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Photoluminescence related to transition metal and carbon defects in GaNZimmermann, Friederike 27 October 2022 (has links)
Galliumnitrid (GaN) ist ein Schlüsselmaterial zur Produktion von elektronischen Hochfrequenz- und Hochleistungsbauelementen sowie Leuchtdioden. Zum Erreichen der optimalen Bauelementleistung ist ein tiefgreifendes Verständnis sowie die Kontrolle von Punktdefekten unabdingbar um die elektrischen und optischen Substrateigenschaften präzise einzustellen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden Punktdefekte in GaN mittels Photolumineszenz (PL)-spektroskopie untersucht. Häufige Übergangsmetallverunreinigungen (Fe, Mn und Cr) wurden anhand ihrer internen Übergänge, die sich durch scharfe Lumineszenz- und Absorptionslinien im nahen Infrarot auszeichnen, identifiziert. Mn und Cr wurden als Ursprung für ungewollte Substratfärbungen bestimmt. Teilweise Entfärbung konnte durch Mn-Si-Kodotierung erreicht werden. Der Zusammenhang zwischen Absorption und Emission des Cr-Zentrums wurde durch polarisationsabhängige PL-Anregungsspektroskopie analysiert. Weiterhin wurde der Einfluss von Kohlenstoffdotierung auf die Eigenschaften von GaN-Substraten durch PL- und PL-Anregungsspektroskopie untersucht. Eine neue Emissionsbande um 1,62 eV, die am effizientesten bei 2,7 eV angeregt wird, wurde für hochdotiertes GaN:C beobachtet und einem internen Übergang C_N-C_Ga-C_N-Komplexen zugeschrieben. / Gallium nitride (GaN) is a key material for the production of high frequency and high power electronics as well as light emitting diodes. Optimum device performance requires a profound understanding and control of the point defect formation in order to determine the electrical and optical substrate properties. Within this thesis, photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy was applied to analyze point defects in GaN. Common transition metal impurities (Fe, Mn and Cr) were identified by their internal transitions characterized by sharp luminescence and absorption lines in the near infrared region. Among them, Mn and Cr were shown to be the origin of undesirable substrate coloration. Partial decoloration was achieved by an Mn-Si codoping approach. The relationship of absorption and emission processes of the Cr impurity center was further analyzed by polarization dependent PL excitation spectroscopy. Furthermore, the impact of C-doping on GaN substrate properties was investigated by PL and PL excitation spectroscopy. A new emission band around 1.6 eV, most efficiently excited at 2.7 eV, was reported for highly C-doped GaN and proposed to originate from an internal transition of C_N-C_Ga-C_N complexes.
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Carbon-doped MBE GaN: Spectroscopic insightsPohl, D., Solovyev, V. V., Röher, S., Gärtner, J., Kukushkin, I. V., Mikolajick, Thomas, Großer, A., Schmult, S. 10 October 2022 (has links)
The predicted acceptor impurity nature of carbon in hexagonal GaN grown by molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE) is revisited spectroscopically in the energy range between 1.6 and 3.5 eV. Photoluminescence (PL) spectra from ultra-pure GaN and material doped with carbon at a level of 1·18 cm⁻³ differ significantly in the energy range between 3.0 and 3.3 eV depending on the Ga/N stoichiometry during MBE growth. Acceptor-like features formerly attributed to carbon, beryllium or magnesium incorporation are found for both, undoped and carbon-doped GaN. The intensity of these features depends on the Ga/N stoichiometry during growth. While for Ga-lean surface regions, exhibiting multiple 10 nm deep pits, the observed PL features are found to be less intense compared to Ga-rich surface regions, the situation reverses for carbon-doped material. For all samples, the intensity of the yellow luminescence band around 2.2 eV is weak. The results point at crystal defects and the unintentionally present oxygen as the origin of the spectroscopic features traditionally attributed to carbon in GaN.
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Metal Halide Perovskites: Photophysics and Inkjet Printing of Solar CellsNandayapa Bermudez, Edgar Ricardo 10 August 2021 (has links)
Metallhalogenid-Perowskite (MHPs) sind Halbleiter, die einzigartige photophysikalische Eigenschaften aufweisen, die sie ideal für photovoltaische Anwendungen machen. Techniken werden kontinuierlich entwickelt, um die Leistungsgrenzen der Perowskite weiter zu verschieben. Dennoch weisen diese Materialien verschiedene Herausforderungen auf. Zu diesen gehören eine geringe Stabilität unter einer Vielzahl von äußeren Bedingungen, sowie eine große Diskrepanz zwischen den Wirkungsgraden von Geräten im Labormaßstab und großflächigen Geräten.
Zunächst wurden mit Hilfe von Photolumineszenz-Spektroskopie Ladungsübertragungsmechanismen zwischen MHPs und atmosphärischen Gasen untersucht, um deren Einfluss auf die Materialstabilität zu bestimmen. Durch den Vergleich der Emission von verschiedene MHP wurde die Wirkung untersucht, die atmosphärische Gase auf Grenzdefekte im Material haben. Diese Löschungseffekte wurden nachfolgend mit dem Stern-Volmer-Modell analysiert. Es stellte sich heraus, dass ein Teil von der Gase bindet jedoch an die MHPs, wobei teilweise Kristalldefekte passiviert werden und für jedes der Gase Ladungstransfermechanismen vorgeschlagen wurden.
Zweitens wurde die Skalierung von MHP-Bauelementen mittels Tintenstrahldruck untersucht. Dazu wurden drei Kristallisationstechniken ausgewertet. Eine davon verwendete eine sequenzielle Abscheidung von zwei Präkursortinten, während die beiden anderen kristallisierte Tinten verwendeten, die in einem Schritt abgeschieden wurden. Die letztgenannten Techniken verwendeten beide niedrige Drücke und bei einer wurde ein kontrollierter Stickstoffstrom auf die Probe angewendet. Solarzellen mit einer Effizienz von 16,8% auf einer Fläche von 0,16 cm² wurden demonstriert.
Diese Ergebnisse zeigen ein neuartiges Verfahren zur Untersuchung von strahlungslosen Verlustwegen in MHPs auf. Zusätzlich demonstrieren diese Studien, dass der Tintenstrahldruck eine geeignete Technologie ist, um MHP-Bauelemente zu skalieren. / Metal halide perovskites (MHPs) are semiconductor materials that show unique photophysical properties, making them ideal for photovoltaic applications. Having shown power conversion efficiencies of up to 25.5%, techniques are continuously being developed to push perovskites to unprecedent limits. Yet, these materials present challenges like a low stability under a variety of conditions as well as a large disparity between the efficiencies of lab scale and large area devices. This thesis addresses these two major obstacles.
First, charge transfer mechanisms between MHPs and atmospheric gases were studied to determine their effect on the material stability by using photoluminescence spectroscopy. By comparing the emission of MHPs, the effect that molecular oxygen, nitrogen, argon, and water have on boundary defects in the material was studied. These quenching effects were later analyzed using the Stern-Volmer model. It was found that the gases bounce off the surface, but a portion of them bind to the MHPs, in occasions passivating defects on the crystals. Using these results, charge transfer mechanisms were proposed for each one of the gases.
Second, scaling of MHP devices was examined using inkjet printing. For this, three crystallization techniques were evaluated. One of them used sequential deposition of two precursor inks, while the other two crystallized ink that was deposited in one step. Both latter techniques used low pressures, below 1 mbar, and only one of them applied a controlled stream of nitrogen to the sample. Using these techniques, the deposition of a 15x15 cm² area as well as a device with an efficiency of 16.8% on an area of 0.16 cm² were demonstrated.
These results show a novel procedure to study non-radiative loss paths in MHPs to enhance their stability and performance as devices. Also, they show that inkjet printing is a favorable technology to scale MHP devices and eventually facilitate the mass production of this type of photovoltaic devices.
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Optical properties of single semiconductor nanowires and nanowire ensembles / probing surface physics by photoluminescence spectroscopyPfüller, Carsten 07 July 2011 (has links)
Diese Arbeit beschreibt die optische Charakterisierung mittels Photolumineszenzspektroskopie (PL) von Halbleiter-Nanodrähten (ND) im allgemeinen und einzelnen GaN-ND und GaN-ND-Ensembles im speziellen. ND werden oftmals als vielversprechende Bausteine zukünftiger, kleinster Bauele- mente bezeichnet. Diese Vision beruht insbesondere auf einigen attraktiven Eigenheiten, die ND im allgemeinen zugeschrieben werden. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit werden exemplarisch einige dieser Eigenschaften näher untersucht. So wird anhand von temperaturabhängigen PL-Messungen an Au- und selbstinduzierten GaAs/(Al,Ga)As-ND der Einfluss des Keimmaterials auf die PL der ND untersucht. Weiterhin werden die optischen Eigenschaften von ZnO-ND untersucht, die auf Si-, Saphir- und ZnO-Substraten gewachsen wurden. Die optische Charakterisierung von GaN-ND nimmt den Hauptteil dieser Arbeit ein. Die detaillierte Untersuchung einzelner GaN-ND und von GaN-ND-Ensembles zeigt die Relevanz des großen Oberflächen-zu-Volumen-Verhältnisses und dass jeder ND ganz eigene optische Eigenschaften aufweist. Die unerwartet starke Verbreiterung des strahlenden Übergangs donatorgebundener Exzitonen wird durch das vermehrte Auftreten von Oberflächendonatoren erklärt, deren statistische Relevanz durch PL-Messungen an einzelnen ausgestreuten und freistehenden GaN-ND nachgewiesen werden kann. Weiterhin wird der Einfluss elektrischer Felder auf die optischen Eigenschaften von GaN-ND ermittelt. Die Ein- und Auskopplung von Licht mit GaN ND wird mithilfe von Reflektanz- und Ramanmessungen bestimmt. Die zentralen Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit motivieren die Einführung eines Modells, dass die typischerweise nichtexponentielle Rekombinationsdynamik in ND-Ensemblen erklärt. Es basiert auf einer Verteilung der Rekombinationsraten. Vorläufige Ergebnisse dieses Modells beschreiben das nichtexponentielle Rekombinationdynamik in GaN ND-Ensemblen zufriedenstellend und erlauben eine Abschätzung ihrer internen Quanteneffizienz. / This thesis presents a detailed investigation of the optical properties of semiconductor nanowires (NWs) in general and single GaN NWs and GaN NW ensembles in particular by photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. NWs are often considered as potential building blocks for future nanometer-scaled devices. This vision is based on several attractive features that are generally ascribed to NWs. In the first part of the thesis, some of these features are examined using semiconductor NWs of different materials. On the basis of the temperature-dependent PL of Au- and self-assisted GaAs/(Al,Ga)As core-shell NWs, the influence of foreign catalyst particles on the optical properties of NWs is investigated. The effect of the substrate choice is studied by comparing the PL of ZnO NWs grown on Si, Sapphire, and ZnO substrates. The major part of this thesis discusses the optical properties of GaN NWs. The investigation of the PL of single GaN NWs and GaN NW ensembles reveals the significance of their large surface-to-volume ratio and that each NW exhibits its own individual recombination behavior. An unexpected broadening of the donor-bound exciton transition is explained by the abundant presence of surface donors in NWs. The existence and statistical relevance of these surface donors is confirmed by PL experiments of single GaN NWs which are either dispersed or free-standing. Furthermore, the influence of electric fields on the optical properties of GaN NWs is investigated and the coupling of light with GaN NWs is studied by reflectance and Raman measurements. The central results of this thesis motivate the introduction of a model that explains the typically observed nonexponential recombination dynamics in NW ensembles. It is based on a distribution of recombination rates. Preliminary simulations using this model describe the nonexponential decay of GaN NW ensembles satisfactorily and allow for an estimation of their internal quantum efficiency.
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Tuning of single semiconductor quantum dots and their host structures via strain and in situ laser processingKumar, Santosh 27 August 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Single self-assembled semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) are able to emit single-photons and entangled-photons pairs. They are therefore considered as potential candidate building blocks for quantum information processing (QIP) and communication. To exploit them fully, the ability to precisely control their optical properties is needed due to several reasons. For example, the stochastic nature of their growth ends up with only little probability of finding any two or more QDs emitting indistinguishable photons. These are required for two-photon quantum interference (partial Bell-state measurement), which lies at the heart of linear optics QIP. Also, most of the as-grown QDs do not fulfil the symmetries required for generation of entangled-photon pairs. Additionally, tuning is required to establish completely new systems, for example, 87Rb atomic-vapors based hybrid semiconductoratomic (HSA) interface or QDs with significant heavy-hole (HH)-light-hole (LH) mixings. The former paves a way towards quantum memories and the latter makes the optical control of hole spins much easier required for spin- based QIP.
This work focuses on the optical properties of a new type of QDs optimized for HSA experiments and their broadband tuning using strain. It was created by integrating the membranes, containing QDs, onto relaxor-ferroelectric actuators and was quantified with a spatial resolution of ~1 µm by combining measurements of the µ-photoluminescence of the regions surrounding the QDs and dedicated modeling. The emission of a neutral exciton confined in a QD usually consists of two fine-structure-split lines which are linearly polarized along orthogonal directions. In our QDs we tune the emission energies as large as ~23meV and the fine-structure-splitting by more than 90 µeV. For the first time, we demonstrate that strain is able to tune the angle between the polarization direction of these two lines up to 40° due to increased strain-induced HH-LH mixings up to ~55%. Compared to other quantum emitters, QDs can be easily integrated into optoelectronic devices, which enable, for example, the generation of non-classical light under electrical injection. A novel method to create sub-micrometer sized current-channels to efficiently feed charge carriers into single QDs is presented in this thesis. It is based on focused-laserbeam assisted thermal diffusion of manganese interstitial ions from the top GaMnAs layer into the underlying layer of resonant tunneling diode structures. The combination of the two methods investigated in this thesis may lead to new QDbased devices, where direct laser writing is employed to preselect QDs by creating localized current-channels and strain is used to fine tune their optical properties to match the demanding requirements imposed by QIP concepts.
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From Interstellar Medium to Nanosurfaces: A Theoretical Study of Electronic Structure and Spectroscopic Properties of Molecules and ClustersPouladsaz, Davoud 21 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This work tries to show the significant competence and functionality of density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) as theoretical approaches, supporting experimental measurements in various fields of physics from astrophysics to surface science, to study the electronic structure and spectroscopic properties of molecules and clusters:
Silicon nanocrystals: Due to their optical properties, silicon nanocrystals have attracted considerable attention in astrophysics. In this work, the optical properties of H-passivated silicon nanocrystals are determined by the energetics of the frontier orbitals and their dependence on the deformation in the relaxed excited state, using DFT and TD-DFT. The Jahn-Teller effect in the lowest excited state results in a distortion toward tetragonal symmetry, contributing significantly to the red shift of the photoluminescence (PL) spectra. Therefore, the deformation in the relaxed excited state consists of a symmetry conserving part and of a symmetry-breaking distortion from Td toward D2d. For nanocrystals up to a diameter of 1.5 nm, we project the deformations at the minima of the excited state potential surface onto the different symmetries, allowing for a discrimination of the respective contributions to the total Stokes shift. The results show a quantitative agreement between the TD-DFT calculations of PL gap and the observed PL energies better than 0.2 eV. It is also seen that the large PL linewidth is the fundamental property of each cluster, not of ensemble average over clusters of different size.
2,3-Benzofluorene: We have presented new theoretical results on the absorption spectroscopy of 2,3-benzofluorene (Bzf) for the transition from the ground state, S0, to the first electronically excited singlet state, S1, to support the measurements of S1(1A´) <- S0(1A´) absorption spectrum of jet-cooled Bzf. The potential energy surfaces (PESs) of the S(n=0,1,2) states of Bzf have been investigated with calculations based on DFT and TD-DFT. At the B3LYP/TZ level of theory, TD-DFT does not deliver a realistic difference between the excited S1 and S2 potential energy surfaces, a problem which can be avoided by introducing a reference geometry (q*) where this difference coincides with the observation. In this geometry, an expression for the Herzberg-Teller corrected intensities of the vibronic bands is proposed, allowing a straightforward assignment of the observed a′ modes below 900 cm−1, including realistic calculated intensities. In spite of the difficulties caused by the small energy difference between the S1 and S2 states, we have obtained a reasonable theoretical absorption spectrum based on a TD-DFT approach applied to the slightly modified molecular geometry. Although the agreement between the theoretical and observed spectra is very good only for vibrational modes with frequencies lower than 900 cm−1, we consider our calculations to be the best approach to an ab initio study realized for Bzf until now since only parametrized force fields had been used before.
(Ni–, Pd–, Pt–) Phthalocyanine: We studied the HOMO–LUMO gap shrinking in order to investigate the tip-induced polarization in scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) of d8 (Ni, Pd, and Pt) phthalocyanines. By means of DFT, the electronic structure and vibronic properties of single neutral NiPc, PdPc, and PtPc and their singly and doubly ionized cations and anions have been calculated. Interestingly, the position of the HOMO decreases systematically with increasing the atomic number of the central metal atom. The first ionization energies of neutral molecules increase by changing the central metal atom, while the electron affinities remain constant. This causes an increase in the HOMO–LUMO gap. These results show a clear correlation to experimental observations. Furthermore, partitioning of the reorganization energy, corresponding to the photoelectron spectra of the first and second ionizations of studied molecules, into normal mode contributions shows that the major contributions are due to several vibrational modes with a1g symmetry and energies lower than 1600 cm−1. The results reveal that the reorganization energy due to the singly positive ionization in the studied molecules is about one order of magnitude less than other reorganization energies, which makes these metal–phthalocyanines more attractive as electron donor for intramolecular electron transfer in electron acceptor–donor systems.
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Optische Eigenschaften ultradünner PTCDA &amp; TiOPc Einzel- und Heteroschichten / Optical Properties of utra-thin PTCDA &amp; TiOPc Single- and Heterolayers / Vom Einzelmolekül zum molekularen FestkörperPröhl, Holger 30 August 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die optischen Eigenschaften von dünnen PTCDA und TiOPc Schichten untersucht. Dies wurde mit der Kombination der Methoden der Molekularstrahlepitaxie (OMBE), der differentiellen Reflexionsspektroskopie (DRS) und Photolumineszenzmessungen möglich. Dabei steht der Übergang vom Einzelmolekül zum molekularen Festkörper im Mittelpunkt. Der realisierte optische Aufbau ermöglicht es, die optischen Eigenschaften von molekularen Sub- und Multilagen während der Schichtabscheidung im Ultrahochvakuum (UHV) zu bestimmen. Eine Strukturuntersuchung kann so unmittelbar darauf im UHV durchgeführt werden, ohne Umordnungsprozesse durch einen Probe-Luft-Kontakt zu riskieren. In dieser Arbeit wurden PTCDA-Schichten auf Muskovit-Glimmer(0001) und auf Au(100) untersucht. Auf Glimmer wird sehr gut ausgeprägtes Lagenwachstum gefunden, die Moleküle bilden auf dem schwach wechselwirkenden Substrat hochgeordnete epitaktische Filme. Dies ermöglichte für PTCDA, als quasi-eindimensionaler Molekülkristall, die optische Charakterisierung von Monomeren, Stapel-Dimeren und -Oligomeren während des Filmwachstums mittels DRS und Photolumineszenzmessungen. Die DRS-Messungen zeigen, daß die bekannten Festkörpereigenschaften schon bei Schichtdicken in der Größenordnung von 3-4 Gitterkonstanten ausgeprägt sind. Bis zu diesen Dicken sind die wesentlichen Änderungen in den optischen Eigenschaften zu beobachten. Ausgehend von Monomer-typischen Spektren entwickeln sich in dieser Dickenskale bereits alle Charakteristika der Festkörperspektren, wobei der Monomer-Dimerübergang die gravierendsten spektralen Änderungen hervorruft. Diese überraschende Tatsache war von den gängigen Theorien so nicht zu erwarten und ist Beleg für eine starke Wechselwirkung zwischen den dicht gepackten Molekülen. Steigen die Dimensionen des Films weiter, gibt es nur noch marginale Änderungen, die sich hauptsächlich in spektralen Verschiebungen äußern. Diese &quot;finite-size&quot; Effekte sind mit gängigen Theorien der Delokalisation der molekularen Anregung verträglich. Die Größe der Verschiebungen deutet jedoch darauf hin, daß gestalt- und dickenabhängige dielektrische Effekte gegenüber Delokalisierung und Confinement von Excitonen dominieren. Die veränderte Substratwechselwirkung auf der Au(100)-Oberfläche zeigt sich sowohl in verändertem Filmwachstum als auch abweichenden optischen Eigenschaften. Es wurde beobachtet, daß sich die Einflüsse durch die Substratbindung auf der Längenskala von nur einer Gitterkonstanten auswirken. Die PTCDA-Lagen, die auf dieser hybridisierten Grenzschichtlage wachsen, haben bereits die vom ungestörten System bekannten Eigenschaften. Da auf der Goldoberfläche mit zunehmender Schichtdicke das Inselwachstum (Stranski-Krastanov-Wachstum) überwiegt, verwischen die schichtabhängigen spektralen Änderungen zusehends. Für TiOPc auf Glimmer(0001) wurde bei Raumtemperatur amorphes Wachstum beobachtet, mit weniger gravierenden spektralen Änderungen. Jedoch sind auch in diesem System große dickenabhängige Verschiebungen in den Spektren festzustellen, die wie im Fall von PTCDA-Schichten hauptsächlich dielektrischen Effekten zugerechnet werden können. In TiOPc/PTCDA-Heteroschichten auf Glimmer konnte der Energietransfer vom PTCDA zum TiOPc auf molekularer Ebene, durch Löschung der PTCDA-Lumineszenz und anschließender sensibilisierter Emission des TiOPc, nachgewiesen werden. Dabei wurde bei sehr kleinen TiOPc-Schichtdicken die Emission von TiOPc-Monomeren beobachtet. Zusätzlich wurde eine dem Anion TiOPc- zuzurechnende Emission, als Indiz einer Ladungstrennung auf molekularer Ebene festgestellt. Bei größeren TiOPc-Schichtdicken tritt Exciplexemission auf, als Beleg für die starke Molekül-Molekül-Wechselwirkung an der Grenzfläche. Bei dickeren Schichten wird mit zunehmender Aggregation der TiOPc-Moleküle, die Lumineszenzausbeute durch Öffnung einer Reihe von nichtstrahlenden Rekombinationsmöglichkeiten, wie auch bei PTCDA beobachtet, geringer.
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Oberflächenchemie an Silicium-Nanopartikeln / Pulver, selbstorganisierte Schichten, Kolloide / Surface Chemistry on Silicon Nanoparticles / Powders, Self-Organized Layers, ColloidsKlingbeil, Christian 27 January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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On the ligand shell complexity of strongly emitting, water-soluble semiconductor nanocrystals / Über die Komplexität der Ligandenhülle stark emittierender, wasserlöslicher HalbleiternanokristalleLeubner, Susanne 20 January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals (NCs) have attracted a great deal of interest as bright and stable chromophores for a variety of applications. Their superior physicochemical properties depend on characteristics of the inorganic core, as well as on the chemical nature and structure of the stabilizing organic ligand shell. To evaluate the promising material, a thorough knowledge of structure-property relationships is still demanded. The present work addresses this challenge to three water-soluble NC systems, namely thiol-capped CdTe, thiol-capped CdHgTe, and DNA-functionalized CdTe NCs with special emphasis on the investigation of structure, modification, and influence of the ligand shell.
Remarkably, CdTe NCs show bright emission in the visible spectral region and can be synthesized in high quality directly in water. It was shown that the aqueous synthesis also facilitates the preparation of strongly near-infrared (NIR) emitting CdHgTe NCs. The current work presents a detailed study on parameters, by which the emission can be tuned, such as the growth time, the initial Cd : Hg ratio, and the choice of ligand. These insights contribute to the knowledge, which is essential for the design of highly emissive and long-term stable NIR emitting NCs. Further variations of the NC/ligand system include the modification of the ligand shell of CdTe NCs with oligonucleotides based on the strong attachment of DNA molecules to the NC. The successful functionalization of NCs with single-stranded DNA molecules is very promising for the precise and programmable assembly of NCs using DNA origami structures as templates.
For both, functionality and optical properties, the surface chemistry of the NCs plays a substantial role and was subject to an extensive investigation. As there is no generally applicable technique to determine the amount of stabilizers and the structure of the ligand shell, the presented study is based on a combination of various methods particularly tailored to the analysis of water-soluble CdTe NCs capped by short-chain thiols. CdTe NCs served as a model system for the described analysis of the ligand shell, since they are thoroughly studied regarding synthesis and features of the core. Aiming for the quantification of thiols, a straightforward colorimetric assay, the Ellman\'s test, is for the first time introduced for the analysis of NCs. Accompanied by elemental analysis an approximate number of thiols per NC becomes accessible.
Moreover, theoretical calculations were performed to estimate the amount of ligand that would cover the NC in a monolayer of covalently bound molecules. In contrast to these results, the experimental values point to a larger amount of thiols immobilized on the NC. Attempts to remove the ligand indicate the presence of Cd in the ligand shell and thermogravimetric studies show that the ligands are not loosely assembled in the ligand shell. The outstanding conclusion of these findings involves the presence of Cd-thiol complexes in the ligand shell. Further results unambiguously show that the amount of Cd-thiol complexes present in the NC solution strongly influences the concentration-dependent emission yield of the NCs. Additional studies dedicated to the considerable influence of the ligand shell highlight a strong effect of pH, NC concentration, type and purity of the solvent, and the number of precipitation steps on the emission of water-soluble semiconductor NCs. These substantial investigations emphasize the need to carefully control the conditions applied for handling, optical measurements, and application of NCs.
In order to gain a deeper insight into the complex structure of the native ligand shell, techniques deliberately chosen for the in situ analysis were applied for thioglycolic acid-capped CdTe NCs. Information from dynamic light scattering (DLS) regarding the stability and the shell thickness are consistent with previous results showing a large ligand network on the NC surface and a decreasing stability of the NCs upon dilution. Importantly, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy allows for the distinction of bound and free ligands directly in solution and proves the presence of these species for the NCs studied. In particular, the results indicate that the ligands are not strongly bound to the NC core and that both, free and bound ligand species, consist of modified thiol molecules, such as Cd-thiol complexes. These findings support previous assumptions and allow to establish a distinct picture of the ligand shell of water-soluble semiconductor NCs. Further insights were obtained from small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), which facilitates the identification and the determination of the composition of NC core as well as ligand shell. Element-specific SAXS yields the final proof of the presence of Cd in the ligand shell. The model developed for the optimal fitting of the experimental scattering curves additionally confirms the findings from the other methods.
In conclusion, the present work contributes to the challenging goal of a comprehensive knowledge of interactions between the NC core and the ligands. The fundamental development of a structural model of water-soluble CdTe NCs including information on stoichiometries is accomplished by the combination of the techniques presented and emphasizes the challenge to assign a clear border between the ligand shell and the Cd-thiol complexes in solution. Altogether, CdTe NCs capped by thioglycolic acid are best described by a crystalline core surrounded by a water-swollen Cd-thiolate shell that considerably affects the optical properties of the system. Notably, the results of the versatile study provide the opportunity to control the overall properties and to evaluate water-soluble semiconductor NCs for particular applications in photonics and optoelectronics.
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Synthesis and Characterization of Multifunctional Organic/ inorganic Hybrid Materials obtained by the "wet chemistry" approachKammoe, Astride Lorette 01 October 2014 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit fokussiert auf die Synthese von organisch/anorganischen Hybridmaterialien mit multifunktionalen Eigenschaften unter ausschliesslicher Darstellung dieser Materialen mit Hilfe des „wet chemistry“ Zugangs. Ausgehend von der Darstellung und Charakterisierung von isomorphen bzw. isostrukturellen Hybridmaterialien der allgemeinen Zusammensetzung catena-{[Me3NH][MCl3·2H2O]}n (Mtac) (MII = Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, tac = [Me3NH]Cl3·2H2O]) speziell mittels IR und UV/vis Spektroskopie ist beschrieben, wie sich aus diesen entsprechende bi-, tri-, und auch tetra-heterometallische Koordinationspolymere der allgemeinen Zusammenseztung {MxM´ytac}n, {MxM´yM´´ztac}n, {MxM´yM´´zM´´´ttac}n (MII = M ≠ M´≠ M´´≠ M´´´≠ M´´´´ und x, y, z, t als prozentualer Metallgehalt) herstellen lassen und welche limitierende Faktoren zu berücksichtigen sind. Leifähigkeitsmessungen an Einkristallen ausgewählter Koordinationspolymere werden vorgestellt. Zusätzlich werden die durch Rekristallisation von Nitac erhaltenen zwei verschiedenen Koordinationspolymere der Formel {[Me3NH]3{NiCl4}{NiCl3}}n und {[(Me3NH]{NiCl3}}n in Bezug auf ihre ungewöhnlichen strukturellen und magnetischen Eigenschaften vorgestellt und beschrieben.
Die durch Austausch von [Me3NH]+ Kationen gegen [Et3NH]+ bzw. protonierten aromatischen N-haltigen Kationen wie [2,2’-bipyH2]2+, [4,4’-bipyH2]2+ and [1,10-phenH2]2+ erhaltenen Reaktionsprodukte aus Umsetzungen mit Hilfe des “wet chemistry” Zugangs werden im Hinblick auf ihre Festkörperstrukturen beschrieben.
Die erfolgreiche Darstellung einer neuen Familie von perylentetracarboxylato-basierenden Komplexen, die teilweise hervorragende Löslichkeiten besitzen, wird beschrieben sowie die strukturellen, magnetischen und lumineszierenden Eigenschaften ausgewählter Vetreter. / The thesis presented here is focused on the synthesis of organic/ inorganic hybrid materials with multifunctional properties by means of the “wet chemistry” approach. The synthesis and characterization of hybrid materials with the general composition catena-{[Me3NH][MCl3·2H2O]}n (Mtac) (MII = Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, tac = [Me3NH]Cl3·2H2O]) is described. Due to their isomorphic and/ or isostructural character, bi-, tri-, and even tetra-heterometallic chains of the general formula {MxM´ytac}n, {MxM´yM´´ztac}n, {MxM´yM´´zM´´´ttac}n (MII = M ≠ M´≠ M´´≠ M´´´≠ M´´´´ and x, y, z, t is the percentage of each metal content) were synthesized and characterized. Limitating factors of the synthesis of these types of heterometallic coordination polymers are discussed. Furthermore, the conductive properties of selected representatives were investigated. Additionally, the products obtained from recrystallization of Nitac, two different novel 1D coordination polymers of the formula {[Me3NH]3{NiCl4}{NiCl3}}n and {[(Me3NH]{NiCl3}}n are described with respect to their structural and magnetic properties.
Efforts to replace the [Me3NH]+ cations of Mtac compounds by [Et3NH]+ cations as well as by protonated aromatic amines as [2,2’-bipyH2]2+, [4,4’-bipyH2]2+ and [1,10-phenH2]2+ are reported next with respect to the structural exploration of obtained hybrid materials by the “wet chemistry” approach.
Finally, the synthesis of a new family of perylene tetracarboxylate (ptc) based soluble complexes is reported. Structural, magnetic and luminescence properties of selected representatives of this new series of soluble ptc derivatives are reported.
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