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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Sofrimento silencioso: análise psicodinâmica do trabalho de suinocultores

Giongo, Carmem Regina January 2013 (has links)
Submitted by William Justo Figueiro (williamjf) on 2015-07-07T23:29:36Z No. of bitstreams: 1 15a.pdf: 1009622 bytes, checksum: f428f98799e2ce6d52759fc0e65b0930 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-07T23:29:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 15a.pdf: 1009622 bytes, checksum: f428f98799e2ce6d52759fc0e65b0930 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Nenhuma / Este estudo teve o objetivo de analisar as vivências de prazer e de sofrimento no trabalho de suinocultores, além de caracterizar a organização do trabalho neste meio e de compreender as estratégias defensivas utilizadas por estes trabalhadores frente ao sofrimento. O estudo teve um delineamento qualitativo e contou com a participação de 16 suinocultores, com idade entre 19 e 67 anos (M: 45,8; DP: 13). A coleta de dados foi realizada através de dois grupos focais e de observações do trabalho na suinocultura. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo e descreveram categorias mistas. O prazer no trabalhado dos suinocultores está relacionado à manutenção da tradição da família em trabalhar com suínos, ao retorno financeiro atrelado à subsistência familiar e ao cuidado dos animais. Em contrapartida, e com maior destaque, nas vivências de sofrimento destacaram-se a sobrecarga de trabalho e o desgaste consequente. O sofrimento é ainda, intensificado pela falta de reconhecimento no trabalho e pelo preconceito social relacionado à suinocultura. Para lidar com estas vivências, os trabalhadores fazem uso de estratégias defensivas pautadas na negação da dor e na racionalização, agravando os sintomas de adoecimento relacionados ao trabalho. Tendo em vista estes resultados, considera-se que os suinocultores investigados vivenciam condições de trabalho precárias que culminam na sobrecarga. Como consequência, foram identificados danos à saúde física e mental dos trabalhadores, através da intensificação das lesões e acidentes de trabalho, das dores crônicas, do isolamento social, da ansiedade e do estresse. / This study aimed to analyze the experiences of pleasure and suffering of pig farmers and to characterize the organization of work in this field and to understand the defensive strategies used by these workers in dealing with their suffering. The study had a qualitative research design that was done with 16 pig farmers between the ages of 19 and 67 years old (M: 45,8; DP: 13). The collection of data came from two focus groups as well as observations of the work with pigs. The data obtained was subjected to content analysis and described mixed categories. The pleasure of working in pig farming is related to maintaining the family tradition of working with pigs, financial return tied to the family subsistence, and care of the animals. In contrast and most notably what stood out regarding the suffering experiences was the overload of work, which resulted in complete fatigue. The suffering is also intensified by the lack of recognition of their work and the social prejudice related to pig farming. To deal with these experiences the workers make use of defensive strategies guided by the denial of pain and rationalization, exacerbating the symptoms of work-related illnesses. In accordance with the results obtained, we conclude that the pig farmers observed by us live in precarious work conditions that culminate in overburden for them. Consequently was concluded that their lifestyle is damaging their physical and mental health, such as frequent injuries and accidents, chronic pain, social isolation, anxiety and stress.

Genética de paisagem de suínos no Brasil : identificação de assinaturas de seleção para estudos de conservação e caracterização de rebanhos / Landscape genetic of Brazilian autochthonous swine breeds : an approach to detect signatures of natural selection to studies of conservation and breed characterization

Cesconeto, Robson José January 2016 (has links)
Estudos em genética de paisagem, das espécies zootécnicas, podem impulsionar o entendimento dos processos adaptativos, bem como, a maneira que o ambiente afeta o sucesso destas populações. O objetivo principal do projeto foi identificar assinaturas de seleção no genoma populações de suínos naturalizados brasileiros. Procurando obter a maior representatividade da variabilidade genética e ambiental dos suínos dentro do território brasileiros, amostras de DNA de pelo menos um animal e de pelo menos um grupo genético foram obtidas dentro do Banco de Germopalsma da EMBRAPA, totalizando 191 animais de 18 grupos genéticos suínos brasileiras que foram genotipadas, e classificadas de acordo com sua origem dentro de raça ou grupo genético, estado bioma, bacia hidrográfica, tipo de solo, ecoregião e tipo de vegetação. Após um controle de qualidade os genótipos resultantes foram utilizados no calculo das estatísticas F de Wright, equilíbrio de Hardy-Weinberg. Análise de componentes principais, coeficiente de endogamia, analise da variância molecular, testes de Mantel, e a determinação do número ideal de populações. Os dados ambientais foram convertidos em layers através do Qgis e utilizados na detecção de assinaturas de seleção através do BayeScan v2.1 (Foll & Gaggiotti 2008) e do Samβada (Stucki et al. 2014) Os resultados obtidos mostram que as populações estudadas têm uma estrutura variada entre e dentre si. A maior parte da variabilidade genética esta presente nos indivíduos dentro de grupos genéticos, e indivíduos dentro de estados. Existe diferenciação genética dos suínos dentro das variáveis ambientais classificatórias. As raças Monteiro e Marajó foram as que mostraram maiores níveis de estruturação. Os componentes principais mostram proximidade entre as raças comerciais, assim como o elevado grau de variação na composição genéticas das demais raças, com marcante separação dos animais Monteiro e Marajó. Níveis elevados de endogamia foram encontrados. Foram encontrados pelo menos 8 assinaturas de seleção no genoma das raças suínas localmente adaptadas. A freqüência dos genótipos destes marcadores divide o território brasileiro em duas regiões latitudinais distintas. Os níveis de estruturação das populações demonstram uma grande variabilidade genética entre e dentre as raças. As marcas de seleção encontradas demonstram a influência do meio ambiente no sucesso adaptativo destes animais ao território brasileiro. / Study of landscape genetics in livestock species can help understand the adaptive processes and the way that the environment affects the success of these populations. The main objective was the identification of genetic signatures of selection in the Brazilian autochthone swine breeds. We aim the higher representation of genetic and environmental variability from Brazilian territory sampling at least one animal from one genetic group per sampling point. The samples were obtained on CENARGEN-EMBRAPA Germplasm Bank in a total of 191 DNA samples from 19 Brazilian locally adapted swine genetic groups, classified into state, region, biome, hydrological basins, soil type, ecoregion and vegetation type. These samples were genotyped and after a quality control, we calculated Wright’ F-statistics, individual inbreeding coefficient, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, Principal components, IBD, Mantel test, an ideal number of subpopulations and an analysis of molecular variance. Environmental data was converted in layers through Qgis and used to detect signatures of selection by BayeScan v2.1 (Foll & Gaggiotti 2008) and Samβada ((Stucki et al. 2014) Population studied had genetic structure among different subpopulations, in a same category. The biggest part of genetic variability is the individual within breed and in individual within state. We found different intensity of population structure in the categories studied, been the he Monteiro and Marajó breeds that ones with highest values from population genetic structure. Principal component analyses showed proximity between commercial breeds, as well as the high degree of genetic variation among other breeds, with great detachment of Monteiro and Marajó animals from others. High inbreeding levels were found. Signatures of selection were found on the genome of Brazilian locally adapted swine pig. The genotypic frequency of these signatures of selection divides the Brazilian territory into two distinct latitudinal regions. The population structure levels demonstrate a wide genetic variability inside and among races. The signatures of natural selection found demonstrate the influence of the environment to successful adaptation of swine in Brazil.

Avaliação de coliformes totais residuais em creches de suínos após lavagem, desinfecção e vazio sanitário / Evaluation of total coliforms contamination in nursery pigs facilities after washing, disinfection and downtime

Mion, Ligiani January 2017 (has links)
A colonização por micro-organismos patogênicos em creches de suínos é um fator importante na disseminação de doenças e surtos no rebanho. O controle desses patógenos se dá principalmente por medidas de biosseguridade, como a prática da limpeza, desinfecção e vazio sanitário das instalações. O presente estudo avaliou a carga bacteriana após o processo de limpeza e desinfecção, durante o período de 3 dias de vazio sanitário, em duas creches de suínos, pelo uso de placas de contato com meio seletivo para coliformes totais. As contagens bacterianas foram analisadas considerando três fatores (água, detergente e desinfetante) em dois níveis para cada (água: fria/quente, detergente e desinfetante: presença/ausência). Foram usadas 4 baias em cada tratamento, 4 pontos de cada baia e cada ponto foi amostrado em triplicata. Foi feita a média de crescimento bacteriano das 3 placas e pontuada em escala de 5 escores. Após limpeza e desinfecção, no primeiro dia de vazio sanitário, houve efeito da interação da água com o detergente (P<0,05), em que o uso do detergente aumentou a chance de diminuir a contaminação quando usado com água quente, mas não com água fria. Na ausência de detergente, a água fria foi mais eficaz em reduzir a contaminação do que a água quente. Houve, também, efeito da interação do detergente com o desinfetante (P<0,05), em que a presença de ambos foi mais eficaz em reduzir a contaminação do que na sua ausência ou quando apenas um dos dois foi utilizado. No terceiro dia, foi verificado que a ausência de desinfetante diminuiu a chance de reduzir a contaminação (P < 0,0001) em comparação com o uso de detergente. A água quente não representou ganho adicional quando comparada a água fria. As evidências aqui observadas reiteram a importância da lavagem, desinfecção e vazio sanitário na redução da carga bacteriana em creche de suínos. A metodologia usada no presente trabalho pode servir como um sistema simples de monitoria dos processos de lavagem e desinfecção de instalações usadas para criação de suínos. / The colonization by pathogenic microorganisms in nursery pig units is an important factor in the spread and outbreaks of diseases in the herds. Pathogens are mainly controlled by biosecurity measures, such as cleaning, disinfection and downtime on facilities. The present study evaluated the bacterial load after the cleaning and disinfection process, during the three days of vacancy, in two pig nurseries, by the use of contact plates selective for enterobacteria. Data were analyzed considering three factors (water, detergent and disinfectant) in two levels (water: cold / hot, detergent and disinfectant: presence / absence). Were used 4 pen for each treatment, and 3 plates for 4 points of the pen. A mean of the 3 bacterial growths was calculated and scored on a 5 point scale. After cleaning and disinfection, there was no detergent - water effect (P <0.05) with cold water. In the absence of detergent, cold water was more effective in reducing contamination than hot water. There was also an effect of the interaction of detergent and disinfectant (P <0.05), where a presence of both was more effective in reducing contamination than in its absence or when only one was used. On the third day, it was found that the absence of disinfectant decreased a chance of reducing contamination (P <0.0001) when compared with the use of detergent. Addition of detergent decreased the chance of contamination when combined with disinfectant, as detergent helps in removing dirt and exposes bacteria which were protected by organic matter and biofilms. The use of hot water did not how advantage when compared with cold water. As there was a fall on contamination between the 1st and 3rd day, the time of action of the disinfectant must be considered to calculate the time of vacancy to permit the action on surviving microorganisms. The results of the present work reinforce the importance of cleaning, disinfection and downtime to reduce bacterial load in swine nurseries. The methodology used in this work may serve as a practical system for monitoring cleaning and disinfection of pig facilities.

Análise econômica de dois sistemas naturais de tratamento de água residuária na suinocultura /

Jasper, Samir Paulo, 1982- January 2006 (has links)
Resumo: O grande desenvolvimento obtido pela suinocultura brasileira deve-se, principalmente, à intensificação dos sistemas produtivos implicando em aumento da densidade, restrição de espaço, da movimentação, além da melhoria genética e nutricional. Animais com elevadas taxas de ganho de peso e eficiência alimentar são, cada vez mais, confinados e alimentados com dietas contendo maior densidade de nutrientes. A adoção de sistemas confinados de produção tem trazido, entretanto, graves problemas operacionais como a concentração de dejetos e o considerável aumento do uso de água para limpeza das instalações. Para solucionar tal problema é importante a utilização de técnicas simples e com baixo custo de instalação, como por exemplo, o sistema inovador de alagados construídos para o tratamento de águas residuárias provenientes da suinocultura. Por outro lado, há técnicas difundidas há bastante tempo, como exemplo, as lagoas de estabilização, pioneiras no Brasil. A composição e o volume das águas residuárias oriundas da suinocultura têm relação direta com o manejo dos dejetos adotado. A adoção de sistemas de manejos de resíduos de forma mais racional evita a perda de água, permitindo uma produção ambiental mais justa com baixo custo. 2 Este trabalho teve por objetivo desenvolver uma análise econômica detalhada entre os sistemas de alagados construídos, tipo combinado e lagoas de estabilização, do modelo facultativa, em função de seis tamanhos de granjas de terminação e dois manejos aplicados nos dejetos (manejo úmido x manejo seco). Os resultados mostraram que o sistema de alagados construído combinado, operando com manejo seco dos dejetos, foram as hipóteses que apresentaram os melhores índices econômicos, ou seja, os menores custos de implantação, anual, por suíno e por quilograma de carne produzida... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The great Brazilian pig breeding development was done due to the intensification of productive systems with density increase, space restriction and movement, and also genetic and nutritional improvement. Animals with high weigh gain rate and feed efficiency are restricted and feed with high density nutrient diet. However, a restricted production system has brought severe operational problems such as dregs concentration and an increase necessity to use water to keep the installations clean. In order to solve this problem, is important to use simple techniques and low cost installations, for example the innovator system called combine wetlands, to treat the pig breeding waste water. On the other side, techniques used for a long time such as facultative pond was pioneer in Brazil. The components and volume of waste dreg water from pig breeding have a direct relation with the adopted dreg management system. The adoption of a rational dreg management system avoids water waste allowing an environmental fair production with low production cost. This work developed a detailed economical analysis between the constructed wetland system, model combine and stabilization pond, type facultative, in function of six pig end raising grange size and two dreg management systems (alternative x conventional). The results showed the constructed wetlands working with dried dejects management system the hypothesis with best economic indexes, such as a lower implementation cost, annual cost, cost per animal and per kilogram of produced meat and also required the smaller recommended area. At pig end raising granges with wet dejects management, lower implementation cost, annual cost, cost per animal and per kilogram of produced meat was found on stabilization ponds type facultative, however this technique requires big areas to be used. / Orientador: Marco Antônio Martin Biaggioni / Coorientador: Ana Beatriz Rocha de Castro Lopes / Banca: Maura Tsutsui Seiko Esperancini / Banca: Maria Elizabeth A. de Oliveira / Mestre

Análise Morfoquantitativa do Plexo Intramural da Bexiga Urinária de Cobaias Jovens e Idosas / A morphoquantitative study on the intramural neurons of the urinary bladder of young and elderly guinea-pig

Márcia Sanae Mizuno 04 December 2000 (has links)
Um estudo morfoquantitativo foi realizado no plexo intramural de bexigas urinárias de cobaias (Cavia porcelus) jovens (GI) e idosas (GII). As bexigas foram submetidas aos métodos da NADH-diaforase e da detecção da atividade da acetilcolinesterase. Os neurônios intramurais apresentaram-se isolados ou reunidos em gânglios de pequeno a grande número entre os feixes musculares lisos que constituem o músculo detrusor. O número médio de neurônios NADH-diaforase positivos por bexiga urinária foi de 1.433±187 em GI e de 1.107±120 em GII. Foram observados neurônios arredondados ou ovalados em ambos os grupos, porém o perfil citoplasmático apresentou-se com aspecto relativamente denteado em GII. Em relação a colinesterase, os neurônios de GI apresentaram-se com marcação menos intensa do que em GII. A área média do perfil celular dos neurônios intramurais NADH-diaforase positivos foi de 711,01±28,14µm2 em GI e de 873,30±60,25µm2 em GII, sendo esta a principal diferença morfológica encontrada entre os grupos. / A morphoquantitative study was carried on intramural plexus of the urinary bladder of the young (GI) and old (GII) guinea-pigs (Cavia porcelus). The specimens were stained with NADH-diaphorase and AChE methods. The intramural neurons were observed both isolated or in small and large clusters lying between the bundles of smooth muscle fibers of the detrusor muscle. The mean number of NADH-diaphorase staining neurons per urinary bladder was 1.433±187 in the GI and 1.107±120 in the GII. In both groups, round or elongated neurons were observed. The citoplasmatic contour was indented the animals of GII. The AChE method evidenced intensely reactive neurons in GII when compared with those of the GI. The mean of neuronal profiles was 711,01±28,14mm2 in the GI and 873,30±60,25mm2 in the GII. This observation was the main morphological difference between the GI and GII.

Influência da temperatura sobre plantas aquáticas em pós-tratamento de efluente da suinocultura / Influence of the temperature on aquatic crops in pos-treatment of swine sludge

Weirich, Carlos Eduardo 21 August 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T17:37:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carlos_Eduardo_Weirich.pdf: 1336764 bytes, checksum: 26e875704b80ba5d54deaeedce9c2fe3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-08-21 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study aimed to evaluate the influence of temperature on production of biomass and retention of nitrogen and phosphorus in a treatment system for swine effluent, composed of two species of aquatic plants Eichhornia crassipes (water hyacinth) and Pistia stratiotes (lettuce water). The work was accomplished at the Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná- Paraná State, Campus of Toledo - PR, in the periods that were on 19 February to 19 March 2008 and August 11 to 09 September 2008, referring to the summer and winter, respectively. The system was composed by 24 experimental tanks built in concrete with a length of 1,5 m, width of 0,25 m and depth of 0,16 m. A completely randomized design was used two species of macrophytes, water lettuce and water hyacinth and two periods with four replications. Water samples were collected at entry and exit system at the beginning and end of the experiment evaluating the total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), pH, electric conductivity and dissolved oxygen. The water temperature together with the maximum and minimum temperature and air humidity were measured daily. Biomass production was analysed in the end of the experiment. The proximate analysis of biomass plants examined in the dry, were different (P <0,05) for the periods, the ash content grow in the shoot (CZPA) and root (CZR), phosphorus in the shoot (PPA ) and nitrogen in the root (NR) and shoot (NPA). As for the treatments showed meaning difference (P <0,05) for the crude protein in shoot (PBPA), gray in the root (CZR) and shoot (CZPA). The most remotion of water, as for the water hyacinth as for the track, was observed in summer with values of 85,71% and 88,69%, respectively. These values did not differ statistically from those observed for the winter. For PT a higher removal was observed on treatment with water hyacinth in the winter (43,37%) and on the runway during the summer (43,33%). The production of biomass of water hyacinth was 4,04 and 3,19 kg m-2 during the summer and winter, respectively, while the runway was 1,78 and 0,71 kg.m-2 for the same periods. The results obtained in this experiment, conclude that the plants had high biomass production and a high potential for accumulation of nitrogen and phosphorus in their plant tissue. The temperature of air and water showed variation during the periods of the experiment, indicating the summer period that favored the best performance of species evaluated / O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a influência da temperatura na produção de biomassa e retenção de nitrogênio e fósforo em um sistema de tratamento de efluente de suinocultura, composto por duas espécies de plantas aquáticas, Eichhornia crassipes (aguapé) e Pístia stratiotes (alface d'água). O trabalho foi realizado na Universidade Esta dual do Oeste do Paraná UNIOESTE, Campus de Toledo PR, durante dois períodos, que foram de 19 de fevereiro a 19 de março de 2008 e 11 de agosto a 09 de setembro de 2008, referente ao verão e inverno, espectivamente. O sistema foi composto por 24 tanques experimentais construídos em concreto com comprimento de 1,5m, largura de 0,25m e profundidade de 0,16 m. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado, tendo sido utilizadas duas espécies de macrófitas, pistia e aguapé e dois períodos com quatro repetições. As amostras de água foram coletadas na entrada e saída do sistema, no início e final do experimento avaliando-se o nitrogênio total (NT), fósforo total (PT), pH, condutividade elétrica e oxigênio dissolvido. A temperatura da água, juntamente com a temperatura máxima e mínima do ar e umidade relativa, foram mensuradas diariamente. A produção de biomassa foi avaliada ao final do experimento. As análises centesimal da biomassa das plantas analisadas na matéria seca, apresentaram diferença (P<0,05) para os períodos avaliados, o teor de cinzas na parte aérea (CZPA) e na raiz (CZR), o fósforo na parte aérea (PPA) e o nitrogênio na raiz (NR) e na parte aérea (NPA). Já para os tratamentos, houve diferença significativa (P<0,05) para a proteína bruta na parte aérea (PBPA), cinza na raiz (CZR) e parte aérea (CZPA). A maior remo ção de NT da água, tanto para o aguapé como para a pístia, foi observada no verão com valores de 85,71%, e 88,69%, respectivamente. Estes valores não diferiram estaticamente daqueles observados para o inverno. Para PT a maior remoção foi observada no tratamento com aguapé no período de inverno (43,37%) e para pístia no período de verão (43,33%). A produção de biomassa do aguapé foi de 4,04 e 3,19kg m-2 no período de verão e inverno, respectivamente, enquanto para a pístia foi de 1,78 e 0,71 kg.m-2 nos mesmos períodos. Diante dos resultados obtidos nesse experimento, pode-se concluir que as plantas apresentaram elevada produção de biomassa e um grande potencial de acumulação de nitrogênio e fósforo no seu tecido vegetal. A temperatura do ar e da água apresentou variação durante os períodos do experimento, indicando o período de verão o que melhor favoreceu o desempenho das espécies avaliadas

Karakterizacija kvaliteta mesa i iznutrica svinja čistih rasa odgajanih u Vojvodini / Characterisation of meat and offal quality frompurebred pigs reared in Vojvodina

Jokanović Marija 10 July 2013 (has links)
<p>U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji urađena je karakterizacija senzornog (boja i mramoriranost), tehnolo&scaron;kog (vrednost pH, boja, sposobnost vezivanja vode), nutritivnog (sadržaj vlage, proteina, ukupne masti, ukupnog pepela, P, K, Na, Mg, Ca, Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn) i toksikolo&scaron;kog (Cd) kvaliteta mesa (<em>M. semimembranosus</em> i <em>M. longissimus dorsi</em>) i iznutrica (jetra i bubreg) pet plemenitih čistih rasa (Velika<br />Bela, Landras, Durok, Hemp&scaron;ir i Pietren) svinja koje su odgajane u komercijalnom tovu i mesa (<em>M. semimembranosus</em>, <em>M. longissimus dorsi</em>, <em>M. psoas major</em> i <em>M. triceps brachii</em>) i iznutrica (jezik, srce, pluća, jetra, slezina, bubreg, mozak i kičmena moždina) jedne primitivne autohtone čiste rase (Mangulica, odnosno soj Lasasta Mangulica) svinja koje su odgajane u tradicionalnom slobodnom ispustu, a koje se u Srbiji, odnosno u Vojvodini, dominantno koriste za proizvodnju mesa.<br />Generalno, može se zaključiti da kod mesa svinja plemenitih rasa, od svih ispitanih parametara kvaliteta, rasa svinja značajno utiče samo na inicijalnu vrednost pH i to kod <em>M. semimembranosus</em>, dok mi&scaron;ić utiče na boju (senzorno ocenjenu i vrednosti L*, a* i b*) i sposobnost vezivanja vode (vrednost M/RZ i vrednost M/T). Kod mesa svinja Lasaste Mangulice mi&scaron;ić značajno utiče na krajnju vrednost pH, boju (senzorno ocenjenu, vrednosti L* i a*), mramoriranost, sposobnost vezivanja vode (vrednost T), sadržaj vlage, ukupne masti, P, Na, Mg, Ca, Zn, Fe, Cu i Mn. Sa druge strane, osim u slučaju sadržaja Ca u jetri i bubregu svinja plemenitih rasa, vrsta tkiva iznutrica značajno utiče na sva ispitana svojstva kvaliteta iznutrica svinja plemenitih rasa i svinja Lasaste Mangulice.<br />Utvrđene pojedinačne vrednosti svih ispitanih faktora kvaliteta mesa i iznutrica ukazuju na veoma veliko variranje kvaliteta mesa i iznutrica, &scaron;to ukazuje na potrebu povezivanja tehnologije odgajivanja svinja i tehnologije proizvodnje mesa optimizacijom svih faktora proizvodnje, koji sami po sebi nisu karakteristike kvaliteta mesa, ali koji značajno utiču na njegov kvalitet.</p> / <p>In this PhD thesis, characterization of sensory (color<br />and marbling), technological (pH, color, water holding<br />capacity), nutritional (content of moisture, protein, total<br />fat, total ash, P, K, Na, Mg, Ca, Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn) and<br />toxicological (content of Cd) quality of meat (M.<br />semimembranosus and M. longissimus dorsi) and offal<br />(liver and kidney) from five modern purebred pigs<br />(Large White, Landras, Durok, Hemp&scaron;ir and Pietren)<br />reared in commercial condition was done. Also,<br />characterization of meat (M. semimembranosus, M.<br />longissimus dorsi, M. psoas major and M. triceps<br />brachii) and offal (tongue, heart, lungs liver, spleen,<br />kidney, brain, spinal cord) quality from free-range reared<br />indigenous purebred pigs of Swallow-belly Mangulica,<br />was done. These modern and indigenous purebreds are<br />predominantly used for meat production in Serbia, and in<br />Vojvodina.<br />Generally, it can be concluded that in modern<br />purebred pigs, only the initial pH value in M.<br />semimembranosus, of all the investigated quality<br />parameters, was significantly affected by bred, whily the<br />muscle significantly affected the color (sensory<br />evaluated and the value of L*, a* and b*) and water<br />holding capacity (the value of M/RZ, the value of M/T).<br />In Swallow-belly Mangulica pigs type of the muscle<br />significantly affected the ultimate pH, color (sensoryrated,<br />the value of L* a*), marbling, water holding<br />capacity (value of T), content of moisture, total fat, P,<br />Na, Mg, Ca, Zn, Fe, Cu and Mn. On the other hand,<br />except in the case of the Ca content in the liver and<br />kidney of modern purebred pigs, type of the tissue<br />significantly affected all of the investigated quality<br />properties of offal from modern purebred pigs and<br />Swallow-belly Mangulica pigs.<br />Determined individual values of all investigated<br />factors of meat and offal quality indicated a very large<br />variation of meat and offal quality, what indicates the<br />need to combine pig breding technology and meat<br />technology by optimization of all factors of production,<br />which in themselves are not the characteristics of meat<br />quality, but significantly affect on it&rsquo;s quality.</p>

Avaliação das condições microbiológicas de carnes de animais silvestres no município de São Paulo. / Evaluation of microbiological conditions of wild meats in São Paulo city.

Sarkis, Flávia 02 September 2002 (has links)
O interesse por espécies animais não convencionais, para a suplementação de proteína animal, é crescente, particularmente nos países africanos e asiáticos, porém, a utilização dessas fontes de alimento ainda é pouco documentada e quase não se sabe sobre as condições microbiológicas das carnes disponíveis para consumo. Este estudo avaliou as condições microbiológicas das carnes de capivara (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris), cateto (Tayassu tajacu) e javali (Sus scrofa scrofa) in natura comercializadas no Brasil, município de São Paulo. Um total de vinte e sete amostras de carne de capivara, cateto e javali foram analisadas em laboratório e verificado o grau de contaminação por mesófilos aeróbios totais, psicrotróficos, Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium sulfito-redutores, coliformes totais e fecais e Salmonella. 22% das amostras de carne de cateto apresentaram-se impróprias para o consumo humano devido à presença de Salmonella. 11% das amostras das carnes de capivara e javali e 22% das amostras de cateto apresentaram contagens elevadas de S. aureus, maiores que o limite máximo estabelecido pela resolução RDC nº12 da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA) de 02 de janeiro de 2001, para produtos cárneos crus, resfriados ou congelados, uma vez que a resolução não cita tais padrões para carne in natura. Por apresentarem contagem de S. aureus superiores aos padrões estabelecidos, tais amostras são consideradas em condições higiênico-sanitárias insatisfatórias. A análise estatística descritiva apresentou um elevado coeficiente de variação entre as 9 amostras analisadas para cada tipo de carne. Esse alto grau de variação mostra que as condições microbiológicas das amostras não apresentaram uniformidade no decorrer das análises. / The interest for non-conventional animal species, for the supplementation of animal protein is growing, although this food source is little documented. This study has evaluated the microbiological conditions of capybara (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris), collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu) and wild boar (Sus scrofa scrofa) raw meat sold in São Paulo city. A total of twenty-seven samples were evaluated in a laboratory to find out the contamination value by: mesophiles aerobic, psychrotrophs, Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium sulfito-redutores, coliforms group and Salmonella. 22% of collared peccary meat samples were improper to human consumption due to the Salmonella presence. 11% of the samples of the capybara meats and boar and 22% of the collared peccary samples presented high counting of S. aureus, larger than the maximum limit established by the resolution RDC nº12 of the National Agency of Sanitary Surveillance (ANVISA) of January 02, 2001, for raw meat products, colds or frozen, once the resolution doesn't mention such patterns for raw meat. These samples showed unsatisfactory hygenic-sanitary conditions by presenting S. aureus counting higher than the maximum limit.

Effect of advanced reproductive technologies on smallholders' pig productivity in Gauteng Province

Matabane, Matshidiso Bailekae January 2018 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (Animal Production)) --University of Limpopo, 2018 / Pigs are of high economic importance, especially among the smallholder pig farmers as they contribute to human nutrition, food security, poverty alleviation, enhanced livelihood and creation of employment for the rural community. However, reproductive inefficiency is the main limiting factor due to inaccessibility to superior germplasm. Therefore, advances in reproductive technologies such as oestrus synchronization and artificial insemination (AI) offers unprecedented opportunities for livestock improvement for smallholder pig farmers. The first objective determined the status of pig productivity in smallholder farms of Gauteng Province prior to the introduction of advanced reproductive technologies (ARTs). The population was divided into four strata, namely West Rand, Ekurhuleni, Tshwane and Sedibeng district municipalities. A proportional stratified random sampling procedure was used to select 71 smallholder pig farmers with the assistance of extension officers from Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (GDARD). The majority of the respondents were males (67%) and were above 50 years of age (67%), whilst 56% of the respondents had high school education. Majority of the respondents privately owned the farms (62%) and the farm infrastructure had facilities with low cost housing and modern facilities. Additionally, 47% of the respondents fed their pigs with feed swill. A large proportion of the respondents did not vaccinate their pigs (81%). Majority of respondents did not identify their pig herds (63%). Interestingly, majority of the respondents did not have breeding boars (73%) and sold their pigs at auctions (70%). The second objective determined semen characteristics evaluated by a Computer Aided Sperm Analyser® (CASA®) as a measure of boar fertility to be used for artificial insemination (AI). Sixteen ejaculates were collected from three Large White boars that are routinely used for semen collection purposes using the gloved-hand technique. The semen was extended with a commercial semen extender; Beltsville Thawing Solution, and the AI dose used consisted of 80mL semen sample (3×109 spermatozoa/mL). Aliquots of diluted semen were evaluated for spermatozoa motility using CASA®. Spermatozoa viability was evaluated using Synthetic Binding CD-14 (SYBR+)/Propidium Iodide (PI-), whereas spermatozoa morphology was evaluated using Eosin Nigrosin stain. The average semen volume, concentration and pH were 210 mL, 264.8 x 106 spermatozoa/mL and 7.1, respectively. The average values for total spermatozoa motility was 95.1%, ranging from 82.7 and 98.5%. However, XIX there were lower values found for progressive spermatozoa motility, ranging from 13.6 to 39.0%. The mean values for morphologically normal spermatozoa ranged from 47.8-60.9% and live spermatozoa ranged from 71.8-77.7%. The third objective determined sow fertility following AI at smallholder farms A total of 73 multiparous sows were artificially inseminated. Conception rates, farrowing rates, litter size and number born alive were recorded. The average conception and farrowing rates were 78.1 and 57.5%, respectively. Furthermore, AI resulted in acceptable fecundity (i.e., 11.8 litter size and 10.0 number of piglets born alive). The fourth objective determined the relationship between spermatozoa quality characteristics and sow fertility at smallholder farms in Gauteng Province. Of all fertility characteristics studied, conception rate was significantly related to total spermatozoa motility rate (r= 0.37, P<0.01), progressive motility (r= 0.31, P<0.01) and rapid motility (r= 0.40, P<0.01), although relatively low. There was a low negative relationship between spermatozoa morphological characteristics and fertility (P>0.05). The fifth objective determined the pre-weaning growth performance of piglets born following AI at smallholder farms of Gauteng province. Individual piglets were weighed using an electronic weighing scale. Litter size, number of piglets born alive, number of piglets weaned, the average piglet birth weight and average piglet weaned weight were recorded. The average litter size was 11.8 ± 0.2. The average birth weight and weaning weights were 1.9 and 6.2 kg, respectively. No significant differences were found between male and female piglets for all the growth performance characteristics. Piglets born during winter had a significantly higher (P<0.05) birth and weaning weight as compared to autumn and summer months. Season had a significant effect on birth and weaning weight (P<0.01). However, sex of piglets had no effect on all the characteristics recorded (P>0.05). The interaction between sex and season was only observed on the total number of weaned piglets (P<0.01). A highly significant positive correlation was found between litter size and number of piglets born alive (r= 0.86) and total number of piglets weaned (r= 0.50). A highly significant correlation was found between total number of piglets born alive and total number of piglets weaned (r= 0.55). In conclusion, the study demonstrated the potential benefit of adopting AI technology under smallholder production systems to disseminate superior genetic material to smallholder pig farmers in Gauteng Province. The total spermatozoa motility, progressive and rapid spermatozoa motility were the only spermatozoa motility characteristics significantly correlated XX with conception rate. Conversely, litter size and number born alive were not correlated with CASA® spermatozoa motility attributes. No relationships existed between spermatozoa morphological characteristics and fertility. The sex ratio percentage of piglets born following AI was 52:48% (females: males). The number of piglets born alive was 10.2 and 9.5 for number piglets weaned. Season influenced birth to weaning weight. However, sex had no significant influence at birth and weaning weight. Litter size affects the number of piglets born alive and weaned. The study showed that the introduction of advanced reproductive technologies improved productivity of pigs at smallholder pig farms in Gauteng Province. / Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (GDARD) and Southern African Science Service Centre for Climate Change and Adaptive Land Management (SASSCAL

Génétique de la tolérance à la chaleur chez le porc : caractérisation de la variabilité génétique en milieu tropical humide / Genetics of heat tolerance in pig : characterization of the genetic variability in a tropical environment

Rosé Elmacin, Roseline 06 October 2017 (has links)
L'objectif de la thèse est de caractériser la variabilité génétique de la tolérance à la chaleur chez le porc P.n r.roissance.Dans un premier temps, l'effet de deux envîrnnnements climatiques (tempéré, TEMP vs. tropical humide, TROP) sur les performances de production et les réponses thermorégulatrices des porcs en croissance a été évalué.Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons caractérisé le déterminisme génétique de l'adaptation à la chaleur chez le porc en croissance.Les 2 analyses ont permis de proposer des régions qui affectent significativement: les caractères de croissance, l'ingestion, l'efficacité alimentaire, l'épaisseur de lard et les caractères de réponse de thermorégulation sur le chromosome sur SSC 2, 5, 8, 10, 11 et 15. Les mutations des gènes MC4R et IGF2 semblent avoir un effet sur les températures corporelles. Des interactions entre ces mutations et des ré ions sur le énome ont été détectées. / The aim of the thesis is to characterize the genetic variability of heat tolerance in pork P.ngrowth.Initially, the effect of two climatic events (temperate, TEMP vs. tropical moist, TROP) on production performance and thermoregulatory responses of growing pigs was evaluated.In a second step, we characterized the genetic determinism of heat adaptation in growing pigs.The two analyzes made it possible to propose regions that significantly affect: growth characteristics, ingestion, feed efficiency, blubber thickness and thermoregulatory response characteristics on the chromosome on SSC 2, 5, 8, 10, 11, and 15. Mutations in the MC4R and IGF2 genes appear to have an effect on body temperatures. Interactions between these mutations and ions on the enome have been detected.

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