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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Open church and closed worship? : a practical theology study of the dialectic relationship between fear and hospitality in worship

Lim, Daewoong 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the rites of Christian worship, various aspects are operated, and some of them seem to have opposite attributes that cannot exist at the same place and be performed at the same time. Since all the aspects are so important to worship, we cannot over-stress or exclude either one of them. The relationships between the aspects being confronted with cause tensions in worship. The aim of this thesis is to synthesize these tensions, esp. concerning fear and hospitality in worship. Fear and hospitality cannot be expressed with one perspective, because they in themselves have various aspects. Fear of God has a dimension of Mysterium Tremendum but, at the same time, it has a dimension of Fascinosum. Hospitality also has two dimensions: of God and of human beings. Thus, what is significant is to relieve the tension between fear and hospitality and the tension implied in themselves. To accomplish this goal, we endeavour to find the agent for the synthesizing the two aspects in worship so that they can stand in a dialectical relationship. We apply a Christological approach and pneumatological insights for this task. In Jesus a negative dimension of fear of God can be altered to hospitality of God while still grabbing a positive sense of fear of God in worship. Therefore, In Jesus fear and hospitality is synthesized. This synthesizing is different from blending or balancing fear and hospitality in worship just in quantity and quality for they cannot relieve the tensions. Lastly, we deal with a matter of opening and closing as a pragmatic task. The church and worship can be open for God’s hospitality, but at the same time they are closed to some for fear of God. Opening or closing in itself cannot be the solution for this contradiction. The answer for the matter of opening and closing lies in a dialectical relationship between fear and hospitality in Jesus Christ, because in Him all the tensions are relieved. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die rituele van Christelike aanbidding is verskeie elemente aan die werk, en dit wil voorkom asof sommige hiervan teenoorgestelde eienskappe het wat nie gelyktydig kan bestaan of uitgevoer kan word nie. Aangesien al die aspekte so belangrik is vir aanbidding, kan ons nie een van hulle oorbeklemtoon of uitsluit nie. Die verhoudings tussen die elemente gee aanleiding tot spanninge. Die doel van hierdie tesis is om die spanninge te sintetiseer, veral wat betref vrees en gasvryheid in aanbidding. Vrees en gasvryheid kan nie met een perspektief uitgedruk word nie omdat hulle uit verskeie aspekte bestaan. Vrees vir God het 'n dimensie van Mysterium Tremendum, maar terselfdertyd ook 'n dimensie van Fascinosum. Gasvryheid het ook twee dimensies: van God en van die mens. Dit is dus betekenisvol om die spanning tussen vrees en gasvryheid en die spanning binne dié aspekte te verlig. Om hierdie doel te bereik, probeer ons om die agent te vind vir die sintese van die twee aspekte in aanbidding, sodat hulle in 'n dialektiese verhouding tot mekaar kan staan. Ons wend 'n Christologiese benadering en pneumatologiese insigte vir hierdie taak aan. In Jesus kan 'n negatiewe dimensie van vrees verander word in die gasvryheid van God, terwyl die positiewe sin van die vrees vir God in aanbidding beklemtoon word. Vrees en gasvryheid word in Jesus gesintetiseer. Hierdie sintetisering verskil van die vermenging of die balansering van vrees en gasvryheid in aanbidding in die hoeveelheid en kwaliteit omdat hulle nie die spanning kan verlig nie. Ten slotte, behandel ons die aspekte van opening en sluiting as 'n pragmatiese taak. Die Kerk en aanbidding kan oop wees vir God se gasvryheid, maar op dieselfde tyd is hulle vir sommige geslote weens ʼn vrees vir God. Om oop te maak of om te sluit kan op sigself nie die oplossing vir hierdie teenstrydigheid wees nie. Die antwoord vir opening en sluiting lê net in 'n dialektiese verhouding tussen vrees en gasvryheid in Jesus Christus, want in Hom is al die spanninge verlig.

Beröm som motivation inom vården : en kvalitativ studie / Praise as motivation in healthcare : a qualitative study

Berg, David, Sediqi, Elhamuddin January 2019 (has links)
Den offentliga sektorn i Sverige omfattar verksamheter inom kommun, stat och landsting. Av alla förvärvsarbetande i landet arbetar en tredjedel inom offentlig sektor. Det rapporteras om stora utmaningar inom den inom vården där dåliga arbetsförhållanden, låga löner och brist på motivation är vanligt förekommande problem. Denna studie har i syfte att skapa en större förståelse och kunskap för hur beröm påverkar motivationen hos de anställda inom vården. Vi undersökte även vilken form av beröm som motiverar de anställda och därmed bidrar till en högre motivation. Tidigare forskning på motivation har i större utsträckning fokuserat på den privata sektorn varför det finns behov av att efterfråga empiriska undersökningar av beröm inom offentlig sektor. Studien bygger på en empirisk studie om motivation samt en kvalitativ forskningsansats där vi har valt att göra sex semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer med anställda inom vården. Dessa intervjuer transkriberades senare och denna data användesför empirin. Mycket av denna empiriska data visade att beröm påverkade motivationen olika beroende på mottagarens egenskaper vilket också stämde överens med studiens teoretiska grund. Studien visar också att de flesta anställda har en större önskan om att få beröm individuellt framför andra alternativ, även om några ansåg att få beröm framför andra också var viktigt. Dessa skillnader kan förklaras med hjälp av Maslows behovstrappa och hur många steg de anställda har fått tillgodosedda. De som har de basala behoven tillgodosedda (steg 1) och känner sig trygga (steg 2) och har ett fullgott gemenskapsbehov (steg 3) behovet av självkänsla (steg 4) är mer mottagliga för beröm. Studien visar att beröm som motivation inom vården används i mindre utsträckning än önskvärt. Det är dessutom önskvärt av anställda att få beröm och att det ger i stort sett enbart positiva effekter förutom om berömmet ges till en enskild individ när det är en samlad grupp. För det kan då bidra till negativa effekter i form av avundsjuka eller en negativ känsla / The public sector in Sweden comprises businesses within the municipality, state and county councils. Of all employed people in the country, one third works in the public sector. Major challenges are reported in healthcare where poor working conditions, low salaries and a lack of motivation are common issues. This study has the purpose of creating a better understanding and knowledge of how praise affects the motivation of the employees in the healthcare. We also investigated the form of praise that motivates the employees and consequently contributes to higher motivation. Previous research on motivation has to a greater extent focused on the private sector, hence there is a need for more empirical studies of praise in the public sector. The study is based on an empirical study on motivation and a qualitative research approach where we have chosen to do six semi-structured qualitative interviews with employees in healthcare. These interviews were later transcribed, and the data was used for the empirical work. Much of the empirical data showed that praise affects motivation differently depending on the recipient's characteristics, which were also in line with the theoretical basis of the study. The study also shows that most employees have a greater desire to receive praise individually rather than other alternatives, even though some felt that receiving praise in front of others was also important. These differences can be explained with Maslow's hierarchy of needs - depending on how the employee’s needs have been met. Those who have their basic needs met (step 1) and feel safe (step 2) and feel social belonging (step 3) need for self-esteem (step 4) are more receptive to praise. The study shows that praise as motivation in healthcare is used to a lesser extent than desired. It is also desirable for employees to receive praise and there are virtually only positive effects except if the praise is given to an individual in front of a collective group. Then it can contribute to negative effects in the form of jealousy or negative feelings

Panegírico de Trajano: tradução e estudo introdutório / Panegyric in praise of Trajan: translation and introductory study

Giron, Lucas Lopes 18 April 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado tem como objetivo principal a apresentação de uma tradução para a língua portuguesa do discurso conhecido como Panegírico de Trajano de Plínio, o Jovem. A presente tradução foi realizada tendo como base o texto latino estabelecido por R. A. B. Mynors (1964), e com consulta a outras edições, tais como M. Dury (1938), R. Moreno Soldevila (2010) e D. Lassandro (1992), entre outras. Além disso, este trabalho apresenta um breve estudo introdutório sobre o Panegírico de Trajano no qual se discutem questões relativas à elaboração do discurso e seus propósitos, bem como o seu enquadramento no gênero epidítico. Dessa forma, pretende-se abordar o modo como o autor relaciona a tradição romana da gratiarum actio com o tipo de encômio dirigido aos imperadores conhecido como basilikos lógos, o que, em grande parte, contribuiu para que este texto de Plínio se tornasse a primeira gratiarum actio a ser preservada para a posteridade. / This master\'s thesis has as main objective the presentation of a translation into the Portuguese language of the discourse known as Panegyric of Trajan of Pliny the Younger. The present translation was performed based on the Latin text established by RAB Mynors (1964), and in consultation with other editions, such as M. Dury (1938), R. Moreno Soldevila (2010) and D. Lassandro (1992), among others. In addition, this paper presents a brief introductory study on the Panegyric of Trajan in which questions are discussed concerning the elaboration of the discourse and its purposes, as well as its framing in the epidictic genre. This way, it is tried to approach the way in which the author relates the Roman tradition of the gratiarum actio with the type of enkomion directed to the emperors known like basilikos logos, which, in great part, contributed to this text of Pliny became the first Gratiarum actio to be preserved for posterity.

The Effects of Professional Development on High School Teachers' Implementation of the Problem-Solving Process

Jackson, Brandon Y. 12 December 2013 (has links)
The majority of schools use punitive and reactive strategies to deal with maladaptive behaviors. This descriptive study was a replication of Wilmott (2012) and occurred in a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) high school. Professional development was provided to 22 teachers from a high school located in the western United States. This included 61% males and 39% females. Measures included the frequency of praise notes and ODRs, the quality of praise notes based on a praise note rubric, and a social validity questionnaire. The ODR and praise note frequencies were compared using the Spearman correlational coefficient that resulted in a weak correlation (r (2) = .-385, p > .05). Results were not significant in the ODR baseline to treatment (t(3)=-1.849, p <.05). The baseline praise note frequency compared to praise note frequency during treatment was significant (t(3)=-4.115, p<.05). Implications for educators suggested that the problem-solving process is feasible and essential when implementing evidenced based practices (EBPs), such as praise notes. The study concluded that ongoing professional development is integral to maintaining MTSS and EBPs. Limitations of this study include the lack of precise definitions in ODR reporting and minimal baseline data.

Indigenous African concept of a leader as reflected in selected African novels

Tiba, Makhosini Michael January 2012 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (English Studies)) --University of Limpopo, 2012 / The mini dissertation seeks to explore the positive and negative qualities of an indigenous African leader as presented in a variety of oral texts including folktales, proverbs and praise poems as well as in the African novels of Mhudi, Maru, Things Fall Apart and Petals of Blood in order to deduce an indigenous African concept of a leader. This research is motivated by the fact that although researchers and academics worldwide acknowledge that it is very difficult to objectively define and discuss the terms ‘leader’ and ‘indigenous leader’ yet many tend to dismiss offhand such indigenous concepts of leadership as ubuntu as primitive, barbaric and irrelevant to modern institutions without examining them in detail.

Reinforcing work motivation : A perception study of ten of Sweden´s most successful and acknowledged leaders

Hall, Alexander, Nyman, Niklas January 2004 (has links)
In pace with a noticeably fiercer global competition and an increased customer awareness, today’s organizations are faced with vast requirements for higher productivity and stronger customerorientation. This transformation has denoted that human resources have become more and more accentuated, and a consensus has grown for the true power embraced within them. In Sweden, some few prominent leaders have distinguished themselves by being highly successful in reinforcing employee motivation, and their knowledge and experiences are priceless in the pursuit of utilizing the full potential of the workforce. The purpose with this thesis is to study how ten of Sweden’s most successful and acknowledged leaders view and work with employee motivation and critically examine their standpoints. The purpose is furthermore to exemplify how other leaders can strengthen employee motivation through adapting these motivational suggestions. Qualitative cross-sectional interviews were conducted for the empirical research, holding a hermeneutic and inductive research approach. The respondent pool is comprised by both commercial leaders, as well as leaders from the world of sports. They range from being managers over purely service-focused organizations, to being founders of innovative product-producing organizations. The major areas, which are touched upon are; general work motivation intrinsic/extrinsic motivation, communication, and lastly empowerment, responsibility and participation. Four major areas influence employee motivation (The Society and Social Surroundings, The Organization and Business Environment, The Manager and The Employee). This is visualized in the “Four-Factor Model”.

Kasida ya Hamziyyah (part 1)

Mutiso, Kineene Wa 30 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Kasida ya Hamziyyah, yumkini, ndiyo tafsiri ya Kiswahili ya zamani zaidi. Kiswahili kilichotumiwa katika ukawafi huu kimechakaa sana hata maneno mengine hayatumiki tena. Hii ni kasida ambayo ni maarufu sana katika ulimwengu wa fasihi na dini ya Kiislamu na Waswahili huikariri wakati wa sherehe za Maulidi ya Nabii Muhammadi au wanapocheza Twari la Ndiya. Kasida hii ya Hamziyah pia hujulikana kama Chuo cha Hamziyah au Utenzi wa Hamziyah. Kasida ya Hamziyyah ilitafsiriwa kutoka kwa Kiarabu na Sayyid Aidarus bin Athumani bin Sheikh Abubakar bin Salim hapo mwaka wa 1652b. Pamoja na kuinukuu kwa hati za Kirumi nimebawibu Hamziyah katika sehemu mbalimbali, kulingana na maudhui yake, ili iweze kusomeka kwa urahisi na iweze kuwavutia wasomaji. Katika miswada ya Kiswahili niliyoipata, mswada mmoja una ubeti mmoja zaidi.

Reinforcing work motivation : A perception study of ten of Sweden´s most successful and acknowledged leaders

Hall, Alexander, Nyman, Niklas January 2004 (has links)
<p>In pace with a noticeably fiercer global competition and an increased customer awareness, today’s organizations are faced with vast requirements for higher productivity and stronger customerorientation. This transformation has denoted that human resources have become more and more accentuated, and a consensus has grown for the true power embraced within them. In Sweden, some few prominent leaders have distinguished themselves by being highly successful in reinforcing employee motivation, and their knowledge and experiences are priceless in the pursuit of utilizing the full potential of the workforce.</p><p>The purpose with this thesis is to study how ten of Sweden’s most successful and acknowledged leaders view and work with employee motivation and critically examine their standpoints. The purpose is furthermore to exemplify how other leaders can strengthen employee motivation through adapting these motivational suggestions.</p><p>Qualitative cross-sectional interviews were conducted for the empirical research, holding a hermeneutic and inductive research approach.</p><p>The respondent pool is comprised by both commercial leaders, as well as leaders from the world of sports. They range from being managers over purely service-focused organizations, to being founders of innovative product-producing organizations.</p><p>The major areas, which are touched upon are; general work motivation intrinsic/extrinsic motivation, communication, and lastly empowerment, responsibility and participation.</p><p>Four major areas influence employee motivation (The Society and Social Surroundings, The Organization and Business Environment, The Manager and The Employee). This is visualized in the “Four-Factor Model”.</p>

Impact of a Teacher Training Program to Increase Informative Praise and Decrease Commands and Negative Comments

Binford, Lauren A 01 July 2015 (has links)
Research has found that many children who come from a low socioeconomic background often begin their schooling careers behind most students. Head Start programs around the nation are utilized to close the gap in achievement, by providing those students with the educational support necessary to prepare them for future schooling. However, when assessed with the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS), Head Start programs have been found to be weaker in the area of Instructional Support. As a result, teachers are falling short in the way they provide feedback, incorporate higher thinking skills, and foster language development. In order to strengthen the instructional support component, research has supported the utilization of professional development to foster ways of incorporating informative praise which then encourages the desired behaviors and provides a rich language model for children This study was designed to provide professional development to Head Start teachers in order to increase informative praise and decrease commands and negative comments utilized by teachers. An increase in the number of general praise statements and informative praise statements used directly after the training was administered was found. However, as time progressed, the amount of praise decreased back to the levels before the training was given. It was also found that negative comments and commands decreased continuously throughout all observations after the training.


Sukovskyy, Yevheniy 01 January 2014 (has links)
This study investigated the impact of a brief teacher training combined with use of a MotivAider that sought to simultaneously manipulate rate of opportunity to respond and positive feedback on students’ on-task behavior during a classroom activity. The goal of the training was to increase the percentage of time the learner stayed on task during the class activity. Three elementary teacher-student dyads took part in this study. An A-B-A-B withdrawal design was employed to evaluate the function of relation between independent and dependent variables. Results showed low effectiveness of brief training and MotivAider as a strategy of increasing teachers providing the opportunity to respond, positive performance feedback, and student on-task behavior. Although changes in teacher behavior were observed, a functional relation was not established. There were several limitations identified in this study related to data collection process, IOA results, and beginning baseline and intervention phases. Suggestions for future research are provided.

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