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Impact des propos humoristiques des jeunes Égyptiens tenus durant le printemps arabe (2011-2015) sur les représentations politiques du chef d'État égyptien : contexte, dynamiques et évolutionHaroun, Amal 09 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire analyse le phénomène de l’humour politique envers les chefs d’État égyptiens (Moubarak, Moursi et Es-Sissi) sur les places publiques et sur les réseaux sociaux durant les soulèvements du printemps arabe entre 2011 et 2015 qui furent remplis de tumultes, de divisions et de déceptions. L’humour politique était très présent dès le premier moment et a non seulement joué un rôle important comme marqueur de transformations dans le système politique, mais aussi comme marqueur du déroulement d’un drame social qui connaît des phases d’évolution et de régression, voire un retour vers un point de départ. Alors que la symbolique du chef d’État égyptien implique la mobilisation d’une image locale d’Ibn El Balad (égyptien authentique et fils du pays), père et unificateur d’un peuple sensible à son héritage millénaire et à ses traditions, l’humour politique reflète à la fois les aspirations des jeunes activistes branchés sur le monde pour une société civile basée sur le respect des droits de la personne et le rappel populaire constant des valeurs traditionnelles fondatrices de la nation égyptienne que le président égyptien doit incarner, soit la famille et la religion. Même si le tabou du président est brisé, le champ politique semble retourner vers un point de départ. Le peu de libéralisme gagné avec ces tumultes révolutionnaires depuis cinq ans se trouve détourné et devient plutôt un signe négatif dans une société qui, une fois revenue à la normale, demeure profondément conservatrice. / This thesis analyzes the phenomenon of political humor to the head of the Egyptian State (Mubarak, Mursi and Es-Sissi) on public squares and on social networks during the Arab Spring uprisings between 2011 and 2015, which was a period of turmoil, divisions and disappointments. Political humor was very present from the first moment, and has not only played an important role as a marker of changes in the political system, but also as a marker of the progress of a social drama who knows evolution and regression phases, or even a return to a starting point. While the symbolism of the Egyptian head of state involves the mobilization of a local image of Ibn El-Balad (authentic Egyptian and son of the country), father and unifier of a people sensitive to its old heritage and traditions, political humor reflects both the aspirations of young activists globally connected to a civil society based on respect for human rights and the constant reminder of traditional values, founders of the Egyptian nation that the Egyptian President must embody, such as family and religion . Although the taboo president is broken, the political field seems to return to a starting point and limited liberalism gained with these revolutionary turmoil for five years is hijacked and becomes a more negative sign in a society which, once returned to normal rest deeply conservative.
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社群網絡與線上社會運動之初探研究 / Action online – a preliminary study on social media activism on facebook簡銘佐, Chen, Mingtso Unknown Date (has links)
This study posits that there is a connection between political action online and activism in the real life. In addition, social ties and networks as well as political knowledge and efficacy play an important role in this connection. Causes, an application on Facebook, was selected for analyzed. A mixed method study was conducted, consisting of two stages. In the first stage (quantitative), a survey was utilized to investigate the correlation between activities on Causes and conventional political engagement. A total of 45 responses were gathered using convenience sampling. It was found that there is a strong correlation between action on Causes and conventional political engagement. For example, information retrieval activities are correlated with conventional activism (r=.418, p<.05), and social networking activities are also correlated with conventional activism (r=.661, p<.05). In addition to the survey, intensive interviews (N = 5) were conducted in the second stage (qualitative) to elaborate and clarify the results from the survey as well as to explore new grounds on the significance of ties and networks. Some themes have emerged from the interviews, including motivations for the use of Causes, Causes as an information channel, potential and problems of Causes, online versus offline activism, affiliation and involvement, political knowledge and efficacy as well as ties and networks. Interview findings concluded that the high correlation between online and offline activism is further specified by the interviewees to be an extension of each form of activism, meaning they are complementary rather than identical.
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Segmentation et exclusion des Gitans de Perpignan : émergence d'une élite politique?Grimard, Léon 08 1900 (has links)
Dans la dernière décennie, une abondante littérature a documenté la situation des Rroms d'Europe Centrale et de l'Est, où a émergé une nouvelle élite politiquement activiste. Mais chez les Tsiganes d'Europe de l'Ouest, l’activisme politique d’une élite semblait absent. Cette étude de terrain a été réalisée chez Gitans de Perpignan, à la recherche d’une action et d’une élite politique chez ce groupe, dans le contexte culturel d’une société segmentaire à pouvoir diffus, frappée d’exclusion par la société majoritaire. En effet, je propose que le concept de société segmentaire puisse s’appliquer aux Gitans, et que l’exclusion des Gitans par les païos (non Gitans) constitue un déni de la réalité relationnelle des Gitans avec la majorité païa. Enfin, l’enquête a révélé la position de «médiateurs culturels» des différents agents qui interviennent entre le monde des Gitans et celui des païos. C’est à travers le rôle de «médiateurs culturels» qu’émerge peut-être une élite politique. / In the last decade, a wealth of literature has documented the situation of Rroma living in Central and Eastern Europe, in a context in which there has emerged new elite and new forms of political action. Among Western Europe’s Romani, political activism and elites seemed to be absent. This fieldwork has been done with certain types of elites among the Gypsies of Perpignan seeking to encourage political action, in the cultural context of a segmentary society with diffuse power which is faced with various forms of socio-economic exclusion by mainstream society. In this analysis, I suggest that exclusion by the païos (non Gypsies) is a denial of the relational reality of the Gypsies with the païa majority. Finally, this fieldwork has revealed the position of the cultural brokers, a role played by various agents intervening between Gypsies and non gypsies worlds. I argue that it is through the cultural broker’s role that political elite may emerge.
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"He wouldn't have hurt that many students with a knife" : The Gun Control Paradox, Political Opportunities, and Issue Framing: A case study of the Never Again movement in Parkland, FloridaGöthberg, Rosalind January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Les roses déracinées : transformation du recrutement du personnel socialiste : des logiques sociales aux logiques politiques (fin XIX-2012) / The uprooted roses : transformation of the recruitment of the socialist staff : social logics in the political logics (ending XIXe-2012)Hû, Grégory 25 September 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse entreprend d’examiner les transformations du recrutement du personnel politique socialiste de la fin du XIXe siècle à 2012 en établissant le passage d’une logique sociale à une logique politique du renouvellement des élus et cadres partisans à partir des années 1990. Sur la base d’une enquête de terrain croisant plusieurs méthodes (entretiens, observations, archives et base de données prosopographiques), cette recherche montre, dans une première partie, les filières sociales de renouvellement du personnel politique socialiste de la fin du XIXe siècle jusqu’en 1990. En changeant de jeu d’échelle, la seconde partie révèle la dévaluation des ressources des groupes mobilisés en 1971 (enseignants laïcs et catholiques de gauche) à partir des années 1990. Enfin, la dernière partie s’attache à démontrer en quoi la réévaluation des ressources politiques et partisanes transforme le recrutement et renouvelle le capital politique des élus. / This PhD dissertation examines the transformations in the recruitment of the French Socialist Party’s (PS) political personnel from the late nineteenth century to 2012. It shows how social logics of recruitment have been replaced by political ones, with a significant renewal of the party’s elected representatives and executives in the 1990s. The research is based on extensive fieldwork combining quantitative and qualitative methods (interviews, participant observation, archival work and prosopography). The first part describes the social rationales at work in the renewal of the PS’s political personnel from the late nineteenth century to the 1990s. The second part examines in closer detail the devaluation of the mobilized groups’ resources during the 1990s. Finally, the third and last part demonstrates how the reevaluation of political and party resources has transformed the recruitment and changed the elected representatives’ political capital.
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The Importance of a Social Movement to Reduce Childhood Sexual Abuse & Recommendations for Implementation of a MovementVereschagin, Brittany 29 June 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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The Living Messiah of Brooklyn : Dealing with the theological postmortem legacy of the Chabad movement’s last Rebbe and final messianic redeemer. / Den levande Messias från Brooklyn : Om det teologiska arvet av Chabadrörelsens sista ledare, Rebben, som fortfarande uppfattas som världens sista messianistiska frälsareSonnenschein, Hannes January 2016 (has links)
The Chassidic Chabad movement is one of Judaism’s most successful and influential groups interms of missionary presence around the world and distributed missionary material online.Chabad’s final Rebbe is still regarded by his followers to be the long-awaited final redeemerand Messiah, despite his clinical death in 1994. The aim of this study is to describe how theChabad-followers, through the movement’s publications, maintain the belief in the Rebbe asthe Jewish Messiah, and the theological interpretive tools utilized in order to ‘survive’ as aunited movement. The study indicates that Chabad is still a united and radical messianicmovement, wherein, internal theological mechanisms interpret the Rebbe as corporally alivebut concealed by illusion, and will soon be revealed or imminently resurrected to complete theredemption of the world. The study also discusses the movement’s extreme right-wingedpolitical stance in regards to the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict, the movement’s Holocausttheology as means to further understand how the group ‘survived’ the cognitive dissonance thedeath of the Rebbe created and the theological similarities between Chabad and earlyChristianity. / Den Chassidiska Chabadrörelsen är en av judendomens mest framgångsrika och inflytesrikanya religiösa rörelser när det gäller missionär närvaro runt om i världen och missionärt materialonline. Chabads sista Rebbe anses av hans anhängare att vara världens sista försonare ochMessias, trots hans uppenbara kliniska död år 1994. Denna studie beskriver hurChabadanhängare, genom rörelsens egna tryckta och online publikationer, upprätthåller tron påRebbe som den judiska messias och de teologiska tolkningsverktyg som rörelsen använder föratt ‘överleva’ som en enad grupp. Studien indikerar att Chabadrörelsen, ändå till våra dagar, ärenad och radikal-messianistisk där man genom interna teologiska mekanismer tolkar Rebbensom levande i materiell kropp, gömd genom illusion men snart uppenbarad eller snartåteruppväckt från de fysiskt döda och i båda fallen för att fullgöra världens försoning där Gudförsonar människan i den materiella världen. Studien diskuterar också rörelsens extremahögerpolitik, i synnerhet när det gäller Israel-Palestina konflikten och förintelseteologi som ettsätt att vidare förstå hur gruppen ‘överlevde’ den kognitiva dissonansen Rebbens död skapadei termer av misslyckad profetia och de teologiska likheterna mellan Chabadrörelsen och tidigkristendom.Nyckelord: NRR,
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"I am a Teacher, a Woman's Activist, and a Mother": Political Consciousness and Embodied Resistance in Antakya's Arab Alawite CommunitySarsilmaz, Defne 03 November 2017 (has links)
Often pointed to as the region’s model secular state, Turkey provides an instructive case study in how nationalism, in the name of conjuring ‘unity’, often produces the opposite effect. Indeed, the production of nationalism can create fractures amongst, as well as politicize, certain segments of a population, such as minority groups and women. This dissertation examines the long-term and present-day impacts on nationalist unity of a largely understudied event, the annexation of the border-city of Antakya from Syria in 1939, and its implications on the Arab Alawite population. In doing so, it deconstructs the dominant Turkish narrative on the annexation, rewrites the narrative drawing on oral history from the ground, and it shows how nation-building is a masculinist project that relies on powerfully gendered language through studying the national archives. The heart of the project, however, remains the investigation of the political, social, and religious subjectivity of Arab Alawite women, with an emphasis on resistance to the structures and practices sustained by the state and patriarchy.
The Arab Alawites, once numerically dominant in the Antakya region, are now an ethno-religious minority group within the Turkish/Sunni-dominated state structure. Although Antakya was the last territory to join Turkey in 1939, ever since that time many of its Alawites have resisted assimilation through covert, yet peaceful, methods. Through this research, I show that a multiplicity of forces have increased the politicization of the Antiochian Alawite community and broadened their demands upon the Turkish state. My research highlights Alawite women’s leadership as a key driver of this process, thanks to the large-scale out migration of Alawite men, the increased socio-economic independence of Alawite women, and the perception of more progressive gender ideals being held by the members of this Muslim sect, when compared to those of nearby Sunni Turkish women.
This dissertation relies on a postcolonial and feminist geopolitical analysis of the Turkish nationalist project to examine how the Turkish state has historically viewed Antakya and the Arab Alawites and how, in return, the experience and collective social and political memory of Alawites was formed. By utilizing innovative methodologies, this research shows how Alawite women are resisting/rewriting/reconfiguring political and social structures through everyday actions that shift the discourse on minorities and women on local and national scales.
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Women and political participation : a partial translation of ‘Abd al-Ḥalīm Muhammad Abū Shaqqah’s Taḥrīr al-Mar’ah fī ‘Aṣr al-Risālah (The liberation of women in the prophetic period), with a contextual introduction to the author and his workIsmail, Nadia 06 1900 (has links)
This thesis is a translation of a chapter that examines the role of Muslim women in politics during the early Islamic period and their engagement with religious and political discourses. This subject raises a combination of provocative challenges for Islamic discourse as Muslim women have had a complex relationship with their religious tradition dating back to the very inception of Islam. Despite Qur’ānic injunctions and Prophetic affirmations of the egalitarian status of Muslim women, social inequality and injustice directed at women remains a persistent problem in Muslim society. In the translated text Abū Shaqqah goes about re-invoking the normative tradition in order to affirm the role of Muslim women in politics. Furthermore the translation is prefaced by a critical introduction outlining the contours of the 20th century landscape, which attempts to describe the struggle of Muslim women in Abū Shaqqah’s time. / Religious Studies and Arabic / M.A. (Arabic)
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Trois partis verts latino-américains en perspective comparée avec les pays européens. Concurrence avec la gauche et stratégies de démarcation / Three Green Parties from Latin America in Comparative Perspective with Europe. Competiton with Left-wing Parties and Demarcation StrategiesHanry-Knop, Diana 18 December 2015 (has links)
Le Partido Verde brésilien, le Partido Ecologista chilien et le Proyecto Sur argentin sont des partis politiques appartenant à la mouvance des partis verts ou de tendance écologiste. Ils constituent, dans leurs pays respectifs, des forces politiques nouvelles, qui entendent se distinguer par l’affirmation d’une identité particulière, fondée sur la place centrale accordée à la protection de l’environnement et au développement durable ainsi que sur la volonté de « faire de la politique autrement ». Si les membres de ces partis estiment ainsi se démarquer de la gauche, ils s’en rapprochent néanmoins par les idées qu’ils défendent en matière sociétale, mais aussi en matière économique et sociale. Ils participent ainsi au mouvement plus vaste de recomposition de la gauche et se trouvent en concurrence avec les autres forces de gauche, dont ils partagent l’électorat. Ces trois partis ont émergé, dans un contexte de renouvellement démocratique, en lien avec les acteurs de la société civile. Ils continuent à entretenir des liens étroits avec le monde associatif, syndical et artistique. Leur organisation est fondée sur un modèle basé sur des principes démocratiques tels que le pluralisme, la représentativité, la territorialité. Néanmoins, comme leurs homologues d’Europe occidentale et d’Europe centrale et orientale, ils font face à la difficulté de mettre effectivement ces principes en œuvre dans leur fonctionnement quotidien et sont confrontés à un phénomène de concentration du pouvoir à la tête du parti. Si le Partido Eccologista chilien, le Partido Verde brésilien et le Proyecto Sur argentin ont chacun su occuper un espace jusqu’alors vacant sur la scène politique de leur pays respectif, leurs perspectives d’évolution et de développement demeurent incertaines. / The Partido Verde from Brazil, the Partido Ecologista from Chile and the Proyecto Sur from Argentina are political parties belonging to the movement of green or ecologist parties. They represent, in each country, new political forces which aim at differentiating themselves through a particular identity, built on the focus on sustainable development and the strong will to do politics in a new fashion. Members of those three political parties believe they are apart from left-wing activists. Nevertheless, they do share similar ideas, regarding societal issues, as well as economic and social questions. These parties appeared in a particular context, influenced by democratic renewal, in connection with civil society activists. They continue to keep strong ties with associations, unions, and artistic movements. Their organisation is based on democratic principles such as pluralism, representativeness and territoriality. However, like their European counterparts, they have trouble applying these principles in actual fact. They also face the issue of monopolized power by party leaders. The Partido Verde, the Partido Ecologista and the Proyecto Sur were able to fill a political vacuum in their respective countries, yet their prospects in terms of electoral success remain uncertain.
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