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ABC da arquitetura. Fundamentos conceituais para uma gramática de projeto / ABC of architecture. Conceptual Fundamentals for a Project GrammarMoraes, Rodrigo Agostini de 14 June 2016 (has links)
Considerando-se os design methods ou os métodos de projetação arquitetônica disponíveis, a presente dissertação aborda as gramáticas da forma (shape grammars) como sistema de simulação, geração e otimização de formas. Essas gramáticas podem combinar recursos descritivos e prescritivos para a solução de problemas de projeto, principalmente por meio da geração de tipos, padrões e famílias de projeto, destinados aos contextos do design industrial e da produção arquitetônica pré-fabricada. Particularmente, o manejo de gramáticas de projeto podem qualificar projetos, cujos programas envolvam uma reprodução em escala, em que se faz necessário criar variedade, flexibilidade e versatilidade construtiva. Este objeto de estudo compõe o arcabouço teórico essencial para uma reflexão a respeito de implementações computacionais e para a automação do projeto arquitetônico. Utilizando a base teórica e a reflexão resultante, esta pesquisa procura um rebatimento prático dos fundamentos teórico-conceituais implícitos, por meio de uma análise da linguagem e da gramática de projeto presentes na arquitetura Industrializada do arquiteto João Filgueiras Lima, o Lelé, focalizando suas primeiras escolas pré-fabricadas, construidas no período de 1983 a 1993. Espera-se, com isso contribuir para que arquitetos e usuários criem e compartilhem repertórios de projeto e de processos criativos, por meio de plataformas computacionais mais amigáveis à projetação arquitetônica, as quais tomem como base, sobretudo, as especificidades desse campo do conhecimento. / Considering the design methods and the architectural design methods available, this dissertation approaches shape grammars as a system of forms simulation, generation and optimization. These grammars can combine descriptive and prescriptive resources for solving project problems, mainly through the generation of project types, standards and families, in the contexts of industrial design and prefabricated architectural production. Particularly, the handling of project grammars can qualify projects whose programs involve a reproduction in scale, where variety, flexibility and constructive versatility are necessary. This object of study makes up the essential theoretical framework for a reflection on computational implementations and for the automation of an architectural project. Using the theoretical basis and the resulting reflection, this research aims at stimulating a practical debate on the implicit theoretical and conceptual foundations, through an analysis of the language and the project grammar present in architect João Filgueiras Lima (Lele)´s industrialized architecture, focusing on his first prefabricated schools, built during the period 1983-1993. We expect to offer some contribution to architects and users so they can create and share project repertoires and creative processes through friendlier computing platforms to architectural design, which should be based, mainly, on the particularities of this knowledge field.
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Living Chassis: Learning from the Automotive Industry; Site Specifi c, Prefabricated, Systems ArchitectureCox, Christopher Emilio Emiliucci 21 November 2008 (has links)
Suburban Americans suffer from homes built with: a low standard of craftsmanship, poor efficiency of construction, excessive use of material resources and a disregard for their site. Architectural diversity is at a low, driven by a consolidation of homebuilders and fewer floor plans. The current home production workflow from commission to build pales in comparison to the automotive industries solutions.
Influenced by heavy machinery and hot swappable computers, ideas are born for a better way to build houses. These ides evolve though understanding the principles of several successful vehicles, analyzing census data, and studying floor plans.
The flexible autonomous systems house (FASH), involves a 900mm x 900mm framework and a kit of parts that engages our industrial ability and maintains architectural values of space, form, materiality and site specificity. FASH is about bringing a logic and simplification of technique to building that allows quality and reuse to become reality.
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Prefabricerade passivhusväggarJonsson, Gustav, Söderberg, Axel January 2009 (has links)
<p>Background: The most energy efficient houses today are so called passive houses. These houses achieve high energy-efficiency partly by having well insulated walls. U-value describes the amount of heat transfered through a building element, the more insulation, the smaller U-value. A typical passive house wall have a U-value of 0.10 W/m2,°C. The passive houses are primarily made as small family houses and not as a block of apartments. This is partly because the bigger houses often are made of prefabricated walls, which at present times are not made with enough insulation. One construction method common in prefabrication is a sandwich-construction with two layer of concrete surrounding a core of cellular plastic. Skanska is making this type of walls in a factory on Gotland. </p><p>We wanted to combine the energy efficiency of passive housing with the efficiency of </p><p>prefabricated sandwich-walls. </p><p>Aims: To present a suggestion of a sandwich-construction made with concrete and cellular plastic with a U-value below 0.10 W/m2,°C, that could be implemented in the factory on Gotland. </p><p>Methods: By analyzing systems of today we developed two different models that have a U-value below 0.10 W/m2,°C. The first system was developed from a system used in Skanska’s factory on Gotland and the second one was based on a system delivered by Halfen DEHA. This was made through empirical tests and theoretical calculations. We compared the developed systems in terms of the conditions in Skanska’s factory on Gotland. </p><p>Result and discussion: The system based on Halfen DEHA needs a larger amount of shackles, than the system developed from Skanska’s present system. This leads to the need of thicker insulation to achieve the desired U-value. The reason is that the Skanska-based system uses a combination of shackles and cellular plastic to carry the loads of the coating layer while the Halfen DEHA depends on the shackles alone. We believe that the first of our two developed systems is the best in terms of the ease in adopting to the production method in Skanska’s factory. The second system is safer in terms of controlling the production and has the possibility to have an air gap. </p><p>Conclusion: In the rapport we present a sandwich-construction system that has a U-value below 0.10 W/m2,°C, that we believe would work for prefabrication of wall structures and could be easily adopted in Skanska’s factory on Gotland.</p>
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Prefabricerade passivhusväggarJonsson, Gustav, Söderberg, Axel January 2009 (has links)
Background: The most energy efficient houses today are so called passive houses. These houses achieve high energy-efficiency partly by having well insulated walls. U-value describes the amount of heat transfered through a building element, the more insulation, the smaller U-value. A typical passive house wall have a U-value of 0.10 W/m2,°C. The passive houses are primarily made as small family houses and not as a block of apartments. This is partly because the bigger houses often are made of prefabricated walls, which at present times are not made with enough insulation. One construction method common in prefabrication is a sandwich-construction with two layer of concrete surrounding a core of cellular plastic. Skanska is making this type of walls in a factory on Gotland. We wanted to combine the energy efficiency of passive housing with the efficiency of prefabricated sandwich-walls. Aims: To present a suggestion of a sandwich-construction made with concrete and cellular plastic with a U-value below 0.10 W/m2,°C, that could be implemented in the factory on Gotland. Methods: By analyzing systems of today we developed two different models that have a U-value below 0.10 W/m2,°C. The first system was developed from a system used in Skanska’s factory on Gotland and the second one was based on a system delivered by Halfen DEHA. This was made through empirical tests and theoretical calculations. We compared the developed systems in terms of the conditions in Skanska’s factory on Gotland. Result and discussion: The system based on Halfen DEHA needs a larger amount of shackles, than the system developed from Skanska’s present system. This leads to the need of thicker insulation to achieve the desired U-value. The reason is that the Skanska-based system uses a combination of shackles and cellular plastic to carry the loads of the coating layer while the Halfen DEHA depends on the shackles alone. We believe that the first of our two developed systems is the best in terms of the ease in adopting to the production method in Skanska’s factory. The second system is safer in terms of controlling the production and has the possibility to have an air gap. Conclusion: In the rapport we present a sandwich-construction system that has a U-value below 0.10 W/m2,°C, that we believe would work for prefabrication of wall structures and could be easily adopted in Skanska’s factory on Gotland.
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Prefabricerade hus - en fråga om kvalitet, ekonomi och byggtidElwing, Charlotta, Sjögren, Kristin January 2006 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete är att jämföra de två byggproduktionsmetoderna, industriellt/prefabricerat byggande och platsbygge. Vi undersöka om någon av metoderna är fördelaktigare än det andra, samt varför man allt mer använder sig av prefabricerat. Jämförelsen behandlar främst aspekterna byggtid, ekonomi och kvalitet. Genom en litteraturstudie och intervjuer med aktiva personer inom byggbranschen har vi införskaffat oss det material vi behöver. Att bygga och montera så mycket som möjligt inne i fabrik gör att kvaliteten ökar då materialet inte utsätts för fukt och kyla före montering. Huset byggs upp mycket fortare då byggarbetsplatsen endast blir en montageplats av olika färdiga delar. Materiallager på bygget försvinner då delarna levereras när de ska monteras. Levereras elementen i tid minskas också byggtiden, vilket i sig innebär lägre kostnader. / The main purpose with this diplomawork is to compare the two production methods, premanufacturing and on-site construction. We want to investigate if one of the methods is more advantageous than the other and why premanufactured elements are used more often. The comparisons mostly consider aspects of building time, economy and quality. We gathered the material we needed through a literature study and by interviewing active persons in the building industry. Building as much as possible in a production hall increases the quality since it’s not being exposed to moisture and cold before assembly. The house is built much faster when the building site becomes a montage place with different finished elements. There is no material storage at the building site since the elements are delivered when it’s time to assemble the specific element. If the elements are delivered when needed, building time will decrease which means reduced costs for the whole project.
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Prefabricerade hus - en fråga om kvalitet, ekonomi och byggtidElwing, Charlotta, Sjögren, Kristin January 2006 (has links)
<p>Syftet med detta examensarbete är att jämföra de två byggproduktionsmetoderna, industriellt/prefabricerat byggande och platsbygge. Vi undersöka om någon av metoderna är fördelaktigare än det andra, samt varför man allt mer använder sig av prefabricerat. Jämförelsen behandlar främst aspekterna byggtid, ekonomi och kvalitet. Genom en litteraturstudie och intervjuer med aktiva personer inom byggbranschen har vi införskaffat oss det material vi behöver.</p><p>Att bygga och montera så mycket som möjligt inne i fabrik gör att kvaliteten ökar då materialet inte utsätts för fukt och kyla före montering. Huset byggs upp mycket fortare då byggarbetsplatsen endast blir en montageplats av olika färdiga delar. Materiallager på bygget försvinner då delarna levereras när de ska monteras.</p><p>Levereras elementen i tid minskas också byggtiden, vilket i sig innebär lägre kostnader.</p> / <p>The main purpose with this diplomawork is to compare the two production methods,</p><p>premanufacturing and on-site construction. We want to investigate if one of the methods is more advantageous than the other and why premanufactured elements are used more often. The comparisons mostly consider aspects of building time, economy and quality. We gathered the material we needed through a literature study and by interviewing active persons in the building industry.</p><p>Building as much as possible in a production hall increases the quality since it’s not being exposed to moisture and cold before assembly. The house is built much faster when the building site becomes a montage place with different finished elements. There is no material storage at the building site since the elements are delivered when it’s time to assemble the specific element. If the elements are delivered when needed, building time will decrease which means reduced costs for the whole project.</p>
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Automação de um sistema de climatização para abrigos de equipamentos eletrônicosFabio Marquini Facchini 26 June 2012 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um sistema para atender as necessidades de controle e automação de um sistema de climatização para abrigos de equipamentos eletrônico, contemplando o controle dos níveis de umidade, de temperatura e a eliminação de partículas de poeira suspensa no ar. Existe uma ampla gama de tipos de abrigos, como subestações pré-fabricadas, data-centers, shelters de telecomunicação, salas elétricas, dentre outros. Ao abrigar equipamentos elétricos em funcionamento, a quantidade e acumulo de energia térmica no interior do ambiente onde se localizam ocasiona a elevação da temperatura a níveis inaceitáveis ao bom funcionamento dos equipamentos abrigados. Além disso, a umidade e a existência de particulados no ambiente podem causar a deterioração dos componentes eletrônicos. Por esse motivo é inevitável a utilização de um sistema de climatização para proteção desses equipamentos. O ato de refrigerar, desumidificar, purificar e renovar o ar permite o aumento da vida útil dos equipamentos instalados no interior desses abrigos. O projeto desenvolvido neste trabalho para automatização de um sistema de climatização foi aplicado a uma subestação elétrica pré-fabricada para uma indústria do ramo de mineração.Inicialmente realizou-se um estudo das exigências que o sistema de climatização teria que atender. Realizou-se uma modelagem do sistema levando-se em conta os requisitos do projeto e, para que o sistema fosse aplicado em campo, a lógica de programação foi testada em fábrica por meio do software de programação do CLP e posteriormente comissionado antes da entrega final em campo. O teste de campo consistiu em ligar o sistema automatizado de climatização e simular todo o funcionamento e condições de falhas possíveis, certificando que as respostas do sistema estivessem dentro das especificações definidas durante o projeto. O sistema desenvolvido encontra-se em funcionamento e serve de modelo para o desenvolvimento de novos projetos de climatização. / The aim of this study was to develop a system to attend the needs of automation and control of a cooling system for electronic equipment shelters, including the control of humidity, temperature and elimination of dust particles suspended in air. There is a wide range of types of shelters, such as prefabricated substations, data centers, telecom shelters, electrical rooms, among others. In house electrical equipment in operation, the amount and accumulation of heat inside this type o shelters where they are located causes the temperature rise to unacceptable levels for the proper functioning of equipment housed. Moreover, the presence of moisture and particulates in the environment may cause deterioration of electronic components and so it is inevitable to use a cooling system for protection of such equipment. The act of cooling, dehumidify, purify and renew the air permit to increase the lifetime of the equipment installed inside these shelters. The project developed in this work for automation of a cooling system was applied to an electrical substation for a prefab industry mining sector. Initially we carried out a study of the requirements that the HVAC system and would have to attend before the system was applied in the field, the programming logic was tested at the factory through the PLC programming software and subsequently commissioned before final delivery in field. The field test was to connect the automated climate control and simulate the entire operation and fault conditions possible, ensuring that the system responses were within the specifications established during the project. The system is designed for operation and serves as a model for the development of new draft cooling.
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Vývoj výstavby rezidenčních nemovitostí v městské části Brno-Lesná / Development of the Construction of Residential Property in Brno-LesnáSzakácsová, Diana January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis is dealing with development construction of residental real estates in the area of Brno-Lesná. It is concentrated on the development of real estate from the beginning of development until novadays. It is also includes Lesná´s history. The work is divided into few parts described in time periods. The highest quality development was during in 1963. The work contains maps, where we can see how the area was growing
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Inverkan av störningar i materialleveranser vid stombygge / Impact of interference in material deliveries in building frameworkRamicic, Anel, Westerberg, Nic January 2019 (has links)
I en bransch med stora informations- och materialflöden resulterar det i att det ställs enorma krav på logistikplaneringen för leveranser av material till en arbetsplats. En byggarbetare spenderar cirka halva sin tid på att vänta på material vilket tyder på att det krävs en bättre planeringsstrategi i branschen (Linköpings Universitet, 2016). Leveranser av prefabricerade betongelement är bland det viktigaste som görs till en byggarbetsplats eftersom de tillhör en bärande grund. Leveranserna krävs vara väl synkroniserade, oskadade och exakta för att uppnå maximal utdelning för ett byggprojekt. Att uppnå optimala leveranser där allt är felfritt och i tid är nästintill omöjligt. I denna studie har en del åtgärder tagits fram som kan vara ett steg i rätt riktning för att minska att störningar sker i leveranser av prefabricerade betongelement. Det har visat sig att det råder bristande kommunikation mellan inblandade parter och att informationsutbytet endast sker när något går fel i en leverans. Detta är något som borde förbättras genom att t.ex. implementera pekplattor där alla parter då kan bli informerade när lastbilar är på väg till byggarbetsplatsen eller om eventuella fel sker under projektets gång m.m.
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Cirkushallen i Alby : CirkushallSaxton Chirinos, Sara January 2012 (has links)
Projektet är en ombyggnation. En förvaringslada från 70-talet konverterad till ett kreativitetshus, nu vidare omarbetat till en lokal för endast Cirkus Cirkör, deras huvudkontor. Följande byggkomponenter återanvänds: Bärande stomme: betong. Tak: betong. Stabiliserande element: lättbetong. Insidan blåses ut och förnyas till ett stort rum, uppdelat efter behov och funktion. Rörliga väggar: glas. Rörliga väggar: tyg Fasta ickebärande innerväggar: trä. Bjälklag: trä.
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