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16-18 metų vaikinų fizinės būklės kaita aktyviai mankštinantis / 16-18 years boys physical condition change on active trainingŠmaižys, Dalius 30 June 2009 (has links)
Remiantis tarptautinio mokinių sveikos gyvensenos tyrimo duomenimis
(1994 - 1998 m.), Lietuvos mokinių fizinis aktyvumas, yra pasiekęs kritinę ribą. Palyginus su kitų 29 šalių Europos šalių mokinių judėjimo aktyvumu, lietuviai užėmė priešpaskutinę vietą, po Slovakijos mokinių. Todėl būtina ieškoti efektyvių vaikų, mokinių fizinės sveikatos stiprinimo priemonių, efektyvinti sveikos gyvensenos mokymą.
Tyrimo tikslas. Ištirti ir palyginti vieno iš Vilniaus sporto klubų 16-18 metų vaikinų organizmo būklės kitimą užsiimant aktyvia organizuota fizine veikla ir nesportuojant.
Tyrimo uždaviniai :
1. Nustatyti tiriamųjų judėjimo aktyvumą ir jo apimtį.
2. Palyginti ir išanalizuoti fiziškai aktyvių ir mažai judančių jaunuolių fizinį išsivystymą, funkcinius parametrus, bei jų skirtumus.
3. Nustatyti fizinio pajėgumo pokyčius aktyviai organizuotai mankštinantis nustatytą laiką.
Tyrimo metodai - Literatūros šaltinių studijavimas ir analizė, anketinė apklausa, interviu, testavimas, pedagoginis stebėjimas, matematinė statistinė analizė.
Iškeltiems uždaviniams spresti buvo tiriamos dvi grupės jaunuolių. E1 grupėje (n=24) jaunuoliai, kurie reguliariai sportavo pagal jiems sudarytas individualias programas ir E2 grupėje (n=24) jaunuoliai, kurie nesportavo. Buvo matuojami antropometriniai, funkciniai, bei dinaminės jėgos rodikliai. Tyrimas atliktas tris kartius per 6 mėnesius.
Gauti rezultatai parodė sportuojančių mokinių fizinio aktyvumo didėjimą, antropometrinių bei funkcinių rodiklių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / According to the international pupils healthy lifestyle survey (1994 - 1998 m.), Lithuania pupils physical activity has reached a critical threshold. Compared with other 29 European countries, the turnout of pupils movement of the Lithuanians took the penultimate place after the Slovak pupils. It is therefore necessary to find effective for children, students, physical health-building measures, more effective training of a healthy lifestyle.
The aim of the study. research and compare one of the sports clubs of Vilnius 16-18 years boys of body-state flow active pursuit of organized physical activity, and compare with not training.
Objectives of the study:
1. Identify the subjects movement and activity of its volume.
2. Compare and analyze the physically active young men and little moving pupils of physical development, functional parameters, and their differences.
3. Identify the physical changes in the capacity to actively organized training specified period of time.
Research methods: Literature study and analysis of the questionnaire survey, interviews, testing, Pedagogical observation, mathematical statistical analysis.
To manage objectives were tested two groups of young people. E1 group (n = 24) young people who regularly sports with individual programs and the E2 group (n = 24) young people who dont sports at all. Was measured Anthropometric, functional, and dynamic force performance. The study was carried out three times within 6 months.
The results obtained showed the... [to full text]
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O envolvimento do jovem com a Igreja : uma análise da caminhada dos jovens de uma comunidade da IECLBValmir Frank 02 August 2007 (has links)
Esta dissertação trata de questões teóricas referentes à juventude e adolescência. Parto do pressuposto de que a melhor maneira para ter sucesso em determinado trabalho é conhecendo de maneira detalhada e aprofundada o objeto ou o grupo com o qual se trabalha. Por isto busco descrever, com base na literatura atual, o que significa ser jovem e definir o que é o período da adolescência. Descrevo as influências que o jovem sofre da realidade que o cerca, no que o livro Modernidade líquida, de Bauman representou um auxílio valioso, especialmente no processo de identificação de mudanças em nossa época. O jovem e sua família estão em meio à cultura do consumo e do descartável, à cultura do aqui e agora e à cultura do prazer e das sensações. Mas isso não é tudo. O próprio jovem também passa por mudanças significativas. Analiso, neste trabalho, o jovem e seu mundo interior, as mudanças no corpo e outras mudanças relacionadas, a busca dos iguais que é a turma, a busca de si e da identidade pessoal, as primeiras paixões e os primeiros amores e a busca da liberdade. Neste trabalho, a teoria está sempre ligada à prática. Busco referenciais teóricos que estão de acordo com aquilo que experimentamos na prática. Através desses referenciais, a época da adolescência e da juventude é descrita como uma fotografia.
Na segunda parte deste trabalho, o enfoque é dado no jovem e na fé em Deus. O referencial teórico para isso é o desenvolvimento da fé segundo James Fowler. Como a teoria de Fowler está embasada em Erikson, também considerei de suma importância incluir nesta parte as oito idades do ser humano de Erikson. A seguir recebem atenção especial as concepções de religião, crença e fé segundo Fowler. Os estágios da fé são analisados, não como um avanço ou melhoramento, mas como uma determinada posição possível em determinada idade perante a fé. As fases da fé específicas da adolescência são descritas. Um Diário de Campo nos ajuda a conhecer melhor este Jovem. Os jovens do grupo de Juventude da Comunidade, mais um vez, dão a sua contribuição com desenhos de como imaginam Deus. O trabalho é finalizado com algumas propostas de atuação. Especificamente no grupo, nos grupos de presbíteros e nas famílias, o trabalho é essencial para que o jovem tenha um lugar apropriado dentro da Comunidade Cristã para lidar de maneira apropriada e salutar com sua fé, dúvidas e mudanças. / This dissertation deals with theoretical subjects referring to youth and adolescence. I suppose that the best way to have success in certain work is knowing in a detailed and deep way the subject or the group in which the work happens. This is the reason why I try to describe, on the basis of the current literature, what it means to be young, and to define the period of the adolescence. I describe the influences that youth becomes from the surrounding reality, in which task Baumans book Liquid Modernity, represented a valuable aid, especially in the process of identification of changes in our time. The youth and your family are amid the culture of consumption and of the disposable, the culture of the here-and-now and the culture of pleasure and sensations. But that is not all. The own youth also goes through significant changes. I analyze, in this work, the youth and his inner world, the changes in the body and other related changes, the search for the same ones as the group, the search for itself and for his personal identity, the first passions and the first loves and the search for freedom. In this work, the theory is always linked to the practice. I look for theoretical references that agree with what we experience in practice. By means of these references, the period of adolescence and youth is described as a picture.
The second part of this work focus on the youth and on the faith in God. The theoretical reference for that is the development of faith according to James Fowler. Since the theory of Fowler is based in Erikson, I also considered extremely important to include in this part Eriksons eight ages of the human being. Then we pay special attention to the conceptions of religion, creed and faith according to Fowler. The stages of faith are analyzed, not as a progress or improvement, but as a certain possible position in certain age to the faith. The specific phases of the faith in adolescence are described. A Daily one of Field in the aid to know this Young better. The young of the Youth Group of the Christian Community, again, give your contribution with drawings about how they imagine God. The work concludes with some practical proposals. Specifically in the youth group, in the leading groups and in the families it is essential for the youth to have an appropriate place inside of the Christian Community to handle in an appropriate and salutary way with your faith, doubts and changes.
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När livets ställs på sin spetsLivskvalitet och adaption för kvinnor med bröstcancer i palliativt skede : En litteraturstudie / When life comes to an end; quality of life and adaption for women with breast cancer in palliative stage : A literature studyHertzman, Anna, Sabit, Lima January 2023 (has links)
Background: Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women. Although breast cancer has increased in women, the mortality rate has decreased at the same time. Research shows that the quality of life of women is more or less affected by this disease, but the quality of life of patients can be improved by using scientific, organizational improvement, better diagnosis and new knowledge. Aim: The purpose of this research was to describe the quality of life of women with breastcancer in the palliative stage. Method: This research was conducted using a qualitative method based on a systematic reviewof seven scientific articles. These articles were analyzed using Friberg’s five-step analysis. Results: The results of this research make clear one main theme and four sub-themes. Based on the results of this research, the importance of communication in patient’s lives and cooperation with them is very vital. Physical changes in patients, living with guilt, emotional challenges and their evaluation of life are four sub-themes that affect quality of life of the patients. Conclusion: According to this research it is concluded that communication is an area that cannot be sufficiently considered. Nurses should ensure that the patient has access to relevant information. It should be added that coordination is required to ensure good care and thus a good quality of life.
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Kvinnors upplevelser av sin sexuella hälsa upp till sju år efter förlossning : En litteraturstudie / Women’s experience of their sexual health up to seven years after childbirth. : A literature reviewAlmestål, Anna, Johansson, Jennifer January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Flera faktorer påverkar sexuell hälsa bl a biologiska och fysiologiska faktorer samt genus. Genus i sin tur påverkas av samhällets värderingar som i sin tur styrs av dess historia, politik, kulturella värderingar, ekonomiska förutsättningar mm. Tidigare studier har visat att det finns en brist i kunskapsbildning och uppföljning av kvinnors sexuella hälsa åren efter förlossning. Avsikten med denna studien är att få ökad insikt i kvinnornas upplevelse av sin sexuella hälsa åren efter förlossning. Syfte: Att sammanställa tidigare forskning kring kvinnors upplevda sexuella hälsa åren efter förlossning, genom forskningsfrågan: “Hur upplever kvinnor sin sexuella hälsa upp till sju år efter förlossning?” Metod: Detta är en kvalitativ litteraturstudie och inklusionskriterierna var tidigare friska kvinnor utan patologiska graviditeter, samt kvinnor som fött barn med episiotomi och kejsarsnitt. Däremot exkluderades tvillingfödslar och spontana sfinkterrupturer av grad 3-4. Studien avser åren efter förlossning, max sju år. Sexuell hälsa åren efter förlossning ur kvinnans perspektiv skall vara huvudfokus. Artiklarna ska vara på engelska eller svenska och de ska vara publicerade från 1960 till 2020. Tolv artiklar valdes ut och dessa granskades via latent kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Visar att många kvinnor lider av en försämrad sexuell hälsa åren efter förlossning. Detta beror på flera faktorer, de som påverkar mest är: fysiska förändringar, amning, barnets påverkan, relationernas förändring och kvinnornas upplevelse av sjukvårdens bemötande. Dessa presenteras i studiens fyra teman. Konklusion: Kvinnorna upplever en försämring av sin sexuella hälsa och önskar ökat stöd från vården. Det krävs en bredare kunskap hos vårdpersonalen för att kunna bemöta kvinnornas önskemål och en fördjupad förståelse kring hur genus påverkar kvinnors sexuella hälsa. / Background: There are several factors that affect women's sexual health, among those are biological and physiological wellbeing and gender. Furthermore gender is derived from society’s values that comes from history, politics, socio-economic prerequisites among other things. Previous studies have shown a lack of knowledge and a lack of follow-up of women’s sexual health the years after childbirth. The purpose of this study is to get a deeper understanding of women’s experiences of their sexual health the years after childbirth. Aim: The aim of this study is to compile previous studies about women's experienced sexual health up til seven years after childbirth. This is done through the question “How do women experience their sexual health the years after childbirth?” Method: This is a qualitative literature review that contains twelve articles. The inclusion criteria is previous healthy women with no pathological pregnancies, women who experienced episiotomy or cesarean section during childbirth. However, twins and spontaneous sphincter tears of the 3de or 4th degree have been excluded. This studies scope is limited to the first seven years after childbirth. The articles are written in swedish or english and published between 1960- 2020. Latent content analysis is used to analyse the material. Result: Many women experience a loss in sexual health the years after childbirth. It depends on several different things such as physical changes, breast feeding, the impact of having a child, changes in relationships and how women experience the meeting with health care. All of this is presented through the four themes of our study. Conclusion: There is a general loss in sexual health among women after childbirth and they wish for better support from health care professionals. To meet this demand healthcare professionals need more knowledge and to actually apply it. Furthermore, a deeper understanding how gender affects women’s sexual health is needed.
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Vuxna patienters upplevelse av att leva med komplikationer efter stroke : En litteraturöversikt / Adult patients' experience of living with complications after stroke : A literature reviewAl Swiesh, Hamza January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Stroke är en av de främsta dödsorsakerna globalt bland hjärt-kärlsjukdomar. Det inträffar när blodflödet till hjärnan plötsligt avbryts, antingen av en blodpropp eller en blödning, vilket resulterar i syre- och näringsbrist i hjärnan och potentiellt leder till förlust av motoriska och kognitiva funktioner. Dessa komplikationer kan avsevärt påverka patienternas livskvalitet och kräver noggrann och omfattande vård samt rehabilitering för att hantera dem effektivt. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva vuxna patienters upplevelse av att leva med komplikationer efter en stroke. Metod: En allmän litteraturöversikt användes enligt Friberg för att granska och kategorisera elva kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultat: Resultaten visar tre huvudteman - upplevelse av fysiska förändringar, emotionella förändringar och sociala förändringar - med åtta underteman som beskriver olika aspekter av strokeöverlevares upplevelser. Slutsats: Strokeöverlevare möter en komplex resa präglad av fysiska, emotionella och sociala utmaningar efter stroke, vilket betonar behovet av adekvat stöd och interventioner för att underlätta deras rehabiliteringsprocess. / Background: Stroke is one of the leading causes of death globally among cardiovascular diseases, occurring when the blood flow to the brain is abruptly interrupted either by a blood clot or a hemorrhage, resulting in oxygen and nutrient deprivation in the brain and potentially leading to the loss of motor and cognitive functions. These complications can significantly affect patients' quality of life and require careful and comprehensive care and rehabilitation to manage them effectively. Aim: The aim was to describe the experiences of adult patients living with complications after a stroke. Method: A general literature review was used according to Friberg to examine and categorize eleven qualitative scientific articles. Results: The results show three main themes - experience of physical changes, emotional changes, and social changes - with eight subthemes describing various aspects of stroke survivors’ experiences. Conclusion: Stroke survivors face a complex journey characterized by physical, emotional, and social challenges after stroke, emphasizing the need for adequate support and interventions to facilitate their rehabilitation process.
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Dilemata sociálních pracovníků pracujících v zařízení pro seniory / Social workers and their dilemmas in the organizations for seniorsJELÍNKOVÁ, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the dilemmas of social workers who are working with seniors. In the theoretical part there are defined terms such as ?a senior? and ?senior age?, ?the basic physical and psychological changes that accompany this period?. There is also characterized the challenge of working with this group. Due to issues connected with work with elderly, the emergence of dilemmas can be assumed. These are characterized by Mr. L. Musil. In defining the underlying criteria for decisions, there are furthemore described ethical guidelines and their use in determining social workers? decision making. The practical part includes a research probe, which is conceived as a pilot research. Probe research examines whether social workers are faced with dilemmas and what particular dilemmas they are faced with. This part summarizes the results and presents possibilities of changes and adjustments of the research.
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