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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La pratique de l'urbanisme en Afrique Subsaharienne : bilan et perspective stratégique. L'exemple de la ville de Bangui (Centrafrique) / Practice of town planning in subsaharian Africa : assesment and strategic perspective : the example of the city of Bangui (Central Africa Republic)

Ogalama, Yabo Gabriel 17 December 2013 (has links)
Les villes africaines croissent en population d’au moins 5% l’an et dépassent fréquemment 7% l’an. Or, lorsqu’une ville croît au taux de 7% annuellement, elle double sa population tous les dix ans. Cela signifie qu’il faudrait doubler la capacité des infrastructures et des équipements. Les pays en développement n’ont pas la capacité financière pour y faire face. D’où, entre autres problèmes, ceux de la dégradation des équipements, de l’environnement et des quartiers précaires. Comment planifier de telles agglomérations ? L’analyse des villes d’Abidjan, Lomé, Ouagadougou à travers leurs documents de planification, nous renseigne sur les pratiques utilisées. La ville de Bangui sert de cas d’étude approfondi à notre démarche. Planifier, c’est articuler les enjeux stratégiques à l’agir local Il faut donc relier les documents d’urbanisme et les documents complémentaires (schéma de drainage, commercial, de transport…). / Cities in Africa often grow in population develop at the rate of 5% yearly and sometimes go beyond 7%. When a city grows at the rate of 7% per year, its population doubles every ten years. This means that the capacities of infrastructures and equipments should be doubled. But developing countries do not have the financial capacities to stand it. As a result, there are many problems among which the degradation of equipments, the environment and precarious areas. How to plan such cities? After a study of large cities such as Abidjan, Lomé, Ouagadougou and their planning documents methods used, Bangui is chosen as the main site of the research. To plan is to articulate strategic stakes to local practices. This involves to link planning documents to other sectoral documents (for sewage, retail trade, transports…).

Climate adaptation to urban heat : A study of how Swedish municipalities with larger cities are adapting to warmer temperatures through urban planning

Kindberg, Elin January 2023 (has links)
The world is currently facing a changing climate and the various negative effects that it entails. In recent decades, enhanced climate adaptation responses have therefore become increasingly common across the world. In Sweden, climate adaptation through urban planning has mainly focused on challenges such as flooding, erosion and sea level rise rather than heat. However, warmer temperatures are recognised as one of the main challenges of climate change, not least for urban areas and the people who live there. Thus, the aim of this thesis was to explore how Swedish municipalities with larger cities work with urban planning to address the challenges of warmer temperatures and how strategies for adaptation to urban heat are portrayed in municipal planning documents. This was done through a qualitative document analysis of municipal planning documents from three Swedish municipalities, Huddinge, Kristianstad and Norrköping. The results show that Swedish municipalities in the planning documents mainly portray urban heat as problematic but that some municipalities also choose to highlight possible positive effects. Furthermore, the results show that preserving and enhancing green structures of various sizes can be considered the main strategy for climate adaptation to urban heat in Swedish municipalities. However, some municipalities are also working with a few other strategies, including local investigations, technical measures and increased local knowledge. Lastly, some Swedish municipalities can also be understood to have as strategy to work with clearly formulated goals and measures in their planning documents.

Hur kan boendesegregation motverkas? : En studie om hur boendesegregation beskrivs och vilka åtgärder som lyfts för att motverka boendesegregation i Malmös kommunala dokument

Tseng, Sasha January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to research how residential segregation is described within a municipalities municipal planning document. Furthermore, proposed strategies to prevent and work against residential segregation will also be researched in the same documents. The chosen area for the research is Malmö municipality, Hyllie and Rosengård which are neighborhoods within Malmö municipality.  The research represents how residential municipality is described in the chosen areas of the studies. In addition, the research also represents the suggested approaches to prevent residential segregation. The informational for the research has been collected by examining relevant documents provided by the Malmö municipality. The result of the study shows that there are several keywords that are used to describe the phenomenon residential segregation. With the help of previous research, it was not difficult to determine such keywords. Social sustainability, mixed housing, integration, equality are examples of terms used to describe residential segregation.

Specialiųjų planų ir kitų teritorijų planavimo dokumentų teorinės ir praktinės problemos / Theoretical and practical problems of special plans and their link between other spatial planning documents

Kūris, Kasparas 06 June 2014 (has links)
Magistro darbas skirtas specialiųjų planų ir kitų teritorijų planavimo dokumentų santykio teorinių ir praktinių problemų nagrinėjimui. Nuo pat Lietuvos nepriklausomybės atkūrimo, planuojant teritorijas buvo susidurta su įvairiais iššūkiais. Reikėjo tinkamai sureguliuoti ir įtvirtinti teritorijų planavimo santykius, ko pasekoje, 1995 m. buvo priimtas Lietuvos Respublikos teritorijų planavimo įstatymas. Šis įstatymas nebuvo stabilus, nuolat kito. Pagrindinė problema buvo ta, kad nebuvo tinkamai sureguliuota teritorijų planavimo dokumentų, ypač specialiųjų planų teisinė galia ir jų tarpusavio santykis. Siekiant išspręsti praktikoje išryškėjusias problemas, buvo nuspręsta reformuoti teritorijų planavimo sistemą. Teritorijų planavimo reformos rezultatas buvo 2014 m. sausio 1 d. įsigaliojęs Teritorijų planavimo įstatymas, kuriame įtvirtinta nemažai naujovių, palengvinančių planavimą. Šiame įstatyme apibrėžta specialiojo teritorijų planavimo dokumentų teisinė galia, kuri apibrėžė šių dokumentų vietą visame teritorijų planavimo dokumentų komplekse. Tuo pačiu, įstatymų leidėjas padarė keletą teisinės galios išimčių, kurios galimai sąlygos tam tikrus konfliktus ateityje. Nepaisant to, naujos redakcijos Teritorijų planavimo įstatymą galima vertinti pozityviai. Įstatymų leidėjui iš esmės pavyko patobulinti teritorijų planavimo dokumentų sistemą ir, vertinant patį įstatymo tekstą, yra sudarytos teisinės prielaidos geresniam ir kokybiškesniam teritorijų planavimo reguliavimui. / Master thesis is dedicated to analyse theoretical and practical problems of special plans and their link between other spatial planning documents. Spatial planning has faced various challenges since the restoration of Lithuanian independence. It was necessary to regulate and consolidate relations of spatial planning. The result of this consolidation was the enactment of spatial legal act the Law on Zoning and Planning of the Republic of Lithuania in 1995. The Law on Zoning and Planning was volatile, unstable and caused many conflicts. The main problem of spatial planning statutory regulation was undefined legal power of special plans and obscure link among other spatial planning documents. In order to solve existing practical and theoretical problems it was decided to reform the legal system of spatial planning. The result of this reform was enactment of new version of the Law on Zoning and Planning of Republic of Lithuania, which came into force on 1st of January, 2014 and established numeruos innovations in spatial planning. This law finally defined the legal power of special plans and their position in the complex of spatial planning documents. At the same time, the legislator has made a few exceptions to the rule of this legal power which can possibly cause conflicts in the future. Nevertheless, the renewed version of the Law on Zoning and Planning can be assessed positively. The legislator has surely improved the system of spatial planning and created decent... [to full text]

Offentliga mötesplatser - ett verktyg mot boendesegregation? : Stadsplanering för kultur- och fritidsaktiviteter

Vasi, Eleonora January 2017 (has links)
Den här masteruppsatsen utgår från antagandet att offentliga mötesplatser genom boendesegregation kan verka som plattform i syfte att skapa sociala sammanhang och en sammanhållen stad. Vidare antas kultur- och fritidsaktiviteter vara ett redskap på offentliga mötesplatser för att involvera medborgare i gemensamma aktiviteter. Genom att tillämpa innehållsanalys av plandokument samt intervjuer har kommuners vision och tillämpning av offentliga mötesplatser och kultur- och fritidsaktiviteter undersökts i studiens två fallstudier Stockholms stad, Hammarby Sjöstad och Huddinge kommun, Flemingsberg. Studiens resultat visar på kommunernas tydliga koppling mellan boendesegregation och tillämpandet av offentliga mötesplatser. Kommunerna visar en medvetenhet om att offentliga mötesplatser kan formas och utvecklas i syfte att balansera ut effekten av den rådande boendesegregationen i området. På samma sätt anser kommunerna att kultur- och fritidsaktiviteter på offentliga platser är ett användbart redskap till att förena och utveckla tolerans och tillit mellan människor. En problematik är dock att kommunerna allt oftare väljer att sälja av sin mark till privata aktörer, vilka arbetar efter andra värden än kommuner. / This master thesis assumes that public meeting places through housing segregation can act as a platform in order to create social contexts and a cohesive city. Furthermore, cultural and leisure activities are assumed to be a tool in public venues for involving citizens in joint activities. By applying content analysis of planning documents and interviews, municipalities' vision and application of public venues and cultural and leisure activities have been investigated in the two case studies of Stockholm, Hammarby Sjöstad and Huddinge, Flemingsberg. The study results show the municipalities' clear link between housing segregation and the application of public meeting places. The municipalities show awareness that public meeting places can be shaped and developed in order to balance the impact of the current housing segregation in the area. In the same way, the municipalities consider that cultural and recreational activities in public places are a useful tool for reconciling and developing tolerance and trust among people. One problem, however, is that the municipalities are increasingly choosing to sell their land to private actors who work for other values ​​than municipalities.

La production de la métropole : quel rôle jouent les documents de planification ? : les cas de la Région Métropolitaine de Belo Horizonte au Brésil et de la métropole lyonnaise en France / The production of the metropolis : what role for the planning documents ? : the case of the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte in Brazil and the city of Lyon in France

Aguiar Mol, Natalia 06 February 2015 (has links)
La gestion métropolitaine pose des défis dans différents pays parmi le monde : difficultés d'établissement d'autorités métropolitaines, partage de compétences, changements de pouvoir politiques... Ce sont de nombreuses difficultés à surmonter dans le processus d'établissement d'une gestion métropolitaine. Au Brésil, changements récents dans le système de gestion métropolitaine dans divers états fédérés ont été mise en place depuis le début des années 2000.La Région Métropolitaine de Belo Horizonte (RMBH) figure entre ces premières expériences d'innovation dans le sujet. Renouvelé presque il y a une décennie, le système de la RMBH compte avec quelques instances et instruments de gestion, dont le Plan Directeur de Développement Intégré (PDDI) y figure comme instrument principal. Même si existante depuis les années 1970, la mise en place du système de gestion présente, outre les problèmes cités ci-dessous, des difficultés liés à une construction partagé et à une mise en conscience de l'échelle (ou de la réalité ?) métropolitaine parmi la population, les techniciens et les élus. C'est dans la quête de ces questions qu'il a été pertinent d'étudier l'expérience des coopérations métropolitaines en France. Les communautés urbaines existants depuis la décennie de 1970 ont fait beaucoup avancer les processus de coopération inter municipaux, notablement dans le cas de l'agglomération lyonnaise, choisi comme deuxième étude de cas. Ainsi comme l'action publique se transforme avec l'émergence des métropoles, la pratique de la planification urbaine rencontre des nouveaux défis pour faire face à la multiplicité de scènes, d'instances et d'acteurs présents dans cette échelle. Dans ce sens, plus que d'être considéré un élément extérieur (et conséquent) à ce processus, la planification doit être vue comme un dispositif qui contribue à la construction de la métropole. A partir de deux études de cas – le PDDI de la RMBH (au Brésil) et le SCoT et l'Inter SCoT de l'agglomération lyonnaise (en France) – la présente étude s'intéresse aux documents de planification et leur rôle dans la production de la métropole. En interviewent nombreuses acteurs dans chaque cas, la thèse analyse leur regards du processus, en cherchant à y identifier des traces d'un éventuel processus d'apprentissage collectif et de la construction de la notion d'un intérêt collectif métropolitain / Metropolitan management brings challenges in different countries around the world: difficulties of establishing metropolitan authorities, sharing of competences, policy changes... In Brazil, recent changes in the metropolitan management system of various federal states have been implemented since early 2000s.The Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte (RMBH) figures between these early experiences of innovation in this subject. Renewed after almost a decade, the RMBH system counts with some instances and management tools, including the Plan Director of Integrated Development (PDDI), as the main instrument. Although existing since the 1970s, the establishment of this metropolitan management system presents, in addition to the problems mentioned below, difficulties associated with a shared construction of metropolitan politics and metropolitan con-science among the population, technicians and politicians. It was relevant in the pursuit of these questions to study the experience of cooperation in metropolitan France regions. Urban communities existing since the 1970 did much work for the process of cooperation between municipalities, notably in the case of Lyon, for a second case study. As public policy changes with the emergence of the metropolis, the practice of urban planning face new challenges to deal with the multiplicity of scenes, instances and actors of this new scale. In this sense, more than being considered an external element (and a subsequent one) in this process, metropolitan urban planning should be seen as a mechanism that helps to build the metropolis. Using two case studies - the PDDI of RMBH (Brazil) and SCoT and Inter SCoT of Lyon (in France) - this study is interested in planning documents and their role in production of the metropolis. In interviewing many actors in each experience, the Thesis analyzes their perception of these processes, seeking to identify traces of a possible collective learning process and the development of a metropolitan public interest, as a concept

Plánování ve veřejné správě / Planning in Public Administration

Borek, Jan January 2008 (has links)
The subject of the thesis is the description of the planning process at the level of strategic management in public administration and analysis of current planning documents at the municipal level of the 3rd degree in the Vysočina region. The first part defines the basic concepts of strategic planning at the municipal level and also defines the methods and procedures applied in the development of strategic plans. The second part analyses the specific strategic documents of municipalities with extended powers in the Vysočina region. At the end of the thesis some recommendations are proposed that could help municipalities pursue the process of strategic planning and management.

Žemės tvarkymo planavimas Utenos apskrityje / Long-term Planning of Land Use in Utena County

Čepienė, Gražina 03 June 2009 (has links)
Ūkinės veiklos ilgalaikiam planavimui arba žemės naudojimo pakeitimų įteisinimui būtina rengti teritorijų planavimo dokumentus. Utenos apskrityje tokiais dokumentais yra apskrities ir savivaldybių teritorijų bendrieji planai, specialieji planai ir detalieji planai. Specialieji planai yra parengti saugomų teritorijų tvarkymui. Be to, jiems priskiriami žemėtvarkos planavimo dokumentai: žemės reformos žemėtvarkos projektai, žemės paėmimo visuomenės poreikiams projektai, žemės sklypų formavimo ir pertvarkymo projektai, žemės konsolidacijos projektai, kaimo plėtros žemėtvarkos projektai. Magistro baigiamajame darbe buvo analizuojami Utenos rajono bendrojo plano sprendiniai, žemės sklypų formavimo ir pertvarkymo projektai ir kaimo plėtros žemėtvarkos projektai ūkininko ūkio sodybos vietai parinkti. Pagrindiniai Utenos apskrities ir Utenos rajono savivaldybės bendrojo plano sprendiniai apima urbanistinės sistemos planavimą, gamtinio karkaso planavimą, žemės naudojimo planavimą, nustatant žemės naudojimo zonas ir jų reglamentus. Be to, pateikiamos rekomendacijos žemės ūkio gamybos specializavimui ir žemės ūkio paskirties žemės naudojimui. Išnagrinėjus žemės sklypų formavimo ir pertvarkymo projektus nustatyta, kad daug jų rengiami siekiant padalinti žemės ūkio paskirties žemės sklypus. Tačiau yra atvejų, kai toks dalijimas neatitinka metodinių reikalavimų formuoti žemės ūkio veiklai pritaikytas ūkių žemėvaldas. Išnagrinėjus kaimo plėtros žemėtvarkos projektus Utenos apskrityje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / For long-term planning of economic activity or validation of land use changes, it is necessary to prepare spatial planning documents. In Utena county such documents are general plans, specific plans and detailed plans of county and municipal areas. Specific plans are prepared for managing of protected areas. In addition, they include such land-use planning documents as: land-use projects of the land reform, projects of land expropriation for public needs, projects of land plots formation and readjustment, land consolidation projects, rural development land-use projects. In this master thesis there were analyzed Utena district general plan solutions, land plots formation and readjustment projects and rural development land-use projects of choosing location of farm homestead for farmers. The main solutions of general planning of Utena county and Utena district’s municipality include urban system planning, nature framework planning and land use planning by identifying land use zones and their regulations. In addition, recommendations on agricultural production specialization and agricultural land use were drawn. After examining of land plots formation and readjustment projects, it was found that many of them were prepared for subdivision of agricultural land parcels. However, there were cases when such subdivision did not meet the methodological requirements for formation of farm land tenures adapted for agricultural activities. After examining of rural development land-use... [to full text]

L’efficacité environnementale des documents d’urbanisme : les Schémas de Cohérence Territoriale : échelle nationale et locale : le cas du Maine-et-Loire / Environmental efficiency of urban planning documents : les Schémas de Cohérence Territoriale : at national and local levels : the position of the Maineet- Loire

Ducos, Jean-Pierre 31 March 2015 (has links)
Depuis la loi d’orientation foncière de 1967, les documents de planification urbaine ont connu de profondes refondations : en 2000 avec la loi Solidarité et Renouvellement Urbain, en 2010 avec la loi Grenelle 2,en 2014 avec la loi pour l’Accès au Logement et un Urbanisme Rénové. Renforcés dans leur rôle intégrateur, les Schémas de Cohérence Territoriale sont devenus de véritables documents d’aménagement du territoire ayant des objectifs environnementaux affirmés.Mais ces nouveaux enjeux environnementaux assignés aux S.Co.T. peuvent-ils être réellement atteints ? Lutte contre l’étalement urbain, biodiversité, paysage, eau, changement climatique, l’analyse des S.Co.T. du Maine-et-Loire et d’un certain nombre de S.Co.T.témoins nationaux illustre comment ces différents thèmes sont abordés dans ces documents et en souligne les limites : complexité d’articulation des sujets,insuffisance de mesures prescriptives, manque d’objectifs quantitatifs…Mais au-delà de la forme, l’efficacité environnementale des S.Co.T. ne dépendrait-elle pas avant tout de la volonté d’élus qui doivent être formés aux nouveaux enjeux environnementaux de l’aménagement du territoire ? / Since the land guidance law of 1967 (loi d’orientation foncière), the documents on urban planning encountered deep modification : in 2000 with the law “Solidarité et Renouvellement Urbain”, in 2010 with the law “Grenelle 2”, in 2014 with the law “Accès au Logement et un Urbanisme Rénové”. Stenghtened in their integrating role, the “S.Co.T.” have become absolute documents of land settlement with assertive environmental goals. However, can this new environmental objective assigned to the “S.Co.T.” be really achieved? Reading local or several national S.Co.T., taken assample, shows that varied issues such as the fight against urban sprawl, biodiversity, landscape, water,climate imbalance are not always dealt deeply :complexity of coordinating the subjects, deficiency of prescriptive measures, lack of quantitative targets…But beyond the form, wouldn’t the environmental efficiency of the S.Co.T. depend above all on the will of the elected representatives who should be trained to the new environmental objectives of land settlement ?

Le principe de solidarité écologique / The principle of ecological solidarity

Danna, Charlotte 07 September 2018 (has links)
Adopté par l’article 2 de la loi n°2016-1087 de reconquête de la biodiversité, de la nature et des paysages du 8 aout 2016, le principe de solidarité écologique appelle « à prendre en compte, dans toute prise de décision publique ayant une incidence notable sur l’environnement des territoires concernés, les interactions des écosystèmes, des êtres vivants et des milieux naturels ou aménagés ». Ce principe général du droit de l’environnement inscrit à l’article L110-1 du code de l’environnement est destiné à conserver les interactions écosystémiques et les processus écologiques ainsi qu’à améliorer la gestion environnementale des territoires. La dualité de son objet en fait un principe d’une grande richesse, qui devrait concerner de nombreuses décisions. Divers fondements supranationaux, au sein de la jurisprudence et dans les textes internationaux et européens peuvent ainsi lui être attribués. Dans un contexte d’interdépendance écologique, l’évolution de la dimension internationale et européenne du principe reste essentielle pour juger de ses effets au regard de la conservation de la biodiversité. Au niveau du droit interne, son ancrage au cœur de l’équilibre de l’environnement lui apporte un rayonnement particulier. Il conforte le droit à un environnement équilibré et prolonge les principes constitutionnels de prévention et de développement durable. Face à la crise d’extinction mondiale de la biodiversité menaçant notre survie, le principe de solidarité écologique se présente comme cette ultime chance de la conserver. Deux grands ensembles de dispositifs permettent de mesurer la dynamique du principe de solidarité écologique : la trame verte et bleue et la gestion intégrée de la mer et du littoral. Ils constituent une base pour concevoir la solidarité écologique et représentent ainsi le commencement d’un droit nouveau. Le principe de solidarité écologique appelle à les renforcer et, de manière plus générale, à faire évoluer l’ensemble des décisions concernées par le principe. / Adopted by article 2 from act nr 2016-1087 concerning the reconquest of biodiversity, nature and landscape of August 8th 2016, the principle of ecological solidarity calls “for taking into consideration the interactions of ecosystems, living creatures and natural or developed environments in all public decisions having a notable impact on the environment of the territories concerned”.This general principle of environmental law inscribed in article L110 1 of the environmental code is designed to preserve the interactions of ecosystems and ecological processes as well as to improve the environmental management of the territories. The duality of its objective renders it a highly valuable principle which should be applied to numerous decisions. Various supranational foundations, within jurisprudence and in international and European laws, can thus be assigned to it. In the context of ecological interdependence the evolution of the international and European dimension of the principle remains essential in order to see the benefits concerning the safeguarding of biodiversity. It is greatly enhanced, as regards internal law, by the fact that it is at the very center of the environment's equilibrium. It justifies the right to a balanced environment and extends the constitutional principles of prevention and sustainable development. Confronted with the crisis of world-wide biodiversity extinction that threatens our survival, the principle of ecological solidarity emerges as the last chance to preserve it. Two major groups of systems allow us to measure the dynamics of the principle of ecological solidarity: the green and the blue line belt network and the Ocean and coastline Governance Framework. They constitute a basis on which to develop ecological solidarity and represent the beginnings of new legislation. The principle of ecological solidarity requires them to be reinforced and more generally to advance all decisions concerned by the principle.

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