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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Winning Over Listeners with Podcast Advertising : Exploring the Podcast Audience’s Perception of Commercial Messages in Podcasts and the Role of Podcast Hosts

Bonk, Tamara, Kubinski, Marie Sophie January 2023 (has links)
Background: Podcasts are an emerging medium with a steadily growing audience, which is particularly popular among younger generations. This makes them a promising advertising tool that companies can use to reach potential target groups. Therefore, it is crucial to understand how to successfully reach the audience through podcast advertising. Specifically, the listener’s perception of the advertisement and the design of the advertisement are relevant factors. The current market situation with its strong competition calls for special measures, such as celebrity endorsements. People often imitate celebrities and rely on their recommendations. This study applies the concept of celebrity endorsement to podcast advertising as a relationship develops between the listener and the podcast hosts. The host becomes a trusted and valued person to their audience during podcast consumption, which can have a significant impact on the listenership. Purpose: Only a limited number of prior studies did research on the podcast listener’s perception of podcast advertising. Additionally, there is a lack of understanding about the specific design elements of podcast advertising that lead to positive outcomes. Furthermore, there is a gap in academic literature when it comes to exploring the host-listener relationship within the context of podcast advertising. Consequently, the purpose of this study is to investigate how individuals perceive podcast advertising, identify the key design elements that contribute to positive podcast advertising effects, and comprehend the role and influence of podcast hosts in podcast advertising. Method: To achieve this purpose, qualitative research methods are employed. Individual interviews and a focus group are conducted with 20 participants who belong to the younger generations, namely Generation Y and Generation Z, and listen to podcasts at least once a week. Thematic analysis is used to structure the data, which involves coding, analyzing, and interpreting the data. Conclusion: The study concludes with the conceptual framework “Podcast Advertising Evoking Positive Effect”, which is based on the concept of celebrity endorsement, specifically the meaning transfer model. This framework highlights the various aspects that lead to positive advertising effects. These include the attributes of podcast hosts as well as the perceived relationship between the audience and the podcast host. Furthermore, the framework clarifies listeners advertising demands and how commercial messages within podcasts should be presented to achieve favorable advertising outcomes such as a positive change in attitude, purchasing behavior, brand recall, and acceptance of the advertisement.

Ska vi sponsra en podcast?

Ergeer, Emilia January 2017 (has links)
År 2007 undersökte Haygood reklam i amerikanska podcasts för att ta reda på dess mönster, och år 2010 valde McGowan att göra en liknande studie för att ta reda på om Haygoods teorier fortfarande stämde. Det visade sig att Haygoods teorier fortfarande var aktuella och på så vis hade teorierna hållit över en längre tid. Därmed är denna studiens syfte att undersöka om de amerikanska reklammönsterna går att applicera på reklam i svenska podcasts, trots att Sverige har fler lagar än USA kring hur reklam får framföras. Vidare kommer studien att undersöka lyssnarens attityd till reklam i podcasts, detta för att ta reda på vad lyssnaren anser om podcastreklams utformning och placering. Studien är genomförd med både en kvantitativ- och en kvalitativ metod. För att undersöka reklammönstret i svenska podcasts tillämpades en kvantitativ metod där podcasts på iTunes topp tio studerades under sex veckor. Samtliga podcasts analyserades och dokumenterades och jämfördes därefter med resultatet från McGowans studie (2010), då denna studien är den senare. Resultatet visade att the bookend effect (sv. bokstödseffekten) också finns i svenska podcasts, den förekommer däremot mer i amerikanska podcasts. Hur reklamen framförs påminner också om den amerikanska, exempelvis ”Vi är denna veckan sponsrade av…” kan liknas med ”Support for this podcast comes from...”. Andra reklammönster som går att applicera på svensk podcastreklam är självförsörjandereklam och återkommande sponsorer. För att undersöka lyssnarens attityd till podcastreklam tillämpades en kvalitativ metod i form av individuella intervjuer. Respondenterna fick lyssna på reklamutdrag från de undersökta podcasts och därefter svara på frågor kring reklamen. Det framkom att reklam är störande oavsett dess utformning och placering. Sponsrat prat, det vill säga när programledaren själv pratar, föredras framför traditionella reklamavbrott. Respondenterna föredrog att reklamen kom i början på avsnittet men att reklam i mitten var ok om det var sponsrat prat. Detta berodde på att de inte kände sig lika avbrutna med sponsrat prat som med exempelvis traditionellt reklamavbrott. / In 2007, Haygood examined US podcast ads to find out its pattern, and in 2010 McGowan chose to do a similar study to find out if Haygood's theories were still correct. It turned out thatHaygood's theories were still up to date and thus the theories had lasted for a long time. Therefore, this study's purpose is to investigate whether the U.S. advertising patterns can beapplied to advertisements in Swedish podcasts, even though Sweden have more laws than the US on how to advertise. In addition, the study will investigate the listener’s attitude towards advertising in podcasts, to find out what the listener considers about ad type and its placement in podcasts. This study was conducted through a combination of quantitative and qualitative methodology. To examine advertising patterns in Swedish podcasts, a quantitative method was applied, and podcasts on iTunes top ten were studied for six weeks. All podcasts were analyzed and documented and then compared with the results from McGowan's study (2010), since this one is the latest. The result showed that the bookend effect also exists in Swedish podcasts, however it appears more in US podcasts. How the advertisement is performed is also similar to the US podcasts, for example, "We’re this week sponsored by..." is similar to "Support for this podcast comes from...". Other advertising patterns that can be applied to Swedish podcasts are selfsufficient advertisements and recurring sponsors. To investigate the listener’s attitude towards podcast advertising, a qualitative method was used in the form of individual interviews. Respondents listened to a selection of advertisements from the top ten on iTunes, and was then interviewed about the advertisements. It was found that advertising is disturbing regardless of its type and placement. Sponsorship, when the program leader speaks, is preferred over traditional advertising. It is also preferred that the advertisement is placed in the beginning of a podcast, but sponsorship can make advertising placed in the middle of a podcast ok, because it can feel less interrupting with sponsorship compared to traditional advertisement.

Do You See What We Carry?:  A Digital Content Analysis of Black Mothering Affective Experiences

Amore, Jenaya 09 June 2023 (has links)
This project aims to explore the affective experiences of Black mothering within an anti-black context by analyzing podcast episodes. The project is organized by examining a) socio-historical constructions of race and gender which influenced Black motherhood and mothering experiences during chattel slavery, b) how those meanings have informed contemporary social constructions around Black mothering in opposition to normative mothering and motherhood–defined as white, cisgender, and middle class and c) the ways affect appears in Black mothering strategies today in a country that many argue continues to devalue Black lives The following questions ground this project: 1) How do social constructions around normative motherhood as a raced, gendered, and classed institution continue to impact Black women's mothering experiences, and 2) How do Black mothers narrate their mothering experiences, including their affective experiences of mothering within the U.S.? To capture Black mothers' sentiments around mothering, I used purposive sampling to select 33 podcasts from mothering blogs and a content platform that compiled lists of recommended podcasts of Black mothers speaking on mothering and other related topics. I analyzed the dialogue in 15 episodes of Black mother's reported experiences. I arranged the findings under three categories of affect: the affect of surrender and survival, the affect of agency, and the affect of community which is reflected in the conceptual framework of liberatory parenting. / Master of Science / For my thesis, I investigated how Black mothers parent within the U.S. and explored the feelings that shaped their mothering experiences. In this project, mothering is defined as the actions and strategies. Black women used to navigate raising children within an anti-black society. I first examined the ways chattel slavery influenced mothering for Black women and, from this, informed the social constructions that currently exist around Black mothers. These social constructions created centered on the experiences of white, cisgender, middle-class women, which were defined as normative motherhood and mothering. I argue that the social-historical context surrounding Black motherhood and mothering impacts how it is shown contemporarily. I listened to the voices of Black mothers describing their experiences with mothering from podcasts. I drew from their responses and developed a conceptual framework called "Liberatory Parenting" that represents the feelings that come up for Black mothers, which includes survival and surrender, agency, and community.

Att vara ickebinär i en binär värld : En genomlyssning av sex ickebinäras berättelser om hur det är att leva i ett heteronormativt samhälle

Westin, Sigrid January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att lyssna på sex podcastavsnitt med ickebinära individer och därifrån få kunskap om deras upplevelser av att leva i ett binärt samhälle och hur de förhåller sig till cis- och heteronormer. Detta med anledning av att den befintliga forskningen hittills tenderat att fokusera på binära transpersoner och att ickebinära därav fallit mellan stolarna. Hermeneutisk fenomenologi utgör uppsatsens metodologiska ansats då upplevelser och förståelser undersöks. Genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys identifierades koder och mönster i materialet som därefter analyserades via in vivo-kodning. Det teoretiska ramverket grundas på idéer om den heterosexuella matrisen, performativitet och minoritetsstress. Resultatet av analysen visade att många av podcastdeltagarna upplevt en avsaknad av ett språk för att sätta ord på sin identitet och en okunskap om att det finns fler än två kön. Detta har orsakat ett stort lidande och har vidare lett till att många ifrågasatt sig själva i och med att de inte passar in i den binära könsnormen. Okunskapen om ickebinäritet är dessutom stor hos de som inte är ickebinära och är således en anledning till att många av de podcastmedverkande individerna bemöts av ifrågasättande från sin omgivning. Dessa aspekter visade sig vara orsakerna till att många av individerna brottas med psykisk ohälsa. Slutligen visade analysen, i linje med tidigare forskning, att de negativa upplevelser som människor i minoritetsgrupper kan erfara minskar markant i och med gemenskap med individer i liknande situationer.

Könsstereotyper i podcasts : En kvalitativ samtalsanalys med fokus på hur könsstereotypiska samtalsmönster utspelar sig i podcasts

Gudmundsson, Mimmi, Torres, Ailin January 2024 (has links)
The study aims to explore whether gender stereotypes are reflected, questioned, or redefined in the podcast medium. The research question specifically investigates differences in these patterns between male and female participants and examines the language used to express them. The study is theoretically grounded in Kerstin Nordenstam’s (1990), Catrin Norrby’s (2014) and Deborah Tannen’s (2013) observations regarding gender differences in conversation topics and styles. The research involves conducting a conversational analysis to explore gender stereotypical conversational patterns on six of Sweden's prominent podcast episodes; Alex och Sigges podcast, Aldrig ensam, Wahlgren & Wistam, 30's in the City, Kafferepet and Helvetet med Walden och Parisa. It involved a dual-level approach, initially a broad analysis was conducted of short segments from all six episodes. Subsequently, a more in-depth examination was carried out on two specific episodes, involving the analysis of more extensive portions of each conversation. The analysis reveals that gender stereotypes emerge in podcasts through topic choices, support signals, overlapping speech and word distribution. For instance, women often focus on personal relationships and use more support signals, while men exhibit more dominance, especially in overlapping speech. The analysis of word distribution also confirms previous research on longer male utterances. Conclusions are drawn regarding how these patterns are reinforced by the podcast's structure and content choices. The results provide insights into gender related conversational patterns. Scientifically, the study fills a gap by applying previous theories to the modern podcast medium, opening new avenues for research on gender and communication. Societally, the study highlights how these patterns contribute to maintaining gender norms and specific expectations.

The Influence of Relationships on Podcasts’ Opportunities to Maximize Revenue : A qualitative study exploring podcasts’ opportunities to maximize revenue depending on the relationship to and characteristics of their audiences within Generation Y

Schönbeck, Ellen, Götborg, Julia, Lindhoff Hankers, Alexandra January 2019 (has links)
Background Companies realization of the possibility to target specific audiences in an intimate setting through podcasts, has created a significant expansion of the podcast industry during the last decade. This development has created possibilities for independent podcast hosts to earn revenue. Today, investments towards marketing in the medium is projected to continue to grow substantially.   Problem Since podcasts are consumer controlled and categorized as a pull-medium, listeners’ attitudes and preferences are critical for podcast hosts to consider when monetizing their content. The largest audience of podcasts is found within Generation Y, which increases the importance of accounting for these attitudes and preferences, since they are assumed to be a particularly challenging consumer segment to target.   Purpose The purpose of this thesis is to explore the relationships that Generation Y have to hosts in different type of podcast categories. Following, the research aims to investigate how these relationships influence the podcasts’ possible opportunities to maximize their revenue.   Method This qualitative research was conducted through semi-structured interviews with individuals from Generation Y. The empirical data was analyzed according to the conceptual framework developed through existing literature within the field of study.      Result The findings of this research enabled the authors to provide recommendations regarding preferable forms of monetization for the four identified podcast categories. The sponsorship approach was identified as the preferable primary form of monetization for Category 1, 3 and 4. Whereas the Subscription Model was recommended for Category 2. The authors further suggested the most beneficial supplementary forms of monetization for each podcast category as well as general recommendations for all.

Podcast Effectiveness as Scaffolding Support for Students Enrolled in First-Semester General Chemistry Laboratories

Powell, Mary Cynthia Barton 08 1900 (has links)
Podcasts covering essential first-semester general chemistry laboratory techniques and central concepts that aid in experimental design or data processing were prepared and made available for students to access on an as-needed basis on iPhones- or iPod touches-. Research focused in three areas: the extent of podcast usage, the numbers and types of interactions between instructors and research teams, and student performance on graded assignments. Data analysis indicates that the podcast treatment research teams accessed a podcast 2.86 times on average during each week that podcasts were available. Comparison of interaction data for the lecture treatment research teams and podcast treatment research teams reveals that interactions with instructors were statistically significantly fewer for teams that had podcast access rather than a pre‐laboratory lecture. The implication of the results is that student research teams were able to gather laboratory information more effectively when it was presented in an on-demand podcast format. Finally, statistical analysis of data on student performance on graded assignments indicates no significant differences between outcome measures for the treatment groups when compared as cohorts. The only statistically significant difference is between students judged to be highly motivated; for this sub‐group the students in the podcast treatment group earned a course average that was statistically significantly higher than those in the lecture treatment group. This research study provides some of the first data collected on the effectiveness of podcasts delivered as needed in a first-semester general chemistry laboratory setting.

Aktierekommendationer i en ny tid : Podcasts på den finansiella marknaden / Stockrecommendations in a new era : Podcasts in financial markets

Palm, Alexander, Sjögren, Adam January 2016 (has links)
Sammanfattning Magisteruppsats för Civilekonomexamen i företagsekonomi, Ekonomihögskolan vid Linnéuniversitetet, Växjö, 2016.   Författare Alexander Palm & Adam Sjögren   Handledare Christopher Von Koch & Katarina Eriksson   Examinator: Sven-Olof Yrjö Collin   Titel: ”Aktierekommendationer i en ny tid – podcasts på den finansiella marknaden”   Bakgrund & problem: Aktierekommendationer ges traditionellt ut av diverse banker och analyshus. En bias har observerats vilket är till nackdel för investerare. Podcasts är ett förhållandevis nytt fenomen som kan erbjuda aktierekommendationer. Eftersom denna form av media är ny, finns lite forskning kring dess roll och potential för att erbjuda finansiella råd.   Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att utvidga forskning kring podcasts och dess roll för marknadsfunktionen och marknadseffektiviteten   Metod: En deduktiv utgångspunkt och ett kvantitativt förhållningssätt mellan teori och forskning tillämpas. En traditionell eventstudie med två olika tidsspann tillämpas för att studera aktierekommendationers påverkan på aktiekurser.   Slutsats: Resultat pekar på att IH inte har stöd vid aktierekommendationer från podcasts vilket är ett tecken på stöd för EMH. Däremot har PPH stöd vilket i sin tur pekar på brister i EMH. Således är det ett tecken på att den svenska aktiemarknaden inte är fullt effektiv och den besitter inte semi-stark form. Inget informationsläckage kunde observeras i samband med rekommendationerna, något som skiljer sig från traditionella källor. Vi kunde visa på en viss temporär och positiv effekt gällande marknadsfunktionen för Small Cap. Genom en observerad ökad handelsvolym påvisar vi övertro på den svenska aktiemarknaden, något som gäller även för traditionella aktierekommendationer. Vi kan inte statistiskt säkerställa att kunskaps sprids mellan podcastlyssnare vilket skiljer sig mot teorier och tidigare forskning. / Abstract Master Thesis in Business Administration. School of Business and Economics at Linnaeus University, Växjö, 2016.   Authors Alexander Palm & Adam Sjögren   Supervisor: Christopher Von Koch & Katarina Eriksson   Examiner: Sven-Olof Yrjö Collin   Title: “Stock recommendations in a new era – Podcasts in financial markets.”   Background & problem: Banks and other financial institutes deliver traditionally stock recommendations. Bias from these sources has been observed which can be of disadvantage for individual investors. Podcasts is a relatively new kind of media that can supply the market with stock recommendations. Since podcasts is a new media, there is little research regarding its role on financial markets and its potential to offer financial advice.   Purpose: The purpose is to extend previous research regarding podcasts and it’s role on market efficiency and market function.   Method: We apply a deductive benchmark and a quantitative approach. A traditional event study with two different time-spans is conducted to analyse stock recommendation and the effect on stock prices.   Conclusion: Results indicate lack of support for IH with stock recommendations from podcasts, which in turn is support for EMH. However, PPH does have support, which indicate deficiency in EMH. Thus, we provide evidence that the Swedish stock market is not fully efficient and doesn’t posses semi-strong form. No information leakage could be observed, something that differs from previous research on stock recommendations. We could provide evidence of a temporary and positive effect regarding the market function for Small Cap. The observed increase in trading volume proves overconfidence on the Swedish stock market, something that has previously been shown. No knowledge dispersion exists between listeners of podcasts, something that differs from theory and previous research.

Role of Web 2.0 Technologies for Knowledge Building in Higher Education

KHALID, IRFAN January 2010 (has links)
<p>The role of web 2.0 technologies has become windfall for knowledge building in higher education in the entire modern world. Web 2.0 technologies (Podcasts, Wikis, and Blogs) are being explored for collaboration, innovation, and creative purposes in digital literacy. The ICT based system (Learning Management System, Student Portal, Web mail) of Växjö University lacks web 2.0 technologies (Podcasts, Blogs, and Wikis) that are important for classroom learning for knowledge building. This research intends to investigate and describe the educational importance of web 2.0 (Podcasts, Wikis, and Blogs) as a possible source to facilitate class room learning in higher education in Sweden. In this regard, role of web 2.0 in its current usage in the teaching and learning have been identified and, thereby, possible measures for more improvements have been suggested in this research. Keeping in view the potential of web 2.0 as content development and management technologies and incorporating their role in formative evaluation of students, peer assessment, collaborative content creation, and individual as well as group reflection on learning experiences, the researcher conducted a survey by asking very simple and short questions as to how far has this potential been exploited in Sweden. Based on the findings and the empirical evidences thereof a model has been proposed for maximum utility of web 2.0 technologies.</p>

Role of Web 2.0 Technologies for Knowledge Building in Higher Education

KHALID, IRFAN January 2010 (has links)
The role of web 2.0 technologies has become windfall for knowledge building in higher education in the entire modern world. Web 2.0 technologies (Podcasts, Wikis, and Blogs) are being explored for collaboration, innovation, and creative purposes in digital literacy. The ICT based system (Learning Management System, Student Portal, Web mail) of Växjö University lacks web 2.0 technologies (Podcasts, Blogs, and Wikis) that are important for classroom learning for knowledge building. This research intends to investigate and describe the educational importance of web 2.0 (Podcasts, Wikis, and Blogs) as a possible source to facilitate class room learning in higher education in Sweden. In this regard, role of web 2.0 in its current usage in the teaching and learning have been identified and, thereby, possible measures for more improvements have been suggested in this research. Keeping in view the potential of web 2.0 as content development and management technologies and incorporating their role in formative evaluation of students, peer assessment, collaborative content creation, and individual as well as group reflection on learning experiences, the researcher conducted a survey by asking very simple and short questions as to how far has this potential been exploited in Sweden. Based on the findings and the empirical evidences thereof a model has been proposed for maximum utility of web 2.0 technologies.

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