravadoras; a ausência de marketing de marca, bem como do relacionamento com consumidores finais e artistas;e o absoluto desconhecimento a respeito de como os CDs são atualmente consumidos. Este conjunto de fatores indica um cenário pouco promissor para a indústria. Além disto, apesar das gravadoras procurarem se manter à frente das mudanças no seu meio, os esforços pró-ativos parecem ser realizados sem o devido planejamento, gerando ações aleatórias.Conseqüentemente,as medidas adotadas dificilmente alcançarão os resultados almejados. Sendo assim,é mister desenvolver novas abordagens que assegurem, entre outros aspectos, valor agregado à comercialização de CDs ? no curto prazo, e ao formato streaming? no longo prazo; tudo isto para que as gravadoras possam enfrentar, com eficácia, as tendências emergentes. / [en] The strategic analysis of the Brazilian phonographic industry,under the Porter Model -1980-, demonstrates that this industry is being threatened, on the short and long- terms, by the following factors: the competition with escalating piracy; the possible substitution of CDs by free MP3 exchange available on the Internet; the strategic ambiguity of many recording companies; the absence of brand marketing, as well as relationship marketing with end-users and artists; and the absolute lack of knowledge on how CDs are consumed nowadays. These combined factors depict a less-than-promising scenario for the industry. Furthermore, although recording industries demonstrate an interest in keeping ahead of environment changes, pro-active efforts appear to be made without due diligence, generating new measures at random.Consequently, it will be difficult to achieve the expected results. Hence, new approaches must be devised to, among other issues, ensure aggregated value to CD commercialization - on the short-term, and to the streaming format - on the long-term, and, thus, empower the industry to successfully pursue its role within the emerging trends.


STELLA TERESA APONTE CAYMMI 30 September 2010 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese é uma análise crítica da Era do Rádio nas perspectivas da Música Popular Brasileira, em geral, e de Dorival Caymmi, compositor e cantor, em particular, a partir da sua obra, vida e testemunho pessoal, obtido principalmente através de entrevistas exclusivas concedidas para sua biografia. Apoiada em bibliografia referente, sobretudo, à Era do Rádio e à Música Popular Brasileira, além do acervo de Dorival Caymmi, esta investigação pretende discutir, no contexto cultural do período - através do estudo de caso do samba O Que é Que a Baiana Tem?, grande sucesso de estréia do compositor, em 1939 -, temas como rádio, mercado fonográfico, cinema, direito autoral, espetáculos musicais, entre outros, nos quais são reveladas as pressões e tensões sofridas pelo artista popular em seus embates no mercado de trabalho, na sociedade, na política e, por assim dizer, no meio artístico. / [en] This dissertation is a critical analysis of the Radio Days under Brazilian Popular Music` perspectives and those of compositor and singer Dorival Caymmi, which were collected from his work, life and personal testimony through exclusive interviews for biographical motives. Based on a bibliographical research covering the Radio Days and Brazilian Popular Music, not to mention Dorival Caymmi s archive, this investigation intends to discuss - through the case study of the compositor’s nineteen thirty-ninth first success O Que é Que a Baiana tem? - themes such as the radio, phonographic market, cinema, authorship rights, and musical shows, among others, in which the pressures and tensions suffered by the popular artist in his struggles in the labor market, society, politics and the artistic milieu are revealed. / [fr] Cette thèse est une analyse critique de l’ Ère de la Radio sous les perspectives de la Musique Populaire Brésilienne, en général, et de Dorival Caymmi, compositeur et chanteur, en particulier, à partir de son oeuvre, de sa vie et de son témoignage personnel, obtenu surtout à travers les interviews exclusives données pour sa biographie. Appuyée sur la bibliographie concernant, surtout à l’ Ère de la Radio et à la Musique Populaire Brésilienne, outre le patrimoine de Dorival Caymmi, cette enquête a l’intention de discuter, dans le contexte culturel de la période - à travers l’étude de cas de la samba O que é que a baiana tem?, grand succès du début du compositeur, em 1939 -, des sujets comme la radio, le marché phonographique, le cinéma, le droit d’auteur, des spectacles musicaux, entre autres, dans lesquels sont révélées les pressions et les tensions souffertes par l’artiste populaire au cours de ses heurts dans le marché du travail, dans la société, dans la politique, bref, dans le milieu artistique.

Accompagner un enfant avec autisme dans la découverte de l'orthographe : l'harmonisation volontaire à visée de tutelle comme modalité d'intervention pédagogique / To accompany a child with autism in the discovery of spelling : the voluntary guardianship harmonization as a pedagogical intervention modality

Binisti, Patrick 29 November 2016 (has links)
Nous avons posé la problématique suivante : Quelles sont, dans le cadre d'une situation duale d'apprentissage scolaire, les conditions interactionnelles permettant, chez l'enfant, autiste moyen et très peu verbal (test CARS-T), auprès duquel nous sommes intervenu, l'émergence, le développement et le maintien des procédures cognitives nécessaires à la production lexicale écrite ? Nous avons distingué trois domaines foncièrement imbriqués dans la réalité de nos interventions pédagogiques : celui de l'attention conjointe (Schaeffer, 1977), des interactions (Bruner 1983, 1987) inscrites dans une perspective pragmatique des échanges (Bates, 1976 ; Bernicot, 2006 ; Dardier, 2004) et celui de l'orthographe lexicale. Notre travail s'est attaché à les distinguer pour parvenir à corréler l'aspect interactionnel et le développement des processus phonographique. La situation pédagogique représente un contexte de communication qui exerce des contraintes d'ordre pragmatique, langagier, communicationnel (attention conjointe, gestion des échanges) sur l'application des ressources cognitives et en particulier sur les régulations qui auraient du mal à s'effectuer ou s'automatiser chez les personnes avec autisme (hypersensorialité et son corollaire, le démantèlement). La mise en œuvre des interactions de tutelle auprès de notre élève, nous a conduit à réfléchir aux conditions de leur réalisation. Nous est alors apparue la pertinence de parler "d'harmonisation volontaire à visée de tutelle." Nous avons procédé à une étude clinique selon les modalités de l'observation participante (Bogdan et Taylor, 1985). Nous avons travaillé sur les axes diachroniques et synchroniques à partir d'un corpus filmique. Nous avons effectué une analyse quantitative et qualitative des modifications conjointes à court, moyen ou long terme des régulations inter et intra-individuelles des conduites au cours d'interactions entre l'enfant et nous-même, en fonction de variables de contexte afin d'étudier l'interface entre fonctionnement cognitif apparent et l'aspect inter-individuel dans le cadre d'une situation pédagogique. Les résultats Sur le plan de l'attention conjointe, nous avons noté une réduction des désengagements longs et de ceux à caractère définitif. Concernant la dimension pragmatique des échanges, la coconstruction a permis à l'enfant de développer un discours métapragmatique et métalinguistique. A propos des apprentissages, nous avons souligné un investissement volontaire de l'enfant dans l'apprentissage orthographique qui s'est traduit par un allongement de son attention durant les tâches de reconnaissance (avec amorçage direct) ou de production lexicale aidée (cartes phonogrammiques) ainsi qu'un développement d'une procédure phonographique. Cette recherche s'est appuyée sur des connaissances neuropsychologiques, cognitives, linguistiques qui, constituées en un ensemble cohérent nous ont permis de tracer les perspectives d'une intervention pédagogique adaptée que nous avons nommée harmonisation volontaire à visée de tutelle dont nous avons tenté de définir les éléments constitutifs. Elle est fondée sur l'adoption d'une posture de retrait actif, inspirée de la posture "en aval" de Laurent Danon-Boileau (2002), par le professeur suffisamment attentif à l'enfant avec autisme pour intégrer dans sa démarche pédagogique les fonctionnements psychiques et cognitifs inévitablement idiosyncrasiques de l'élève. Par conséquent, nous pensons que "l'harmonisation volontaire à visée de tutelle" en tant que notion objectivement définie, mais qui demande cependant à être approfondie, peut être considérée comme un contenu de formation pour les enseignants spécialisés dans la perspective d'une école inclusive. / What are the interactional conditions in the context of a dual school learning setting which enable the emergence, development and maintenance of cognitive procedures necessary for the written lexical production for the minimally verbal child with moderate autism we worked with? We distinguished three areas fundamentally embedded into the reality of our educational interventions : joint attention (Schaeffer 1977), interactions (Bruner , 1983, 1987) consistent with the pragmatic approach to exchanges (Bates, 1976 ; Bernicot 2006 ; Dardier, 2004) and word spelling. Our work aimed at differentiating the three areas in order to correlate interactional aspects and the development of the phonographic process. The teaching setting creates a context for communication that places pragmatic, linguistic, and communicative --joint attention , exchange management-- constraints on autistic students' ability to apply cognitive resources, particularly their ability to self-regulate (hypersensoriality and its corollary, dismantling). As we strove to implement guardianship interactions with our student, and reflected on the conditions of their realization, we realized the relevance of speaking of voluntary harmonization aiming at guardianship. Results related to joint attention showed a decrease in both long- term and permanent disengagement. In terms of pragmatic dimension of exchanges, co-construction enabled the child to develop a meta-pragmatic and meta-linguistic discourse. As for the learning itself, we noticed that the child invested himself voluntarily in his spelling learning, resulting in an increased ability to sustain attention during recognition (direct priming) or supported word production (phonogram cards) tasks, and a developing phonographic procedure. We used our knowledge of neuropsychology, cognitive science, and linguistics to set the framework for our research and outline the prospects of an appropriate educational intervention we called voluntary harmonization aiming at guardianship, whose constituent elements we tried to define. The purpose of this approach is to promote learning through scaffolding. It is based on the adoption by an adult sufficiently attentive to the autistic child of an active withdrawal posture, inspired by Laurent Danon-Boileau (2002)'s forward posture, to integrate into his approach the child's inevitably idiosyncratic psychic and cognitive functioning. We believe that although objectively defined, the notion of voluntary harmonization aiming at guardianship requires further research, and may open up new training opportunities for specialized teachers in the context of inclusive education.

Types d'écriture et apprentissage / Writing systems and learning

Guritanu, Elena 24 November 2016 (has links)
Avant d'être plus spécifiquement dédiée à l'apprentissage de l'écrit, cette thèse consacre une importante partie à la genèse et à l'évolution de l'écriture. Elle sonde les divers états et formes que les systèmes d'écriture ont connus depuis les grandes civilisations qui les virent naître jusqu'à nos sociétés modernes et aborde un ensemble de problématiques qui forment ce que nous nommons ici "le champ de l'écriture : l'invention de l'écriture, ses prémices, son récit dans les mythes et légendes, les liens qu'elle entretient avec l'image et la langue, les mécanismes de son évolution, les questions de société que l'écriture pose ainsi que son traitement épistémologique et les théories linguistiques dont elle est l'objet. L'examen de ce champ offre un éclairage particulier à la deuxième partie de cette étude, agencée autour des questions de didactique de l'écrit. Reposant sur un corpus constitué de cinq systèmes graphiques : l'idéographie chinoise, l'écriture consonantique arabe et les systèmes alphabétiques russe, roumain et français, cette étude analyse et compare les méthodes d'enseignement de la lecture et de l'écriture pour chacun d'entre eux et rend compte des spécificités de l'apprentissage de l'écrit en fonction du système considéré ainsi que des tendances majeures partagées d'un système à l'autre. / Before being more specifically dedicated to the learning of writing, this thesis concentrates on an important part of the genesis and evolution of writing. It analyses the diverse states and forms of writing systems known since the great civilisations that originated them to our modern societies, and exposes various problems which form what we call here "the field of writing" : the invention of writing, its beginnings, its evolution in the myths and legends, the connections between the image and the language, the mechanics of this evolution, the questions of society that the written word poses to its treatment and the epistemological linguistic theories that it relates to. The examination of this field, particularly throws light on the second part of this study articulated around questions about the technicalities of writing. Based on a corpus made of five graphic systems - Chinese idiographic, Arabic consonantal writing and the Russian , Romanian and French alphabet systems, this study analyses and compares the teaching methods of reading and writing for each of them and supports the different learnings of writing in each system but also the important convergences shared from one system to an other.

On the cultural poverty of a (judicial) practice without theory / Sobre la pobreza cultural de una práctica (judicial) sin teoría

Ibáñez, Perfecto Andrés 10 April 2018 (has links)
The traditional model of initial training of judges in Spain and in other countries has been focused, and is still focused, on the mechanical digestion of a pile of stereotyped notions related to several legal subjects.This knowledge is presented with no references to specific legal disputes and does not meet at all, neither the profile of modern complex constitutional legal systems consisting of several levels, internally changing and conflicting; nor the practice of those systems. It does correspond, however, the historical model of the Napoleonic judge, who tends to act as a mechanical enforcer of the law and the longa manu of the real power rather than guardian of the citizens’ basic rights. The alternative to this kind of judicial training would be a system of training incorporating a high quality operative knowledge of the positive law actually in force, together with a theoretical-philosophical training in line with the suggestions made by Manuel Sacristán of «a level of exercise of thinking» based on the specific field and activity inherent to that group of legal practitioners. / El modelo tradicional de formación inicial de jueces para el desempeño del rol, en España, pero no solo, se ha cifrado y se cifra en la asimilación mecánica de todo un cúmulo de nociones estereotipadas relativas a las diversas disciplinas. Se trata de un bagaje que, por su carácter desproblematizador, no se ajusta en absoluto al perfil de los modernos ordenamientos constitucionales complejos, dotados de distintos niveles y, con frecuencia, internamente conflictivos y cambiantes; y menos a su práctica.Pero responde, en cambio, al histórico tipo de juez del modelo napoleónico, longa manu del poder en acto más que garante de derechos, tendencial aplicador mecánico. La alternativa a esta clase de formación estaría en otra que incorporase a un buen conocimiento operativo del derecho positivo en su ser actual y realmente vigente, una formación teórico-filosófica en la línea sugerida una vez por Manuel Sacristán, como «un nivel de ejercicio del pensamiento» a partir de y sobre el específico campo temático y de la actividad propia de tal clase de operadores.

Disco é cultura: a expansão do mercado fonográfico brasileiro nos anos 1970

Oliveira, Claudio Jorge Pacheco de 08 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Claudio Jorge Pacheco de Oliveira (claudiojorge65@hotmail.com) on 2018-06-07T22:10:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Disco é cultura_Claudio Oliveira.pdf: 1371914 bytes, checksum: 60878d2d1aa17cfdaa257b36c827a61b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Diego Andrade (diego.andrade@fgv.br) on 2018-06-11T11:36:33Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Disco é cultura_Claudio Oliveira.pdf: 1371914 bytes, checksum: 60878d2d1aa17cfdaa257b36c827a61b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-14T18:00:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Disco é cultura_Claudio Oliveira.pdf: 1371914 bytes, checksum: 60878d2d1aa17cfdaa257b36c827a61b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-05-08 / Este estudo tem por objetivo investigar a contribuição do artigo 2º da Lei Complementar nº 4, de 2 de dezembro de 1969, conhecida como “Lei disco é cultura”, para a expansão do mercado brasileiro de discos ocorrida na década de 1970. Consequência da política econômica de forte estímulo ao consumo do regime militar, a “Lei disco é cultura” autorizava as empresas produtoras de discos fonográficos a abater, do montante do Imposto sobre Circulação de Mercadorias (ICM), o valor dos direitos autorais artísticos e conexos, pagos aos autores e artistas brasileiros. A busca por investimentos estrangeiros era um aspecto fundamental do modelo econômico da ditadura. A expectativa era que a “maior eficiência” das empresas multinacionais contribuísse para um rápido crescimento. Essa política favoreceu a expansão das gravadoras estrangeiras, que tiveram seus interesses e demandas acolhidos pelo governo. / This study investigates the contribution of article 2 of Complementary Law nº 4, dated December 2, 1969, known as the “Album is Culture Law”, in the expansion of the Brazilian music market in the 1970s. An economic policy of strong stimulus to the consumption of the military regime, the “Album is Culture Law” authorizes record companies to write down, from the amount of the Merchandise Circulation Tax (ICM), the value of artistic copyrights and related, paid to Brazilian authors and artists. The search for foreign investment was a fundamental aspect of the economic model of the dictatorship. The “higher efficiency” of multinational companies was expected to contribute to rapid growth. This policy favored the expansion of foreign record companies, which had their interests and demands accepted by the government.

Las nuevas tecnologías en la administración de justicia. La validez y eficacia del documento electrónico en sede procesal

Jaume Bennasar, Andrés 09 October 2009 (has links)
La tesis se encarga de analizar, por un lado, la integración y el desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías en la Administración de Justicia; y, por otro, los parámetros que constituyen la validez y eficacia del documento electrónico. La primera cuestión se centra en la configuración de los Sistemas de Información de la Oficina Judicial y del Ministerio Fiscal, así como de la informatización de los Registros Civiles, donde el art. 230 LOPJ es la pieza clave. Se estudian sus programas, aplicaciones, la videoconferencia, los ficheros judiciales y las redes de telecomunicaciones que poseen la cobertura de la firma electrónica reconocida, donde cobran gran relevancia los convenios de colaboración tecnológica. La digitalización de las vistas quizá sea una de las cuestiones con más trascendencia, teniendo en cuenta que el juicio es el acto que culmina el proceso. Aunque no todos los proyectos adoptados en el ámbito de la e.justicia se han desarrollado de forma integral, ni han llegado a la totalidad de los órganos judiciales. El objetivo final es lograr una Justicia más ágil y de calidad, a lo cual aspira el Plan Estratégico de Modernización de la Justicia 2009-2012 aprobado recientemente.En referencia a la segunda perspectiva, no cabe duda que el Ordenamiento jurídico y los tribunales, en el ámbito de la justicia material, otorgan plena validez y eficacia al documento electrónico. Nuestra línea de investigación se justifica porque cada vez son más los procesos que incorporan soportes electrónicos de todo tipo, ya sea al plantearse la acción o posteriormente como medio de prueba (art. 299.2 LEC). Entre otros temas examinamos el documento informático, la problemática que rodea al fax, los sistemas de videograbación y el contrato electrónico. / La tesi s'encarrega d'analitzar, per una part, la integració i el desenvolupament de les noves tecnologies dins l´Administració de Justícia; i, per l'altra, els paràmetres que constitueixen la validesa i l'eficàcia del document electrònic. La primera qüestió es centra en la configuració dels Sistemes d´Informació de l´Oficina Judicial i del Ministeri Fiscal, així com de la informatització dels Registres Civils, on l'art. 230 LOPJ es la peça clau. S'estudien els seus programes, aplicacions, la videoconferència, el fitxers judicials i les xarxes de telecomunicacions que tenen la cobertura de la firma electrònica reconeguda, on cobren gran rellevància els convenis de col·laboració tecnològica. La digitalització de les vistes tal vegada sigui una de les qüestions amb més transcendència, tenint amb compte que el judici es l'acte que culmina el procés. Però no tots el projectes adoptats en l'àmbit de la e.justicia s'han desenvolupat d'una manera integral ni han arribat a la totalitat dels òrgans judicials. L'objectiu final es assolir una Justícia més àgil i de qualitat, al que aspira el Pla Estratègic de Modernització de la Justícia 2009-2012 aprovat recentment. En referència a la segona perspectiva, no hi ha dubte que l´Ordenament jurídic i els tribunals, en l'àmbit de la justícia material, donen plena validesa i eficàcia al document electrònic. La nostra línia d'investigació es justifica perquè cada vegada son més el processos que incorporen suports electrònics de tot tipus, ja sigui quant es planteja l'acció o posteriorment como a medi de prova (art. 299.2 LEC). Entre altres temes examinem el document informàtic, la problemàtica que envolta al fax, els sistemes de videogravació i el contracte electrònic. / The thesis seeks to analyse, on the one hand, the integration and development of the new technologies in the Administration of Justice; and, on the other, the parameters which constitute the validity and efficiency of the electronic document.The first question centres on the configuration of the Information Systems of the Judicial Office and the Public Prosecutor, as well as the computerisation of the Civil Registers, where the art. 230 LOPJ it's the part key. Their programmes, applications, the Video Conferencing, the judicial registers and the telecommunication networks which are covered by the recognised electronic signatures, are studied, where the agreements on technological collaboration gain great relevance. The digitalisation of evidence might perhaps be one of the questions with most consequence, bearing in mind that the judgment is the act by which the process is culminated. Although not all the projects adopted within the compass of e.justice have developed completely nor have reached all the judicial organs. The final objective is to achieve an agile, quality Justice, to which the recently approved Strategic Plan for the Modernisation of Justice aspires.With reference to the second perspective, there is no doubt that the juridical Ordinance and the tribunals within the compass of material justice grant full validity and efficacy to the electronic document. Our line of investigation is justified because there are more and more processes which are sustained by electronic supports of all kinds, whether it be at the establishment of the action or later, as a proof of it (art. 299.2 LEC). Amongst other things, we examine the computerised document, the problems which surround the fax, the systems for video recording and the electronic contract.

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