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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Computer Modeling and Simulation of Morphotropic Phase Boundary Ferroelectrics

Rao, Weifeng 20 August 2009 (has links)
Phase field modeling and simulation is employed to study the underlying mechanism of enhancing electromechanical properties in single crystals and polycrystals of perovskite-type ferroelectrics around the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB). The findings include: (I) Coherent phase decomposition near MPB in PZT is investigated. It reveals characteristic multidomain microstructures, where nanoscale lamellar domains of tetragonal and rhombohedral phases coexist with well-defined crystallographic orientation relationships and produce coherent diffraction effects. (II) A bridging domain mechanism for explaining the phase coexistence observed around MPBs is presented. It shows that minor domains of metastable phase spontaneously coexist with and bridge major domains of stable phase to reduce total system free energy, which explains the enhanced piezoelectric response around MPBs. (III) We demonstrate a grain size- and composition-dependent behavior of phase coexistence around the MPBs in polycrystals of ferroelectric solid solutions. It shows that grain boundaries impose internal mechanical and electric boundary conditions, which give rise to the grain size effect of phase coexistence, that is, the width of phase coexistence composition range increases with decreasing grain sizes. (IV) The domain size effect is explained by the domain wall broadening mechanism. It shows that, under electric field applied along the nonpolar axis, without domain wall motion, the domain wall broadens and serves as embryo of field-induced new phase, producing large reversible strain free from hysteresis. (V) The control mechanisms of domain configurations and sizes in crystallographically engineered ferroelectric single crystals are investigated. It reveals that highest domain wall densities are obtained with intermediate magnitude of electric field applied along non-polar axis of ferroelectric crystals. (VI) The domain-dependent internal electric field associated with the short-range ordering of charged point defects is demonstrated to stabilize engineered domain microstructure. The internal electric field strength is estimated, which is in agreement with the magnitude evaluated from available experimental data. (VII) The poling-induced piezoelectric anisotropy in untextured ferroelectric ceramics is investigated. It is found that the maximum piezoelectric response in the poled ceramics is obtained along a macroscopic nonpolar direction; and extrinsic contributions from preferred domain wall motions play a dominant role in piezoelectric anisotropy and enhancement in macroscopic nonpolar direction. (VIII) Stress effects on domain microstructure are investigated for the MPB-based ferroelectric polycrystals. It shows that stress alone cannot pole the sample, but can be utilized to reduce the strength of poling electric field. (IX) The effects of compressions on hysteresis loops and domain microstructures of MPB-based ferroelectric polycrystals are investigated. It shows that longitudinal piezoelectric coefficient can be enhanced by compressions, with the best value found when compression is about to initiate the depolarization process. / Ph. D.

Piezoelectric effects in GaAs MESFET's

Ely, Kevin Jon 20 October 2005 (has links)
Gallium arsenide MESFETS require protective passivation at several steps in their fabrication. A common film used for device passivation is silicon nitride. This passivation film is deposited on gallium arsenide substrates by chemical vapor deposition techniques and possesses high intrinsic stress. The stresses arise from the difference in the gallium arsenide and silicon nitride material properties, such as coefficient of expansion, density, modulus, and deposition temperature. The stress has been shown to cause electrical performance shifts in GaAs MESFET structures due to the piezoelectric nature of the gallium arsenide lattice. This work develops a framework of mathematical models and experimental techniques by which the intrinsic stresses in the film and the GaAs substrate can be evaluated. Specifically, this work details the stress field and the electrical performance shifts in fully planarized self aligned gate GaAs MESFETS. The devices were 10 micron gate periphery FET devices with a 0.4 micron etched gate length. The test devices included both enhancement mode and depletion mode structures. The major contributors to the stress in GaAs devices was found to be the intrinsic stress effects of the silicon nitride passivation film. An externally applied stress, such as that applied to a package base that a typical GaAs device would be mounted into for actual service, was found to be insufficient to cause significant shifts in the device performance. The package body effectively reduces the transfer of stress to the device body and thereby minimizes the piezoelectric effect. The intrinsic stress effects are due to the deposition of the film itself. This intrinsic stress was found to have a significant effect on the device electrical characteristics. The stress was found to permanently shift the threshold voltage and current in 10 micron self aligned gate MESFETS. The shift was measured at 26 millivolts per 100 MPa film stress for depletion mode devices and 23 millivolts per 100 MPa for enhancement mode devices. For the maximum measured biaxial stress of -0.54 MPa in the gallium arsenide, the total measured shift was 140 millivolts. The level of shift is similar to that reported by earlier researchers. This piezoelectric shift has been modeled, with model predictions within 50/0 of the experimental values for the DFET devices and 11 % for the EFET devices. / Ph. D.

Exploration of Piezoelectric Sensors for Signal Processing and Health Monitoring

Atout, Mohammed January 2024 (has links)
To address the growing demand for accurate and reliable wearable technologyin health monitoring and fitness tracking, this report presents a novel stepcounter integrated into a shoe. The goal is to enhance the precision of stepcounting and provide valuable health metrics, such as calorie burning. Theapproach involves a custom-designed circuit board that processes the signalfrom the piezoelectric disks, and an algorithm is developed to accuratelycount steps. The final phase involves constructing a functional prototype forextensive real-world testing. After testing and simulations, the systemdemonstrated a high level of accuracy in step counting. It successfullyprocessed and analyzed step data, providing insightful health metrics thatcould be used for fitness tracking. Lastly, the prototype achieved its goal ofaccurate step counting but also proved to be a significant contribution to thefield of wearable technology. But it could be further improved to have betterdurability and not break. This advancement has the potential to improve thereliability and effectiveness of fitness-tracking devices.

Development and optimisation of a zinc oxide nanowire nanogenerator

Van den Heever, Thomas Stanley 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study developed and optimised zinc oxide (ZnO) nanowire-based nanogenerator. The nanogenerator works on the piezoelectric effect that is, a mechanical force is converted to an electrical voltage. The ZnO nanowires are piezoelectric and when any force is applied to the nanowires an output voltage is generated. This ZnO nanowire-based nanogenerator can be used to power small electronic devices, such as pacemakers. The nanogenerator can also be incorporated into clothes and shoes to generate electricity to charge a cell phone for example. The problem experienced currently is that the nanogenerator does not generate enough electricity to be of practical use and needs to be further optimised. Simulations and mathematical models were used to identify areas where the nanogenerator could be optimised in order to increase the output voltage. It is shown that the morphology of the nanowires can have a considerable effect on the output voltage. For this reason the growth of the nanowires was investigated first. Different methods were used to propagate the nanowires in order to select the method that, on average, has the highest output voltage. Accordingly, one parameter at a time and design of experiments were used to optimise the nanowire growth. Consequently, these two methods were used to optimise the growth parameters with the respect to the output voltage. The aqueous solution method was found to yield nanowires that give the highest generated output voltage. After growing over 600 nanowire samples, optimal growth parameters for this method were found. These optimal growth parameters were subsequently used to grow nanowires that were used to manufacture the nanogenerator. The nanowires were grown on a solid substrate and hence the nanogenerator was also manufactured on the solid substrate. Through various optimisations of the manufacturing process the maximum output voltage achieved was about 500 mV. However, this output voltage is too low to be of practical use, even though the output has been raised considerably. The main problem was found to be the fact that the contact between the nanowires and the electrode was weak due to contamination. A new method was therefore required where the electrode and the nanowires would be in proper contact to ensure that higher output voltages were achieved. Subsequently, a flexible nanogenerator was manufactured in order to solve this problem. Accordingly, the nanowires were grown on the flexible polyimide film and a buffer layer was then spun onto the flexible substrate, leaving only the nanowire tips exposed. The electrode was then sputtered on top of this buffer layer, covering the nanowire tips. This ensured proper contact between the nanowires and the electrode. The nanogenerator, which was manufactured with non-optimal growth parameters, gives a maximum voltage output of 1 V, double the maximum achieved with the solid nanogenerator. When the optimal growth parameters were used the output voltage was raised to 2 V. Various optimisation techniques were performed on the nanogenerator, including plasma treatment and annealing and the use of various materials in the buffer layer. Combining these optimisation methods subsequently led to an optimised nanogenerator that can generate an output voltage of over 5 V. This was achieved after over 1200 nanogenerators had been manufactured. However, the output voltage was not in a usable form. Circuitry was therefore developed to transform the voltage generated by the nanogenerator to a useable form. The best circuit, the LTC3588, was used to power an LED for 10 seconds. The completed device was found to achieve a power output of 0.3 mW, enough for small electronic devices. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: ‘n Sink-oksied (ZnO) nanodraad gebaseerde nanogenerator is ontwikkeld en geöptimeer. Die nanogenerator werk met behulp van die piezoelektriese effek - meganiese krag work omgesit in ‘n elektriese spanning. Die ZnO nanodrade is piezoelektries en wanneer ‘n krag op die drade aangewend word, word ‘n uittree spanning gegenereer. Die nanogenerator kan gebruik word om klein elektroniese toestelle, soos ‘n pasaangeër, van krag te voorsien. Die nanogenerator kan in klere en skoene geïnkorporeer word om elektrisiteit op te wek vir die laai van ‘n selfoon. Die probleem is egter dat die nanogenerator tans nie genoeg krag opwek om prakties van nut te wees nie en verdere optimasie word benodig. Simulasies en wikundige modelle work gebruik om areas te identifiseer waar die nanogenerator geöptimeer kan word, met die doel om die uittreespanning te verhoog. Dit word bewys dat die morfologie van die nanodrade ‘n groot effek het op die uittreespanning. Dus word die groei van die nanodrade eerste ondersoek. Verskillende metodes word gebruik om die nanodrade te groei en die beste metode, wat die hoogste uittreespanning op gemiddeld verskaf, word gekies. Een parameter op ‘n slag en ontwerp van eksperimente word gebruik om die nanodraad groei te optimeer. Die groei parameters word geöptimeer deur van die twee metodes gebruik te maak, en die optimeering word gedoen in terme van die uittreespanning. Die oplossing groei metode lei tot nanodrade wat die hoogste uittreespanning verskaf. Na oor die 600 nanodraad monsters gegroei is, is die optimale parameters gevind. Hierdie optimale parameters word uitsluitlik gebruik om die nanogenerator te vervaardig. Die nanodrade word op ‘n soliede substraat gegroei en dus word die nanogenerator op dieselfde soliede substraat vervaardig. Verskeie metodes is gebruik om die vervaardiging te optimeer en die hoogste uittreespanning wat bereik is, is 500 mV. Die uittreespanning is te laag om van praktiese nut te wees alhoewel dit heelwat verhoog is. Die grootste probleem is die swak kontak tussen die nanodrade en die elektrode, wat veroorsaak word deur kontaminasie. ‘n Nuwe metode word verlang wat beter kontak tussen die nanodrade en elektrode sal verseker. ‘n Buigbare nanogenerator is vervaardig om die probleem op te los. Die nanodrade word nou op ‘n buigbare film gegroei. ‘n Bufferlaag word tussen die nanodrade in gedraai, tot net die punte van die nanodrade nog sigbaar is. Die elektrode word bo-op die bufferlaag gedeponeer, wat behoorlike kontak tussen die nanodrade en elektrode verseker. Die nanogenerator wat met nie-optimale groei parameters vervaardig is, bereik ‘n uittreespanning van 1 V, dubbel die soliede nanogenerator. Met optimale groei parameters word die uittreespanning tot 2 V verhoog. Verskeie optimasie tegnieke word op die nanogenerator toegepas. Die metodes sluit in suurstof plasma behandeling, verhitting en die inkorporasie van verskillende materiale in die bufferlaag. ‘n Kombinasie van die metodes geïnkorporeer in een nanogenerator lei tot ‘n uittreespanning van 5 V. Die uittreespanning is bereik na oor die 1200 nanogenerators vervaardig is. The uittreespanning is nog nie in ‘n bruikbare vorm nie. Spesiale stroombane is ontwikkel wat die nanogenerator spanning omskakel na ‘n bruikbare vorm. Die beste stroombaan, die LTC3588, kan ‘n LED aanskakel vir 10 sekondes. The toestel kan ook 0.3mWuittreekrag voorsien, genoeg vir klein elektroniese toestelle om te werk.

Matériaux piézoélectriques pour applications hautes températures : étude de la croissance de monocristaux de Ge1-xSixO2 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0,2) et de leurs propriétés / Piezoelectric materials for high temperature devices : research on single-crystals synthesis of Ge1-xSixO2 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0,2) and their properties

Lignie, Adrien 24 September 2012 (has links)
Dans la recherche de nouveaux matériaux piézoélectriques pour capteurs haute température (T > 600°C), nous nous sommes intéressés au matériau α-GeO2 dont le domaine de stabilité structurale en température et l'activité piézoélectrique seraient les plus importants parmi les composés isotypes du quartz-α. La littérature rapporte quelques limitations de ces deux propriétés dans le cas de monocristaux de α-GeO2 provenant de synthèses sous pression en milieu aqueux dues notamment à la présence de groupements hydroxyles au sein de la structure. Afin de remédier à cette contamination, une autre voie de croissance a été appliquée à GeO2 ; la méthode du flux par nucléation spontanée et à partir d'un germe monocristallin. Pour faciliter la croissance de la phase quartz-α de GeO2, métastable dans les conditions ambiantes, nous avons envisagé de substituer une faible partie des cations Ge4+ par des cations Si4+ (environ 10 % atomique). Après optimisation des différents paramètres expérimentaux, les cristaux synthétisés lors de ce travail ont été analysés par plusieurs techniques de caractérisation complémentaires (spectroscopies infrarouge et Raman, analyse E.D.X., D.R.X sur monocristal et sur poudre et D.S.C.) qui ont démontré leur excellente qualité cristalline, l'absence de contamination chimique (dans la limite de détection des techniques de caractérisation) et l'absence de transition de phase de la structure quartz-α, de la température ambiante à la fusion de ces matériaux (proche de 1100°C). L'approche de l'activité piézoélectrique de α-GeO2 en fonction de la température a été réalisée via l'étude de ses propriétés électromécaniques par spectroscopie d'impédance et spectroscopie Brillouin. Nous avons ainsi démontré que le matériau de structure quartz-α de GeO2 résonnait à très haute température (≈ 900°C) avec cependant une intensité diminuée par rapport à celle enregistrée à température ambiante. / In the research of new piezoelectric materials for high temperature sensors (T > 600°C), we have been interested in α-GeO2 material which would exhibit the most important piezoelectric activity and structural stability domain with temperature among the α-quartz isotype compounds. Some limitations are described in the literature concerning those two properties in the case of hydrothermally-grown α-GeO2 single crystals mainly due to the presence of hydroxyl groups in their structure. To prevent this contamination, another growth approach was applied to GeO2: flux-growth method by spontaneous nucleation and from a crystalline seed. To facilitate the growth of the α-quartz phase of GeO2, metastable in ambient conditions, we have thought to substitute a part of Ge4+ cations by Si4+ cations (around 10 atomic per cent). After optimization of the different experimental parameters, flux-grown single-crystals were analyzed by several complementary characterization techniques (infrared and Raman spectroscopies, E.D.X. analyses, single-crystal and powder X-R.D. and D.S.C.) which have demonstrated their excellent crystalline quality, the absence of chemical contamination (inside the detection limit of characterization techniques) and the absence of phase transition of the α-quartz structure, from ambient temperature to the fusion of those materials (around 1100°C). The observation of piezoelectric activity of α-GeO2 as a function of temperature was realized from the study of its electromechanical properties by impedance spectroscopy and Brillouin spectroscopy. By these means, we have demonstrated that the α-quartz structure of GeO2 still resonate at very high temperature (≈ 900°C) with a weaker intensity compared to that recorded at ambient temperature.

Termo eletretos de teflon FEP como transdutores piezelétricos / Thermo electrets of teflon FEP as piezoelectric transducers

Lima, Leandro 25 August 2006 (has links)
Os termo eletretos piezelétricos de teflon FEP apresentam-se como elementos que podem competir em preço e funcionalidade com os transdutores atuais. Quando carregados impulsivamente, as folhas de teflon FEP retêm cargas elétricas superficiais por um período longo, superior a 500 anos. Excitados mecanicamente, resultam em um alto nível de sinal elétrico e, excitados eletricamente, retornam a energia em deformação mecânica. O processo de fabricação projetado envolve a produção de um transdutor piezelétrico com uma densidade superficial de carga uniforme, através da formação de vacúolos gasosos formados sobre a superfície do filme polimérico. Os altos índices piezelétricos dos transdutores fabricados são confirmados por um sistema de medição estático, também projetado e desenvolvido neste trabalho, onde o coeficiente piezelétrico é medido de maneira direta. / The thermo-formed electrets of teflon FEP films are shown as elements that can be competitive either in price and functionality matters, as per the transducers being used nowadays. Once charged by an impulse voltage, the teflon FEP sheets keep the superficial electric charges for long periods, up to 500 years. Mechanically excited, they result in a high electric signal and, once electrically excited, return in a mechanical deformation. The projected manufactory process includes the production of a piezoelectric transducers with uniformly charged superficial density, though the formation of gaseous vacuoles over the polymeric film surface. The high piezoelectric levels of the manufactured transducers are confirmed by a static measurement system, also projected and developed in this same work, where the piezoelectric coefficient is measured by a direct way.

Croissance hydrothermale de monocristaux isotypes du quartz-alpha, étude des propriétés physiques et recherche de nouvelles solutions solides avec des oxydes du bloc p (Ge, Sn) et du bloc d (Mn, V, Ti) / Hydrothermal growth of isotypes of alpha-quartz single crystals, study of the physical properties and research of new solid solutions with oxides of p block (Ge, Sn) and d block (Mn, V, Ti)

Clavier, Damien 08 October 2015 (has links)
Dans le domaine des cristaux piézoélectriques, le quartz est l'un des plus employés dans l'industrie électroniques pour des applications comme oscillateurs ou dans le domaine temps-fréquence. Le quartz-alpha SiO2 montre une décroissance de ses propriétés au-delà de 250°C, une transition de phase alpha-beta à 573°C et un faible coefficient de couplage électromécanique k autour de 8%. Bien que ses propriétés d'optique non-linéaire soient bien connues, son faible coefficient chi2 ne lui permet pas d'être utilisé dans des dispositifs doubleurs de fréquence. L'objectif de cette étude est d'augmenter la distorsion structurale et la polarisabilité de ce matériau en substituant une partie des atomes de silicium par des atomes plus volumineux tels que le germanium ou d'autres éléments. Afin de faire croitre des cristaux de taille centimétrique, la technique hydrothermale a été employée dans des autoclaves hautes pressions. Des cristaux de quartz-alpha de type Si(1-x)GexO2 ont été réalisés sur des germes de quartz-alpha SiO2 (001). Des cristaux volumineux avec différentes teneurs en germanium ont été obtenus puis analysés par spectroscopie infrarouge et par EPMA. Les propriétés piézoélectriques et d'optique non-linéaire ont été mesurées sur ces cristaux montrant une augmentation des propriétés physiques. Puis des croissances cristallines avec des atomes plus volumineux que le germanium ont été réalisées afin d'en augmenter davantage les propriétés physiques. Des substitutions par les éléments suivants ont été entreprises : Mn, V, Ti, et Sn / In the field of piezoelectric crystals, quartz is one of the widely used materials in industry for electronic device application as oscillators for the time-frequency domain. alpha-Quartz SiO2 shows a decrease of its piezoelectric properties above 250°C, an alpha-quartz to beta-quartz phase transition at 573°C and a low electromechanical coupling factor of about 8%. Although its nonlinear optics properties are well known, its low chi2 coefficient prevent it to be used in frequency doubling devices. The goal of this study is to increase the structural distortion and the polarizability of this material by substituting part of the silicon atoms with larger atoms such as germanium or other elements. In order to grow centimeter-size single crystals we use hydrothermal methods in high-pressure autoclaves. Crystal growth of mixed alpha-quartz Si(1-x)GexO2 crystals was successfully performed on pure alpha-quartz SiO2 (001) seeds. Large crystals with different germanium content were obtained and analyzed by infrared spectroscopy and EPMA. Piezoelectric and nonlinear optical properties were measured on these crystals, which exhibit a improved physical properties. Then crystal growths with larger elements than germanium were performed in order to further improve their physical properties. Substitution by the following elements: Mn, V, Ti and Sn were investigated.

Model for coupled ferroelectric hysteresis using time fractional operators : Application to innovative energy harvesting / Modélisation couplée de l'hystérésis ferroélectrique à partir d'opérateurs fractionnaires : Application à une technique de récupération d'énergie innovante

Zhang, Bin 02 July 2014 (has links)
Les systèmes de récupération d’énergies basées sur les vibrations mécaniques environnantes suscitent l’intérêt depuis de nombreuses années. Augmenter l’efficacité de la conversion d'énergie est primordial, mais celle-ci pour être bien maitrisée, passe par la mise au point de modèles précis et notamment par la prise en compte des lois régissant les matériaux piézoélectriques. En effet, ces matériaux sont à la base des couplages mécano/électriques et il est capital de comprendre comment ils fonctionnent quelque soit l'excitation externe. Un modèle précis du matériau ferroélectrique est indispensable pour établir des critères de conception des prototypes et leur optimisation. Dans cette thèse, un modèle précis, temporel, large bande tenant compte de l’ensemble des non-linéarités d’une céramique piézoélectrique a été développé. L’utilisation d’opérateurs fractionnaires a permis d’augmenter fortement la bande de fréquence de validité du modèle. Le modèle permet notamment de prévoir l’évolution de la polarisation diélectrique ainsi que le déplacement mécanique de l’échantillon testé et ceci quelque soit le type de stimulation (contrainte mécanique pure, champ électrique et même excitation hybride électriques/mécaniques). La dérivé fractionnaire a dans un premier temps été utilisée pour l’hystérésis sous excitation électrique pour décrire le comportement dynamique de la polarisation diélectrique. En effet, au delà d’un seuil de fréquence, lorsque l’état du matériau n’est plus quasi-statique, une contribution dynamique apparaît. Cette contribution joue un rôle primordial lorsque les niveaux de fréquence et d’amplitude sont élevés. La même étude a ensuite été menée sous contrainte mécanique, et le même opérateur fractionnaire a été utilisé avec succès. Nous avons entre autre constaté que sur un même échantillon les paramètres de simulation établis sous champ électrique étaient conservés sous contrainte mécanique. Ensuite, un modèle inverse permettant d’imposer la forme d’onde de la polarisation ou du déplacement a été proposé. Pour une polarisation ou un déplacement donné, le modèle inverse permet de déterminer avec précision l’effort mécanique à appliquer sur la céramique piézo-électrique. Ces modèles sont nécessaires pour optimiser une forme d’onde de contrainte mécanique ou électrique et obtenir un rendement supérieur des systèmes récupérateurs d’énergie. En effet, une nouvelle technique couplée champ électrique/contrainte mécanique de récupération d’énergie est présentée à la fin de la thèse, technique qui nous a permis de valider l’utilisation du modèle. L’utilisation du modèle permet d’optimiser la mise au point d’un prototype mais également d’obtenir la valeur exacte du rendement de la méthode en rendant compte notamment des pertes diélectriques. Dans la thèse, le modèle sous ses différentes variantes est décrit de manière exhaustive. / Energy harvesting based on mechanical vibration has been a long time research topic for the last few decades. In addition to enhancing the energy conversion amount, another objective is to master and give a precise model with consideration of the disciplines of piezoelectric material behavior. A precise model for the ferroelectric material is mighty needed in the energy harvesting process, so as to give an instruction to the prototype designing and modelling optimizing. In this thesis, a model working on wide bandwidth considering the nonlinearity of the piezoceramic has been developed. The employment of the fractional derivative has broadened the usage of this model on expanded bandwidth. The model permit to predict the evolution of the dielectric polarization as well as the mechanical displacement, which has been tested on different samples under different kinds of stimulation (pure mechanical, pure electrical and hybrid of electrical and mechanical excitations). This fractional derivative factor has been first developed under electrical excitations to describe the dynamic behavior. In the development of this model to mechanical field, the fractional derivative factor was found available as well under the mechanical excitation in the same value. In the following study, an inverse of mechanical model has been developed as well. In the end, we stimulate the piezoceramic using both electrical and mechanical excitation to augment the energy harvesting amount which could become a promising method in energy harvesting field. Every model has been exhaustively demonstrated and specific measuring benches have been established to validate these models. Experiments results and simulations in different kinds of excitations (amplitudes, frequencies) for every kind of the above models have been compared. Good approximation has been acquired indicating the model has a good accuracy in describing the material property and dynamic behavior.

Piezoelectric behaviour of woven constructions based on poly(vinylidene fluoride) bicomponent fibres

RUNDQVIST, KARIN January 2013 (has links)
During this project it was investigated how the newly developed piezoelectric PVDF bicomponent fibre behaved when integrated in different weave constructions. The possibility to integrate conductive yarns as outer electrode was studied in order to see if it was possible to create a fully textile piezoelectric sensors. The piezoelectric properties of the bicomponent fibre is given by the sheath material, which is a polymeric material known as poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF). Today only piezoelectric film made by PVDF is commercially available, but with a flexible PVDF bicomponent fibre it improves the possibility to integrate piezoelectric material into a textile construction. In this study the PVDF bicomponent fibre was integrated in the warp direction into weave constructions, such as plain weave, twill and weft rib. All the woven bands included 60 PVDF bicomponent yarns, with 24 filaments in each bundle and the average width of the bands produced was 30 mm. Different conductive materials and fibres, acting as outer electrode, were coated or integrated together with the PVDF fibre and the behaviour of the PVDF fibres was analysed. All the woven samples went through corona poling with a voltage of 7 kV in 70 ⁰C for 3 min. The weave construction that gave highest piezoelectric output signal was twill with weft that has low tex. The twill construction gave a range amplitude of 1.5- 3.3 V when subjected to a dynamic strain of about 0.25% at 4 Hz. It was shown that different conductive materials influenced the PVDF fibre in different ways, due to the resistance of the material. It was also shown that it was possible to integrate piezoelectric bicomponent fibre into a textile construction and that a fully textile piezoelectric sensor could be produced by using conductive yarns as outer electrode. / Program: Masterutbildning i textilteknik,

Supercondutividade nodal em metais de transição dicalcogenados

Uchoa, Bruno 13 August 2004 (has links)
Orientador: Guillermo Gerardo Cabrera Oyarzun / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-24T19:06:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Uchoa_Bruno_D.pdf: 3173776 bytes, checksum: bbc84ac454d01ce5ee4aa4ae8b9d5b42 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004 / Resumo: Investigamos os efeitos macroscópicos de ondas das densidade de carga ( CDW) e da supercondutividade em sistemas organizados em planos que exibem quebra da simetria de inversão da rede (o que permitiria o aparecimento de piezoeletricidade), como nos metais de transição dicalcogenados (TMDs). Partindo da teoria de Ginzburg-Landau com dependência temporal a baixas temperaturas, estudamos como as distorções da rede e os modos coletivos de baixa energia da CDW se acoplam ao parâmetro de ordem supercondutor na presença de campos eletromagnéticos. Demonstramos que a supercondutividade e a piezoeletricidade podem coexistir nesses metais singulares. Além disso, este estudo indica a natureza do ponto crítico quântico entre a fase CDW comensurá.vel e a fase de faixas de carga, observado em função da pressão aplicada. Estes resultados são utilizados para fundamentar um modelo microscópico que unifica a supercondutividade às fases de CDW nos TMDs. Baseados na natureza do acoplamento elétron-fônon e na topologia peculiar da superfície de Fermi, propomos que o gap de CDW tem simetria f e quebra a simetria de inversão da rede na fase disorcida. As quase- partículas da teoria são férmions de Dirac definidos pelas exitações elementares da CDW na vizinhaça dos nós da superfície de Fermi, onde o gap da CDW se fecha. O estado supercondutor é formado pela atração entre férmions de Dirac através de fônons virtuais mediados pelo acoplamento piezoelétrico. Segundo esta teoria, as propriedades de transporte e o tempo de meia-vida das excitações de quase-partícula mostram fortes desvios em relação à teoria do líquido de Fermi / Abstract: We investigate the macroscopic effects of charge density waves (CDW) and superconductivity in layered superconducting systems with broken lattice inversion symmetry (allowing for piezoelectricity) such as two dimensional (2D) transition metal dichalcogenides (TMD). We work with the low temperature time dependent Ginzburg-Landau theory and study the coupling of lattice distortions and low energy CDW collective modes to the superconducting order parameter in the presence of electromagnetic fields. We show that superconductivity and piezoelectricity can coexist in these singular metals. Furthermore, our study indicates the nature of the quantum phase transition between a commensurate CDW phase and the stripe phase that has been observed as a function of applied pressure. These results are used to support a microscopic unified picture with superconductivity and CDW phases in TMD. Based on the nature of the electron-phonon coupling and Fermi surface topology, we propose a f-wave symmetry CDW gap which breakes the lattice inversion symmetry in the distorted phase. The quasiparticles are Dirac fennions defined by the elementary excitations of the CDW in the vicinity of the Fermi surface nodes, where the CDW gap is zero. The superconducting state has its origin in virtual phonon attraction of the Dirac fermions, mediated by the piezoelectric coupling. According to this theory, the transport properties and the quasiparticles life-time show strong deviations from the Fermi liquid theory / Doutorado / Física / Doutor em Ciências

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