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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Programspråk specificerade av nyttjare : en pilotstudie om tidsåtgång vid uppmärkning av dokument

Bragner, Johan, Wasing, Malin January 2016 (has links)
IT-projekt misslyckas ofta för att de blir sena och dyrare än planerat, och i många fall är det tidsfaktorn som är begränsande för projekten. Det existerar många olika programspråk och behov att dela konstruktioner mellan dessa. Idag använder applikationer inom samma system ofta olika terminologi och behovet av konverteringar uppkommer. Det existerar standardiserade språk som till exempel märkspråket XML men då organisationer väljer att skapa sin egen syntax för att formatera publiceringar kan ett motstånd urskiljas. Uppsatsen kan användas som underlag för vidare forskning inom programspråk. Denna studie fokuserar på att jämföra om val av syntax har någon betydelse för tidsåtgången vid uppmärkning av dokument. Den valda forskningsstrategin är experiment. En pilotstudie utfördes och med resultatet från studien gjordes en hypotesprövning i form av ett t-test. Analysen av resultatet antydde att användandet av valfri syntax implicerade en mindre tidsåtgång vid uppmärkning av dokument än vid användandet av XML. Från analysen konstateras det att ämnet bör undersökas vidare och att studien bör genomföras i större omfattning. / IT projects often fail because they are late and more expensive than planned, and in many cases it is the time factor that is limiting for projects. There exist many different programming languages and the need to share structures between them. Applications within the same system often uses different terminology and the need for conversions occurs. Standardized languages such as XML exist but when organizations choose to create their own syntax for formatting publications instead a resistance can be distinguished. The paper can be used as basis for further research in the area of programming languages. This research focuses on comparing if the choice of syntax affects expenditure of time when marking document. The selected research strategy is experiment. A pilot study has been done and based on the results of the study a hypothesis testing (t-test) was made. The analysis of the results indicated that the use of optional syntax implied that less time was spent at marking document than the use of XML. The conclusion from this was that this area should be further explored and that the study should be done on a larger scale.

Diplomati underifrån : En studie av maktrelationer mellan Sverige och Alger 1729-1830 utifrån handelsmännens roll och funktion i Medelhavets politiska och handelsinriktade diplomati: med utgångspunkt i en litteraturgranskning och en pilotstudie av ett begränsat källmaterial. / Diplomacy from below : A study of powerrelations between Sweden and Algiers 1729-1830 from the merchants' role and function in the political and tradeoriented diplomacy of the Mediterranean Sea: a literary study and a pilot study as point of departure.

Pålsson, Natalia January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study is an attempt to investigate the relations of power between Sweden and the North African state of Algiers during the 18th century with small and intermediary agents as merchants and their role in the political and tradeoriented diplomacy practised in the Mediterranean Sea as point of departure. It is also an attempt to try and develop the understanding of this lesser investigated subject. Furthermore, it is an attempt to survey what historical documents are available on the subject of my study and the perspective adherent to it. The problem in this study are the relations of power between Sweden and the North African state of Algiers during the 18th century with small and intermediary agents as merchants and their role in the political and tradeoriented diplomacy practised in the Mediterranean as point of departure.The method used is a manuscriptanalysis with a historical character, a method with which historical documents, litterature and previous research are analyzed and interpreted. The source material used are the written documents of consul Georg Logie to the Board of Trade (Kommerskollegium).1 In the first chapter of the study it is stated that there is little evidence in the material, literature and previous research for small agents such as merchantmen and their role in the diplomacy and relations between states as well as in the international context created by states, but also the possibility that the merchants had a potential role in the diplomacy and relations between states as well as in the international context created and constituted by states. In the second chapter of the study it is stated that based upon relevant information obtained in a pilot study there is little evidence in the material with regards to an essay and the time limit it has in relation to an archive and the amount of material it possesses.The possibility that small agents as the merchants potentially had room to act in the international context created and constituted by states is also put forward here. The possibility that it became beneficial for agents as merchantmen to act is put forward in the third chapter. The problem of studying relations between states setting from small and intermediary agents is probably due to a perspective in which trade is defined and seen as a collective phenomenon and merchants is defined as a collective. 1 The equivalent in today's society would be along the lines of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs., my note.

Interview-based assessment of avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID): A pilot study evaluating an ARFID module for the Eating Disorder Examination

Schmidt, Ricarda, Kirsten, Toralf, Hiemisch, Andreas, Kiess, Wieland, Hilbert, Anja 11 August 2021 (has links)
Objective Although avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) has been included as a new diagnostic entity of childhood feeding and eating disorders, there is a lack of measures to reliably and validly assess ARFID. In addition, virtually nothing is known about clinical characteristics of ARFID in nonclinical samples. Method The present study presents the development and validation of an ARFID module for the child and parent version of the Eating Disorder Examination (EDE) in a nonclinical sample of N = 39 children between 8 and 13 years with underweight and/or restrictive eating behaviors. For evaluating the ARFID module's reliability, the convergence of diagnoses between two independent raters and between the child and parent module was determined. The module's validity was evaluated based on the full-length child version of the EDE, a 24 h food record, parent-reported psychosocial functioning and self-reported quality of life, and objective anthropometric measures. Results In total, n = 7 children received an ARFID diagnosis. The ARFID module showed high interrater reliability, especially for the parent version, and high convergence between child and parent report. Evidence for the module's convergent, divergent, and discriminant validity was provided. Specifically, children with versus without ARFID reported significantly less macro- and micronutrient intake and were more likely to be underweight. Discussion This pilot study indicates the child and parent version of the EDE ARFID module to be promising for diagnosing ARFID in a structured way but still necessitates a validation in a larger clinical and community-based sample.

Ett förslag på hur föräldraskattningsinstrumentet SCDI-III kan valideras : en pilotstudie / A Suggestion of how The Parent Report Instrument, The Swedish Communicative Development Inventories (SCDI-III) Can Be Validated : A Pilot Study

Lundö, Emma, Norrman, Sara January 2021 (has links)
I denna studie ett förslag till validering av föräldraskattningsformuläret SCDI-III baserad på en genomförd pilotstudie. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur väl föräldrars och förskolepedagogers skattning av deltagande barns språkförmåga med skattningsinstrumentet SCDI-III överensstämmer med resultaten av ett test som studieförfattarna utformade. Testmaterialet speglar direkt de frågor som ställs till vårdnadshavarna och förskolepedagoger i SCDI-III.  Tio barn i åldersgruppen 2;5–3;10 år med svenska som starkaste språk, tio vårdnadshavare och tio förskolepedagoger deltog i studien. Studieförfattarna utformade ett eget testmaterial som i så hög grad som möjligt speglar frågeställningarna i föräldraskattsformuläret SCDI-III. Bildbenämning användes för ordförrådsdelen och BUSS-sagan användes för bedömning av meningskomplexitet och meningsbyggnad. Testningen av sju av barnen utfördes i det digitala mötesrummet Zoom och tre barn testades delvis på förskolan. Vårdnadshavarna och förskolepedagogerna fyllde i föräldraskattningsformuläret SCDI-III, varefter resultaten jämfördes.   Resultatet visade generellt på en hög överensstämmelse mellan samtliga bedömargrupper. Det förelåg endast små skillnader mellan grupperna och dessa var förutom två ord (“förstå” och “dum”) inte statistiskt signifikanta.   Slutsatsen var att deltagande vårdnadshavare och förskolepedagoger kunde skatta barnens språkliga förmåga i hög utsträckning. Studiens resultat pekar därmed på att föräldraskattningen SCDI-III kan vara värdefull som kompletterande information gällande barnets språkliga förmåga. Förslag på hur en större valideringsstudie kan genomföras diskuteras. / In the present study, a suggestion is provided of how the parent report instrument, The Swedish Communicative Development Inventories (SCDI-III) can be validated. The suggestion is based on a conducted pilot study. The purpose of the study is to investigate how well parents and preschool teachers assessment of participating children’s language ability with the assessment instrument SCDI-III corresponds with the results of a test designed by the study authors. The test material directly reflects the questions asked to the guardians and preschool teachers in SCDI-III.  Ten children in the age group 2;5-3;10 years old with Swedish as their strongest language, ten guardians and ten preschool teachers participated in the study. The study authors designed a test material which as closely as possible mirrored the content in the questions asked in the parent report SCDI-III. Picture-naming was used for the vocabulary part and the BUS-story test was used for the assessment of sentence complexity and sentence construction. The screening of seven of the children was performed in the digital meeting room Zoom, and three children were partially tested at the preschool. The guardians and preschool teachers filled in the parent report SCDI-III, and the results were compared.   The results generally showed a high degree of agreement between all the assessment groups. There were only small differences between the groups and these, apart from two words ("understand" and "stupid") were not statistically significant.   The conclusion was that participating guardians and preschool teachers could estimate the children’s language ability to a great extent. The results of the study indicate that the parent report SCDI-III, can be valuable as supplementary information regarding the children’s language ability. Suggestions on how a larger validation study may be carried out are discussed.

Fastläggning av arsenik med nollvärt järn i mikrostorlek : Uppföljning av ett pilotskaleförsök / Remediation of arsenic using zero valent iron microparticles : Follow-up of a pilot study

Aronsson, Frida January 2023 (has links)
Land contaminated with arsenic is a major problem as arsenic is toxic and poses a major health risk to both humans and animals. There are several remediation methods, both in-situ and ex-situ, to prevent and deal with pollution problems in different ways. In Hjältevad, Eksjö municipality, a leak occurred in an impregnation tank in 1968, in a facility belonging to atelephone company. As a result, the groundwater was contaminated with chromium, copper andarsenic and despite several major remediation measures, arsenic concentrations are still highand new measures are required, of which this study is a part.Previous laboratory tests with soil samples from Hjätevad, both batch and then column tests,showed that zero-valent iron particles (ZVI) in nano and micro-scale proved to be most effectiveunder given conditions to immobilize arsenic. In the present study results from a pilot scaleexperiment with micro-scale ZVI (mZVI) are presented. Before the pilot scale experiment,dynamic groundwater sampling was carried out in Hjältevad, to characterize the aquifer. Also,initial distribution tests with mZVI were conducted. Trial injections were carried out with a slurryof water, mZVI and guar. The latter was added to increased viscosity. The distribution of mZVIwas followed up with measurements of e.g., conductivity and imaging with OPI-VIS. The spreadof mZVI ranged between 0.5–1.5 meters.In the pilot scale experiment, five injection points were used 2 meters apart from each other andsix new groundwater wells were installed after the injection to monitor the effect of mZVI ongroundwater chemistry. Injections were made at 11 different depths in 0.5-meter intervals. Forfour months, measurements of different groundwater parameters were conducted. Smallreductions in arsenic levels were found in two groundwater wells downstream from the injectionpoints, but no reduction in the remaining wells.One reason for the small effect on arsenic concentration could be slow kinetics of the reactionbetween mZVI and water, due to low groundwater temperatures (7–8 °C). Another reason couldbe that the mZVI was not dispersed well enough in the soil due to either the aggregation ofmZVI particles or the heterogeneity of the soil. / Arsenikförorenad mark är ett stort problem då arsenik är toxisk och utgör en stor hälsorisk förbåde människor och djur och bör därför saneras. Det finns flertalet saneringsmetoder både in-situoch ex-situ för att på olika sätt både förebygga och ta itu med en föroreningsproblematik. IHjältevad, Eksjö kommun, skedde ett läckage i en impregneringstank år 1968, i dåvarandeTeleverkets anläggning. Detta förorenade grundvattnet med krom, koppar och arsenik och trotsflera stora saneringsåtgärder var arsenikkoncentrationerna höga och nya åtgärder undersöktes,vilket denna studie är en del av.I ett tidigare arbete genomfördes laborationsförsök med jordprover från Hjätevad, först skak- ochsedan kolonnförsök med lovande resultat där ickesulfiderat mikrojärn visade sig mest verksamtunder givna förutsättningar. I detta examensarbete undersöktes möjligheten att fastlägga arsenik igrundvattenzonen genom att injektera nollvärt järn i mikroskala (mZVI) i ett pilotskaleförsök.Innan pilotskaleförsöket genomfördes även på plats i Hjältevad både dynamiskgrundvattenprovtagning för att få en djupprofil på grundvattenkemin. I ett inledandedistrubitionstest genomfördes provinjektioner av en slurry med mZVI blandad med guar för attge ökad viskositet, vars spridning följdes upp med mätningar av bl.a. konduktivitet och bildermed OPI-VIS. Spridnigen blev mellan 0,5-1,5 meter.I pilotskaleförsöket användes fem injekeringspunkter och sex nya grundvattenrör installeradesefter injekteringen för att följa upp effekten i grundvattnet. Injekteringarna gjordes på 11 olikadjup med ett intervall på 0,5 meter. Effekterna i grundvattnet följdes upp under fyra månadergenom mätningar av pH, EH, As(III), total As och Fe. Små minskningar av arsenikhalterna kundekonstateras i de två provbrunnarna på störst avstånd nedströms från injekteringarna, men ingenminskning i övriga provbrunnar. En orskak att minskningen av arsenikkoncentrationen inte blevstörre kan vara långsam kinetik i reaktionen mellan vatten och mZVI, vilken potentiellt ärtemperaturberoende. När mZVI reagerar med vatten bildas olika järn(hydr)oxider, vilka kanbinda löst arsenik. En annan är orsak kan vara att mZVI inte har spridits tillräckligt bra i markenpå grund av antingen att mZVI-partiklarna klumpat ihop sig eller heterogeniteten i marken.

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