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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rolled-up microtubes as components for Lab-on-a-Chip devices

Harazim, Stefan M. 09 November 2012 (has links)
Rolled-up nanotechnology based on strain-engineering is a powerful tool to manufacture three-dimensional hollow structures made of virtually any kind of material on a large variety of substrates. The aim of this thesis is to address the key features of different on- and off-chip applications of rolled-up microtubes through modification of their basic framework. The modification of the framework pertains to the tubular structure, in particular the diameter of the microtube, and the material which it is made of, hence achieving different functionalities of the final rolled-up structure. The tuning of the microtube diameter which is adjusted to the individual size of an object allows on-chip studies of single cells in artificial narrow cavities, for example. Another modification of the framework is the addition of a catalytic layer which turns the microtube into a self-propelled catalytic micro-engine. Furthermore, the tuneability of the diameter can have applications ranging from nanotools for drilling into cells, to cargo transporters in microfluidic channels. Especially rolled-up microtubes based on low-cost and easy to deposit materials, such as silicon oxides, can enable the exploration of novel systems for several scientific topics. The main objective of this thesis is to combine microfluidic features of rolled-up structures with optical sensor capabilities of silicon oxide microtubes acting as optical ring resonators, and to integrate these into a Lab-on-a-Chip system. Therefore, a new concept of microfluidic integration is developed in order to establish an inexpensive, reliable and reproducible fabrication process which also sustains the optical capabilities of the microtubes. These integrated microtubes act as optofluidic refractrometric sensors which detect changes in the refractive index of analytes using photoluminescence spectroscopy. The thesis concludes with a demonstration of a functional portable sensor device with several integrated optofluidic sensors. / Die auf verspannten Dünnschichten basierende „rolled-up nanotechnologie“ ist eine leistungsfähige Methode um dreidimensionale hohle Strukturen (Mikroröhrchen) aus nahezu jeder Art von Material auf einer großen Vielfalt von Substraten herzustellen. Ausgehend von der Möglichkeit der Skalierung des Röhrchendurchmessers und der Modifikation der Funktionalität des Röhrchens durch Einsatz verschiedener Materialien und Oberflächenfunktionalisierungen kann eine große Anzahl an verschiedenen Anwendungen ermöglicht werden. Eine Anwendung behandelt unter anderem on-chip Studien einzelner Zellen wobei die Mikroröhrchen, an die Größe der Zelle angepasste, Reaktionscontainer darstellen. Eine weitere Modifikation der Funktionalität der Mikroröhrchen kann durch das Aufbringen einer katalytischen Schicht realisiert werden, wodurch das Mikroröhrchen zu einem selbstangetriebenen katalytischen Mikro-Motor wird. Hauptziel dieser Arbeit ist es Mikrometer große optisch aktive Glasröhrchen herzustellen, diese mikrofluidisch zu kontaktieren und als Sensoren in Lab-on-a-Chip Systeme zu integrieren. Die integrierten Glasröhrchen arbeiten als optofluidische Ringresonatoren, welche die Veränderungen des Brechungsindex von Fluiden im inneren des Röhrchens durch Änderungen im Evaneszenzfeld detektieren können. Die Funktionsfähigkeit eines Demonstrators wird mit verschiedenen Flüssigkeiten gezeigt, dabei kommt ein Fotolumineszenz Spektrometer zum Anregen des Evaneszenzfeldes und Auslesen des Signals zum Einsatz. Die entwickelte Integrationsmethode ist eine Basis für ein kostengünstiges, zuverlässiges und reproduzierbares Herstellungsverfahren von optofluidischen Mikrochips basierend auf optisch aktiven Mikroröhrchen.

Robust Polymer Matrix Based on Isobutylene (Co)polymers for Efficient Encapsulation of Colloidal Semiconductor Nanocrystals

Shiman, Dmitriy I., Sayevich, Vladimir, Meerbach, Christian, Nikishau, Pavel A., Vasilenko, Irina V., Gaponik, Nikolai, Kostjuk, Sergei V., Lesnyak, Vladimir 01 April 2021 (has links)
We introduce new oxygen- and moisture-proof polymer matrixes based on polyisobutylene (PIB) and its block copolymer with styrene [poly(styrene-block-isobutylene-blockstyrene), PSt-b-PIB-b-PSt] for the encapsulation of colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals. In order to prepare transparent and processable composites, we developed a special procedure of nanocrystal surface engineering including ligand exchange of parental organic ligands to inorganic species followed by the attachment of specially designed short-chain PIB functionalized with an amino group. The latter provides excellent compatibility of the particles with the polymer matrixes. As colloidal nanocrystals, we chose CdSe nanoplatelets (NPLs) because they possess a large surface and thus are very sensitive to the environment, in particular in terms of their limited photostability. The encapsulation strategy is quite general and can be applied to a wide variety of semiconductor nanocrystals, as demonstrated on the example of PbS quantum dots. All obtained composites exhibited excellent photostability, being tested in a focus of a powerful white-light source, as well as exceptional chemical stability in a strongly acidic media. We compared these properties of the new composites with those of widely used polyacrylate-based materials, demonstrating the superiority of the former. The developed composites are of particular interest for application in optoelectronic devices, such as color-conversion light-emitting diodes, laser diodes, luminescent solar concentrators, etc.

Control of electronic and optical properties of single and double quantum dots via electroelastic fields

Zallo, Eugenio 12 March 2015 (has links)
Semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) are fascinating systems for potential applications in quantum information processing and communication, since they can emit single photons and polarisation entangled photons pairs on demand. The asymmetry and inhomogeneity of real QDs has driven the development of a universal and fine post-growth tuning technique. In parallel, new growth methods are desired to create QDs with high emission efficiency and to control combinations of closely-spaced QDs, so-called "QD molecules" (QDMs). These systems are crucial for the realisation of a scalable information processing device after a tuning of their interaction energies. In this work, GaAs/AlGaAs QDs with low surface densities, high optical quality and widely tuneable emission wavelength are demonstrated, by infilling nanoholes fabricated by droplet etching epitaxy with different GaAs amounts. A tuning over a spectral range exceeding 10 meV is obtained by inducing strain in the dot layer. These results allow a fine tuning of the QD emission to the rubidium absorption lines, increasing the yield of single photons that can be used as hybrid semiconductor-atomic-interface. By embedding InGaAs/GaAs QDs into diode-like nanomembranes integrated onto piezoelectric actuators, the first device allowing the QD emission properties to be engineered by large electroelastic fields is presented. The two external fields reshape the QD electronic properties and allow the universal recovery of the QD symmetry and the generation of entangled photons, featuring the highest degree of entanglement reported to date for QD-based photon sources. A method for controlling the lateral QDM formation over randomly distributed nanoholes, created by droplet etching epitaxy, is demonstrated by depositing a thin GaAs buffer over the nanoholes. The effect on the nanohole occupancy of the growth parameters, such as InAs amount, substrate temperature and arsenic overpressure, is investigated as well. The QD pairs show good optical quality and selective etching post-growth is used for a better characterisation of the system. For the first time, the active tuning of the hole tunnelling rates in vertically aligned InGaAs/GaAs QDM is demonstrated, by the simultaneous application of electric and strain fields, optimising the device concept developed for the single QDs. This result is relevant for the creation and control of entangled states in optically active QDs. The modification of the electronic properties of QDMs, obtained by the combination of the two external fields, may enable controlled quantum operations.

Rolled-Up Vertical Microcavities Studied by Evanescent Wave Coupling and Photoluminescence Spectroscopy

Böttner, Stefan 07 May 2015 (has links)
Vertically rolled-up microcavities are fabricated using differentially strained nanomembranes by employing rate and temperature gradients during electron beam evaporation of SiO2. The geometry of the rolled-up tubes is defined by a photo-lithographically patterned polymer sacrificial layer beneath the SiO2 layers that is dissolved to start the rolling. Rolled-up tubes support resonances formed by constructive interference of light propagating along the circumference. Optical studies are performed in the visible spectral range using a micro-photoluminescence (µPL) setup to excite and detect optical modes. Record high quality factors (Q factors) of 5400 for rolled-up resonators probed in PL-emission mode are found and their limits are theoretically investigated. Axial modes can also be supported when an increased winding number in the center is realized by appropriate pattern designs. In addition, higher order radial modes can be confined when atomic layer deposition (ALD) coatings are applied. Both types of modes are identified using polarization and spatially resolved µPL maps. Evanescent-wave coupling by tapered fibers and tubes on substrates is the second method used to study light confinement and to demonstrate frequency filtering in ALD coated rolled-up microcavities. Scans are performed by monitoring light from a tunable laser in the range of 1520-1570 nm after transmission through the tapered fiber. Dips in the spectrum are found and attributed to fundamental and axial resonant modes. Moreover, by coupling two tapered fibers to a lifted rolled-up microcavity, a four-port add-drop filter is demonstrated as a future component for vertical resonant light transfer in on-chip optical networks. Simulations show that the subwavelength tube wall thickness limits the Q factor at infrared wavelengths and ALD coatings are necessary to enhance the light confinement. After coating, two linear polarization states are found in experiment and fundamental and axial modes can be selectively excited by coupling the fiber to different positions along the tube axis. Spatially and polarization resolved transmission maps reveal a polarization dependent axial mode distribution which is verified theoretically. The results of this thesis are important for lab-on-chip applications where rolled-up microcavities are employed as high resolution optofluidic sensors as well as for future uses as waveguide coupled components in three-dimensional multi-level optical data processing units to provide resonant interlayer signal transfer.

Selectively Tunable Luminescence of Perovskite Nanocrystals Embedded in Polymer Matrix Allows Direct Laser Patterning

Martin, Chantal, Prudnikau, Anatol, Orazi, Leonardo, Gaponik, Nikolai, Lesnyak, Vladimir 22 May 2024 (has links)
Cesium lead halide perovskite nanocrystals (NCs) have gained enormous attention as promising light-emitting and light-converting materials. Most of their applications require embedding NCs in various matrices, which is a challenging task due to their low stability, especially in the case of red-emitting CsPbI3 NCs. In this work, a new approach is proposed allowing the formation of red-emitting perovskite NCs by anion exchange induced directly inside a solid polymer matrix using green-emitting CsPbBr3 NCs as templates and iodododecane as an iodine source. Moreover, a simple and efficient route to photo-assisted termination of the anion exchange reaction in the polymer composite after reaching desired optical properties is demonstrated. The findings allow the authors to pattern a thin composite film with an ultrashort UV laser resulting in a selective generation of green- and red-emitting features with a 15 µm resolution.

Growth and anisotropic transport properties of self-assembled InAs nanostructures in InP

Bierwagen, Oliver 22 June 2007 (has links)
Selbstorganisierte InAs Nanostrukturen in InP, wie Quantendrähte, Quantenpunkte, und Quantengräben als Referenz, werden bezüglich ihres Wachstums, ihrer Struktur, optischen Eigenschaften und Transporteigenschaften untersucht. Das Stranski-Krastanov Wachstum der Nanostrukturen auf exakt orientiertem und vizinalem InP(001) wird mittels Gasquellen-Molekularstrahlepitaxie untersucht. Ich zeige, dass die Missorientierung des vizinalen InP, weitestgehend unabhängig von den Wachstumsparametern, den Nanostrukturtyp definiert. Optische Polarisation der Interbandübergänge (im 1.55 Mikrometer Bereich) aufgrund des Nanostrukturtyps wird mittels Photolumineszenz- und Transmissionsspektroskopie wird nachgewiesen. Die experimentell unaufwändige 4-Kontakt van der Pauw Hall Messung wird erweitert, um anisotrope Transporteigenschaften zu bestimmen. Der Ladungstägertransport in einer Schicht dicht gepackter, lateral gekoppelter InAs Nanostrukturen ist stark anisotrop mit der Hochbeweglichkeitsrichtung [-110], was parallel zur Richtung der Quantendrähte ist. Die maximalen Anisotropien übersteigen 30 für Elektronen und 100 für Löcher. Die extreme Anisotropie im Falle der Löcher basiert auf diffusem Transport in der [-110], und Hoppingtransport in der [110] direction. Die Elektronenbeweglichkeit bei niedrigen Temperaturen wird duch Grenzflächenrauhigkeitsstreuung in der [110] direction, und Streuung an entfernten Störstellen in der [-110] dominiert. Im Kontext gekoppelter Nanostrukturen, zeige ich, dass die Transportanisotropie auf anisotroper Tunnelkopplung zwischen benachbarten Nanostrukturen beruht, und weniger durch die Form der Nanostruktur bestimmt wird. Transport im Quanten-Hall Regime, und die Schwache Lokalisierung werden untersucht. Ein neuartiges Baulelement basierend auf Gate-konrollierter Transportanisotropie wird vorgeschlagen. Es wird gezeigt, dass modulationsdotierte InAs Quantendrähte für eine Implementierung des Bauelements geeignet sind. / Self-assembled InAs nanostructures in InP, comprising quantum wires, quantum dots, and quantum wells as reference, are studied in terms of their formation, structural properties, optical properties, and anisotropic transport properties. The Stranski-Krastanov growth of InAs nanostructures is studied by gas-source molecular beam epitaxy on both nominally oriented and vicinal InP(001). I demonstrate that the off-cut direction of vicinal substrates - largely independent of growth conditions - determines the nanostructure type. Optical polarization of the interband transitions (in the 1.55 micron wavelength range) arising from the nanostructure type is demonstrated by photoluminescence and transmission spectroscopy. The experimentally convenient four-contact van der Pauw Hall measurement is extended to yield the anisotropic transport properties. The in-plane transport in large ensembles of closely spaced, laterally coupled InAs nanostructures is highly anisotropic with the high-mobility direction [-110], which is parallel to the direction of the quantum wires. The maximum anisotropies exceed 30 for electrons, and 100 for holes. The extreme anisotropy for holes is due to diffusive transport in the [-110], and hopping transport in the [110] direction. The principal electron mobilities at low temperature are dominated by interface roughness scattering in the [110] direction, and by remote impurity scattering in the [-110] direction. In the context of coupled nanostructure, I demonstrate that the transport anisotropy results from directionally anisotropic tunnel coupling between adjacent nanostructures rather than from the nanostructure shape anisotropy. The Quantum-Hall regime, and the weak-localization contribution to conductivity is studied. A novel 5-terminal electronic switching device based on gate-controlled transport anisotropy is proposed. Modulation-doped InAs/InP quantum wires are demonstrated to be a candidate for implementation of the device.

Dynamics of free and bound excitons in GaN nanowires / origin of the nonradiative recombination channel

Hauswald, Christian 17 March 2015 (has links)
GaN-Nanodrähte können mit einer hohen strukturellen Perfektion auf verschiedenen kristallinen und amorphen Substraten gewachsen werden. Sie bieten somit faszinierende Möglichkeiten, sowohl zur Untersuchung von fundamentalen Eigenschaften des Materialsystems, als auch in der Anwendung in optoelektronischen Bauteilen. Obwohl bereits verschiedene Prototypen solcher Bauteile vorgestellt wurden, sind viele grundlegende Eigenschaften von GaN-Nanodrähten noch ungeklärt, darunter die interne Quanteneffizienz (IQE), welche ein wichtiges Merkmal für optoelektronische Anwendungen darstellt. Die vorliegende Arbeit präsentiert eine detaillierte Untersuchung der Rekombinationsdynamik von Exzitonen, in selbst-induzierten und selektiv gewachsenen GaN Nanodraht-Proben, welche mit Molekularstrahlepitaxie hergestellt wurden. Die zeitaufgelösten Photolumineszenz (PL)-Experimente werden durch Simulationen ergänzt, welche auf Ratengleichungs-Modellen basieren. Es stellt sich heraus, dass die Populationen von freien und gebundenen Exzitonen gekoppelt sind und zwischen 10 und 300 K von einem nichtstrahlenden Kanal beeinflusst werden. Die Untersuchung von Proben mit unterschiedlichem Nanodraht-Durchmesser und Koaleszenzgrad zeigt, dass weder die Nanodraht-Oberfläche, noch Defekte als Folge von Koaleszenz diesen nichtstrahlenden Kanal induzieren. Daraus lässt sich folgern, dass die kurze Zerfallszeit von Exzitonen in GaN-Nanodrähten durch Punktdefekte verursacht wird, welche die IQE bei 10 K auf 20% limitieren. Der häufig beobachtete biexponentiellen PL-Zerfall des Donator-gebundenen Exzitons wird analysiert und es zeigt sich, dass die langsame Komponente durch eine Kopplung mit Akzeptoren verursacht wird. Motiviert durch Experimente, welche eine starke Abhängigkeit der PL-Intensität vom Nanodraht-Durchmesser zeigen, wird die externen Quanteneffizienz von geordneten Nanodraht-Feldern mit Hilfe numerischer Simulationen der Absorption und Extraktion von Licht in diesen Strukturen untersucht. / GaN nanowires (NWs) can be fabricated with a high structural perfection on various crystalline and amorphous substrates. They offer intriguing possibilities for both fundamental investigations of the GaN material system as well as applications in optoelectronic devices. Although prototype devices based on GaN NWs have been presented already, several fundamental questions remain unresolved to date. In particular, the internal quantum efficiency (IQE), an important basic figure of merit for optoelectronic applications, is essentially unknown for GaN NWs. This thesis presents a detailed investigation of the exciton dynamics in GaN NWs using continuous-wave and time-resolved photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. Spontaneously formed ensembles and ordered arrays of GaN NWs grown by molecular-beam epitaxy are examined. The experiments are combined with simulations based on the solution of rate equation systems to obtain new insights into the recombination dynamics in GaN NWs at low temperatures. In particular, the free and bound exciton states in GaN NWs are found to be coupled and affected by a nonradiative channel between 10 and 300 K. The investigation of samples with different NW diameters and coalescence degrees conclusively shows that the dominating nonradiative channel is neither related to the NW surface nor to coalescence-induced defects. Hence, we conclude that nonradiative point defects are the origin of the fast recombination dynamics in GaN NWs, and limit the IQE of the investigated samples to about 20% at cryogenic temperatures. We also demonstrate that the frequently observed biexponential decay for the donor-bound exciton originates from a coupling with the acceptor-bound exciton state in the GaN NWs. Motivated by an experimentally observed, strong dependence of the PL intensity of ordered GaN NW arrays on the NW diameter, we perform numerical simulations of the light absorption and extraction to explore the external quantum efficiency of these samples.

Properties of Zincblende GaN and (In,Ga,Al)N Heterostructures grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy

Müllhäuser, Jochen R. 17 June 1999 (has links)
Während über hexagonales (alpha) GaN zum ersten Mal 1932 berichtet wurde, gelang erst 1989 die Synthese einer mit Molekularstrahlepitaxie (MBE) auf 3C-SiC epitaktisch gewachsenen, metastabilen kubischen (eta) GaN Schicht. Die vorliegende Arbeit befaßt sich mit der Herstellung der Verbindungen eta-(In,Ga,Al)N mittels RF-Plasma unterstützter MBE auf GaAs(001) und den mikrostrukturellen sowie optischen Eigenschaften dieses neuartigen Materialsystems. Im Vergleich zur hexagonalen bietet die kubische Kristallstruktur auf Grund ihrer höheren Symmetrie potentielle Vorteile für die Anwendung in optischen und elektronischen Bauelementen. Viele wichtige Materialgrößen der kubischen Nitride sind jedoch noch gänzlich unbekannt, da sich die Synthese einkristalliner Schichten als sehr schwierig erweist. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es daher erstens, die technologischen Grenzen der Herstellung von bauelementrelevanten kubischen (In,Ga,Al)N Heterostrukturen auszuweiten und zweitens, einen Beitrag zur Aufklärung der bis dato wenig bekannten optischen und elektronischen Eigenschaften des GaN und der Mischkristalle In GaN zu leisten. Zunächst wird ein optimierter MBE Prozess unter Einsatz einer Plasmaquelle hohen Stickstofflusses vorgestellt, welcher nicht nur die reproduzierbare Epitaxie glatter, einphasiger GaN Nukleationsschichten auf GaAs ermöglicht. Vielmehr können damit auch dicke GaN. Schichten mit glatter Oberflächenmorphologie hergestellt werden, welche die Grundlage komplizierterer eta-(In,Ga,Al)N Strukturen bilden. An einer solchen GaN Schicht mit einer mittleren Rauhigkeit von nur 1.5 nm werden dann temperaturabhängige Reflexions- und Transmissionsmessungen durchgeführt. Zur Auswertung der Daten wird ein numerisches Verfahren entwickelt, welches die Berechnung des kompletten Satzes von optischen Konstanten im Spektralgebiet 2.0 = 0.4 wären grün-gelbe Laserdioden. Zusammenfassung in PostScript / While the earliest report on wurtzite (alpha) GaN dates back to 1932, it was not until 1989 that the first epitaxial layer of metastable zincblende (eta) GaN has been synthesized by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) on a 3C-SiC substrate. The present work focuses on radio frequency (RF) plasma-assisted MBE growth, microstructure, and optical properties of the eta-(In,Ga,Al)N material system on GaAs(001). Due to their higher crystal symmetry, these cubic nitrides are expected to be intrinsically superior for (opto-) electronic applications than the widely employed wurtzite counterparts. Owing to the difficulties of obtaining single-phase crystals, many important material constants are essentially unknown for the cubic nitrides. The aim of this work is therefore, first, to push the technological limits of synthesizing device-relevant zincblende (In,Ga,Al)N heterostructures and, second, to determine the basic optical and electronic properties of GaN as well as to investigate the hardly explored alloy InGaN. An optimized MBE growth process is presented which allows not only the reproducible nucleation of smooth, monocrystalline GaN layers on GaAs using a high-nitrogen-flow RF plasma source. In particular, thick single-phase GaN layers with smooth surface morphology are obtained being a prerequisite for the synthesis of ternary eta-(Ga,In,Al)N structures. Temperature dependent reflectance and transmittance measurements are carried out on such a GaN film having a RMS surface roughness as little as 1.5 nm. A numerical method is developed which allows to extract from these data the complete set of optical constants for photon energies covering the transparent as well as the strongly absorbing spectral range (2.0 -- 3.8 eV). Inhomogeneities in the refractive index leading to finite coherence effects are quantitatively analyzed by means of Monte Carlo simulations. The fundamental band gap EG(T) of GaN is determined for 5 < T < 300 K and the room temperature density of states is investigated. Systematic studies of the band edge photoluminescence (PL) in terms of transition energies, lineshapes, linewidths, and intensities are carried out for both alpha- and GaN as a function of temperature. Average phonon energies and coupling constants, activation energies for thermal broadening and quenching are determined. Excitation density dependent PL measurements are carried out for both phases in order to study the impact of nonradiative recombination processes at 300 K. A recombination model is applied to estimate the internal quantum efficiency, the (non)radiative lifetimes, as well as the ratio of the electron to hole capture coefficients for both polytypes. It is seen that the dominant nonradiative centers in the n-type material investigated act as hole traps which, however, can be saturated at already modest carrier injection rates. In summary, despite large defect densities in GaN due to highly mismatched heteroepitaxy on GaAs, band edge luminescence is observed up to 500 K with intensities comparable to those of state-of-the-art alpha-GaN. For the first time, thick InGaN films are fabricated on which blue and green luminescence can be observed up to 400 K for x=0.17 and x=0.4, respectively. Apart from bulk-like InGaN films, the first coherently strained InGaN/GaN (multi) quantum wells with In contents as high as 50 % and abrupt interfaces are grown. This achievement shows that a ternary alloy can be synthesized in a metastable crystal structure far beyond the miscibility limit of its binary constituents despite the handicap of highly lattice mismatched heteroepitaxy. The well widths of these structures range between 4 and 7 nm and are thus beyond the theoretically expected critical thickness for the strain values observed. It is to be expected that even higher In contents can be reached for film thicknesses below 5 nm. The potential application of such InGaN/GaN multi quantum wells with x >= 0.4 would thus be diode lasers operating in the green-yellow range. abstract in PostScript

Growth of GaN nanowire ensembles in molecular beam epitaxy: Overcoming the limitations of their spontaneous formation

Zettler, Johannes Kristian 14 March 2018 (has links)
Dichte Ensembles aus GaN-Nanodrähten können in der Molekularstrahlepitaxie mithilfe eines selbstinduzierten Prozesses sowohl auf kristallinen als auch amorphen Substraten gezüchtet werden. Aufgrund der Natur selbstgesteuerter Prozesse ist dabei die Kontrolle über viele wichtige Ensembleparameter jedoch eingeschränkt. Die Arbeit adressiert genau diese Einschränkungen bei der Kristallzucht selbstinduzierter GaN-Nanodrähte. Konkret sind das Limitierungen bezüglich der Nanodraht-Durchmesser, die Nanodraht-Anzahl-/Flächendichte, der Koaleszenzgrad sowie die maximal realisierbare Wachstumstemperatur. Für jede dieser Einschränkungen werden Lösungen präsentiert, um die jeweilige Limitierung zu umgehen oder zu verschieben. Als Resultat wurde eine neue Klasse von GaN Nanodrähten mit bisher unerreichten strukturellen und optischen Eigenschaften geschaffen. Mithilfe eines Zwei-Schritt-Ansatzes, bei dem die Wachstumstemperatur während der Nukleationsphase erhöht wurde, konnte eine verbesserte Kontrolle über die Flächendichte, den Durchmesser und den Koaleszenzgrad der GaN-Nanodraht-Ensembles erreicht werden. Darüber hinaus werden Ansätze präsentiert, um die außerordentlich lange Inkubationszeit bei hohen Wachstumstemperaturen zu minimieren und damit wesentlich höhere Wachstumstemperaturen zu ermöglichen (bis zu 905°C). Die resulierenden GaN-Nanodraht-Ensembles weisen schmale exzitonische Übergänge mit sub-meV Linienbreiten auf, vergleichbar zu denen freistehender GaN-Schichten. Abschließend wurden Nanodrähte mit Durchmessern deutlich unterhalb von 10 nm fabriziert. Mithilfe eines Zersetzungsschrittes im Ultrahochvakuum direkt im Anschluss an die Wachstumsphase wurden reguläre Nanodraht-Ensembles verdünnt. Die resultierenden ultradünnen Nanodrähte weisen dielektrisches Confinement auf. Wir zeigen eine ausgeprägte exzitonische Emission von puren GaN-Nanodrähten mit Durchmessern bis hinab zu 6 nm. / In molecular beam epitaxy, dense arrays of GaN nanowires form spontaneously on crystalline as well as amorphous substrates. Due to the nature of spontaneous formation, the control over important parameters is limited. This thesis addresses the major limitations of spontaneous nanowire formation, namely the nanowire diameter, number density, and coalescence degree but also the maximum achievable growth temperature, and presents approaches to overcome the same. Thereby, we have fabricated a new class of nanowires with unprecedented structural and optical properties. We find that a two-step growth approach, where the substrate temperature is increased during the nucleation stage, is an efficient method to gain control over the area coverage, average diameter, and coalescence degree of GaN nanowire ensembles. Furthermore, we present growth approaches to minimize the long incubation time that precedes nanowire nucleation at elevated temperatures and to thus facilitate significantly higher growth temperatures (up to 905°C). The GaN nanowire ensembles grown at so far unexplored substrate temperatures exhibit excitonic transitions with sub-meV linewidths comparable to those of state-of-the-art free-standing GaN layers grown by hydride vapor phase epitaxy. Finally, we fabricate nanowires with diameters well below 10 nm, the lower boundary given by the nucleation mechanism of spontaneously formed nanowires. Here, regular nanowire arrays are thinned in a post-growth decomposition step in ultra-high vacuum. In situ monitoring the progress of decomposition using quadrupole mass spectrometry enables a precise control over the diameter of the thinned nanowires. These ultrathin nanowires show dielectric confinement, which is potentially much stronger than quantum confinement. We demonstrate intense excitonic emission from bare GaN nanowires with diameters down to 6 nm.

Dimensionseffekte in Halbleiternanodrähten / Dimensional Effects in Semiconductor Nanowires

Stichtenoth, Daniel 23 June 2008 (has links)
No description available.

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