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Meningsskapande undervisning : En observationsstudie om vilken kommunikation nyanlända elever möter i idrott och hälsaOlsson, Frida January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Idrottsutövandets estetik : en narrativ studie om meningsskapande och lärandeMaivorsdotter, Ninitha January 2012 (has links)
The overall interest of this thesis is to explore aesthetic experience in sport and its significance for learning in sport. The main purpose is to contribute to a theoretical and methodological development of studies relating to learning in sport. The exploration is undertaken within the field of pragmatism using the works of John Dewey and Ludwig Wittgenstein. The exploration consists of four case studies, consisting mainly of narrative analyses of people’s written stories of participating in different sporting activities. A practical epistemology analysis (PEA) with a focus on aesthetic experience is used in three of the studies. The theoretical contribution comprises exploring learning in sport as something that is connected to emotions and perceptions, where other elements of experience, such as the social, cultural, historical, physical and mental aspects, are also important. Examining learning in the light of aesthetic experience contributes to an examination of emotion s and perceptions as integral parts of sport, without reducing learning to only consisting of emotions and perceptions. The results of the study also contribute to the possibility of exploring values in sport-related learning and shed light on the importance of habits (feelings of familiarity) when learning sport. How people ‘bodying’ the world aesthetically as part of their participation in sport has also been shown in one of the studies. The methodological contributions of the thesis consist of the development of PEA to include the examination of written texts. Furthermore, one of the studies includes the development of aesthetic events as a tool for exploring aesthetic experience in sport. Finally, a methodological contribution is made by using PEA to examine sport, since in the past PEA has only been used in studies in science education.
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Elevers lärande i argumentativa diskussioner om hållbar utvecklingRudsberg, Karin January 2014 (has links)
The overall ambition with this thesis is to develop knowledge about students’ learning, especially with regard to process and content, when they participate in argumentation. Students’ learning is investigated through in situ studies of classroom practices. The theoretical point of departure is a pragmatic perspective in which learning is understood and investigated in terms of concrete actions. The empirical material consists of video recorded lessons at secondary and upper secondary schools in Sweden. The content of the lessons is argumentative discussions about sustainable development and socioscientific issues. In the first study, the functions that teachers’ actions have for students’ learning processes are investigated using Epistemological Move Analysis. In the second study, an approach is developed and illustrated that facilitates investigations into students’ learning processes in terms of knowledge content and argument construction in argumentation. The method, called Transactional Argumentation Analysis, combines a pragmatic perspective of learning with an argument analysis based on Toulmin’s Argument Pattern. In the third study, the functions that knowledge have when used by students in argumentative discussions are examined. The fourth study investigates the role of peers for students’ learning and how students influence the argumentation at a collective level. Here Transactional Argumentation Analysis is developed further in order to facilitate investigations of the dynamic interplay between the intra-personal and the inter-personal dimensions of learning and the result of this interplay in terms of the knowledge content and arguments that are constructed. The thesis shows how students’ learning can be investigated through in situ studies of educational practices. The methodological contribution of the thesis consists of the development and further elaboration of Transactional Argumentation Analysis. The thesis also contributes with substantial knowledge about students’ learning processes with regard to knowledge content and argument construction when participating in argumentation. Another contribution concerns the functions of knowledge when used by students in argumentation. Finally, the studies show how peers and teachers influence students’ learning, and how students contribute to the shared argumentation in the classroom.
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L’épistémologie pratique des professeurs : effets de l’expérience et de l’expertise dans l’enseignement de l’Appui Tendu Renversé en mixité : analyse comparée de trois enseignants d’éducation physique et sportive en Tunisie / Teacher’s Practical Epistemology : effects of Experience and Expertise in the Teaching of Gymnastic Handstand in Coeducational Classes : a Comparative Analysis of Three Physical Education Teachers in TunisiaElandoulsi, Souha 26 September 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse s'attache à décrire et à comprendre l’activité didactique conjointe de trois enseignants d’EPS et de leurs élèves dans l’enseignement de la gymnastique en Tunisie. Elle a pour objectif de déterminer l’influence de l’expertise et de l’expérience sur la mise en scène et la régulation des situations didactiques. Afin de disposer d’une pluralité de questionnements susceptibles d’éclairer au mieux la complexité de la réalité observée, elle prend appui sur les principaux concepts de la Théorie de l’Action Conjointe en Didactique. Trois cycles d’enseignement portant sur l’enseignement de l’appui tendu renversé-roulade ont été observés. Le recours à une méthode dite « clinique/expérimentale » a permis de créer les conditions de la comparaison inter-cas afin d’analyser dans le détail les interactions didactiques en lien avec l’expérience professionnelle des trois enseignants et selon leur degré d’expertise gymnique. Leurs activités didactiques ont été décrites à partir de l'enregistrement audio et vidéo de séances et de données d'entretiens (ante cycle, ante séance et post séance). Les résultats mettent en évidence les effets conjugués de l’expertise dans l’APS et de l’expérience professionnelle sur l’épistémologie pratique des professeurs. Il ressort de l’analyse comparative que l’expérience professionnelle et l’expertise dans l’APS ont une incidence sur les types de ruptures et/ou de micro-dysfonctionnements observés, rendant compte ainsi du «travail» souterrain du contrat didactique dans ses aspects différentiels en lien avec les positions de genre et les hiérarchies d’excellence des élèves. La recherche confirme que l’épistémologie pratique du professeur est un déterminant du fonctionnement du système didactique. Elle met par ailleurs en évidence que l’expérience et l’expertise professionnelles peuvent expliquer en partie les manières dont les élèves de sexe et de niveaux d’habiletés gymniques différents tirent ou non profit de l’enseignement qui leur est dispensé. / This thesis focuses to describe and understand the joint didactic activity of three physical education teachers and their pupils in gymnastic learning in Tunisia. It aims to determine the expertise and experience influence on the implementation and the regulation of didactic situations. In order to illuminate the complexity of the observed reality, this thesis is based on the main concepts of the Theory of Joint Action in Didactic. In this context, three teaching units about learning handstand - roll were observed using a method called "clinical/experimental" This method has created the conditions for cross case studies to analyze in detail the didactic interactions related to the educational experience of three teachers and according to their expertise in gymnastics. Their didactic activities have been described from the videotapes of the lessons and interviews data (pre-unit, pre-lesson and post-lesson individual interviews with the teachers). The results highlight the combined effects of the expertise and the teaching experience on the teachers’ practical epistemology. It appears from the comparative analysis that the teacher professional experience and expertise in the specific physical activity have an impact on the observed types of breach and/or micro-dysfunction, reflecting the “underground work" of the didactic contract in its differential aspects in relation to pupils’ gender positions and pupils’ hierarchies of excellence. Research confirms that the teacher’s practical epistemology determines the functioning of the didactic system. It is also shown that teaching experience and expertise may partly explain the ways in which pupils (having different gender positions or gymnastic skill levels) take or not benefit of the education they are provided.
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Enseigner et apprendre la circulation du sang : analyse didactique des pratiques conjointes et identifications de certains de leurs déterminants : trois études de cas à l'école élémentaire / Teaching and learning circulatory system : didactic analysis of joint practices and identification of determinants : three cas studies in primary schoolPautal, Éliane 23 November 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse propose d’examiner des situations d’enseignement et d’apprentissage autour de la circulation du sang au cycle 3 de l’école élémentaire française de façon à en inférer des éléments susceptibles de les déterminer. Les analyses didactiques sont menées dans le cadre de la Théorie de l’Action Conjointe en Didactique (Sensevy et Mercier, 2007) qui modélise l’action humaine en situation didactique comme une série de jeux d’apprentissage. Il s’agit de comprendre quelques uns des déterminants de ces jeux : le rapport aux objets de savoir du professeur, son épistémologie pratique et son activité adressée. La recherche propose de poursuivre l’exploration des déterminants du côté des élèves en examinant leur rapport aux objets de savoir et leur rapport à l’apprendre (Charlot, 1997). Pour cela, on procède à l’analyse ascendante de pratiques conjointes dans trois classes de CM2 dans lesquelles évoluent trois professeurs de formation initiale contrastée : un ayant une formation en psychologie, un de formation littéraire et un ayant une formation de biologiste. Les résultats obtenus montrent une grande complexité dans les déterminants professoraux due à l’imbrication de blocs de déterminants qui laissent plus ou moins de place, selon les classes, à l’expression et la prise en compte des rapports aux objets de savoir des élèves. L’influence de ces derniers sur l’action conjointe par leur rapport aux objets de savoir est variable selon leur rapport à l’apprendre. Ces éléments apportant une meilleure compréhension des pratiques de classe peuvent fournir des pistes pour la formation des enseignants et des points d’appui pour l’évolution des pratiques enseignantes. / This essay try to examin teaching and learning situations around circulatory system in primary french school (level 6) with the purpose to infer factors which could give determination of them. We do didactic analysis in Joint Action Didactic Theory (Sensevy and Mercier, 2007) who modelise human action in didactic situation like a set learning games. We have to understand some of games déterminants : teacher relationship to knowledge, practic epistemology and adressed activity. The research offer to continue student determinants exploration inspecting student relationship to knowledge and student knowlegde approach (Charlot, 1997). For that, we do bottom up analysis of joint practices in three clasrooms (CM2) with three teachers of contrasted initial background : a psychology background, a litterary and a scientific bakground.Results show a very important complexity of teacher determinants on account of very closely interlinked bundle of determinants who let more or less space in the classrooms for expression and taking into consideration students relationship to knowledge. Student impact on joint action by relationship to knowledge varies among knowledge approach. Those elements can give a better understanding of classroom practices and suggested some indications for training teachers and to focus on teacher practices evolution.
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Le rapport aux œuvres dans l'enseignement de la danse au collège : analyse didactique de l'évolution de l'épistémologie pratique d'un professeur d'éducation physique et sportive / Teacher's relationship to choreographic artworks when teaching dance in middle school : didactical analysis of practical epistemology moves of a physical education teacherMontaud, Dominique 05 February 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie, dans le cadre de la théorie de l’action conjointe, l’évolution de l’épistémologie pratique d’un enseignant d’EPS non spécialiste en danse, en lien avec des stages de formation continue qu’il a suivis pendant trois ans. L’analyse longitudinale effectuée sur une durée de six ans a été menée selon une approche multidimensionnelle de données d’observation de séances. Un premier niveau s’intéresse au système de didactique-formation mis en œuvre dans chacun des trois stages. Un deuxième étudie les pratiques d’enseignement de la danse en classes de sixième selon deux échelles d’analyse. La première, macro-didactique, s’attache à décrire les pratiques et les savoirs mobilisés par l’enseignant au fil des années et à faire émerger des "jeux d’apprentissage" en lien avec les œuvres chorégraphiques. La deuxième échelle, micro-didactique, étudie plus spécifiquement, à partir de quatre jeux d’apprentissage, l’évolution du rapport aux œuvres chorégraphiques de ce professeur. Les résultats montrent que les savoirs mis à l’étude et les expériences réalisées pendant les stages de formation sont (re)convoqués et remaniés de façon singulière par l’enseignant au cours de l’action conjointe avec les élèves, contribuant à faire évoluer son épistémologie pratique. / This doctoral thesis studies within the joint action theory in didactics the evolution of a teacher’s practical epistemology that has no expertise in dance. The analysis is in relation with teacher continuing professional learning sessions he followed during three years. A longitudinal six years analysis was conducted using a multi-dimensional approach of observational data lessons. At a first step the didactical system of professional learning sessions was studied. The second step concerns the observation of teacher’s practice in a middle school during physical education classes (students: 11 to 12 years). Two scales were used: the first macro-didactic scale describes the practices and the knowledge enacted by the teacher all over the years and contributes to define “learning games” which are in relation with choreographic artworks. The second micro-didactic scale examines in details the teacher’s relationships to choreographic artworks during four learning games. The findings show that the knowledge to be taught and learned as proposed during the professional learning sessions is remodeled and mobilized in singular ways during the joint action with students. All of this contributing to teacher’s practical epistemology moves.
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Contingency in high-school students’ reasoning about electrochemical cells : Opportunities for learning and teaching in school scienceHamza, Karim January 2010 (has links)
The thesis takes its departure from the extensive literature on students’ alternative ideas in science. Although describing students’ conceptual knowledge in many science areas, the literature offers little about how this knowledge enters into the science learning process. Neither has it focused on how particulars and contingencies of curricular materials enter into the learning process. In this thesis I make high-resolution analyses of students’ learning in action during school science activities about real or idealized electrochemical cells. I use a discursive mechanism of learning developed to describe how students become participants in new practices through slow changes in word use. Specifically, I examine how alternative and accepted scientific ideas, as well as curricular materials, enter into students’ reasoning. The results are then used for producing hypotheses over how a teacher can support students’ science learning. Alternative ideas in electrochemistry did not necessarily interfere negatively with, and were sometimes productive for, students’ reasoning during the activities. Students included the particulars and contingencies of curricular materials in their reasoning not only when interacting with a real electrochemical cell but also in a more theoretical concept mapping activity about an idealized cell. Through taxonomic and correlational investigations students connected the particulars and contingencies of the real electrochemical cell to the generic knowledge of electrochemistry. When actively introduced by the researcher, such investigations had consequences for how single students framed their explanations of a real electrochemical cell. The results indicate ways in which teachers may encourage the productive use of contingencies to promote learning within the science classroom. However, this may require consideration of what students say in terms of consequences for their further learning rather than in terms of correct or incorrect content. / At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows:Paper 3:Manuscript; Paper 4:Manuscript / Hur kan lärare hjälpa elever att resonera naturvetenskapligt
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Learning Science Through Aesthetic Experience in Elementary School : Aesthetic Judgement, Metaphor and ArtJakobson, Britt January 2008 (has links)
This thesis considers the role of aesthetic meaning-making in elementary school science learning. Children’s aesthetic experiences are traced through their use of aesthetic judgements, spontaneous metaphors and art activities. The thesis is based on four empirical studies: the first two examining children’s language use, i.e. the role of aesthetic judgements and the significance of spontaneous metaphors while learning science and the latter two dealing with how art activities mediate what elementary school children learn in science and what a variety of art activities with different purposes afford elementary school children to learn in science. The theoretical stance emanates from pragmatist theories and includes Dewey’s definition of an aesthetic experience, Wittgenstein’s later work on language-games, and socio-cultural perspectives. The analytic approach used is a practical epistemology analysis developed by Wickman and Östman. The empirical data consists of audio- and video recordings of elementary school children’s (aged 6–10 years) discussions in pairs or small groups during science lessons and photographs of children’s pictures, sculptures and poems from a total of 14 different elementary school classes. The main findings of the empirical studies show how aesthetic meaning-making is continuous with elementary school children’s scientific learning. The thesis shows how elementary school children’s aesthetic experiences are related to whole activities and are crucial for the direction that learning takes. Aesthetic experience is important in terms of how and what elementary school children learn aesthetically and normatively in science class, which has consequences for cognitive learning, the possibility of participating in science class and learning the genre of science. Moreover, it can be seen how children’s prior experiences are recurrently reconstructed and transformed through imaginative processes.
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Undersökande arbetssätt i NO-undervisningen i grundskolans tidigare årskurser / Inquiry practises in primary science educationJohansson, Annie-Maj January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the use of inquiry-based approaches in primary school science. The aim is to investigate the goals and purposes that are constituted by the curriculum and by the teachers in interviews and through their teaching in the classroom. The results are used to develop conceptual tools that can be used by teachers’ in their work to support students’ learning of science when using an inquiry-based approach. The thesis is comprised of four papers. In paper one a comparative analysis is made of five Swedish national curricula for compulsory school regarding what students should learn about scientific inquiry. In paper two 20 teachers were interviewed about their own teaching using inquiry. Classroom interactions were filmed and analyzed in papers three and four, which examine how primary teachers use the various activities and purposes of the inquiry classroom to support learning progressions in science. The results of paper one show how the emphasis within and between the two goals of learning to carry out investigations and learning about the nature of science shifted and changed over time in the different curricula. Paper two describes the selective traditions and qualities that were emphasized in the teachers’ accounts of their own teaching. The results of papers three and four show how students need to be involved in the proximate and ultimate purposes of the teaching activities for progression to happen. The ultimate purposes are the scientific purposes for the lesson (as given by the teacher or by the curriculum), whereas the proximate purposes are the more student-centered purposes that through different activities should allow the students to relate their own experiences and language to the ultimate purpose. The results show the importance of proximate purposes working as ends-in-view in the sense of John Dewey, meaning that the students see the goal of the activity and that they are able to relate to their experiences and familiar language. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 1: In press. Paper 2: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>
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Undersökande arbetssätt i NO-undervisningen i grundskolans tidigare årskurserJohansson, Annie-Maj January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the use of inquiry-based approaches in primary school science. The aim is to investigate the goals and purposes that are constituted by the curriculum and by the teachers in interviews and through their teaching in the classroom. The results are used to develop conceptual tools that can be used by teachers’ in their work to support students’ learning of science when using an inquiry-based approach. The thesis is comprised of four papers. In paper one a comparative analysis is made of five Swedish national curricula for compulsory school regarding what students should learn about scientific inquiry. In paper two 20 teachers were interviewed about their own teaching using inquiry. Classroom interactions were filmed and analyzed in papers three and four, which examine how primary teachers use the various activities and purposes of the inquiry classroom to support learning progressions in science. The results of paper one show how the emphasis within and between the two goals of learning to carry out investigations and learning about the nature of science shifted and changed over time in the different curricula. Paper two describes the selective traditions and qualities that were emphasized in the teachers’ accounts of their own teaching. The results of papers three and four show how students need to be involved in the proximate and ultimate purposes of the teaching activities for progression to happen. The ultimate purposes are the scientific purposes for the lesson (as given by the teacher or by the curriculum), whereas the proximate purposes are the more student-centered purposes that through different activities should allow the students to relate their own experiences and language to the ultimate purpose. The results show the importance of proximate purposes working as ends-in-viewin the sense of John Dewey, meaning that the students see the goal of the activity and that they are able to relate to their experiences and familiar language. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 1: In press. Paper 2: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>
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